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Experiments on different annular denuder system (ADS) arrangements for sampling nitrous acid (HNO2) and nitric acid (HNO3) gases were conducted in this study to evaluate their sampling artifacts. The evaluation basis is the one that employed one sodium chloride denuder for sampling HNO3 gas and two sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) denuders for sampling HNO2 gas, which is a commonly employed ADS arrangement in many field applications in the United States. A field study was conducted in Hsinchu, Taiwan, and the results indicated that this ADS arrangement may yield over 80% relative errors for HNO3 gas. It also showed that the relative errors for HNO2 gas can be less than 10% as sampled with only one Na2CO3 denuder. This is attributed to the fact that the ambient HNO3 concentration measured in this study was relatively low while the HNO2 concentration was high, as compared to typical concentrations of these two gases measured in the United States. The sampling error of HNO3 gas may be due to high concentrations of N-containing interfering species present in Taiwan's atmosphere. Because the relative sampling errors of HNO3 and HNO2 gases depend mainly on their concentrations in the atmosphere as well as concentrations caused by interfering species, the risk for high error while measuring low HNO2 concentrations by only one Na2CO3 denuder is also possible. As a result, it is suggested that pretests are necessary to evaluate possible sources and degrees of sampling errors before field sampling of HNO2 and HNO3 gases. The sampling errors of these two gases can, therefore, be minimized with a better arrangement of the ADS.  相似文献   

A new sampling device is described for the simultaneous collection of NH3, HNO3, HCl, SO2 and H2O2 in ambient air. The apparatus is based on air sampling by two parallel annular denuder tubes. The gases are collected by absorption in solutions present in the annulus of the denuder tubes. After a sampling time of 30 min at flow rate of 32 ℓ min−1 the solutions are extracted from the denuders and analyzed off-line. The detection limits of NH3, HNO3, HCL and SO2 are in the order of 0.1–0.5 μm−3. For H2O2 the detection limit is 0.01 μm−3. The reproducibility is 5–10% at the level of ambient air concentrations. Comparison of this novel technique with existing methods gives satisfactory results. The compact set-up offers the possibility of field experiments without the need of extensive equipment.  相似文献   

White pine, Norway spruce and red spruce seedlings were exposed to nitric acid vapor concentrations of 10 to 120 ppb in constant stirred tank reactors. Nitric acid dry deposition rates were determined from both the change in nitric acid concentration in the reactor flow stream and from the amount of nitrogen recovered from the seedlings. Nitric acid labeled with 15N was used to distinguish dry-deposited nitrogen in the plant from the nitrogen that was already present. It was found that dry deposition occurs via three routes: surface deposition, trans-cuticular deposition, and stomatal deposition. Resistance to surface deposition is very low (< 4.8 m2-s mol(-1)) for a freshly washed surface, but increases as the surface adsorption sites are occupied. Resistance to trans-cuticular uptake averaged 206 m2-s mol(-1). Stomatal resistance can be calculated from the rate of water diffusion out of the plant. Eighty per cent of the nitric acid deposited via the trans-cuticular and stomatal routes was assimilated by the plant. However, none of the nitric acid deposited on the surface was assimilated. In rural areas with coniferous forests, the combination of low ambient nitric acid concentrations and low initial surface resistance means that most nitric acid will be dry deposited on the tree surface, and thus will not be directly assimilated.  相似文献   

Vertical gradients from 0.25 to 2 m of NH3, HNO3 and HCl and associated aerosol components have been measured in the field above various surfaces in eastern England. The data have been examined to identify the effect, if any, of chemical reaction processes upon the observed vertical profiles. It is concluded that chemical transformations are too slow to influence concentration gradients and thus the surface exchange process. Assuming chemically conservative behaviour, deposition velocities for HNO3 and HCl have been calculated; these lie within the range 0.4–7.7 cms−1 and 0.4–6.9 cms−1 for HNO3 and HCl, respectively. Estimation of resistances to deposition indicates a negligible surface resistance for both species. Fluxes of ammonia were predominantly upward from the ground with a mean value of 0.031 μg m−2s−1 which is consistent both with an emission inventory of the U.K. and with the measured atmospheric concentration of NH3.  相似文献   

The aerosol equilibrium formulation of Stelson and Seinfeld (1982a, b, Atmospheric Environment16, 983–992, 993–1000) is incorporated into the STEM-II transport/chemistry model and is evaluated against NH3, HNO3 and aerosol NH4+ and NO3 measured at Nagano Prefecture, Japan on 29 and 30 July 1983. These results indicate that this modeling approach is useful in analyzing field data.  相似文献   

The dry deposition flux of NH3 to coniferous forest was determined by the micrometeorological gradient method using a 36 m high tower. Aerodynamic characteristics of the site were studied, using a second tower erected in the forest 100 m from the first. Fluxes and gradients of heat and momentum measured on both towers indicated a fairly homogeneous turbulent flow field over the studied area of the forest. Site specific flux profile functions for heat were derived from continuous measurements of turbulent fluxes and gradients. These functions were used to derive fluxes from the observed gradients of NH3. In total, eighty 90-min NH3 flux runs were performed. The results indicate a strong nonstomatal uptake of NH3 by the forest. A representative dry deposition velocity for NH3 of 3.6 cm(-1) s was derived. The annual average flux was roughly estimated to be equivalent to 50 kg N ha(-1) yr, significantly higher than the critical load for coniferous forest.  相似文献   

An annular denuder and filter-pack system was tested in combination with the use of the in-tube and on-fiber O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine hydrochloride (PFBHA)-derivatization technique to simultaneously sample and measure gaseous and particulate concentrations of semivolatile bifunctional carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere. Ozone was denuded from the sampling air to avoid oxidation and PFBHA was used as the sorbent by coating the sampling denuders and impregnating the filters. The collection efficiency of the system was evaluated under different conditions in photochemical smog chamber experiments and in field samplings of urban and suburban atmospheres. The effects of concentration level, temperature, and humidity on the collection efficiency were assessed. The system showed average collection efficiencies in one denuder from 81% for pyruvic acid and 82% for glyoxylic acid to 87% for hydroxyacetone and dihydroxyacetone. The capacity of the filters to collect the gaseous fraction that cannot be collected in the denuders was also evaluated, and the system allows a correction for this artifact. The application of this method to chamber experiments and field samplings offers an easy-to-apply technique with good results that can be used to evaluate the partition mechanisms of these compounds in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Agricultural meteorological modeling techniques are used to investigate the relative and absolute dry deposition fluxes of SO2 (as sulfur), HNO3 (as nitrogen) and O3 to large fields of maize, soybeans, and alfalfa exposed in conditions as measured in northern Illinois, central Pennsylvania, and eastern Tennessee. For HNO3, the differences in seasonal deposition rates among the three types of plant species are small. Within the same environment, the soybean canopy has the potential to receive substantially more gaseous dry deposition of SO2 and O3 than the maize and alfalfa (which are about the same), as a result of lower stomatal resistance and consequently higher deposition velocities. Deposition differences among the sites are small except for the case of SO2, for which deposition rates estimated for northern Illinois are nearly double those at the other locations. The high SO2 deposition at the northern Illinois location is a consequence of the higher air concentrations observed there.  相似文献   

The results of a survey aimed at investigating whether NO2 and NH3 emitted by road traffic can influence lichen diversity, lichen vitality and the accumulation of nitrogen in lichen thalli are reported. For this purpose, distance from a highway in a rural environment of central Italy was regarded as the main parameter to check this hypothesis. The results of the present survey indicated that road traffic is not a relevant source of NH3. On the other hand, NO2 concentrations, although rather low, were negatively correlated with distance from the highway according to a typical logarithmic function. No association between NO2 concentrations and the diversity of epiphytic lichens was found, probably because of the low NO2 values measured. Also bark properties were not influenced by distance from the highway. Accumulation of nitrogen, reduction in the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoids were found in transplanted thalli of Evernia prunastri, but NO2 was not responsible for these changes, which were probably caused by applications of N-based fertilizers.  相似文献   

The effects of the new estimates of the rate of the reaction of OH with HNO3 and of HO2NO2 photolysis on models of stratospheric chemistry are discussed using a one-dimensional model. The new rates could lower the calculated OH concentrations in the altitude range 15–30 km with significant impact on the vertical profiles of ClO, HCl and NO2 in the stratosphere and on the ozone perturbations due to fluorocarbons.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of nitric acid (HNO3), reactive nitrogen (NOy), nitric oxide (NO), and ozone (O3) made in the upper troposphere (UT) and lower stratosphere (LS) between 29° and 33°N latitudes during September 1999 are used to examine NOy partitioning and correlations between the measured species in these regions. The fast-response (1 s) HNO3 measurements are acquired with a new autonomous CIMS instrument. In the LS, HNO3 accounts for the majority of NOy, and the sum of HNO3 and NOx accounts for approximately 90% of NOy. In the UT, the sum of HNO3 and NOx varies between 40% and 100% of NOy. Both HNO3 and NOy are strongly positively correlated with O3, with larger correlation slopes in the UT than in the LS. In the UT at low values of the quantity (NOy–NOx–HNO3), it is uncorrelated with O3, while at higher values, a positive correlation with O3 is found. Of these two air mass types, those with higher (NOy–NOx–HNO3) mixing ratios are likely associated with the presence of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) that is produced by NOx-hydrocarbon chemistry.  相似文献   

Methods for describing the exposure patterns of forests to atmospheric ozone concentrations are compared with special emphasis on the situation at high altitudes, such as the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern USA. Limitations to the use of ozone concentration as mass per unit volume are discussed and a correction for temperature and pressure changes is derived. If identical ozone mass concentrations were measured at two sites separated by 2000 m elevation, the ozone flux at the lower site would exceed the flux at the higher site by 4-8% due to temperature and pressure effects on both air volume and ozone deposition velocity. It is recommended that ozone exposures be described in terms of 'flux-corrected' mass concentrations or volumetric mixing ratios when ambient ozone data from sites at different altitudes are to be compared.  相似文献   

Particle formation in the reaction of NH3 and HCl under 1 atm of N2 and at 25°C was studied in a flow reactor. The critical concentration below which no particle can be formed was found to be 3.5 × 1014 molecule cm−3 for [NH3] = [HCl]. Above this concentration, gas-particle conversion percentage increases rapidly to approach 100%.Particle nucleation was found to behave according to the rate equation R{N} = knuc{[NH3][HCl]}n, where R {N} represents particle production rate, n = 2.7 and knuc = 1 × 10−(76 ± 15) cm13.2s−1.Particle growth was attributed to the condensation reaction. Condensation rate coefficient was calculated from the equation: R{NH4Cl(s)} = kcon[NH3][HCl][N], where RNH4Cl(s) is the rate of NH4Cl formation in the solid phase and the rate coefficient for condensation, kcon, was found to be 7 × 10−26 cm6 s−1.  相似文献   

Estimates of short-term, regional-scale spatial distributions of ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) dry deposition over the northeast U.S. are presented. Dry deposition fluxes to surfaces are computed using a regional tropospheric chemistry model with deposition velocities which vary with local meteorology, land type, insolation, seasonal factors and surface wetness. A compilation of O3 surface resistances is presented based on a survey of O3 dry deposition measurements. The surface resistance for H2O2 is assumed to be small under most conditions, causing H2O2 to dry deposit at a rate which is frequently limited by surface-layer turbulence. Regional patterns of dry deposition velocities for these oxidants over the northeast U.S. are computed using landuse data and meteorological information predicted using a mesoscale meteorology model. Domain-averaged O3 deposition velocities during a spring period reach a mid-day peak of 0.7–0.8 cm s−1 and drop to 0.1–0.2 cm s−1 at night. Domain-averaged H2O2 deposition velocities at a height of approximately 80 m are predicted to reach a mid-day peak of 1.6–2.0cm s−1, and fall to 0.6–0.9 cm s−1 at night. Time-averaged surface-layer H2O2 concentrations show a latitude dependence, with higher concentrations in the south. H2O2 concentrations are significantly reduced due to efficient wet removal and chemical destruction during the passage of a cyclonic frontal system. In contrast, O3 concentrations are predicted to rise during the passage of a frontal system due to efficient vertical exchange of midtropospheric air into the boundary layer during convective conditions, followed by synoptic-scale subsidence occurring in the high pressure airmass following a cyclone. Maximum O3 deposition during this 3-day springtime period occurs in polluted agricultural areas. In contrast, H2O2 dry deposition exhibits a latitude dependence with maximum 3-day accumulations occurring in the south. Domain-averaged mid-day deposition rates for O3 and H2O2 were 45–50 μmol m−2 h−1 and 4–5 μmol m−2 h−1. At night, deposition rates were approximately 5–10 μmol m−2 h−1 and 1.5–2.5 μmol m−2 h−1 for O3 and H2O2. These model results show that regional patterns of oxidant dry deposition are strongly influenced by oxidant concentrations, atmospheric stability, surface roughness and numerous other surface and meteorological factors. Each of these factors must be well-characterized before regional patterns of biological damage associated with oxidant dry deposition can be quantified.  相似文献   

试验就碱金属钾对两种催化剂V2O5/TiO2(VT)和V2O5/TiO2-SiO2(VTS)选择性催化还原(SCR)氮氧化物的性能影响作了相关研究.运用BET比表面积、X射线衍射(XRD)谱图、傅立叶变换透射红外光谱(FT-IR)谱图对催化剂进行表征.结果表明,试验制备的TiO2-SiO2比表面积达360 m2/g,催化剂表面活性组分高度分散;NH3吸附红外谱图显示催化剂VTS具有丰富的表面酸;催化剂抗钾毒害试验发现,钾易与B酸位结合从而降低对NH3的吸附量和吸附活性,催化刺VTS具有明显优于VT的抗钾毒害性能.归因于部分钾优先与VTS表面酸结合,从而降低对钒活性物种的毒害.此外,失活程度跟钾/钒(K/V)的摩尔比密切相关.催化活性随反应进行不断降低,且24 h内难以恢复到原有水平.  相似文献   

Adaptation of available instruments to the analysis of NO2 and NH3 became important with the introduction of the Federal Constant Volume Sampling procedure for exhaust analysis in 1970. Two instruments, the NO optical detector (NOOD) and the non-dispersive infrared analyzer (ND1R), are both fast and accurate. The use of a system of two converters in conjunction with either of these instruments permits the analysis of a gas stream for NO, NO2, and NH3. NO is measured on the gas stream before conversion; NO2 is determined after the gas stream has passed over a C-Mo converter at 475°C; and NH3 is determined after the gas has been conducted over a C-Cu converter.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Mechanical vapor compression and multi-effect evaporation have been widely used in achieving zero discharge of desulfurization wastewater as they are...  相似文献   

Atmospheric dry deposition is an important process for the introduction of aerosols and pollutants to aquatic environments. The objective of this paper is to assess, for the first time, the influence that the aquatic surface microlayer plays as a modifying factor of the magnitude of dry aerosol deposition fluxes. The occurrence of a low surface tension (ST) or a hydrophobic surface microlayer has been generated by spiking milli-Q water or pre-filtered seawater with a surfactant or octanol, respectively. The results show that fine mode (<2.7 μm) aerosol phase PAHs deposit with fluxes 2–3 fold higher when there is a low ST aquatic surface due to enhanced sequestration of colliding particles at the surface. Conversely, for PAHs bound to coarse mode aerosols (>2.7 μm), even though there is an enhanced deposition due to the surface microlayer for some sampling periods, the effect is not observed consistently. This is due to the importance of gravitational settling for large aerosols, rendering a lower influence of the aquatic surface on dry deposition fluxes. ST (mN m−1) is identified as one of the key factor driving the magnitude of PAH dry deposition fluxes (ng m−2 d−1) by its influence on PAH concentrations in deposited aerosols and deposition velocities (vd, cm s−1). Indeed, vd values are a function of ST as obtained by least square fitting and given by Ln(vd)=−1.77 Ln(ST)+5.74 (r2=0.95) under low wind speed (average 4 m s−1) conditions.  相似文献   

Deposition of nitric acid (HNO3) vapor to soils has been evaluated in three experimental settings: (1) continuously stirred tank reactors with the pollutant added to clean air, (2) open-top chambers at high ambient levels of pollution with and without filtration reducing particulate nitrate levels, (3) two field sites with high or low pollution loads in the coastal sage plant community of southern California. The results from experiment (1) indicated that the amount of extractable NO3 from isolated sand, silt and clay fractions increased with atmospheric concentration and duration of exposure. After 32 days, the highest absorption of HNO3 was determined for clay, followed by silt and sand. While the sand and silt fractions showed a tendency to saturate, the clay samples did not after 32 days of exposure under highly polluted conditions. Absorption of HNO3 occurred mainly in the top 1 mm layer of the soil samples and the presence of water increased HNO3 absorption by about 2-fold. Experiment (2) indicated that the presence of coarse particulate NO3 could effectively block absorption sites of soils for HNO3 vapor. Experiment (3) showed that soil samples collected from open sites had about 2.5 more extractable NO3 as compared to samples collected from beneath shrub canopies. The difference in NO3 occurred only in the upper 1–2 cm as no significant differences in NO3 concentrations were found in the 2–5 cm soil layers. Extractable NO3 from surface soils collected from a low-pollution site ranged between 1 and 8 μg NO3–N g−1, compared to a maximum of 42 μg NO3–N g−1 for soils collected from a highly polluted site. Highly significant relationship between HNO3 vapor doses and its accumulation in the upper layers of soils indicates that carefully prepared soil samples (especially clay fraction) may be useful as passive samplers for evaluation of ambient concentrations of HNO3 vapor.  相似文献   

Substantial emission of ammonia (NH3) from animal houses and the related high local deposition of NH3-N are a threat to semi-natural nitrogen-deficient ecosystems situated near the NH3 source. In Denmark, there are regulations limiting the level of NH3 emission from livestock houses near N-deficient ecosystems that are likely to change due to nitrogen (N) enrichment caused by NH3 deposition. The models used for assessing NH3 emission from livestock production, therefore, need to be precise, as the regulation will affect both the nature of the ecosystem and the economy of the farmer. Therefore a study was carried out with the objective of validating the Danish model used to monitor NH3 transport, dispersion and deposition from and in the neighbourhood of a chicken farm. In the study we measured NH3 emission with standard flux measuring methods, NH3 concentrations at increasing distances from the chicken houses using passive diffusion samplers and deposition using 15N-enriched biomonitors and field plot studies. The dispersion and deposition of NH3 were modelled using the Danish OML-DEP model. It was also shown that model calculations clearly reflect the measured NH3 concentration and N deposition. Deposition of N measured by biomonitors clearly reflected the variation in NH3 concentrations and showed that deposition was not significantly different from zero (P < 0.05) at distances greater than 150–200 m from these chicken houses. Calculations confirmed this, as calculated N deposition 320 m away from the chicken farm was only marginally affected by the NH3 emission from the farm. There was agreement between calculated and measured deposition showing that the model gives true estimates of the deposition in the neighbourhood of a livestock house emitting NH3.  相似文献   

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