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B. Czeczuga 《Marine Biology》1971,10(3):254-257
Investigations have been carried out on the carotenoids in Verongia aerophoba (Schmidt) (Porifera: Spongiidae) from the Adriatic Sea. The presence of the carotenoids -carotene, -carotene, isozeaxanthin, lutein (ester and free), zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, neoxanthin, astaxanthin and astacene was determined by means of columnar and thin-layer chromatography.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga 《Marine Biology》1972,13(2):124-126
Investigations have been carried out on the carotenoids in Anemonia sulcata (Pennant) and Actinia equina (L.) (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) from the Adriatic Sea. The presence of the carotenoids was determined by means of columnar and thin-layer chromatography. The following carotenoids were found: Anemonia sulcata: β-carotene, lutein-like (epoxy and free) and astaxanthin; Actinia equina: α-carotene, β-carotene, actinioerythrin, lutein-like (?) and astaxanthin (ester and free).  相似文献   

Age and growth in Nephrops norvegicus (Decapoda: Nephropidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The growth of the lobster Nephrops norvegicus (L.) in laboratory tanks was studied. The moult increments of males and females were not significantly different. The growth per moult was of the progressive geometric type throughout the life of the lobster, including the larval instars. Moulting in both the laboratory and the natural population occurred throughout the year in males, but there was a peak of moulting activity in females from June to August. There was no indication of a terminal anecdysis. Size-frequency histograms from monthly samples taken 10 to 20 miles south-west of the Isle of Man over a period of 21/2 years provided data on the growth of the year classes. It is possible to recognise the year classes in females at least, until the lobsters are 3 to 4 years old. Instar determination based on the numbers of aesthetasc-bearing segments of the antennule and on the numbers of lamellae in the endocuticle was unsuccessful. Estimates of the numbers of moults occurring in each year, and the expected mean sizes of the year classes are given.  相似文献   

Using prawns, Palaemon elegans (Rathke) from intertidal pools on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, and P. serratus (Pennant) from the subtidal at Plymouth, England, some metabolic responses to hypoxia and anoxia have been studied. P. elegans was found to have a greater tolerance of severe hypoxia than P. serratus. Tolerance of totally anoxic conditions, however, was limited to only 4 h in P. elegans and to approximately 1 h in P. serratus. exposure to moderate hypoxia (30 torr) resulted in little change in the concentration of L-lactate in the blood or in the tissues of either P. elegans or P. serratus. When exposed to extreme hypoxia (10 or 5 torr for P. elegans), however, there was a progressive increase in the concentration of L-lactate in the blood and in the tissues of both species. After normoxic conditions had been restored, the concentration of L-lactate in the blood and in the tissues returned to normal resting levels more rapidly in P. elegans than in P. serratus. Under hypoxic conditions, both P. elegans and P. serratus showed an increase in the concentration of blood glucose and a slight reduction in the glycogen content of the tissues. The concentrations of blood glucose and of tissue glycogen returned to normal levels within 6 h of the prawns being returned to normoxic conditions. The results of an in situ study in April and August 1986 to examine the metabolic responses of P. elegans to the hypoxic conditions normally experienced in high-shore rock pools are also presented. The ecological significance of the differing abilities of these species to survive hypoxic exposure is discussed.  相似文献   

A bilateral gynandromorph specimen of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) from the Irish Sea is described. Previous records of gynandromorphs within the Nephropidae are discussed, together with other types of sexual abnormality found in N. norvegicus. It is suggested that the bilateral asymmetry is due to a chromosomal aberration in the first embryonic cleavage division, and that further division is determinate. In addition, it appears that the androgenic gland in N. norvegicus, Homarus gammarus and H. americanus does not have the same mode of action as that reported for Orchestia gammarella and O. cavimana.  相似文献   

Plankton survey data from 1982, 1985 and 1995 were used to estimate the annual production of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) larvae in the Irish Sea. The larval abundance data from each set of surveys were analysed using the same temperature-to-stage-duration relationships. The production of larvae was similar in all 3?yr at approx. 360?×?109 Stage I larvae per year. The estimated production in the eastern Irish Sea was 5% of the value for the western Irish Sea. This corresponded well to the sizes of the fisheries and the relative areas of the mud patches. Larvae in both areas were found to hatch over 5½?wk, centred on the first week in May. The time lag between onset of production of each stage reflected the estimated stage durations, but the lag between maximum production of each stage was much shorter than expected.  相似文献   

Variations in ascorbic acid content of the ovary, somatic tissues and the whole female body were studied during ovarian development and the molting cycle of Palaemon serratus. The conclusions are incomplete, due to insufficient data on the role of ascorbic acid in the physiology and metabolism of animals, and especially crustaceans. However, some results indicate that Vitamin C is accumulated in the female as the gonad index increases. Ascorbic acid is concentrated preferentially in the ovarian tissue. Some hypotheses are put forward relating to the role of ascorbic acid in the biosynthesis of chitin, steroid hormones, and in ovarian maturation.  相似文献   

The microhabitat of Symbion pandora (Cycliophora) was described by recording the prevalence and distribution of two life cycle stages, namely feeding individuals and chordoid cysts on the mouth appendages of 65 Norway lobsters. The commensals infested lobsters with a carapace length >35 mm, while the intensity of the commensals increased with host size up to more than 1,100 feeding individuals and 173 chordoid cysts. Feeding individuals and chordoid cysts were found on all six pairs of mouth appendages, but were rare on Mxp3. A Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance showed that the distribution of the two stages over individual segments deviated significantly from random expectations (P<0.001). Feeding individuals densely aggregated on a few medial segments, generally those that are pervaded by suspended food particles during host feeding. Chordoid cysts, which arise from non-feeding females occurred in low numbers and were more evenly distributed over the segments, often aggregating on the lateral parts and in the articulations of the segments. Based on these findings we suggest that the feeding activity of S. pandora is synchronized with that of the host.  相似文献   

Variations of ascorbic acid content were studied during different stages of embryogenesis in the two crustaceans Cancer pagurus and Palaemon serratus. Variations in the egg volume of P. serratus were also measured at each stage of embryogenesis. The eggs appeared able to synthesize ascorbic acid during the earlier embryonic stages. Ascorbic acid changes in the crustaceans' eggs are discussed in relation to the variations of proline, chitin, glycogen and glucose already studied. Ascorbic acid appears to play an important role in the survival of eggs incubating under unfavourable environmental conditions. Before hatching, the ascorbic acid content is as high as after spawning.  相似文献   

G. Guerao 《Marine Biology》1995,122(1):115-119
Diel activity rhythms of the prawn Palaemon xiphias Risso, 1818 from Alfacs Bay, Ebro Delta, were studied by time-lapse videorecordings. Activity displayed an endogenous circadian rhythm, with maximum activity at night. Feeding habits were studied by frequency of occurrence and by the points method. The food of P. xiphias consisted mainly of crustaceans; the remains of amphipods, isopods, mysids, copepods, decapods and ostracods were identified. The remaining items consisted of molluscs, polychaetes, ophiuroids, plant material, sand, and unidentified organic debris. The results indicate that P. xiphias is a predator of benthic invertebrates rather than a scavenger or detritus feeder. Diet composition changes with increasing size of the prawn.  相似文献   

The compound eye of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) is of the superposition type, well-adapted to the low levels of light prevailing at the sea bed during the activity periods of the species. Only the proximal retinal shielding pigment responds to light, the distal retinal shielding pigment being in the dark-adapted position at all times. The response of the proximal pigment appears to vary seasonally. Field observations compared light intensity at the sea bed with the numbers of N. norvegicus caught by trawl at various times of day in the Irish Sea in summer and winter. Laboratory experiments were combined with these field data to indicate that light is an important modulator of locomotor activity in this species.  相似文献   

Shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus, were collected from Kuwaiti waters in 1980, and the R-cells in the hepatopancreas were observed during the digestive cycle. During the first 12 h they absorb soluble material from the lumen of the gland and, subsequently, they take-up soluble and particulate material from the haemolymph. Within the cytoplasm, apical and basal systems of smooth endoplasmic reticulum are concerned with these processes. Pinocytosis only occurs at the basal cell membrane. The absorbed material is stored as lipid and glycogen, and copper, sulphur and other elements are accumulated in a large dense vacuole. These activities are integrated with those of the other cell types to effect the assimilation of food in the hepatopancreas. A scheme is proposed which accounts for the main processes of digestion. The hepatopancreas governs the duration of the digestive cycle, which takes at least 24 h. Observations on the nature of intracellular storage and waste products could be used to assess the dietary requirements of artificially reared shrimp.  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1994,120(3):379-384
The portunid crabScylla serrata (Forskål) is shown to migrate offshore to spawn. Records of 447S. serrata caught as bycatch by trawlers in the tropical waters of northern Australia were analysed with respect to area, depth, distance offshore and month of capture as well as the sex and size of the crabs and whether the females were ovigerous. The crabs were caught mainly in three areas that correspond to the tiger prawn trawl fishery, at between 10 and 60 m depth (mean 28.5 m), 3 to 95 km offshore (mean 17.9 km). Most (87%) of the crabs were captured in October and November, which suggests they move offshore in September and October. No crabs were reported from offshore by February. Over 97% of the crabs caught offshore were female, of these 61.5% were ovigerous. The size range of females (100–109 to 200–209 mm carapace-width size classes) and males (120–129 to 200–209 mm carapace-width size classes) caught was similar. The frequent occurrence in coastal waters of females that are larger than the modal size at spawning, as well as mature females with spent ovaries, suggests that many females return to the coast after spawning. Although some species of portunid crab are euryhaline, mature females of estuarine species migrate to the sea to spawn. The migration byS. serrata described here is far more extensive than would be required to reach sea water salinities; it probably provides a dispersal mechanism for larvae to enable the megalopa stage to recruit to habitats distant from those of the parents.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation, maximum food intake and mortality during starvation were studied inNephrops norvegicus (L.) by means of simple laboratory experiments. Lobsters were collected by trawling off Barcelona (northwest Spain) at 400 m depth in winter 1986, and were held individually or in groups and fed different types of food:Nereis spp. (soft tissue, muscle), some species of Crangonidae (mostly hard tissue, carapace) andEngraulis encrassicolus (soft and hard tissues, combined muscles and bones). The digested matter was subsequently examined and analyzed from the stomach contents. Laboratory results were compared with the stomach contents of individuals collected from the field. Gastric evaluation was calculated as weight of stomach contents at Timet = stomach-content weight × 100:weight of food ration — residual weight of food, and the characteristic appearance of identifiable food items at different digestion times (0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 h) was recorded and illustrated, providing a basis for establishing the time of ingestion of the last meal and the underestimation of soft, compared to hard tissues. Underestimation of soft tissues may yield errors which constitute up to 10% of the soft food actually ingested. Maximum food intake was estimated at 0.25 g g–1 body wt d–1, and feeding did not recommence until 24 h after a previous meal. Finally, we present data on mortality resulting from cannibalism which occurred in conjunction with starvation: this ranged from 0% in isolated individuals to 36.6% in individuals held in groups.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the reproduction and growth of freshwater prawn, Palaemon paucidens De Haan 1844 from Suk-dang lake(Korea). The analysis of the sex ratio showed a higher proportion of males than that of females. The average size of the eggs was 6.12 (+/-0.55) mm3 in the non-eyed stage (stageA) and 7.20 (+/-0.86)mm3 in the eyed stage (stage B). The reproductive output (RO) calculated with the dried-body weight of an incubating female and the weight of the eggs in dried condition was 26.97% (n = 17) of the average females weight. Incubating prawn appeared in April, and the gonadosomatic indices(GSI) showed the highest value during three months from January to March. Based on the month when there was a high proportion of incubating females with a high GSI, the estimated spawning season of P. paucidens was April. The maturity of the female was evaluated by the development of the ovaries and the existence of eggs. The average body length when 50% of the females in the group reached maturity was 8.55 (+/-2.74) mm. The analysis of the length-frequency distribution showed that the life span of P. paucidens ranged from 12 to 13 months. Females mature faster than males.  相似文献   

The effects of various potential cues on the survival and time to metamorphosis of larvae of the sand crab Emerita talpoida (Say) were examined. Zoeal duration, which ranged from 25 to 43 d, was not correlated with subsequent megalopal survival but had a weak, negative correlation with the duration of the megalopal stage. Neither food, sand nor water from containers with adults directly affected megalopal survival or duration. In a second experiment, the presence of sand both increased the probability of survival and shortened the duration of late zoeal stages. This is the first experimental evidence for delayed zoeal metamorphosis in a decapod. Settlement of E. talpoida appears to occur primarily during the zoeal phase, not at the megalopal stage.  相似文献   

The carbon transfer through the microbial community in two areas of the Northern Adriatic Sea was estimated by proteolytic and respiratory activities during four oceanographic surveys carried out in June, 1996, 1997 and February, 1997, 1998. In front of the Po Delta (area A), the mean rates of proteolytic activity range from 4.9 to 9.9 r µg r C r h r l; near Ancona (area B), they range from 3.1 to 7.6 r µg r C r h r l. Respiratory rates vary between 0.19 and 2.29 and between 0.24 and 1.40 r µg r C r h r l in areas A and B, respectively. In general, high rates occur in the surface layers, within the first 10 r m of depth. In area A, proteolytic and respiratory rates undergo seasonal course, with high activity in warm periods. In area B, respiration and bacterioplankton abundance increase from the first to the second year, whilst proteolytic activity decreases. The sequence of metabolic steps in the carbon transfer within the bacteria, from the biotic vs . the abiotic compartment, was drawn in order to define the actual role of bacterial biomass in the biogeochemical fluxes in an ecosystem which often suffers distrophic crises. Respiratory turnover rates, in the upper 10 r m depth, reach low values in cold periods and high values in June, 1997. The carbon transfer versus mineralization flows better in the summer period, in particular in June, 1997. However, the bacterial growth efficiency ranges from 17 to 38% in area A and from 13 to 44% in area B with highest values in February, 1997, when bacteria contribute in a relevant way to the overall respiration.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of ovarian activity and eyestalk effects on the ovary in different phases of its activity were examined in the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould ssp. tridentatus Maitland, and the sand shrimp Crangon crangon L. In both species, the annual ovarian cycle consists of two phases of vitellogenesis and the resting phase. In R. harrisii, the eyestalks exert an inhibitory effect on vitellogenesis during the phase of vitellogenesis outside the breeding season, and are necessary for the process of oviposition during the breeding season. In C. crangon, ovary-inhibiting hormone is present in the eyestalks outside the breeding season, and has not been detected during this season. The resting phase of the ovary after the breeding season is caused by the ovary-inhibitiing hormone. Females of C. crangon are a suitable material for testing ovary-inhibiting hormone activity, while female R. harrisii are not.  相似文献   

Trace-metal distribution in tissues of the shrimp Pleoticus muelleri Bate from the Patagonian region, Argentina, was related to sex, size and physiological condition. Concentrations of cadmium, copper, manganese and zinc were determined in the digestive gland, male reproductive system and muscle of adult specimens. Significant (p<0.01) sex-dependent differences in mean metal concentrations (g g-1 wet wt) were found in the following tissues of males and females, respectively: digestive gland, Cu, 82.9 and 30.8; Zn, 32.5 and 44.9; reproductive system, Zn, 12.8 and 38.6; Mn, 1.7 and 3.1; Cd, 0.29 and 0.58. Metal levels of muscle showed no significant differences between sexes. Cadmium was not detected in muscle, suggesting that its incorporation into this tissue was strictly regulated. Metal concentrations in the male reproductive system were in general weakly correlated (0.001<p<0.05) with either body size or the concentration of metals in the digestive gland. The developing ovary incorporated substantial amounts of zinc, while cadmium and copper levels decreased at proportional rates (p<0.001). The patterns of the variations in the concentrations of these metals in the ovary strongly suggested that a regulatory mechanism operated throughout oogenesis. Manganese was not involved in this presumptive mechanism. The results of this study are discussed in terms of concentrations and in absolute amounts for standardized individuals.  相似文献   

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