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Several harpacticoid copepod species are adapted to an epiphytic lifestyle. Previous studies on tropical seagrass meiofauna mainly focussed on the epiphytic communities and neglected the benthic component. The present study aims to document the benthic harpacticoid copepod communities sampled from different sediment depth horizons adjacent to five seagrass species in the intertidal and subtidal zone of a tropical seagrass bed (Gazi Bay, Kenya). Two benthic copepod communities could be identified mainly based on the tidal position of the samples: a first community was collected near the intertidal seagrasses Halophila ovalis and Halodule wrightii; a second community occurred near the subtidal seagrasses Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halophila stipulacea. The first community was mainly determined by sediment characteristics (e.g. skewness), while the second community was split off based on organic matter content (% TOM), nutrient and pigment values. A subtle combination of horizontal and vertical niche segregation was reported for the dominant copepod families. Species of the families Thalestridae, Laophontidae and Diosaccidae were structured by tidal position and showed a strong preference for the subtidal zone. The opposite strategy, i.e. a clear preference for the intertidal zone, was found for copepods belonging to the families Paramesochridae and Canuellidae. In addition, Apodopsyllus africanus (Paramesochridae) was well-adapted to stress and was concentrated in the deeper sediment layers near the subtidal seagrasses. On the other hand, Canuellidae, as filter feeders, were concentrated in the upper centimetres of the sediment. The families Ectinosomatidae and Cletodidae did not show any vertical or horizontal segregation. On the species level, however, clear horizontal niche segregation was detected for the family Cletodidae. In addition to the reported ecological results, the study material was used to evaluate different niche definitions. We found tidal position to be the most important factor forcing harpacticoids to specialise. Sediment depth horizon was less powerful in dividing the families into different guilds (from specialists to generalists) based on standardised niche breadth. The present study documents the subtle habitat partitioning of co-existing species in a limited area and its role in sustaining high biodiversity in the community.  相似文献   

The composition and abundance of bladedwelling meiofauna was determined over a 15 mo period (1983–1984) from a Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König meadow near Egmont Key, Florida, USA. Harpacticoid copepods, copepod nauplii, and nematodes were the most abundant meiofaunal taxa on T. testudinum blades. Temporal patterns in species composition and population life-history stages were determined for harpacticoid copepods, the numerically predominant taxon. Sixteen species or species complexes of harpacticoid copepods were identified. Harpacticus sp., the most abundant harpacticoid, comprised 47.8% of the total copepods collected, and was present throughout the study. Copepodites dominated the population structures of the blade-dwelling harpacticoid species on most collection dates. Ovigerous females and/or copepodites were always present, indicating continuous reproductive activity. Results suggest that epiphytic algae influence meiofaunal abundance on seagrass blades, as densities of most meiofaunal taxa at Egmont Key were positively associated with percent cover of epiphytic algae throughout the study. The majority of significant correlations between meiofaunal density and cover of epiphytic algae involved filamentous algae, although encrusting algae dominated the epiphytic community. It appears that resources provided by epiphytic algae to seagrass meiofauna (additional food, habitat, and/or shelter from predation) may be associated with algal morphology.  相似文献   

The shells of living queen scallops,Chlamys opercularis (L.), are often completely colonised with epifauna. In this study, the distribution of the major epifaunal groups across the surfaces of left (upper) and right (lower) valves is examined using samples from two commercial queen scallop beds off the Isle of Man. The composition of the epifauna differs across and between the valves and also varies with the age of the scallop. YoungerC. opercularis are commonly encrusted by sponges, but on older shells other epifauna colonise the surfaces. The encrusting bryozoan assemblage found on livingC. opercularis is not as abundant or speciose as on some other substrata such as stones and dead shell. This may be a result of intense competition from other phyla. The distribution of different bryozoan species between the surfaces is examined. Most species are more abundant on the lower valves.  相似文献   

There has been an historical decline in the seagrass beds in Maho and Francis Bays, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands: presently (1986) there are only five small seagrass beds in shallows water. These seagrass beds are highly disturbed by heavy boat usage and are intensively grazed by the green turtle Chelonia mydas L. Fifteen to 50 boats anchor each night in the bays: anchor scars cause a loss of up to 6.5 m2 d-1 or 1.8% yr-1 of the seagrass beds. Seagrasses regrew into such scars only minimally within a period of 7 mo. The size of the green turtle population was estimated at 50 subadults and their feeding behavior was determined by direct observation and radiotelemetry. The behavior of the green turtles differed from other observations published on the species. Here, the turtles grazed all available Thalassia testudinum, their preferred seagrass food, rather than creating discrete grazing scars, and spent all their waking hours (9 h per day) feeding. Areal productivity of T. testudinum leaves (33 to 97 mg dry wt m-2d-1) in the bays was at least an order of magnitude lower than published values or than the productivity of another, lessdisturbed seagrass bed on St. John, despite having comparable leaf-shoot density. Leaf shoots were stunted, fragile, achlorotic, and had only two leaves as opposed to the five leaves per shoot more typically seen. The green turtle population was near the estimated carrying capacity of T. testudinum, based on the standing crop and productivity of T. testudinum and the grazing rate of the turtles. The effect of disturbance of T. testudinum from boats and turtles was assessed by excluding these with emergent fences. Within 3 mo of protection, the areal and shoot-specific productivity of T. testudinum leaves as well as leaf size increased significantly compared to unprotected areas. Conservation efforts are recommended in Maho Bays and Francis because seagrass productivity is low, disturbance rates are higher than recovery rates, the turtles cannot increase further their feeding rate in order to compensate for such factors, and there are few alternate sources of T. testudinum on the north shore of St. John.Contribution No. 175 from West Indies Laboratory, Teague Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 00820, USA  相似文献   

Microbial grazing by two species of meiofaunal harpacticoid copepods (Heteropsyllus nunni and Thompsonula hyaenae) was determined by uptake of radioactive labels following their introduction into natural sediments from a low-energy intertidal site in Florida (29°5440N; 84°3130W) in May 1986. Grazing was related to three methods of radioactive-label introduction: injection, porewater replacement, and slurry. Uptake of label by harpacticoids was examined using two dual-label combinations, 3H-thymidine/14C-bicarbonate and 3H-thymidine/14C-acetate. The injection and porewater-replacement methods yielded statistically indistinguishable results. Results obtained by the slurry method differed significantly from the other two methods. We suggest that the unique results obtained in the slurry method were a consequence of the disruption of microbial-meiofaunal spatial relationships.  相似文献   

The entry of meiobenthic copepods from sediments or seagrass blades into the water column and reproductive characteristics of actively migrating fauna were investigated from 1981–1986 in a temperate intertidal Zostera capricorni seagrass bed in Pautahanui Inlet, New Zealand and in a subtidal Thalassia testudinum bed in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Emergence of copepods in New Zealand varied over a tidalcycle, while in Florida a distinct diel periodicity was displayed. Selected copepod species in New Zealand had similar numbers emerging from sediments and/or blades over a 6 h period as the common copepods actively migrating from sediments in Florida. Daily abundances of emerging copepods (24 h) in Tampa Bay, Florida, were substantially greater than those in New Zealand, where migration is linked to tidal cover. In Z. capricorni meadows in New Zealand, sex ratios of copepods in sediments and on blades were dominated by females; males dominated water-column samples. In T. testudinum meadows in Tampa Bay, sex ratios of males to females, although of a lowermagnitude than in Z. capricorni beds, were higher in trap than in sediment samples. Differences in sex ratios, the availability in emergence traps of females of appropriate stage for mating, and observations on clasping in live samples from traps suggest that swimming behavior in copepods may be partly linked to prenuptial courtship. Meiobenthic copepods may use the water column as an important habitat for reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

J. C. Creed 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):775-782
The cerith Cerithium atratum (Born 1778) is an abundant gastropod in the seagrass beds at Cabo Frio, Brazil. In order to estimate the ecological importance of cerith shells as a rare hard substratum in the seagrass bed, the abundances of C. atratum and of cerith shells occupied by hermit crabs were quantified. The mean densities of C. atratum and hermit crabs were 1887 and 100 individuals m−2, respectively, and these provided 0.5 m2 shell area m−2 available for epizoite colonization. The tube-forming polychaete Hydroides plateni (Kinberg 1867) and oyster Ostrea puelchana Orbigny, 1841 were the dominant visible epizoites on inhabited cerith shells. These epizoite populations were compared in order to investigate whether the temporal and spatial patterns in the epibiotic community were related to ecological and behavioral aspects of the occupant species (cerith or hermit crab). Larger cerith shells had a greater abundance of epizoites. Each epizoite showed a preference for a different occupant of the shells (the oyster for C. atratum and the polychaete for cerith shells occupied by hermit crabs). The oyster showed a seasonal pattern in abundance on C. atratum, being more common in fall (March–April). The distribution of the epizoites on the shells depended on the shell occupant species and was probably related to their different foraging activity –C. atratum ploughs half buried through the sediment, while the hermit crab crawls on the sediment surface. In both cases, the activity of the shell occupant was considered to be beneficial to the epizoites, as empty shells and shell fragments did not support a macroepifauna. Received: 1 May 2000 / Accepted: 8 August 2000  相似文献   

In an intertidal Zostera noltii Hornem seagrass bed, food sources used by sediment meiofauna were determined seasonally by comparing stable isotope signatures (δ13C, δ15N) of sources with those of nematodes and copepods. Proportions of different carbon sources used by consumers were estimated using the SIAR mixing model on δ13C values. Contrary to δ15N values, food source mean δ13C values encompassed a large range, from −22.1 ‰ (suspended particulate organic matter) to −10.0 ‰ (Z. noltii roots). δ13C values of copepods (from −22.3 to −12.3 ‰) showed that they use many food sources (benthic and phytoplanktonic microalgae, Z. noltii matter). Nematode δ13C values ranged from −14.6 to −11.4 ‰, indicating a strong role of microphytobenthos and/or Z. noltii matter as carbon sources. The difference of food source uses between copepods and nematodes is discussed in light of source accessibility and availability.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of the sediment organic matter, and bacterial and meiofaunal dynamics, were monitored over an annual cycle in aPosidonia oceanica bed of the NW Mediterranean to test the response of the meiofauna assemblage to fluctuations in food availability. Primary production cycles of the seagrass and its epiphytes were responsible for relatively high (compared to other Mediterranean systems) standing stocks of organic carbon in sediments (from 1.98 to 6.16 mg Cg–1 sediment dry weight). The biopolymeric fraction of the organic matter (measured as lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins) accounted for only a small fraction (18%) of the total sedimentary organic carbon. About 25% of the biopolymeric fraction was of microphytobenthic origin. Sedimentary organic carbon was mostly refractory (56 to 84%) and probably largely not utilizable for benthic consumers. The biopolymeric fraction of the organic matter was characterized by high carbohydrate concentrations (from 0.27 to 5.31 mg g–1 sediment dry weight in the top 2 cm) and a very low protein content (from 0.07 to 0.80 mg g–1 sediment dry weight), which may be a limiting factor for heterotrophic metabolism in seagrass sediments. RNA and DNA concentrations of the Sediments varied significantly during the year. High RNA and DNA values occurred during the microphytobenthic bloom and in correspondence with peaks of bacterial abundance. Bacteria accounted for a small fraction of the total organic carbon (0.65%) and of the biopolymeric organic carbon (4.64%), whilst microphytobenthos accounted for 3.79% of total organic carbon and for 25.08% of the biopolymeric carbon. Bacterial abundance (from 0.8 to 5.8 × 108 g–1 sediment dry weight) responded significantly to seasonal changes of organic matter content and composition and was significantly correlated with carbohydrate concentrations. Bacteria might be, in the seagrass system, an important N storage for higher trophic levels as il accounted for 25% of the easily soluble protein. pool and contributed significantly to the total DNA pool (on average 12%). Total meiofaunal density ranged from 236 to 1858 ind. 10 cm–2 and was significantly related, with a time lag, to changes in bacterial standing stocks indicating that microbes might represent an important resource. Bacterial abundance and biomass were also significantly related to nematode abundance. These results indicate that bacteria may play a key role in the benthic trophic  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify and compare, using nitrogen and carbon stable isotope data, the food sources supporting consumer communities in a Mediterranean seagrass bed (Gulf of Calvi, Corsica) with those in an adjacent epilithic alga-dominated community. Isotopic data for consumers are not significantly different in the two communities. Particulate matter and algal material (seagrass epiflora and dominant epilithic macroalgae) appear to be the main food sources in both communities. Generally, the δ13C of animals suggests that the seagrass Posidoniaoceanica (L.) Delile represents only a minor component of their diet or of the diet of their prey, but the occurrence of a mixed diet is not excluded. P. oceanica dominates the diet of only of few species, among which holothurians appear as key components in the cycling of seagrass material. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 17 January 2000  相似文献   

In coastal marine ecosystems, predation might affect spatial distribution and population dynamics of benthic assemblages. Here, by means of experimental exclusion of potential predators, we compared the effects of epibenthic predation on metazoan meiofaunal assemblages on soft and rocky substrates. Different patterns of abundance were observed in uncaged versus caged plots, across habitats. In caged soft substrates, the abundance of Nematodes, Copepods and Polychaetes increased by 56, 45, 57%, respectively, in the first 3 months. An increase in the number of meiofaunal taxa was also observed. The exclusion of predators from rocky substrates showed less clear patterns. It did not affect the number of taxa while a decrease in meiofaunal abundance was observed. Our results suggest that the exclusion of epibenthic predators had clear effect on total metazoan meiofaunal abundance and on the number of taxa, only in soft bottoms. The different impact of predation across habitats can be potentially explained by differences in terms of spatial variability and substrate complexity. We estimated that, coarsely, more than 75% of total metazoan meiofaunal production can be channeled to higher trophic levels through predation on soft-bottoms. Among meiofaunal taxa, Polychaetes and Nematodes provided the major contribution to benthic energy transfers. These results suggest the trophic relevance of metazoan meiofauna in coastal food webs and claim for the refinement of further experiments for the quantification of its role in different ecological systems.  相似文献   

Sandy subtidal sediments are part of the earth's largest filter system. Water flow through bottom sediments is driven by wave action on the sea surface. The mechanisms involved are described, including a theoretical deduction and field measurements. As an example, the total water exchange through part of the West Atlantic shelf is computed and the influence of the phenomenon is discussed from a biological point of view and with regard to its importance for the world's oceans.  相似文献   

 The diet of juvenile pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum Burkenroad, previously Penaeus duorarum) from Long Key Bight, Florida Keys, was studied using stomach content examination, pigment measurements, and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analysis. Samples were taken over approximately 24 h on four occasions from December 1997 to June 1998. Juvenile F. duorarum fed nocturnally, the main prey being the seagrass shrimp Thor floridanus (Decapoda: Caridea: Hippolytidae), which accounted for 34% of the stomach content volume. Other common components of the diet were bivalves (mainly Tellina sp.) with 15% volume, calcareous algae (8%), plant detritus (5%), copepods (3%), and seagrass fragments (2%). Pigment concentrations (chlorophyll a plus phaeopigments) in F. duorarum stomachs ranged from 7 to 73 mg l−1 or 40 to 310 ng stomach−1. The exponential gastric evacuation rate was determined experimentally at 1.3 ± 0.5 h−1. Daily rations (in percent body weight) calculated from time series of stomach fullness ranged between 11 and 16% d−1. Total consumption by the population (in wet weight) ranged between 0.05 and 0.3 g m−2 d−1. Stable isotope measurements confirmed that T. floridanus was the main food source for F. duorarum. δ13C-values of whole animals of both species were identical at −10.0 ± 1.6‰ PDB. δ15N-values of both species were also not significantly different (pooled mean: 5.9 ± 1.7‰). Stomach contents of wild-caught F. duorarum and stomach contents of F. duorarum fed T. floridanus also showed similar stable isotope values. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

A certain number of tagged fish is liberated and assumed to be distributed randomly among a natural fish population. The fish are subjected to a number of fishing experiments within relatively short periods, and lie between equal intervening periods of durationT. Untagged fish are retained, while tagged fish are released during the fishing experiments. Denoting the catchability of untagged fish byq u and that for tagged fish byq t , it is assumed that they are related by the equation “q u =cq t ” wherec is a constant. Denoting the survival rates of tagged fish and the effective fishing effort of commerical fisheries per unit time from the (k-1)th to thek th experiments by t S k andf k , respectively, it is assumed that they vary from period to period. Assuming that during thek th experiment, the number of untagged fish captured and the experimental fishing rate of tagged fish are denoted by u X k and t P k , respectively, then $$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\frac{{(_u X_k )^2 }}{{[_u X_{(k - 1)} ][_u X_{(k + 1)} ]}} = \frac{{_t S_k }}{{_t S_{(k + 1)} }} \cdot \frac{{e^{ - (1 - c)q_t f_{(k + 1)} T} }}{{e^{ - (1 - c)q_t f_k T} }} \cdot } \\ {\frac{{1 - c_t P_{(k - 1)} }}{{1 - c_t P_k }} \cdot \frac{{(_t P_k )^2 }}{{[_t P_{(k - 1)} ][_t P_{(k + 1)} ]}}.} \\ \end{array}$$ The above equation containsc as a single unknown, while all other terms are supplied by the capture-recapture experiments, exceptf k andf (k+1) which may be obtained from fisheries statistics. A number of the above equations are obtained from several experiments and can be combined into a single equation to obtain an overall estimate forc which can be used to derive estimates for experimental fishing rates, abundance, and instantaneous natural and fishing mortality rates for natural fish populations. These estimates are free from type (A) tagging errors, and have the advantage of taking into consideration the probable different behaviour of tagged and untagged fish.  相似文献   

Food selection by copepods: discrimination on the basis of food quality   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The copepod Acartia tonsa displayed nearly two-fold higher ingestion rates on faster-growing cells of the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii compared to ingestion rates on slower-growing cells of that species at the same cell concentration. Ingestion rates on slow-growing cells were also enhanced by the addition of cell-free aliquots of algal exudate to the experimental feeding chambers. In addition, the faster-growing algal cells were selectively ingested by the copepod when the two cell types were mixed together in different proportions, indicating that physiological differences between growing cells are a critical factor in the food detection/selection process of zooplankton. Consideration of cell carbon, nitrogen, and protein composition suggests that the copepods are maximizing nitrogenous ingestion (total protein and/or nitrogen). Selectivity for cells with higher protein content results in a higher daily protein ration, even if the selection process results in a decreased rate of ingestion in mixtures of cell types.  相似文献   

Many free-living copepods produce and store lipids prior to entering diapause (long-term dormancy). Heteropsyllus nunni Coull is the only marine harpacticoid copepod known to undergo any form of diapause. This study presents the first information on the types of lipids and fatty acids produced for long-term diapause in this benthic species. Sexually immature adults of H. nunni undergo diapause within a pliable self-made cyst. Prior to entering diapause (which lasts 3–4 months), they produce and store large amounts of orange lipid. The lipids apparently are utilized during diapause. Although some residual lipids remain, chiefly around the gonads, after the copepods emerge from their cysts, the lipid stores are visibly reduced. Typically, the copepods mate and produce eggs within 48 h after diapause is terminated. Light level and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the lipid stores are distributed throughout the body in numerous oil droplets and not as a single oil sac, as seen in many marine calanoid copepods prior to overwintering (winter diapause). Transmission electron microscopy showed lipid spheres within the gut epithelium and large droplets of lipids stored extracellularly. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of copepods in pre-diapause, during diapause (encysted), post-diapause (recently excysted), and in reproductive condition, revealed that lipid stores are reduced following diapause, but are not totally absent. Analysis of lipid classes showed that H. nunni store predominantly wax esters/sterol esters (83% of total lipids) during diapause. The predominant lipid is most likely wax esters, as sterol esters typically are found only in small amounts in copepods. Fatty acid (FA) profiles of the copepods in diapause showed 16:0 to be most abundant followed by 16:1n-7 and 18:0; other FA occurred at concentrations <10% of total FA. Three polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 20:5n-3, 18:2n-6 and 20:4n-6, were found at concentrations <2% of total FA. These PUFA are "essential fatty acids" in H. nunni, obtained through dietary sources. The lipid classes and fatty acids present in H. nunni during diapause are compared to those of other copepods, some in a state of diapause and others not. It appears that lipid class and FA profiles are indicative of genetic makeup, type of diet or amount of food consumed prior to dormancy. Some classic paradigms of lipids and their association with copepod diapause are re-evaluated.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

The role of zooplankton in a tropical seagrass ecosystem was investigated in milkfish farms pollution-impacted and -unimpacted seagrass beds in Santiago Island coral reefs, Northwestern Philippines. The aim was to compare between the two sites: (1) abiotic factors and zooplankton community parameters, and (2) the trophic structure using C and N stable isotopes. Low water (98–119?mV) and sediment (–121 to ?138?mV) Oxidation Reduction Potential values indicated a reducing environment in the impacted site. Zooplankton in the impacted site showed the typical community response to eutrophication (low diversity, but high total abundance due to the dominance of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona oculata), generally few elevated δ15N values, but a significant shift towards depleted 13C due to the organic enrichment of fish-farm feeds. Apart from suggesting a highly complex food web with POM and zooplankton as main food sources in the unimpacted site, the Bayesian mixing model simulation generated reduced complexity in feeding interactions between basal sources, zooplankton, and fish including adults of a key fish species, Siganus fuscescens, in the impacted sites. In this study, C and N stable isotope analysis has clarified the importance of zooplankton as fish prey in a seagrass bed food web.  相似文献   

Hawksbill sea turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata, are closely associated with coral reef and other hard-bottom habitats. Seagrass pastures are peripheral habitats for Caribbean hawksbills. With the decline in quality and quantity of coral reefs, seagrass habitats may become more important for hawksbills. We use data from a 30-year mark-recapture study of hawksbills and green turtles, Chelonia mydas, in the southern Bahamas to assess the quality of a seagrass habitat for hawksbills. Size distribution, residence times, and body condition index for the seagrass hawksbill aggregation are similar to those of hawksbill aggregations over Caribbean reefs. Somatic growth rates of seagrass hawksbills are in the upper range of those reported for reef hawksbills. Based on these parameters, peripheral seagrass habitats can support healthy, productive hawksbill aggregations. During the 30-year study, a sixfold variation in green turtle density in the study area did not affect the productivity or body condition of hawksbills.  相似文献   

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