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It is important to develop a general model to accurately simulate the air pollution in urban street areas. In this paper, the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) initially developed in Denmark is tested with measured data from a relatively wide and open street in Beijing. Major factors influencing the dispersion, such as emission factors, stationary source emissions, and solar radiation, are analyzed. Results show that the model can reflect the basic dispersion pattern in the street but gives systematically higher concentrations. After modifications to estimate street-level wind speed in the model, performance is obviously improved.  相似文献   

We evaluated the Danish AirGIS air quality and exposure model system using air quality measurement data from New York City in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air). Measurements were used from three US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) monitoring stations and a comprehensive MESA Air measurement campaign including about 150 different locations and about 650 samples of about 2 week measurements of NOx, NO2 and PM2.5. AirGIS is a deterministic exposure model system based on the dispersion models Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) and the Urban Background Model (UBM). The UBM model reproduced the annual levels within 1–26% depending on station and pollutant at the three urban background EPA monitor stations, and generally reproduced well the seasonal and diurnal variation. The full model with OSPM and UBM reproduced the MESA Air measurements with a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.51 for NOx, r2 = 0.28 for NO2 and r2 = 0.73 for PM2.5.  相似文献   

The Environment Act 1995 has introduced the notion of local air quality management which requires that air quality in towns be reviewed and assessed. There is a need to identify those streets that are worst affected by vehicular pollutants. Such worst cases are likely to be narrow congested streets with tall buildings on each side. A nomogram presented here allows rapid screening of pollution in congested street canyons. The strong dependence on wind direction is reduced to the two extremes, namely wind along and wind across the canyon. Then canyon concentrations are estimated according to street geometry and traffic flow. The nomogram is designed for use by local authorities, is quick and easy to use, and paper or computer versions are available. It is suggested that detailed monitoring or modelling may only be required when simple screening methods predict high air pollution.  相似文献   

Using the methodology of the ExternE Project of the European Commission, we have evaluated the damage costs of automotive air pollution by way of two case studies in France: a trip across Paris, and a trip from Paris to Lyon. This methodology involves an analysis of the impact pathways, starting with the emissions (e.g., g/km of particles from tailpipe), followed by local and regional dispersion (e.g., incremental μg/m3 of particles), calculation of the physical impacts using exposure-response functions (e.g., cases of respiratory hospital admissions), and finally multiplication by unit costs factors (e.g.,
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per hospital admission). Damages are aggregated over all affected receptors in Europe. In addition to the local and regional dispersion calculations carried out so far by ExternE, we also consider the increased microscale impacts due to the trapping of pollutants in street canyons, using numerical simulations with the FLUENT software. We have evaluated impacts to human health, agricultural crops and building materials, due to particles, NOx, CO, HC and CO2. Health impacts, especially reduced life expectancy, dominate in terms of cost. Damages for older cars (before 1997) range from 2 to 41 Euro cents/km, whereas for newer cars (since 1997), the range 1–9 Euro cents/km, and there is continuing progress in reducing the emissions further. In large cities, the particulate emissions of diesel cars lead to the highest damages, exceeding those of gasoline cars by a factor of 7. For cars before 1997 the order of magnitude of the damage costs is comparable to the price of gasoline, and the loss of life expectancy is comparable to that from traffic accidents.  相似文献   

BackgroundExisting traffic variables used for predicting NO2 in epidemiological studies are either difficult to acquire or explain only a small proportion of the variance. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new predictor, weighted road density, which combines the maximum amount of information related to traffic into a single variable without the requirement of obtaining traffic counts for a given area.MethodTwo week NO2 samples were collected using the readings of up to 32 passive samplers on 3 separate rounds between September and December 2006 and again in 2007. Several types of traffic related explanatory variables based on traffic counts, distance to main road and the proposed weighted road density were constructed using GIS software, and tested for association with the NO2 samplers. Assessment of the best model was based on R2 values, as well as leave-one-out cross validation.ResultsThe weighted road density variable and the density variable based on traffic counts resulted in a similar R2 (0.59) for predicting NO2, although weighted road density was much easier to construct and outperformed other variables such as distance to main road.ConclusionAs well as being a powerful predictor for use in a land use regression model, weighted road density can be used as a proxy for exposure to traffic-related pollution, for use in circumstances where direct measurements of pollutant levels are not feasible or are not required.  相似文献   

The ventilation and pollutant transport in a two-dimensional (2D) street canyon of building-height-to-street-width (aspect) ratio h/b = 1 under different unstable stratifications were examined. To characterize the combined wind-buoyancy-driven flow and pollutant transport at different Richardson number Ri, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations with the Renormalization Group (RNG) k ? ε turbulence model was adopted. Unlike the isothermal condition, a secondary recirculation is initiated at the ground-level windward corner of the street canyon once the unstable stratification is switched on (Ri < 0). It traps the ground-level pollutant leading to elevated pollutant concentration there. As Ri further decreases, the enlarging secondary recirculation enables direct pollutant removal from its core to the shear layer that offsets the ground-level pollutant accumulation. The ventilation and pollutant removal performance under different unstable stratifications are compared by the air (ACH) and pollutant (PCH) exchange rates, and pollutant retention time (τ). Both the mean and turbulent components of ACH are found to increase with decreasing Ri, suggesting that unstable stratification promotes ventilation in street canyons. Moreover, the CFD results agree well with our theoretical model that ACH2 varies linearly with Ri. Turbulent transport originally dominates the pollutant removal under isothermal condition. However, progressive domination of pollutant removal by mean wind can be observed with decreasing stability (decreasing Ri from 0 to ?10.6). The critical value is estimated to be Ri = ?8, below which mean wind is the major pollutant removal carrier. Reduction in τ is also observed with decreasing Ri. Hence, in unstable stratification, pollutant resides shorter time in the street canyon compared with its isothermal counterpart, and the ventilation and pollutant removal are more favorable.  相似文献   

Mosses are useful, ubiquitous accumulation biomonitors and as such can be used for biomonitoring surveys. However, the biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution can be compromised in urban contexts if the targeted biomonitors are regularly disturbed, irregularly distributed, or are difficult to access. Here, we test the hypothesis that cemeteries are appropriate moss sampling sites for the evaluation of air pollution in urban areas. We sampled mosses growing on gravestones in 21 urban and peri-urban cemeteries in the Paris metropolitan area. We focused on Grimmia pulvinata (Hedwig) Smith, a species abundantly found in all studied cemeteries and very common in Europe. The concentration of Al, As, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, V, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sr, Ti, and Zn was determined by a total reflection X-ray fluorescence technique coupled with a slurry sampling method (slurry-TXRF). This method avoids a digestion step, reduces the risk of sample contamination, and works even at low sample quantities. Elemental markers of road traffic indicated that the highest polluted cemeteries were located near the highly frequented Parisian ring road and under the influence of prevailing winds. The sites with the lowest pollution were found not only in the peri-urban cemeteries, adjoining forest or farming landscapes, but also in the large and relatively wooded cemeteries located in the center of Paris. Our results suggest that (1) slurry-TXRF might be successfully used with moss material, (2) G. pulvinata might be a good biomonitor of trace metals air pollution in urban context, and (3) cemetery moss sampling could be a useful complement for monitoring urban areas.
Graphical abstract We tested the hypothesis that cemeteries are appropriate moss sampling sites for the evaluation of air pollution in urban areas. We sampled 110 moss cushions (Grimmia pulvinata) growing on gravestones in 21 urban and peri-urban cemeteries in the Paris metropolitan area. The concentration of 20 elements in mosses was determined by a total reflection X-ray fluorescence technique coupled with a slurry sampling method. Statistical analysis revealed that: - Urbanized Parisian areas crossed by traffic roads have the highest polluted cemeteries with a strong influence of main wind direction on the distribution of air pollutants - As expected, small cemeteries with low tree density were heavily polluted - Less obvious, large green spaces such as large cemeteries (Père Lachaise, Montmartre, Montparnasse) in the center of a dense metropolis like Paris present the same level of atmospheric trace metal pollution as cemeteries in less urbanized areas or nearing a very large forest. This suggests that even in densely urbanized areas, there is more spatial variability in pollution distribution than usually assumed and that large urban areas with low traffic and green filters such as trees are likely to intercept air pollutants

The paper presents results from a case study of gaseous pollutant dispersion in street canyons. Tracer-gas experiments were performed in a neutrally stratified wind tunnel. Vehicle emissions were simulated as line sources. Concentration profiles along building walls were measured. A two-dimensional street canyon was considered as the reference case. The influence of systematic parameter variations on the concentration field is studied and discussed. Building dimensions, upwind building configuration, wind direction and roof geometry were found to be important parameters. Data sets from the study may be used for evaluation of numerical models and for expert estimates of air quality in the urban environment  相似文献   

Volatile hydrocarbons (VHCs) were monitored in two urban street canyons for 16 days. Measurements of 15 selected VHCs were performed simultaneously at three different sampling heights: at street level (2 m), at 8 m, and at the rooftop (25 m above the ground). The aim of the study was to investigate the factors responsible for the horizontal and vertical changes in VHC concentrations. Physical parameters controlling the concentration gradients (wind flow and speed) were enabled. It was concluded that dilution and dispersion decrease the concentrations of HCs emitted at street level by approximately a factor of 6 between rooftop and street levels. Low winds and winds parallel to the street axis were identified as the worst dispersion conditions. The correlation between the measured VHC concentrations gave an insight into their fate. An empirical relationship between CO and benzene was established. These results may have important implications in planning monitoring studies to support research on population exposure in urban areas.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the air quality and the abatement of traffic-related pollution during the 2008 Olympic Games, we select 12 avenues in the urban area of Beijing to calculate the concentrations of PM10, CO, NO2 and O3 before and during the Olympic traffic controlling days, with the OSPM model.Through comparing the modeled results with the measurement results on a representative street, the OSPM model is validated as sufficient to predict the average concentrations of these pollutants at street level, and also reflects their daily variations well, i.e. CO presents the similar double peaks as the traffic flow, PM10 concentration is influenced by other sources. Meanwhile, the model predicts O3 to stay less during the daytime and ascend in the night, just opposite to NO2, which reveals the impact of photochemical reactions. In addition, the predicted concentrations on the windward side often exceed the leeward side, indicating the impact of the special street shape, as well as the wind.The comparison between the predicted street concentrations before and during the Olympic traffic control period shows that the overall on-road air quality was improved effectively, due to the 32.3% traffic flow reduction. The concentrations of PM10, CO and NO2 have reduced from 142.6 μg m−3, 3.02 mg m−3 and 118.7 μg m−3 to 102.0 μg m−3, 2.43 mg m−3 and 104.1 μg m−3. However, the different pollutants show diverse changes after the traffic control. PM10 decreases most, and the reduction effect focusing on the first half-day even clears the morning peak, whereas CO and NO2 have even reductions to minify the daily fluctuations on the whole. Opposite to the other pollutants, ozone shows an increase of concentration. The average reduction rate of PM10, CO, NO2 and O3 are respectively 28%, 19.3%, 12.3% and −25.2%. Furthermore, the streets in east, west, south and north areas present different air quality improvements, probably induced by the varied background pollution in different regions around Beijing, along with the impact of wind force. This finding suggests the pollution control in the surrounding regions, not only in the urban area.  相似文献   

Several essential steps of air quality assessment are described, including identification, prediction, and evaluation of critical variables and potential changes of air quality. A coal-reconversion power plant in New York was selected as an example to illustrate the assessment.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the effects of building height ratio (i.e., HR, the height ratio of the upstream building to the downstream building) on the air quality in buildings beside street canyons, and both regular and staggered canyons were considered for the simulations. The results show that the building height ratio affects not only the ventilation fluxes of the rooms in the downstream building but also the pollutant concentrations around the building. The parameter, outdoor effective source intensity of a room, is then proposed to calculate the amount of vehicular pollutants that enters into building rooms. Smaller value of this parameter indicates less pollutant enters the room. The numerical results reveal that HRs from 2/7 to 7/2 are the favorable height ratios for the regular canyons, as they obtain smaller values than the other cases. While HR values of 5/7, 7/7, and 7/5 are appropriate for staggered canyons. In addition, in terms of improving indoor air quality by natural ventilation, the staggered canyons with favorable HR are better than those of the regular canyons.  相似文献   

Concentrations and turbulent fluxes of accumulation mode particles were measured during the 2004–2005 ‘Canopy and Aerosol Particle Interaction in Toulouse Urban Layer’ project (CAPITOUL) at the top of two intersecting street canyons and in the urban boundary layer (UBL) in Toulouse, France. Particle numbers were strongly affected by boundary layer depth and showed limited sensitivity to local emissions. Differences in the diurnal patterns of particle numbers were observed between the finer fraction (0.3–0.4 μm) and coarser fraction (1.6–2.0 μm) of accumulation mode particles, indicating different processes of formation, evolution and transportation may be dominant. Highest particle numbers were observed in the narrow street canyon which had more limited local emissions and comparatively small particle fluxes. However, the improved ventilation rate in the wider canyon was also associated with the downward mixing of particles into the street canyon from the UBL. The results from this study clearly illustrate the temporal and spatial variability of particle numbers and fluxes in the urban atmosphere.  相似文献   

Changes over recent decades in outdoor concentrations of air pollutants are well documented. However, the impacts of air pollution on an individual's health actually relate not to these outdoor concentrations but to their personal exposure in the different locations in which they spend time. Assessing how personal exposures differ from outdoor concentrations, and how they have changed over recent decades, is challenging. This review focuses on the exposure of children, since they are a particularly sensitive group. Much of children's time is spent indoors, and childhood exposure is closely related to concentrations in the home, at school, and in transport. For this reason, children's personal exposures to air pollutants differ significantly from both those of adults and from outdoor concentrations. They depend on a range of factors, including urbanisation, energy use, building design, travel patterns, and activity profiles; analysis of these factors can identify a wider range of policy measures to reduce children's exposure than direct emission control. There is a very large variation in personal exposure between individual children, caused by differences in building design, indoor and outdoor sources, and activity patterns. Identifying groups of children with high personal exposure, and their underlying causes, is particularly important in regions of the world where emissions are increasing, but there are limited resources for environmental and health protection. Although the science of personal exposure assessment, with the associated measurement and modelling techniques, has developed to maturity in North America and western Europe over the last 50 years, there is an urgent need to apply this science in other parts of the world where the effects of air pollution are now much more serious.  相似文献   

Carbonyl compounds in urban ambient air and street canyons were measured from December 2008 to August 2009 in a mountainous city in southwest China (Guiyang). The formaldehyde yield from the photo-oxidation of isoprene emitted by vegetation was estimated to be in the range of 0.63–3.62 μg m?3 from May to August, which accounted for 28.8–33.4% of ambient formaldehyde. Based on the calculation of photolysis rates and rates of reaction with the OH radical, it was found that photolysis was the predominant sink for formaldehyde and acetone in both summer and winter. For acetaldehyde, photo-oxidation by OH radicals and photolysis were the major sinks in summer while photo-oxidation by OH radicals was the dominant sink in winter. Wet precipitation was found to be an important removal process for the atmospheric carbonyls. In the urban ambient air, the average concentrations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone and all carbonyls were 4.8 ± 2.1, 5.7 ± 3.3, 5.1 ± 2.5, and 25.1 ± 9.2 μg m?3 (n = 139), respectively. The average concentrations of these species in street canyons were 18.8 ± 6.5, 9.4 ± 3.2, 10.9 ± 2.1, and 64.1 ± 16.3 μg m?3 (n = 62), respectively. The significantly higher carbonyl levels on weekdays (compared to weekends) highlight the contribution of vehicle emissions to carbonyls in the street canyons.  相似文献   

Concentrations of traffic-related air pollution can be highly variable at the local scale and can have substantial seasonal variability. This study was designed to provide estimates of intra-urban concentrations of ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Montreal, Canada, that would be used subsequently in health studies of chronic diseases and long-term exposures to traffic-related air pollution. We measured concentrations of NO2 at 133 locations in Montreal with passive diffusion samplers in three seasons during 2005 and 2006. We then used land use regression, a proven statistical prediction method for describing spatial patterns of air pollution, to develop separate estimates of spatial variability across the city by regressing NO2 against available land-use variables in each of these three periods. We also developed a “pooled” model across these sampling periods to provide an estimate of an annual average. Our modelling strategy was to develop a predictive model that maximized the model R2. This strategy is different from other strategies whose goal is to identify causal relationships between predictors and concentrations of NO2.Observed concentrations of NO2 ranged from 2.6 ppb to 31.5 ppb, with mean values of 12.6 ppb in December 2005, 14.0 ppb in May 2006, and 8.9 ppb in August 2006. The greatest variability was observed during May. Concentrations of NO2 were highest downtown and near major highways, and they were lowest in the western part of the city. Our pooled model explained approximately 80% of the variability in concentrations of NO2. Although there were differences in concentrations of NO2 between the three sampling periods, we found that the spatial variability did not vary significantly across the three sampling periods and that the pooled model was representative of mean annual spatial patterns.  相似文献   

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