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基于2015—2020年深圳污染物浓度监测资料、自动气象站资料以及再分析格点资料,分析了对深圳O3浓度有显著影响的环境气象特征.结果表明:(1)深圳O3的月均浓度变化规律与其他主要污染物不同,O3月均浓度的峰值出现在10月,恰好是夏季风向冬季风转换的季节.(2)从地面气象要素来看,深圳O3的浓度与气温及相对湿度的关系最为密切,当气温大于29℃的时候,开始出现O3浓度超标的情况,当气温大于32℃时O3的浓度和超标率均大幅增加.当相对湿度为40%~55%时,O3浓度超标率以及O3浓度均值达到最高.(3)后向轨迹统计分析表明,易导致深圳出现O3污染的气流路径主要有3条,分别是东北福建路径、东北江西路径和西北粤西北路径,全部来自偏北的内陆地区.而对深圳O3污染存在影响的潜在源区多位于深圳的东北部和北部.(4)气流的垂直运动对深圳O3污染有着显著影响.污染日...  相似文献   


为了解受焦化影响的下风向城区臭氧(O3)的污染特征及来源,基于2019年临汾市6个国控点的O3浓度、气象参数(气温等)以及北大街站点VOCs监测数据开展研究。结果表明:2019年临汾市O3日最大8 h滑动平均值(MDA8)的90百分位数(MDA8-90th)为204 μg/m3,在山西省11个地市中排名第一;全年共有103 d O3浓度超标,且超标天主要集中在5—9月;MDA8从2月开始升高,6月达到最大值,之后逐月下降;O3小时浓度总体呈14:00—16:00出现峰值的单峰日变化。MDA8与日最高气温(Tmax)呈正相关、与日最低相对湿度(RHmin)呈负相关,当Tmax>22 ℃或RHmin<55%时,可能发生O3浓度超标现象。VOCs的O3生成潜势(OFP)分析结果表明,乙烯的OFP最高,占总OFP的44.5%,乙烯是导致O3污染的关键VOCs活性物种;液化石油气(LPG)的使用、机动车尾气和炼焦活动等的排放对临汾市O3污染有重要贡献。6个国控点中,城南和唐尧大酒店对临汾市区所有级别的O3污染贡献均较大,2个站点均有77%的O3超标出现在刮南风和西南风时,其中城南有16.6%的O3超标出现在风速大于3 m/s时,作为焦化典型示踪物的萘在南风向其浓度高于均值的占比为30.4%,表明不合理的工业布局使临汾市区大气受到了焦化区的影响,O3浓度更易在刮南风时超标。临汾市区O3污染除受到本地生成影响外,还受到襄汾县、洪洞县、翼城县和浮山县的焦化企业和钢铁企业排放的含高浓度NOx、VOCs污染气团传输的影响。因此,临汾市在对本地LPG使用和机动车尾气排放进行管控的同时,还要加强与上风向焦化地区的联防联控。


Soil is an important environmental medium that is closely associated with humans and their health. Despite this, very few studies have measured toxicants in soils, and associated them with health risks in humans. An assessment of health effects from exposure to contaminants in soils surrounding industrial areas of chemical production and storage is important. This article aims at determining pollution characteristics of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in an industrial area in China to unravel the relationship between soil pollution by PTS and human health. One hundred and five soil samples were collected and 742 questionnaires were handed out to residents living in and around an industrial area around Bohai Bay, Tianjin in Northern China. Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in soil. Mann-Whitney U and binary multivariate nonconditional logistic regression models were employed to analyze the relationship between health indicators of local residents and contaminant levels. Odds ratio (OR) and a 95% confidence interval (CI) for health incidences were also calculated. The average concentrations of DDT (73.9 ng/g), HCH (654 ng/g) and PAHs (1225 ng/g) were relatively high in the industrial area. Residents living in the chemical industry parks were exposed to a higher levels of PTS than those living outside the chemical industry parks. This exposure was associated with a higher risk of breast cancer (OR 1.87, 95% CI 0.12–30.06), stomach cancer (OR 1.87, 95% CI 0.26– 13.41), dermatitis (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.05–2.80), gastroenteritis (OR 1.59, 95% CI 0.94–2.68), and pneumonia (OR 1.05, 95% CI 0.58–1.89).  相似文献   

大气扩散模型和容量测算工具有多种选择.一个关键的问题是对各种模型进行比较和检验,选择一种适合当地实际的模型或工具,进行参数选择和调整,得到相对比较准确、合理的大气环境容量测算结果.计算SO2环境容量是区域环境影响评价的重要组成部分.本研究对区域大气SO2环境容量测算进行了两种设计,针对这两种容量设计,选择了两种测算模式,比例模式和线性规划模式.分别计算出现状排放源布局及排放状况不变的条件下的SO2现状环境容量;以及对现状排放源进行合理分配的规划环境容量.  相似文献   

为研究青藏高压系统对川渝地区春夏季臭氧(O3)污染的影响机制,对2015~2018年每年4~9月的中国气象局高空全要素填图数据(Micaps PLOT High)、川渝14个城市的国控环境监测站点O3监测数据及气象台站数据进行了研究分析.结果表明:O3浓度的高低与青藏高压中心位置分布的状况和数量密切相关,中心分布越密集...  相似文献   

BTEX pollution caused by motorcycles in the megacity of HoChiMinh   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring of benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTEX) was conducted along with traffic counts at 17 roadside sites in urban areas of HoChiMinh. Toluene was the most abundant substance, followed by p,m-xylenes, benzene, o-xylene and ethylbenzene. The maximum observed hour-average benzene concentration was 254 μg/m3 . Motorcycles contributed to 91% of the traffic fleet. High correlations among BTEX species, between BTEX concentrations and the volume of on-road motorcycles, and between inter-species ratios in air and in gasoline indicate the motorcycle-exhaust origin of BTEX species. Daily concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p,m-xylenes and o-xylene were 56, 121, 21, 64 and 23 μg/m 3 , respectively. p,m-xylenes possess the highest ozone formation potential among the BTEX family.  相似文献   

选取青岛市2001~2010年环境统计数据,以全市人均GDP为因变量、污染物排放量为变量,进行环境库兹涅茨曲线模拟。结果表明:青岛市"三废"污染物排放和工业COD、SO2排放量均不符合典型的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征。通过模拟结果分析可得出,科学的产业结构调整、政府节能减排的大力推进等政策是单位GDP污染物排放量的降低和工业COD、SO2排放量呈现的正"N"型曲线特征的重要因素。  相似文献   

利用2015—2019年PM2.5和气象要素观测资料、NCEP和ERA5再分析资料,分析不同天气型下武汉城市圈PM2.5区域污染时空分布、天气尺度环流和大气层结特征.结果表明,城市圈污染以武汉为中心,多为轻度-中度污染,西部重于东部.造成武汉城市圈区域污染增长的天气形势包括4类,分别为冷高压底前部型、高压后部型、均压场型和低压倒槽型.4类污染天气型均有较低的混合层高度和地表通风系数,且边界层存在弱下沉运动和逆温,抑制污染垂直扩散.但气象要素影响PM2.5污染的机理各异:冷高压底前部型主要为大气压梯度引导偏北大风带来污染物远程输送,边界层冷平流导致低温、锋面逆温和浅薄高湿层(65%~80%),强输入性污染配合吸湿性累积增长造成严重污染,逆温厚度对PM2.5增幅作用明显;低压倒槽型东南风输入污染弱,但高温、低压引起气流辐合导致本地污染汇积,边界层暖平流带来平流逆温和深厚湿层(1000~750 hPa),逆温层底高偏低、厚度偏厚,促进污染物在近地面吸湿增长;高压后部和均压场型均为浅薄湿层(1000~975...  相似文献   

张泽 《环境》2006,(3):34-35
2月7日,国家环保总局通报,从即日起对9省11家布设在江河水边的环境问题突出企业实施挂牌督办;对127个投资共约4500亿元的化工石化类项目进行环境风险排查;对10个投资共约290亿元的违法建设项目进行查处。  相似文献   

杭州市臭氧污染特征及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究杭州市夏季臭氧(O_3)污染特征及其影响因素,统计分析了2013—2016年杭州市O_3监测数据与杭州市气象数据,并结合AIRS卫星O_3数据探讨了台风天气系统对杭州市近地面O_3浓度的影响.结果表明:2013—2016年,杭州市O_3污染逐年加重,O_3浓度高值持续时间延长.O_3浓度与太阳辐射、温度相关,每年5月和8月太阳辐射强、温度高,O_3污染最严重;全天O_3浓度呈单峰日变化,峰值出现在午后(~14:00)太阳辐射较强、温度最高时.杭州市在日降水为0且12:00—15:00太阳辐射通量均值高于200 W·m~(-2)天气条件下,风向为东、东北或东南风且风速低于3 m·s~(-1)时,O_3浓度相对较高,易出现超标情况.台风天气系统对杭州市近地面O_3浓度有明显影响,以2014年10号台风"麦德姆"为例,台风外围系统影响到杭州时,偏东气流可将杭州以东地区高浓度O_3输送到杭州,同时下沉气流导致污染物在近地层积聚不易扩散,造成近地层O_3浓度升高.  相似文献   

Long-term climate changes related with urbanization in Tokyo, Japan, and recent temperature and heavy rainfall distribution in the Tokyo metropolitan area are reviewed. A relatively high temperature increase in annual mean temperature at the rate of 3.0°C/century was detected in Tokyo for the period 1901–2015. Some observational evidence showed the existence of both thermal and mechanical effects of urbanization on recent heavy rainfall occurrences, and modeling studies also support precipitation enhancement. Urban influences were recognized in other climatological elements, such as number of fog days, relative humidity, and wind circulation.  相似文献   

采用来源解析的方法对2020年成都市发生的一次较为严重的臭氧污染事件进行了研究.结果表明,此次污染过程呈现从清洁-污染-清洁的变化趋势,污染持续时间长达9d,最大臭氧小时浓度达到258.8μg/m3.气象因素在成都臭氧污染中的影响不可忽略,其中温度与臭氧浓度呈现显著正相关关系,东北风主要出现在污染前和污染后,可能起到稀...  相似文献   

莆田地区一次臭氧污染过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2018年7月28日-8月5日莆田地区4个环境监测站臭氧逐小时浓度观测资料、莆田国家气象站逐小时资料、莆田地区风廓线雷达站逐小时资料对7月29日-8月4日的臭氧污染过程进行分析.结果表明,除7月30日臭氧最大浓度为193 μg?m-3外,其余日期莆田市监测站的臭氧浓度小时最大值均超过200μg?m-3.本次污染过程...  相似文献   

In the past decade, ozone (O3) pollution has been continuously worsening in most developing countries. The accurate identification of the nonlinear relationship between O3 and its precursors is a prerequisite for formulating effective O3 control measures. At present, precursor-based O3 isopleth diagrams are widely used to infer O3 control strategy at a particular location. However, there is frequently a large gap between the O3-precursor nonlinearity delineated by the O3 isopleths and the emission source control measures to reduce O3 levels. Consequently, we developed an emission source-based O3 isopleth diagram that directly illustrates the O3 level changes in response to synergistic control on two types of emission sources using a validated numerical modeling system and the latest regional emission inventory. Isopleths can be further upgraded to isosurfaces when co-control on three types of emission sources is investigated. Using Guangzhou and Foshan as examples, we demonstrate that similar precursor-based O3 isopleths can be associated with significantly different emission source co-control strategies. In Guangzhou, controlling solvent use emissions was the most effective approach to reduce peak O3 levels. In Foshan, co-control of on-road mobile, solvent use, and fixed combustion sources with a ratio of 3:1:2 or 3:1:3 was best to effectively reduce the peak O3 levels below 145 ppbv. This study underscores the importance of using emission source-based O3 isopleths and isosurface diagrams to guide a precursor emission control strategy that can effectively reduce the peak O3 levels in a particular area.  相似文献   

基于卫星遥感指示剂法,以2017~2019年为基准年份,通过对比臭氧在线监测数据、VOCs和氮氧化物排放强度数据以及卫星遥感数据,在PM2.5重点监管区域的基础上,重新修订大气污染臭氧重点管控区,将我国臭氧年均浓度超标区(高于160μg/m3)划分为不同重点区域,识别每一个重点区域臭氧前体物敏感类型,即VOCs控制区、NOx控制区以及VOCs和NOx协同控制区,针对每种类型进一步细化为本地污染控制区和联防联控控制区,这种结合地面监测、统计调查数据和遥感观测数据的臭氧分区分类方法可以为大气污染的宏观分区分类管控提供一种新的思路,为国家出台全国层面臭氧污染防治及PM2.5和O3协同控制相关政策提供决策参考.  相似文献   

基于2017年全国1365个监测站点的实时监测数据,运用空间数据统计模型揭示近地面臭氧(O3)污染的时空分布格局,并利用BenMap工具在10km×10km空间网格尺度上估计O3污染的健康损失和健康经济价值.结果表明,O3浓度具有较强的季节性变化,呈倒"V"型变化趋势,在空间分布上呈现明显的集聚性,即高值或低值区域集中分布,具有较强的空间正相关性;通过O3暴露系数模拟人群室内、室外O3暴露情况,在统计意义上估计得到2017年O3污染共计造成我国全因早逝人数98473例(95%置信区间:53419~143292),其中心血管疾病早逝风险约占45%,以不同学者估算得到的单位统计生命价值为基础,估计得到的健康经济损失在197~978亿元之间,约占2017年全国GDP的0.05%~0.26%.  相似文献   

Yangtze River Delta(YRD) area is one of the important economic zones in China. However,this area faces increasing environmental problems. In this study, we use ground-based multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy(MAX-DOAS) network in Eastern China to retrieve variations of NO_2, SO_2, and formaldehyde(HCHO) in the YRD area. Three cities of YRD(Hefei, Nanjing, and Shanghai) were selected for long-term observations. This paper presents technical performance and characteristics of instruments, their distribution in YRD, and results of vertical column densities(VCDs) and profiles of NO_2, SO_2, and HCHO.Average diurnal variations of tropospheric NO_2 and SO_2 in different seasons over the three stations yielded minimum values at noon or in the early afternoon, whereas tropospheric HCHO reached the maximum during midday hours. Slight reduction of the pollutants in weekends occurred in all the three sites. In general trace gas concentrations gradually reduced from Shanghai to Hefei. Tropospheric VCDs of NO_2, SO_2, and HCHO were compared with those from Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI) satellite observations, resulting in R~2 of 0.606, 0.5432, and 0.5566, respectively. According to analysis of regional transports of pollutants, pollution process happened in YRD under the north wind with the pollution dissipating in the southeast wind. The feature is significant in exploring transport of tropospheric trace gas pollution in YRD, and provides basis for satellite and model validation.  相似文献   

以"十一五"期间李沧区环境空气质量自动监测中SO2的监测数据为依据,分析了五年间SO2浓度的月、季节和年际变化特征,并采用Daniel趋势检验法对SO2浓度变化进行了趋势分析。结果表明,"十一五"期间李沧区SO2年均浓度呈下降趋势,月际变化呈明显的季节特征,冬季污染较严重,夏季污染较轻。通过对产生现状的原因进行深入分析,最后提出相应的防治对策,为改善环境空气质量提供科学依据,为管理部门决策提供技术支持。  相似文献   

铅酸蓄电池作为一类安全性高,电性能稳定的“资源循环型”能源产品,有着十分广阔的前景.但是,铅酸蓄电池行业的污染也不容忽视.本文通过对铅酸蓄电池生产的工艺、产污环节,分析蓄电池行业产生污染的成因,并提出污染防治对策与措施.  相似文献   

A tropopause fold and cut-off low developed over Europe at the end of April 1982 and enhanced the exchange of air between the stratosphere and troposphere. The episode has been simulated using the EURAD model which has been designed for long-range transport simulation for European conditions. Applying a linear relationship between potential vorticity and ozone, concentration fields of the tracer and their changes due to outflow of ozone-rich air from the stratosphere could be simulated. A considerable decrease of stratospheric ozone was also obtained. This indicates noticeable mixing of tropospheric air with reduced ozone content into the stratosphere during the episode. Strong downward fluxes more than an order of magnitude larger than normal when averaged over the model domain show up around levels close to the tropopause. Obviously, dynamical processes fovern teh ozone budget o the upper troposphere during the vigorous intrusion event. Drastic increases of ozone also occur in the lower troposphere but are probably underestimated since vertical mixing by clouds is not taken into account in the simulation experiments. It is intended to explore the interaction of ozone of stratospheric and tropospheric (anthropogenic) origin in further experiments.  相似文献   

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