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Goal, Scope and Background Some anthropogenic pollutants posses the capacity to disrupt endogenous control of developmental and reproductive processes in aquatic biota by activating estrogen receptors. Many anthropogenic estrogen receptor agonists (ERAs) are hydrophobic and will therefore readily partition into the abiotic organic carbon phases present in natural waters. This partitioning process effectively reduces the proportion of ERAs readily available for bioconcentration by aquatic biota. Results from some studies have suggested that for many aquatic species, bioconcentration of the freely-dissolved fraction may be the principal route of uptake for hydrophobic pollutants with logarithm n-octanol/water partition coefficient (log Kow) values less than approximately 6.0, which includes the majority of known anthropogenic ERAs. The detection and identification of freely-dissolved readily bioconcentratable ERAs is therefore an important aspect of exposure and risk assessment. However, most studies use conventional techniques to sample total ERA concentrations and in doing so frequently fail to account for bioconcentration of the freely-dissolved fraction. The aim of the current study was to couple the biomimetic sampling properties of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) to a bioassay-directed chemical analysis (BDCA) scheme for the detection and identification of readily bioconcentratable ERAs in surface waters. Methods SPMDs were constructed and deployed at a number of sites in Germany and the UK. Following the dialytic recovery of target compounds and size exclusion chromatographic clean-up, SPMD samples were fractionated using a reverse-phase HPLC method calibrated to provide an estimation of target analyte log Kow. A portion of each HPLC fraction was then subjected to the yeast estrogen screen (YES) to determine estrogenic potential. Results were plotted in the form of 'estrograms' which displayed profiles of estrogenic potential as a function of HPLC retention time (i.e. hydrophobicity) for each of the samples. Where significant activity was elicited in the YES, the remaining portion of the respective active fraction was subjected to GC-MS analysis in an attempt to identify the ERAs present. Results and Discussion Estrograms from each of the field samples showed that readily bioconcentratable ERAs were present at each of the sampling sites. Estimated log Kow values for the various active fractions ranged from 1.92 to 8.63. For some samples, estrogenic potential was associated with a relatively narrow range of log Kow values whilst in others estrogenic potential was more widely distributed across the respective estrograms. ERAs identified in active fractions included some benzophenones, various nonylphenol isomers, benzyl butyl phthalate, dehydroabietic acid, sitosterol, 3-(4-methylbenzylidine)camphor (4-MBC) and 6-acetyl-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethyltetralin (AHTN). Other tentatively identified compounds which may have contributed to the observed YES activity included various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated derivatives, methylated benzylphenols, various alkylphenols and dialkylphenols. However, potential ERAs present in some active fractions remain unidentified. Conclusions and Outlook Our results show that SPMD-YES-based BDCA can be used to detect and identify readily bioconcentratable ERAs in surface waters. As such, this biomimetic approach can be employed as an alternative to conventional methodologies to provide investigators with a more environmentally relevant insight into the distribution and identity of ERAs in surface waters. The use of alternative bioassays also has the potential to expand SPMD-based BDCA to include a wide range of toxicological endpoints. Improvements to the analytical methodology used to identify ERAs or other target compounds in active fractions in the current study could greatly enhance the applicability of the methodology to risk assessment and monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope The article is focused on dioxin, furan, PCB and organochlorine pesticide monitoring in the surface waters of the Central European, protected natural reserve Krivoklatsko, under the UNESCO programme Man and Biosphere. Persistent compounds are presently transported via different means throughout the entire world. This contamination varies significantly between sites. This raises the question of what constitutes the naturally occurring background levels of POPs in natural, unpolluted areas, but which are close to industrialised regions. Information of real background POP contamination can be of high value for risk assessment management of those sites evidently polluted and for the defining of de-contamination limits. Preserved areas should not be seen as isolated regions in which the impacts of human activities and natural factors are either unexpected or overlooked. Every ambient region, even those protected by a law or other means, are still closely connected to neighbouring human developed and impacted areas, and are therefore subject to this anthropogenic contamination. These areas adjacent to natural reserves are sources of diverse substances, via entry of air, water, soil and/or biota. After an extended period of industrial activities, organochlorine pollutants, even those emitted in trace concentrations have reached detectable levels. For future research and for the assessment of environmental changes, present levels of contamination would be of high importance. This work publishes data of the contamination with organochlorine pollutants of this natural region, where biodiversity and ecological functions are of the highest order. Materials and Methods: Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were utilised as the sampling system. SPMDs were deployed in two small creeks and one water reservoir selected in the central part of the Krivoklatsko Natural Reserve, where it could be expected that any possible contamination by POPs would be lowest. The exposed SPMDs were analysed both for chemical contents of POPs and for toxicity properties. The chemical analyses of dibenzo-dioxins, dibenzo-furans, PCBs and OCPs were analysed by GC/MS/MS on GCQ or PolarisQ (Thermoquest). Toxicity bioassays were performed on the alga Desmodesmus subspicatus, bacteria Vibrio fischeri and crustacean Daphnia magna. All toxicity data were expressed as the effective volume Vtox. Vtox is a toxicity parameter, the determination of which is independent of SPMD deployment time and pre-treatment dilution (unlike, for example, the EC50 of the SPMD extract). Results: The following chemical parameters were monitored: 1) tetra, penta, hexa and hepta dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans; 2) all those detectable from tri- through deca-polychloriated biphenyls (PCBs) and 3) a group of organochlorine pesticides: hexachlorobenzene and isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane, DDE, DDD and DDT. The concentrations of dioxins and furans on the assessed sites varied from under detection levels up to 7 pg.l-1; PCBs were detected in a sum concentration up to 2.8 ng.l-1; and organochlorine pesticides up to 346 pg.l-1. The responses of bioassays used were very low, with the values obtained for Vtox being under 0.03 l/d. Discussion: Toxicity testing showed no toxicity responses, demonstrating that the system used is in coherence with the ecological status of the assessed sites. Values of Vtox were under the critical value – showing no toxicity. The PCA of chemical analysis data and toxicity responses resulted in no correlations between these two groups of parameters. This demonstrated that the present level of contamination has had no direct adverse effects on the biota. Conclusions: The concentration values of six EPA-listed, toxic dioxins and sums of tetra-hepta dioxins; nine EPA toxic dibenzofurans and the sums of tetra-hepta bibenzofurans are presented together with all tri-deka PCBs and organochlorine pesticides (alfa-, beta-, gama-, delta-HCH, HCB, opDDE, ppDDE, opDDD, ppDDD, opDDT, ppDDT). These values represent possible current regional natural background values of these substances monitored within the Central European region, with no recorded adverse effects on the freshwater ecosystem (up until the present time). Recommendations and Perspectives: Assessment of dioxins, furans and other organochlorine compounds within natural reserves can be important for the monitoring of human-induced impacts on preserved areas. No systematic monitoring of these substances in areas not directly affected by industry has generally been realised. There is a paucity of data of the presence of any of these substances within natural regions. Further monitoring of contamination of both soil and biota by dioxins and furans in preserve regions is needed and can be used for future monitoring of man-made activities and/or accidents. Semipermeable membrane devices proved to be a very good sampling system for the monitoring of trace concentrations of ambient organochlorine compounds. Toxicity evaluation using the Vtox concept demonstrated that those localities assessed expressed no toxicity.  相似文献   

Background Scope and Aims. To realize the vision of sustainable development (SD) originating from the ‘only one earth’ philosophy, and to integrate the conceptions of ecology and sustainability into the planning and decision-making criteria of urban growth management, the establishment of a recycling-oriented society (ROS) is essential. However, before the above intention can be achieved, it is indispensable to develop a system of strategic indicators for supporting a radical reformation of the urban development plan. Therefore, this study, based on the conception of the new urban development pattern ROS, attempted to carefully choose a sample city in Taiwan for launching a preliminary case study, and furthermore designed and proposed a concise and strategy-oriented assessment indicator system termed ROSAIS. ROSAIS, on the one hand, can act as a compass for understanding resource using efficiency and recycling status during city development and, on the other hand, can serve as an implement supporting decision-making for ROS construction.Methods According to the definition and spirit of ROS, the structure of ROSAIS should clearly represent the relationship between resources and environment in human activities. The eco-efficiency indicator system (EEIS) and environmental symbiosis indicator system (ESIS) can be considered two key sub-indicator systems, and are the necessary components of ROSAIS. EEIS chooses the dominant production sectors in urban economic activities to calculate their eco-efficiency (EE). Separately, for obtaining a consensus regarding the framework of ESIS, the questionnaire approaches and expert consultation, together with the research experience and foundation of current relevant studies and indicator systems, are applied when crucial resource and environmental issues and respective indicators are selected.Results and Discussion The calculation results of EEIS in this case study indicated that among the three dominant production activities (agricultural, fishery, and animal husbandry sector) the fishery sector has the highest EE, which indicates that the fishery activities and resources significantly influence the sustainability of the economic-environmental system of the sample city. Furthermore, according to a consensus achieved in ESIS, local green spaces, resource recovery, energy consumption pattern change, freshwater conservation and greenhouse effect abatement were considered as the five crucial issues influencing how the case study city can develop into an ES-city. The rate of local green spaces, resource recycling, freshwater conservation and the rate of reduction of nonrenewable energy use as well as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were used to evaluate the above five issues.Conclusion This case study is unparalleled in Taiwan. Even in Japan, where ROS legislation has been implemented, this kind of study remains in the preliminary stages. Furthermore, when communicating the indicator results, it is essential to provide the context and countermeasures of the crucial issues that are faced. The two sub-indicator systems proposed in this case study could comply completely with the above-mentioned requirements. For example, the EEIS provides information for achieving a balance between environmental burden and economic benefits among dominant production sectors; the ESIS provides information for setting strategies for overcoming the crucial issues faced. Recommendation and Outlook This study recommends that urban planers should consider the construction of the corresponding strategic indicator system to be indispensable, and makes further use of the indicator results related to the environmental education of residents for identifying and promoting participation with ROS, and turning them into implements for supporting urban SD decision-making. Furthermore, a successful indicator system depends on data availability and quality. This study recommends that urban planers should pay considerable attention to constructing relevant data collection channels, databases and the data quality.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope The Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) is a US Army facility located northeast of Denver, Colorado that has been listed on the National Priorities List (NPL). It is currently being re-mediated under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). As part of the remediation activities at RMA, indications were found that a source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) had existed on the RMA. As a result, investigations were undertaken to assess the possible nature and extent of any potential sources of PCDDs and PCDFs on the RMA site. In addition, other studies were conducted that examined PCDD/PCDF contamination in the Denver area. The goal of these studies was to examine nature and extent of PCDD/PCDF contamination both on the RMA as well as in the surrounding Denver area. The intent of this study was to characterize sources of dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) at low environmental concentrations which might have originated from diffuse sources in the Denver Colorado area and in particular, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Methods Over 200 soil samples were collected from the RMA and the Denver area. From the RMA, soil was collected as part of three studies that included a (1) random site-wide sampling of the RMA, (2) soils from the Western Tier Parcel (WTP), and (3) soils from Historic Use areas. Denver area soil samples were collected from five different land use categories: Residential, Agricultural, Open Space, Commercial, and Industrial. PCA was conducted on concentrations of 17 2,3,7,8-substuituted PCDD and PCDF congeners in 220 soil samples collected from the RMA and the Denver Front Range region. Results and Discussion PCA demonstrated the presence of possible minor sources of dioxins on the RMA. Current remediation efforts on RMA will result in the removal of these sources. Samples from the RMA were identified by the presence of a congener profile containing higher chlorinated PCDFs while the Denver Front Range areas were characterized by the presence of higher chlorinated PCDD congeners. The presence of a PCDF signature for the RMA samples does not necessarily indicate a major source of these contaminants on-site. Indeed, the relatively diffuse nature of the sample clusters would argue strongly against the presence of a single large source. Instead, the predominance of the PCDF congeners probably indicates the mixed industrial activities that took place on and near the site. Conclusion PCA results indicate that PCDD/PCDF profiles in soils collected from the RMA differed from those collected from the outlying Denver areas but that a major source of these contaminants was not present. Rather, the diffuse nature of sample clusters from the PCA indicated that the congener profile of RMA samples was most likely a result of the mixed industrial activities that historically have taken place on and near the site. PCA also indicated that many of the 'open area' (peripheral site-wide) RMA soils samples did not differ from Denver are reference congener profiles. This finding was also true for samples collected from the WTP that were essentially indistinguishable from Off-RMA reference samples. In addition, total TEQ concentrations in soils collected from WTP were similar to those measured in soils collected from the Denver Front Range areas indicating that lack of a major source of PCDD/PCDF within the WTP zones of the RMA. Recommendation and Outlook Analytical as well as statistical results of the soil congener data indicate that the WTP soils are indistinguishable from soils collected from non-industrial areas in the Denver area. This finding would support the recent 'de-listing' of the WTP from the other RMA areas and its' transfer to other authorities in the Denver area.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA), the important endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC), has been reported to be able to induce various toxicity. The present study aims to understand the toxicity behavior of bisphenol A through evaluating the inhibition profile of bisphenol A towards UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms. In vitro recombinant UGTs-catalyzed 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) glucuronidation reaction was employed as probe reaction for all the tested UGT isoforms. The results showed that bisphenol A exerted stronger inhibition towards UGT2B isoforms than UGT1A isoforms. Furthermore, the inhibition kinetic type and parameters (Ki) were determined for the inhibition of bisphenol A towards UGT2B4, 2B7, 2B15, and 2B17. Bisphenol A exhibited the competitive inhibition towards UGT2B4, and noncompetitive inhibition towards UGT2B7, 2B15 and 2B17. The inhibition kinetic parameters (Ki) were calculated to be 1.1, 32.6, 5.6, and 19.9 μM for UGT2B4, 2B7, 2B15 and 2B17, respectively. In combination with the in vivo concentration of bisphenol A, the elevation of exposure dose was predicted to increase by 29.1%, 1%, 5.7%, and 1.6% for UGT2B4, 2B7, 2B15, and 2B17, indicating the high influence of bisphenol A towards the in vivo UGT2B isofroms-mediated metabolism of xenobiotics and endogenous substances. All these data provide the supporting information for deeper understanding of toxicology of bisphenol A.  相似文献   

Dong H  Guan X  Wang D  Li C  Yang X  Dou X 《Chemosphere》2011,85(7):1115-1121
Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the influences of H2O2/Fe(II) molar ratio, pH, sequence of pH adjustment, initial As(V) concentration, and interfering ions on As(V) removal in H2O2-Fe(II) process from synthetic acid mine drainage (AMD). The optimum H2O2/Fe(II) molar ratio was one for arsenate removal over the pH range of 4-7. Arsenate removal at pH 3 was poor even at high Fe(II) dosage due to the high solubility of Fe(III) formed in situ. With the increase of Fe(II) dosage, arsenate removal increased progressively before a plateau was reached at pH 5 as arsenate concentration varied from 0.05 to 2.0 mg L−1. However, arsenate removal was negligible at Fe/As molar ratio <3 and then experienced a striking increase before a plateau was reached at pH 7 and arsenate concentration ≥1.0 mg L−1. The co-occurring ions exerted no significant effect on arsenate removal at pH 5. The experimental results with synthetic AMD revealed that this method is highly selective for arsenate removal and the co-occurring ions either improved arsenate removal or slightly depressed arsenate removal at pH 5-7. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) derived As-Fe length, 3.27-3.30 Å, indicated that arsenate was removed by forming bidentate-binuclear complexes with FeO(OH) octahydra. The economic analysis revealed that the cost of the H2O2-Fe(II) process was only 17-32% of that of conventional Fe(III) coagulation process to achieve arsenate concentration below 10 μg L−1 in treated solution. The results suggested that the H2O2-Fe(II) process is an efficient, economical, selective and practical method for arsenate removal from AMD.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activity constantly releases heavy metals into the environment. The heavy metal chromium has a wide industrial use and exists in two stable oxidation states: trivalent and hexavalent. While hexavalent chromium uptake in plant cells has been reported that an active process by carrying essential anions, the cation Cr(III) appears to be taken up inactively. Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Dc1M), an unicellular green alga is a well-studied cell biological model organism. The present study was carried out to investigate the toxic effect of chromium exposures on wild-type Cr(III)-sensitive (Dc1Mwt) and Cr(III)-tolerant (Dc1MCr(III)R30) strains of these green algae, and to determine the potential mechanism of chromium resistance. Using cell growth as endpoint to determine Cr(III)-sensitivity, the IC50(72) values obtained show significant differences of sensitivity between wild type and Cr(III)-tolerant cells. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed significant morphological differences between both strains, such as decrease in cell size or reducing the coefficient of form; and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed ultrastructural changes such as increased vacuolization and cell wall thickening in the Cr(III)-tolerant strain with respect to the wild-type strain. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM/XEDS) revealed that Cr(III)-tolerant D. chlorelloides cells are able to accumulate considerable amounts of chromium distributed in cell wall (bioadsorption) as well as in cytoplasm, vacuoles, and chloroplast (bio-accumulation). Morphological changes of Cr(III)-tolerant D. chlorelloides cells and the presence of these electron-dense bodies in their cell structures can be understood as a Cr(III) detoxification mechanism.  相似文献   

The conclusion in December 2000 of the negotiations for the 'Stockholm Convention' can clearly be labeled as a success. The Convention text was negotiated in merely five sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) and accomplished after its fifth session despite the fact that numerous controversial issues, such as the inclusion of new substances under the ambit of the Convention, the acknowledgement of the precautionary principle or--clearly most controversial--the financing mechanisms, remained to be resolved. This paper attempts to provide a somewhat impressionistic account of the negotiations leading to the conclusion of the 'Stockholm Convention' as experienced by the members of the Swiss delegation participating in the negotiations of the INC. Besides a brief overview on the 'history' of the negotiations, it will focus on some issues of special interest--and controversy--to the negotiators, and finally attempt to provide an outlook on the future of the work performed by the INC and the implementation of the Convention. Issues of special interest are environmental policy issues, capacity building and financing, trade-related issues, precautionary principles, and technical and scientific issues.  相似文献   

Contamination and analytical variation can significantly hinder trace analysis of cyclic methyl volatile siloxanes (cVMS); potentially resulting in the report of false positives at concentrations approaching detection limits. To assess detection and variation associated with trace cVMS analysis in environmental matrices, a co-operative laboratory comparison for the analysis of octametylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcylcopentasiloxane (D5), and dodecametylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in sediment and biota from the Svalbard Archipelago was conducted. Two definitions of detection limits were evaluated in this study; method detection limits (MDL, matrix defined) and limits of detection (LOD, solvent defined). D5 was the only cVMS detected above both LOD (0.08–0.81 ng g−1 ww) and MDL (0.47–2.36 ng g−1 ww) within sediment by all laboratories where concentrations ranged from 0.55 to 3.91 ng g−1 ww. The percentage of positive detects for D5 decreased by 80% when MDL was defined as the detection limit. D5 was also detected at the highest frequency among all laboratories in fish liver with concentrations ranging from 0.72 to 345 ng g−1 ww. Similar to sediment, percentage of positive detects for D5 decreased by 60% across all laboratories for fish livers when using MDL (0.68–3.49 ng g−1 ww). Similar observations were seen with both D4 and D6, indicating that sample matrix significantly contributes to analytical response variation. Despite differences in analytical methods used between laboratories, good agreement was obtained when using MDL to define detection limits. This study shows the importance of incorporating variation introduced by sample matrices into detection limit calculations to insure data accuracy of cVMS at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Ding S  Liang T  Zhang C  Yan J  Zhang Z 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):1942-1948
Previous studies have revealed the fractionation processes of rare earth elements (REEs) in hydroponic plants, with a heavy REE (HREE, the elements from Gd to Lu) enrichment in leaves. In this study, effects on the HREE enrichment in soybean leaves with additions of carboxylic acids (acetate, malate, citrate, NTA, EDTA and DTPA) and two soil humic acids (HAs) were investigated. REE speciation in carboxylic acid and HA solutions was simulated using Visual MINTEQ and Model V, respectively. The results showed that the effects caused by carboxylic acids were strongly dependent on the differences between their binding strengths for light REEs (LREEs, the elements from La to Eu) and those for HREEs. A good correlation existed between these effects and the changes of free REE ions in solutions. This relationship was also observed for the HA treatments, provided that the intrinsic equilibrium constants of REEs for cation–proton exchange with HA (i.e., pKMHA) in Model V were estimated using a free-energy relationship with the stability constants for REE complexation with lactic acid. It is suggested that this set of pKMHA values is more suitable for use in Model V for the simulation of REE complexation with HA.  相似文献   

Ethylenediurea (EDU) has been widely used to prevent ozone (O3) injury and crop losses in crop plants and growth reductions in forest trees. Successful use requires establishing a dose/response curve for EDU and the proposed plant in the absence of O3 and in the presence of O3 before initiating multiple applications to prevent O3 injury. EDU can be used to verify foliar O3 symptoms in the field, and to screen plants for sensitivity to O3 under ambient conditions. Despite considerable research, the mode of action of EDU remains elusive. Additional research on the mode of action of EDU in suppressing O3 injury in plants may also be helpful in understanding the mode of action of O3 in causing injury in plants.  相似文献   

The influence of biodegradable chelating ligands on arsenic and iron uptake by hydroponically grown rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated. Even though the growth solution contained sufficient Fe, the growth of rice seedlings gradually decreased up to 76% with the increase of pH of the solution from 7 to 11. Iron forms insoluble ferric hydroxide complexes at neutral or alkaline pH in oxic condition. Chelating ligands produce soluble ‘Fe–ligand complex’ which assist Fe uptake in plants. The biodegradable chelating ligand hydroxyiminodisuccinic acid (HIDS) was more efficient then those of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS), and iminodisuccinic acid (IDS) in the increase of Fe uptake and growth of rice seedling. A total of 79 ± 20, 87 ± 6, 116 ± 15, and 63 ± 18 mg dry biomass of rice seedlings were produced with the addition of 0.5 mM of EDDS, EDTA, HIDS, and IDS in the nutrient solution, respectively. The Fe concentrations in rice tissues were 117 ± 15, 82 ± 8, 167 ± 25, and 118 ± 22 μmol g−1 dry weights when 0.25 mM of EDDS, EDTA, HIDS, and IDS were added to the nutrient solution, respectively. Most of the Fe accumulated in rice tissues was stored in roots after the addition of chelating ligands in the solution. The results indicate that the HIDS would be a potential alternative to environmentally persistent EDTA for the increase of Fe uptake and plant growth. The HIDS also increased As uptake in rice root though its translocation from root to shoot was not augmented. This study reports HIDS for the first time as a promising chelating ligand for the enhancement of Fe bioavailability and As phytoextraction.  相似文献   

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