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Based on comprehensive analysis of the impact of population aging to social and economic development,a comprehensive evaluation system including 18 indexes was constructed for evaluating regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development.Using statistics data of 31 regions in China from 2004 to 2008,the pressure of population aging on social and economic development,was comprehensively evaluated by using the factor analysis method.The spatial distribution of population aging in China was also analyzed.This study is to provide scientific basis for government to make strategies of coping with population aging according to regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development in China.  相似文献   


Based on comprehensive analysis of the impact of population aging to social and economic development, a comprehensive evaluation system including 18 indexes was constructed for evaluating regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development. Using statistics data of 31 regions in China from 2004 to 2008, the pressure of population aging on social and economic development, was comprehensively evaluated by using the factor analysis method. The spatial distribution of population aging in China was also analyzed. This study is to provide scientific basis for government to make strategies of coping with population aging according to regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development in China.  相似文献   

苏州市与温州市不同经济模式下流动人口的空间特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国正经历着一个巨大的人口流动潮,其主要流向是中西部向东部发达地区流动,农村地区向城镇密集的大中城市地区流动。发达地区的经济模式不尽相同。不同模式下地区流动人口的流向也存在着一定差异。分析比较不同发达地区的流动人口特征,对当地经济政策、产业定位、管理制度等方面均有着非常重要的指导作用。以发达地区流动人口的空间特征为研究目标,以最具代表性的“苏南模式”的苏州市和“温州模式”的温州市两个城市作为研究对象,比较总结两城市的流动人口空间特征与差异,可以看出:苏州市以人口流入为主,温州市流入流出人口数量持平;苏州市吸引外来人口的范围不如温州市广;苏州市城市中流动人口所占比例高过温州市。此外,还对不同经济模式下流动人口空间特征对地区经济发展产生的影响进行了总结,并且给出结论,以期能够对地区的经济发展起到一定的指导和促进作用。  相似文献   

为明确我国西部土地人口承载力是否能够满足人口增长、经济发展和人民生活质量提高的需要,进而为土地利用规划和人口发展战略的制定提供依据,在综合考虑土地的自然属性和经济属性基础上,对我国西部地区2020年、2025年、2030年的人口承载力进行测算。采用统计模型分析与灰色预测的方法测算基于土地自然属性即食物生产能力的人口承载力,同时,从土地经济属性的角度,采用基于土地功能的产业活动关联法来测算人口承载力。最后利用短板分析法综合权衡两类基于土地不同属性角度的测算结果,确定西部地区实际的土地人口承载力,并与未来人口数量进行比较。测算结果显示:(1)从总体上看,2020年、2025年、2030年西部地区人口承载力分别是6.50亿人、6.73亿人、6.94亿人,而与之对应的未来人口数量是3.81亿人、3.87亿人、3.92亿人,即西部地区土地能供养的人口数大于未来人口数量;(2)从省级区域分布来看,其中大部分地区能满足未来人口增长的需要,内蒙古、广西、重庆、四川、宁夏、新疆等11省份的土地都能承载各省未来人口的发展,只有青海省人口承载力低于未来人口数量。这表明西部地区整体的土地承载力能满足人口发展所需,但存在区域不协调,青海省土地承载力与人口发展需求尚不匹配。  相似文献   

In this paper, an approach to simulate the spatial distribution of urban population is proposed using urban land use and population statistical data through the geographical information systems (GIS). Then, the spatial population distribution of Urumqi as a case is simulated by the approach mentioned above and its varying patterns are analyzed by the raster population surface. As a result, producing raster population surface is more accurate and natural than the traditional choropleth map of population density. Concerning the spatial population distribution of Urumqi, the population density declines from south to north and the population distribution mainly presents' "T-type", the population distribution presents multicentre agglomeration and the population distribution of the districts shows different features. The population density varies significantly with the increase in the distance from central business district (CBD). Finally, it is found in this paper that the development history of districts, terrain and traffic road are main factors that have an influence Urumqi's population distribution. This paper tries to provide more accurate population data for the plan and management of urban land, traffic and public facilities in order to enrich the researches on urban population distribution.  相似文献   

Long-term (1985–1999) stationary observations on a polymorphic population of northern mole voles (Ellobius talpinus Pall.) in Kurgan oblast, Russia, using a mark-recapture method yielded original data on the population dynamics and population structure of a polymorphic colony consisting of animals of three color morphs (black, brown, and intermediate or transitional). The period when the northern mole vole population dynamics was studied (15 years) consisted of five distinct three-year population phases: depression, growth, peak (stabilization), decline to depression, and the next growth phase. It was shown that the population dynamics and changes in the population structure of northern mole voles in the Kurtamysh colony are cyclic.  相似文献   

人口是一种重要的社会经济资源,老化的人口渐趋成为贵州经济社会可持续发展中不可回避的问题。研究贵州人口老龄化县域差异,可为老龄化问题解决和人口政策合理制定提供科学参考。选取1990、2000和2010年贵州县域老龄系数为人口老龄化指标,采用空间自相关和热点分析、地理加权回归和偏最小二乘法探求人口老龄化变化特征和环境成因。得出如下结论:(1)1990~2010年,贵州省县域老龄系数总体由东北向西南递减,2000年后空间内部组团明显;贵州老龄系数变动大致以贵阳分界,以东老龄系数递增较快,以西递增较慢。(2)贵州老龄人口空间集聚不断增强,区域间差异逐渐扩大;老龄系数低低区域增长显著,同时冷热点空间出现明显扩散与转移。(3)环境成因对人口老龄化影响具有空间差异,总体上降水是促进老龄人口聚集的主要自然因素,地形起伏度和气温对人口老龄化具有负向作用,石漠化的改善对人口老龄化影响由弱变强。  相似文献   


In this paper, an approach to simulate the spatial distribution of urban population is proposed using urban land use and population statistical data through the geographical information systems (GIS). Then, the spatial population distribution of Urumqi as a case is simulated by the approach mentioned above and its varying patterns are analyzed by the raster population surface. As a result, producing raster population surface is more accurate and natural than the traditional choropleth map of population density. Concerning the spatial population distribution of Urumqi, the population density declines from south to north and the population distribution mainly presents “T-type”, the population distribution presents multi-centre agglomeration and the population distribution of the districts shows different features. The population density varies significantly with the increase in the distance from central business district (CBD). Finally, it is found in this paper that the development history of districts, terrain and traffic road are main factors that have an influence Urumqi's population distribution. This paper tries to provide more accurate population data for the plan and management of urban land, traffic and public facilities in order to enrich the researches on urban population distribution.  相似文献   

Vegetation in the main types of forest landscapes in the south of the Far East has been analyzed with regard to the dependence of population density and spatial distribution of five wild ruminant species on the main parameters of phytomass. The results have shown that the majority of ruminant species at their current population density never suffer from insufficient food supply. A high population density of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) is the only factor that may cause degradation of vegetation in the study region. The present-day population density of ruminants in their habitats does not depend on the amount of phytomass and species diversity of forage plants. Conversely, there is a strong relationship between the highest population density of ruminants recorded during the past 50 years and the phytomass stock of forage plants in their habitats.  相似文献   

生态文明城市是新型城镇化建设的目标,是实现经济发展、民生改善与生态保护协调统一的最佳方式。适度的人口容量、科学的城市规划和有效的城市治理是避免和减轻城市病的根本途径。本文从生态经济学和系统工程学跨学科的视角出发,构建了一个基于适度人口容量,人口流动和城乡均衡发展的生态文明城市建设路径的理论分析框架,并以广东省惠州市为例,根据土地功能定位和主体功能区定位,分别测算了惠州市的适度人口容量;基于人口自然变动和人口机械变动的趋势,预测了惠州市未来人口发展状况。研究发现,惠州市常住人口已略微超过基于土地功能定位测算的适度人口容量,但基于主体功能定位的人口密度模型测算表明,惠州市未来人口发展规模远低于适度人口容量,进而从总体上剖析了惠州市生态文明城市建设中适度人口容量和人口均衡发展方面带有普遍性的问题和原因。由此,揭示出生态文明城市的创建,必须基于人口承载力,走动态规划调控路子,协同推进经济建设、民生改善、生态保护、环境优化和制度改革,真正地促进流动人口市民化、城乡公共服务均等化和社会保障公平化。  相似文献   

基于正态云模型和熵权的人口发展现代化程度综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为有效地监测和评估人口发展现代化程度,实现人口、经济、环境协调发展,探索和构建了人口发展程度综合评价模型。针对人口发展过程中存在的模糊性和随机性问题,建立了基于正态云模型和熵权的综合评判模型。借鉴已有理论的基础上,综合考虑人口总量、人口结构等5个方面因素构建人口综合发展现代化程度指标体系,采用熵权法确定各个指标权重,借助于正态云模型定量描述单指标条件下待评价我国人口发展的等级。云模型是表示某个定性概念与定量表示之间不确定性转换的模型,它将概念的模糊性和随机性结合在一起,对解决不确定性问题具有很强的鲁棒性。采用云模型理论实现评语与评估指标值之间的不确定映射,保留了评估过程中的随机性和模糊性。最后,以2000-2009年我国10年人口发展相关指标的时间序列数据,以及2009年全国和四个直辖市的人口综合发展截面数据为例,对人口发展现代化程度进行实证检验,结果表明,该模型比传统的模糊综合法能得到更加合理的评估结果。  相似文献   

土地城镇化与人口城镇化失调是我国目前城镇化进程中的一个突出问题。但对各地区土地城镇化与人口城镇化的非协调性进行全面系统分析的研究相对较少。此外,鲜有研究对土地城镇化与人口城镇化之间的互动关系进行实证检验。本研究利用我国2005—2013年间的省级面板数据考察各省级行政区土地城镇化与人口城镇化的非协调性,并通过构建和估计面板向量自回归模型探究土地城镇化与人口城镇化之间的互动关系。研究发现,土地城镇化与人口城镇化的非协调性存在着显著的时空差异。在样本期的后半段(2009—2013年),多个省级行政区人口城镇化滞后于土地城镇化的程度有所加深。根据全样本期内土地城镇化与人口城镇化非协调性的严重程度,可将各省级行政区划分为5个等级。城镇常住人口变化对建成区面积变化具有显著的正向影响;建成区面积变化对城镇常住人口变化的影响方向虽然为正,但该影响不具有统计显著性。从而表明人口城镇化对土地城镇化起到了推动作用,但土地城镇化却未能有效地带动和促进人口城镇化。此外,第二、三产业增加值变化对城镇常住人口变化具有显著的正向影响。研究从改革新增建设用地指标分配方式、抑制城市空间粗放扩张及推动户籍制度改革和基本公共服务均等化等方面提出了促进土地城镇化和人口城镇化协调发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

Agriculture is mainly a rural preoccupation, and about three quarters of the population growth in developing countries emanate from agricultural households. Some demographers posit that the agricultural system affects birth rates; in addition, population pressures might put stress on agricultural land in farming communities. This paper focuses on the population to land ratio in the Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) Enumeration Areas (EAs) in Ghana and tackles the important question: Do households adjust to an increasing population/land ratio by having fewer children? The authors explore this theme in the context of rural population density and fertility in the three MiDA zones, drawing on data collected in 23 EAs in Ghana in 2008. The results suggest that fertility in the MiDA zones can be affected by density if nothing is done to regulate population density. The regression estimates for the pooled data show that all the coefficients are negative and statistically significant at the 0.05 level or better. Thus, children ever born is inversely correlated with density, agricultural production, female literacy and the trend variable (year). The estimates from the cross-sectional data as well as the spatial coefficient were consistent with those of the pooled data. The results under various model specifications are stable. We find from the Cox model that areas with higher education levels and a lower share of individuals working in agriculture, both correlated with land use. Agricultural production has at most a modest independent effect on fertility. Our findings suggest that population density has a reasonable inhibiting effect on fertility in the MiDA Zones.  相似文献   

北京市人口老龄化的时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口老龄化现已成为当今主要的人口问题之一,并引起越来越多的关注,人口老龄化进程与老年人口空间分布特征研究是未来人口问题研究的一个重要分支.本文基于ESDA全局和局部空间自相关分析,利用北京市第四次和第五次人口普查数据以及1995和2005年1%人口抽样调查数据,对北京市县域尺度老龄人口分布总体和局部空间差异的变化趋势、特征进行了初步探索.结果表明,北京市老龄人口空间分布各区县差异较大,且呈现出明显的圈层结构特征,中心四城区老龄人口比重较高,近郊区老龄人口比重较全市平均水平低,远郊区老年人口比重又有所回升;同时,北京地区老年人口各区县的空间分布差异随着时间的推移而不断扩大,中心老城区呈现不断增强的集聚趋势,而远郊区的老年人口扩散效应明显大于集聚效应.  相似文献   

Universal two-child policy has been implemented since the end of 2015 in China. This policy is anticipated to bring a significant increase in the total population, with profound influences on the resources and environment in the future. This paper analyzes the changing dynamics of urban and rural population, and forecasts urban and rural population from 2016 to 2030 at national and provincial scale using a double log linear regression model. Drawing upon the results of these two predictions, the impact of the population policy change on Chinese resources consumption and environmental pollution are predicted quantitatively. Given the future total population maintains current levels on resources consumption and environmental emission, the additional demand of resources and environment demand for the new population is forecasted and compared against the capacity on supply side. The findings are as follows: after implementing the universal two-child policy, China’s grain, energy consumption, domestic water demand, and pollutant emissions are projected to increase at different rates across provinces. To meet the needs arising from future population growth, food and energy self-sufficiency rate will be significantly reduced in the future, while relying more on imports. Stability of the water supply needs to be improved, especially in Beijing, Henan, Jiangsu, Qinghai, and Sichuan where the gap in future domestic water demand is comparatively larger. Environmental protection and associated governing capability are in urgent need of upgrade not least due to the increasing pressure of pollution.  相似文献   

中国人口集疏格局与形成机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口集聚和疏散是人口空间分布格局最直观和最集中的体现,基于人口集聚度的中国人口集疏的空间格局和形成机制的研究,有助于准确把握中国人口空间分布的基本脉络,具有重要的学术价值和实践意义。研究采用了人口集聚度分级评价的方法,依据人口集聚度的不同,将各个地区划分为不同等级的人口集聚区,并对其分别讨论。在此基础上,结合中国人口分布格局、自然条件的空间分布格局、人居环境自然适宜性评价结果以及经济发展格局和城市化格局,对中国的人口集疏的空间格局进行了归纳,并进一步对相应的形成机制进行了探讨,得出了我国人口分布的空间不平衡日益加剧,并呈现沿海、沿江、沿线集聚的态势的基本结论,并对我国人口分布集疏格局的形成进行了探讨,提出了自然因素奠定我国人口分布的基本格局,而经济发展不平衡与城市化成为人口集聚的动力的观点。  相似文献   

Here, we develop a mathematical model which investigates the impact of growing population and rampant mining on forest resources, present in an urban region. In order to demonstrate the effect imposed by the overgrowing population on the environment, population pressure is incorporated in the model, which augments mining activities in the given region. The obtained model is studied qualitatively using stability theory of differential equations, while it is quantitatively analyzed through numerical simulation. The results of the model reveal that a whopping increase in unchecked mining activities, induced through excessive population growth, leads to declination of forest resources in a region. Therefore, sustainable mining is suggested through control measures imposed by the government on mining activities.  相似文献   

The measurement of urban population carrying capacity is the basis for cities' sustainable development. However, the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area. This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future, which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capacity. This study would also provide a reference to the measurement of the urban population carrying capacity for other cities and districts in China.  相似文献   

人口问题是我国的基本问题,人口老龄化是人类的必然发展过程。随着人口老龄化的加剧,关注老年人、发展老龄产业逐渐成为社会发展的焦点。与此同时,互联网的普及使人们对电子商务由陌生到熟知,互联网已不再成为年轻人的专利,越来越多的老年人也加入到网民的行列。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,人口老龄化与电子商务作为两种必然趋势,备受人们关注。人口老龄化与电子商务之间究竟有什么关系,它们怎样相互影响的?本文将通过建立二者的关系模型,从定性的角度对此问题进行分析。  相似文献   

The three-state (healthy, frail, and dead) population model is commonly used in time-series investigations of mortality displacement and particulate matter air pollution (PM). In this paper, the author proposes a new population model, called the mixture population model, that by allowing PM to have differential effects on individuals in the population, extends the population models currently used in investigations of mortality displacement. Using this new model, the properties of distributed lag models (DLM) of PM are investigated. In particular, the author derives a relationship between the parameters of the proposed population model and the estimates obtained from a DLM fitted to mortality arising from the model. This relationship provides insight into the interrelationships between the size of the frail population, the number of lags of PM included in a DLM and the proportion of the effect of PM on the healthy population that is estimable. The relationship will guide and contextualize future investigations by providing researchers with the knowledge to assess the consequences of the number of lags of PM included in a DLM in terms of what they can plausibly infer about the effect of PM on mortality based on this choice of lag.  相似文献   

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