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Feeding in relation to temporal changes in the depth distribution of predator and prey is described for 9 species of mesopelagic decapods from an examination of 268 foreguts. Intensive nighttime feeding appears to be the rule in all species. The smaller decapods Sergestes (Sergestes) atlanticus, Sergestes (Sergestes) sargassi and Sergestes (Sergestes) pectinatus exploit the smaller prey, principally copepods and to a lesser extent ostracods. Larger decapod species Sergestes (Sergestes) henseni, Sergestes (Sergestes) curvatus, Sergestes (Sergia) grandis, Systellaspis debilis, and Acanthephyra purpurea mainly prey on macrozooplankton and micronekton, i.e., chaetognaths, euphausiids, decapods and fish, but copepods also occur in the foreguts. Gennadas valens is exceptional for the high incidence of foraminiferal remains, and a predator-prey relationship seems probable. All 9 decapod species have mixed diets, and pronounced feeding preferences are not evident. However, a high incidence of “secondary” feeding or “dietary contamination” has been deduced from the frequent occurrence of remains of the copepods Pleuromamma spp. and Oncaea spp. in the foreguts of the larger decapod species. Direct feeding cannot have occurred, since the depth distributions of these copepods and decapods are disjunct by day and night. It is concluded that the remains of Pleuromamma probably represent the food of the larger prey such as chaetognaths etc. which are eaten by the decapods. The presence of Oncaea is speculatively attributed to a possible ectoparasitic relationship with the larger prey items, but confirmatory evidence is required. These anomalies suggest that caution must be exercised in deducing predator-prey relationships simply from gut contents without consideration of distributional factors.  相似文献   

The burrows of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus (L.) and of the crab Goneplax rhomboides (L.) were studied in Loch Torridon, Scotland. Polyester resin casts of burrows in the sea were made by divers to reveal their subsurface form. Tunnels made by N. norvegicus were usually simple, with two or more openings on the mud surface, and penetrated to a depth of about 30 cm. G. rhomboides burrows did not descend more than about 15 cm beneath the surface, but were usually more complex than the lobster burrows and had several openings. The methods of burrow construction used by the two crustaceans are described from aquarium observations. Neither N. norvegicus nor G. rhomboides show obvious morphological adaptations for burrowing, and it is suggested that the fossorial habit was adopted very early by decapods. The burrows of N. norvegicus do not seem to have assumed any functions in addition to the original one of providing refuge from predators. There is not sufficient known of the biology of the crab to indicate whether the same is true in its case.  相似文献   

J. Paula 《Marine Biology》1989,100(3):309-312
Rhythms of larval release of the most abundant decapod crustaceans in the Mira Estuary, Portugal, were observed based on plankton samples made over consecutive ebbing tides during one lunar cycle in June 1986. Most species showed a semi-lunar rhythm of larval release, centered on crepuscular high tides around the quarter moons. The study suggests that the larval-releasing activity is connected to the hour of the high tide rather than to tidal amplitude.  相似文献   

V. Zupo  I. Buttino 《Marine Biology》2001,138(5):965-973
The main goal of the present research was to devise and test an experimental protocol to follow the morphological evolution of the internal anatomy, during the larval development of the shrimp Hippolyteinermis. Larvae born in the laboratory were reared under controlled conditions and sampled at 2-day intervals, from hatching to the adult stage. After fixation, selected individuals were treated with a fluorescent carbocyanine dye (DiI) and analysed by a confocal laser scanning microscope. Images, acquired along the z-axis, were three-dimensionally reconstructed through image analysis software, and the structure of internal organs was analysed for each zoeal stage. The first zoea of H.inermis was characterised by the presence of a large tetralobate digestive gland occupying most of the space in the thoracic chamber. During development, formation of the eyestalks was accompanied by a progressive differentiation of the medullae, whereas the heart moved in the caudal direction and the gonadic buds appeared in the cephalothorax. The main arteries and anterior part of the midgut were analysed, during their differentiation, from dorsal views of the zoeae, whereas the structure of the nervous system and the main ganglia along the pleon were described from ventral scans. Received: 17 March 2000 / Accepted: 25 November 2000  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the Gatun Lake fresh-water barrier to fish migration of the Panama Canal was examined, based on literature records and recent collections. Six species have migrated to the Pacific and three to the Atlantic Oceans. New records include: Hypleurochilus aequipinnis, Barbulifer ceuthoecus and Oostethus lineatus of Atlantic origin, and Gnathanodon, speciosus of Pacific origin. The majority of Atlantic migrants are known in the Pacific only from the Miraflores Third Lock, a unique ectogenic meromictic lake attached to the Pacific entrance of the canal. The hydrography and biota (including Atlantic algal and crustacean species previously unknown as canal migrants) of the lake are discussed. It is presumed that certain fish migrants transited the canal by associating with fouling material on the underside of ships. The euryhaline species, H. aequipinnis, Lupinoblennius dispar, Lophogobius cyprinoides and Omobranchus punctatus survived in freshwater (0.0‰S) for periods longer than réquired for ship transit of the canal (ca. 8h). The stenohaline migrant Gobiosoma nudum died after 2 h in freshwater, but survived more than 50 h at 2.5‰S. Plans to increase Panama Canal ship transits through the pumping of seawater into Gatún Lake might remove the biological barrier and allow the migration of euryhaline and stenohaline species. We find those plans unwise, and the potential consequences dangerous.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the determination of the internal osmotic pressure and turgor pressure of marine macroalgae, for use in the laboratory and on the shore. A volume-related parameter (either thallus fresh weight, or area) is measured before and after transfer of plant material to a range of hyperosmotic solutions. Plotting the final fresh weight/area as a percentage of the initial value gives a biphasic curve, with an initial component of negative slope due to the change in thallus volume in less extreme hyperosmotic solutions, where the non-rigid thallus contracts in response to decreasing cell turgor pressure. The second component has a shallower slope and represents plasmolysis in more extreme hyperosmotic solutions, i.e., where turgor pressure is reduced to zero and the protoplast shrinks away from the cell wall; the extraprotoplast space created by plasmolysis will be filled with the external solution and thus no further changes in weight occur. These two components intersect at the lowest osmotic pressure at which cell turgor is zero. By correcting for any effects of the cell wall on thallus volume, the relationship can be used to calculate internal osmotic pressure and hence turgor pressure, assuming that the remaining change in thallus volume of the initial component is due entirely to variation in the intraprotoplast volume (approximately equivalent to the intraprotoplast water content, determined by subtraction of the extraprotoplast water and dry weight from the thallus fresh weight). Using this procedure, the turgor pressures of Fucus spiralis L., Ectocarpus siliculosus, (Dillw.) Lyngb. and Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour. (from Fife Ness, Scotland, May–August 1987) in a seawater-based medium were 0.82, 0.58 and 1.34 Osmol kg–1, respectively. The turgor pressure of F. spiralis on the shore at Fife Ness (June 1987) was 0.74 Osmol kg–1.  相似文献   

Variations in embryo size and fatty acid (FA) dynamics during embryogenesis were evaluated in deep-sea pandalids and portunid swimming crabs from the Portuguese continental margin and Madeira Island slope and compared with previous data on neritic and deep-sea lobsters and shrimps (collected between February 2001 and March 2004). Inter-specific variations in embryo size seem to be dictated primarily by phylogeny rather than by differences in reproductive or early life history traits. FA reserves were significantly correlated with embryo size (P < 0.001). Principal component analysis revealed differences among three groups (1—neritic caridean shrimps, 2—deep-sea pandalids of the genus Plesionika, and lobsters, 3—portunid crabs and the deep-sea pandalid Chlorotocus crassicornis, Costa 1871). Group 1 was clearly separated by PC1 mainly due to the higher percentage of essential C18 (linoleic and linolenic acids) and C20 (namely eicosapentaenoic) polyunsaturated FA (specific markers of primary producers). PC2 separated Group 2 from Group 3 due to differences in the percentage of several saturated FA (including odd-numbered FA—bacterial markers) and C18 monounsaturated FA (namely 18:1n − 9, a general marker of carnivory). Therefore, these differences among groups seem to result from distinctions in diet and ecological niche. Intra-specific differences in FA composition between western and southern Plesionika martia martia (A. Milne-Edwards, 1883) populations may reflect higher water temperatures on the south sub-tropical coast. Lobster embryonic development was more demanding of lipid energy than that of the other decapod species, which may reflect an evolutionary trend in decapod taxa related to an increasing degree of lecithotrophy. However, a lower FA catabolism can be interpreted as an enhanced independence of the newly hatched larvae from external energy sources. Higher FA content at hatching and, as a consequence, a greater independence from the external environment should increase the chances of larval survival. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

During development of Xantho bidentatus, ten stages of the eggs have been recognised. In this period the colour of the egg changes from black to pale white at the X stage of development. Total carbohydrate, glycogen, soluble protein, insoluble protein, total lipid, ash and water content have been determined in all ten stages of developing eggs. The utilisation of these compounds at various stages of development is discussed. The habitat of the crabs and its significance during development is also discussed. A constant decrease in the organic material as well as the dry weight of the egg was noticed with increased stage of development. Along with this a steady increase in the water and ash content was also observed. Glycogen was reduced during early days of development, whereas lipid was reduced during the latter stages of development. Both soluble and insoluble proteins exhibit conspicuous variations depending upon the stage of development.  相似文献   

Mid-water, oceanic crustaceans were either fed food labelled with (14C) palmitic acid under controlled conditions, or injected directly with (14C) palmitic acid. Lipid classes and their constituent fatty acids and fatty alcohols were subsequently separated and assayed for radioactivity. Significant levels of radioactivity were present in the 16:01 alcohols and 18:1 acids of wax esters, and in the 16:0/16:1, 18:0/18:1, 20:5 and 22:6 acids of both triglycerides and phospholipids. It was concluded that these crustaceans were capable of biosynthesis of wax esters and higher polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Natural variation in the concentrations of haemocyanin ([Hc]) is examined for three decapod species collected from two different locations (Gullmarsfjord and Kattegat) off the west coast of Sweden (August to September 1998). Only one of the frequency distributions for [Hc] is normally distributed, and median values differ both between and within species. Differences in [Hc] cannot be attributed to sex, reproductive condition or moulting condition (over the limited range of moult stages examined) for any of the species. While body size did not scale with [Hc] for the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus or the swimming crab Liocarcinus depurator, it did for the spider crab Hyas araneus. To our knowledge this is the first time a negative relationship between body size and [Hc] has been reported for any crustacean. Thus the right-skewed frequency distribution of spider crab [Hc] could be accounted for by the right-skewed body size distribution recorded. The shape of the frequency distributions for [Hc] from the other two species could not be accounted for through differences in the factors examined here, although it is suggested that the amount of food consumed (or not) may be important. Received: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   

There is a general lack of knowledge as regards the effects of climate change on pollutant behavior. This is particularly true of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR). This region has major significance in terms of global pollutant emission and also displays a wide variety of environments. This review presents the authors’ opinions on possible implications of climate change for pollutant behavior in the APR. Although differing responses can be expected across the region, there are clear implications as regards the short- and long-term behavior of pollutants. Effects can be predicted through modeling, but further data are required for model calibration. Nevertheless, it can be predicted that climate change will affect processes including global distillation of persistent organic pollutants, airborne transport of heavy metals, half-life of readily degradable pollutants, and eutrophication in water bodies. Particulates are expected to play a central role in mediating the effects of climate change, and successful predictive models will need to be based on particulate-mediated transport and behavior. Climate change also has the potential to cause an increase in the intensity and frequency of harmful algal blooms in aquatic environments throughout the region, with significant implications for supply of both food and drinking water.  相似文献   

The pleopod ventilatory activity of the tube-dwelling amphipods Corophium volutator (Pallas) and C. arenarium Crawford is intermittent. Unlike the free-living amphipod Marinogammarus obtusatus (Dahl), which increases its rate of pleopod beating, the pleopod beat rate of both Corophium species is unaffected by low oxygen concentrations. However, the nature of the intermittent ventilation rhythm is altered so that, at low oxygen concentrations, the pleopods of Corophium beat almost continuously. It is suggested that the intermittent ventilation of Corophium can be interpreted as an adaptation to a tubicolous existence. The peracaridean Tanais chevreuxi Dollfus has 2 independent ventilatory systems, the maxilliped epipodites and the pleopods. The former, which respond to low oxygen concentrations, are thought to be the principal respiratory organs of T. chevreuxi, while the pleopods, which show no response to low oxygen tensions, are believed to be primarily concerned in filter feeding.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the environmental problems associated with the coal-mining industry on the Yorkshire coalfield. The main environmental problems are identified as being caused by:
  1. The need to dispose of large quantities of colliery waste or ‘spoil’, in an environmentally acceptable manner.
  2. Derelict and despoiled land, including the problems caused by the re-working of old tips for their coal content.
  3. Opencast coal mining.
  4. Subsidence.
  5. Transportation of coal and coal waste.
These problems are reviewed in the context of the role of coal in meeting the United Kingdom's energy needs and the framework of environmental control within which the coal-mining industry has to operate. Particular stress is laid on the fact that the Yorkshire coalfield, as with the majority of coalfields, is an old one with a legacy of inherited dereliction. Whilst modernisation of the mining industry is proceeding there have not been parallel developments put in hand to cope with the changing nature of the environmental problems resulting from the modernisation of the industry. Particular stress is placed on the need to dispose of the greatly increased quantities of spoil now being produced.  相似文献   

In various months of the years between 1960 and 1972, the R.R.S. “Discovery II” and R.R.S. “Discovery” carried out a number of echo-surveys in the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean between Latitudes 12° and 62°N, and from the European and African coasts to a longitude of approximately 29°W. The prime objective was to acquire data on sea-floor topography. In addition, numerous echo-traces of biological scattering present in midwater between depths of approximately 35 and 460 m were obtained. The traces were of variable quality, but were considered suitable for a preliminary evaluation of the scattering mainly as a basis for further investigation. The scattering recorded in daytime was broadly divisible into three types:
  1. Diffuse layers, which were probably due to dispersed single fish. These were not analysed further.
  2. Very small discrete echoes, mostly derived from single fish and very small shoals. These were mapped to show geographical regions of greater abundance.
  3. Larger discrete echoes, most of which were almost certainly given by fish shoals. These were analysed in detail and information obtained on depth distribution, shoal density, geographical distribution and relative abundance. Small and moderate-sized shoals were found to be very numerous in spring and summer in oceanic water to the West and North-west of the British Isles. Large numbers of shoals of various sizes were also observed at various time of the year in the Bay of Biscay and near certain parts of the European and African Continental Shelf, near certain seamounts, and near islands such as the Azores, Madeira, and the Cape Verde Islands. In general, shoals appeared to be relatively sparse in the more southerly temperate and subtropical regions of the open ocean. The depth distribution of shoals in open water varied greatly but, on average, the maximum daytime depth of those in the more southerly area of the survey was slightly greater than that of those in the more northerly area. Shoal size also varied, shoals to the north of Latitude 50°N were on average slightly smaller than those detected in southerly regins. Possible identification of the fish is discussed.

In 1979 it was noted that the production of deep-mined coal in the Federal Republic of Germany, including the Ruhr area, has risen once again. Since the beginning of the sixties the convenient source of both energy and raw material, oil, has been responsible for the falling levels of coal production in the Ruhr, to almost one half of peak production in 1956. Not much would have been needed to give up the entire troublesome and expensive process of deep coal mining in the Federal Republic in favour of the then cheap and bountiful oil. Only lignite managed to maintain a more or less steady annual production rate due to the direct conversion into electricity of a major part of its production at the site of extraction. Since the limitations and uncertainties governing the supply of crude oil have now been clearly exposed, the illusions about oil have begun to fade, and as a result confidence in our indigenous supplies of energy and raw material resources has been restored. What, however, are the implications of this revival of home-produced energy and raw material, which are not without problems both when produced and when consumed for the region in which they are extracted and brought to the surface, and where, to a large extent, the processing takes place? The region benefits from employment and investment, and in turn offers its resources (labour, land, water, air) inasmuch as past development has left them available for future development. But is the region to be covered with even more ‘honourable’ scars? In 1980, 87 million tonnes of deep mined coal were produced in the Federal Republic of Germany which resulted in roughly the same amount of minestone (spoil). Approximately 600 km2 of densely populated area in the Ruhr district was already acquiring artificial drainage due to subsidence. Coking plants and old coal-based stations fired with deep mined coal pollute air and water. Lignite production in 1980 in the Federal Republic of Germany — which was almost entirely obtained by opencast mining — amounted to 130 million tonnes. To achieve this an additional 445×106m3 of overburden had to be shifted. Already in 1977 in the Rhineland between Cologne, Dusseldorf and Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), 522 km2 of mainly good agricultural land was acquired under compulsory purchase order for lignite mining. Villages, roads, rail and waterways were and continue to be re-routed and re-sited. The direct conversion of lignite into electricity produces emission and spreads pollution. Now, it is not only the people of the Ruhr area, the largest industrial conurbation in Europe, that have become sensitive to the impact of mining upon their environment. In all industrial countries it has been learned that those things which cannot be replaced, i.e. environment, are not always being valued by the free market at a price which represents the value they may have for the individual and possibly should have for all of us. Today the need for mining is hardly being questioned any more but people are voicing their opinion as to what is a just price to be paid. The citizen of the Ruhr, for instance, no longer accepts that the specific environmental impacts caused by deep coal mining, which produces a commodity wanted by the entire nation, should be borne solely at the place where it is produced and by the people who happen to live there. He demands that such burdens are borne by everybody who enjoys the benefits. Clear political ideas must be developed and made know as to how much we value home-produced energy sources, what proportion of the resulting burdens the country is willing to bear and how they are to be distributed fairly. There are many methods and technical means by which the burdens of the mining and industrial regions can be minimised, by which damage can be repaired and derelict areas reclaimed. The application of such means must be safeguarded by early planning and sufficient finanacing so that the exploitation of one resource will not result in other resources being lost.  相似文献   

Total and extractable trace element contents have been determined in about 1000 soil profiles representing the main soil series occurring throughout Scotland. The frequency distributions of a number of trace elements in these soils are described and some relationships between total and extractable contents discussed. The geological nature of the soil parent material, soil texture, organic matter content and environmental contamination are the principal factors controlling soil total contents. Soil drainage class, because of its effect on mineral weathering and soil oxidation-reduction conditions, has a major influence on soil extractable contents, availability to plants and crop uptake. Particular attention is paid to cobalt, copper and molybdenum because of their importance for animal health in Scotland.  相似文献   

A new method is described for determining the specific gravity of fish eggs. The technique requires the preparation of a stable column of a continuously graded solution of sea-water salts such that a specimen introduced into the column settles at a level of known specific gravity, where it is in hydrostatic equilibrium with the fluid in the column. The method allows the simultaneous measurement of specific gravity of a number of specimens continuously throughout development and is suitable for use aboard a vessel at sea. Differences of specific gravity may be resolved to a precision of better than 4x10-5; as an example of use of the method, the specific gravity of eggs of the mackerel Scomber scombrus L. declined during development within the range 1.0205 to 1.0245; unfertilized eggs displayed a continuous increase of specific gravity.  相似文献   

Linuparus trigonus (Palinuridae) was collected from northeast Australia at depths of 220 to 300 m in the austral summer of 1985–1986 and its diet was analysed for diel feeding-periodicity and composition. The sex and size of the lobsters and the depth at which they were caught were recorded. About 35% of the foreguts were less than 10% full. L. trigonus appears to be a predator of slow-moving or nearsessile benthic invertebrates; its diet is mainly bivalves, gastropods, ophiuroids, crustaceans, polychaetes, and foraminiferans. Most dietary items differed significantly between the size classes of lobster. The frequency of crustacean remains increased with depth and more gastropods were consumed by lobsters caught at 260 m than at other depths. No significant periodicity in feeding was found for L. trigonus. The foreguts of three Metanephrops spp. (Nephropidae) collected from north-west Australia in August 1983 (M. andamanicus) and January/February 1984 (M. australiensis and M. boschmai) were nearly empty, and nearly half were less than 10% full. Fish, crustaceans and squids were the most common food items eaten. The main food items varied between the species: M. andamanicus ate nearly equal amounts of fish and crustaceans; M. australiensis ate chiefly crustaceans; M. boschmai mainly ate fish and seldom fed on squid. Metanephrops spp. appear to feed by attacking mobile animals and tearing off appendages or by scavenging.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements is rapidly becoming an integral part of any mining development. It would also appear to be a growing trend to have such Impact Statements submitted to a public forum before a decision on the proposed development is made. The proper preparation and presentation of a mining proponent's Environmental Impact Statement can make the difference between a lengthy and costly approval process and a more expeditious one.As a result of public concern over questions related to radioactivity, uranium mine projects have received special emphasis in the field of Environmental Impact Statements. This paper reviews briefly the background of various environmental hearings which have dealt with uranium mines in Canada and Australia and stemming from this analysis and the authors' experiences in respect of such hearings, makes suggestions on how Environmental Impact Statements can be prepared and presented from a technical and legal point of view so as to minimize the length of time and expense involved in the approval process and to maximize the chances of obtaining approval for the project.  相似文献   

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