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This study attempts to validate the applicability of a simple Gaussian dispersion model for predicting long-range dispersion of continuous releases from an industrial site, by comparison with a Lagrangian particle dispersion model. The United Kingdom Meteorological Office model NAME has been used to predict annual average concentrations of radionuclides over Western Europe, resulting from discharges from the British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) site at Sellafield, UK. The results are compared here to calculations performed using a conventional Gaussian type of dispersion model, PLUME. The results of the Gaussian model were compared at 14 locations within Western Europe at long range (up to 1700 km). The differences in predictions between the models were explained readily by differences in the way dispersion and deposition processes are represented in the two models. However, differences are generally small compared to the expected precision of the models. The implementation of environmental processes in NAME is more complete and realistic than in PLUME, and as such the results from this model may be considered more realistic. However, given that PLUME is much simpler to use, and appears to over-estimate, rather than under-estimate, environmental concentrations, its use for radiological assessments appears appropriate.  相似文献   

This article presents the application of variational data assimilation to a simple Gaussian plume model for radionuclides. Adjoint modeling is applied to the model in order to minimize discrepancies between contamination observations and model outputs. The interest of such an approach is to get a better estimation of some parameters such as emissions or dispersion parameters.A second-order analysis is also performed to assess the sensitivity of the optimized parameters to some poorly known parameters. Sensitivity with respect to network design is also done.  相似文献   

This article presents the application of variational data assimilation to a simple Gaussian plume model for radionuclides. Adjoint modeling is applied to the model in order to minimize discrepancies between contamination observations and model outputs. The interest of such an approach is to get a better estimation of some parameters such as emissions or dispersion parameters. A second-order analysis is also performed to assess the sensitivity of the optimized parameters to some poorly known parameters. Sensitivity with respect to network design is also done.  相似文献   

The methodology for estimating radiocaesium distribution between solid and liquid phases in lakes is applied for three prealpine lakes: Lake Constance (Germany), Lake Lugano (Switzerland) and Lake Vorsee (Germany). It is based on use of the exchangeable distribution coefficient and application of the exchangeable radiocaesium interception potential (RIPex). The methodology was tested against experimental data. Good agreement was found between estimated and measured 137Cs concentrations in Lake Constance and Lake Lugano, whereas for Lake Vorsee a discrepancy was found. Bottom sediments in Lake Vorsee are composed mainly of organic material and probably cannot be described in terms of the specific sorption characteristics attributed to illitic clay minerals.  相似文献   

Scales and sludge generated during oil extraction and production can contain uranium, thorium, radium and other natural radionuclides, which can cause exposure of maintenance personnel. This work shows how the oil content can influence the results of measurements of radionuclide concentration in scale and sludge. Samples were taken from a PETROBRAS unit in Northeast Brazil. They were collected directly from the inner surface of water pipes or from barrels stored in the waste storage area of the E&P unit. The oil was separated from the solids with a Soxhlet extractor by using aguarras at 90+/-5 degrees C as solvent. Concentrations of 226Ra and 228Ra in the samples were determined before and after oil extraction by using an HPGe gamma spectrometric system. The results showed an increase in the radionuclide concentration in the solid (dry) phase, indicating that the above radionuclides concentrate mostly in the solid material.  相似文献   

The Chernobyl accident and unfortunately the recent accident at the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant are the most serious accidents in the history of the nuclear technology and industry. Both of them have a huge and prolonged impact on environment as well as human health. Therefore, any technological developments and strategies that could diminish the consequences of such unfortunate events are undisputedly the most important issues of research. Numerical simulations of dispersion of radionuclides in the atmosphere after an accidental release can provide with a reliable prediction of the path of the plume. In this study we present a short (one month) and a long (11 years) term statistical study for the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant to estimate the most probable dispersion directions and plume structures of radionuclides on local scale using a Gaussian dispersion model. We analyzed the differences in plume directions and structures in case of typical weather/circulation pattern and provided a statistical-climatological method for a “first-guess” approximation of the dispersion of toxic substances. The results and the described method can support and used by decision makers in such important cases like the Fukushima accident.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of individual arsenic species is critical because the toxicology, mobility, and adsorptivity of arsenic vary substantially with its chemical forms and oxidation states. Separation techniques together with techniques for chemical identification make it possible to determine the combinational forms and oxidation states of arsenic in solid phases. Selective sequential extraction is often employed to determine operationally defined fractions, but it has a poor precision and selectivity. Direct methods, based on X-ray techniques and vibrational spectroscopy, have been developed to analyze the valence, local coordination, protonation, and other properties of arsenic in solid phases. Extensive research studies in the literature have been performed to elucidate the interfacial reactions between inorganic arsenic and solid surfaces of sulfides, and Fe, Al, and Mn (hydro)oxides. Outer-sphere and inner-sphere complex (monodentate mononuclear, bidentate mononuclear, and bidentate binuclear complex) models have been proposed to interpret the sorption mechanisms. The nature of the surface complexes has been inspected by spectroscopic methods but remains controversial. This paper focuses on the recent advancement in arsenic speciation in solid phases and covers relevant methodological, analytical and modeling aspects. The identification of arsenic species in natural materials, however, is complicated by the presence of multiple species, and the applications of instrumental methods are usually limited due to their comparatively high detection limits. Development of advanced in-situ methods with high sensitivity, therefore, is required.  相似文献   

The National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) serves as a national resource for the United States, providing tools and services to quickly predict the environmental contamination and health effects caused by airborne radionuclides, and to provide scientifically based guidance to emergency managers for the protection of human life. NARAC's scientists have developed a diverse tool kit of numerical modeling capabilities to respond to different types of release events, distance scales (local, regional, continental, and global), and response times.  相似文献   

Most of the radionuclides released from nuclear power plants ( NPPs) into rivers are primarily adsorbed onto suspended matter. To describe this nuclide transfer, a model was used which takes the total suspended matter load as solid phase into account. The necessary partition factors of various radionuclides were determined in river water/suspended matter of the Moselle in laboratory investigations. By use of this model, a conservative estimate of the radionuclide concentration of the solid phase could be obtained which proved to be more realistic than the results based on the distribution law.Furthermore, the influence of grain-size on the specific activity of single fractions of a Moselle sediment was demonstrated using 137Cs, 106Ru and 144Ce from the Chernobyl nuclear accident as tracers. The grain-size pattern is considered to be a main factor which may seriously distort the determination of distribution coefficients and concentration factors that are needed in applying the model based on the distribution law.  相似文献   

A generic approach has been developed to simulate dynamically the uptake and turnover of radionuclides by marine biota. The approach incorporates a three-compartment biokinetic model based on first order linear kinetics, with interchange rates between the organism and its surrounding environment. Model rate constants are deduced as a function of known parameters: biological half-lives of elimination, concentration factors and a sample point of the retention curve, allowing for the representation of multi-component release. The new methodology has been tested and validated in respect of non-dynamic assessment models developed for regulatory purposes. The approach has also been successfully tested against research dynamic models developed to represent the uptake of technetium and radioiodine by lobsters and winkles. Assessments conducted on two realistic test scenarios demonstrated the importance of simulating time-dependency for ecosystems in which environmental levels of radionuclides are not in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Although fruit is an important component of the diet, the extent to which it contributes to radiological exposure remains unclear, partially as a consequence of uncertainties in models and data used to assess transfer of radionuclides in the food chain. A Fruits Working Group operated as part of the IAEA BIOMASS (BIOsphere Modelling and ASSessment) programme from 1997 to 2000, with the aim of improving the robustness of the models that are used for radiological assessment. The Group completed a number of modelling and experimental activities including: (i) a review of experimental, field and modelling information on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit; (ii) discussion of recently completed or ongoing experimental studies; (iii) development of a database on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit; (iv) development of a conceptual model for fruit and (v) two model intercomparison studies and a model validation study. The Group achieved significant advances in understanding the processes involved in transfer of radionuclides to fruit. The work demonstrated that further experimental and modelling studies are required to ensure that the current generation of models can be applied to a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   

Because of their varied possibilities of consumption, tomatoes are an important component of the human diet. This paper presents results of the evaluation of a dynamic model (Ventomod) for the short-term behaviour of radionuclides deposited on tomato plants following a direct contamination event. To check its forecasting capability in assessing the risk of radionuclide contamination of the human diet, it has been tested with an independent dataset on the leaf to fruit transfer of 134Cs in a typical Hungarian tomato variety, "Dwarf of Kecskemet". Data obtained from this pot experiment were used to evaluate model behaviour. Model constants were varied according to the differences between the Hungarian dataset and the one used to calibrate it. Results show that the model output well reproduces the observed activity of fruits for various levels of contamination and at different contamination dates. The main part of this report summarises the experimental protocol, compares the experimental results with model predictions generated by Ventomod and makes recommendations for both updating model parameters and undertaking further experimental work.  相似文献   

The critical paths for radionuclides and the critical foods in Asian countries differ from those in Western countries because agricultural products and diets are different. Consequently, safety assessments for Asian countries must consider rice as a critical food. As most rice is produced under flooded conditions, the uptake of radionuclides by rice is affected by soil conditions. In this report, we summarize radionuclide and stable element soil-to-plant transfer factors (TFs) for rice. Field observation results for fallout 137Cs and stable Cs TFs indicated that while fallout 137Cs had higher TF than stable Cs over several decades, the GM (geometric mean) values were similar with the GM of TF value for 137Cs being 3.6 × 10−3 and that for stable Cs being 2.5 × 10−3. Although there are some limitations to the use of TF for stable elements under some circumstances, these values can be used to evaluate long-term transfer of long-lived radionuclides in the environment. The compiled data showed that TF values were higher in brown rice than in white rice because distribution patterns for elements were different in the bran and white parts of rice grains.  相似文献   

A numerical three dimensional model to simulate the transport of Cs and Pu by the Rhone River plume has been developed. The model solves the hydrodynamic equations, including baroclinic terms (that account for density variations) and a turbulence model, the suspended matter equations, including several particle classes simultaneously, settling, deposition and erosion of the sediment, and the radionuclide dispersion equations. Exchanges of radionuclides between the liquid and solid phases are described in terms of kinetic transfer coefficients. The dependence of these coefficients with water salinity is explicitly included in the model since it changes from freshwater to seawater values in the model domain. Computed activity levels in water, suspended matter and bed sediments are, in general, in agreement with measurements in the area. The model can also give a wide amount of information, as distribution coefficients for total suspended matter and sediments and for each particle class, fractions of radionuclides fixed to solid particles, and vertical profiles of radionuclides and distribution coefficients.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of nine marine microalgal species (consisting of five divisions and seven genera) to the five heavy metals, Cu(II), As(V), Sb(III), Pb(II) and Cd(II) was studied by using a fluorometric growth-inhibition assay with 96-well microplates. The algal strains studied were Cylindrotheca sp. and the LPP group that respectively characterize aggregating and filamentous types, and Chlorococcum littorale, Chlorococcum sp., Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmis tetrathele, Heterocapsa sp., Synechococcus sp. and Prasinococcus sp. for types that occur as single cells. A good linear relationship was observed between the chlorophyll a concentration and intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence (485-nm excitation filter and 645-nm emission filter) when the chlorophyll a concentration was within the range of 0.10-5.0 microg ml(-1). A starting cell concentration of 0.10 or 0.25 microg Chl a ml(-1) was therefore selected. In accordance with OECD 201 standard procedures, the IC(50) value (concentration of a metal producing 50% growth inhibition relative to the control) was determined 72 h after adding a heavy metal by using the biomass integral. The microplate toxicity test used in this study is considered to be applicable to diverse algae, not only enumerating species but also hardly enumerating ones.  相似文献   

A variety of models for predicting the behaviour of radionuclides in fresh water ecosystems have been developed and tested during recent decades within the framework of many international research projects. These models have been implemented in Computerised Decision Support Systems (CDSS) for assisting the appropriate management of fresh water bodies contaminated by radionuclides. The assessment of the state-of-the-art and the consolidation of these CDSSs has been envisaged, by the scientific community, as a primary necessity for the rationalisation of the sector. The classification of the approaches of the various models, the determination of their essential features, the identification of similarities and differences among them and the definition of their application domains are all essential for the harmonisation of the existing CDSSs and for the possible development and improvement of reference models that can be widely applied in different environmental conditions. The present paper summarises the results of the assessment and evaluation of models for predicting the behaviour of radionuclides in lacustrine ecosystems. Such models were developed and tested within major projects financed by the European Commission during its 4th Framework Programme (1994-1998). The work done during the recent decades by many modellers at an international level has produced some consolidated results that are widely accepted by most experts. Nevertheless, some new results have arisen from recent studies and certain model improvements are still necessary.  相似文献   

The radionuclide (99)Tc had been discharged from the nuclear reprocessing facility in Sellafield (UK) into the Irish Sea in increased amounts in the 1990s. We compare the simulated dispersion of (99)Tc in surface water as calculated by a hydrodynamic model and an assessment box model with field-observations from 1996 to 1999 to study concentrations, pathways and travel times. The model results are consistent with the observations and show the typical pathway of dissolved radionuclides from the Irish Sea via the North Sea along the Norwegian Coast. Subsequently the contaminated water separates into three branches of which the two Arctic branches bear the potential for future monitoring of the signal in the next decades. The results of the hydrodynamic model indicate a large variability of surface concentrations in the West Spitsbergen Current which has implications for future monitoring strategies. According to the observed and simulated distributions we suggest an improved box model structure to better capture the pattern for concentrations at the surface.  相似文献   

This paper presents results on the calibration and validation of a model (Ventomod) for leaf to fruit transfer of (134)Cs, (85)Sr and (65)Zn in processing tomato plants after leaf contamination. Several models (e.g. FARMLAND) that deal specifically with the transfer of radionuclides to fruits are adaptations of models that were developed for agricultural crops such as leafy green vegetables. "Ventomod" represents a dynamic evaluation model exclusively built for the short-term behaviour of radionuclide depositions. It forecasts the level of radionuclide contamination in ripe processing tomato fruits following an accidental radionuclide release into the atmosphere. A validation of the developed model by data sets from an independent experiment showed that the model successfully reproduced the observed radionuclide distribution and dynamics in tomato fruits. The level of uncertainty was within the normal range of similar assessment models. For a more general use of this model further testing with independent data sets from experiments obtained under different environmental conditions and data from other horticulturally important plant species would be desirable.  相似文献   

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