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Because of its potential harmful impact on the environment, disposal of sewage sludge is becoming a major problem all over the world. Today the available disposal measures are at the crossroads. One alternative would be to continue its usage as fertiliser or to abandon it. Due to the discussions about soil contamination caused by sewage sludge, some countries have already prohibited its application in agriculture. In these countries, thermal treatment is now presenting the most common alternative. This report describes two suitable methods to directly convert sewage sludge into useful energy on-site at the wastewater treatment plant. Both processes consist mainly of four devices: dewatering and drying of the sewage sludge, gasification by means of fluidised bed technology (followed by a gas cleaning step) and production of useful energy via CHP units as the final step. The process described first (ETVS-Process) is using a high pressure technique for the initial dewatering and a fluidised bed technology utilising waste heat from the overall process for drying. In the second process (NTVS-Process) in addition to the waste heat, solar radiation is utilised. The subsequent measures--gasification, gas cleaning and electric and thermal power generation--are identical in both processes. The ETVS-Process and the NTVS-Process are self-sustaining in terms of energy use; actually a surplus of heat and electricity is generated in both processes.  相似文献   

Fluidised bed combustor (FBC) is one of the key technologies for sewage sludge incineration. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed for the simulation of a large-scale sewage sludge incineration plant. The model assumes the bed consisting of a fast-gas phase, an emulsion phase and a fuel particle phase with specific consideration for thermally-thick fuel particles. The model further improves over previous works by taking into account throughflow inside the bubbles as well as the floating and random movement of the fuel particles inside the bed. Validation against both previous lab-scale experiments and operational data of a large-scale industrial plant was made. Calculation results indicate that combustion split between the bed and the freeboard can range from 60/40 to 90/10 depending on the fuel particle distribution across the bed height under the specific conditions. The bed performance is heavily affected by the variation in sludge moisture level. The response time to variation in feeding rate is different for different parameters, from 6min for outlet H(2)O, 10min for O(2), to 34min for bed temperature.  相似文献   

An original integrated drying and incineration technique is proposed to dispose of sewage sludge with moisture content of about 80% in a circulating fluidized bed. This system combines a bubbling fluidized bed dryer with a circulating fluidized bed incinerator. After drying, sewage sludge with moisture less than 20% is transported directly and continuously from the fluidized bed dryer into a circulating fluidized bed incinerator. Pilot plant results showed that integrated drying and incineration is feasible in a unique single system. A 100 t/d Sewage Sludge Incineration Demonstration Project was constructed at the Qige sewage treatment plant in Hangzhou City in China. The operational performance showed that the main operation results conformed to the design values, from which it can be concluded that the scale-up of this technique is deemed both feasible and successful.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was set up to study the distribution of Cd, Cu and Pb in three typical soils of the Pampas Region amended with sewage sludge. A sequential extraction procedure was used to obtain four operationally defined geochemical species: exchangeable, bound to organic matter, bound to carbonates, and residual. Two kinds of sewage sludge were used: pure sewage sludge and sewage sludge containing 30% DM of its own incinerated ash, at rates equivalent to a field application of 150 t DM ha(-1). Pots were maintained at 80% of field capacity through daily irrigation with distilled water. Soil samples were obtained on days 1, 60, 270 and 360, and then air-dried and passed through a 2 mm sieve for analysis. Results showed that sludge application increased the less available forms of Cd, Cu and Pb. The inorganic forms became the most prevalent forms for Cu and Pb, whereas Cd was only found in the residual fraction. The concentrations of OM-Cu and INOR-Cu in the amended soil samples were closely correlated with soil pH, whereas the chemical behavior of Cd and Pb did not depend on soil physico-chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Research and experimental studies were carried out in relation to reduction of hazardous elements contained in sewage sludge incineration ash. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 69 Japanese municipalities with sewage sludge incineration facilities. Selenium content in bag filter ash and ceramic filter ash was relatively higher than that in ash of cyclone and electrostatic precipitators. It was assumed that selenium vaporized in the furnace was due to adsorb in the fly ash on filter when passing through the low-temperature filter. To reduce high boiling point heavy metals in the ash, sewage sludge and incineration ash were heated up using a small muffle furnace. As the result, the chrome and nickel contents were reduced. A decrease in the surface area of ash and the reduction of elements occurred at the same time in sewage sludge and incineration ashes tested in this study.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the potential environmental contamination in a typical factory for recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment in Shanghai. Heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in the soil around the factory have been evaluated in this paper. Compared with the background value, the concentrations of six metals detected in all the samples were higher, which showed that toxic metals were released into soil around the factory. Compared with the Environmental Quality Standards for Soils, China grade III, all the six metals are under soil guidelines. The non-cancer risk in different directions from the factory was in the order of: the north > the west > the south > the east. For inhalation and ingestion, the non-cancer risk in the soil west of the factory was biggest. Nevertheless, the non-cancer risk in the soil north of the factory was the biggest for dermal contact. The trend of cancer risk was the west > the south > the north > the east. The non-cancer risk and the carcinogenic risk for Cr, Ni, and Cd were all below the limiting value. This study might provide a reference for the risk assessment involved in electronic waste management and recycling activities.  相似文献   

Fixation of heavy metals in the slag produced during incineration of sewage sludge will reduce emission of the metals to the atmosphere and make the incineration process more environmentally friendly. The effects of incineration conditions (incineration temperature 500-1100°C, furnace residence time 0-60min, mass fraction of water in the sludge 0-75%) on the fixation rates and species partitioning of Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn and Ni in slag were investigated. When the incineration temperature was increased from 500 to 1100°C, the fixation rate of Cd decreased from 87% to 49%, while the fixation rates of Cu and Mn were stable. The maximum fixation rates for Pb and Zn and for Ni and Cr were reached at 900 and 1100°C, respectively. The fixation rates of Cu, Ni, Cd, Cr and Zn decreased as the residence time increased. With a 20min residence time, the fixation rates of Pb and Mn were low. The maximum fixation rates of Ni, Mn, Zn, Cu and Cr were achieved when the mass fraction of water in the sludge was 55%. The fixation rate of Cd decreased as the water mass fraction increased, while the fixation rate of Pb increased. Partitioning analysis of the metals contained in the slag showed that increasing the incineration temperature and residence time promoted complete oxidation of the metals. This reduced the non-residual fractions of the metals, which would lower the bioavailability of the metals. The mass fraction of water in the sludge had little effect on the partitioning of the metals. Correlation analysis indicated that the fixation rates of heavy metals in the sludge and the forms of heavy metals in the incinerator slag could be controlled by optimization of the incineration conditions. These results show how the bioavailability of the metals can be reduced for environmentally friendly disposal of the incinerator slag.  相似文献   

闫莎莎  张文泉 《化工环保》2012,40(4):436-441
以滕南煤田某煤矿风化煤矸石为研究对象,应用主成分分析法分析了煤矸石粒径对Pb,Cr,Cd溶出浓度的影响,应用回归分析法分析了浸溶时间与Pb,Cr,Cd溶出浓度的关系特征。实验结果表明:模拟湿地浸溶条件下,煤矸石中Pb,Cd,Cr溶出浓度均超出或接近Ⅲ类水体水质标准,对水环境存在污染风险;煤矸石粒径对Pb,Cd,Cr溶出浓度存在影响,粒径越小则Pb、Cr、Cd溶出浓度越大,粒径小于8.0 cm的煤矸石浸溶贡献较大。建立了表征Pb,Cr,Cd溶出浓度与浸溶时间对数(以10为底)关系的一元三次多项式回归方程,经检验均具有显著性。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The chemical states of arsenic contained in 4 kinds of sewage sludge incineration ash and insolubilized materials are analyzed using a leaching...  相似文献   

介绍了流化床富氧焚烧含油污泥技术的流程和优势,计算了富氧焚烧含油污泥系统主要设备的电耗和技术经济指标。流化床富氧焚烧含油污泥技术可实现烟气及其他污染物零排放,产生的蒸汽可直接供应油田生产和生活使用,产生的液态CO2可直接用于油井驱油,烟气中的SO2和NOx可转化为硫酸和硝酸。采用日处理200 t含油污泥的流化床锅炉年处理含油污泥量约73 kt,每年减少排污费7 300万元;锅炉年产蒸汽量约177 kt,每年节约蒸汽费用1 380.6万元,合计每年节约成本8 680.6万元。回收得到质量分数为40%的稀硫酸5.56 t/d,质量分数为37%的硝酸0.708 t/d,年回收CO2约99 kt。  相似文献   

The present work undertaken in the environmental context aims to study the distribution of heavy metals in plants that grow naturally around uncontrolled landfills. The study's goal was to identify plants that can be used to remediate contaminated soils. For this purpose, 14 plants species and their rhizospheric soil samples were collected and analyzed for arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc by inductively coupled plasma‐atomic emission spectrometry. The results showed the presence of elevated metal concentrations in soil, many exceeding the regulatory values, and that many species exhibited an ability to accumulate multiple metals in their shoots and roots without sustaining toxicity. This was confirmed by bioconcentration and translocation factors generally higher than 1.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study used excess sludge from a sewage treatment plant as raw material to extract humic acid (HA) and explore the ability of HA to adsorb Pb2+...  相似文献   

For a sustainable municipal sewage sludge management, not only the available technology, but also other parameters, such as policy regulations and socio-economic issues should be taken in account. In this study, the current status of both European and Greek Legislation on waste management, with a special insight in municipal sewage sludge, is presented. A SWOT analysis was further developed for comparison of pyrolysis with incineration and gasification and results are presented. Pyrolysis seems to be the optimal thermochemical treatment option compared to incineration and gasification. Sewage sludge pyrolysis is favorable for energy savings, material recovery and high added materials production, providing a ‘zero waste’ solution. Finally, identification of challenges and barriers for sewage sludge pyrolysis deployment in Greece was investigated.  相似文献   

Stabilization of As, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil using amendments--a review   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
The spread of contaminants in soil can be hindered by the soil stabilization technique. Contaminant immobilizing amendments decrease trace element leaching and their bioavailability by inducing various sorption processes: adsorption to mineral surfaces, formation of stable complexes with organic ligands, surface precipitation and ion exchange. Precipitation as salts and co-precipitation can also contribute to reducing contaminant mobility. The technique can be used in in situ and ex situ applications to reclaim and re-vegetate industrially devastated areas and mine-spoils, improve soil quality and reduce contaminant mobility by stabilizing agents and a beneficial use of industrial by-products. This study is an overview of data published during the last five years on the immobilization of one metalloid, As, and four heavy metals, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn, in soils. The most extensively studied amendments for As immobilization are Fe containing materials. The immobilization of As occurs through adsorption on Fe oxides by replacing the surface hydroxyl groups with the As ions, as well as by the formation of amorphous Fe(III) arsenates and/or insoluble secondary oxidation minerals. Cr stabilization mainly deals with Cr reduction from its toxic and mobile hexavalent form Cr(VI) to stable in natural environments Cr(III). The reduction is accelerated in soil by the presence of organic matter and divalent iron. Clays, carbonates, phosphates and Fe oxides were the common amendments tested for Cu immobilization. The suggested mechanisms of Cu retention were precipitation of Cu carbonates and oxy-hydroxides, ion exchange and formation of ternary cation-anion complexes on the surface of Fe and Al oxy-hydroxides. Most of the studies on Pb stabilization were performed using various phosphorus-containing amendments, which reduce the Pb mobility by ionic exchange and precipitation of pyromorphite-type minerals. Zn can be successfully immobilized in soil by phosphorus amendments and clays.  相似文献   

Co-combustion tests of dry sewage sludges with coal were performed in a pilot bubbling FBC aiming at the characterization of ashes and determining the behaviour of heavy metals in the process. The tests showed compliance with the regulatory levels as far as heavy metal emissions were concerned. The bottom ashes, which accounted for about 70% of the total ash production, were obtained in a granular form, with diameters ranging from 0.5 to 4 mm. The heavy metals were distributed in ashes obtained from different locations of the installation and their concentrations were found to vary depending on the location of capture. The increase in heavy metals content in bottom ashes was not found to lead to higher leachability and ecotoxicity compared to sewage sludges, suggesting that there could be opportunities for their further use. Mercury suffered vaporisation inside the reactor, thus leaving bottom ashes free of contamination by it. However, there was observed a strong retention of mercury in cyclone ashes due to the presence of unburned carbon which probably acted as an adsorbent. The effluent mercury was also found to be mostly associated with the particulate fraction, being less than 20% emitted in gaseous forms. The results suggested that the combustion of the sewage sludge could successfully be carried out and the amount of unburned carbon leaving the combustor but captured in cyclone was large enough to ensure substantial retention of mercury at low temperatures, hence could contribute to an improvement of the mercury release which still remains an issue of great concern to resolve during combustion of waste materials.  相似文献   

通过对一例垃圾焚烧发电厂渗滤液处理站污泥进行鉴定,表明该部分污泥不属于危险固废,可以纳入焚烧炉与生活垃圾一起处理.鉴别结果为促进固体废物循环利用及同类企业合理处置渗滤液处理站污泥提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

In order to separate and reuse heavy and alkali metals from flue gas during sewage sludge incineration, experiments were carried out in a pilot incinerator. The experimental results show that most of the heavy and alkali metals form condensed phase at temperature above 600 degrees C. With the addition of 5% calcium chloride into sewage sludge, the gas/solid transformation temperature of part of the metals (As, Cu, Mg and Na) is evidently decreased due to the formation of chloride, while calcium chloride seems to have no significant influence on Zn and P. Moreover, the mass fractions of some heavy and alkali metals in the collected fly ash are relatively high. For example, the mass fractions for Pb and Cu in the fly ash collected by the filter are 1.19% and 19.7%, respectively, which are well above those in lead and copper ores. In the case of adding 5% calcium chloride, the heavy and alkali metals can be divided into three groups based on their conversion temperature: Group A that includes Na, Zn, K, Mg and P, which are converted into condensed phase above 600 degrees C; Group B that includes Pb and Cu which solidify when the temperature is above 400 degrees C; and Group C that includes As, whose condensation temperature is as low as 300 degrees C.  相似文献   

Incineration is one of the most important methods in the resource recovery disposal of sewage sludge. The combustion characteristics of sewage sludge and an increasing number of municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plants provide the possibility of co-incineration of sludge with MSW. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was used to verify the feasibility of co-incineration of sludge with MSW, and predict the effect of co-incineration. In this study, wet sludge and semi-dried sludge were separately blended with MSW as mixed fuels, which were at a co-incineration ratios of 5 wt.% (wet basis, the same below), 10 wt.%, 15 wt.%, 20 wt.% and 25 wt.%. The result indicates that co-incineration of 10 wt.% wet sludge with MSW can ensure the furnace temperature, the residence time and other vital items in allowable level, while 20 wt.% of semi-dried sludge can reach the same standards. With lower moisture content and higher low heating value (LHV), semi-dried sludge can be more appropriate in co-incineration with MSW in a grate furnace incinerator.  相似文献   

The leachability of zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni) was investigated in various soil types amended with sewage sludge and sewage sludge treated with hydroxyapatite. Sandy, clay and peat soils were investigated. For leachability tests, plastic columns (diameter 9 cm, height 50 cm) were filled with moist samples up to a height of 25 cm. Sewage sludge (1 kg) was mixed with 4.6 kg of clay and sandy soils and with 6.7 kg of peat soil. For sewage sludge mixtures treated with hydroxyapatite, 0.5 kg of the hydroxyapatite was added to 1 kg of the sewage sludge. Neutral (pH 7) and acid precipitation (pH 3.5) were applied. Acid precipitation was prepared from concentrated HNO(3), H(2)SO(4) and fresh doubly distilled water. The amount of precipitation corresponded to the average annual precipitation for the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was divided into eight equal portions and applied sequentially on the top of the columns. The results indicated that the leachabilities of Zn in sewage sludge amended peat and clay soils were low (below 0.3% of total Zn content) and of Ni in sewage sludge amended sandy, clay and peat soil below 1.9% of total Ni content. In sewage sludge amended sandy soil, the leachability of Zn was higher (11% of Zn content). The pH of precipitation had no influence on the leachability of either metal. Treatment of sewage sludge with hydroxyapatite efficiently reduced the leachability of Zn in sewage sludge amended sandy soil (from 11% to 0.2% of total Zn content). In clay and peat sewage sludge amended soils, soil characteristics rather than hydroxyapatite treatment dominate Zn mobility.  相似文献   

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