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研究消除废弃电器电子产品(WEEE)闭环供应链低碳绩效影响因素的最优路径,对政府科学制定政策,提高中国废弃电器电子产品(WEEE)管理水平具有重要理论与现实意义。该文采用解释结构模型(ISM)和层次分析法(AHP)相结合的因素影响力排序法对影响因素进行分析。研究表明:通过层析影响因素指标体系的逻辑关系,构建解释结构模型(ISM)框图,将影响因素分为5个层级,在此基础上运用层次分析法(AHP)对主要因素的综合影响力权重进行排序,得出优先消除影响因素的顺序为第Ⅲ、Ⅴ、Ⅳ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ层,描绘出消除WEEE闭环供应链低碳绩效影响因素的最优路径。  相似文献   

魏琦  丁亚楠 《中国环境科学》2022,42(3):1456-1465
考虑到企业和消费者的低碳策略往往受到政府补贴政策的影响,构建了消费者、消费领域相关企业和政府的三方演化博弈模型,探讨多种因素对各主体策略选择的影响机制.研究表明:企业低碳生产的概率与政府补贴力度、消费者低碳偏好、放弃低碳生产的机会成本和市场损失正相关,与生产方式转变成本负相关;消费者低碳消费的概率与政府补贴力度、低碳偏...  相似文献   

环境治理博弈复杂性与演化均衡稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据系统工程和环境经济学相关理论,环境治理博弈具有限理性、自主性、动态性、经济性等特点,针对当前环境治理博弈研究中完全信息、静态决策和理性决策等的局限性,文章运用演化博弈理论方法,建立了一个环境治理博弈的演化博弈均衡模型,分析了参与博弈主体的动态演变过程。研究结果表明,环境治理状况的演化方向与双方博弈的支付矩阵相关,同时与系统初始状态相关。并得出监管成本、处罚力度,以及企业的社会责任是影响环境治理状况演变的关键因素。  相似文献   

基于演化博弈理论的雾霾治理中政府环境规制策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高效、经济治理雾霾(重污染天气)已成为全社会共同行动目标.为验证中央政府制定的系统性激励政策能否有效规避传统环境规制失灵,选取中央政府及地方政府作为博弈模型参与方,将激励机制引入约束条件,建立了中央与地方政府、地方政府与企业的演化博弈模型,从最佳规制效果和规制强度两个维度构建了双方最佳规制策略.研究发现,各地政府在治理雾霾中,引入中央政府规制约束,分配治理成本和提供资金支持,是避免规制失灵的关键.此外,中央与地方应采取差异的规制策略:在中央政府层面,中央政府治理雾霾专项资金分配最优策略应是使资金量(F)与地方政府申报量(p)呈正相关,并且呈边际递减关系;地方政府对于企业的超排行为不应采取严罚的手段,随着企业超排量的加大,更好的规制手段不是加大惩罚力度,而是从更加合理的环境税费(t)以及降低企业边际减排成本[TCp3'(p3)]上着手.   相似文献   

生态补偿是通过调节相关方的利益关系,实现可持续利用生态系统服务的一种手段或制度安排。论文从微观维度对生态补偿问题进行研究,将生态补偿利益群体分为实施群和受益群,建立非对称演化博弈模型,分析各群体利益关系的复制动态、演化稳定策略和演化博弈系统的稳定性。结果表明:在"举报惩罚"制度存在的情况下,两群体间的演化博弈存在唯一的稳定均衡策略(保护、补偿),即实施群选择"保护"策略,受益群选择"补偿"策略,其中实施群决策主导系统稳定性;利益群体各决策选择的比重是稳定均衡策略的重要影响因素,增加实施群和受益群选择"保护"和"补偿"策略的比重,可加快稳定均衡策略的有效形成。  相似文献   

第三方物流与企业合作从双边合作发展到多边合作,从闭环供应链发展到绿色供应链再到低碳供应链,第三方物流所起的作用愈发重要。通过对低碳供应链中第三方物流发展路径的研究,提出第三方物流的创新发展路径和联盟发展路径,其中创新发展以技术创新为主,创新模式采取多主体开放式创新;联盟发展包括横向联盟和纵向联盟,横向联盟整合多种功能型物流服务功能,纵向联盟即第三方物流与低碳供应链多边联动以进行全供应链管理。  相似文献   

高旭阔  席子云 《中国环境科学》2021,40(12):5484-5492
为研究排污企业应对不同惩罚和补贴组合措施的行为策略,将演化博弈理论与系统动力学方法结合,构建基于政府与排污企业双方的演化博弈模型.以政府和排污企业双方利益为核心,对其在不同惩罚和补贴措施下的企业行为策略和演化稳定性进行分析.结果显示,在静态惩罚补贴措施下,政府和企业策略行为无法达到演化稳定点,政府静态政策不会对企业合法排污行为产生推动作用.在动态惩罚补贴措施下,动态惩罚和动态补贴措施对推动企业合法排污行为更为有效,政府可根据排污企业行为制定双边动态策略.  相似文献   

高旭阔  席子云 《中国环境科学》2020,40(12):5484-5492
为研究排污企业应对不同惩罚和补贴组合措施的行为策略,将演化博弈理论与系统动力学方法结合,构建基于政府与排污企业双方的演化博弈模型.以政府和排污企业双方利益为核心,对其在不同惩罚和补贴措施下的企业行为策略和演化稳定性进行分析.结果显示,在静态惩罚补贴措施下,政府和企业策略行为无法达到演化稳定点,政府静态政策不会对企业合法排污行为产生推动作用.在动态惩罚补贴措施下,动态惩罚和动态补贴措施对推动企业合法排污行为更为有效,政府可根据排污企业行为制定双边动态策略.  相似文献   

在假定一个上游政府已经与一个下游政府签订流域生态保护协议的基础上,利用演化博弈理论分析了上游政府面向辖区内行为主体的生态补偿与监管决策问题。根据得益矩阵建立了流域生态保护策略选择的演化博弈模型,利用复制动态分析了3种情况下的演化稳定策略,并基于演化博弈分析给出了流域生态补偿与监管的政策建议。  相似文献   

气候问题是人类价值所在,低碳经济是全球气候变化背景下中国的必然选择,发展低碳经济,符合国际发展的价值理念和趋势。在全球金融危机背景下,按照低碳经济的发展要求,分析辽宁发展低碳经济面临的主要障碍与制约因素,重点研究适合"低碳经济"要求的辽宁经济结构低碳化调整的应对策略,指出克服技术和资本的锁定效应是辽宁经济结构适应"低碳经济"调整的着力点,最后提出辽宁必须建立发展低碳经济的长效机制。  相似文献   

Executives are increasingly paying attention to the importance of supply chain management [Lambert DM, Cooper MC. Issues in supply chain management. Industrial Marketing Management 2000;29(1):65–83; Hagelaar GJLF, van der Vorst JGAJ. Environmental supply chain management: using life cycle assessment to structure supply chains. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2002;4:399–412]. The management of the supply chain can be a central aspect of a company's competitive advantage [Preuss L. Rhetoric and reality of corporate greening: a view from the supply chain management function. Business Strategy and the Environment 2005;14:123–139]. SCM also offers considerable opportunities to reduce a company's environmental impact. The supply chains of three small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in the Burnside Industrial Park in Nova Scotia, Canada were investigated to explore the opportunities to improve environmental performance of SMEs linked in supply chains. This study confirmed that time and, to a lesser degree, financial resources to address solid waste and energy issues are the greatest limiting factors. Small suppliers, and even to a certain degree medium-sized enterprises, have difficulties in allocating resources to initiatives that are not viewed as directly related to their core function, namely manufacturing the product or providing the service. This study clearly demonstrated that opportunities exist to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste. Although, the benefits that would be gained from the implementation of any of the individual actions in the supply chains explored in this study are individually small, the cumulative benefits that could be achieved among supply chains and within industrial parks are substantial, given the number of small- and medium-sized enterprises.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the concept of cumulative eco-intensity with which environmental or sustainability indicators are related to the added value of economic activities. The intensities are passed on recursively from supplier to supplier and thus make it possible to include upstream and downstream effects along the supply and waste disposal chain. The process is applied to whole companies and (by contrast with LCA) not to individual products. At comparatively low expenditure for the individual companies, it allows vertical comparisons along the value-adding chain and horizontal comparisons among companies or production locations. This provides a decision-making aid for a company seeking to fulfil its ecological or sustainability responsibility in the entire production and supply chains.  相似文献   

废旧金属资源的回收是循环经济的重要组成部分,进一步加强废旧金属回收行业的管理,对于保证资源永续、减少环境污染、节省能源、提高经济效益具有重要的意义。当前的竞争环境使金属回收企业和政府主管部门急需通过金属回收企业绿色供应链绩效评价,了解企业的绿色供应链管理状况,以适应越来越激烈的市场竞争。因而建立一个金属回收企业绿色供应链绩效评价模型不仅对绿色供应链的实践具有指导意义,而且还能对金属回收企业绿色供应链的绩效作出评价,改善其绿色供应链管理。  相似文献   

In this paper, a mathematical programming-based methodology is presented for the explicit inclusion of life cycle assessment (LCA) criteria as part of the strategic investment decisions related to the design and planning of supply chain networks. By considering the multiple environmental concerns together with the traditional economic criteria, the planning task is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. Over a long-range planning horizon, the methodology utilizes mixed integer modelling techniques to address strategic decisions involving the selection, allocation and capacity expansion of processing technologies and assignment of transportation links required to satisfy the demands at the markets. At the operational level, optimal production profiles and flows of material between various components within the supply chain are determined. As such, the formulation presented here combines the elements of the classical plant location and capacity expansion problems with the principles of LCA to develop a quantitative decision-support tool for environmentally conscious strategic investment planning.  相似文献   

Sustainability recognizes the interdependence of ecological, social, and economic systems – the three pillars of sustainability. The definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR) often advocates ethical behavior with respect to these systems. As more corporations commit to sustainability and CSR policies, there is increasing pressure to consider social impacts throughout the supply chain. This paper reviews metrics, indicators, and frameworks of social impacts and initiatives relative to their ability to evaluate the social sustainability of supply chains. Then, the relationship between business decision-making and social sustainability is explored with attention initially focused on directly impacting national level measures. A general strategy for considering measures of social sustainability is proposed, and a variety of indicators of CSR are described. Several of these indicators are then employed in an example to demonstrate how they may be applied to supply chain decision-making.  相似文献   

介绍了陕西省成品油生产、消费、流通等环节的现状,针对各环节潜在问题提出了优化建议:加强采炼销环节管理,实现采炼销动态平衡;加强配送中心建设,高效链接一次物流和二次物流环节;加强信息网络建设,高度集成各环节管理系统和油品信息资源;加强全链条环节的油气回收,建立污染排放清单。  相似文献   

用食物供给量与生产量分别表示食物的可及性与自给率,其差值可表示食物贸易量,以人均每天卡路里为单位进行的折算可以更好地反映膳食营养的变化。从食物贸易视角分析了28年来食物供需平衡状况,结果表明:(1)1986—2013年,全球食物贸易量增加1.5倍;食物总产量增加0.75倍,贸易量在总产量中的比例增加约8个百分点,相当于7.9×108t食物进入国际市场,这成为改善膳食结构的重要因素。(2)28年来,食物可及性与自给率呈上升趋势,全球绝大部分人口已经达到最低2200 kal的营养标准。(3)食物可及性、自给率、贸易量均存在地域差异,非洲及南亚的部分国家是低值地区。(4)总体来看,全球人均每天热量与蛋白质供给量增加。低收入国家增速最快,中等收入国家增速次之,高收入国家增速最慢。但非洲、东南亚等地的一些欠发达国家仍未达到最低的营养标准,全球仍有一部分人处于营养不良状态。  相似文献   

温度、光照和磷酸盐脉冲输入对三角褐指藻的交互影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了光照和温度联合作用下磷酸盐脉冲输入对三角褐指藻生长的影响.结果表明随着温度的升高,磷酸盐脉冲输入频率对三角褐指藻生长的影响趋于显著,连续添加磷酸盐和低频脉冲更有利于三角褐指藻快速增长,但较高的光照强度[125μmol/(m2×s)]和较高的温度(18℃、25℃)同时作用将抑制三角褐指藻的磷酸盐吸收能力.研究证实了温度、光照和脉冲对三角褐指藻的生长存在交互影响.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical compound indomethacin is not totally removed in wastewater treatment plants,whose effluents flow into aquatic environments;concentrations in the 0.1-100 ng/L range are commonly found in surface waters,and its fate is unknown.Here,biological,photochemical and thermal degradation assays were conducted under stress and non-stress conditions to estimate its degradation rate in river water and establish its degradation products over time.The results revealed that direct sunlight irradiation promoted the complete degradation of indomethacin(2 μg/L) in less than 6 hr,but indomethacin was detected over a period of 4 months when water was kept under the natural day-night cycle and the exposure to sunlight was partially limited,as occurs inside a body of water.The biological degradation in water was negligible,while the hydrolysis at pH 7.8 was slow.Residues were monitored by ultra-pressure liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight/mass spectrometry after solid-phase extraction,and six degradation products were found;their structures were proposed based on the molecular formulae and fragmentation observed in high-resolution tandem mass spectra.4-Chlorobenzoic and 2-acetamido-5-methoxybenzoic acids were the long-term transformation products,persisting for at least 30 weeks in water kept under non-stress conditions.Furthermore,the degradation in the presence of sediment was also monitored over time,with some differences being noted.The adsorption coefficients of indomethacin and degradation products on river sediment were calculated;long-term degradation products did not have significant adsorption to sediment.  相似文献   

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