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本文比较分析了国外具有代表意义的有关安全氛围调查问卷设计与应用的参考文献,以及8家著名研究机构(企业)开发的现已取得良好诊断效果的问卷模式。在经过系统地讨论分析国外安全氛围调查问卷的基础上,结合我国当前企业安全管理特点,开发出涵盖24个要素内容的测评问卷。试测的结果表明该问卷题项的设计与选择比较客观,内部一致性相关程度较高,能够基本满足研究需要。  相似文献   

安全氛围是近年来安全领域关注的重要概念,对安全氛围的测量是其定量研究的基础。首先对国内外学者的研究成果进行了梳理,在此基础上,通过访谈获取的第一手资料,采用质性研究方法得到建筑施工企业安全氛围的初始量表。最后,通过412份有效问卷的定量分析确定了建筑施工企业安全氛围最终维度及测量量表,验证了量表的信度与效度。研究结果表明:建筑施工企业安全氛围具有二阶维度结构:管理者关注、监督者态度、工友行为影响、安全意识、安全沟通与参与,其中管理者关注包括管理者态度、安全规程、安全培训、工作环境4个子维度。  相似文献   

为有效提高水利工程建设的安全管理能力,基于SHEL(软件、硬件、环境、人员)模型,从4个角度划分出7个维度,设计了水利工程建设施工班组安全氛围量表;对湖南省湘江流域数个大型航电枢纽项目的各施工班组的工人进行问卷调研,并利用相关软件分析所收集的数据,采用探索性因子分析法确定安全氛围的维度.结果 表明:水利工程建设施工班组安全氛围的主要影响因素包括安全制度建设、设备设施管理、安全教育考核、事故预防与处理、人员沟通与态度5个方面;该量表从施工班组的角度出发,对安全氛围进行有效测量,可为水利建设单位的安全管理工作提供依据,提高安全管理水平.  相似文献   

安全氛围调查问卷的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较分析了国外具有代表意义的有关安全氛围调查问卷设计与应用的  相似文献   

本文通过大量资料的搜集,概括出了影响员工不安全行为的众多因素,并根据他们的可控性进行了分类.在此理论研究的基础上,用调查问卷的方法,构建了企业员工不安全行为的影响因素量表,并通过spss16.0软件包对其进行因素分析,检验量表的效度和信度,最终形成了四个企业员工不安全行为影响因素正式量表.其中包括:企业员工不安全行为个人安全素质影响因素量表、企业员工不安全行为领导影响因素量表、企业员工不安全行为组织影响因素量表和企业员工不安全行为工作内容和环境影响因素量表.此外,本文还对中交天航第五经理部的施工人员进行了实证研究,用spss16.0软件包对搜集到的数据进行分析,包括:各量表中包含的题项的内部分析、四个量表中所有题项的整体分析和每个量表中的群体差异性分析,并在以上分析的基础上,最终得出了该企业对员工不安全行为影响因素的管理现状.  相似文献   

安全氛围对企业安全行为的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外大量研究表明,安全氛围调查在改进企业的安全行为方面有积极的作用,为组织制订未来的安全政策提供依据。本研究通过查阅文献、国外类似的诊断调查工具及软件,根据所提出的理论假设,采用线性结构方程建模的方法,构建了本研究的LISREL理论模型,并设计了相应的调查问卷和量表。从所建立的安全氛围的三个构面(安全管理、安全认知、安全态度)入手探讨企业的安全氛围对企业的安全行为(两个构面:安全执行、安全处理)的影响。本研究采用问卷调查的方式采集数据,将所得资料用SPSS11.0和LISREL8.3软件来分析处理和检验研究假设,研究结果为实证单位改进企业的安全行为提供了帮助。  相似文献   

邹碧海  向阳  唐舒闻 《安全》2020,(4):59-62
为了清晰的阐述安全文化在安全生产过程中的作用。本文利用集合的方法阐述了安全文化与安全氛围的关系,同时利用数学公式表示了安全文化与安全氛围之间的联系,得出安全文化的作用是通过不同时刻的安全氛围的累计,从而让安全文化的作用机理变得数据化、具体化,让企业以及相关部门能够更好的重视安全文化的建设,从而推动企业、乃至世界的安全生产进程。此外,安全文化的建设维度相比安全氛围建设而言显得较少,在安全生产过程中应该积极探索新的建设维度,从而完善安全文化维度建设体系。  相似文献   

通过对构建不安全行为的一种模型阐释,以此来说明不安全行为的促成因素对工作场所中个体的安全行为机制的影响。采用调查问卷方式对某矿山企业122名工人进行数据采集,并采用结构方程模式(SEM)进行测算。结果显示安全氛围感知是所有不安全行为促成因素中最突出的因素。  相似文献   

"氛围"一词,看起来似乎与安全生产没有什么联系,其实不然,要搞好安全生产,决不能没有一个良好的氛围.某厂抓安全积极主动又扎实持久,开创出一个良好的安全工作氛围,创下了连续安全生产的新纪录,笔者感触颇深.  相似文献   

This study was conducted because a real method for measuring safety climate had never been developed and assessed in Serbian industry. The aim of this paper was to start the process of developing a safety climate questionnaire that could be used in Serbia. As a starting point a 21-item questionnaire was adopted after an extensive literature review. The questionnaire was distributed at several Serbian factories; 1098 workers responded. After a statistical analysis of the data obtained with the questionnaire and a critical comparison with the available reference results, a final questionnaire with 21 questions, divided into 7 groups, was developed. The 7 groups of questions (factors) were safety awareness and competence, safety communication, organizational environment, management support, risk judgment and management reaction, safety precautions and accident prevention, and safety training.  相似文献   

电力安全文化评价工具的编制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索电力安全文化结构,编制出具有较高信效度的评价工具。对深度访谈、参与观察采集的73个情景性行为片段进行编码分析,获取6个类中心,以此为基础编制量表;经试测和大规模抽样调查,对741名有效样本数据进行因素分析和信效度检验。结果表明:电力安全文化的评价指标由管理效力、人性观、规则执行、公平公正性和工作态度构成;因子分析所获因子与理论构想的类中心基本吻合,验证性因素分析所有指标均证明模型拟合较好;量表的再测信度为0.956(P<0.001),内部一致性系数为0.932(P<0.001)。所有统计结论表明,电力安全文化评价工具具备较高信效度,可以用于评估电力企业安全文化。  相似文献   

基于SEM的企业安全氛围诊断与测评研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
回顾和总结国外安全氛围诊断与测评的典型结构方程模型(SEM)。提出安全氛围需求-认知-参与模型及5因子结构,采用LISREL8.53软件对模型中的安全需求、安全认识、安全参与、安全地位、安全实施各因子及要素之间关系进行实证研究。研究发现,安全需求、安全认识、安全参与因子与企业管理层和员工对生产经营中的安全态度具有正效应;安全地位和安全实施因子,能反映企业安全管理和安全文化建设进程。  相似文献   

One of the most important ways to prevent accidents is to consider safety climate or culture. Moreover, some studies suggest that behavior contributes to 86%-96% of all injuries. This cross-sectional study took place in an Iranian petrochemical company in 2010. Vinodkumar and Bhasi’s safety climate questionnaire and an ergonomic behavior sampling checklist were the data collection tools. Cronbach’s a for questionnaire reliability was .928. With reference to the results of a pilot study, a sample of 1755 was determined for behavior sampling. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to derive the coefficient of paths in the path model and the Anderson-Rabin method to calculate factor scores. The results showed that safety climate was an effective predictor of ergonomic behavior (p < .01). They also showed the importance of decreasing the number of workers with negative safety climate. Moreover, it is necessary to promote workers’ ergonomic behaviors in the workplace.  相似文献   

安全氛围是影响企业安全生产的重要因素,首先在理论分析的基础上明确安全氛围的定义及其包含的主要研究内容,提出安全氛围构成的关键元素,开发测评工具,并构建基于主成分分析法和四分象限图分析法的测评数据分析模型。采用主成分分析法具体描述各关键元素对企业安全氛围的影响度值;应用四分象限图分析法进一步分析,根据元素的影响度值将元素划分至"优势区"、"优先改进区"、"深入改进区"和"维持优势区"4个区域,为企业改进安全氛围提供更为具体直观的参考。提出的测评工具及测评数据的定量分析模型在一定程度上克服定性评价的不足,可以在不同类型的企业应用。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to replicate a safety climate model originally tested in Australia to assess its applicability in a different context: namely, across production workers in 22 medium-sized metal processing organizations in Austria. The model postulates that safety knowledge and safety motivation mediate the relation between safety climate on the one hand and safety compliance and participation on the other. Self-report data from 1075 employees were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the replication study largely confirmed the original safety climate model. However, in addition to indirect effects, direct links between safety climate and actual safety behavior were found.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: A need was identified for a consistent set of safety climate factors to provide a basis for aviation industry benchmarking. METHOD: Six broad safety climate themes were identified from the literature and consultations with industry safety experts. Items representing each of the themes were prepared and administered to 940 Australian commercial pilots. RESULTS: Data from half of the sample (N=468) were used in an exploratory factor analysis that produced a 3-factor model of Management commitment and communication, Safety training and equipment, and Maintenance. A confirmatory factor analysis on the remaining half of the sample showed the 3-factor model to be an adequate fit to the data. DISCUSSION: The results of this study have produced a scale of safety climate for aviation that is both reliable and valid. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This study developed a tool to assess the level of perceived safety climate, specifically of pilots, but may also, with minor modifications, be used to assess other groups' perceptions of safety climate.  相似文献   

煤矿安全生产监控系统的通信网络可归纳为单分站单设备、单分站双设备、双分站单设备和双分站双设备几种组网模式,通过对其任务可靠性和基本可靠性进行比较分析,综合考虑任务完成概率和维护成本两方面的要求,提出了双分站,局部(高故障点处)双设备的组网模式,以期有效提高通信网络的系统可靠性。  相似文献   

This study reports the general health and safety (HS) conditions in the Turkish construction industry from the perspective of construction labor. Toward this aim, a questionnaire survey was carried out with 800 workers employed in 32 construction projects in Turkey. Contractors were found to neglect their legal liabilities in paying workers’ insurance premiums. Also, they overlooked safety training and were reluctant to hiring physicians at construction sites and investing in personal protective equipment (PPE). As the real constructors of projects, workers did not attach adequate importance to occupational training. In addition, they were not willing to use some PPE. Key participants of HS affairs such as workers, contractors, unions, and government should comprehend their drawbacks to overcome the current dangerous view of the industry. In this regard, related government bodies should compel contractors and workers to adapt to the relatively new regulations on occupational HS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare assessments made by Finnish- and Swedish-speaking workers in Finland about the safety climate in their companies, because an earlier study showed that the accident frequency of Swedish-speaking workers was one third lower than that of Finnish-speaking workers. 148 Finnish-speaking and 138 Swedish-speaking workers from 14 small and medium-sized companies participated in this study. They filled out a Finnish safety climate questionnaire, the reliability of which was above the acceptable level. There were no differences between the language groups in the total variables of safety climate and safety action. Based on the differences in single items, we interpreted that Swedish-speaking workers stressed collective safety more, whereas Finnish-speaking workers put more emphasis on their personal responsibility for safety.  相似文献   

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