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Kidney stones (urinary calculi) have become a global scourge since it has been recognized as one of the most painful medical problems. Primary causative factors for the formation of these stones are not clearly understood, though they are suspected to have a direct relationship to the composition of urine, which is mainly governed by diet and drinking water. Sixty nine urinary calculi samples which were collected from stone removal surgeries were analyzed chemically for their Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe and phosphate contents. Structural and mineralogical properties of stones were studied by XRD and FT-IR methods. The mean contents of trace elements were 1348 mg kg−1 (Na); 294 mg kg−1 (K); 32% (Ca); 1426 mg kg−1 (Mg); 8.39 mg kg−1 (Mn); 258 mg kg−1 (Fe); 67 mg kg−1 (Cu); 675 mg kg−1 (Zn); 69 mg kg−1 (Pb); and 1.93% (PO43−). The major crystalline constituent in the calculi of Sri Lanka is calcium oxalate monohydrate. Principal component analysis was used to identify the multi element relationships in kidney stones. Three components were extracted and the first component represents positively correlated Na-K-Mg-PO43− whereas the␣second components represent the larger positively weighted Fe–Cu–Pb. Ca–Zn correlated positively in the third component in which Mn–Cu correlated negatively. This study indicates that during the crystallization of human urinary stones, Ca shows more affinity towards oxalates whereas other alkali and alkaline earths precipitate with phosphates.Contribution from the Environmental Geology Research Group (EGRG), Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.  相似文献   


In order to understand the processes of stone formation, compositional, spectroscopic, mineralogical and crystallographic characteristics of human urinary stones collected from patients in Sri Lanka were investigated in detail. The data showed that the majority of urinary calculi were calcium oxalate, either whewellite or weddellite. Other solid phases of stones were composed of struvite, uricite and hydroxylapatite. However, mixed compositions were common except for whewellite stones which occur frequently in pure form. Scanning electron microscope observations and associated energy-dispersive X-ray analyses revealed that whewellite or weddellite was well crystalized compared to other stones types, while phosphate stones were mostly cryptocrystalline. The average δ13C and δ18O of stones were − 32.2‰ (− 37.3 to − 17.4‰) and − 24.2‰ (− 26.7‰ to − 8.9‰), respectively. The δ13C values were highly depleted compared to North American and European urinary stones. This may be due to food habits of Asians who consume rice as the staple food.


The increase in the number of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients from the north central region of Sri Lanka has become a environmental health issue of national concern. Unlike in other countries where long-standing diabetes and hypertension are the leading causes of renal diseases, the majority of CKD patients from this part of Sri Lanka do not show any identifiable cause. As the disease is restricted to a remarkably specific geographical terrain, particularly in the north central dry zone of the country, multidisciplinary in-depth research studies are required to identify possible etiologies and risk factors. During this study, population screening in the prevalent region and outside the region, analysis of geoenvironmental and biochemical samples were carried out. Population screening that was carried out using a multistage sampling technique indicated that the point prevalence of CKD with uncertain etiology is about 2–3% among those above 18 years of age. Drinking water collected from high-prevalent and non-endemic regions was analyzed for their trace and ultratrace element contents, including the nephrotoxic heavy metals Cd and U using ICP-MS. The results indicate that the affected regions contain moderate to high levels of fluoride. The Cd contents in drinking water, rice from affected regions and urine from symptomatic and non-symptomatic patients were much lower indicating that Cd is not a contributing factor for CKD with uncertain etiology in Sri Lanka. Although no single geochemical parameter could be clearly and directly related to the CKD etiology on the basis of the elements determined during this study, it is very likely that the unique hydrogeochemistry of the drinking water is closely associated with the incidence of the disease.  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate the potential remedial measures for reverse osmosis (RO) rejected water through constructed wetlands (CWs) with low-cost materials in the media established in chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) prevalent area in Sri Lanka. A pilot-scale surface and subsurface water CWs were established at the Medawachchiya community-based RO water supply unit. Locally available soil, calicut tile and biochar were used in proportions of 81, 16.5 and 2.5% (w/w), respectively, as filter materials in the subsurface. Vetiver grass and Scirpus grossus were selected for subsurface wetland while water lettuce and water hyacinth were chosen for free water surface CWs. Results showed that the CKDu sensitive parameters; total dissolved solids, hardness, total alkalinity and fluoride were reduced considerably (20–85%) and most met desirable levels of stipulated ambient standards. Biochar seemed to play a major role in removing fluoride from the system which may be due to the existing and adsorbed K+, Ca+2, Mg+2, etc. on the biochar surface via chemisorption. The least reduction was observed for alkalinity. This study indicated potential purification of aforesaid ions in water which are considerably present in RO rejection. Therefore, the invented bio-geo constructed wetland can be considered as a sustainable, economical and effective option for reducing high concentrations of CKDu sensitive parameters in RO rejected water before discharging into the inland waters.  相似文献   


Chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) has emerged as a serious health issue in Sri Lanka. The disease has been recorded in the North Central Province of the country. While studies have elicited many hypotheses concerning the pathogenicity of CKDu, none adequately explains the cause of CKDu and the measures needed to minimise its occurrence. Nephrotoxic heavy metal (oid)s such as cadmium, arsenic, lead, and chromium are present in biological samples of people from endemic areas. This review appraises evidence on the effects of long-term exposure to low concentration of nephrotoxic heavy metals, which could be the principal cause of CKDu. Although a considerable variation exists in metal concentrations in patients’ blood and urine, higher levels of heavy metals were consistently observed in affected areas. This review finds that the populations in the endemic areas are exposed to heavy metal (oid)s at low concentrations, which are considered as safe levels; nevertheless, it influences the incidence of CKDu. Recent global studies on chronic kidney disease (CKD) revealed a low concentration of heavy metals in diseased patients. Research findings indicated that CKDu patients in Sri Lanka demonstrated similar blood levels of Cd, Pb, and higher concentrations of Cr than that have been reported globally. Further studies on the influence of combinations of nephrotoxic heavy metals at low concentrations on reduced glomerular filtration rate and other renal biomarkers could explain CKDu pathogenicity.


The mating system of Shorea megistophylla , an endemic canopy tree from Sri Lanka, was quantified by allozyme analysis of progeny arrays using a mixed-mating model. Two adjacent populations were compared: one in forest that was selectively logged about 20 years ago, and the other in undisturbed primary forest. The selectively logged population had a lower multilocus outcrossing rate (tm, = 0.71) compared to that of the undisturbed forest (tm = 0.87). Only the progeny from the logged population showed evidence of either biparental inbreeding or Wablund effect, and the genotypic frequencies violated the assumptions of the mixed-mating model. Apomixis was detected in one isolated tree in the Royal Botanical Garden in Peradeniya by a multilocus test of progeny genotypic frequencies relative to the maternal genotype. However, significant levels of apomixis were not discerned in the natural (logged and unlogged) populations. These findings indicate that a reduction in population density of S. megistophylla following selective logging can significantly elevate the proportion of seeds produced through inbreeding. Adventive embryony may also increase in isolated trees that lack the chance to outcross.  相似文献   

Summary In October 1984 foraging areas and foraging behaviour of the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, were studied around a nursery colony on the hill slopes of Sri Lanka. The bats only foraged in dense forest and were not found in open woodlands (Fig. 1). This strongly supports the hypothesis that detection of fluttering prey is by pure tone echolocation within or close to echo-cluttering foliage. During a first activity period after sunset for about 30–60 min, the bats mainly caught insects on the wing. This was followed by a period of inactivity for another 60–120 min. Thereafter the bats resumed foraging throughout the night. They mainly alighted on specific twigs and foraged in flycatcher style. Individual bats maintained individual foraging areas of about 20x20 m. They stayed in this area throughout the night and returned to the same area on subsequent nights. Within this area the bats generally alighted on twigs at the same spots. Foraging areas were not defended against intruders. The bats echolocated throughout the night at an average repetition rate of 9.6±1.4 sounds/s. While hanging on twigs they scanned the surrounding area for flying prey by turning their bodies continuously around their legs. On average they performed one brief catching flight every 2 min and immediately returned to one of their favourite vantage points. Echolocation sounds may consist of up to three parts, a brief initial frequency-modulated (FM) component, a long constant frequency (CF) part lasting for about 40–50 ms, and a final FM part again (Fig. 4b, c). Adult males and females emitted pure tone frequencies in separate bands, the males from 73.5–77 kHz and the females from 76.5–79 kHz (Fig. 5). During scanning for prey from vantage points, the bats mostly emitted pure tones without any FM component (Fig. 4a). The last few pure tones emitted before take-off were prolonged to about 60 ms duration. The final FM part was therefore not an obligatory component of the echolocation signals in horseshoe bats. During flight and especially during emergence from the cave, most sounds consisted of a pure tone and loud initial and final FM sweeps. We therefore suggest that the initial FM part might also be relevant for echolocation. From our observations we conclude that the FM components are especially important during obstacle avoidance. In most sounds emitted in the field a fainter first harmonic was present. It was usually up to 30 dB fainter than the second harmonic, but in some instances it was as loud or even distinctly louder than the second one (Fig. 6a). Even within one sound the intensity relationship between the two harmonics may be reversed. We therefore suggest that the first harmonic is an integral part of the signal and relevant for information analysis in echolocation.  相似文献   

The tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 caused devastation of agricultural soils by salt water over wide areas. Many rice fields located close to the coast were affected by the flood of seawater. Electric conductivity (EC) of soils in tsunami-affected rice fields was found to be higher compared to unaffected fields 2 years after the tsunami. Four soil amendments (gypsum, dolomite, cinnamon ash and rice-husk-charcoal) were tested for their influence on improving the yield parameters of rice grown in a tsunami-affected and a non-affected area. Yield parameters were compared with an untreated control of the same cultivar (AT362) and with a salt resistant rice variety (AT354). The salt resistant variety had the highest grain yield. The two amendments gypsum and rice-husk-charcoal led to an increase in grain yield compared to the untreated control, whereas dolomite and cinnamon ash had no significant effect on grain yield.  相似文献   

Samples of the muscle of two species of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus and O. niloticus; 17–20 cm length) were obtained from at least one reservoir in each of the six river basins (Aruvi Aru, Kala Oya, Kirindi Oya, Ma Oya, Mahaweli, and Walawe Ganga catchments) in Sri Lanka. The metals Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, and Zn were consistently detected in the muscle tissue. Overall, there were few differences in the concentration of metals between the two species of fish, although there were also some statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the concentrations of some metals in fish obtained from some of the reservoirs. Aruvi Aru stands out as a river basin in which the two fish species have significantly lower concentration of metals when compared to other river basins. The concentration of the metals studied were below WHO and FSANZ guideline values for fish, suggesting that the consumption of the metals found in tilapia from these reservoirs poses little risk to human health.  相似文献   

Chronic renal failure (CRF), in the main agricultural region under reservoir based cascade irrigation in Sri Lanka has reached crisis proportion. Over 5,000 patients in the region are under treatment for CRF. The objective of this study is to establish the etiology of the CRF. Concentrations of nine heavy metals were determined in sediments, soils of reservoir peripheries, water and Nelumbo nucifera (lotus) grown in five major reservoirs that supply irrigation water. All five reservoirs carried higher levels of dissolved cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe) and lead (Pb). Dissolved Cd in reservoir water ranged from 0.03 to 0.06 mg/l. Sediment Cd concentration was 1.78-2.45 mg/kg. No arsenic (As) was detected. Cd content in lotus rhizomes was 253.82 mg/kg. The Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of Cd based on extreme exposure of rice is 8.702-15.927 mug/kg body weight (BW) for different age groups, 5-50 years. The PTWI of Cd due to extreme exposure of fish is 6.773-12.469 mug/kg BW. The PTWI on a rice staple with fish is 15.475-28.396 mug/kg BW. The mean urinary cadmium (UCd) concentration in CRF patients of age group 40-60 years was 7.58 mug Cd/g creatinine and in asymptomatic persons UCd was 11.62 mug Cd/g creatinine, indicating a chronic exposure to Cd. The possible source of Cd in reservoir sediments and water is Cd-contaminated agrochemicals. The CRF prevalent in north central Sri Lanka is a result of chronic dietary intake of Cd, supported by high natural levels of fluoride in drinking water, coupled with neglecting of routine de-silting of reservoirs for the past 20 years.  相似文献   


Health risks associated with excessive intake of fluoride through drinking water are one of the geoenvironmental health problems observed in many parts of the world, mainly in countries of the humid tropical belt, including Sri Lanka. Fluoride-related health problems are widespread in the dry climatic region compared to the wet climatic zone of Sri Lanka. The potential health risks of fluoride for communities in a river basin which drains through two climatic zones, viz. wet and dry zones, were investigated in this study. Sixty-three groundwater samples were collected from wells in the Walawe river basin during pre- and post-monsoon periods. From collected samples, ten selected samples were analyzed for their tritium (3H) levels to find out the approximate resident time of groundwater. In the river basin, the dry zone segment is characterized by elevated levels of fluoride (>?1.0 mg/L) in groundwater. Groundwater fluoride in the region was primarily of geogenic origin. The tritium values showed older groundwater contained higher fluoride levels, showing a increased dissolution of fluoride-bearing minerals. The hazard quotient (HQfluoride) showed that about 45% of pre- and 55% of post-monsoon groundwater samples in the dry zone area were unsuitable for drinking purposes for school children who are vulnerable to non-carcinogenic risks and dental fluorosis. This study emphasizes the need for continuous water quality monitoring and mitigation measures to ensure the health of residents.


Chronic renal failure (CRF) associated with elevated dietary cadmium (Cd) among farming communities in the irrigated agricultural area under the River Mahaweli diversion scheme has reached a significantly higher level of 9,000 patients. Cadmium, derived from contaminated phosphate fertilizer, in irrigation water finds its way into reservoirs, and finally to food, causing chronic renal failure among consumers. Water samples of River Mahaweli and its tributaries in the upper catchment were analyzed to assess the total cadmium contamination of river water and the possible source of cadmium. Except a single tributary (Ulapane Stream, 3.9?μg?Cd/l), all other tested tributaries carried more than 5?μg?Cd/l, the maximum concentration level accepted to be safe in drinking water. Seven medium-sized streams carrying surface runoff from tea estates had 5.1-10?μg?Cd/l. Twenty larger tributaries (Oya), where the catchment is under vegetable and home garden cultivation, carried 10.1-15?μg?Cd/l. Nine other major tributaries had extremely high levels of Cd, reaching 20?μg?Cd/l. Using geographic information system (GIS), the area in the catchment of each tributary was studied. The specific cropping system in each watershed was determined. The total cadmium loading from each crop area was estimated using the rates and types of phosphate fertilizer used by the respective farmers and the amount of cadmium contained in each type of fertilizer used. Eppawala rock phosphate (ERP), which is mostly used in tea estates, caused least pollution. The amount of cadmium in tributaries had a significant positive correlation with the cadmium loading of the cropping system. Dimbula Tea Estate Stream had the lowest Cd loading (495.9?g/ha/year), compared with vegetable-growing areas in Uma Oya catchment with 50,852.5?g?Cd/ha/year. Kendall's τ rank correlation value of total Cd loading from the catchment by phosphate fertilizer used in all crops in the catchment to the Cd content in the tributaries was +0.48. This indicated a major contribution by the cropping system in the upper catchment area of River Mahaweli to the eventual Cd pollution of river water. Low soil pH (4.5-5.2), higher organic matter content (2-3%), and 18-20?cmol/kg cation exchange capacity (CEC) in upcountry soil have a cumulative effect in the easy release of Cd from soil with the heavy surface runoff in the upcountry wet zone. In view of the existing water conveyance system from upcountry to reservoirs in North Central Province (NCP) through diversion of River Mahaweli, in addition to their own nonpoint pollution by triple superphosphate fertilizer (TSP), this demands a change in overall upper catchment management to minimize Cd pollution through agriculture inputs to prevent CRF due to elevated dietary cadmium among NCP farmers.  相似文献   

Instantaneous relative growth rates, (d-1), were measured for juveniles of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera transplanted to study sites in Southern California kelp forests between 1978 and 1982. Growth rates ranged from negative values (indicating loss of tissue) to 0.03 (doubling of total frond length every 19 d). Multiple regression analysis of growth versus irradiation, temperature, nitrogen concentration and amount of fouling revealed that all these factors had significant effects, together accounting for about 50% of the total variance. Elevated irradiation and nitrogen levels had strongly stimulatory effects (tissue nitrogen may have been more critical than ambient nitrogen for growth), while high temperature and fouling had strongly inhibitory effects. Irradiation was the most important factor influencing growth in 6 of the 8 transplant experiments. During these 6 experiments, the compensating irradiation level (below which there was no growth) was between 0.4 and 0.7 E m-2 d-1, and saturating irradiation was between 2 and 3 E m-2 d-1. During two of the experiments, growth was apparently limited by extremely high temperatures or low nitrogen levels. Quantum irradiation levels in the kelp forest were generally between the compensation and saturation levels. However, irradiation levels occasionally dropped below the compensation point for several months. Irradiation was occasionally low enough to limit the distribution of juvenile kelp by inhibiting growth, especially in the deeper portions of the kelp forest and under dense canopies formed by adult plants.  相似文献   

The role of metals in urinary stone formation has already been studied in several publications. Moreover, urinary calculi can also be used for assessing exposure of humans to minor and trace elements in addition to other biological matrices, for example, blood, urine, or hair. However, using urinary calculi for biomonitoring of trace elements is limited by the association of elements with certain types of minerals. In this work, 614 samples of urinary calculi were subjected to mineralogical and elemental analysis. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and thermo-oxidation cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry were used for the determination of major, minor, and trace elements. Infrared spectroscopy was used for mineralogical analysis, and additionally, it was also employed in the calculation of mineralogical composition, based on quantification of major elements and stoichiometry. Results demonstrate the applicability of such an approach in investigating associations of minor and trace elements with mineralogical constituents of stones, especially in low concentrations, where traditional methods of mineralogical analysis are not capable of quantifying mineral content reliably. The main result of this study is the confirmation of association of several elements with struvite (K, Rb) and with calcium phosphate minerals, here calculated as hydroxylapatite (Na, Zn, Sr, Ba, Pb). Phosphates were proved as the most important metal-bearing minerals in urinary calculi. Moreover, a significantly different content was also observed for Fe, Zr, Mo, Cu, Cd, Se, Sn, and Hg in investigated groups of minerals. Examination of such associations is essential, and critical analysis of mineral constituents should precede any comparison of element content among various groups of samples.  相似文献   

Distribution and size variation of thecosomatous pteropods from the eastern Banda and western Arafura Sea (Indonesia) were studied during the southeast and northwest monsoon seasons in 1984 and 1985, respectively. During the SE monsoon the pteropod community presents evidence of a zoogeographic boundary located roughly along the Banda Arc, separating a Java and Banda Sea fauna in the west from a mixed imported Pacific and local upwelling fauna in the east. During the NW monsoon the boundary was not present and the Java and Banda Sea fauna, with Indian Ocean influences, was found thoughout the area. The observed patterns match the seasonal movements of watermasses in the area, and it is concluded that taxonomic composition and morphological data of the pteropod fauna are finetuned tracers of hydrography.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the density of beech scale infestation (Cryptococcus fagisuga) of a mature beech stand (Fagus sylvatica) were investigated after gap-cutting in limed and unlimed areas bordering on the gaps and in untreated areas over a 5-year period. Parallelly the concentrations of sucrose, protein amino acids, and procyanidins were examined in the inner and outer bark of non-infested beech trees and beeches infested by beech scale.Irrespective of liming in the areas bordering on the gaps the proportion of beech trees with increasing beech scale infestation was significantly higher, the proportion of beeches with diminishing infestation was significantly lower than in the untreated control areas. Trees with the same infestation tendency occurred in clusters.Physiological defence reactions in the inner and outer bark of the infested beech trees were registrated as an increase in the procyanidin content and a decrease in the protein amino acid content. A change in the outer bark—inner bark—ratio of the infested beech trees showed a transfer of compounds between the inner and outer bark. During the period of observation long-lasting shifts occurred in the pattern of compounds of the bark irrespective of actual infestation intensity.  相似文献   

Summary Vocalizations of free-ranging North Atlantic pilot whales were studied in different behavioral contexts to gain insight into the function and biological significance of different sound types. Simple whistles (with no frequency inflections) were heard more frequently when whales were milling, a restful behavior type. During surface active behavior, energetic, often coordinated activity probably representing feeding, many sound types, especially complex whistles (with more frequency inflections) and pulsed sounds, occurred with greater frequency than when this behavior was absent. Greater numbers of most whistle types were produced when whales were spread over a larger area and when more subgroups were present. Thus, in pilot whales, there is a significant relationship between their sounds and their behavior, with vocalizations possibly serving to maintain contact and coordinate movements of the herd. Offprint requests to: L.S. Weilgart at the current address  相似文献   

The Lessonia nigrescens-Durvillaea antarctica belt is the most conspicuous feature of the intertidal-subtidal boundary in Central Chile, with L. nigrescens attaining larger cover and biomass values than D. antarctica. Human predation of the otherwise competitively dominant D. antarctica has been suggested as accounting for its scarcity. Testing of this hypothesis included field studies of species distribution in places with and without human accessibility and various degrees of wave impact, comparative morphometric and population studies, evaluation of the ecologic role of the limpet-kelp association and comparative measurements of growth, reproduction and survival capacity. Results indicate that L. nigrescens and D. antarctica have morphologies typically adapted to habitats with different wave shock. Contrary to previous predictions, L. nigrescens appears as a plant better adapted for places with strong wave impact, which are the most common in Central Chile. Complete space monopolization by L. nigrescens is prevented by a series of adaptations of D. antarctica. Certain morphological forms of this species are less affected by wave action, allowing a population stock to persist even at the most exposed places. Boring into algal holdfasts by invertebrates weakens the mechanical resistance of old, eroded plants providing open space where juveniles of either species could settle. D. antarctica seems to take greater advantage of this primary space by means of a fugitive life history. Finally, the survival of D. antarctica increases if attached to the top of L. nigrescens holdfasts. It is therefore concluded that result of the interaction between these 2 brown algae depends on the degree of water impact. In sheltered habitats competitive displacement of L. nigrescens could occur but it is unlikely to be a continuous process. In exposed habitats D. antarctica is constantly removed by water movement, but persists because of a higher colonization rate.  相似文献   

The coastal aquifer of Rome is hosted in the Tiber River Delta depositional sequence, in a densely populated area, which was reclaimed at the end of the 19th century. Moderate salinization processes characterize this aquifer. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical surveys were carried out in October 2012 and February 2013 in the southern sector of the Delta. Hydrogeological surveys updated knowledge of groundwater morphology and a detailed conceptual hydrogeological model of the coastal aquifer was realized. Hydrochemical analyses helped to identify the salinization spatial distribution and to specify the main groundwater types. The most salinized water was not detected close to the coastline, where seawater intrusion processes would be expected, but in the inner areas. Moreover, the salinization processes resulted to be slightly marked. Results so far suggest that the source of salinization may be related more to a combination of land use and historical development of the Tiber River Delta, rather than to seawater.  相似文献   

Dissolved iron (Fe) distribution and speciation was determined in water samples (0–200?m) collected in a coastal area near Terra Nova Bay during the austral summer of 2014. Nutrients, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton composition and prokaryotic biomass distribution were investigated in combination with measurements of the physical properties of the water columns and its dynamics. The dFe value was above the limiting growth concentration, ranging from 0.52 to 4.51?nM, and it showed a spatial variability with a horizontal length scale of about 10?km, according to the variability of the water column physical properties and to iron sources. The organic ligands (L) maintained the concentrations of dFe at levels much higher than the inorganic solubility of Fe, keeping it available for phytoplankton and the log K’FeL values found (from 22.1 to 23.6) highlighted the presence of complexes of differing stabilities.  相似文献   

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