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The spatial organisation of male and female wood mice,Apodemus sylvaticus, was investigated in a large-scale radio-tracking study on arable farmland near Oxford, United Kingdom, during the breeding season. Both sexes had significantly larger home ranges in the breeding season than at other times, and the breeding season home ranges of male (X = 1.44 ha) were significantly larger than those of females (X = 0.49 ha). Home range overlap was significantly greater between males, and between males and females, than it was between females. Overlap between males tended to be greatest in heavily utilised areas. Except during sexual consortship, there was minimal evidence of dynamic interaction among individuals. Home range sizes of breeding males varied widely, as did their body weights. There was no relationship between male body weight and home range size or any other movement parameter. However, males with the largest home ranges had the highest scores on all other movement parameters, indicating that they expended more energy in movement. These more vigorous males had access to the home ranges of more females than did males with small home ranges.  相似文献   

Controversy has surrounded the question of why lek-breeding has evolved in certain ungulate species. Can the behavior be explained simply by males mapping onto a female distribution that is determined by factors unrelated to mating? Or are leks created because estrous females distinguish between males and favor males who cluster? Here I address these questions by looking at spatial distribution in lekking topi antelopes (Damaliscus lunatus). Contrary to the predictions of a model assuming male clustering in the zone of maximum female range overlap, territories were highly clustered also within this zone, and lek size correlated positively with population density. In support of models derived from the ideal free distribution of males onto female dispersion, leks were in areas with high female density during the rut. However, models not taking into account both individual variation in male quality and female mate preferences failed to explain the extreme male clumping also within high density areas, which was revealed by a strongly male-biased sex-ratio on leks. Additional support for the female preference-based model came from the finding that estrous females concentrated onto leks. Female preference for clustered males may develop if males initially follow an ideal free distribution of unequal competitors with high quality males slightly clustered at density hotspots; positive feedback between female benefits of preference for clustered males and male benefits of clustering could lead to contraction of the territorial network and lek behavior. Thus only the female preference-based model correctly predicted a negative correlation between male mating rate and resource density.  相似文献   

The grand skink, Oligosoma grande, is a diurnal rock-dwelling lizard from the tussock grasslands of Central Otago, New Zealand, whose diet includes a variety of arthropods and fruit. We conducted a field experiment to examine the influence of prey distribution on foraging behavior and spacing patterns. On sites where prey distribution was unaltered (control sites), males and females differed in diet and foraging behavior. Most male feeding attempts were directed at large strong-flying insects, and males used a saltatory search pattern that involved relatively infrequent moves of long duration. Females spent more effort catching small weak-flying insects and visiting fruiting plants. Their search behavior involved frequent moves of short duration. The placement of meat-bait on experimental sites led to a redistribution of large flies without influencing other prey types. Experimental females switched foraging strategy by adopting a search pattern of relatively infrequent moves of long duration, increasing the frequency of attempts to capture large prey, and reducing the importance of fruit in their diet. The experimental manipulation appeared to influence space use. On control sites, both sexes had comparably sized home ranges. On experimental sites, male home ranges were significantly larger than female home ranges. Received: 3 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 13 December 1998  相似文献   

Operational sex ratio (the ratio of sexually active males to fertilizable females) has a major influence on male competition for mates and male–female interactions. The contributions of male and female density per se to mating system dynamics, however, are rarely examined, and the fitness consequences are often inferred rather than quantified. Male mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) compete aggressively and frequently harass females for copulations, a behavior thought to reduce female fitness. Female fitness can also be reduced by increases in female density, which may affect food availability, cannibalism rates, and chemical interactions between females. I manipulated male and female densities of G. affinis to measure their effects on male–male aggression, male harassment toward females, and female fitness. I found that males chased rivals more often and attempted fewer copulations when female density decreased, but surprisingly male density had no significant effect on the frequency of these male behaviors. In contrast, males’ agonistic displays toward other males increased with male density, but display behavior was unaffected by female density. These results suggest that male and female density do not always contribute equally or at all to the patterns of behavior we observe. Female fitness declined as female density increased, the opposite pattern expected if male harassment is costly to females. This suggests that a strong, negative effect of female density overwhelmed any potential costs of male harassment. Sources of female density dependence and the consequences of changes in male and female density to patterns of male behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological factors differently affect male and female animals and thereby importantly influence their life history and reproductive strategies. Caviomorph rodents are found in a wide range of habitats in South America and different social and mating systems have evolved in closely related species. This permits to study the impact of ecological factors on social evolution. In this study, we investigated the social organization and the mating system of the wild cavy (Cavia aperea), the ancestor of the domestic guinea pig, in its natural habitat in Uruguay. Based on our laboratory investigations, we expected a polygynous system with large males controlling access to females. Results from radiotelemetry and direct observations showed that females occupied small stable home ranges which were largely overlapped by that of one large male, resulting in a social organization of small harems. In some cases, small satellite males were associated with harems and intermediate-sized roaming males were occasionally observed on the study site. However, microsatellite analyses revealed that offspring were exclusively sired by large males of the same or neighboring harems, with a moderate degree of multiple paternity (13–27%). Thus, the mating system of C. aperea can be described as polygynous and contrasts with the promiscuous organization described for other species of cavies (Cavia magna, Galea musteloides and Microcavia australis) living under different ecological conditions. Our findings stress the strong impact of environmental factors on social evolution in Caviomorphs as resource distribution determines female space use and, thereby, the ability of males to monopolize females. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Space use by individual Townsend's voles, Microtus townsendii, was investigated in spring and summer by means of radiotelemetry and intensive live trapping in undisturbed grasslands near Vancouver, British Columbia. Home ranges of males were larger than those of females; females had significantly larger ranges in spring than in summer. Most males and females maintained territories free of individuals of the same sex in spring. Male-female pairs had their exclusive territories closely overlapping each other. The 1:1 operational sex ratio and the spatial association of pairs of males and females suggest that the voles were monogamous in the spring of 1988 and that 50% of the males were monogamous in the spring of 1989. In summer, there was more intrasexual overlap between home ranges of males and females and female ranges were considerably smaller than those of males. Females were more philopatric than males and females thought to be members of the same family group lived adjacent to each other or had overlapping home ranges. Males overlapped with more than one female in summer, but most females still overlapped with only one male, which suggests that the mating system is polygynous in summer. Thirty-five percent of the philopatric females became pregnant for the first time when the male spatially associated with their mother in the spring was still alive and thus could potentially have mated with their fathers. Male and female territoriality in spring is the proximate mechanism for the limitation of breeding density by spacing behaviour.[/p] Offprint requests to: C.J. Krebs  相似文献   

Mating systems and sexual selection are assumed to be affected by the distribution of critical resources. We use observations of 312 mating aggregations to compare mate-searching success of male northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) in two marshes in which differences in mating substrate availability resulted in more than fourfold differences in female dispersion. Reproductive males had significantly larger home ranges where females were dispersed than where females were clumped. The number of females encountered by males increased significantly with male home range size where females were dispersed, and decreased significantly where females were clumped. Where females were clumped, males were more likely to encounter other males when they located females. We found no evidence in either population that mate searching was energetically expensive or that males with relatively more energy had larger home ranges. However, males with greater fat reserves at the start of the season participated in more mating aggregations when females were dispersed, suggesting that fat reserves could affect a male’s willingness to attempt mating or to persist in aggregations. When females were dispersed there was weak stabilizing selection acting to maintain male body size (β=–0.14), but strong directional selection favoring larger (β=0.50) and fatter (β=0.37) males. Over 7 years, the intensity of selection favoring larger males varied substantially (β=0.14–1.15), but that variation was not related to variation in the operational sex ratio. We found no evidence of directional selection on either body size (β=0.05) or fat reserves (β=0.10) of males when females were spatially clumped. Overall, the distribution of females had a pronounced effect on male behavior, on the factors that affected male success in locating females, and probably on the extent of sperm competition once females had been located. Received: 23 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 9 August 1999 / Accepted: 18 August 1999  相似文献   

The study of intraspecific variation can provide insights into the evolution and maintenance of behavior. To evaluate the relative importance of ecological, demographic and social conditions thought to favor lekking, I studied variation in mating behavior among and within populations of the blackbuck, Antilope cervicapra, an Indian antelope. Rather than viewing lekking as a discrete mating strategy, I took a continuous approach and treated lekking as a question of the clustering of mating territories, with leks representing one extreme in a range of territory distributions. I surveyed nine blackbuck populations, which differed in population density and in habitat conditions. For each population, I described the mating system in terms of the clustering of mating territories, and measured various factors suggested to favor lekking. I found that large-scale, among-population variation in territory clustering was most strongly related to female group size. Territory clustering was not related to population density. Female group size, in turn, was best explained by habitat structure. Interestingly, these among-population patterns were repeated at a finer spatial scale within one intensively studied population. These findings suggest that territorial males respond to local patterns in female distribution (represented by group size) when making decisions regarding territory location. Finally, although female distribution may explain territory clustering at the population level and more locally within a population, other selective factors (e.g., female preference, male competition, male harassment) are likely to shape the clustering and size of territories at even finer scales.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Summary Spring territories of 17 adult capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) cocks were 10–79 ha in extent; they varied inversely in size with the relative proportion of mature forest within them. The number of resident cocks at leks increased with the amount of mature forest within a 1 km radius of each lek center. Leks in two areas (n=46) were regularly spaced with mean distances to nearest neighbors of 1.98 and 2.07 km, corresponding to the territorial space occupied by adult cocks of adjoining leks. In one area with intensive logging, interlek distance increased with decreasing amounts of mature forest between them. Spring home ranges of 18 adult females averaged 51.3 ha±8.2 SE. The spatial relationships did not fit recent models of interlek spacing based on female spacing behavior. Instead, the results suggested that spacing of leks may be related to the territorial requirements of males.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory predicts that the distribution of fertile females in space and time is the major determinant of male spacing behavior and mating strategies. Using a small nocturnal Malagasy primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), we determined the spatiotemporal distribution of estrous females during the brief annual mating season to examine the predictive power of the socioecological model for male mating strategies. Mouse lemurs are particularly interesting in this respect because this polygynous species is characterized by seasonal reproduction, seasonally reversed sexual dimorphism, and relatively large testes. All resident animals in our 8-ha study area, a total of 30 adult males and 27 adult females, were individually marked and regularly recaptured to determine female reproductive status and to obtain home range data. We found that the mating season is limited to 4 weeks following female emergence from hibernation. Only 3-9 females could have synchronized estruses during a given week, indicating a moderately high male monopolization potential. However, receptive females were not spatially clumped and male ranges overlapped with those of many other rivals. Therefore, we suggest that individual powerful males may be unable to defend exclusive permanent access to receptive females because of prohibitive costs of range defense resulting from the strongly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding intruder pressure. Our general conclusions are (1) that the socioecological model provides a useful heuristic framework for the study of mating systems, but that (2) it does not specify the degree of spatiotemporal clumping of receptive females at which male mating strategies switch among mate guarding, spatial exclusion of rivals, and roaming, and that (3) the operational sex ratio can have profound effects on male mating strategies as well.  相似文献   

Many species possess multiple sexually dimorphic traits, which incorporate different sensory modalities (e.g., acoustic, olfactory and visual), although their relative roles in sexual selection and in determining reproductive success are still poorly understood for most taxa. We assessed the role of multiple male traits, including one acoustic (dominant call frequency) and one visual (yellow throat patch) trait, in residency advertisement, contest behavior, and breeding success in barking geckos (Ptenopus garrulus garrulus). We show that male barking geckos maintain largely exclusive home ranges, with a trend for larger males to maintain larger home ranges. We also show that larger males have a lower dominant calling frequency. When aggressive behavior was elicited in the field using a recorded call of average frequency, resident males with low frequency calls were more likely to respond aggressively and charge the speaker compared to males with high frequency calls. However, body size and small relative throat patch size, rather than call frequency, were the best predictors of overall aggressiveness. Body size was also the best predictor of whether males bred. We suggest that call frequency in this crepuscular species constitutes an effective long-range signal of body size, used by males for remote rival assessment and to advertise home range boundaries in low-light environments.  相似文献   

Solitary species show several patterns of space use and relatedness. Individuals may associate randomly or may live near female or male kin, often as a result of natal philopatry or dispersal patterns. Although usually described as solitary or asocial, woodchucks (Marmota monax) are behaviorally flexible marmots that exhibit greater sociality in some populations than others. I examined relationships between kinship, geographic distance, and home range overlap, as well as dispersal and philopatry, to determine the extent to which kin associated spatially. I used a combination of microsatellite DNA analysis, long-term behavioral observations, and radiotelemetry to test predictions that females, but not males, would associate with kin. Indeed, woodchucks lived closer and shared a greater proportion of their home range with more closely related animals. Overlap of females' and males' home ranges was positively correlated with kinship, and male–female dyads shared more area with closer kin. Most juveniles delayed dispersal beyond their first summer. Females often remained philopatric and settled near their natal range. Although males often dispersed as yearlings, some males also established territories within or immediately adjacent to their natal home ranges. A combination of factors can explain these spatial patterns, including high population density associated with the study site's location within a suburban environment, high dispersal costs, and abundant food. Thus, despite their asocial and solitary reputation, woodchucks displayed spatial patterns seen in other, more social species of ground-dwelling sciurids.  相似文献   

Summary The Formosan squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus thaiwanensis was often observed mobbing the snake Elaphe climacophora. A total of 36 natural and 21 experimentally induced mobbings were observed and analyzed. The number of attending squirrels per mobbing event varied from one to seven, and 84% of observed mobbings were performed by more than one individual. The duration of a mobbing bout increased directly with the number of assembled mobbers. In 68% of cases, one adult female was one of the mobbers; there was never more than one female per mob. The number of assembled males per mob varied from 0 to 5; 40% of the mobbings involved two or more males. This difference is correlated to a difference in spacing patterns of both sexes; female home ranges were distributed exclusively, whereas male home ranges overlapped each other. Females mated with multiple males whose home ranges overlapped theirs. Female's reproductive status (conception, lactation, and weaning) affected their intensity of response to the playback of mobbing calls, females in pup-rearing period being the most sensitive. One function of the mobbing appears to be defense of the young against snake predation. Females mobbed more intensively and longer than males. Males that had resided at the study site for at least 1 year tended to mob more frequently than intruders.  相似文献   

Competition among males to mate is generally associated with male-biased size dimorphism. In this study we examine mating behavior in the northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon), a species in which males are much smaller than females despite substantial competition among males to mate. Competition among males was a consequence of a male-biased operational sex ratio due to slightly higher female mortality from a birth sex ratio of 1 : 1, and, in 1 year, more synchronous and longer mating activity by males. Approximately one-third of both males and females appeared not to mate in a given year. Larger males were generally more likely to attempt mating, but size did not explain the variance in the number of aggregations in which individual males participated. Within aggregations, males that were successful at achieving intromission were larger than unsuccessful males in 1 of 2 years. Variation in condition (mass relative to length) and relative tail length were not generally useful predictors of either mating effort or success in males. Because large size was often advantageous to males, sexual size dimorphism appeared not to be a consequence of sexual selection favoring smaller males. Because sexual dimorphism was evident at birth, and both males and females matured sexually at about 4 years, sexual dimorphism was not simply a consequence of one sex growing at the maximum rate for longer. Female fecundity increased with size, and sex differences in size-fecundity relations may underly the pattern of sexual size dimorphism. However, because multiple mating by females is common, sperm competition is likely to be important in determining male reproductive success. Therefore, allocation of energy to sperm rather than growth may also prove to be an important influence on male growth rates and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Summary Responses of mated individuals to playbacks of the songs of solitary females and males permit evaluating the behavioral mechanisms maintaining monogamy in gibbons. When female songs are played back from the centers of their ranges, mated female gibbons typically initiate duets and group approaches toward playback sites. Female songs played back from range boundary locations elicit duetting responses. Responses to solitary female songs do not differ from responses to song duets used by established mated pairs to mediate patterns of intergroup spacing. Mated males lead silent group approaches toward the sites of male song playbacks. These results suggest that range defense by female gibbons forces males into accepting monogamous mating relationships and that monogamy in gibbons is regulated by intersexually-supported, intrasexual aggression.  相似文献   

In hypercarnivorous species, females have large spatial requirements to meet their nutritional needs, and food competition among females is intense. As a result, females are typically solitary and territorial, and solitary males compete for access to dispersed females. Yet, largely anecdotal reports indicate that facultative male sociality may be more common in solitary carnivores than previously thought. We studied spatial interactions among fossas (Cryptoprocta ferox), Madagascar's largest carnivore, using simultaneous GPS tracking of 13 adult individuals to determine patterns of sex-specific spatial distribution and sociality. Male home ranges were larger than those of females, male home ranges overlapped more with those of other males than those of females with other females. Whereas some males were solitary, a subset of adult males was found to have very high home range overlap, high rates of co-location within <50 m, low minimum inter-individual distances, and significantly positive “dynamic interaction”. These associated dyads sometimes, but not always, were close relatives. The fact that solitary and associated males coexist in this population raises interesting questions concerning constraints and flexibility of social tolerance. This study yielded preliminary indications that female distribution appears to be primarily structured by resource competition, whereas male sociality seems to depend on demographic chance events, yet unknown proximate determinants of social tolerance, and it is associated with somatic and reproductive advantages. Male associations among carnivores are therefore more widespread and appear to be based on a wider range of factors than previously thought.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of brood size and female nesting status on male parental behavior was investigated in red-winged blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus using brood size manipulation experiments. Male redwings allocated parental effort on the basis of brood size and nestling age. Males began assisting females only at nests with at least three offspring older than three days. Female nesting status had no singificant influence on male parental care. When females were unable to meet a brood's demand for food, males assisted females with nestling feeding. Females did not reduce the amount of food delivered to nestlings when males assisted. The amount of food brought to nestlings by the male was additional to the amount of food provided by the female. Male assistance increased fledgling success. When female provisioning was sufficient to meet a brood's demand for food males did not assist. The value of male parental care varied inversely with the ability of the female to meet nestling food demands. The ability of unassisted females to provide sufficient food and to raise a brood of nestlings successfully appeared to be influenced by resource abundance.  相似文献   

Male costs and benefits associated with male display size in field populations of an Australian lekking Drosophila species were examined. Results suggested that male mating success increased with display size, since matings appeared to be more common in large displays, and since the probability of males encountering a female increased as displays contained more males. Female encounter probabilities did not increase once about 20 males or more were present on a display. Male size and fighting costs tended to increase with display size. The distribution of males among displays did not follow the ideal free distribution in the sense that each male did not have equal mating opportunity per unit time. Deviation from an ideal free distribution may have been due to female preference for mating in aggregations rather than with solitary males, since in a field experiment females were more willing for mating in an aggregation of five males than with solitary males. Received: 22 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 1 November 1997  相似文献   

Mate choice by females has been documented in a variety of taxa. Female mate choice in species lacking male resource control or paternal care might occur if preferred males provide protection from harassment. Female mate choice was investigated in a natural population of the non-territorial lizard Ameiva plei (Teiidae). Consort pairs were allowed to form naturally. Consort males were significantly larger than non-consort males. After removal of consort males, the “abandoned” female's reaction to the first male who approached her was recorded. Females rejected all small males. Female preference for large males was significantly higher than preference for small males. Large males may be better equipped to guard the females from harassment and behavior of large males is less harassing than behavior of small males, thereby affording the female increased foraging time. Received: 21 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 28 December 1996  相似文献   

Social organization of woodchucks (Marmota monax)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The social organization of woodchucks (Marmota monax) in southeast Ohio was studied at two sites, at one for two 2 years (1979–1980) and the other for 3 years (1981–1983). Spatial organization was determined by trapping and radio tracking. The home ranges of adult females did not overlap in the early spring but during late spring and summer there was some overlap (<10%) as females expanded their home ranges. Adult females tended to occupy the same home range in consecutive years. Some adult males occupied well-defined home ranges that did not overlap the home ranges of other males but did overlap extensively the home range of one to three adult females. These males tended to occupy the same home range in consecutive years. Infants used the same home range of their dam until about 2–3 months of age when most males and females apparently dispersed. About 35% of the juvenile females did not disperse until their second spring, just before their mother's new litter first emerged from their burrow. The average social group consisted of an adult male with two female kin groups comprising an adult female, an offspring (usually female) of the previous year, and the young of the year. Interactions within the kin group and with the adult male were relatively frequent and generally amicable. Interactions between kin groups both within and between different social groups were relatively rare and agonistic. The social organization of woodchucks in Ohio differs from that described in previous studies of woodchucks elsewhere and from that predicted by current models proposed by others on the evolution of social organization of marmots.  相似文献   

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