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Geochemical analysis and visual inspection of cores collected from capped dredged material mounds revealed that in many cores, cap material was clearly distinguishable, both visually and chemically, from mound material. Contaminated dredged sediments were disposed in Long Island Sound eleven and seven years prior to sampling, and capped with uncontaminated dredged sediments. Core data provided no conclusive evidence of physical disturbance of, or chemical migration from, the contaminated mound sediments. Obvious chemical gradients of contaminant concentrations, which we propose are indicators of chemical migration, were not detected in the cores. Heterogeneity of the cap and mound sediments in some cores made the interface less distinct. We postulate that the preservation of spatial variability of sediment texture and associated contaminants observed within dredged material mounds is a result of the dredging process. Preservation of the textural and contaminant history of dredged sediments within finegrained cohesive cap materials provides evidence of the absence of physical or chemical disturbance.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis and visual inspection of cores collected from capped dredged material mounds revealed that in many cores, cap material was clearly distinguishable, both visually and chemically, from mound material. Contaminated dredged sediments were disposed in Long Island Sound eleven and seven years prior to sampling, and capped with uncontaminated dredged sediments. Core data provided no conclusive evidence of physical disturbance of, or chemical migration from, the contaminated mound sediments. Obvious chemical gradients of contaminant concentrations, which we propose are indicators of chemical migration, were not detected in the cores. Heterogeneity of the cap and mound sediments in some cores made the interface less distinct. We postulate that the preservation of spatial variability of sediment texture and associated contaminants observed within dredged material mounds is a result of the dredging process. Preservation of the textural and contaminant history of dredged sediments within finegrained cohesive cap materials provides evidence of the absence of physical or chemical disturbance.  相似文献   

The distribution and structure of nematode populations in 4 sedimentary environments (muds, muddy sands, fine sands and medium-coarse sands) in Long Island Sound were studied. Mean population densities were highest in muds and muddy sands. Cluster analysis suggested the presence of two basic faunistic units; a mud unit characterized by high species dominance, low species diversity and low species endemism, and a sand unit characterized by low species dominance, high species diversity and high species endemism. Species diversity in all habitats was a direct function of both species richness and equitability. Limited niche separation among deposit feeders, usually the dominant nematode trophic type in muddy sediments, is proposed as the cause for the high species dominance so often characteristic of shallow marine muds. The study afforded the opportunity to examine the quantitative and qualitative aspects of population structure in relation to environmental impact (as indicated by large differences in the heavy metal and organic carbon concentrations within each of the 4 sedimentary regimes). Within each sediment type no differences in population densities, species composition or species diversity of nematodes existed between heavily impacted and apparently non-impacted sediments, or between Long Island Sound and similar coastal regions. These findings cast doubt on (1) the use of heavy metal and organic carbon concentrations as indicators of environmental stress for marine nematodes; (2) the use of diversity indices alone as indicators of environmental deterioration; and (3) the usefulness of field monitoring studies alone for the assessment of pollution impact on marine nematodes.Contribution no. 100 from the Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, City College of New YorkCommunicated by M.R. Tripp, Newark  相似文献   

Relative rates of the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in the upper 10 cm of sediment from two stations in central Long Island Sound, USA, were compared. Sediment samples from discrete depth intervas were incubated anoxically and changes in SO 4 = , NH 4 + , bacterial numbers, extractable adenosine triphosphate (ATP), organic matter, and organic carbon were measured as a function of time and temperature. At both stations (15 and 34 m water-depths, respectively), the calculated rates of SO 4 = reduction and NH 4 + production decreased exponentially (approximately) with depth below the sediment-water interface. Over the same depth interval, ATP concentrations dropped by a factor of 6 to 7 and bacterial numbers were lower by a factor of 2 to 3. These decreases in SO 4 = reduction, NH 4 + production, bacterial numbers, and ATP, reflect a change in the physiological state of microbial populations with depth in the sediment and are consistent with the conclusions that the quantity of easily utilizable organic matter changes rapidly below the sediment surface and that food limitation controls the basic depth distribution of microbial activity. The average rates of SO 4 = reduction, 29 to 39 mM year-1 (22°C), in the top 10 cm are similar at both stations studied here, as well as at an additional station from a previous study. In contrast, average NH 4 + production differs by a factor of 2 at the two stations, reflecting differences in the C:N ratio of the organic matter supplied to the sediment surface and differences in particle reworking by macrofauna at each site. The apparent activation energy of SO 4 = reduction was 19±1 kcal mole-1 and that of NH 4 + production, 18±3 kcal mole-1. The overall quantity of carbon required to support the calculated average SO 4 = reduction rate in the top 10 cm is 23 g C m-2 year-1 and represents 36% of all the carbon available to the benthos annually and 11% of the net primary production in the water column. Directly measured fluxes of NH 4 + from sediments to overlying water at both stations agree well with those predicted from production rates obtained by the incubation techniques.  相似文献   

D. J. Innes 《Marine Biology》1987,95(3):459-467
Heterotrophic bacterial uptake and turnover of glycolate were measured in the water column of the New York Bight apex during four seasonal cruises over almost a one-year period between May 1977 and March 1978. Glycolate turnover was most rapid in May and July, when primary productivity and estuarine runoff were high. Extremely rapid glycolate turnover times (<1 h) were detected at some stations during these months. Increased bacterial glycolate tunover did not accompany increased primary productivity in March, when water temperatures were lowest. Glycolate flux calculations indicate that the measured rates of glycolate consumption by bacteria always exceeded estimated glycolate production by phytoplankton, except in March. This excess may reflect an underestimation of phytoplankton production or the input of glycolate from other sources, such as estuarine runoff. Glycolate utilization appears to be seasonally important to bacteria in the New York Bight apex, coinciding with fluctuations in phytoplankton primary productivity.  相似文献   

The exchanges of phosphorus between the Flax Pond, a tidal Spartina alterniflora marsh on the north shore of Long Island (USA) and Long Island Sound were measured over 18 months. Phosphate was exported from the marsh from May through December and imported during the remainder of the year. Organic phosphorus appears to be accumulated in all seasons, but the yearly phosphorus budget of the marsh is approximately balanced despite the accumulation of about 6 mm of sediment annually.  相似文献   

U. Lie 《Marine Biology》1974,26(3):203-223
Benthic infauna was collected with a 0.2 m2 van Veen grab at 48 stations in Puget Sound, Washington, USA during February–March 1969. All the crustaceans, lamellibranchs, and echinoderms were identified and counted. Particle size distributions and nitrogen contents of the sediments, depths, and temperature and salinity of the bottom water were determined at all stations. The first three factors of a factor analysis applied to between-stations measures of affinity, explained 41.26% of the total variance. The first factor had representative stations on shallow-water mud bottoms, the second factor on bottoms dominated by coarse sediments, and the third factor had representative stations on deep-water mud bottoms. The multiple correlation coefficients for each of the three factors with depth and mean particle size of the sediments were 0.752, 0.897, and 0.706, respectively. The factor analysis did not result in clusters of stations that could be interpreted as discrete benthic communities. The number of species per 0.6 m2 ranged from 8 to 55 species, with a mean of 26.4 species. The frequency distribution of specimens among the species was in good agreement with a log-normal distribution. The number of specimens per 0.6 m2 ranged from 57 to 1733 specimens, with a mean of 584.0 specimens. The species diversity ranged from 0.34 bits/individual to 4.35 bits/individual, and there was a weak trend of increasing diversity towards coarser sediments. The first three factors applied to the matrix of between-species correlation coefficients explained 43.72% of the total variance. With each factor there was one group of species with high positive loadings and one group with high negative loadings. Each group of species could be identified with particular environments. The standing crop, measured as ash-free dry weight, ranged from 0.490 to 54.093 g/m2, with a mean of 13.752 g/m2. Only about 24% of the variability in standing crop could be attributed to variability in sediment types, nitrogen content in the sediments, salinity of the bottom water, and depth.  相似文献   

Abstract: Selective extinction following isolation of habitat patches may be due to biogeographical (e.g., island size or isolation) and ecological (species natural histories, interspecifc interactions) factors, or their interactions. Among the demographic and life history attributes commonly associated with high extinction probability are small populations, large size of individuals, and population variability. Long-term capture-recapture data from forest habitat in central Panama permit an examination of the association between mainland survival rates and extinction on a nearby land-bridge island Species of birds that no longer occur on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, have, on average, lower survival rates on the adjacent mainland than species that have persisted on BCI. Moreover, of the species that no longer occur on BCI, those with lower mainland survival rates generally disappeared earlier from the island. My analysis provides little evidence of a relationship between extinction and population size. Recolonization of BCI from the adjacent mainland by the forest undergrowth species studied here is unlikely. Reduced reproductive success on BCI combined with naturally low adult survival rates seems to be responsible for these BCI extinctions. High nest predation and/or altered landscape dynamics are probable agents in the low reproductive success. The methods used here could be employed in other circumstances to identify fragmentation-sensitive species.  相似文献   

A dense dinoflagellate bloom of Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt in a shallow temperate zone estuary was monitored during the summers of 1982 and 1983. The bloom was typically extremely localized, its densest part exceeding 1000g chlorophyll a liter-1 (2x104 cells ml-1). The bloom began at temperatures between 24.5° and 27°C, existed at as high as 30°C and terminated when water temperature dropped to between 19° and 22°C. The highest specific growth rate measured was 0.90d-1 (1.3 divisions d-1) and near the termination of the bloom decreased to 0.28d-1 (0.4 divisions d-1). A diel vertical migration of the bloom was observed. A box model analysis, based on division rates, vertical migration and water circulation patterns, indicated that the bloom must move downward at the estuary mouth to maintain itself in the estuary, either by means of a convergence system or by downward swimming. High growth rate, low grazing pressure, and a stratified water column are proposed to stimulate bloom formation. Decreasing growth rate appeared to reduce the intensity of the bloom and finally allowed its disappearance by estuarine flushing and mixing.Communicated by J. M. Shick, Orono  相似文献   

U. Lie  R. A. Evans 《Marine Biology》1973,21(2):122-126
Data on benthic infauna from 4 permanent stations in Puget Sound off Seattle, USA, collected during 1963–1964, 1967, and 1969, revealed considerable stability in numbers of species and specimens and in diversity within stations among sampling dates. The species composition of the faunal assemblages also remained rather constant during the period of investigation, but the relative dominance among the numerically important species varied somewhat. Biomass data did not differ significantly in 1964 and 1969, but the 1967 data were considerably lower at all stations.  相似文献   

Many abandoned strip-mine sites in midwestern USA are highly acidic and require a separate layer of low-acidity cover materials for successful revegetation. Economics and logistics often constrain this reclamation to a very thin cover. Twenty-two species of shrubs and trees were tested for 6 years of survival and growth on a thin wedge of silt loess (up to 0.75m thick) emplaced over highly acid spoils, in south-central Iowa. No weed control or maintenance was provided. The performance of 21 of the species could be categorized into 3 groups: Group 1-consistent survival (10 species); Group 2-irregular survival and growth (6 species); Group 3-little suitability for survival (5 species). Mouldy nursery stock precluded evaluation of 1 species. For most species, the most favourable survival and growth was not on the thickest loess cover (0.75 meters) because weeds became too well established. In general, the shrubs survived severe weed competition in dwarfed form until they could break through the weed canopy. But the tree species had to penetrate the weed canopy within their first few years of growth or perish. There is evidence that if weed competition were reduced or eliminated, the species in Group 2 would probably have survival and growth equivalent to those in Group 1. The use of “tubelings” for establishing shrubs and trees on thincover reclamation sites is suggested.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and phytoplankton communities were observed and recorded at Fire Island Inlet from 1971–1974. Species typical of a temperate, neritic environment were found. Sampling by net and bottle at several stations in the area revealed two populations, one representative of the bay water and the other representative of the ocean water. It was further found, by comparing frequency of occurrence relative abundance, rank order and indicator species, that these two populations could be monitored at one sampling station (Oak Beach) by sampling at the appropriate tidal intervals, i.e., midtide after slack current, on both the ebb and flow tides. Observations from one site of plankton communities representative of bay water and of ocean water, as they move into and out of the Inlet, could be of significance in monitoring the effects of proposed man-made changes in the environment. It is possible that other coastal areas could benefit by such a combined approach.Based on a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, New York University, New York, N.Y.  相似文献   

Nine intertidal stations within the Port of Long Beach, California, USA, were sampled during September and October 1975 using the random point method and the scraping technique. A total of 96,168 individuals belonging to 55 taxa were recorded in the quantitative survey; qualitative scrapings included 136 taxa. The protected outer coast intertidal assemblages were found at all but three stations along the shoreline. The shoreline, being situated in between the more environmentally stressed inner harbor and the less stressed open ocean, supported assemblages characterized by an instability in species composition. The upper midlittoral zone was typically dominated by Chthamalus dalli, C. fissus and Balanus glandula. The lower midlittoral was colonized either by Anthopleura elegantissima-Prionotis lanceolata facies along the outer breakwater or by A. elegantissima-Tetraclita squamosa rubescens facies along the inner breakwater. The mussel bed, which is the characteristic assemblage of the Californian lower midlittoral zone was obscured by the competitors P. lanceolata, T. squamosa rubescens and A. elegantissima, and was thinned out by predators, of which Pisaster ochraceus was the most voracious. Suspension feeders were dominant in the upper midlittoral and producers and grazers in the lower midlittoral. Predators were few in number and restricted to levels below mean lower low water. There was a gradual increase in numbers of intertidal species and individual abundance from level +5 ft (1.5 m) to level +1 ft (0.3 m) and from shoreline to outer breakwater. This may be attributable to the decrease in environmental stresses in the lower water levels and the improvement in water quality from the inner to outer harbor area.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton productivity of the tidal estuaries and coastal waters of southern Nassau Country, Long Island, New York, USA was determined monthly at 28 stations during 1966. Diatoms alternated with dinoflagellates in dominating the standing crop in the coastal area. The estuaries were characterized by sustained blooms of green flagellates and dinoflagellates during the spring/summer period, 1966. Chlorophyll a ranged from 1.0 to 27.6 mg/m3 in the estuarine area, and 1.45 to 10.15 mg/m3 in adjacent coastal waters. Rate of phytosynthesis per unit weight chlorophyll a for surface samples in the region under study a veraged from 3.1 to 3.5 mgC/mg chlorophyll a/h. At light saturation, however, the ratio varied according to water temperature and species' composition. Primary productivity decreased seawards, with mean values for 1966 of 0.35, 0.22, and 0.16 gC/m3/d for the estuarine, nearshore and offshore areas, respectively.This study was carried out at the Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University Palisades; New York, USA.The study was conducted with financial assistance from Nassau County, New York, and the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation.  相似文献   

During the summers of 1966 and 1967, 12 field trips were made to stations in North Sea Harbor, Southampton, Long Island (USA). From representative locations, 228 small samples of larger algae and their epiphytes (0.2 g dry weight) were taken aseptically. Enteromorpha intestinalis, the most widely distributed aquatic plant, was the most frequently collected. The large standing crop of Zostera marina and Zanichellia palustris was also sampled. Foraminifera were most abundant in epiphytic communities of Enteromorpha in early summer and later spread to Zostera, Zanichellia, Ulva, Polysiphonia, and Ceramium. Foraminifera were rarely found in epiphytic communities of Fucus or Codium. By summers' end Enteromorpha rarely had a standing crop of foraminifera. One of the most abundant foraminiferan species, Protelphidium tisburyensis, was found most frequently on Enteromorpha; Quinqueloculina spp occurring on Enteromorpha, less frequently. Ammonia beccarri and Elphidium spp were abundant in the environment, and showed little substrate preference. Patches of decaying Enteromorpha had the greatest standing crop of foraminifera and low species diversity index (0.581). Young green patches had a much higher species diversity index (0.94). Indices for Zostera, Zanichellia, Polysiphonia, Fucus, Ulva and Codium were, respectively, 0.82, 0.99, 0.86, 0.70, 0.77, and 0.196. No correlation was found between epiphytic community weight and total number of foraminifera recovered. The standing crop of epiphytes/g substrate dry weight was lower at some field stations; possibly explained by stronger current. Of the total samples, 50.4% were positive, with an average of 18 foraminifera/sample, or 40 foraminifera/g substrate plant and epiphytes. Twenty six samples were classified as bloom with 50 or more forams (57 to 425)/sample. Species diversity indices for these blooms ranged from 0.38 to 1.12. Ammonia beccarii was the dominant form in 18 blooms, Allogromia laticollaris and Protelphidium tisburyensis in 3; Elphidium incertum, Quinqueloculina seminulum and Trochammina inflata in 1 each.Supported by US AEC Contracts AT (30-1) 3396 and AT (30-1) 3995. Ref. numbers NYO 3396-17 and NYO 3995-2.Much of this study was carried out in the Living Foraminifera Laboratory, Department of Micropaleontology of the American Museum of Natural History.  相似文献   

The nitrogenous nutrition of the phytoplankton in Vineyeard Sound, Massachusetts, USA was investigated over a 15-month period. Highest rates of ammonium uptake were observed immediately prior to, or during, the diatom bloom periods, and with one exception were found in the <10 m size class. The saturating rate of ammonium uptake correlated well with temperature and gave Q10 values of 2.6–3.2; correlations with ambient solar irradiation were not nearly so clear. Uptake rates of ammonium exceeded those of nitrate except during the winter bloom of the diatom Rhizosolenia delicatula; yet calculation of the f ratio revealed that nitrate was relatively important in the nitrogenous nutrition of the phytoplankton throughout the year.Contribution no. 5096 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  相似文献   

精选自Marguerite Pelletier, Kay Ho, Mark Cantwell, Monique Perron, Kenneth Rocha, Robert M. Burgess, Roxanne Johnson, Kenneth Perez, John Cardin, Michael A. Charpentier. Diagnosis of potential stressors adversely affecting benthic invertebrate communities in Greenwich Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 2, pages 449–462, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3562

The response of the eastern oyster C. virginica to the presence of the oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea was examined from July to September 2011. Several aspects of oyster growth were measured, including wet weight, shell weight, and dorsal shell area for oysters collected near Groton, Connecticut (41.32036 N, −72.06330 W). Wet weight and shell weight growth were significantly higher in the presence of the predator U. cinerea, while tissue weight showed no difference from the control. The control group showed more shell area growth and a much lower ratio of shell weight growth to shell area growth. Differences in shell weight to area ratio indicated that C. virginica dramatically shifted from lateral shell growth to shell thickening in the presence of U. cinerea. This inducible defense has not been previously shown for C. virginica and could play an important role in the predator–prey interaction between these two species.  相似文献   

S. M. Louda 《Marine Biology》1979,51(2):119-131
Searlesia dira Reeve is a locally abundant, carnivorous gastropod that occurs from Alaska to central California. I studied populations of this snail at a variety of sites on San Juan Island in order to provide information on their distribution and abundance and to analyze their community role, i.e., their potential impact on their prey populations and their dietary overlap with co-occurring invertebrate predators. I established permanent transects, both random and in crevices, at three areas of differing exposure to wave action. On these transects I recorded the number and size ofS. dira, activity, distance to nearest neighbor, other organisms present, and tidal height on four phases of the mixed semi-diurnal tidal cycle. The results are (1) an increase in density with increase in substrate relief, (2) an occurrence of highest densities in moderately exposed and exposed sites rather than in protected ones, (3) an increase in mean size with increase in depth along the intertidal gradient, (4) an increase in both total activity and feeding success on the high water immediately following an extreme minus low tide occurring during the daytime in the summer, (5) a relative restriction of feeding success to that high tide, and (6) a similarity of the diet to the relative abundance of the main observed prey for most areas. The main exceptions are chitons and one lower intertidal limpet, all of which are taken in excess of their apparent abundance and especially in the middle intertidal. The upward extension of some lower intertidal prey populations, such as chitons, may be limited by the increased susceptibility of individuals at the upper margin of the population to predators such asS. dira; susceptibility appears to be increased after periods with a higher probability of increased physiological stress, such as extreme low tides on summer days.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to determine the distribution and activity of the heterotrophic microplankton associated with particles from a Georgia salt marshestuarine ecosystem to the western edge of the Sargasso Sea. Heterotrophic activity was determined by the uptake of 14C-glucose. More than 80% of the activity was associated with detritus greater than 3 m in creek, river and coastal (within 4 km of shore) waters. In the Gulf Stream, approximately 80% of the heterotrophic activity was in the fraction less than 3 m. In the estuary, total heterotrophic activity fluctuated with the tides; the greatest activity occurred near low ebb tide at all locations. The lowest activity was measured at slack low and high tides. In creek water most of the heterotrophic activity was associated with particles between 14 and 180 m, whereas in coastal waters (less than 4 km from shore) most of the activity was in the fraction greater than 180 m.Contribution No. 331 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Georgia 31327, USA.  相似文献   

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