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Minimizing herbicide runoff and mobility in the soil and thus potential contamination of water resources is a national concern. Metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] and atrazine [2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine] dynamics in surface soils and in runoff waters were studied on six 0.2-ha sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) plots of a Commerce silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Fluvaquentic Endoaquept) during three growing seasons under different best management practices. Metribuzin was applied in the spring as a postemergence herbicide and atrazine was applied following winter harvest. Both herbicides were applied on top of the sugarcane rows as 0.6- or 0.9-m band width application, or broadcast application, where the entire area was treated. Maximum effluent concentrations were measured from the broadcast treatment and ranged from 600 to 1100 microg L(-1) for atrazine and 250 to 450 microg L(-1) for metribuzin. Atrazine runoff losses were highest for the broadcast treatment (2.8-11% of that applied) and lowest for the 0.6-m band treatment (1.9-7.6%), with a similar trend for metribuzin losses. Measured extractable herbicides from the surface soil exhibited a sharp decrease with time and were well described with a simple first-order decay model. For atrazine, estimates for the decay rate (lambda) were higher than for metribuzin. Results based on laboratory adsorption-desorption (kinetic-batch) measurements were consistent with field observations. The distribution coefficients (Kd) for atrazine exhibited stronger retention over time in comparison with metribuzin on the Commerce soil. Moreover, discrepancies between adsorption isotherm and desorption indicated slower release and that hysteresis was more pronounced for atrazine compared with metribuzin.  相似文献   

Agricultural runoff contributes nutrients to nonpoint-source pollution of surface waters. This study was conducted to investigate the potential use of alternative farming practices to improve water quality. The study examined the effects of both alternative and conventional farming practices on subsurface drainage and nitrogen and phosphorus loss through subsurface drainage from glacial till soils (i.e., Calciaquolls, Endoaquolls, Eutrudepts, Hapludolls) in southwest Minnesota. Alternative farming practices included organic management practices, species biodiversity, and/or practices that include reduced inputs of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides. Conventional farming practices include corn-soybean (Zea mays L.-Glycine max L., respectively) rotations and their associated recommended fertilizer rates as well as pesticide usage. Precipitation was highly variable during the 3-yr study period including a below-average year (2003), an average year (2002), and an above-average year (2004). Results indicate that alternative farming practices reduced subsurface drainage discharge by 41% compared with conventional practices. Flow-weighted mean nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate N) concentrations during tile flow were 8.2 and 17.2 mg L(-1) under alternative and conventional farming practices, respectively. Alternative farming practices reduced nitrate N losses by between 59 and 62% in 2002 and 2004 compared with conventional practices. Ammonium-nitrogen (ammonium N), orthophosphorus, and total phosphorus losses in subsurface drainage were very low and did not pose a substantial risk of pollution. Results suggest that alternative farming practices have the potential to reduce agricultural impacts on water quality.  相似文献   

Agricultural runoff affects many streams in North Carolina. However, there is is little information about either its effect on stream biota or any potential mitigation by erosion control practices. In this study, benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled in three different geographic areas of North Carolina, comparing control watersheds with well-managed and poorly managed watersheds. Agricultural streams were characterized by lower taxa richness (especially for intolerant groups) and low stability. These effects were most evident at the poorly managed sites. Sedimentation was the apparent major problem, but some changes at agricultural sites implied water quality problems. The groups most intolerant of agricultural runoff were Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera. Tolerant species were usually filter-feeders or algal grazers, suggesting a modification of the food web by addition of particulate organic matter and nutrients. This study clearly indicates that agricultural runoff can severely impact stream biota. However, this impact can be greatly mitigated by currently recommended erosion control practices.  相似文献   

Rainfall can transport herbicides from agricultural land to surface waters, where they become an environmental concern. Tile drainage can benefit crop production by removing excess soil water but tile drainage may also aggravate herbicide and nutrient movement into surface waters. Water management of tile drains after planting may reduce tile drainage and thereby reduce herbicide losses to surface water. To test this hypothesis we calculated the loss of three herbicides from a field with three water management systems: free drainage (D), controlled drainage (CD), and controlled drainage with subsurface irrigation (CDS). The effect of water management systems on the dissipation of atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5(4H)-one), and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide] in soil was also monitored. Less herbicide was lost by surface runoff from the D and CD treatments than from CDS. The CDS treatment increased surface runoff, which transported more herbicide than that from D or CD treatments. In one year, the time for metribuzin residue to dissipate to half its initial value was shorter for CDS (33 d) than for D (43 d) and CD (46 d). The half-life of atrazine and metolachlor were not affected by water management. Controlled drainage with subsurface irrigation may increase herbicide loss through increased surface runoff when excessive rain is received soon after herbicide application. However, increasing soil water content in CDS may decrease herbicide persistence, resulting in less residual herbicide available for aqueous transport.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes causing herbicide transport to surface waters is crucial to determine mitigation options to reduce these losses. To this end, we investigated the atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine) transport in three agricultural catchments (1.1-2.1 km2) in the watershed of Lake "Greifensee" (Switzerland). In 1999, atrazine application data were recorded for all three catchments. Time proportional samples were taken at a high temporal resolution at the catchment outlets. Extremely wet conditions caused large relative losses from the catchments, ranging between 0.6 and 3.5% of the amount applied. Most of the atrazine load was due to event-driven diffuse losses from the fields. Farmyard runoff contributed less but caused the highest concentrations (up to 31 microg L(-1)) in the brooks. The maximum concentrations due to diffuse losses varied between 1.2 and 8.2 microg L(-1) among the catchments. Despite different absolute concentration levels, the concentration time-series were very similar. It seems that the travel-times within the catchments were mainly controlled by the rainfall pattern with little influence of the catchment properties. These properties, however, caused the relative losses to vary by a factor of 6 between the catchments. This variability could be partly explained by differences in the connectivity of the fields to the brooks and by their hydrological soil properties. A comparison of the losses from the three catchments with those from the entire watershed of Lake Greifensee demonstrated that they were representative for the larger area. Hence, the study results provide a good data set to evaluate distributed models predicting herbicide losses.  相似文献   

Surface-applied biosolids, the option most often used on range-lands, can increase the concentration of macronutrients and trace elements in the runoff water and can potentially produce eutrophication or contamination of surface waters. In this study, the effects of postapplication age of biosolids (18, 12, 6, and 0.5 mo) and rate of application (0, 7, 18, 34, and 90 Mg ha(-1)) on the quality of runoff water from shrubland and grassland soils were assessed. Between July and October 1996 simulated rainfall was applied to 0.50-m2 plots for 30 min at a rate of 160 mm h(-1). All of the runoff water was collected. The concentration of NH4+ -N, NO3- -N, PO4(3-)-P, total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), Cu, and Mn in the runoff water increased with rate of biosolids application and decreased with time of postapplication on the two soils. The highest PO4(3-)-P and NH4+ -N concentrations, 4.96 and 97 mg L(-1), respectively, were recorded in the grassland soil treated with 90 Mg ha(-1) of biosolids 0.5 mo postapplication. For the same soil, rate, and postapplication age of biosolids, Cu exceeded the upper limit (0.50 mg L(-1) in drinking water for livestock. Ammonium N and PO4(3-)-P should be the main compounds considered when surface-applying biosolids. Ammonium N at concentrations found in all biosolids-treated plots may affect the quality of livestock drinking water by causing taste and smell problems. Orthophosphate can contribute to eutrophication if the runoff from biosolids-treated areas enter surface waters.  相似文献   

Soil erosion and nutrient losses are great concerns following forest wildfires. Biosolids application might enhance revegetation efforts while reducing soil erodibility. Consequently, we applied Denver Metro Wastewater District composted biosolids at rates of 0, 40, and 80 Mg ha(-1) to a severely burned, previously forested site near Buffalo Creek, CO to increase plant cover and growth. Soils were classified as Ustorthents, Ustochrepts, and Haploborols. Simulated rainfall was applied for 30 min at a rate of 100 mm h(-1) to 3- x 10-m paired plots. Biosolids application rates did not significantly affect mean total runoff (p < 0.05). Sediment concentrations were significantly greater (p < 0.05) from the control plots compared with the plots that had received the 80 Mg biosolids ha(-1) rate. Biosolids application rate had mixed effects on water-quality constituents; however, concentrations of all runoff constituents for all treatment rates were below levels recommended for drinking water standards, except Pb. Biosolids application to this site increased plant cover, which should provide erosion control.  相似文献   

Commercial foliage plant production requires the use of pesticides for controlling pests and pathogens that can reduce aesthetic qualities of crops, rendering them unwanted by consumers. Chlorothalonil is a common, broad-spectrum, foliar fungicide used for protecting plants from a variety of fungal diseases. This fungicide may also be acutely toxic to nontarget aquatic organisms due to its mode of action. This study evaluated the amount of chlorothalonil deposited on nontarget ground surfaces during normal sprayer applications at a commercial nursery using Teflon targets. One day following application, irrigation runoff events were initiated and runoff water samples were collected and analyzed for chlorothalonil. Discharge volumes were also measured to allow estimation of the total mass of chlorothalonil discharged during each event. Results indicated that 9.8 to 53.6% of the active ingredient applied landed on nontarget ground surfaces depending on plant size, spacing, and row lengths (short rows sprayed from one side vs. longer rows sprayed from both ends). On an entire production-area scale, 29.2% of the active ingredient applied was deposited on ground surfaces. Of the total nontarget deposition, 0.25 to 0.53% was detected in runoff water discharged from the production area. Concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 500 microg/L during the first runoff events following application.  相似文献   

Surface runoff water quality in a managed three zone riparian buffer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Managed riparian forest buffers are an important conservation practice but there are little data on the water quality effects of buffer management. We measured surface runoff volumes and nutrient concentrations and loads in a riparian buffer system consisting of (moving down slope from the field) a grass strip, a managed forest, and an unmanaged forest. The managed forest consisted of sections of clear-cut, thinned, and mature forest. The mature forest had significantly lower flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl N (TKN), sediment TKN, total N (nitrate + TKN), dissolved molybdate reactive P (DMRP), total P, and chloride. The average buffer represented the conditions along a stream reach with a buffer system in different stages of growth. Compared with the field output, flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, DMRP, and total P decreased significantly within the buffer and flow-weighted concentrations of TKN, total N, and chloride increased significantly within the buffer. All loads decreased significantly from the field to the middle of the buffer, but most loads increased from the middle of the buffer to the sampling point nearest the stream because surface runoff volume increased near the stream. The largest percentage reduction of the incoming nutrient load (at least 65% for all nutrient forms) took place in the grass buffer zone because of the large decrease (68%) in flow. The average buffer reduced loadings for all nutrient species, from 27% for TKN to 63% for sediment P. The managed forest and grass buffer combined was an effective buffer system.  相似文献   

Response of turf and quality of water runoff to manure and fertilizer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manure applications can benefit turfgrass production and unused nutrients in manure residues can be exported through sod harvests. Yet, nutrients near the soil surface could be transported in surface runoff. Our research objective was to evaluate responses of bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. Guymon] turf and volumes and P and N concentrations of surface runoff after fertilizer or composted manure applications. Three replications of five treatments were established on a Boonville fine sandy loam (fine, smectitic, thermic Vertic Albaqualf) that was excavated to create an 8.5% slope. Manure rates of 50 and 100 kg P ha(-1) at the start of two monitoring periods were compared with P fertilizer rates of 25 and 50 kg ha(-1) and an unfertilized control. Compared with initial soil tests, nitrate concentrations decreased and P concentrations increased after two manure or fertilizer applications and eight rain events over the two monitoring periods. The fertilizer sources of P and N produced 19% more dry weight and 21% larger N concentrations in grass clippings than manure sources. Yet, runoff volumes were similar between manure and fertilizer sources of P. Dissolved P concentration (30 mg L(-1)) in runoff during a rain event 3 d after application of 50 kg P ha(-1) was five times greater for fertilizer than for manure P. Observations during both monitoring periods indicated that total P and N losses in runoff were no greater for composted manure than for fertilizer sources of P at relatively large P rates on a steep slope of turfgrass.  相似文献   

Environmental pressure to reduce nutrient losses from agricultural fields has increased in recent years. To abate this nutrient loss to the environment, better management practices and new technologies need to be developed. Thus, research was conducted to evaluate if subsurface banding poultry litter (PL) would reduce nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss in surface water runoff using a four-row prototype implement. Rainfall simulations were conducted to create a 40-min runoff event in an established bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) pasture on soil types common to the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions. The Coastal Plain soil type was a Marvyn loamy sand (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and the Piedmont soil type was a Hard Labor loamy sand (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Oxyaquic Kanhapludults). Treatments consisted of surface- and subsurface-applied PL at a rate of 9 Mg ha(-1), surface broadcast-applied commercial fertilizer (CF; urea and triple superphosphate blend) at the equivalent N (330 kg N ha(-1)) and P (315 kg N ha(-1)) content of PL, and a nonfertilized control. The greatest loss for inorganic N, total N, dissolved reactive P (DRP), and total P occurred with the surface broadcast treatments, with CF contributing to the greatest loss. Nutrient losses from the subsurface banded treatment reduced N and P in surface water runoff to levels of the control. Subsurface banding of PL reduced concentrations of inorganic N 91%, total N 90%, DRP 86%, and total P 86% in runoff water compared with surface broadcasted PL. These results show that subsurface band-applied PL can greatly reduce the impact of N and P loss to the environment compared with conventional surface-applied PL and CF practices.  相似文献   

An 8-yr study was conducted to better understand factors influencing year-to-year variability in field-scale herbicide volatilization and surface runoff losses. The 21-ha research site is located at the USDA-ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville, MD. Site location, herbicide formulations, and agricultural management practices remained unchanged throughout the duration of the study. Metolachlor [2-chloro--(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)--(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl) acetamide] and atrazine [6-chloro--ethyl--(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine] were coapplied as a surface broadcast spray. Herbicide runoff was monitored from a month before application through harvest. A flux gradient technique was used to compute volatilization fluxes for the first 5 d after application using herbicide concentration profiles and turbulent fluxes of heat and water vapor as determined from eddy covariance measurements. Results demonstrated that volatilization losses for these two herbicides were significantly greater than runoff losses ( < 0.007), even though both have relatively low vapor pressures. The largest annual runoff loss for metolachlor never exceeded 2.5%, whereas atrazine runoff never exceeded 3% of that applied. On the other hand, herbicide cumulative volatilization losses after 5 d ranged from about 5 to 63% of that applied for metolachlor and about 2 to 12% of that applied for atrazine. Additionally, daytime herbicide volatilization losses were significantly greater than nighttime vapor losses ( < 0.05). This research confirmed that vapor losses for some commonly used herbicides frequently exceeds runoff losses and herbicide vapor losses on the same site and with the same management practices can vary significantly year to year depending on local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Farmstead runoff poses significant environmental impacts to ground and surface waters. Three vegetated filter strips were assessed for the treatment of dairy farmstead runoff at the soil surface and subsurface at 0.3- or 0. 46-m and 0. 76-m depths for numerous storm events. A medium-sized Michigan dairy was retrofitted with two filter strips on sandy loam soil and a third filter strip was implemented on a small Michigan dairy with sandy soil to collect and treat runoff from feed storage, manure storage, and other impervious farmstead areas. All filter strips were able to eliminate surface runoff via infiltration for all storm events over the duration of the study, eliminating pollutant contributions to surface water. Subsurface effluent was monitored to determine the contributing groundwater concentrations of numerous pollutants including chemical oxygen demand (COD), metals, and nitrates. Subsurface samples have an average reduction of COD concentrations of 20, 11, and 85% for the medium dairy Filter Strip 1 (FS1), medium dairy Filter Strip 2 (FS2), and the small Michigan dairy respectively, resulting in average subsurface concentrations of 355, 3960, and 718 mg L COD. Similar reductions were noted for ammonia and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) in the subsurface effluent. The small Michigan dairy was able to reduce the pollutant leachate concentrations of COD, TKN, and ammonia over a range of influent concentrations. Increased influent concentrations in the medium Michigan dairy filter strips resulted in an increase in COD, TKN, and ammonia concentrations in the leachate. Manganese was leached from the native soils at all filter strips as evidenced by the increase in manganese concentrations in the leachate. Nitrate concentrations were above standard drinking water limits (10 mg L), averaging subsurface concentrations of 11, 45, and 25 mg L NO-N for FS1, FS2, and the small Michigan dairy, respectively.  相似文献   

Surface runoff losses of copper and zinc in sandy soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased anthropogenic inputs of Cu and Zn in soils have caused considerable concern relative to their effect on water contamination. Copper and Zn contents in surface soil directly influence the movement of Cu and Zn. However, minimal information is available on runoff losses of Cu and Zn in agricultural soils, and soil-extractable Cu and Zn in relation to runoff water quality. Field experiments were conducted in 2001 to study dissolved Cu and Zn losses in runoff in Florida sandy soils under commercial citrus and vegetable production and the relationship between soil-extractable Cu and Zn forms and dissolved Cu and Zn concentrations in runoff water. Five extraction methods were compared for extracting soil available Cu and Zn. Concentrations of dissolved Cu and Zn in runoff were measured and runoff discharge was monitored. Mean dissolved Cu in field runoff water was significantly correlated with the extractable Cu obtained only by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2, Mehlich 1, or DTPA-TEA methods. Dissolved Zn in runoff water was only significantly correlated with extractable Zn by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2. The highest correlations to dissolved Cu in runoff were obtained when soil-available Cu was extracted by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2. The results indicate that 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2-extractable Cu and Zn are the best soil indexes for predicting readily released Cu and Zn in the sandy soils. Both runoff discharge and 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2-extractable Cu and Zn levels had significant influences on Cu and Zn loads in surface runoff.  相似文献   

Aeration has been promoted as improving infiltration of rainfall and extending grass or forage productivity, but research on the impact of this practice on P losses from grasslands has had mixed results. We designed a study to determine at the field scale, using a paired watershed approach, the impact of slit aeration on runoff volume and P losses in runoff from fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)/bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) hay fields fertilized with broiler litter. Three pairs of 0.8-ha fields, each with similar soils (Typic Kanhapludults, Aquic Hapludults, and Aquultic Hapludalfs), were fertilized with broiler litter and monitored under similar management from 1995 through 1998, then one field in each pair received aeration treatment from 2001 through 2003. In the field with mostly well-drained soils, grassland aeration reduced surface runoff volume and mass losses of dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff by approximately 35%. In contrast, when poorly drained soils dominated, grassland aeration increased runoff volume (4.8 mm/runoff event) and mass losses of DRP and total P (0.25 kg TP ha-1 per runoff event). This implies that aeration of well-drained soils in the top poultry-producing counties of Georgia (0.2 million ha) could decrease dissolved phosphorus losses by more than 500 Mg P each year. This is not the case if soils are poorly drained.  相似文献   

Manure applied to agricultural land at rates that exceed annual crop nutrient requirements can be a source of phosphorus in runoff. Manure incorporation is often recommended to reduce phosphorus losses in runoff. A small plot rainfall simulation study was conducted at three sites in Alberta to evaluate the effects of manure rate and incorporation on phosphorus losses. Treatments consisted of three solid beef cattle manure application rates (50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) total phosphorus), an unmanured control, and two incorporation methods (nonincorporated and incorporated with one pass of a double disk). Simulated rain was applied to soils with freshly applied and residual (1 yr after application) manure at 70 mm h(-1) to produce 30 min of runoff. Soil test phosphorus (STP), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff increased with manure rate for fresh and residual manure. Initial abstraction and runoff volumes did not change with manure rate. Initial abstraction, runoff volumes, and phosphorus concentrations did not change with manure incorporation at Lacombe and Wilson, but initial abstraction volumes increased and runoff volumes and phosphorus concentrations decreased with incorporation of fresh manure at Beaverlodge. Phosphorus losses in runoff were directly related to phosphorus additions. Extraction coefficients (slopes of the regression lines) for the linear relationships between residual manure STP and phosphorus in runoff were 0.007 to 0.015 for runoff TP and 0.006 to 0.013 for runoff DRP. While incorporation of manure with a double disk had no significant effect on phosphorus losses in runoff from manure-amended soils 1 yr after application, incorporation of manure is still recommended to control nitrogen losses, improve crop nutrient uptake, and potentially reduce odor concerns.  相似文献   

Phosphorus transport from agricultural soils contributes to eutrophication of fresh waters. Computer modeling can help identify agricultural areas with high potential P transport. Most models use a constant extraction coefficient (i.e., the slope of the linear regression between filterable reactive phosphorus [FRP] in runoff and soil P) to predict dissolved P release from soil to runoff, yet it is unclear how variations in soil properties, management practices, or hydrology affect extraction coefficients. We investigated published data from 17 studies that determined extraction coefficients using Mehlich-3 or Bray-1 soil P (mg kg(-1)), water-extractable soil P (mg kg(-1)), or soil P sorption saturation (%) as determined by ammonium oxalate extraction. Studies represented 31 soils with a variety of management conditions. Extraction coefficients from Mehlich-3 or Bray-1 soil P were not significantly different for 26 of 31 soils, with values ranging from 1.2 to 3.0. Extraction coefficients from water-extractable soil P were not significantly different for 17 of 20 soils, with values ranging from 6.0 to 18.3. The relationship between soil P sorption saturation and runoff FRP (microg L(-1)) was the same for all 10 soils investigated, exhibiting a split-line relationship where runoff FRP rapidly increased at P sorption saturation values greater than 12.5%. Overall, a single extraction coefficient (2.0 for Mehlich-3 P data, 11.2 for water-extractable P data, and a split-line relationship for P sorption saturation data) could be used in water quality models to approximate dissolved P release from soil to runoff for the majority of soil, hydrologic, or management conditions. A test for soil P sorption saturation may provide the most universal approximation, but only for noncalcareous soils.  相似文献   

Continuous addition of municipal biosolids to soils based on plant nitrogen (N) requirements can cause buildup of soil phosphorus (P) in excess of crop requirements; runoff from these soils can potentially contribute to nonpoint P pollution of surface waters. However, because biosolids are often produced using lime and/or metal salts, the potential for biosolids P to cause runoff P losses can vary with wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) process. This study was conducted to determine the effect of wastewater treatment process on the forms and amounts of P in biosolids, biosolids-amended soils, and in runoff from biosolids-amended soils. We amended two soil types with eight biosolids and a poultry litter (PL) at equal rates of total P (200 kg ha(-1); unamended soils were used as controls. All biosolids and amended soils were analyzed for various types of extractable P, inorganic P fractions, and the degree of P saturation (acid ammonium oxalate method). Amended soils were placed under a simulated rainfall and all runoff was collected and analyzed for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), iron-oxide-coated filter paper strip-extractable phosphorus (FeO-P), and total phosphorus (EPA3050 P). Results showed that biosolids produced with a biological nutrient removal (BNR) process caused the highest increases in extractable soil P and runoff DRP. Alternatively, biosolids produced with iron only consistently had the lowest extractable P and caused the lowest increases in extractable soil P and runoff DRP when added to soils. Differences in soil and biosolids extractable P levels as well as P runoff losses were related to the inorganic P forms of the biosolids.  相似文献   

We first identify six primary problems with conventional practice: lack of context, inadequate participation from aboriginal communities, exclusion of important losses, reliance on market-based measures, neglect of uncertainty, and inadequate treatment of time. We then propose a different approach to compensation, based on insights from the decision sciences and structured decision making. Using case-study examples, we discuss how the proposed approach might address common sources of cultural loss and, in a concluding section, summarize some of the implications for compensation agreements and for environmental management practices.  相似文献   

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