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A large proportion of ladybird beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) eggs are apparently infertile—they do not develop an embryo and are consumed by larvae hatching within the egg batch. The predicted benefits of egg consumption for larvae are empirically well supported. An important question, however, remains: are these eggs a maternal strategy to feed offspring (i.e., trophic eggs) or did egg eating evolve to exploit unavoidably infertile eggs? We investigated the adaptive value of infertile eggs in laboratory experiments with multicoloured Asian ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis). Female H. axyridis were assigned to low and high resource environments for brief intervals; we predicted that tactics to facilitate egg cannibalism, such as infertile egg production and hatching asynchrony, would be adopted in low food environments in which starvation risk for offspring is greater. We conducted two experiments in this manner that provided females with information about resource levels through prey feeding or scent. We also observed female oviposition patterns and tested for infertile egg distributions that departed from random. Females produced 56% more infertile eggs in the low vs. the high food treatment; however, hatching synchrony did not change. We consider a potential confound between information and nutrition state unlikely because ladybirds are well able to tolerate low food for 24 h, the duration of trials, and because females were in good condition when trials began. Results suggest that ladybirds use information from prey encounter to manipulate the proportion of trophic eggs in a manner consistent with the adaptive hypothesis, the first evidence of trophic egg plasticity in a non-eusocial insect.  相似文献   

E. D. Houde 《Marine Biology》1977,43(4):333-341
Bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) eggs were stocked at densities from 0.5 to 32.0 l-1 and larvae were fed on wild plankton (copepod nauplii) in concentrations that ranged from 50 to 5000 prey l-1. Lined sole (Achirus lineatus) eggs were stocked at 0.5 to 16.0 l-1 and larvae were fed wild plankton at concentrations from 50 to 1000 prey l-1. Some larvae of each species survived at all stock and food levels to the transformation stage at 16 days after hatching. Survival rates for both species exceeded 40% when food concentration was 1000 l-1 or higher. Growth and dry weight yields also increased significantly at the higher food concentrations. Effects of initial stocking density were not well defined, but both survival and growth decreased at the highest stocking rates. Standardized culture of bay anchovy and lined sole larvae can be based on a food concentration of 1000 copepod nauplii l-1 to routinely produce healthy larvae.  相似文献   

Despite their importance to offspring fitness outcomes, there has been little previous work on egg-mediated maternal effects in avian brood parasites which lay their eggs in the nests of other species. Here, we examine patterns of egg yolk antioxidant deposition in an avian host (red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus) and their brood parasite (brown-headed cowbird, Molothrus ater). Cowbird nestlings compete directly for food with host blackbird chicks and succeed, despite hatching from a smaller egg, by begging more intensely and growing as or more rapidly than their hosts. Dietary-derived antioxidants, such as carotenoids and vitamins E and A, deposited in egg yolk, may enhance growth rate and reduce oxidative stress, and therefore provide a potential mechanism by which female cowbirds could enhance the competitiveness of their young in host nests. However, provision of antioxidants to eggs is costly so we predicted that female cowbirds should adjust the amount of antioxidants in response to variation in host quality. We found that whilst red-winged blackbird clutches parasitised by cowbirds did not differ in the pattern of antioxidant deposition compared to non-parasitised clutches, levels of vitamin E deposited in cowbird eggs were closely matched to that of the individual host clutch in which cowbirds laid their egg. This supports the prediction that female cowbirds adjust the antioxidant concentration of their eggs to increase the likely competitiveness of their offspring in the host nest into which they are laid and may help explain the success of cowbirds in competing with larger host young.  相似文献   

Pelagic and non-pelagic development occurs within a single population of the nudibranchTenellia pallida (Alder and Hancock) from South Carolina (USA). Both developmental types occurred simultaneously, under identical conditions, and without the aid of nurse eggs. Adults laid either ≈70 μm diameter eggs that hatched as pelagic (planktotrophic?) veligers in 68 to 122 h, or ≈100 μm diameter eggs that became well-developed veligers, metamorphosed within their egg capsules, and hatched as shelled juveniles in 140 to 190 h (15°C, 30‰ S). Adults that produced pelagic larvae laid more eggs per day and per egg mass and twice the daily egg volume produced by adults of the opposing type.  相似文献   

Filial cannibalism in burying beetles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Infanticide is a common phenomenon in many animal groups, but filial cannibalism, the deliberate killing and consumption by parents of their own young, is extremely unusual. The burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst has a limited food supply, in the form of a buried corpse, on which to raise its young. On corpses weighing 10–15 g, clutch size in the lab is such that complete hatching can support without severe reduction in the individual weights of final instars. The parents reduce the brood by killing and eating almost half of the first stage larvae. It is suggested that, in the field, predation of eggs and newly hatched larvae may be heavy, and that the excess eggs are laid as an insurance. If survival is then unusually high, superfluous young are killed by the parents before competition for food can occur.  相似文献   

Feeding by larvae of the sea bream Archosargus rhomboidalis (Linnaeus) was investigated from late September, 1972 to early May, 1973 using laboratory-reared larvae. Fertilized eggs were collected from plankton tows in Biscayne Bay, and the larvae were reared on zooplankton also collected in plankton nets. Techniques were developed to estimate feeding rate, food selection, gross growth efficiency, and daily ration. Daily estimates of these were obtained through 16 days after hatching at rearing temperatures of 23°, 26°, and 29°C. Feeding rate increased exponentially as the larvae grew, and increased as temperature was raised. At 23°C larvae began feeding on Day 3, at 26° and 29°C larvae began feeding on Day 2. Feeding rates at initiation of feeding and on Day 16 were, respectively: 23°C, 7.16 food organisms per larva per hour (flh) and 53.78 flh; 26°C, 7.90 flh and 168.80 flh; 29°C, 17.62 flh and 142.07 flh. Sea bream larvae selected food organisms by size. At initiation of feeding they selected organisms less than 100 m in width. As larvae grew they selected larger organisms and rejected smaller ones. The major food (more than85% of the organisms ingested) was copepod nauplii, copepodites, and copepod adults. Minor food items were barnacle nauplii, tintinnids, invertebrate eggs, and polychaete larvae. Mean values for gross growth efficiency of sea bream larvae ranged from 30.6% at 23°C to 23.9% at 29°C. Mean values for daily ration, expressed as a percentage of larval weight, ranged from 84% at 23°C to 151% at 29°C and tended to decline as the larvae grew.This paper is a contribution from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA  相似文献   

C. A. Lewis 《Marine Biology》1975,32(2):141-153
Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby, 1833) is a common barnacle in rocky intertidal zones of the West Coast of North America whose development has been previously undescribed in detail. In the present study, certain aspects of the development of P. polymerus are recorded from fertilization through settlement. In vitro fertilization has been accomplished using already-implanted sperm plus ovulating eggs and oviducal gland fluid. The eggs are small (about 100 μ diameter at fertilization; 90 x 140 μ at first cleavage) and somewhat yolky. Embryos obtained from brooding adults and from in vitro fertilization were reared in glass dishes until hatching. Cleavage was total, asynchronous and unequal. Division of the D macromere lagged behind division of the other blastomeres, and gastrulation occurred by epiboly so that blastoderm surrounded the macromeres. The nauplii hatched an average of 25.4 days (range was 20.3 to 30.1 days) after fertilization, and molted within 1 day to Stage II nauplii. From Stages II through VI the nauplii required food. As they grew from stage to stage, the number of setae per appendage increased. Nauplii have feathery and hispid-type setae, previously described only in Chthamalus aestuarii. In contrast to other pedunculate larvae which have been described, P. polymerus nauplii are small and have specialized feathery setae. Cypris-larva settlement was stimulated only when healthy adult peduncles were available, thus showing an affinity for its own species.  相似文献   

Summary Foundresses in pre-emergence and post-emergence nests of Belonogaster petiolata were organized into linear dominance hierarchies according to their level of physical aggression towards cofoundresses. The female at the top of the hierarchy became the queen, while foundresses ranked below her became worker-like subordinates. In pre-matrifilial colonies, worker offspring were socially subordinate to both their queen and the subordinate foundresses. Queens of matrifilial colonies retained full social dominance over their workers. Queens were reproductively dominant over subordinates and workers, and laid the majority of, if not all, surviving eggs. Subordinate-laid eggs were invariably discovered and destroyed by the queen through oophagy; workers in pre-matrifilial and matrifilial colonies never laid or ate eggs. Colonies contained a single (and the same) functional queen throughout the pre- and post-emergence periods and were, therefore, long-term monogynous.In both established pre-emergence colonies and post-emergence colonies, virtually all foraging for food and nesting material was performed by the subordinates and workers. More dominant subordinates generally foraged less than low-ranked subordinates. Queens were more active builders than subordinates or workers in pre-matrifilial and matrifilial colonies. Queens enjoyed a surplus in exchanged food loads, while subordinates and workers did not. Among cofoundresses, an advantage in food exchange was also positively associated with dominance rank. Queens solicited larvae for their salivary fluid more often than did subordinates and workers. Among cofoundresses, frequency of adult-larva trophallaxis was positively associated with rank. Queens rested most often in the central zones of the nest containing late instar larvae and pupae, while subordinates and particularly workers spent more time in the peripheral, broodless regions of the nest.This paper is dedicated to the late Professor Leo Pardi, whose pioneering studies of Belonogaster served as a constant source of inspiration and reference for the present work  相似文献   

Herring larvae were obtained via artificial spawning (Baltic spring spawners, Downs herring). Eggs were immediately transported to the Marine Station (“Meeresstation”) of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, transferred into 140] tanks, and incubated at about 10°C. Sea water was circulated through an internal filter. Artificial illumination (neon tubes) was kept at about 1000 Lux (water surface) during 12 h per day; it was than decreased gradually to complete darkness within 30 min. Dawn was also simulated in order to avoid abrupt changes in light intensity. Food consisted of wild plankton (mainly crustacean nauplii) caught every day on Helgoland Roads, and of Artemia salina nauplii. The larvae were fed 1 to 3 times a day; they took the food always within the first half hour after it was offered. Over periods of 5 min each, the time spent for various activities (different modes of swimming, feeding) were recorded. The behavioural patterns of comparable larvae were filmed. The initial phase of prey catching consists of s-shaped body bending; usually the main bend of the body (upper arrows in Figs. 2 and 3) bears a typical directional relationship to the swimming path of the prey focussed (lower arrows). Such body bending is not always succeeded by subsequent steps of prey catching. In the normal prey catching process, aiming is followed by sudden stretching of the body and swallowing of the prey within 0.2 to 0.3 sec. Yolk sac larvae can use their pectoral fins, larvae of more then 15 mm total length also their tail- and dorsal-fins, for stabilization and correction of prey catching movements. In yolk sac larvae, complete prey catching lasts about 1 to 3 sec. Percentage successful prey catching manoeuvres increases with age and experience (Table 2). Initial success percentage was about 1% in Baltic Sea larvae (Kiel) and about 10% in Downs larvae; it rose within 30 to 35 days in Kiel larvae to nearly 60%, in Downs larvae to over 70%. The possible reasons for these differences are discussed; they may be related to body size and composition of planktonic food. Visual perception of food depends on optic capacities of larvae, size and distance of prey, visibility, and “duration of presentation” (time span during which the image of the prey is projected onto the retina). This, in turn, appears to be subject to frequency and amplitude of undulating movements of the head during swimming. The percentage of body positioning for prey catching attains maximum values at prey distances of 2 to 8 mm in yolk sac larvae (Downs), and of 3 to 40 mm in larvae of 15 to 20 mm body length; it decreases steadily with increasing prey distance. Larvae up to 15 mm total length take mainly copepod nauplii, larger larvae preferably copepodites. Distance of prey perception is wider in the horizontal than in the vertical plane; in fact, larvae do not perceive prey underneath the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

Summary Female burying beetles Necrophorus vespilloides Herbst (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were allowed to lay eggs on a carcass and their subsequent behavior towards larvae added to the carcass was observed. Females did not discriminate against unrelated larvae if these were added within an hour after the females' own first larva had hatched (at the right time). Changing the spatial surroundings of the carcass had no effect on the females' readiness to exhibit care behavior. Neither did the age of the larvae added or the condition of the carcass affect the onset of maternal care. However, the females' response to larvae encountered was strongly time-dependent: most females killed and ate larvae that could not have hatched from their own eggs because they were added long before their own larvae hatched. The proportion of females accepting larvae added to early increased as the time their own larvae hatched approached. Larvae added to the carcass 2 or 3 days after the test females' own first larva had hatched were always accepted by females that had already started to feed larvae, but were often killed by females that were not feeding larvae. In the latter group of females, the tendency to kill larvae added was most pronounced if the females had already started to produce a second clutch of eggs at the time larvae were added. Offprint requests to: J.K. Müller  相似文献   

P. J. Doherty 《Marine Biology》1983,75(2-3):215-224
It has been hypothesized that site-attached coral reef fishes breed during periods when their offspring will be rapidly flushed from the reef environment, but within the season when these propagules are least likely to be forever lost from the local populations. Daily, monthly and annual rhythms were observed in the reproduction between November 1978 and February 1980 of two tropical damselfishes, Pomacentrus flavicauda and P. wardi, from the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. These data support the first part of the hypothesis, but not the explanation for seasonality. When breeding, females of both species spawned demersal eggs into the care of males during a brief period at first light. After several days, larvae hatched from these eggs during another brief period after sunset. An experiment confirmed that the change from light to dark triggered the hatchings and that the emerging larvae were photopositive. Eggs of P. flavicauda usually hatched on the evening of their fourth day in the nest; eggs of P. wardi hatched on their fifth day. A small proportion of eggs required longer incubation. Hatching success was 90%. When breeding, both species spawned in bi-weekly cycles synchronised with the phases of the moon. The largest clutches, as well as the most clutches, were laid at the peaks of these cycles. In the case of P. flavicauda, maximum hatchings occurred on days during which spring high tides fell near sunset (the cue for hatching to begin). It is likely that these hatchlings were rapidly flushed off the reef by the ebbing tides. The hatching cycles of P. wardi consistently peaked 4 d earlier in the lunar month. Consequently, hatchlings of this species remained in shallow water at least one tidal cycle longer than those of P. flavicauda. This difference may be a consequence of the different habitat specialisations of the two species. Both species bred seasonally during the warmest, calmest months of the year. This is not the period of least current flow on the Great Barrier Reef. The observed seasonality may reflect the best times for larval survival in the open sea rather than an adaptation that limits the loss of offspring from the parent populations.  相似文献   

Ecology of kin and nonkin larval interactions in Tribolium beetles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The larvae of flour beetles Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum were reared in two kinds of groups: full siblings and unrelated individuats. These kin and nonkin groups were reared in open cultures, in which emigration was permitted (both species) and in closed cultures, in which emigration was prohibited (only T. confusum). We measured larval development time and survivorship, weight of pupae, and time of larval emigration from open cultures. The effects of age structure were investigated by establishing open cultures of larvae of uniform age (larvae hatched from eggs laid within 72 h) and cultures of larvae of variable age (eggs laid within 240 h). In closed cultures of siblings, T. confusum larvae pupated on an average 2.2 days earlier than larvae reared in nonsibling groups. In T. castaneum, more small and medium size and fewer large size larvae emigrated from groups of siblings compared to groups of nonsiblings. Males that emigrated and pupated remained with their sibs for a shorter time than did similar males raised with unrelated larvae. In T. castaneum, age structure variation reduced the sibs tendency to migrate, but did not influence interactions among unrelated larvae. The genetical effects of kinship and the ecological effects of age structure were shown to affect the interactions of Tribolium larvae reared in groups. Reducing the similarity between individuals, either genetically or demographically (using mixed broods or mixed age cohorts), changed the pattern of larval interactions. Upon occasion, the effects of kin interactions may well be the mechanical consequences of the coexistence of similar individuals rather than the effects of altruistic behavior.  相似文献   

Females of the spionid polychaete Streblospio benedicti (Webster) produce either small eggs (60–70 μm diameter) and planktotrophic larvae, or large eggs (100–200 μm) and lecithotrophic larvae that reportedly do not feed. This intraspecific polymorphism, a form of poecilogony, is potentially useful in studies of larval ecology and evolution, but necessary data on larval form and function are lacking. This study describes the morphology and nutritional biology of larvae obtained from Atlantic (South Carolina) and Pacific (California and Washington) populations from 2003 to 2005. The two types of larvae produced by Atlantic S. benedicti differed greatly in length (229±22 μm SD for planktotrophs vs. 638±40 μm for lecithotrophs) and chaetiger number (2–5 vs. 10–11) at release from the female’s brood pouch. Planktotrophic larvae bore long provisional chaetae on their first chaetiger; provisional chaetae were absent in lecithotrophic larvae. Larvae from Pacific populations were all of the lecithotrophic form, and were similar to their Atlantic counterparts in all respects. High-speed video microscopy revealed that both types of larvae used opposed bands of cilia to capture suspended particles and transport them to the mouth, where they were often ingested. Lecithotrophic larvae reared with suspended phytoplankton (Rhodomonas sp., 104 cells ml−1) for 2 days grew significantly faster than sibling larvae reared without added food, indicating that these larvae can digest and assimilate ingested food. Larvae of S. benedicti that develop from large eggs are thus facultative planktotrophs instead of obligately non-feeding lecithotrophs, a result that affects the interpretation of comparative studies of the ecology and evolution of larvae in S. benedicti and certain other marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Changes in the contents of free amino acids (FAA), Mr 170,000 lipovitellin (oLv B), that is the major yolk protein in ovulated eggs, and lipids were measured in developing eggs and yolk-sac larvae of barfin flounder (Verasper moseri) to elucidate the sequential utilization of these nutrient stocks before the first feed. Hatching takes place on the 10th day after fertilization at a water temperature of 8°C, and the hatched larvae absorb almost all of their yolk masses within 21 days after fertilization. The total FAA content showed no change during the first 4 days, then decreased to about 13% of the initial level by the 13th day after fertilization. During the consumption of FAA, non-essential amino acids tend to decrease earlier than essential amino acids. The native molecular weight and immunoreactivity of Mr 170,000 oLv B did not show any change during the first 16 days after fertilization, though the sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns of oLv B showed a serial change. The oLv B contents, measured by quantitative immunodiffusion using antiserum against oLv B of ovulated eggs, were approximately stable during the 13 days after fertilization, then decreased rapidly until the end of yolk-sac absorption. Phospholipids (PL), which seem mostly to bind with lipovitellin-proteins, decreased gradually after hatching coincident with the decrease in oLv B and Mr 330,000 lipoprotein. From these results, we conclude that there are three periods for sequential nutrient utilization in barfin flounder embryos and larvae: (1) pre-FAA utilization period, 0-4th day; (2) FAA utilization period, 4th-13th day; (3) oLv B and PL utilization period, 16th-21st day post-fertilization.  相似文献   

Male and gravid female Neanthes arenaceodentata (Moore) (Polychaeta: Annelida) were experimentally exposed to a sublethal concentration of No. 2 fuel oil seawater extract for 24 h. Within 1 h both sexes had incorporated, in equal proportions, most of the diaromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalene, methylnaphthalenes) eventually accumulated. No net loss of accumulated naphthalenes was observed during the exposure period. When returned to hydrocarbon-free seawater, male worms slowly released naphthalenes down to undetectable (< 0.1 ppm) levels in 400 h (17 days). Gravid females retained essentially all of the originally accumulated naphthalenes for 3 weeks, at which time they released their eggs during fertilization, with subsequent dramatic decreases in naphthalenes content. Zygotes and trochophore larvae from exposed females contained 18 ppm naphthalenes, accounting for a majority of those amounts initially present in parent females. As trochophore larvae developed into 18-segment juveniles, naphthalenes concentrations dropped to near undetectable levels (0.4 ppm) in 21-day old juveniles (= 18-segment worms). When sampled at the next stage of development (32-segment worms) 5 days later (1050 h after exposure of gravid females), offspring were free of naphthalenes. Results suggest the importance of lipid-rich eggs in the accumulation and retention of diaromatic hydrocarbons by marine polychaetes.  相似文献   

Influences of Egg Laying Behavior on Pathogenic Infection of Amphibian Eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mass mortality of developing amphibian eggs and larvae from pathogenic infection has been recently documented in some amphibian populations. For example, the pathogenic fungus, Saprolegnia ferax, has been linked with amphibian embryo mortality in the Pacific Northwest. Continued mortality in early life history stages may ultimately contribute to a population decline. We document the prevalence of S. ferax on embryos of three anuran species (   Bufo boreas, Rana cascadae, and Hyla regilla) common to the Pacific Northwest. These species differ in key aspects of their behavior and ecology, and these differences may lead to differential susceptibility to S. ferax. R. cascadae often lays its eggs communally and B. boreas usually deposits its eggs communally. We observed embryos at natural oviposition sites. Eggs laid communally had higher mortality than those laid away from other egg masses. Field experiments that manipulated both the spatial position and timing of egg laying demonstrated that eggs laid later and in closer proximity to communal masses had higher mortality. Our results suggest that eggs in communal masses are highly susceptible to infection with S. ferax.  相似文献   

Honeybee (Apis) workers cannot mate, but retain functional ovaries. When colonies have lost their queen, many young workers begin to activate their ovaries and lay eggs. Some of these eggs are reared, but most are not and are presumably eaten by other workers (worker policing). Here we explore some of the factors affecting the reproductive success of queenless workers of the red dwarf honeybee Apis florea. Over a 2-year period we collected 40 wild colonies and removed their queens. Only two colonies remained at their translocated site long enough to rear males to pupation while all the others absconded. Absconding usually occurred after worker policing had ceased, as evidenced by the appearance of larvae. Dissections of workers from eight colonies showed that in A. florea, 6% of workers have activated ovaries after 4 days of queenlessness, and that 33% of workers have activated ovaries after 3 weeks. Worker-laid eggs may appear in nests within 4 days and larvae soon after, but this is highly variable. As with Apis mellifera, we found evidence of unequal reproductive success among queenless workers of A. florea. In the two colonies that reared males to pupation and which we studied with microsatellites, some subfamilies had much higher proportions of workers with activated ovaries than others. The significance of absconding and internest reproductive parasitism to the alternative reproductive strategies of queenless A. florea workers is discussed.  相似文献   

Eggs of Thrissocles species are found in surface plankton in the Ernakulam Channel (Cochin Harbour)during February to May 1967. The eggs hatch within 24 h. Empty egg shells have characteristic apertures, through which the embryos have emerged; yolk is resorbed 36 h after hatching.Larvae (36 to 72 h groups) assemble at the lighted region of the aquaria during day-time and scatter to different levels at night. Larvae older than 72 h show no inclination to assemble as before. All larvae died between 96 and 110 h after hatching. Many batches of eggs were reared in the same medium, and all of them behaved as described. The results indicate that the right type of food was available in the aquaria for larvae up to a period of 72 h. The volume of water also appears to have a bearing upon the survival rate and longevity of the larvae since, in small aquaria, more larvae died at an early stage.  相似文献   

Summary Defense behavior by brooding Gonodactylus bredini females was studied in staged fights against conspecific challengers. Females brooding eggs were more successful at defending their dwelling cavities than were nonreproductive females. Females caring for larvae were no more successful at cavity defense than were controls.Brooding females do not defend cavities by using more aggressive acts or by engaging in longer fights than nonreproductive females. The increase in defense success seems to be due to a greater willingness to continue a contest after being struck by a challenger. Also, brooding females make more frequent use of threats, in particular the Meral Spread display, than controls.Females defend cavities as vigorously as if they still had eggs 4 or 5 days after their eggs have been removed. Within the first 24 h after oviposition, a female's success at defending a cavity is greatly reduced compared to that of a female just 1 day later.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can function as a mechanism of transgenerational plasticity by which the environment experienced by parents is translated into the offspring phenotype and fitness. In birds, parents may affect the competitive ability of their offspring, and hence their fitness, by modifying their hatching pattern and/or egg size. However, little is known about how mothers can modify offspring phenotypes and their fitness in response to a sudden change in environmental conditions during egg-laying. Here, we studied the effect of supplemental food during egg-laying on hatching asynchrony and egg size in the Eurasian roller (Coracias garrulus), a species with marked hatching asynchrony. We also explored the effects of maternal investment on offspring fitness. Food supplementation did not affect hatching asynchrony. However, females in food-supplemented nests laid eggs that increased in size with laying order except for an ultimate small egg. Meanwhile, size of eggs laid by females in control nests did not change with laying order. Supplemental food positively affected hatchability of the egg laid just before the last one and negatively affected hatchability of the last laid egg, which seemed to be a side effect of egg size. Consequently, food-supplemented nests produced fewer fledglings and had higher probabilities of suffering brood reduction than control nests. We conclude that egg size in rollers is a plastic trait, sensitive to short-term changes in food conditions. Furthermore, our results show that maternal investment in egg size may potentially affect offspring fitness.  相似文献   

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