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无锡市首创的河长制在水污染治理中取得了良好效果后,迅速地在全国各省(区、市)扩散开来。本文基于时间、空间与层级三个维度对河长制在省(区、市)间扩散的进程和机制进行了分析,发现河长制的扩散进程符合创新扩散理论的一般规律;但河长制的扩散也具有与其他政策扩散所不同的独特效应:时间维度上头尾两端的集中效应明显;空间维度上呈现两条扩散轨迹和轴向效应,层级维度上呈现出全国与区域二元领导的格局。随着扩散模式从自下而上向自上而下转变,扩散机制从诱致到强制、从学习到学习与模仿、从竞争逐渐向多主体参与的互惠互利的社会化方向发展。扩散机制的转变,根源在于环境治理体系的转变。省、市、县、乡四级河长体系的全面落实需完善各级政府的工作制度,健全跨部门协调合作机制以及拓宽公众参与的渠道,最终实现流域的共建共治共享。  相似文献   

河长制为推进流域水污染防治规划的实施提供了制度保障,流域水污染防治规划为河长制的推进和实施提供了具体路径.河长制和流域水污染防治规划目标相同,各有侧重,是改善流域水环境质量的重要抓手.本文提出在河长制背景下流域水污染防治规划要尊重治水的客观规律,强调流域的系统性;落实《水十条》的水质改善目标要求,通过工程措施、优化调度等管理措施将污染物排放尽可能做小,将河湖生态流量(水位)尽可能做大;针对流域水污染防治规划识别的优先控制单元,各地应逐一编制单元达标方案;客观认以和把握水资源、水环境、水生态的相互关系,发挥河长制协调性好、执行力强的特点,加速推进流域水环境治理的全面改善.  相似文献   

江苏全面推行流域治理“双河长制” 江苏省积极探索流域水污染治理的新思路、新举措.率先在太湖流域建立地方政府主要负责人担任河长的“河长制”,将地方政府对环境质量负责的职责落到实处。2008年,为推进太湖水污染防治,江苏省决定在太湖流域推广无锡首创的“河长制”,15条主要入湖河流已全面实行“双河长制”。  相似文献   

杨志  牛桂敏  兰梓睿 《中国环境科学》2021,41(11):5446-5456
基于流域跨界水污染问题多关注于上下游矛盾而忽视左右岸的"公地悲剧",本研究构建左、右岸地区和流域政府三方演化博弈模型,探索奖惩、补偿及复合机制下的主体决策和演化格局差异,结合仿真实验给出推动左右岸协同治理政策路径.结果显示,实现左右岸地区达标排放的关键在于显化达标排放收益与超标排放损失.流域政府倾向于选择奖惩或补偿的单一机制,奖惩机制在不同政策组合中显示出必要性,补偿机制具有加快达标决策、减缓超标决策的收敛速度的积极意义.政策路径是首先采取"阶梯惩罚政策"并增加严重超标惩罚额;继而依次增加奖励和惩罚额促成"奖惩机制",或依次增加奖励额和左右岸之间的补偿额促成"补偿机制",同时给出了上述额度的量化表达式.  相似文献   

我国全面推出河长制,不但国家政策推动且已经明确写入国家水污染防治法,在这一背景下,本文从代际公平理论的角度,首先研究该理论法律化的重要意义和难度,其次结合河长制推出的法理依据、内容、目标要求和内在价值,论证得出我国河长制较好地契合代际公平理论的结论,是代际公平理论积极运用的结果,最后进一步从纵、横两个方面,论述河长制落实过程中可能存在的问题,并认为同样可通过深入理解和运用代际公平理论予以规避或解决。  相似文献   

河长制自创立以来在水污染防治方面取得了显著的成效,实践证明其是一项可行的水污染治理和水资源保护制度.但与此同时,河长制在实践的过程中也暴露出了许多问题,如制度的推行法制保障不足、实施的过程中公众参与和社会监督不足以及与现行水管理制度存在冲突等.湖南省河长制正处于全面推行中,其诸如升级版的一些做法值得肯定,但正确面对这些问题并进行法制化构建才是保证河长制可持续发展的基石.其法制化构建主要包括制定有关河长制的地方法规,建立科学的考核机制,健全公众参与和社会监督机制等.  相似文献   

正最新修订的《水污染防治法》已于2018年1月1日起正式施行。新法增设一条规定由各级党政负责人组织领导相应的水污染防治与治理工作,其中第五条对"河长制"的管理模式进行了明确,"省、市、县、乡建立河长制,分级分段组织领导本行政区域内江河、湖泊的水资源保护、水域岸线管理、水污染防治、水环境治理等工  相似文献   

滇池流域水污染防治财政投资政策绩效评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
滇池流域水污染防治巨额的治理投资尚未带来根本性的水质改善,因此,开展滇池流域水污染防治财政投资政策绩效评估研究,对提高投资资金的效益和效率具有重要意义.为此,本文利用数据包络分析(DEA)的方法,应用数据包络C2R模型和BC2模型,对2001—2012年滇池流域水污染防治财政投资政策绩效进行了评估.结果表明,2001—2012年滇池流域水污染防治投资综合效率值均值为0.708,总体效率水平不是很高,且只有2001年、2006年和2010年DEA有效,DEA无效年份中2011年效率值最低为0.441;影响滇池流域水污染防治投资综合效率的主要因素为城镇污水处理率和滇池综合营养状态指数(外海),同时,工程治理投资和面源污染治理投资存在较多冗余.因此,未来滇池治理可适当调整工程治理和面源污染投资金额,进一步提高城市污水的收集和处理率,以减少污水的排放和降低入湖污染负荷.  相似文献   

<正>作为生态文明建设体制机制创新的一个典型代表,"河长制"为中国水环境治理提供了新思路和新对策。"河长制"起源于地方针对突发性水污染事件而进行的"应急式"的制度创新。2007年夏季,太湖爆发了大面积的蓝藻事件,引起了江苏省无锡市的水危机。为了应对这一危机,同时为了从根本上解决水环境污染问题,无锡市在2007年8月率先推行了"河长制",由各级党政负责人分别担任64条河道的河长,加强污染物源头治  相似文献   

我国的环境保护工作虽然取得积极进展,但环境形势依然十分严峻,环境管理严重滞后,与环境保护任务要求不相适应,为全面落实科学发展观,必须把环境保护摆在更加重要的战略位置。当前环境保护要切实解决好大气污染、防治水污染、土壤污染,以及促进人与自然和谐等突出问题。加强环境保护必须采取有力的对策措施:健全环境保护法规,加强执法力度;完善环境监管制度;增加环保资金投入;实行有利于环保经济的政策,加快污染治理市场化进程;推动环境科学进步,加强环保队伍建设;落实环境保护责任制,强化环境保护成果效应。  相似文献   

Public support for environmental policy provides an important foundation for democratic governance. Numerous policy innovations may improve nonpoint source pollution, but little research has examined which types of individuals are likely to support various runoff reduction policies. We conducted a household mail survey of 1136 residents in southern Wisconsin. In general, residents were more likely to support water quality policies if they were communitarians, egalitarians, concerned about water pollution, and perceived water quality as poor. The majority of respondents somewhat to strongly supported all of the seven proposed water quality policies, but opposed relying on voluntary action without government involvement on farms. Residents had higher support for incentives and market-based approaches (carrot policies) than regulation and taxes (stick policies). A more complicated pattern emerged in within-subject comparisons of residents’ views of carrot and stick approaches. Stick approaches polarized respondents by decreasing support among people with individualistic worldviews, while slightly increasing support among people with communitarian worldviews. Residents with an agricultural occupation were more likely to support voluntary, non-governmental approaches for reducing agricultural runoff, and were also more likely to support regulation for reducing urban lawn runoff. This research highlights the dominant role of cultural worldviews and the secondary roles of water pollution concern, perceived water quality, and self-interest in explaining support for diverse policies to reduce nonpoint source pollution.  相似文献   

The shift in policy towards prevention and towards making producers responsible for the pollution they cause has lead corporations to limit environmental liabilities through the improvement of environmental performance. The implementation of an Environmental Management System integrates the precautionary and polluter pays principles into a firm's operations and demonstrates commitment to sustainable development. This research aims at assessing the factors influencing the implementation of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in developing countries taking the Food Industry in Lebanon as a case example. For this purpose, primary data were collected using a field survey questionnaire that was administered to a representative sample of facilities. The results revealed that the food industry is generally more concerned with safety and quality issues rather than environmental issues. Following international food sector trend, improving environmental performance and enhancing company image are the most salient drivers to adopt ISO 14001. The lack of government support and stakeholder demand as well as the fact that ISO 14001 is not a legal requirement constitute the most salient factors hindering the adoption of the standard. Economical and organizational factors are the most significant incentives required to motivate the food industry to adopt ISO 14001. The industry is less likely to voluntarily consider adopting ISO 14001 before acquiring a quality management certification or until ISO 14001 certification gain more recognition in the international food sector. The study defines the foundations for developing strategies, policy reforms and incentive schemes to reduce the barriers of implementing ISO 14001.  相似文献   

Clean technology has figured prominently in recent debates on international climate policy. This article offers a game-theoretic investigation of the possibility and effectiveness of strategic technology development: environmental leaders setting policies that reduce the global cost of clean technology. The game-theoretic model combines technology development and adoption with pollution abatement, and it allows technology costs to differ across countries. The key theoretical findings are as follows. First, free riding is an obstacle to technology development in two ways: countries fail to fully internalize the beneficial effect of technology development on (i) global pollution abatement and (ii) the reduced cost of technology adoption in outsider countries. Second, strategic technology development can be effective when (i) a key group of frontrunner countries prefers to invest in research and development and (ii) many other countries are willing to adopt the new technology. The findings suggest that strategic technology deployment by a group of frontrunners can enable more effective climate cooperation in the future.  相似文献   

中国水环境压力与水污染防治能力的区域差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2005年中国31个省、市的水污染物处理情况、水资源和人均地区生产总值的统计数据,分析区域间的差异。结果表明:目前中国区域水环境压力和水污染防治能力与经济水平都呈现显著空间线性正相关,而水环境压力与水污染防治能力的空间线性相关性不显著,根据不同区域水环境压力和水污染防治能力的关系,按照加强水污染防治能力的紧迫程度,从大到小分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四级区域,分别对不同区域进行了现状分析和对策建议。  相似文献   

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is practised to mitigate water shortages in both household chores and agricultural use. This paper examines the relationship between adoption of household RWH technologies in rural Uganda (dependant variable), and the influence of independent variables (household characteristics such as age or monthly cash income, household perception including attitude or risk preference, and institutional and policy-assumed variables such as household’s contact with extension workers, RWH-subsidy provision, information flow channels and local community financial sources) that potentially influence technological adoption. Logistic regression techniques were used on a random sample of 224 respondents to ascertain the influence of variables on adoption of household RWH technologies. Analyses of hypothesised relationships revealed that subsidy provision was statistically significant for adoption of RWH technologies in rural Uganda. Overall, the paper suggests the consideration of household RWH subsidies in form of hardware when promoting adoption of RWH technologies. Moreover, when subsidies in the form of RWH construction materials are provided, the chances of having a RWH system installed seem more likely than when cash is provided owing to the many options cash can be used to purchase. Furthermore, household subsidy provision will produce immediate improvement in rural water supply, fostering the probability of adoption of rainwater technologies, a choice that can be made with regard to the form or level of public subsidy received depending on institutional and policy interventions.  相似文献   

Carbon farming policies aim to contribute to climate change mitigation, but their success strongly depends on whether landholders actually adopt desired practices or participate in offered programs. The Australian Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative and Emissions Reduction Fund policies were designed to incentivise the adoption of carbon farming practices. Although these policies have been active since December 2011, farmer engagement has been limited, and net emissions reductions low as a result. We surveyed broad-acre farmers in the Western Australian wheatbelt to explore their drivers and barriers to adopting carbon farming practices and participating in carbon farming policy programs. Drivers of adoption included knowledge and perception of co-benefits (for yield, productivity, and the environment), knowing another adopter, and believing that changes to farm management are an appropriate method to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Barriers to adoption included lack of information, uncertainty and costs. The key barrier to participation was policy and political uncertainty. The determinants of adoption and participation that we identify in our study offer important insights into how to best ensure the success of Australia’s land sector-based climate change policies. We conclude that, to increase landholder engagement, the co-benefits and climate change benefits of carbon farming practices must be actively promoted, and additional information is needed about the costs associated with adoption. Information diffusion is best achieved if it actively leverages landholder social networks. Finally, our results indicate that landholder buy-in to carbon farming could be greatly enhanced by achieving more continuity in Australian climate change policies and politics.  相似文献   

分析了滇池流域现行的排污收费制度、污水处理收费制度和阶梯水价政策的实施效果,采用DEA方法的C2R模型和BC2模型对2001~2012年滇池流域水污染防治收费政策实施绩效进行了评估.结果表明:排污收费制度、污水处理收费制度和阶梯水价政策对降低滇池流域废水和污染物的排放以及提高流域用水效率均起到了较好的促进作用,且各政策实施绩效水平较高,综合效率值均值为0.902;影响滇池流域水污染防治收费政策的主要因素为单位COD排放工业增加值,可通过提高排污费征收标准或者排污费改税等措施,以进一步降低企业污染物的排放量;作为有效实施的环境经济政策,适当调整政策的征收标准,有利于提高各政策的实施效率.  相似文献   

Faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) are commonly used to quantify pollution of public health significance. Health protection, as indexed by FIO control, is a central aim of new ‘catchment-scale’ water quality management required in the USA by the Clean Water Act and in the European Union (EU) by the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Experience of the former, after a decade of implementation, suggests that the most significant reason for water quality ‘impairment’ is elevated FIO concentrations, mainly in recreational and shellfish harvesting waters. This provides an early warning of possible problems which the EU regulatory authorities are likely to face. To date, however, a surprising lack of EU attention has been given to prediction and control of catchment fluxes of this key parameter. This is likely to prove embarrassing if the experience of the US regulatory community is not acted upon with some urgency. There is a growing, though still partial, body of empirical science to form the ‘evidence-base’ for good regulatory practice. However, adoption of ‘best management practices’ (BMPs) to effect remediation of impacted waters will require close integration of water policy with policies on financial support for the farming community. This is likely to require enhanced communication and integration within the discrete policy communities addressing the agricultural sector through the Common Agricultural Policy and water regulation through the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

DifusionandadoptionofenvironmentalysoundtechnologyinChinacementindustryCaiNingEconomicsDepartment,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzhou...  相似文献   

张璇  袁浩铭  郝芳华 《中国环境科学》2018,38(12):4780-4787
延续财政分权对环境质量影响的研究,讨论财政分权对环保投资效率的影响.基于中国2004~2014年30个省份的面板数据,在DEA-Tobit模型的研究框架下,测度了各个省份多种类型的环保投资效率,并进一步讨论了财政分权对环保投资效率的影响.实证结果发现,财政分权不利于环保投资效率的改进,特别是不利于建设项目"三同时"环保投资效率、工业污染源治理环保投资效率,以及企业来源环保投资效率的改进.进一步考虑到地区异质性因素,以各地区环保投资额作为门槛变量的分析同样支持上述结论.  相似文献   

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