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J. M. Bewers 《Chemistry and Ecology》1995,10(1):9-23
Differences between the scientific and environmental policy communities regarding marine environmental protection strategies are discussed in the context of the nature and extent of scientific influence on marine environmental policy. Public perceptions of the nature and severity of marine pollution frequently differ from scientific assessments. the thesis of this paper is that the increasing influence of public perception on marine environmental protection policy is leading to the adoption of simplistic and unnecessarily extreme approaches to marine pollution prevention and to a reduced reliance on science. This trend is illustrated by some recent international developments and some suggestions are made towards enhancing the influence of science on marine protection policy. 相似文献
Abstract: Much has been written in recent years regarding whether and to what extent scientists should engage in the policy process, and the focus has been primarily on the issue of advocacy. Despite extensive theoretical discussions, little has been done to study attitudes toward and consequences of such advocacy in particular cases. We assessed attitudes toward science and policy advocacy in the case of marine protected areas (MPAs) on the basis of a survey of delegates at the First International Marine Protected Areas Congress. Delegates were all members of the international marine conservation community and represented academic, government, and nongovernmental organizations. A majority of respondents believed science is objective but only a minority believed that values can be eliminated from science. Respondents showed only partial support of positivist principles of science. Almost all respondents supported scientists being integrated into MPA policy making, whereas half of the respondents agreed that scientists should actively advocate for particular MPA policies. Scientists with a positivist view of science supported a minimal role for scientists in policy, whereas government staff with positivist beliefs supported an advocacy or decision-making role for scientists. Policy-making processes for MPAs need to account for these divergent attitudes toward science and advocacy if science-driven and participatory approaches are to be reconciled. 相似文献
近年来,随着我国核电事业迅猛发展,海洋放射性污染的风险激增,放射物质的事故性污染将成为海洋环境一个重要问题。目前,海洋环境放射性污染风险评估的研究仍然较为薄弱,开展海洋放射性污染生态风险评价有助于了解事故对海洋生态的危害程度,为海洋与海岸带环境管理提供科学决策依据,维护海洋生态系统的健康与安全。梳理总结当前国内外海洋放射性污染生态风险评价的相关研究进展,结果表明:目前国内外对海洋放射性污染生态风险评价尚未做出科学的定义;现有海洋放射性污染生态风险评价的技术路线大体可归纳为基于经典风险评估框架和基于迭代的生态风险评价框架2种类型;ERICA Tool模型以及RESRAD-BIOTA模型是目前放射性风险评价中应用最多的方法 ,但存在海洋放射性污染标准限值少的问题;现有的研究主要集中于评估事故中后期均衡条件下的长期慢性暴露评价,对事故初期的高剂量、短期急性暴露的风险影响研究较少;我国海洋放射性污染的生态风险评价与环境影响评价的概念混淆,至今没有明确的海洋放射性污染生态风险评价的概念及技术框架。 相似文献
地理信息系统在近岸海域环境管理中的应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
文章研究了地理信息系统技术在某滨海城市近岸海域环境管理中的应用 ,研究表明在地理信息系统支持下的近岸海域环境管理包括 :海洋污染源管理、海洋环境质量评价等 ,具有界面友好、形象直观、使用方便、易于操作和维护等优点。 相似文献
战略环境影响评价(StrategicEnvironmentalAssessment,简称SEA)是环境影响评价在战略决策层次上的应用,是实现可持续发展战略的重要手段。首先阐述了产业政策SEA的内涵,分析论述了产业政策对环境的影响和山东省产业政策SEA的必要性,建立了山东省产业政策SEA的理论基础,最后提出了山东省产业政策SEA的初步研究框架。 相似文献
Velimir Pravdi 《Chemistry and Ecology》1995,10(1):25-31
Prevention of marine pollution, particularly in semi-enclosed seas, embayments and areas with limited exchange of water, requires a well conceived and harmonized legal system, specified standards, a monitoring programme, and effective control and enforcement capabilities. This comprehensive approach is often called a strategy. Three generations of strategies have been devised and applied historically in Europe and North America, each a step further in integrating environmental protection, technical advancement and economic capabilities. the overpowering socio-economic problems of transition from a centrally planned to a market economy, a task facing a dozen central and eastern European coastal states, compound the problem of application of an integrated approach.
No management strategy can achieve its set goals unless based on scientific evidence. the data base has to offer information on two basic questions, one specific and one of a general nature.
The specific question is: Has the area under consideration some features, an activity, or one or more living species, which must be protected at any cost? the answer to this question will invoke the precautionary principle into strategic considerations, and leads to the general question: What is the carrying (= assimilative or environmental) capacity for each activity and for the discharge of each contaminant into the impacted area? Answers to these questions lead to the choice of the strategy for environmental management. 相似文献
No management strategy can achieve its set goals unless based on scientific evidence. the data base has to offer information on two basic questions, one specific and one of a general nature.
The specific question is: Has the area under consideration some features, an activity, or one or more living species, which must be protected at any cost? the answer to this question will invoke the precautionary principle into strategic considerations, and leads to the general question: What is the carrying (= assimilative or environmental) capacity for each activity and for the discharge of each contaminant into the impacted area? Answers to these questions lead to the choice of the strategy for environmental management. 相似文献
Velimir Pravdić 《Chemistry and Ecology》2013,29(1-2):25-31
Abstract Prevention of marine pollution, particularly in semi-enclosed seas, embayments and areas with limited exchange of water, requires a well conceived and harmonized legal system, specified standards, a monitoring programme, and effective control and enforcement capabilities. This comprehensive approach is often called a strategy. Three generations of strategies have been devised and applied historically in Europe and North America, each a step further in integrating environmental protection, technical advancement and economic capabilities. the overpowering socio-economic problems of transition from a centrally planned to a market economy, a task facing a dozen central and eastern European coastal states, compound the problem of application of an integrated approach. No management strategy can achieve its set goals unless based on scientific evidence. the data base has to offer information on two basic questions, one specific and one of a general nature. The specific question is: Has the area under consideration some features, an activity, or one or more living species, which must be protected at any cost? the answer to this question will invoke the precautionary principle into strategic considerations, and leads to the general question: What is the carrying (= assimilative or environmental) capacity for each activity and for the discharge of each contaminant into the impacted area? Answers to these questions lead to the choice of the strategy for environmental management. 相似文献
防污漆中活性物质海洋环境风险评估关键技术探讨 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
防污漆中的活性物质对海洋生态环境和人类健康造成的潜在风险受到日益广泛的关注,一些发达国家已建立了针对活性物质海洋环境风险评估的技术体系,但我国相关研究目前尚属空白。综述了防污漆活性物质海洋环境风险评估的研究背景、相关法规、技术标准和发展现状,针对环境风险评估的2个重要组成部分(危害性评估和暴露评估)中的关键技术进行了探讨。在危害性评估中,重点分析和比较了受试生物物种的选择原则、生态毒理数据的要求以及预测无效应浓度的推导方法和应用范围;在暴露评估中,系统阐述了活性物质在水环境中释放速率的计算及修正方法、环境浓度的预测模型、现有的暴露场景及其局限性等。本文以期为我国开展防污漆活性物质海洋环境风险评估提供研究基础和科学依据,并提出了今后的研究重点和方向。 相似文献
Economic Growth and Marine Biodiversity: Influence of Human Social Structure on Decline of Marine Trophic Levels 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Abstract: We assessed the effects of economic growth, urbanization, and human population size on marine biodiversity. We used the mean trophic level (MTL) of marine catch as an indicator of marine biodiversity and conducted cross-national time-series analyses (1960–2003) of 102 nations to investigate human social influences on fish catch and trends in MTL. We constructed path models to examine direct and indirect effects relating to marine catch and MTL. Nations' MTLs declined with increased economic growth, increased urbanization, and increased population size, in part because of associated increased catch. These findings contradict the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, which claims that economic modernization will reduce human impact on the environment. To make informed decisions on issues of marine resource management, policy makers, nonprofit entities, and professional societies must recognize the need to include social analyses in overall conservation-research strategies. The challenge is to utilize the socioeconomic and ecological research in the service of a comprehensive marine-conservation movement. 相似文献
为有效控制防污漆中杀生物活性物质给海洋环境带来的不利影响,亟需开展活性物质的环境风险评估研究,为筛选环境友好型活性物质提供依据。以25种国产防污漆中的铜为评估对象,采用防污漆活性物质环境风险评估的针对性方法,分步进行暴露评估、危害性评估和风险表征。暴露评估采用海洋防污剂预测环境浓度模型(MAMPEC)中的港口、码头和开阔海域等典型暴露场景;危害性评估基于铜对淡水和海水水生生物的慢性毒性数据,采用物种敏感度分布法和评估因子法;风险表征采用熵值法。结果表明,铜对全部水生生物和海水生物的预测无效应浓度分别为2.8和2.3μg·L~(-1),藻类对铜最为敏感。除1种配方外,其余24种防污漆配方中铜的风险熵均小于1,可判定铜为"相对低风险"类活性物质,使用上述防污漆时铜对生态环境造成的风险较小。铜在不同暴露场景中的环境风险分析表明其对水流交换较弱海域的码头造成的风险最大,其次是默认港口和码头,对于公海造成的风险最小。根据现有的评估结果,设计含铜型防污漆配方时,应使铜的释放速率不大于33.5μg·cm~(-2)·d~(-1),以避免对较封闭海域的生态环境造成不可忽视的风险。 相似文献
天津市工业污染源结构分析与产业政策建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
赵喜梅 《城市环境与城市生态》2000,13(5):33-35
文章通过对天津市工业污染源结构分析,确定了天津市工业污染的重点工业行业、重点污染物排放区域以及各区域的重点排污行业,并在此基础上提出了天津市工业发展的产业政策建议。 相似文献
Use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Marine Conservation 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
JOSHUA A. DREW† 《Conservation biology》2005,19(4):1286-1293
Abstract: Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) represents multiple bodies of knowledge accumulated through many generations of close interactions between people and the natural world. TEK and its application via customary ecological management plans can be useful in modern conservation programs. I disaggregate the term TEK into its constituent parts and show several ways in which TEK can strengthen research designs by increasing locality-specific knowledge, including environmental linkages occurring in those localities. Examples of the uses of TEK in conservation include folk taxonomy in systematics in Micronesia, species knowledge for conservation in Kiribati, and fishers' knowledge of ecological interactions for reserve design in Belize. When conservationists recognize the utility of TEK, they can engage in an equitable exchange of knowledge and foster shared responsibility with indigenous people. These types of exchanges can also provide an opportunity for indigenous people to develop a scientific infrastructure. 相似文献
基于物种敏感度分布曲线法,推导了铅和甲基对硫磷的海水水质基准低值和高值,并与《海水水质标准(GB 3097—1997)》中铅和甲基对硫磷的相关标准限值进行了比较,结果表明目前尚缺乏充分的科学证据说明我国现行的海水水质标准可以为我国海洋环境中大多数水生生物提供适当的保护,不同污染物的标准定值存在着一定程度的"欠保护"和"过保护"的问题。此外,结合我国近岸海水水质监测资料,在剖析了海水水质标准定值的合理性的基础上,对我国今后的海水水质基准和标准的研究进行了展望,给出了相应的对策和建议。 相似文献
海水水质基准是制定相关海水水质标准的科学依据.论文概要介绍了美国、欧盟和荷兰等发达国家的海水水质基准研究方法体系,给出了关键计算模式、数据要求和定值方法.结合当前我国在海水水质基准研究方面的现状,借鉴国外水质基准研究经验,对我国海水水质基准的研究方法提出了构想,以期为我国开展海水水质基准的研究提供新思路. 相似文献
美国的环保政策及对环保产业发展的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
美国的环保政策是一种经济发展政策 ,强调在提高美国工业竞争力和维护社会经济繁荣的基础上加强环境保护 ,强调通过环保技术的开发和应用实现具体的环保目标 ;措施上它强调灵活性、创新性、多样性和公众的自觉参与 ,创造了环保产业宽松和不断创新的环境。 相似文献
海门市蛎岈山牡蛎礁海洋特别保护区生态系统健康评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在分析海门市蛎岈山牡蛎礁海洋特别保护区海域生态系统现状及特点基础上,构建了包含环境、结构、稳定性3个方面24个指标的海洋特别保护区生态系统健康评价指标体系,并采用熵权综合指数模型和模糊综合评价模型对保护区的生态系统健康状况进行评价及对比分析。熵权综合指数法评价结果表明,保护区生态系统处于健康趋向亚健康的状态;熵权模糊综合模型评价结果表明,保护区生态系统处于健康状态。由于模糊综合评价模型能反映保护区各生态要素的健康状况,其评价结论更趋近于保护区客观现状,更适用于海洋保护区健康评价。 相似文献
Abstract: Ecosystem-scale networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) are important conservation tools, but their effectiveness is difficult to quantify in a time frame appropriate to species conservation because of uncertainties in the data available. The dugong ( Dugong dugon ) is a mobile marine species that occurs in shallow inshore waters of an ecosystem-scale network of MPAs (the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area [GBRWHA]). We developed a rapid approach to assess risk to dugongs in the region and evaluate options to ameliorate that risk. We used expert opinion and a Delphi technique to identify and rank 5 human factors with the potential to adversely affect dugongs and their sea grass habitats: netting, indigenous hunting, trawling, vessel traffic, and poor-quality terrestrial runoff. We then quantified and compared the distribution of these factors with a spatially explicit model of dugong distribution. We estimated that approximately 96% of habitat of high conservation value for dugongs in the GBRWHA is at low risk from human activities. Using a sensitivity analysis, we found that to decrease risk, commercial netting or indigenous hunting had to be reduced in remote areas and the effects of vessel traffic, terrestrial runoff, and commercial netting had to be reduced in urban areas. This approach enabled us to compare and rank risks so as to identify the most severe risks and locate specific sites that require further management attention. 相似文献
D. Orlinskii I. Priputina A. Popova A. Shalanda T. Tsongas G. Hinman W. Butcher 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2001,23(4):313-328
Statistical data on different sicknesses have been processed to evaluate the dynamics of human health in Serpukhov City (an administrative centre in the Moscow region of Russia) and to estimate the contribution of ecological factors to the total level of morbidity. Chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) appear to be among the most dangerous contaminants of the ecosystem that includes the urban areas and those lands, which are actively used for vegetable production. A preliminary health risk calculation for PCBs has been done using soil contamination data. We estimated the share of cancer attributable to soil contamination with PCBs to be approximately 6% of the value of total cancer morbidity in Serpukhov. The highest level of soil pollution by PCBs occurred in the district of the city where the highest values of some other sicknesses also were located. The results of this study could be useful for decision-making and planning of environmental policy in the city. 相似文献
Since 1986, when green oysters occurred due to the copper and organic pollution in the Charting coastal area, the government banned all maricultural activity. It has been claimed that growing algae in a polluted environment may clean the water of pollutants and restore the marine ecosystem. to test this hypothesis, in the Charting coastal area a three-year programme (from August 1992 to July 1995) was carried out. the survey programme included environmental components such as salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand (BOD), particulate organic carbon (POC), heavy metals and ecological indicators such as nutrients, chlorophyll-a, primary productivity. in the first year study, the environmental background data collected was used to select the suitable season and locations for growing large algae transferred from the laboratory to the field study area. Since September 1993, various species of large algae have been cultured. Although some of the growing algae were damaged by a typhoon in August 1994, the impact of the growing algae on the environmental conditions in the area has been monitored throughout. Elsewhere, we have reported that in the algae growing area higher dissolved oxygen with lower values of BOD and POC were found, and the concentrations of heavy metals in both water and sediments decreased. the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possible impact of growing large algae on the ecological conditions in Charting coastal waters through the period from August 1983 to May 1995. As a result of the positive results obtained, large amounts of algae have again been cultured in the same area during the period from April 29 to May 25, 1995. We expect that inorganic and organic pollutants will be reduced by the algal growth, oyster mariculture will be restored and finally, the fishery resources potential will be increased. 相似文献