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从风险排序的概念及应用需求出发,系统阐述了风险排序在当前风险管理特别是环境风险管控领域中的意义。指出风险排序是对风险定义在管理实践层面的应用深化。从风险排序影响因子的类别划分、来源构成、演化趋势以及排序方法的发展规律和优劣特征等角度进行系统综述,指出目前风险排序影响因子的界定及选取已呈现由风险理论限定过渡至突出服务风险管理为导向;风险排序方法学也逐步由单一方法排序过渡至多元方法互补排序的新阶段,逐步实现对风险排序结果的综合考量和准确度量。在此基础上,对风险排序方法在环境领域的实证研究进行归纳分析。总结指出了当前风险排序研究多以结果的量化表征为焦点,而其排序方法及配套排序指标选取的适用性、综合性及代表性检验仍需进一步研究分析,尤其是对排序机理、风险理论及风险管控需求间内在相互关系的系统解析将是未来实现风险排序客观全面提升的重要基础及意义所在。  相似文献   

Swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) have received much attention in recent years. As a result, a watershed-based screening tool, the Cumulative Risk Index Analysis (CRIA), was developed to assess the cumulative impacts of multiple CAFO facilities in a watershedsubunit. The CRIA formula calculates an index number based on: 1) the area of one or more facilities compared to the area of the watershed subunit, 2) the average of the environmental vulnerability criteria, and 3) the average of the industry-specific impact criteria. Each vulnerability or impact criterion is ranked on a 1 to 5 scale, with a low rank indicating low environmental vulnerability or impact and a high rank indicating high environmental vulnerability or impact. The individual criterion ranks, as well as the total CRIA score, can be used to focus the environmental analysis and facilitate discussions with industry, public, and other stakeholders in the Agency decision-making process.  相似文献   

通过对三峡地区工业污染物产生强度和排放强度分析表明,三峡地区的产生强度和排放强度均高于东部先进水平和全国平均水平,指出了三峡地区的污染防治需从源头控制和末端治理双管齐下进行;引入"环境协调指数EHI(行业的经济贡献率与污染贡献率的比值)"分析行业的环境与经济行为特征,指明了三峡地区COD和氨氮相对污染重、经济效益差的行业.为区域产业结构调整提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

城市社会经济的持续发展推动着城市环境建设与生态良性循环的维护。简述了南京经济区域的环境状况,揭示了该区域的主要环境问题,分析了环境目标的可达性,提出了加强区域环境保护的主要对策。  相似文献   

安徽省环境系统经济损失值及其分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了环境系统经济损失概念,并在这一概念框架中建立了符合安徽省实际情况的指标体系,测算了以货币值表达的1990年的安徽省及该省分地市、分行业,以及各损体类型的环境系统经济损失值,分析了各损失分布特征。结果表明,安徽省为人口增长和经济发展所付出的环境损失代价是巨大的。  相似文献   

以某大型火法铜冶炼企业竣工环保验收监测项目为例,从监测因子的选择,监测、分析过程中的质量保证,固体废物检查,周边环境质量监测等方面,对铜冶炼项目环保验收监测中发现的问题进行了分析。提出,应开展重金属元素Sb的毒理方面的研究,并出台相关排放标准;在监测项目的选择时,考虑金属元素在矿材中的伴生问题;重视验收监测中的质量控制,尤其是分析过程中的空白扣除和加标回收;对涉及重金属及As的项目,适时开展环境影响后评价及跟踪监测。  相似文献   

长株潭城市群是湖南省的核心增长极,是"资源节约型社会、环境友好型社会"社会建设综合配套改革试验区,但伴随高速的工业化发展和城市化进程,长株潭面临着严峻的资源约束和环境压力。文章从土地利用格局、经济社会发展、环境质量状况、主要污染物排放和资源能源利用等方面入手,综合分析了长株潭城市群的环境压力,主要体现在长株潭城市群城市化与土地需求的矛盾凸显,"摊大饼"的扩张模式带来生态风险;重工业和污染排放集聚,累积性污染突出;环境空气质量和地表水环境质量形势不容乐观;资源能源利用方式粗放等。结合城市群区域规划,提出了长株潭城市群在新型城镇化建设中应采取的生态环境保护措施建议。  相似文献   

Forest road decommissioning is a pro-active mechanism for preventing future habitat degradation and for increasing the likelihood of endangered salmonid survival in the western U.S. High implementation costs however preclude many desirable projects from being undertaken, especially on federally owned land. Previous research and real-world applications have demonstrated the cost savings potential of reusing aggregate recovered from forest roads during decommissioning. These cost savings can effectively subsidize decommissioning projects, suggesting an economic benefit associated with improving environmental benefit. We present a mixed integer, multiple objective formulation to identify the efficient trade-off surface between conflicting economic and environmental criteria, where environmental benefit is defined as the hazard weighted length of roads decommissioned. We compare nondominated frontiers identified with and without the opportunity to recycle aggregate. Our results suggest that aggregate recycling promotes a synergistic relationship between cost savings (subsidy) and environmental performance, where subsidies generally increase with increasing environmental performance. Effective subsidy values can reach 31% of total expenditure, at the maximum level of environmental benefit. Transportation managers are therefore able to recover and reuse a nonrenewable resource, while at the same time promoting economic and environmental efficiency.  相似文献   

The article presents a review of environmental degradation and its threats in China. Air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, sand depositing in dams, decaying urban infrastructure, and more and more hazards such as floods, landslides and soil erosion are major consequences of environmental degradation and are making tremendous loss both in life and property. Through investigation, the author found that poor air quality in the large cities; water pollution in the downstream of many rivers; the multiple problems of many mining areas; lack of access to fresh water; decaying sewage systems; and the disastrous impact of these environmental degradations on public health and agricultural products in many provinces is rather serious. Relationship of environmental degradation and natural hazards is close; more attention should be put in environmental degradation that may surpass economy progress if the trend continues. It is therefore imperative that Chinese government undertake a series of prudent actions now that will enable to be in the best possible position when the current environmental crisis ultimately passes.  相似文献   

环境污染对生态危害经济损失评估模式的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
定量评估环境污染对生态环境危害的经济损失,是环境科学研究的课题。本文从风险评价和环境经济学角度,提出环境污染对生态环境危害经济损失的评估模式。  相似文献   

The European Union’s Restriction on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (Directive 2002/95/EC) targeted at electronic products took effect in 2006. In contrast, the USA has no comparable national policy on these products. To understand corporate responses to policy differences across jurisdictions, we conducted a structured-questionnaire survey of individuals in 109 companies that are representative of the US electronics industry. The results reveal that 70% of these companies have already adopted lead-free solder for electronics with 49% of the total preferring the SnAgCu formulation, despite uncertainties associated with environmental impacts of this alternative alloy. We use a modified life cycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling approach to derive weighting factors that represent the respondents’ value system for tradeoffs among environmental impacts. We use a modified fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution approach to evaluate technical criteria dominance in declared preferences. A statistical model of corporate behavior is also presented. The results provide the first systematic framework that accounts for environmental impact, technological challenge, and business strategy concurrently toward formulating a comprehensive national policy for materials selection in electronic products.  相似文献   

Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

环境毒理学与环境监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境毒理学近年来得到了较快的发展,它为制定环境卫生标准、评价环境质量、采取防治对策提供了科学依据。文章论述了环境毒理学的特点、主要研究内容;评述了当前环境监测中的某些局限性,以及环境毒理学在环境监测各个领域中的应用和进展情况。  相似文献   

环境医学是环境科学中-门新兴的前沿学科,必将对环境科学的发展产生越来越重要的作用,尤其在环境保护的实际应用中会发挥出更大的作用.本文就环境医学在环境保护中的应用与展望进行了浅析,对其在环境保护管理中的实际应用提出了具体的开展方法与应用展望.  相似文献   

贵州省典型农业区土壤重金属污染及在蔬菜中的富集研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选择贵州省遵义县4个镇典型农业区,研究重金属含量和污染特征以及在蔬菜中的富集作用.结果表明,由于贵州省重金属本底值普遍较高,遵义县虾子镇、永乐镇、新舟镇和喇叭镇土壤Cd、Hg、As均有超标,Cd的超标率分别为64.3%、31.3%、23.5%和6.3%,Hg的超标率分别为37.5%、11.8%、12.5%和28.6%,As的超标率分别为6.3%、23.5%、31.3%和28.6%;从蔬幕对重金属的富集作用来看,辣椒、西红柿对于Cd有较强的富集作用,豇豆对As的富集系数略高于其它蔬菜,黄瓜、豇豆对Hg的富集强于对其它重金属元素的富集.  相似文献   

环境管理与环境信息系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析环境信息系统结构与功能的基础上,提出当前如何充分地利用环境信息系统进行环境管理的具体设想。  相似文献   

阐述了在环境监理工作中正确行政环境监测的职责及权限的问题,并对环境监测与环境监理工作之间的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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