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Five centuries of mining and processing of mercury ore in the Idrija area have resulted in widespread contamination of different environmental compartments. Environmental impacts on a regional and local scale, caused by atmospheric emissions from the Idrija ore roasting plant, were established in the investigations of mercury spatial distribution in soil and attic dust in 160 km2 area. Very high values were determined in the Idrijca River valley, and they decrease exponentially with the distance from Idrija. Mercury concentrations in attic dust are higher than in surrounding soils and the attic dust/soil ratio changes with distance. Measurements of mercury in the air confirmed widespread dispersion of mercury and showed highly elevated mercury concentrations around roasting plant and mine ventilation shaft. Beside, systematic monitoring of mercury contents in the stream sediments has demonstrated that huge amounts of mercury are stored in areas where ancient overbank sediments were deposited, and there was no decrease in mercury concentration in active sediments during the last 15 years. Recently, interesting and extremely polluted locations of historical small-scale roasting sites in the Idrija surroundings were discovered. Ongoing geochemical study aims to determine the extreme pollution and significance of these sites for wider contamination of soils and aquatic systems. Presented studies have shown that Hg mining in Idrija caused intense pollution of local and regional environment including the aquatic systems in the Gulf of Trieste, which is seen as the final sink of a major part of the Hg stored in soils and river sediments in the Idrija area.  相似文献   

Five centuries of mining and processing of mercury ore in the Idrija area have resulted in widespread contamination of different environmental compartments. Environmental impacts on a regional and local scale, caused by atmospheric emissions from the Idrija ore roasting plant, were established in the investigations of mercury spatial distribution in soil and attic dust in 160 km(2) area. Very high values were determined in the Idrijca River valley, and they decrease exponentially with the distance from Idrija. Mercury concentrations in attic dust are higher than in surrounding soils and the attic dust/soil ratio changes with distance. Measurements of mercury in the air confirmed widespread dispersion of mercury and showed highly elevated mercury concentrations around roasting plant and mine ventilation shaft. Beside, systematic monitoring of mercury contents in the stream sediments has demonstrated that huge amounts of mercury are stored in areas where ancient overbank sediments were deposited, and there was no decrease in mercury concentration in active sediments during the last 15 years. Recently, interesting and extremely polluted locations of historical small-scale roasting sites in the Idrija surroundings were discovered. Ongoing geochemical study aims to determine the extreme pollution and significance of these sites for wider contamination of soils and aquatic systems. Presented studies have shown that Hg mining in Idrija caused intense pollution of local and regional environment including the aquatic systems in the Gulf of Trieste, which is seen as the final sink of a major part of the Hg stored in soils and river sediments in the Idrija area.  相似文献   


Five centuries of mining and processing of mercury ore in the Idrija area have resulted in widespread contamination of different environmental compartments. Environmental impacts on a regional and local scale, caused by atmospheric emissions from the Idrija ore roasting plant, were established in the investigations of mercury spatial distribution in soil and attic dust in 160 km2 area. Very high values were determined in the Idrijca River valley, and they decrease exponentially with the distance from Idrija. Mercury concentrations in attic dust are higher than in surrounding soils and the attic dust/soil ratio changes with distance. Measurements of mercury in the air confirmed widespread dispersion of mercury and showed highly elevated mercury concentrations around roasting plant and mine ventilation shaft. Beside, systematic monitoring of mercury contents in the stream sediments has demonstrated that huge amounts of mercury are stored in areas where ancient overbank sediments were deposited, and there was no decrease in mercury concentration in active sediments during the last 15 years. Recently, interesting and extremely polluted locations of historical small-scale roasting sites in the Idrija surroundings were discovered. Ongoing geochemical study aims to determine the extreme pollution and significance of these sites for wider contamination of soils and aquatic systems. Presented studies have shown that Hg mining in Idrija caused intense pollution of local and regional environment including the aquatic systems in the Gulf of Trieste, which is seen as the final sink of a major part of the Hg stored in soils and river sediments in the Idrija area.


大气中汞的氧化还原反应对于其全球生物地球化学循环起着极其重要的作用,它促进了汞在全球范围内的扩散.汞主要以气态元素汞的形态释放到大气中,并经历复杂的均相和非均相化学反应,被氧化为活性气态汞和颗粒态汞;同时,活性气态汞也可经过光致还原反应光解生成气态元素汞.计算化学是一种基于理论方法利用计算软件来对化学现象和本质进行解释...  相似文献   

Road sediments from gully pots of the drainage system and stream sediments from local streams were investigated for the first time in the urban area of Idrija town, the central part of the second largest and strongly contaminated Hg mining district in the world. Hg concentrations in road sediments were lower than in stream sediments. They ranged from 16 to 110 mg/kg (Md = 29 mg/kg) for <0.125 mm particles and from 7 to 125 mg/kg (Md = 35 mg/kg) for <0.04 mm particles, while Hg concentrations in stream sediments ranged from 10 to 610 mg/kg (Md = 95 mg/kg) for <0.125 particles and from 10 to 440 mg/kg (Md = 105 mg/kg) for <0.04 mm particles. High Hg loadings in stream sediments were successfully linked with identified mercury sources (rocks containing mercury ore, areas of former ore roasting sites, ore residue dumps), because they are located in the drainage areas of streams, from which the sediments were collected. Links between Hg loadings in road sediments and identified mercury sources were not recognized. Solid phases of Hg were determined by thermo-desorption technique and are similar for both types of sediments. Results show the occurrence of three different forms: elemental mercury, mercury bound to matrix components and cinnabar. Approximately 50 % of Hg in samples consist of non-cinnabar fractions. This is important, since they are potentially bioavailable. An interesting new discovery according to previous research of environmental media from Idrija area by solid-phase Hg thermo-desorption technique is that elemental mercury was determined in almost all investigated sediments in minor amounts (Md = 3 %).  相似文献   

A review of atmospheric mercury emissions,pollution and control in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mercury, as a global pollutant, has significant impacts on the environment and human health. The current state of atmospheric mercury emissions, pollution and control in China is comprehensively reviewed in this paper. With about 500-800 t of anthropogenic mercury emissions, China contributes 25%-40% to the global mercury emissions. The dominant mercury emission sources in China are coal combustion, non-ferrous metal smelting, cement production and iron and steel production. The mercury emissions from natural sources in China are equivalent to the anthropogenic mercury emissions. The atmospheric mercury concentration in China is about 2-10 times the background level of North Hemisphere. The mercury deposition fluxes in remote areas in China are usually in the range of 10-50μg·m^-2·yr^-1. To reduce mercury emissions, legislations have been enacted for power plants, non-ferrous metal smelters and waste incinerators. Currently mercury contented in the flue gas is mainly removed through existing air pollution control devices for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particles. Dedicated mercury control technologies are required in the future to further mitigate the mercury emissions in China.  相似文献   

冬季降雪过程对城市大气气态汞污染的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
童银栋  张巍  胡丹  王学军 《生态环境》2010,19(3):505-508
2009年降雪和非降雪期间对北京西北城区的气态总汞浓度进行了连续采样,比较了降雪期间、非降雪期间的气态总汞浓度日变化过程;降雪期间气态总汞浓度的降低和恢复过程。结果表明,降雪和非降雪期间大气气态总汞浓度的日均值有显著差异,降雪期间气态总汞的平均浓度为5.64ng·m^-3,非降雪期间的平均浓度为7.43ng·m^-3,前者约为后者的70%。降雪后约7h气态总汞浓度恢复到降雪前水平。研究中分析了气象因素(气压、风速、阵风速度、气温和相对湿度)对于气态总汞浓度的影响,结果表明:降雪期间主要受到风速(r=-0.527)和阵风速度(r=-0.574)的影响;非降雪期间主要受到风速(r=-0.691),阵风速度(r=-0.726)和相对湿度(r=0.692)的影响,并且相对湿度的影响与风速的影响相近。降雪和非降雪期间气态总汞的日变化有所差异:非降雪期间气态总汞浓度在午夜和清晨较高,日变化趋势与相对湿度一致;降雪期间气态总汞的日变化没有明显规律。  相似文献   

The distribution, enrichment, accumulation and potential ecological risks of mercury (Hg) in the surface sediments of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan, were investigated. Sediment samples from 20 locations throughout Kaohsiung Harbor were collected quarterly from 2006 to 2011, and characterised for mercury, aluminium, water content, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total grease and grain size. The results showed that Hg concentrations varied from 0.06–6.73 mg kg?1 with an average of 0.54±0.71 mg kg?1. The spatial distribution of Hg reveals that the Hg concentration is relatively higher in the river mouth regions, especially at the Love River and Canon River mouths from where it gradually diminishes toward the harbour entrance region. The results from the enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index analyses reveal that the sediments near the Love River and Canon River mouths experience severe enrichment and strong accumulation of Hg that originates from upstream sources of pollution. The assessment of biological effects indicates that concentrations of 92.5% Hg found in the sediment are higher than effects range low, implying that the harbour sediments may cause an adverse impact on aquatic lives. The results of a potential ecological risk index indicate that the sediment has higher to serious levels of ecological potential risks.  相似文献   

桂林市菜地土壤-蔬菜汞污染研究和评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯明  钱建平  张力  胡存杰 《生态环境》2004,13(4):575-577,584
对桂林市近郊8个不同片区蔬菜产地的118个土壤样品和71个蔬菜样品中汞的含量水平进行了调查和分析。运用单因子污染指数法评价了菜地土壤一蔬菜中汞的污染现状。研究表明,桂林市及近郊菜地土壤和蔬菜已受到不同程度的汞污染,全市各片区菜地土壤汞含量平均值为0.098-0.523mg/kg,以国家土壤环境质量标准二级标准评价,土壤平均污染指数在0.33-1.74范围内,属非污染或轻污染状态,除穿山南片和纸马铺外,其余采样点均有样本超过国家二级标准,其中七星公园东北片的土壤汞超标率较高,达71.4%,污染情况比较均一;虞山桥东南岸土壤汞超标率较低,为33.3%,但土壤汞含量变异较大,说明污染情况变化大。全市各片区老菜的汞含量平均值为0.0625-0.128mg/kg,为国家标准GB2762—1994规定蔬菜汞含量(0.01mg/kg)的6.25—12.8倍,超标率已达100%。实验还发现,蔬菜中的汞含量与土壤中的汞含量具有显著的相关性,且蔬菜汞的大部分分布于地上部可食部分。分析了菜地土壤汞污染的主要原因,可能与使用含汞农药和生活垃圾肥有关。  相似文献   

施肥及种植作物对汞污染土壤中微生物生态的修复   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李梅  侯彦林  皮广洁 《生态环境》2004,13(4):560-564
以中性紫色土为材料,通过向土壤添加氯化汞的模拟培养试验、施肥试验以及作物栽培试验,研究了汞对土壤中微生物区系和重要微生物生理群繁育的毒害效应。结果表明,向土壤中添加HgCl2,总体上抑制了细菌、真菌、放线菌及氨化细菌的繁育,硝化细菌、自生固氮菌、纤维素降解菌在一定质量分数范围内被汞刺激增长,在另一定质量分数段则被汞抑制。施肥和栽种作物削弱了汞对微生物的毒害,使土壤微生物生态得到一定程度的修复,说明利用农业措施修复汞污染的土壤是可行的。栽种作物时,汞对微生物的抑制效应受到掩蔽,作物产量和植株体内汞含量是汞污染程度的良好指标。以微生物和植物对汞污染的反应,基本一致的HgCl2危害质量分数指标是5mg.kg^-1。  相似文献   

中国汞污染的来源、成因及控制技术路径分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汞是一种能长期存在于环境且具有全球迁移性的污染物.汞污染防治是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及多部门、多领域、多行业,国家需要在政策、管理和技术等方面采取综合的战略措施推进汞污染防治.本文基于汞污染的环境和社会影响,分析了中国汞污染的来源、成因并评估了中国汞管理体系,结合中国参加全球汞公约谈判的特定背景,识别出汞污染防控的优先行业,包括汞的无意排放优先控制行业:燃煤、有色金属冶炼、汞矿开采和含汞废物处理;汞的有意使用优先控制行业:电石法聚氯乙烯生产,医疗产品、荧光灯和电池生产.本文也进一步提出了汞污染控制技术路径,包括构建汞风险管理和识别平台、完善汞管理体系、加强环境技术研发、推进绿色转型、保护环境和公众健康等.  相似文献   

Passerine species have been increasingly used as monitors of metal pollution, especially by making use of non-destructive indicators of bird exposure, such as collecting feathers, faeces or blood. During this study, mercury concentrations were determined in feathers, faeces and blood of nestling great tits (Parus major) in industrial (a paper mill) and rural sites on the west coast of Portugal. The aim of this study was to compare the level of mercury in both areas over the study period, as indicated by nestlings’ mercury levels, while assessing possible contamination effects on the breeding performance and health status of great tits. Over the years, feathers showed a significant annual decrease in mercury contamination in the study area. Blood analyses also revealed a significant annual decrease in mercury concentrations, but no significant differences were detected between areas. Faeces data showed no significant difference between years or areas. We found no direct influence of mercury levels on nestling health status or great tit breeding performance.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from Tinishu Akaki River (TAR), Lake Awassa, and Lake Ziway, Ethiopia for determination of mercury. The air-dried samples were analyzed for mercury with a differential atomic absorption spectrometer after thermal evaporation of bound mercury converting it to its atomic form. Certified reference materials (CRMs) of sediments and soils were used to validate the method. The recovery of mercury from CRMs and sediments was in the range of 95–100%. The limit of detection for the determination of mercury was 50?ng?kg?1. The concentration of total mercury in the sediments varied from 3.9 to 110?µg?kg?1 for TAR, 14 to 67?µg?kg?1 for Lake Awassa, and 17 to 110?µg?kg?1 for Lake Ziway. It was found that the total mercury concentrations in all samples were below the United States Environmental Protection Agency guideline of 200?µg?kg?1.  相似文献   

西藏土壤汞的分布特征及污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解西藏地区土壤汞的污染水平与现状,采集西藏四区-市(拉萨、林芝、那曲、阿里、日喀则)耕地、冲积土、草地、荒地4 种类型的土壤,其中表层土壤54 个,剖面样品18 个.利用直接加热-金管富集-原子吸收法对土壤中汞含量进行分析,结果表明,西藏地区土壤中汞含量平均含量为0.026 mg·kg^-1,低于我国土壤中汞的背景值,与先前西藏土壤中汞的含量相近.部分样品中汞的含量较高,其中最大值为0.563 mg·kg^-1,可能与人为源点状污染有关.西藏土壤汞的分布具有显著的地势分布特征,土壤中汞含量从东南到西北逐渐降低.这与西藏的地势条件和人为活动有关.由于土壤中有机质与人为影响的差异,不同类型土壤中耕地土壤汞含量最高(0.051 mg·kg^-1),冲积土最低(0.015 mg·kg^-1),偏远地区荒地汞含量最稳定.西藏东南和西北地区土壤汞的垂直分布特征有明显的差异,西北低汞含量地区垂直分布特征主要表现为表层〉中层〉底层,而东南地区分布规律并不明显,人为翻动频繁和较复杂汞来源与迁移是造成都东南部耕地土壤和河滩土汞含量垂直分布的主要原因.以西藏土壤背景含量水平为单因子污染评价标准,结果显示西藏27.4%的土壤处于中度或重度污染,31.5%处于无污染状态,人为活动对西藏地区土壤中汞含量的升高有较大的贡献.  相似文献   

汞是最具危害性的全球性重金属污染物,而节能灯生产引起的汞污染问题则日益突出。选取浙西地区某典型节能灯加工集聚区为研究对象,等间距设置7个采样点及1个对照点,每3个月采样一次,采用多台高时间分辨率自动测汞仪(Tekran2537A)对集聚区周边环境中大气气态总汞(TGM)开展了为期2 a的实时同步观测,通过分析节能灯加工集聚区TGM质量浓度特征及其时空变化特征,旨在明确规模化节能灯加工产业对当地大气环境的影响,明晰其大气汞污染现状,以期为后续深入研究和环境修复提供理论支持。结果表明:浙西地区典型节能灯加工集聚区TGM质量浓度[(3.22±0.78) ng·m-3]显著高于全球TGM质量浓度背景值(1.5~2.0 ng·m-3)和研究区设置对照点TGM质量浓度水平[(1.20±0.35) ng·m-3],显示集聚区大气已受到一定程度的汞污染。同时,研究区内各采样点TGM质量浓度波动幅度较大(0.93~6.74 ng·m-3),说明节能灯加工带来的人为排汞对采样点环境影响显著。此外,节能灯加工集聚区TGM质量浓度具有明显的季节性和空间异质性。在季节上表现为:冬季>秋季>夏季>春季,受研究区温度和土壤环境条件影响较大,且TGM质量浓度波动情况与当地春耕秋种时节较为频繁的人为活动情况相一致。在水平分布上表现为:随节能灯加工集聚区中心距离的增加而逐渐减小,各采样点组间TGM质量浓度标准差变化幅度大,组内变化不大,说明汞的大气传输和扩散可能与空气的稀释作用、汞的干湿沉降及地形、风向、风速等因素有关,同时,小范围内空气交换速度不大,TGM质量浓度保持相对稳定。因此,浙西地区节能灯加工产业已对当地大气环境产生了一定的影响,必须采取有效措施控制节能灯加工带来的大气汞污染问题。  相似文献   

● We review the framework of discovering emerging pollutants through an omics approach. ● High-resolution MS can digitalize atmospheric samples to full-component data. ● Chemical features and databases can help to translate untargeted data to compounds. ● Biological effect-directed untargeted analyses consider both existence and toxicity. Ambient air pollution, containing numerous known and hitherto unknown compounds, is a major risk factor for public health. The discovery of harmful components is the prerequisite for pollution control; however, this raises a great challenge on recognizing previously unknown species. Here we systematically review the analytical techniques on air pollution in the framework of an omics approach, with a brief introduction on sample preparation and analysis, and in more detail, compounds prioritization and identification. Through high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS, typically coupled with chromatography), the complicated environmental matrix can be digitalized into “full-component” data. A key step to discover emerging compounds is the prioritization of compounds from massive data. Chemical fingerprints, suspect lists and biological effects are the most vital untargeted strategies for comprehensively screening critical and hazardous substances. Afterward, compressed data of compounds can be identified at various confidence levels according to exact mass and the derived molecular formula, MS libraries, and authentic standards. Such an omics approach on full-component data provides a paradigm for discovering emerging air pollutants; nonetheless, new technological advancements of instruments and databases are warranted for further tracking the environmental behaviors, hence to evaluate the health risk of key pollutants.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - One of the main sources of potential chronic exposure to potentially toxic elements is household dust, especially in an environment with known point sources...  相似文献   

A comprehensive geochemical investigation of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in household dust from the town of Idrija (Slovenia), once a world-famous Hg mining town that is now seriously polluted, was performed for the first time. After aqua regia digestion, the content of mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) was measured. PHE-bearing particles were recognised and observed by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectrometry before and after exposure to simulated stomach acid (SSA). Mercury binding forms were identified by Hg thermal desorption technique and gastric bioaccessible Hg was estimated after SSA extraction by ICP-MS. With regard to rural and urban background values for Slovenia, high Hg content (6–120 mg/kg) and slightly elevated As content (1–13 mg/kg) were found. Mercury pollution is a result of past mining and ore processing activities. Arsenic content is potentially associated with As enrichment in local soils. Four Hg binding forms were identified: all samples contained Hg bound to the dust matrix, 14 samples contained cinnabar, two samples contained metallic Hg (Hg0), and one sample assumingly contained mercury oxide. After exposure to SSA, Hg-bearing phases showed no signs of dissolution, while other PHE-bearing phases were significantly morphologically and/or chemically altered. Estimated gastric Hg bioaccessibility was low (<0.006–0.09 %), which is in accordance with identified Hg binding forms and high organic carbon content (15.9–31.5 %) in the dust samples.  相似文献   

Excreta data obtained from five human subjects and previously analyzed as part of a multicompartment model (Hall, L.L., P.V. Allen, H.L. Fisher, and B. Most. 1995. The kinetics of intravenously administered inorganic mercury in humans. In Kinetic models of trace element and mineral metabolism, ed. K.N.S. Subramanian and M.E. Wastney, 1-21. Boca Raton: CRC Press) were reanalyzed by means of a two-compartment model. The mobile compartment represents mercury of any form that is available for transport throughout the body. The immobile compartment represents mercury in forms that are not available for transport. The model simulates time profiles for body inorganic mercury and for fecal and urinary excretion. According to the model, intravenously administered mercury enters the body in the mobile form. Following administration, two distinct kinetic profiles were observed. In four of five subjects, mobile mercury in the body declined rapidly and the immobile form became dominant within 6 days. In these subjects, fecal excretion profiles were characterized by an initial phase dominated by excretion of mobile mercury lasting up to 6 days. This was followed by a slower phase during which mobile and immobile mercury were excreted in varying amounts. A similar pattern was seen in urinary profiles, but the initial phase is shorter and less pronounced. In each of these subjects, immobile mercury accounted for 84–94% of the total cumulative urinary excretion. The fifth subject showed a unique kinetic profile. Conversion of mobile to immobile mercury was slow and the two forms did not reach equivalence until approximately 70 days after dosing. Despite this fact, approximately 99% of fecally excreted mercury and 100% of urinary mercury originated in the immobile compartment. Possible explanations for the different profiles are discussed within the context of the model.  相似文献   

汞是揭示构造活动及强震孕育机制的重要化学示踪元素.研究断裂带中汞及其同位素,可以示踪地震断裂带汞异常来源、汞的迁移路径,从而揭示流体在地震孕育中的作用.本文总结了汞的观测技术,断裂带岩石、土壤和地下水中汞的特征,概述了汞同位素技术在深部断裂带研究中的进展,以及汞在地震监测和活断层探测方面的应用.断裂带中汞的研究,将有助于厘清汞-深部流体-构造活动-地震的可能关系及其机制,对提升汞在地震监测预测中的研究水平具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.  相似文献   

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