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B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1979,55(3):209-214
Scylla serrata in a South African estuary occurred more frequently in that part which had the highest number of prey organisms. Food location was by contact chemoreception, using the dactyls of the walking legs. Major prey groups were burrowing bivalves, attached bivalves and small crabs. s. serrata showed a preference for small crabs as prey. Because of their larger mass and higher energy content compared with other prey organisms, these crabs represented the major energy source of S. serrata in this area.  相似文献   

The tolerances of the first zoeal stage of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) have been investigated in 64 different temperature-salinity combinations. Exposure to temperatures above 25°C or to salinities below 17.5 caused considerable mortality; therefore, zoeae are unsuited to estuarine conditions. The larvae can tolerate temperatures down to 5°C is they are inactive below 10°C. It is suggested that 10°C is probably a lower limit and that female crabs which migrate to sea to release their eggs do not enter water with a temperature below 12°C. Hydrological conditions along the south-east coast of Africa indicate that females would, therefore, migrate less than 10 km offshore.  相似文献   

Natural food,foregut clearance-rate and activity of the crab Scylla serrata   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1976,34(2):109-116
The natural diet, rate of foregut clearance and diurnal activity of the crab Scylla serrata were determined. The gut volume is related to size of crab as gut volume (ml)=0.07e0.033x , where x=carapace width in millimetres. Fifty per cent of crabs collected in Australia and South Africa contained molluscan remains and about 21% contained crustacean remains — chiefly grapsid crabs. Fish remains were rarely found, and it was concluded that S. serrata does not normally catch mobile forms such as fish and penaeid prawns. Gut clearance of organic tissue was rapid and almost complete after 12 h. Fish bone was retained for a mean time of 2 to 3 days, and shell for 5 to 6 days. Time-lapse photography, using infra-red light, was used to record activity. Visible light flashes reduced activity. S. serrata remained buried during the day, emerging at sunset to spend the night feeding, which occurred intermittently even when unlimited food was available. If no food was present the amount of time spent on the substrate surface was halved.  相似文献   

Tagging experiments were carried out on Scylla serrata in three different types of habitat in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, during 1976–1981. A total of 6 233 crabs were tagged and 1 180 recaptured. Two categories of movement were found, a free ranging type and an offshore migration by females. Crabs in a narrow creek with mangrove-covered banks displayed little movement. In areas with large intertidal flats bare of mangroves, crabs underwent more movement and adults (carapace width 150 mm or greater) and subadults (carapace width 100 to 149 mm) moved similar distances (mean 3.9 km). In an area with direct access to the sea, males and females moved equal distances, but in a long channel behind an island, mean female movement (6.6 km) was significantly more than that of males (mean 3.7 km). The distance between tag and recapture site was not greatly affected by the time at liberty over a period of 1 to 36 wk. Tag recaptures showed an exchange between the populations of a mangrove creek and those in the neighbouring bay. There was very limited exchange between the population in an estuary and the adjacent bay and no exchange was found between neighbouring areas separated by a region of habitat unsuitable for S. serrata. None of the more than 3 000 females captured in the study area was carrying eggs, but two tagged ovigerous females were caught at sea after having moved out of the study area. Eight other females were recaptured in other inshore or estuarine areas 20 to 65 km from their release site.  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1978,47(2):135-141
Ultrasonic transmitters were used to track the movements of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) over 24 h periods in the Kowie estuary, South Africa. Laboratory experiments using infra-red time-lapse photography to record activity indicated that the transmitters did not affect duration of emergence, amount of movement or feeding. In the estuary, S. serrata was active on average for 13 h. out of 24 h, most activity was at night. The distance moved per night by continuously tracked crabs averaged 461 m, but ranged between 219 and 910 m. Most movement was slow, modal speed was 10 to 19 m h-1. Slow movements were independent of direction of current and are assumed to be related to use of contact chemoreception for location of prey. About one-seventh of movements were faster than 70 m h-1; these were most frequently against the current and may be related to olfactory location of food. The crabs did not occupy a distinct territory, but tended to remain in the same general area although they were capable of moving at least 800 m along the length of the estuary at night.  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1975,32(2):119-126
Populations of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) were studied in two South African estuaries from 1971 until 1974. One estuary was open to the sea, the other was closed by a sandbar. Population density in the closed estuary was estimated by means of mark-release-recapture data from tagged crabs. The population of S. serrata was estimated as 1 crab/124m2 and the production at 3.4 g/m2/annum. Catch per unit effort data from the closed estuary indicated a natural mortality of 41% in the crabs' second year and 60% in the third. Growth was studied in both estuaries by means of size-frequency analysis and from tagging returns. Growth was rapid in the first 12 to 15 months, when the crabs attained a carapace width of 80 to 160 mm. Thereafter growth slowed, and after 3 years crabs were between 140 and 180 mm in carapace width. Females mated in summer at a carapace width of 103 to 148 mm, males at 141 to 166 mm. After mating, females migrated out of both estuaries into the sea.  相似文献   

The large, edible mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskål) exhibits different phenotypes which are recognised by the fishermen of Southeast Asia and are given local names such as “white”, “green”, “red” or “black” crabs on the basis of their colouration. A preliminary study using multivariate techniques was undertaken in order to examine the degree of dissimilarity between the different morphs of commercially fished stocks of S. serrata. Twenty-two morphometric and 20 meristic characters were measured on male crabs from four locations in three countries in Southeast Asia, including Surat Thani in Thailand where “black” and “white” morphs exist sympatrically. Canonical variate analysis (CVA) on the morphometric data discriminated three groups with no chain-linking. Surat Thani “white” crabs and those from south Vietnam were phenotypically similar and formed one distinct group; a second group contained crabs from Ranong (Thailand) and Sarawak which were phenotypically “black”; the third group contained “black” crabs from Surat Thani. CVA on meristic data confirmed two groupings, but implied that the Surat Thani “black” morph may only be a variant of the Surat Thani/Vietnam “white” form, rather than a third species. These findings are discussed in relation to the ecology, fishery management and aquaculture potenial of S. serrata.  相似文献   

The myosin ATPase activity of the flexor muscle of an estuarine crab, Scylla serrata, was studied in relation to salinity adaptation. The enzyme is activated more by calcium than by magnesium; it exhibits maximum activity at pH 9.0, and substrate inhibition above 0.5 mM ATP. The enzyme activity increases in crabs adapted to higher salinities. The enzyme from normal (70% sea water) crabs shows two pH optima; one at pH 7.0, the other at pH 9.0. The neutral optimum shifts to pH 6.0 upon adaptation to full strength sea water, but disappears upon adaptation to 25% sea water. The enzyme from normal crabs shows an optimum at 30 °C; adaptation to full strength sea water raises this optimum to 38 °C, whereas adaptation to 25% sea water decreases it to 24 °C. These changes are discussed in relation to estuarine conditions.  相似文献   

Kinetic properties such as the Michaelis-Menten constant and the activation energy of the flexor muscle myosin ATPase were investigated in the estuarine crab Scylla serrata. These properties varied at different salinities, but the extractability of the enzyme remained unaltered. The qualitative changes upon salinity adaptation are discussed with reference to estuarine conditions.  相似文献   

In Deception Bay, northern Australia, during 1979–1981, a study was made of the distribution of Scylla serrata (Forskal) in an area having a broad intertidal zone. Juveniles (20 to 99 mm carapace width) were resident in the mangrove zone, remaining there during low tide. The majority of subadult crabs (100 to 149 mm) migrated into the intertidal zone to feed at high tide and retreated to subtidal waters at low tide. Adults (150 mm and larger) were caught mainly subtidally and only small numbers were captured in the intertidal at high tide. Few crabs were captured in the coolest months (May to August). Adults were captured on the flats mainly in the warmest months (January to April), but subadults could be captured over the entire summer (September to March). Juveniles were found in the upper intertidal throughout the year.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs consume the surficial microphytobenthos around their burrows during low tide. We studied the spatial and temporal feeding patterns in the species Uca uruguayensis by using sequences of digital pictures of feeding pellets accumulation. Data from 61 crabs, feeding without the interference of neighbors, were fitted to different models using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Initial feeding location was independent from the emergence location, and then, crabs continued holding a main feeding direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), suggesting a systematic mechanism that may avoid feeding over already processed sediment. Crabs used at least half of their potential feeding area, but these areas were heterogeneous. Both sexes developed similar feeding areas; however, females were faster and needed less time to feed than males, suggesting that males are time restricted. Our work also highlights the importance of incorporating other underlying mechanisms of the behavior of species into the study of feeding strategies.  相似文献   

J. McConaugha 《Marine Biology》2002,140(6):1227-1233
The apparent mismatch between the energy requirements for planktotrophic growth and prey availability has long been paradoxical. One hypothesis to explain this paradox is that planktotrophic larvae display plasticity in feeding mechanisms in response to variable prey types and concentrations. This hypothesis was tested by videotaping megalopae of the brachyuran crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun feeding on various-sized prey. Frame-by-frame analysis of the videotapes indicated that C. sapidus megalopae used both raptorial and suspension feeding to capture prey while in the water column. Raptorial feeding was used to capture macro-zooplankton, including copepods. The swimming form of suspension feeding was based on a modified fling-and-clap mechanism using the chelipeds. Suspension feeding while at rest utilized a weak current generated by the mouthparts to direct prey to the mouth. Both suspension-feeding mechanisms resulted in the efficient capture of rotifer-sized particles. The energy/handling time ratios for all three feeding mechanisms are very similar (E/H range 0.016-0.019 µg C s-1) for the natural prey tested. These results support the hypothesis that feeding in brachyuran larvae is plastic and includes mechanisms of both raptorial and suspension feeding. The ability to suspension feed at rest is adaptive, since megalopae use selective tidal transport to re-invade an estuary and may spend up to 18 h day-1 clinging to a benthic substrate. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-002-0781-1.  相似文献   

Fisheries managers frequently try to protect juveniles in order to preserve stocks. Juveniles can be protected by either implementing changes designed to avoid catching immature animals (e.g. increasing mesh size or altering fishing techniques) or protecting nursery grounds. To prevent the capture of immature animals, an estimate of size at maturity is required as well as a knowledge of both fishing methods and the exact location of the nursery grounds. Strong demand for juvenile mud crabs to stock aquaculture ponds has resulted in development of fisheries targeting crabs of all sizes from instar 1 to mature individuals. Using five different fishing methods, different stages in the life cycle of Scylla paramamosain were followed for a period of 16 months in an estuarine population in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Mangrove habitat utilisation begins when crabs settle out from the plankton at instar 1 [modal internal carapace width (ICW), 0.5 cm] amongst the pneumatophores at the mangrove fringe. Increasingly larger crabs were found deeper into the mangrove but they were still living on the surface (modal ICW size class, 1.5 cm). As their size increases, the crabs either dig burrows (modal ICW size class, 4.5 cm) or they live in the sub-tidal zone, migrating into the mangrove with each tide to feed (modal ICW size class, 4.5 cm). Larger crabs were caught offshore (modal ICW size class, 12.5 cm) where females accounted for 60% of the catch although of these, only 63% were mature. Recruitment of early instars was continuous but peaked in December to February. Subsequent peaks in the catch rates of larger size classes indicated the development of a single cohort with an estimated growth rate of 2.0 cm ICW per month. On the basis of abdominal width, females were estimated to mature at 10.2 cm ICW although at 9.7 cm ICW, 50% of females had disengaged abdomens. Abdominal disengagement occurred in males at the slightly smaller size of 9.1 cm ICW. Allometric relationships between chela height and carapace width suggested 50% of males acquire mature chelae at 10.2 cm ICW. These results demonstrate the close linkage between early life stages of S. paramamosain and certain specific niches within mangrove habitats, with the main adult population found to be living sub-tidally at some distance from the mouth of the estuary. The study also highlights the special importance of the mangrove fringe, the border between the mangrove forest and the sea, an area which is particularly vulnerable to physical and anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Dimock  R. V.  Groves  K. H. 《Marine Biology》1975,33(4):301-308
Marine Biology - The combined effects of temperature and salinity on the rate of oxygen consuption by the estuarine crab Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards (Crustacea: Decapoda: Xanthidae) were...  相似文献   

The time periods from exhausion of the yolk to the age of irreversible starvation for Pacific herring Clupea harengus pallasi larvae were 8.5, 7.0 and 6.0 d at 6°, 8° and 10°C, respectively. These periods are within the range perviously measured for Atlantic herring larvae and other temperature zone fish species; they are long compared to the periods for tropical species. The variation in the length of this period is due almost entirely to temperature; the natural logarithm of the time period from fertilization to irreversible starvation is highly correlated (r=0.91) with the mean rearing temperature for 25 species of pelagic marine fish larvae. The rates of growth and mortality, measured for 26 experimental populations of Pacific herring larvae reared at 6°, 8° and 10°C and ten ages of delayed first feeding, decreased and increased, respectively with increasing age of first feeding and increasing temperature. These rates, adjusted for the effects of rearing conditions, were compared with the rates for natural populations of herring larvae. Growth is generally faster in the sea than in experimental enclosures. Two of the eleven estimates of natural mortality rate were high enough to indicate possible catastrophic mass starvation. This is consistent with Hjort's critical period concept of year class formation and it suggests that mass starvation occurs in 18 to 36% of the natural populations of first feeding herring larvae.  相似文献   

Stomach contents from 809 king crabs, Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius), from 6 areas near Kodiak Island, Alaska, and 9 sampling periods (1978–1979) were exammed quantitatively; 713 (88%) contained food. Mollusca (mainly the bivalves Nuculana spp., Nucula tenuis, and Macoma spp.) and Crustacea (mainly barnacles) were the dominant food groups in terms of percentage wet weight and frequency of occurrence; fishes were the next most important group of prey. No significant differences in feeding between sexes occurred; however, significant differences were apparent in the quantity of food consumed from different sampling periods, areas, depths, size groups, and crab molt-classes. Consumption was greater in spring and summer and in offshore locations at depths of 126 to 150 m. In addition, king crabs <140 mm carapace length (CL) consumed more food than crabs 140 mm CL. Adult, newshell (individuals that molted during the last molting period) females greater than 95 mm CL, and newshell males greater than 100 mm CL, each contained more food than did juvenile, newshell females <120 mm CL.Contribution No. 449, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701, USA  相似文献   

E. D. Houde 《Marine Biology》1974,26(3):271-285
In larvae of the bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli (Valenciennes), the sea bream Archosargus rhomboidalis (Linnaeus), and the lined sole Achirus lineatus (Linnaeus), growth, survival, and starvation times were investigated at temperatures of 22° to 32°C. The rate at which hours after hatching until starvation decreased in relation to temperature for unfed larvae did not differ significantly among the 3 species, ranging from-5.4 to-6.3 h per degree increase in temperature. The total number of hours until starvation did differ for all 3 species: lined soles survived longest, bay anchovies were intermediate, and sea bream survived the least time. At 28°C, unfed sea bream could survive 90.1 h, bay anchovy 102.3 h, and lined sole 119.8 h. The eyes pigmented at nearly the same time after hatching for sea bream and bay anchovy, but took about 20 h longer at all temperatures for lined sole. Quadratic equations best described the relationship between hours after hatching when the eyes became pigmented and temperature. Eye-pigmentation times became nearly constant for all 3 species at temperatures above 28°C. At 28°C, eyes pigmented about 27 h after hatching for bay anchovy and sea bream but not until 47 h for lined sole. Hours after eye pigmentation when unfed larvae starved was a measure of the effective time that larvae had to commence feeding. Bay anchovies and lined soles were nearly alike in this respect, but sea bream starved at tewer hours after eye pigmentation. Slopes of regressions representing decrease in times to staration for increasing temperatures ranged from-3.7 to-4.4 h per degree increase in temperature, and were not significantly different among the 3 species. At 28°C, unfed lined soles starved at 70 a after eye pigmentation, bay anchovies starved at 72.5 h, and sea bream at only 62 h. Yolk absorption was most rapid for all species during the first 20 h after hatching, and was faster at higher temperatures. Amounts of yolk remaining at the time eyes became pigmented were less at higher temperatures for bay anchovy and lined sole, but were greater for sea bream, suggesting that sea bream used yolk more efficiently at higher temperatures. Either no yolk or small traces (>0.20%) remained at 24 h after eye pigmentation in all 3 species. Feeding was delayed for periods of 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 and 48 h after eye pigmentation for all species at a series of experimental temperatures from 24° to 32°C. Growth and survival were affected when food was withheld for more than 24 h at 28°C, but survival did not decrease markedly until food was withheld at least 8 h longer. At lower temperatures food could be withheld longer and at higher temperatures for less time. Feeding can be initiated by most larvae for several hours after all visible yolk reserves have been exhausted. All species tested can survive for 24 to 40 h after eye pigmentation at 24° to 28°C without food and still have relatively good growth and survival when food is offered. If the “critical period” is considered relative to time of hatching, lined soles need not find food for 3 to 3.5 days after hatching, but bay anchovy and sea bream must feed within 2.5 days of hatching.  相似文献   

The mud crab Scylla serrata is an important commercial crustacean being widely distributed along the southeastern coast of China. This crab and particularly its gills are subjected to seasonal fluctuations of environmental factors due to direct exposure to seawater. The investigation of seasonal variations of ATPase and antioxidant defenses in gills could be helpful for the understanding of physiological regulation mechanism of seasonal adaptations. In this study, mud crabs were collected from the subtropical waters near Xiamen island, Southeast China (24°26′46′′N, 118°04′04′′E), in August and November, 2002, and February and May, 2003, respectively, being considered as specimens from summer, autumn, winter and spring, respectively. Only healthy intermoult male crabs without carapace or appendage damage were used, having a carapace width of 7.05 ± 0.52 cm and a wet weight of 130 ± 20 g. The activities of four ATPases and three antioxidation enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) and the content of malondialdehyde in gills were measured. The results showed that the activities of Na+, K+-ATPase, Mg2+-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase reached maximum levels similarly in summer and decreased in winter. The activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase were higher in summer and lower in winter, with a significant decrease in winter compared to the other seasons (p < 0.01). Glutathione peroxidase activity was higher in summer, and lower in autumn, being significantly higher in summer or winter than in spring or autumn (p < 0.01). Malondialdehyde content was higher in summer and lower in spring with significant differences among the different seasons (p < 0.01). In summary, the obvious seasonal activity variations of four ATPases and antioxidant enzymes and the content of malondialdehyde reflect a seasonal regulation of the physiological metabolising enzyme and the antioxidant capacity to cope with seasonal alterations of environment factors such as fluctuating salinities and temperatures.  相似文献   

Female mud crabs, Rhithropanopeus harrisii, carrying newly extruded eggs, were collected from the Petaluma River (San Francisco Bay Estuarine System, California, USA) in summer 1985, and exposed to factorial combinations of temperature (20°, 25° or 30°C) and salinity (2, 5, 15, 25, or 32%.). Upon hatching, dry weights of 12 to 15 h-old zoeae were determined. Subgroups of the remaining zoeae were transferred from hatching salinities to the salinities listed above and raised until metamorphosis to megalopa. Low salinities reduced zoeal dry weights by as much as 25%. Temperature played a secondary role in reduction of hatching weight of zoeae. Survival of larvae through zoeal development was best when hatching and rearing salinities were the same; in this case, overall survival increased with temperature. Both duration of zoeal development and megalopal dry weights were strongly influenced by temperature and rearing salinity, with only a small contribution from hatching salinity. The influence of hatching salinity was most obvious at extremes of the range tested. These studies indicate that physical conditions during embryogenesis profoundly influence subsequent larval development. Interpretation of experimental approaches to study ecophysiological adaptations of larval stages should not neglect the role of physical conditions during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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