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A winter PM2.5 episode that achieved a maximum 24-h average of 138 μg m−3 at the Fresno Supersite in California's San Joaquin Valley between 2 and 12 January, 2000 is examined using 5-min to 1-h continuous measurements of mass, nitrate, black carbon, particle-bound PAH, and meteorological measurements. Every day PM2.5 sampling showed that many episodes, including this one, are missed by commonly applied sixth-day monitoring, even though quarterly averages and numbers of US air quality standard exceedances are adequately estimated. Simultaneous measurements at satellite sites show that the Fresno Supersite represented PM2.5 within the city, and that half or more of the urban concentrations were present at distant, non-urban locations unaffected by local sources. Most of the primary particles accumulated during early morning and nighttime, decreasing when surface temperatures increased and the shallow radiation inversion coupled to a valleywide layer. When this coupling occurred, nitrate levels increased rapidly over a 10–30 min period as black carbon and gaseous concentrations dropped. This is consistent with a conceptual model in which secondary aerosol forms above the surface layer and is effectively decoupled from the surface for all but the late-morning and early afternoon period. Primary pollutants, such as organic and black carbon, accumulate within the shallow surface layer in urban areas where wood burning and vehicle exhaust emissions are high. Such a model would explain why earlier studies find nitrate concentrations to be nearly the same among widely separated sites in urban areas, as winds aloft of 1 to 6 m s−1 could easily disperse the elevated aerosol throughout the valley.  相似文献   

The nocturnal boundary layer in Houston, Texas was studied using a high temporal and vertical resolution tethersonde system on four nights during the Texas Air Quality Study II (TexAQS II) in August and September 2006. The launch site was on the University of Houston campus located approximately 4 km from downtown Houston. Of particular interest was the evolution of the nocturnal surface inversion and the wind flows within the boundary layer. The land–sea breeze oscillation in Houston has important implications for air quality as the cycle can impact ozone concentrations through pollutant advection and recirculation. The results showed that a weakly stable surface inversion averaging in depth between 145 and 200 m AGL formed on each of the experiment nights, typically within 2–3 h after sunset. Tethersonde vertical winds were compared with two other Houston data sets (High Resolution Doppler Lidar and radar wind profiler) from locations near the coastline and good agreement was found, albeit with a temporal lag at the tethersonde site. This comparison revealed development of a land breeze on three nights which began near the coastline and propagated inland both horizontally and vertically with time. The vertical temperature structure was significantly modified on one night at the tethersonde site after the land breeze wind shift, exhibiting near-adiabatic profiles below 100 m AGL.  相似文献   

Shanghai Meteorological Administration has established a volatile organic compounds (VOCs) laboratory and an observational network for VOCs and ozone (O3) measurements in the city of Shanghai. In this study, the measured VOCs and O3 concentrations from 15 November (15-Nov) to 26 November (26-Nov) of 2005 in Shanghai show that there are strong day-to-day and diurnal variations. The measured O3 and VOCs concentrations have very different characterizations between the two periods. During 15-Nov to 21-Nov (defined as the first period), VOCs and O3 concentrations are lower than the values during 22-Nov to 28-Nov (defined as the second period). There is a strong diurnal variation of O3 during the second period with maximum concentrations of 40–80 ppbv at noontime, and minimum concentrations at nighttime. By contrast, during the first period, the diurnal variation of O3 is in an irregular pattern with maximum concentrations of only 20–30 ppbv. The VOC concentrations change rapidly from 30–50 ppbv during the first period to 80–100 ppbv during the second period. Two chemical models are applied to interpret the measurements. One model is a regional chemical/dynamical model (WRF-Chem) and another is a detailed chemical mechanism model (NCAR MM). Model analysis shows that the meteorological conditions are very different between the two periods, and are mainly responsible for the different chemical characterizations of O3 and VOCs between the two periods. During the first period, meteorological conditions are characterized by cloudy sky and high-surface winds in Shanghai, resulting in a higher nighttime planetary boundary layer (PBL) and faster transport of air pollutants. By contrast, during the second period, the meteorological conditions are characterized by clear sky and weak surface winds, resulting in a lower nighttime PBL and slower transport of air pollutants. The chemical mechanism model calculation shows that different VOC species has very different contributions to the high-ozone concentrations during the second period. Alkane (40 ppbv) and aromatic (30 ppbv) are among the highest VOC concentrations observed in Shanghai. The analysis suggests that the aromatic is a main contributor for the O3 chemical production in Shanghai, with approximately 79% of the O3 being produced by aromatic. This analysis implies that future increase in VOC (especially aromatic) emissions could lead to significant increase in O3 concentrations in Shanghai.  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the understanding of the topoclimatic and environmental geography of the basin where Santiago — one of the most polluted Latin American city – is located. In the first part, land-use change is analysed looking at the climatic transformation caused by the rapid transit from natural semiarid surface to urban areas. In the second part, seasonal weather and daily cycles of slope winds and the available ventilation are described trying to relate those patterns with the spatial distribution of air pollution. A combination of meteorological, geographical and cultural factors explain extreme air pollution events: meteorologically, Santiago is under permanent subsidence inversion layers. Geographically, the city is located in a closed basin surrounded by mountains. Culturally, the urban area has the highest population concentration (40% of the national total), industries (near 70% of the total) and vehicles, which are the main sources of smog. The urban and suburban transport system is based on a large number of buses (diesel) and private cars, both experiencing a rapid growth from the past few years. The city and specially the transport system generates high emissions of pollutant, but the natural semiarid deforested soils and slopes are also important sources. The local wind system can explain the differential spatial distribution on the concentration of air pollutants in the city and its periphery. In winter (rain season) concentrations of particulate matter are higher at the centre and the SW part of the city. The andean piedmont area (E part of the city) shows minimum values, suggesting major ventilation effects of slope and valley winds. Ozone exceeds air quality standards in summer (dry season) at all sites in the centre and periphery. However, the O3-concentrations are higher on preferred residential areas located at the piedmont area (E part of the city), suggesting air pollution transport effects. Currently, there is no consideration of these local climatic features in the process of urban planning.  相似文献   

Aerosol temporal and spatial distributions during wintertime temperature inversions in Gothenburg, Sweden, have been characterized by ground-based and airborne particle measurements combined with lidar measurements. Ground inversions frequently developed during evenings and nights with stable cold conditions, and the low wintertime insolation often resulted in near neutral boundary layer conditions during day-time. Under these conditions ground level aerosol concentrations peaked during morning rush hours and often remained relatively high throughout the day due to inefficient ventilation. The particle number concentrations decreased slowly with increasing altitude within the boundary layer, and measurements slightly above the boundary layer suggested limited entrainment of polluted air into the free troposphere. High concentrations of ultrafine particles were observed throughout the boundary layer up to altitudes of 1100 m, which suggested that nucleation took place within the residual layer during the night and early morning. Recently formed particles were also observed around midday when the layer near ground was ventilated by mixing into the boundary layer, which indicated that ultrafine particles were either transported down from the residual layer to ground level or formed when the polluted surface layer mixed with the cleaner air above.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury speciation was monitored within Houston, Texas, USA, August 6–October 14, 2006 as part of the TexAQS Radical and Aerosol Measurement Program (TRAMP). On average, all mercury levels were significantly elevated compared to a rural Gulf of Mexico coastal site. Concentrations varied from very clean to very dirty. Multi-day periods of stagnant or low-wind conditions brought elevated concentrations of all mercury species, whereas multi-day periods of strong winds, particularly southerly winds off the Gulf of Mexico, brought very low values of mercury species. Over the entire mercury measurement period, the daily averages of mercury species showed distinct and consistent relationships with the average planetary boundary layer dynamics, with gaseous elemental and particulate-bound mercury near-surface concentrations enhanced by a shallow nocturnal boundary layer, and reactive gaseous mercury concentration enhanced by midday convective boundary layer air entrainment transporting air aloft to the surface. Mercury concentrations were not significantly correlated with known products of combustion, likely indicating non-combustion mercury sources from the Houston area petrochemical complexes. On the morning of August 31, 2006 an observed emission event at a refinery complex on the Houston Ship Channel resulted in extremely high concentrations of aerosol mass and particulate-bound mercury at the TRAMP measurement site 20 km downwind.  相似文献   

Following a request by environmental authorities in New Zealand, atmospheric modelling has been applied to delimitation of clean air zones for urban areas. This approach involved the integration of a kinematic trajectory model with an atmospheric mesoscale model to identify the spatial extent of the catchment of air affecting air pollution concentrations in Christchurch on nights of high air pollution. The Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS) was configured for the region and idealised simulations performed to obtain predicted wind fields for synoptic situations typical of winter smog events. The predicted surface wind fields on two grids, with horizontal resolutions of 1.5 and 0.5 km, respectively, were then used to derive back-trajectories from the late evening peak of pollution over the central city (around 2200 NZST) to the time at which people tend to first light their domestic fires (around 1800 NZST). The results indicate that although winds are often light, the air tends to travel from a significant distance outside the city boundary over this time period. In particular, cold air typically travels up to 20 km from the Canterbury Plains to the west into the city during these air pollution events, as well as from small valleys in the Port Hills to the south of the city. This research illustrates the significance of upstream sources of air for providing relatively clean air to the city, and acting as buffer zones. It is, therefore, possible to identify the area around the city to which urban air quality is particularly sensitive. This area could either be designated as a buffer zone, or included within the clean air zone of the city. This technique also provides a useful tool for identifying the role of different components of the local wind field responsible for air pollution dispersion and transport in different parts of the area.  相似文献   

Particulate matter measurements of different size fractions (PM4, PM10, TSP) were performed in the Basel area (Switzerland) at seven urban sites throughout 1997 and at two urban and two rural sites during the following year (April 1998–May 1999). Based on a sample of filters which was chemically analyzed, we investigated the chemical composition of PM10 both within the city of Basel and among urban and rural sites. The temporal and spatial variability of the chemical composition of PM10 was evaluated taking into account additional data from meteorology and further air pollutants. The chemical analyses of PM10 showed that carbonaceous substances (elemental carbon, organic matter) and inorganic substances of secondary origin such as sulfate, nitrate and ammonium were the most abundant component of PM10 in the Basel area (approximately 60–70%). Difference in the PM10 concentration between urban and rural sites was larger during the cold season than during the warm season. This was mainly due to the presence of an inversion layer between the city and the more elevated rural sites resulting in higher concentrations of nitrate, ammonium and organic matter in the city during the cold season. The higher PM10 concentration on workdays compared to weekends was mostly a result of the temporal variation of the concentration of Ca, elemental carbon, Ti, Mn, and Fe, indicating that these compounds are for the most part caused by regional human activities. Although total PM10 mass concentration was found to be in general uniformly distributed within the city of Basel, the chemical composition was more variable due to specific sources like road traffic and other anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that city ventilation due to both thermally-driven mountain slope flows and building surface flows is important in removing ambient airborne pollutants in the high-rise dense city Hong Kong at no-wind conditions. Both spatial and temporal urban surface temperature profiles are an important boundary condition for studying city ventilation by thermal buoyancy. Field measurements were carried out to investigate the diurnal thermal behavior of urban surfaces (mountain slopes, and building exterior walls and roofs) in Hong Kong by using the infrared thermography. The maximum urban surface temperature was measured in the early noon hours (14:00–15:00 h) and the minimum temperature was observed just before sunrise (5:00 h). The vertical surface temperature of the building exterior wall was found to increase with height at daytime and the opposite occurred at nighttime. The solar radiation and the physical properties of the various urban surfaces were found to be important factors affecting the surface thermal behaviors. The temperature difference between the measured maximum and minimum surface temperatures of the four selected exterior walls can be at the highest of 16.7 °C in the early afternoon hours (15:00 h). Based on the measured surface temperatures, the ventilation rate due to thermal buoyancy-induced wall surface flows of buildings and mountain slope winds were estimated through an integral analysis of the natural convection flow over a flat surface. At no-wind conditions, the total air change rate by the building wall flows (2–4 ACH) was found to be 2–4 times greater than that by the slope flows due to mountain surface (1 ACH) due to larger building exterior surface areas and temperature differences with surrounding air. The results provide useful insights into the ventilation of a high-rise dense city at no-wind conditions.  相似文献   

Air quality monitoring was conducted at a rural site with a tower in the middle of California's San Joaquin Valley (SJV) and at elevated sites in the foothills and mountains surrounding the SJV for the California Regional PM10/ PM2.5 Air Quality Study. Measurements at the surface and n a tower at 90 m were collected in Angiola, CA, from December 2000 through February 2001 and included hourly black carbon (BC), particle counts from optical particle counters, nitric oxide, ozone, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and direction. Boundary site measurements were made primarily using 24-hr integrated particulate matter (PM) samples. These measurements were used to understand the vertical variations of PM and PM precursors, the effect of stratification in the winter on concentrations and chemistry aloft and at the surface, and the impact of aloft-versus-surface transport on PM concentrations. Vertical variations of concentrations differed among individual species. The stratification may be important to atmospheric chemistry processes, particularly nighttime nitrate formation aloft, because NO2 appeared to be oxidized by ozone in the stratified aloft layer. Additionally, increases in accumulation-mode particle concentrations in the aloft layer during a fine PM (PM2.5) episode corresponded with increases in aloft nitrate, demonstrating the likelihood of an aloft nighttime nitrate formation mechanism. Evidence of local transport at the surface and regional transport aloft was found; transport processes also varied among the species. The distribution of BC appeared to be regional, and BC was often uniformly mixed vertically. Overall, the combination of time-resolved tower and surface measurements provided important insight into PM stratification, formation, and transport.  相似文献   

Since 2005, Shanghai Meteorological Bureau (SMB) has established an observational network for measuring VOC, NOx, O3 and aerosols in the Shanghai region. In this study, a rapid O3 changes from Aug/02/2007 to Aug/11/2007 was observed in the region. During this 10 day period, the noontime O3 maximum decreased from 100 to 130 ppbv to about 20–30 ppbv. In order to analyze the processes in controlling this rapid change of O3 during this short period, a newly developed regional chemical/dynamical model (WRF-Chem) is applied to study O3 variability in the Shanghai region. The model performances are evaluated by comparing the model calculation to the measurement. The result shows that the calculated magnitudes and diurnal variations of O3 are close to the measured results in city sites, but are underestimated at a rural petroleum industrial site, suggesting that the emissions from petroleum factories around this rural site are significantly underestimated and need to be improved. The calculated rapid changes of O3 concentrations, O3 precursors, and aerosols are consistent with the measured results, suggesting that the model is suitable to study the causes of this rapid O3 change. The model analysis indicates that weather conditions play important roles in controlling the surface O3 in the Shanghai region. During summer, there is a persistent sub-tropical high pressure system (SUBH) in southeast of Shanghai over Pacific Ocean. During the earlier time of the period (Aug/02–Aug/05), the SUBH system was weak, resulting in weak surface winds. With the calm winds, a noticeable noontime sea-breeze produced an inflow from ocean to land, generating a cycling pattern of wind directions. As a result, the high O3 concentrations were trapped in the Shanghai region, with a maximum concentration of 100–130 ppbv. By contrast, during the later time of the period (Aug/06–Aug/11), the SUBH was enhanced, resulting in strong surface winds. The high O3 concentrations formed in the city were rapidly transported to the downwind region of the city, resulting in low O3 concentrations in the Shanghai region. This study illustrates that the WRF-Chem model is a useful tool for studying the high variability of O3 concentrations in Shanghai, which has important implication for the prediction of high O3 concentration events in the city.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of particle mass concentration in the urban canopy above the city of Lyon have been obtained from Lidar measurements of atmospheric backscattering, over a period of three days. The concentrations measured at 50 m above the ground have been compared with the mass concentration of PM10 measured by a ground-based sampler located near the Lidar site. At certain times during the measurement campaign, the Lidar concentration measurements at 50 m agree reasonably well with the concentrations at ground level but at other times the differences between the two sets of measurements are so great that they cannot be explained by possible uncertainties in the data processing. Even when the Lidar and ground-based measurements coincide, there are significant differences between the two signals. To explain these differences we have computed the trajectories of the air parcels that pass over the Lidar, using a numerical model for the wind field that takes into account surface features such as relief and changes in roughness. This analysis showed that the differences can be explained by the meteorological conditions (wind speed and direction, vertical profiles of temperature) and the positions of the different sources of particulate matter relative to the measurement site. The combination of Lidar, ground-based sampler and air mass trajectory calculations is shown to be a powerful tool for discriminating between different sources of pollution, which could be useful in enforcing an urban air quality policy.  相似文献   

The concentrations of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in air and its oxidation products in aerosols were measured from the coastal atmospheres of Cheju Island, Korea, during three exploratory field experiments conducted over September 1997 through April 1998. According to our measurements, there were large fluctuations in the distribution of DMS and relevant species in the coastal atmospheres; the magnitude of variations was significant both within each measurement period and across different measurement periods. The mean mixing ratios of atmospheric DMS from the whole data sets were found within the range of 19 to 1140 pptv (n=84) with the grand mean value of 100 pptv. Like DMS, large variations in the data distribution were consistently seen from other species investigated concurrently. The concentrations of aerosol ions including non-seasalt sulfate (NSSS), seasalt sulfate (SSS), and methane sulfonate (MSA) spanned over two orders of magnitude such as 0.24-88 (mean 32), 0.08-17.2 (mean 3.70), and 0.01-0.78 (mean 0.16) nmol m(-3), respectively. The molar ratios of those ions were measured as: (1) NSSS/SSS in 1.26-95 (mean 44); (2) MSA/NSSS in 0.0002-0.063 (mean 0.009); and (3) NSSS/NO(3) in 0.21-9.5 (mean 2.35). Examinations of our measurement data indicated that the concentrations of DMS and relevant ions varied significantly across day/night periods and across different seasons. It was also seen that there are strong differences in seasonal distribution patterns between fall, winter, and spring. Detailed analysis of the data sets revealed that changes in their distribution patterns were in strong compliance with changes in meteorological conditions. Especially, large fluctuations in magnitudes and amplitudes of springtime DMS concentrations were coinciding with the intrusion of southeasterly winds, suggesting the possibility that the DMS-rich air masses were brought into the study area from the productive waters of the southeast coastal area of Cheju. Similarly to the case of DMS, the occurrence of unusual wind patterns during spring contributed to changes in the content and composition of aerosol ions. Although the introduction of southeasterly winds during spring helped maintain high DMS and MSA levels, the concentrations of aerosol ions dropped significantly because of depositional loss during the passage of air mass over land area. According to the procedures of Wylie and De Mora, we reached the conclusion that the magnitude of annual DMS emissions in the western Korean sea were in the range of 5 to 18 Gg S.  相似文献   

The influence of traffic on urban air quality is highest at low wind speeds and the presence of a temperature inversion. By relying on detailed aerosol measurements conducted simultaneously at two distances close to a major road, we studied one such episode encountered in Helsinki, Finland, during the wintertime. The observed episode was characterized by exceptionally weak dilution of traffic emissions, with particle number concentration decreasing by no more than 10–30% between 9 and 65 m distances from the road. During the nighttime with relatively minor traffic flow, dilution and particle growth by vapor condensation were found to be the dominant processes in this road-to-ambient evolution stage. The latter process shifted a significant fraction of nucleation mode particles to sizes >30 nm diameter, modifying thereby the shape of the particle number size distribution. During the rush hours in the morning, particle number concentrations were elevated by approximately an order of magnitude compared with nighttime, such that also the self-coagulation of nucleation mode particles became important. Our study demonstrates that under suitable meteorological conditions (low wind speeds coupled with temperature inversions), traffic emissions are able to affect submicron particle number concentrations over large areas around major roads and may be a dominant source of ultrafine particles in the urban atmosphere. Under conditions characterized by exceptionally slow mixing, simultaneous processing of ultrafine (nucleation and Aitken mode) particles by dilution, self- and inter-modal coagulation, as well as by condensation and evaporation seriously questions the applicability of particle number emission factors, derived from the measurements at few tens of meters from the roadside.  相似文献   

Alkyl nitrates (C1–C5) were measured at two sites (near urban and rural) in southeast England during the Tropospheric Organic Chemistry Experiment (TORCH). Methyl nitrate was the dominant species during both campaigns accounting for on average about one third of the total measured alkyl nitrates. High mixing ratios (>50 pptv) and variability of methyl nitrate were observed at the near urban site (TORCH1) that were not seen at the rural site (TORCH2) and which could not be explained by local photochemical production or direct emissions. The diurnal variation of methyl nitrate during TORCH1 showed a morning maximum that would be consistent with nighttime chemistry followed by transport to the surface by boundary layer dynamics. Similarly, elevated morning mixing ratios were also observed during TORCH2 although the magnitudes were much smaller. As a result, methyl nitrate could represent a tracer for nighttime chemistry seen at the ground the following day. At both campaigns, the dominant source of short chain alkyl nitrates and carbonyl precursor radicals (≤C4) were from decomposition of larger compounds. The magnitude of the source increased with decreasing carbon number consistent with increasing total precursor abundance. Non-photochemical emissions of acetaldehyde and acetone could not be accounted for by automobile exhaust emissions alone and indicated that other direct sources are likely important in this environment.  相似文献   

Extensive aerosol optical properties, particle size distributions, and Aerodyne quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer measurements collected during TRAMP/TexAQS 2006 were examined in light of collocated meteorological and chemical measurements. Much of the evident variability in the observed aerosol-related air quality is due to changing synoptic meteorological situations that direct emissions from various sources to the TRAMP site near the center of the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) metropolitan area. In this study, five distinct long-term periods have been identified. During each of these periods, observed aerosol properties have implications that are of interest to environmental quality management agencies. During three of the periods, long range transport (LRT), both intra-continental and intercontinental, appears to have played an important role in producing the observed aerosol. During late August 2006, southerly winds brought super-micron Saharan dust and sea salt to the HGB area, adding mass to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) measurements, but apparently not affecting secondary particle growth or gas-phase air pollution. A second type of LRT was associated with northerly winds in early September 2006 and with increased ozone and sub-micron particulate matter in the HGB area. Later in the study, LRT of emissions from wildfires appeared to increase the abundance of absorbing aerosols (and carbon monoxide and other chemical tracers) in the HGB area. However, the greatest impacts on Houston PM2.5 air quality are caused by periods with low-wind-speed sea breeze circulation or winds that directly transport pollutants from major industrial areas, i.e., the Houston Ship Channel, into the city center.  相似文献   

The concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitric acid, nitrous acid, hydrogen chloride, ammonia and sulphate, nitrate, chloride and ammonium in aerosols were measured continuously for two years at the rural site of Rotenkamp near Braunschweig in south-east Lower Saxony. The level of air pollution registered is typical for rural areas near industrial areas in Central Europe. Long-range transport of polluted air masses from Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony affects air quality when high-pressure areas over Eastern Europe result in easterly winds and reduced vertical exchange due to low inversion layers.  相似文献   


The main results of an experimental study focusing on the formation and transport of photochemical pollution in the Madrid air basin are presented. This southern European, heavily populated urban area is located on an elevated plateau at a height of 700 m, near a mountain range with maximum heights of around 2,400 m. Daily and seasonal cycles of ozone were documented during a one-year survey at three semi-rural sites located 30 km away from the urban center. Maximum hourly values of up to 140 ppb were measured, and the ozone generated within the urban plume on polluted days (when values exceeded 90 ppb) has been estimated at around 40-50 ppb.A meteorological characterization of these smoggy days pointed out the influence of thermally induced local wind flows on the concentration daily cycles at the measuring sites, denoting a preferred advection of the urban plume. Moreover, during intensive summer field campaigns, the use of meteorological and ozone sondes, as well as an instrumented aircraft, revealed some features about the horizontal and vertical distribution of the polluted air masses, as well as their evolution within the planetary boundary layer. Ozone plumes have been detected up to 100 km away from the city, usually mixed in a layer that reaches a height of 1,000-1,500 m in the afternoon. On some occasions, ozone-enriched layers have been detected as high as 4,000 m during morning hours, suggesting possible tropospheric injection induced by topographydriven flows or convective mesoscale systems that are usually present in the center of the Iberian Peninsula in the summer.  相似文献   

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