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An analysis of ichthyoplankton samples based on relative abundance reveals pronounced inshore/offshore distributional gradients for most Hawaiian fish larvae. Larvae of pelagic bay species are found almost exclusively in semi-enclosed bays and estuaries. Larvae of pelagic neritic species are more or less uniformly distributed with distance from shore. The larvae of reef species with non-pelagic eggs are most abundant close to shore, while those of reef species with pelagic eggs are most abundant offshore. Finally, the larvae of offshore (primarily mesopelagic) species show no clear pattern but frequently occur in high numbers nearshore. Within any group, variation in pattern was often evident; for example, although Hawaiian fishes of both the families Labridae and Mullidae spawn pelagic eggs, larvae of the former had not peaked in abundance 12 km from shore while larvae of the latter had peaked between 0.5 and 2 km. Some larvae which occur offshore are highly specialized morphologically for a pelagic existence (e.g. Chaetodontidae, which is illustrated) while others are little modified (e.g. Labridae). These findings indicate ichthyoplankton surveys in tropical areas must sample offshore areas in addition to the inshore adult habitat to obtain a complete picture.Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Contribution No. 484.  相似文献   

The acute toxicities of several oil dispersants to the larvae of haddock, herring, lemon sole, pilchard, plaice and sole were examined, the type and aromatic content of the solvent being the main factors influencing the toxicity. Newer (second generation) dispersants had much lower toxicities. Ageing of dispersant solutions led to a decrease in toxicity, which could be related to loss of aromatic compounds from solution. Temperature and salinity had only slight influence on toxicity. For all dispersants, differences of susceptibility between species were less than differences at different ages within a species. The larvae of all species showed a similar susceptibility when newly hatched, and susceptibility increased throughout the yolk-sac stage. The transition period from yolk reserves to an external food supply was most critical, for once larvae had established feeding, resistance increased until metamorphosis. The dispersants appeared to act largely as physical toxins causing, initially at least, a reversible narcosis. The implications of the results are discussed in relation to the use of dispersants at sea.  相似文献   

Feeding rates of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita on fish larvae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We quantified feeding rates of field caught Aurelia aurita feeding on yolk sac cod (Gadus morhua) larvae in a series of incubation experiments. A short-time (~1 h) functional response experiment with a wide range of prey concentrations (0.5–16 prey l−1, initial concentration) revealed that ingestion rates increased linearly over this range, such that clearance rates were similar between the different prey concentrations. This suggests that A. aurita is capable of efficiently utilizing dense prey patches. This indication was further supported by a linear increase of prey captured by A. aurita during 2.5 h of feeding at extremely high prey concentration (>200 prey l−1). Clearance rate in darkness scaled with jellyfish diameter to a power of ~1.7 for jellyfish 3.9–9.5 cm in diameter. The jellyfish did not alter their umbrella pulse frequency in response to presence of fish larvae. There were no significant differences between A. aurita feeding rates in light and darkness for yolk sac prey ages 0–7 days (at 7.5°C). Although prey vision and escape abilities of fish may develop rapidly during early larval ontogeny, these factors apparently have little impact on interactions with predators such as A. aurita during the yolk sac stage.  相似文献   

Escape speeds of marine fish larvae during early development and starvation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Response rates to tactile stimulation and subsequent escape speeds were measured using a video-recording system during early development and starvation of fish larvae. The species studied included the yolk-sac larvae of Clyde and Baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.), cod (Gadus morhua L.), flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) and older larvae of Clyde herring. The proportion of larvae responding (response rate) was initially about 20 to 25% in herring and 35 to 40% in cod and flounder using a probe, but about 70 to 80% using the sucking action of a pipette in all species except flounder. Both response rates and escape speeds (mean and maximum) tended to peak 1 to 2 d before the PNR (point-of-no-return, when 50% of larvae are too weak to feed), then decreased slowly during further starvation. An inter-species comparison showed that the highest recorded mean escape speeds (measured over a period of 200 ms) and highest maximum escape speeds (over 20 ms) ranged from 5.7 to 8.6 BL/s (body lengths/s) and 12.1 to 16.1 BL/s, respectively. The larvae made directional responses away from the stimulus only when they developed and reached the feeding stage.  相似文献   

Relation of fish larvae and zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Aden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study is based on zooplankton samples collected in the upper 50 m by the F.R.V. Manihine in the Gulf of Aden during October–November, 1966 and February–March, 1967. Generally, the displacement volume of zooplankton varied between 20 and 67 ml/m2. Some higher values, up to 100 ml/m2, were also observed. The number of larval fish in positive hauls ranged from 2 to 282 larvae/m2. An inverse relationship between the number of larval fish and the accompanying volume of zooplankton was noted. This relationship is discussed. It is hypothesized that larval mortality due to predation in the Gulf of Aden during the northeast monsoon (November, February and March) was very high.  相似文献   

I. Ali Khan 《Marine Biology》1976,37(4):305-324
The material was collected during 4 different cruises on the shelf off the coast of W. Pakistan in November–December, 1964 and in March, 1967 and 1968. The hydrography as well as the zooplankton-biomass distribution are briefly described. A total of 5777 larval fish were taken in 33 positive vertical hauls by an Indian Ocean Standard Net. The number of larvae in positive hauls ranged from 2 to 1262 larvae haul-1. The most productive area of the ichthyoplankton was the waters south of Karachi, covered during the Machera Cruise, where 828 to 1262 larvae haul-1 were obtained. The larvae were identified to species, genera or family. Sardinella sindensis (specific identification uncertain) larvae dominated in abundance. The other abundant larvae belonged to Benthosema spp., Amentum commersonii, Vinciguerria spp. and Diaphus spp. Larval distributions and abundances are described. Aggregation and spawning of adult Sardinella (sindensis) in the waters off the coast of W. Pakistan in November/December, 1964, are discussed. Presumably, the waters south of Karachi represent good feeding grounds for s. (sindensis) larvae. Displacement volume, length and weight relationships of various larval size groups have been studied and a high rate of larval mortality (at a length of 5.0 to 8.5 mm) observed.  相似文献   

R. S. Batty 《Marine Biology》1983,76(1):105-107
A method for observing small animals such as fish larvae in the dark with television and infra-red light is described. An infra-red emitting diode was used as the light source with silhouette illumination to produce high-contrast images. Since the diode can be strobed in synchrony with the television frame rate, sharp “frozen” images suitable for motion analysis can be produced.  相似文献   

The size distributions (2 to 160 m equivalent spherical diameter) of suspended particulate material sampled on two cruises along a transect in the Irish Sea in 1988 are described in relation to hydrographic conditions, chlorophylla concentration and carbon to nitrogen ratios. Particulates were more abundant and larger size modes in the distribution were more evident, in the upper mixed layer of stratified water than in areas where the water column was fully mixed. The detrital content was estimated at 52% of total particulate matter above the thermocline in stratified regions and at around 97% at mixed water sites. In stratified regions the predominance of larger sized phytoplankton and lower levels of detritus is argued to support a more direct and efficient transfer of energy to fish larvae via larger sizes of copepods. Conversely, in mixed areas of high detrital loading the smaller size spectrum of particulates incorporates a less efficient transfer of energy through bacterial cycling and smaller copepods.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of tropical fish larvae were analysed in a comparative study of four species (Scorpaenodes sp., Carangoides sp., Acanthocepola sp. and Cynoglossus sp.) from the Andaman Sea. We investigated morphological characteristics and their potential influence on larval feeding, and looked for common patterns in larval prey preference. Gut contents of a total of 300 larvae were examined and compared with local zooplankton composition. The feeding habits of the investigated larvae shared a number of characteristics. During ontogeny both the preferred prey size and the number of prey in the gut increased, and across all larval size classes the relative prey size spectrum stayed constant, of approximately the same magnitude for all four species. On the other hand, larval feeding also differed in a number of aspects, especially differences in the taxonomic composition of preferred prey were apparent. Scorpaenodes sp. preferred abundant and large prey taxa, Acanthocepola sp. and Carangoides sp. preferred large, but less common prey taxa, while Cynoglossus sp., which had the relatively smallest mouth size, preferred smaller sized prey groups. Hence, the findings indicate that from an offset of common characteristics, especially related to prey size preference, larvae have their individual feeding patterns related to specific morphology and patterns of distribution.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   

This study reports the vertical distribution of fish larvae during the 1999 summer upwelling season in the Canaries-African Coastal Transition Zone (the Canaries-ACTZ). The transition between the African coastal upwelling and the typical subtropical offshore conditions is a region of intense mesoscale activity that supports a larval fish population dominated by African neritic species. During the study, the thermal stratification extended almost to the surface everywhere, and the surface mixed layer was typically shallow or non-existent. Upwelling occurred on the African shelf in a limited coastal sub-area of our sampling. The vertical distributions of the entire larval fish population, as well as of individual species, were independent of the seasonal thermocline. Fish larvae and mesozooplankton were concentrated at intermediate depths regardless of the thermocline position, probably because of its weak signature and spatial and temporal variability. Day/night vertical distributions suggest that some species did not perform diel vertical migration (DVM), whereas others showed either type I DVM or type II DVM. The opposing DVM patterns of different species compensate for each other resulting in no net DVM for the larval fish population as a whole.  相似文献   

J. M. Leis 《Marine Biology》1991,108(1):157-166
To investigate the natural defenses of Antarctic marine organisms against exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (280 to 320 nm), 57 species (1 fish, 48 invertebrates, and 8 algae) were collected during austral spring 1988 in the vicinity of Palmer Station (Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula) and were analyzed for the presence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), compounds that absorb UV radiation and may provide shielding from these biologically hazardous wavelengths. Nearly 90% of the 57 species examined contained MAAs, and eight specific MAA compounds were identified. Seven of these (palythine, porphyra-334, shinorine, mycosporineglycine, palythene, asterina-330, and palythinol) have been observed previously in marine organisms from temperate and tropical latitudes. A new MAA, mycosporineglycine: valine, was found in the Antarctic fish and in 38 of the invertebrate species examined. This study confirms widespread occurrence of MAAs in Antarctic marine organisms and suggests that these species have some degree of natural biochemical protection from UV exposure.Contribution No. 502 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

The distribution of total dry weight of zooplankton, copepod numbers and ichthyoplankton across the outer continental shelf in the central Great Barrier Reef was examined at bi-weekly intervals for three months over summer of 1983. Copepods were sampled (236 m net) within 10 m of the surface and within 10 m of the bottom. Mean densities in surface waters decreased markedly from the mid-shelf to outer shelf and the Coral Sea, but no cross-shelf gradient occurred in the bottom-water. Densities of copepods on the mid-shelf (surface and bottom waters) and in bottom-waters of the outer shelf were typically ca. 400 m–3. Significantly lower densities (ca. 100 m–3) occurred in surface waters of the outer shelf, except during outbursts of Acartia australis, when densities in these waters differed little from those elsewhere on the shelf. In oceanic waters, 10 km from the outer shelf station, copepod densities in surface waters were ca. 40 m–3. Four of the five most abundant copepod taxa in surface waters, Paracalanus spp., Eucalanus crassus, Acrocalanus gracilis and Canthocalanus pauper, tended to be most abundant at the mid-shelf end of the transect. Acartia australis was sporadically very abundant in surface waters of the outer shelf, as was Paracalanus spp. in bottom-water of the outer shelf. An assemblage of Coral Sea species of copepod occurred in bottom-water of the outer shelf during two major intrusions, but not at other times. Densities of all common species varied considerably between cruises. Maximum densities of all common species except A. australis tended to be associated with diatom blooms linked to intrusions but a bloom did not necessarily mean all common species were abundant. Fish larvae included both reef and non-reef taxa, with reef taxa predominating on the outer shelf (approx 2:1 in density of individuals) and non-reef taxa dominating in nearshore samples (approx 2:1). Nine of the ten most abundant taxa analysed showed highly significant variation in numbers among stations and all but one of these also exhibited significant station x cruise interactions. Interactions generally reflected changes in the rank importance of adjacent stations from one cruise to the next or lack of any significant cross-shelf variation on some cruises where overall abundance of the taxa was low.  相似文献   

Replicate clutches of larvae were swum in a swimming flume at 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16 cm s-1 and the time swum until exhaustion recorded. There was a significant relationship between sustained swimming time and swimming speed for both maximum (R2=0.77; P<0.05) and mean sustained swimming times (R2=0.78; P<0.05), with fish swimming at slower speeds swimming longer and covering greater total distances. The relationship observed agrees with theoretical principles relating increasing swimming speed with increasing drag. We used our data for Amphiprion melanopus, combined with published information, to predict the swimming speeds that other reef fish taxa should be able to maintain for significant lengths of time (12-48 h) using three different models. The results agree well with field estimates (R2 values from 0.45 to 0.84), suggesting that there may be underlying factors influencing swimming ability in reef fish larvae that can be used to predict swimming abilities of different taxa. These models suggest that sustained swimming behaviour by reef fish larvae could have a much greater impact on modifying larval dispersal than previously thought.  相似文献   

The utilization and fate of nitrogen in larvae of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), blenny (Blennius pavo) and herring (Clupea harengus), from the stage of first-feeding to metamorphosis, was examined under laboratory conditions. Rates of ammonia excretion, primary amine defaecation, and growth in terms of protein-nitrogen were monitored throughout larval life. Data were used to calculate daily ration, the coefficient of nitrogen utilization (absorption efficiency), and gross and net growth efficiencies. The developmental pattern of nitrogen balance was similar for plaice and blenny larvae. These species showed increasing growth efficiency (k1: 55 to 80%) with decreasing weight-specific waste nitrogen losses with age. Absorption efficiencies. were high (83 to 98%) in plaice and blenny larvae, and tended to increase with development in the former species. Ration relative to body weight decreased with growth in both species. Herring larval development, although at a slower rate than blenny and plaice, appeared normal up to 33 d, after which high mortality occurred. Absorption efficiency in this species tended to decline (83 to 43%) with age, until metabolic costs exceeded the absorbed ration and growth ceased. Artemia sp. nauplii proved a suitable food source for the rearing of plaice and blenny larvae, but this diet may have long-term toxicity or deficiency effects on herring. Availability and density of food affected nitrogen balance in the larvae of all three species. Feeding stimulated the output of wastes in excretion and defaecation by a factor of up to ten times the 12-h non-feeding basal rates. Waste nitrogen output reached a peak some 2 to 3 h after commencement of feeding and returned slowly to the baseline in 5 to 10 h after cessation of feeding. There was an asymptotic increase in ration, ammonia output and growth of larvae as prey density increased. Ration saturated at a higher prey density (>4 prey ml-1) than either growth or excretion rate (1 prey ml-1). Thus the efficiency with which food is absorbed and utilized for growth must eventually decline in response to high prey density. The idea that larval fish are adapted to maximize ingestion and growth rate, rather than optimize growth efficiency and thus to respond to prey occurring in either low density or in occasional patches, is supported by these results.  相似文献   

Density stratification and respiration lead to vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen in many aquatic habitats. The behavioral responses of fish larvae to low dissolved oxygen in a stratified water column were examined during 1990–1991 with the goal of understanding how vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen may directly affect the distribution and survival of fish larvae in Chesapeake Bay, USA. In addition, the effects of low oxygen on 24-h survival rates were tested so that results of behavior experiments could be interpreted in the context of risk to the larve. Naked goby [Gobiosoma bosc (Lacépède)] and bay anchovy [Anchoa mitchilli (Valenciennes)] larvae strongly avoided dissolved oxygen concentrations <1 mg 1-1, which were lethal within 24 h at 25 to 27°C. In addition, naked goby larvae, whose behavior was tested at a wider range of dissolved oxygen concentrations, also showed a reduced preference for an oxygen concentration of 2 mg 1-1, which leads to reduced survival during long-term exposures and to reduced feeding rates. There were no major differences in behavior or survival between the two species, or between the two age classes of naked gobies tested. Results suggest that behavioral responses to oxygen gradients will play a large role in producing marked vertical changes in abundance of feeding-stage larvae in Chesapeake Bay; mortality from direct exposure to low oxygen will likely be much less important in producing vertical patterns of larval abundance.  相似文献   

One of the great mysteries of coral-reef fish ecology is how larvae locate the relatively rare patches of coral-reef habitat on which they settle. The present study aimed to estimate, by experiments in aquaria, the sensory modalities of coral-reef fish larvae for senses used in searching for their species settlement habitat. Larval recognition of settlement habitat can be based on the detection of conspecifics and/or of characteristics of coral habitat using visual, chemical and mechanical cues. For this study, larvae were captured with crest nets and were then introduced into experimental tanks that allowed testing of each type of cue separately (visual, chemical or mechanical cues). Among the 18 species studied, 13 chose their settlement habitat due to the presence of conspecifics and not based on the characteristics of coral habitat, and 5 species did not move toward their settlement habitat (e.g. Scorpaenodes parvipinnis, Apogon novemfasciatus). Among the different sensory cues tested, two species used the three types of cues (Parupeneus barberinus and Ctenochaetus striatus: visual, chemical and mechanical cues), six used two types (e.g. Myripristis pralinia: visual and chemical cues; Naso unicornis: visual and mechanical cues), and five used one type (e.g. Chrysiptera leucopoma: visual cues; Pomacentrus pavo: chemical cues). These results demonstrate that many coral-reef fish larvae could in practice use sensory cues for effective habitat selection at settlement, and have the ability to discriminate species-specific sensory cues.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

The extent to which behaviour affects the dispersal of pelagic larvae in reef fishes has been a topic of major discussion among marine ecologists. Here, we experimentally quantified the extent to which the displacement of late-stage larvae of Abudefduf saxatilis is due to active movement (i.e. swimming) and drifting. We consider drifting as the component of larval displacement accounted for by the current. Drifting was quantified by comparing larval displacement to the displacement of passive particles in an extended flow chamber that gave larvae the free choice of swimming (i.e. swim with or against the current or not swim at all). We also determine whether drifting results from currents exceeding larval swimming capabilities or from the behavioural choice of larvae of not to swim against adverse currents. To do this, we compare the speeds of larval swimming in the extended flow chamber to those obtained in a smaller chamber in which larvae are behaviourally forced to swim due to space constraints and a retaining fence (most available data on larval swimming is based on this sort of chamber). Within the extended chamber, larvae tended to face the current and swim slower than it. This resulted in a net displacement increasingly determined by drifting. We also found that in the extended chamber, larvae swam at speeds between one and six times slower than the speeds they achieved in the “behaviourally modifying” smaller chamber. This suggests that the net displacement in the extended chamber was in part due to the behavioural choice of the larvae of not to swim. The importance of this “behavioural drifting” is discussed in terms of energy savings required for successful completion of the larval period and post-settlement survival. The idea that larvae may modulate their swimming behaviour raises caution for the use of published data regarding swimming capabilities of reef fish larvae when assessing the extent to which these fish actively affect their dispersal.  相似文献   

I compared the sampling properties of two methods for collecting fish larvae over reefs: nighttime collecting with a light trap, and daytime collecting with a small plankton net that could be steered by a diver. Samples were collected in the Gulf of California during summer, 1989 and 1990. The 90 light-trap samples yielded 9406 larvae from 31 families, while the 75 plankton-net samples yielded 17852 larvae from 43 families plus unidentified anguilliforms. Four families were collected only in the light trap, and 16 families plus the anguilliforms were collected only with the plankton net. With one exception, the families that were collected by only one method were rare. Twenty-seven families were collected by both methods, but only 13 were collected at least five times by each. The average catch per sample differed significantly between methods for 9 of these 13 families. In each case, the plankton net yielded more larvae per sample. The distribution of larvae among families was less equitable in light-trap samples than in planktonnet collections, primarily because clupeids were so dominant in the former. However, the taxonomic composition of light-trap and plankton-net collections was broadly similar. Seven families were shared among the ten most abundant families for each method, and the relative abundances of taxa (47 families plus anguilliforms) were strongly correlated between methods. A comparison of larval size-distributions for 12 families indicated that the size structure of catches usually differed between collecting methods. In four families there was little overlap in the size classes collected, in five families the distributions overlapped broadly but had different shapes, and in three families the size distributions were similar. Although the light trap collected larger larvae on average, its catches were not limited to settlement-stage or transition larvae. Larvae of at least ten families were present over reefs in all size classes, but the combination of both sampling methods was usually required to detect this. Based on their abundance and wide size distribution over reefs, at least some larvae from these ten families may remain over reefs throughout development. However, additional data are required to determine the importance of water over reefs as a larval habitat.  相似文献   

Complex particles (CP), zein microbound particles and lipid-spray beads (LSB) were prepared and their performances were compared for delivering glycine and a mixture of free amino acids (FAA; alanine, glycine, leucine, serine and tyrosine) to early fish larvae. Measures of performances of microparticles included inclusion, encapsulation, retention and delivery efficiencies in addition to T50 (time to 50% retention) values. CP were prepared containing LSB and a defined dietary mixture that were bound together with zein. CP had significantly higher retention and delivery efficiencies for FAA compared to those of zein microbound particles. Free LSB had higher retention efficiencies for particulate glycine compared with CP, possibly due to differences in suspension characteristics. Free LSB clumped and floated when suspended in water, negatively affecting their acceptability by fish larvae; therefore, LSB should be incorporated into CP for more effective delivery of amino acids. There was a significant inverse correlation between retention efficiencies and solubilities of FAA encapsulated in CP. After 1 h of aqueous suspension, highest retention (44%) and delivery efficiencies (20.3 mg tyrosine g–1 particle) were achieved with tyrosine. T50 values indicated 50% of the initial tyrosine in CP was still available after 36.7 min of suspension in water. Furthermore, CP can deliver FAA to marine fish larvae based on the results of feeding studies in which CP were digested by 3-day-old clownfish larvae; therefore, this particle type could be a valuable tool in studies of larval fish nutrition.Communicated by R.J. Thompson, St. Johns  相似文献   

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