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Bird surveys were carried out in summer 2000 and winter 2000/2001 on 24 sugar beet fields, 11 maize fields, 10 spring rape fields and (for winter-only) 23 winter rape fields divided into conventional and genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) treatments. These fields were a sub-sample of those used in the farm scale evaluation (FSE [Firbank, L.G, Heard, M.S., Woiwod, I.P., Hawes, C., Haughton, A.J., Champion, G.T., Scott, R.J., Hill, M.O., Dewar, A.M., Squire, G.R., May, M.J., Brooks, D.R., Bohan, D.A., Daniels, R.E., Osborne, J.L., Roy, D.B., Black, H.I.J., Rothery, P., Perry, J.N., 2003. An introduction to the farm-scale evaluations of genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops. J. Appl. Ecol. 40, 2–16.]). The study aimed to compare bird abundance between GMHT and conventional crop treatments. In the summer, the abundance of yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella and of granivores collectively was significantly greater on conventional than GMHT sugar beet. Abundance of granivores and species richness was significantly greater on conventional than GMHT maize, but only after the application of herbicides to the GMHT treatment. No significant differences were detected in spring oilseed rape. No significant differences were detected prior to herbicide application in any crop. In winter, granivores were more abundant on bare plough following conventional sugar beet treatment than following GMHT treatment. Woodpigeon Columba palumbus, blackbird Turdus merula and corvids were more abundant on maize stubbles following GMHT treatment. These differences were in accord with likely differences in food availability ascertained from previous research carried out under the FSE.  相似文献   

研究中国保护性耕作净碳汇的时空格局对其推广政策的合理制定具有重要意义。在分析保护性耕作固碳排碳机理和构建其测度方法的基础上,以中国各省(市、自治区)为单元,对2000—2019年中国保护性耕作净碳汇的时空格局进行分析,并对其潜力进行预测。结果表明:(1)每年保护性耕作的碳汇基本都是碳排的2倍,土壤固碳占保护性耕作碳汇的2/3以上,生物固碳占比小于1/3。(2)中国保护性耕作净碳汇在时间上呈现逐年递增趋势,其中,华北、西北和东南地区增幅较大;在空间上表现为扩张—集聚—扩张态势,其重心由北向南移动。(3)中国保护性耕作净碳汇具有明显的空间非均衡性特征,2019年呈现华北、西北和东南地区“三足鼎立”之格局,河南、山东、内蒙古、新疆、安徽、湖北和江西7省区属于高碳汇区,河北、吉林、陕西和山西属于低碳汇区,其他省份属于碳中和区。(4)2020—2030年中国保护性耕作的净碳汇潜力继续保持增长态势,2030年的峰值将处于5794.38万~7962.93万t C之间。  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of warming on greenhouse gas(GHG, such as N_2O, CH_4 and CO_2 )feedbacks to climate change represents the major environmental issue. However, little information is available on how warming effects on GHG fluxes in farmland of North China Plain(NCP). An infrared warming simulation experiment was used to assess the responses of N_2O, CH_4 and CO_2 to warming in wheat season of 2012–2014 from conventional tillage(CT) and no-tillage(NT) systems. The results showed that warming increased cumulative N_2O emission by 7.7% in CT but decreased it by 9.7% in NT fields(p 0.05). Cumulative CH_4 uptake and CO_2 emission were increased by 28.7%–51.7% and 6.3%–15.9% in both two tillage systems,respectively(p 0.05). The stepwise regressions relationship between GHG fluxes and soil temperature and soil moisture indicated that the supply soil moisture due to irrigation and precipitation would enhance the positive warming effects on GHG fluxes in two wheat seasons.However, in 2013, the long-term drought stress due to infrared warming and less precipitation decreased N_2O and CO_2 emission in warmed treatments. In contrast, warming during this time increased CH_4 emission from deep soil depth. Across two years wheat seasons, warming significantly decreased by 30.3% and 63.9% sustained-flux global warming potential(SGWP) of N_2O and CH_4 expressed as CO_2 equivalent in CT and NT fields, respectively. However, increase in soil CO_2 emission indicated that future warming projection might provide positive feedback between soil C release and global warming in NCP.  相似文献   

在耕翻、少耕和免耕条件下研究了早稻秸秆还田量对晚稻土壤养分与微生物的影响,结果表明,①秸秆还田显著提高土壤有效磷和速效钾含量,对土壤碱解氮含量的提高体现在水稻生育后期;秸秆还田对土壤碱解氮和有效磷含量的提高效果在免耕条件下最好,而对速效钾含量的提高效果在少耕条件下最好;②不同耕作方式下宜实行不同秸秆还田量,就提高有效磷和速效钾含量而言,耕翻和少耕条件下宜实行全部秸秆还田,而免耕条件下宜实行2/3秸秆还田;③秸秆还田使土壤真菌和嫌气性细菌数量减少,放线菌和好气性细菌数量增加;耕翻使土壤真菌和嫌气性细菌数量减少,好气性细菌数量增加;④土壤耕作有利于晚稻生育前期与后期土壤微生物活度的提高,秸秆还田量对土壤微生物活度的影响在不同耕作方式下表现不同,耕翻条件下以2/3还田量处理的土壤微生物活度最高,而少免耕条件下1/3还田量处理最高.  相似文献   

植物遗传资源保护与利用的市场化机制和国际制度   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着植物物种资源的不断减少和因生物技术迅猛发展对植物遗传资源需求的不断增加 ,植物遗传资源正逐步由公共物品转变为稀缺物品。坚持《生物多样性公约》所确立的遗传资源效益公平分享原则 ,完善现有国际多边体系 ,促进以“遗传编码功能”价值概念和遗传资源保护效应“内部化”与“补偿”方案为基础的植物遗传资源市场化保护与利用机制的形成 ,建立“植物遗传资源交易所”和“生物多样性合作社” ,将有助于提高世界各国尤其是发展中国家保护植物遗传资源的积极性 ,实现全球植物遗传资源的可持续利用  相似文献   

The particulate matter (PM) pollution has been significantly improved by carrying out various valid emission control strategies since 2013 in China. Meanwhile the variation trend of nitrous acid (HONO) is worthy to investigate due to its vital role in the atmospheric oxidation process. In this study, field observation in the winter is conducted to investigate the concentration of HONO in an urban area of Beijing. In the winter of 2019, the mean HONO concentration is 1.38 ppbV during the whole winter. Photo-enhanced NO2 heterogeneous reactions on the ground and aerosol surfaces were found as the possible daytime sources of HONO. Compared to O3, photolysis of HONO dominates the primary OH sources during the winter time. To understand the HONO pollution patterns by years variation, multi-year data is summarized and finds that primary pollutants including CO and NO decreased, but secondary pollutants i.e., HONO (mostly generated via secondary process) increased. Our study highlights the requirement to mitigate secondary pollution by control HONO concentration.  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对稻田净增温潜势和温室气体强度的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
免耕技术近年来在南方稻区被广泛推广应用,但该项技术是否有利于减缓稻田综合温室效应目前并不清楚.因此,本文以双季稻-紫云英为研究对象,利用静态箱-气相色谱法分别研究不同耕作方式对稻田CH4和N2O排放、双季稻产量、土壤固碳、稻田净综合增温潜势(GWP)和温室气体强度(GHGI)的影响.试验处理包括常规翻耕(CT)、旋耕(RT)和免耕(NT).结果表明,稻田周年CH4累积排放量为233.5~404.0kg·hm-2·a-1,NT和RT处理分别比CT增加73.1%和35.1%.晚稻生长季CH4排放量占周年CH4排放量的53.7%~66.5%,其中,晚稻移栽至烤田期间CH4累积排放通量占晚稻季排放总量的77.0%~81.3%.稻田N2O累积排放量为4.00~4.82 kg·hm-2·a-1(以N计),但各处理之间没有显著差异.稻田年固碳量为0.36~1.31 t·hm-2·a-1(以C计),其中,NT处理比CT和RT处理分别增加148.4%和261.0%.双季稻周年产量为15.2~17.1 t·hm-2,耕作方式对产量没有显著影响.稻田净GWP为5095.4~7788 kg·hm-2(以CO2当量计),其中,RT和NT处理分别比CT增加52.8%和32.2%.稻田GHGI为0.30~0.46 kg·kg-1(以每kg粮食产量产生的CO2当量计),其中,RT和NT处理分别显著高于CT处理50.1%和45.3%.综上所述,免耕在短期内会增加稻田温室效应,但可以促进土壤固碳量的显著增加,因此,其固碳减排的长期效应还有待观测.  相似文献   

To assess the effectiveness of over-winter seed provision by agri-environment schemes, bird use of patches of seed-bearing crops was compared with that of other seed-rich habitats on 53 farms in eastern Scotland over three winters. Seed-bearing crops were the most frequently selected habitat, and held 28% of birds of the 10 species recorded. Outside schemes, cereal stubble was the most selected habitat and held 44% of birds. For nine species, seed-bearing crops were used by more birds than expected from the area of crop available in at least one winter, and five species were more likely to occur in first-winter patches, reflecting a greater abundance of cereal grain than in second-winter patches. For cereal grain specialists such as buntings, sowing cereal-based crops annually would ensure that grain is available in each winter, whilst either a 1-year or a 2-year crop would be appropriate for finches that favour oilseeds, and species with a more generalist diet.  相似文献   

In 1996–1999, different mortality factors of pollen beetle larvae were investigated in twenty six rape fields in the northern part of Switzerland which had either a wild flower strip or an extensively managed meadow adjacent to the long side of the field. At 3 and 30 m into the crop from the conservation strip, total mortality, mortality from predators, parasitoids and unspecified factors were measured. Total pollen beetle larval mortality was 66–96%. Mortality caused by predators was 16–27% and there was no significant difference between mortality at 3 m and that 30 m from the extensively managed meadows. However, in fields with wild flower strips adjacent to them, the percentage mortality from predators was significantly greater at 30 m than at 3 m. The range of parasitism of pollen beetle larvae was 0–54% and was on average greater at 3 m than at 30 m. In fields with wild flower strips, the percentage parasitism with Tersilochus heterocerus was significantly higher than in fields with extensively managed meadows. However, mortality from all parasitoids was only 1–2% and there was no significant difference between 3 and 30 m. The effect of parasitoids on pollen beetle mortality was masked by the high unspecified mortality and the mortality from predators. The unspecified mortality was 46–72% and was significantly greater in 1998 and 1999 than in 1996 and 1997. These differences are probably because of meteorological factors (wet in 1999 and dry in 1998). The possible influences of the two types of conservation strips on pollen beetle larval density were investigated. The results show that in fields with adjacent wild flower strips, the pollen beetle larvae were more evenly distributed (but not significantly so) than in fields with extensively managed meadows where larval density decreases faster from the edge into the rape field.  相似文献   

Peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN), as a major secondary pollutant, has gained increasing worldwide attentions, but relevant studies in China are still quite limited. During winter of 2015 to summer of 2016, the ambient levels of PAN were measured continuously by an automatic gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector(GC–ECD) analyzer at an urban site in Jinan(China), with related parameters including concentrations of O3, NO, NO_2, PM_(2.5), HONO,the photolysis rate constant of NO_2 and meteorological factors observed concurrently. The mean and maximum values of PAN concentration were(1.89 ± 1.42) and 9.61 ppbv respectively in winter, and(2.54 ± 1.44) and 13.47 ppbv respectively in summer. Unusually high levels of PAN were observed during severe haze episodes in winter, and the formation mechanisms of them were emphatically discussed. Study showed that high levels of PAN in winter were mainly caused by local accumulation and strong photochemical reactions during haze episodes, while mass transport played only a minor role. Accelerated photochemical reactions(compared to winter days without haze) during haze episodes were deduced by the higher concentrations but shorter lifetimes of PAN, which was further supported by the sufficient solar radiation in the photolysis band along with the high concentrations of precursors(NO_2, VOCs) and HONO during haze episodes. In addition, significant PAN accumulation during calm weather of haze episodes was verified by meteorological data.  相似文献   

土壤保持是生态系统提供的调节服务之一,在维持生态安全等方面发挥着重要作用。以辽河保护区为研究对象,基于中国土壤流失方程(CSLE)模型和地理探测器等方法,开展土壤保持功能时空变化及影响因素分析。结果表明:2010—2018年辽河保护区土壤以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,土壤侵蚀量呈降低趋势,土壤侵蚀严重的区域主要位于河流两侧及下段;土壤保持功能不断增强,土壤保持量较高的区域集中在河流上段和中段;土壤保持功能表现出随降水量、高程增加先减少后增加,随坡度和植被覆盖度增加而增加的趋势,在林地—耕地—草地—灌木林梯度上呈递减趋势;土地利用类型是影响辽河保护区土壤保持格局的主导因素;土地利用类型为耕地,降水量为657~735 mm,坡度为35°~68°,高程为-73~-26 m,植被覆盖度为0~0.3时,土壤保持能力最低,坡度和土地利用类型的交互作用对土壤保持能力变化的解释力最强。  相似文献   

Conservation tender program have been widely applied to biodiversity conservation in Australia and internationally in recent decades. Increasing participation rates is critical to these schemes, as competition is required for the cost-effectiveness benefits of the tender system to be fully realized. However, knowledge relating to the drivers of landholder participation in tender programs is limited. This study aims to identify the relative importance of different drivers of participation in Victorian conservation tenders. The novel method of maximum entropy ordinal regression is used given the small sample size, and supplemented with qualitative data obtained through face-to-face interviews. The regression analysis reveals that strong relationships between agencies and landholders and a low administrative burden drive increased participation. The provision of education, support, and easily-integrated management practices, however, may drive lower participation, with landholders confident to undertake conservation activities independently of assistance. Some evidence emerges that ten-year contracts may be well-received. A key concern is low additionality in biodiversity benefits, with typical tender participants displaying a strong conservation ethic and high levels of management activity pre-participation. This work has shown that in conservation policies involving self-selection by participants, economic incentives for adoption may be less important than non-monetary drivers.  相似文献   

利用辽河保护区2018年的Landsat影像和水质数据,根据铁岭、沈阳、鞍山和盘锦市域范围将辽河保护区分为4个区段,采用模糊综合评价法对各区段河流水质的健康等级进行评价,同时运用Ecognition软件对遥感影像进行解译,最终对4个区段内土地利用变化与河流水质状况进行相关性分析。结果表明:辽河保护区不同区段中,鞍山段农业用地面积占比最大,水域面积占比最小;沈阳段林地、草地面积占比最大;辽河保护区各河段河流水体溶解氧(DO)浓度健康等级均为优秀,化学需氧量(COD)均为中等,总氮(TN)浓度均为病态,总磷(TP)浓度均为中等,氨氮(NH3-N)浓度在沈阳段为优秀,在其他河段则为良好;辽河保护区各土地利用类型面积占比与河流水质指标间相关性较好,其中河流水体NH3-N、TP、TN浓度和COD与林地、草地面积占比呈负相关,与农业用地和建设用地面积占比呈正相关;DO浓度与林地和草地面积占比呈正相关,与农业用地和建设用地面积占比呈负相关。  相似文献   

流域景观格局对土壤保持服务的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以子流域为空间单元,应用生态系统服务和交易的综合评估模型(InVEST)进行土壤保持服务评估,并借助景观指数计算软件(FRAGSTATS)表征景观格局特征,综合运用空间自相关探讨土壤保持量与景观格局指数的空间关联关系,同时从景观格局角度出发,开展土壤保持量与景观格局指数的空间回归分析.结果表明:2014年土壤保持服务较高的子流域具有景观类型组成相对单一、景观各类型间非均匀分布、存在优势斑块、景观分离度低的格局特征; 2014年甘肃白龙江14个子流域表现出土壤保持服务与景观格局显著的空间相关关系,占子流域总数量的37.84%;模型对比方面,空间滞后模型(SLM)优于非空间线性模型(OLS),表明甘肃白龙江各子流域的土壤保持量在空间上具有实质性的空间依赖.景观类型多样性及其均匀程度是影响甘肃白龙江子流域土壤保持量的重要景观指标.  相似文献   

我国胭脂鱼资源现状及其资源恢复途径的探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
胭脂鱼为我国特有鱼类 ,已知仅分布于长江和闽江。目前胭脂鱼在长江水系中的资源量明显减少 ,数量已较国家一类水生野生保护动物中华鲟和达氏鲟为少 ;闽江胭脂鱼种群几近绝迹。造成胭脂鱼资源下降的原因主要与其自身繁殖力低 ,发育时间长 ,以及过度捕捞和水域污染等因素有关。人工放流是恢复长江胭脂鱼资源的重要手段。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil are characterized by strong emission pulses. Although several mechanisms are known to create them, pulses are difficult to predict. Currently there is no established systematic way to identify pulses from long-term static chamber measurement results. In this study we suggest a simple algorithm for pulse identification. The algorithm was applied on time series of N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from a field study on the long-term impact of fertilization and tillage practice. Between 4 and 9% of N2O values were pulse values; 20-60% of total emission was emitted as pulses. Minimum tillage resulted in more pulses than plowing. In contrast, long-term averages of N2O losses from nitrogen (N) fertilizer were similar (3-4%) for all management practices. N2O emissions per crop yield for increased fertilization practice were double the values for reduced fertilization practice independent of tillage practice. CO2 emission pulses were scarce and there was no significant effect of management practice on CO2 pulse probability.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖候鸟保护区的自然环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据较丰富的第一手资料,叙述了鄱阳湖候鸟保护区内的自然环境因素:气候、水文、水质、动植物资源等。调查表明,保护区内冬季气候温和,平均气温在5.0℃以上,平均水温为6.2℃,每年10月至次年3月的气温、水温和水深适宜候鸟越冬;水质较好;水陆动植物和鸟类资源丰富,有许多国家级保护鸟类,如白鹤、小天鹅等。文章最后呼吁,要切实保护好鄱阳湖这块世界A级自然保护区,增划一些禁猎区、广泛开展爱鸟活动,形成依法护鸟,全民爱鸟的社会风气。  相似文献   

As a conventional farming practice,tillage has lasted for thousands of years in Loess Plateau,China.Although recent studies show that tillage is a prominent culprit to soil carbon loss in croplands,few studies have investigated the influences of tillage on the responses of soil CO2 efflux(SCE) to soil temperature and moisture.Using a multi-channel automated CO2 efflux chamber system,we measured SCE in situ continuously before and after the conventional tillage in a rain fed wheat field of Loess Plateau,Chin...  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》发达国家和发展中国家就减排温室气体进行交易的合作机制。我国“十一五”规划《纲要》提出了节能减排的目标,而我国还是一个发展中国家,要实现节能减排面临很多的困难。CDM项目大部分是与提高能效和开发利用新能源直接有关,因此,CDM能为此提供一定的推动力,能够促进我国的节能减排。文章分析了当前我国节能减排面临的困难,探讨了CDM在我国节能减排所起的作用,提出我国对积极开发CDM项目应采取的相应对策。  相似文献   

As a conventional farming practice, tillage has lasted for thousands of years in Loess Plateau, China. Although recent studies show that tillage is a prominent culprit to soil carbon loss in croplands, few studies have investigated the influences of tillage on the responses of soil CO2 e ux (SCE) to soil temperature and moisture. Using a multi-channel automated CO2 e ux chamber system, we measured SCE in situ continuously before and after the conventional tillage in a rain fed wheat field of Loess Plateau, China. The changes in soil temperature and moisture sensitivities of SCE, denoted by the Q10 value and linear regression slope respectively, were compared in the same range of soil temperature and moisture before and after the tillage. The results showed that, after the tillage, SCE increased by 1.2–2.2 times; the soil temperature sensitivity increased by 36.1%–37.5%; and the soil moisture sensitivity increased by 140%–166%. Thus, the tillage-induced increase in SCE might partially be attributed to the increases in temperature and moisture sensitivity of SCE.  相似文献   

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