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Aerosol number concentration was measured continuously in Helsinki from 1 of November, 1996 till 1 May, 1997. In addition to that number concentrations were measured simultaneously for 14 days in several places in a downtown area and in a remote site close to the city. The measured data allows us to investigate spatial variation of urban aerosol number concentration. In general, the number concentration time series measured in different places show high correlation. In areas, where traffic follows similar pattern and provides dominant local isotropic aerosol source, correlation in our case is high (about 0.8). Correlation mainly depends on the traffic intensity. During the working days concentration averages of 10 min – 1 h are good representatives of concentration variation in relatively large area of the city. The place for the sampling point must be chosen carefully.  相似文献   

Gas and aerosol measurements were made during the Polar Sunrise Experiment 2000 at Alert, Nunavut (Canada), using two independent denuder/filter systems for sampling and subsequent analysis by ion chromatography. Twelve to forty-eight hour samples were taken during a winter (9–21 February 2000) and a spring (17 April–5 May 2000) campaign. During the spring campaign, samples were taken at two different heights above the snow surface to investigate concentration differences. Total particulate NO3 is the most abundant inorganic nitrogen compound during Arctic springtime (mean 137.4 ng m−3). The NO3 fluxes were calculated above the snow surface to help identify processes that control snow–atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen compounds. We suggest that the observed fluxes of coarse particle NO3 via snow deposition may contribute to the nitrogen inventory in the snow surface. Measurements of surface snow provide experimental data that constrain the contribution of dry deposition of coarse particle NO3 to <7%. Wet deposition in falling snow appears to be the major contributor to the nitrate input to the snow.  相似文献   

分析了广州市中心城区5个主要的污水处理厂污泥的基本理化性质和7种重金属(Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Cd和Zn)在不同雨期的浓度变化,估算了广州市污水处理厂污泥重金属的年排放通量,并对其污泥农用做了潜在风险评价。结果表明,各污水厂污泥均达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)对重金属的排放要求,污泥的基本理化性质满足《城镇污水处理厂污泥处置农用泥质》(CJ/T309-2009)标准,沥滘、猎德、京溪和大坦沙污水厂的污泥重金属满足CJ/T309-2009要求,而西朗污水处理厂2013年12月采集的污泥中Cu和Cd未达标。通过估算,广州市污水处理厂污泥中Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Cd和Zn的年排放通量分别为16.1、18.8、90.3、5.9、7.9、0.2和48.3 t。通过Hakanson生态风险评估,污泥在农用过程中除西朗污水处理厂污泥重金属危害为中等风险,其他厂污泥属于低风险。  相似文献   

The influence of humidity is considered on the concentration of the suspended particulate matter (SPM) measured with a β-ray counter. The humidity condition inside a small observatory where the counter is located is, in general, different from the ambient condition outside the observatory. From the measured values, the ambient SPM concentration is derived considering the hygroscopic effect of common aerosol species of sea salt (SS), (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3 and NaNO3. In a case study conducted during September 2005, temperature and humidity were measured both inside and outside the observatory. The average value of the relative humidity is 48% for inside and 78% for outside, resulting in approximately 53% larger SPM mass concentration after the correction. Accordingly, the value of mass extinction efficiency, which is given by the ratio between the optically measured extinction coefficient and the mass concentration, becomes lower after the correction.  相似文献   

The aerosol optical thickness over land is derived from satellite measurements of the radiance of scattered sunlight. These data are used to estimate the columnar mass density of particulate sulfur on a day with a large amount of sulfur. The horizontal transport of the particulate sulfur is calculated using wind vectors measured with rawins.  相似文献   

The soil in a drained fjord area, reclaimed for arable farming, produced N2O mainly at 75–105 cm depth, just above the ground water level. Surface emissions of N2O were measured from discrete small areas by closed and open-flow chamber methods, using gas chromatographic analysis and over larger areas by integrative methods: flux gradient (analysis by FTIR), conditional sampling (analysis by TDLAS), and eddy covariance (analysis by TDLAS). The mean emission of N2O as determined by chamber procedures during a 9-day campaign was 162–202 μg N2ONm−2h−1 from a wheat stubble and 328–467 μg N2ONm−2 h−1 from a carrot field. The integrative approaches gave N2O emissions of 149–495 μg N2ONm−2 h−1, i.e. a range similar to those determined with the chamber methods. Wind direction affected the comparison of chamber and integrative methods because of patchiness of the N2O emission over the area. When a uniform area with a single type of vegetation had a dominant effect on the N2O gradient at the sampling mast, the temporal variation in N2O emission determined by the flux gradient/FTIR method and chamber methods was very similar, with differences of only 18% or less in mean N2O emission, well below the variation encountered with the chamber methods themselves. A detailed comparison of FTIR gradient and chamber data taking into account the precise emission footprint showed good agreement. It is concluded that there was no bias between the different approaches used to measure the N2O emission and that the precision of the measurements was determined by the spatial variability of the N2O emission at the site and the variability inherent in the individual techniques. These results confirm that measurements of N2O emissions from different ecosystems obtained by the different methods can be meaningfully compared.  相似文献   

A mathematical model and numerical procedure are proposed for investigation of aspiration efficiency and the particle concentration field around a slot sampler in a moving gas. A potential-flow model for the carrier gas and a Lagrangian method for calculation of particle trajectories and concentration are employed. The particle concentration patterns around the slot and at the sampler inlet are studied. The dependence of the aspiration efficiency on the ratio of the wind and sampling velocities is analyzed. It is shown that the local aspiration efficiency calculated on the symmetry axis of the slot gives satisfactory approximation for the integral aspiration efficiency.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected using a stacked filter unit (SFU) for PM10-2.0 and PM2.0 size fractions on the platform of a metropolitan underground railway station in downtown Budapest. Temporal variations in the PM10 mass concentration and wind speed and direction were determined with time resolutions of 30 and 4 s using a tapered-element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) and a wind monitor, respectively. Sample analysis involved gravimetry for particulate mass, and particle-induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE) for elemental composition. Diurnal variation of the PM10 mass concentration exhibited two peaks, one at approximately 07:00 h and the other at approximately 17:00 h. The mean±SD PM10 mass concentration for working hours was 155±55 μg m−3. Iron, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Cr concentrations were higher than in outdoor air by factors between 5 and 20, showing substantial enrichment compared to both the average crustal rock composition and the average outdoor aerosol composition. Iron accounted for 40% and 46% of the PM10-2.0 and PM2.0 masses, respectively, and 72% of the PM10 mass was associated with the PM10-2.0 size fraction. The aerosol composition in the metro station (in particular the abundance of the metals mentioned above) is quite different from the average outdoor downtown composition. Mechanical wear and friction of electric conducting rails and bow sliding collectors, ordinary rails and wheels, as well as resuspension, were identified as the primary sources. Possible health implications based on comparison to various limit values and to data available for other underground railways are discussed.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations were conducted on a set of flux chamber measurements at a landfill to estimate the relationship between the number of flux chamber samples and study area size on the emission rate measurement accuracy. The spatial variability of flux was addressed in the study by utilizing an existing flux chamber measurement data set that is one of the most dense flux chamber sampling arrays published to date for a landfill. At a probability of 95%, the Monte Carlo simulations indicated that achieving an accuracy within 10% with the flux chamber method is highly unlikely. An accuracy within 20% was achieved for small areas of less than about 0.2 hectares using 220 flux chamber measurements, but achieving this level of accuracy for area emission sources, of similar or greater variability, that are larger than this is highly unlikely. An accuracy within 30% was achieved up to the Full Area of about 0.4 hectares if more than approximately 120 samples were obtained. Even for an accuracy within 50%, at least 40 flux chamber measurements were needed for the Full Area of about 0.4 hectares. Available methods of estimating the number of samples required were compared to the Monte Carlo simulation results. The Monte Carlo simulations indicate that, in general, more samples are required than determined from an existing statistical method, which is a function of the mean and standard deviation of the population. Specifying the number of samples based on a regulatory method results in very poor accuracy. A modification to the statistical method for estimating the number of samples, or for estimating an accuracy for a given probability and number of samples, is proposed.

Implications: The flux chamber method is the most widely used method of measuring fugitive emission rates from area sources. However, extrapolation of a set of individual flux chamber samples to a larger area results in area flux measurement values of unknown accuracy. Quantification of the accuracy of the extrapolation of a set of flux chamber measurements would be beneficial for understanding the confidence that can be placed on the measurement results. Guidance as to the appropriate number of flux chamber measurements to achieve a desired level of accuracy would benefit flux chamber method practitioners.  相似文献   

In order to quantify the contribution of solvent use and road traffic to the total non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions in Germany, the composition of air in the city of Wuppertal was investigated during three campaigns at different locations. The measurements covered NMVOCs in the range of C3–C10 hydrocarbons and C1–C6 oxygenated compounds. An assessment of the contribution from different emission sources to the observed NMVOC concentrations was attempted with the chemical mass balance (CMB) modelling technique. Emission profiles for traffic were obtained from measurements performed in a traffic tunnel, at a downtown street intersection and during drives through the city and on motorways. Solvent emission profiles were investigated in the vicinity of different factories and workshops using solvents in Wuppertal. Apportionment analyses were performed for several receptor points located down-wind from the city centre, in residential, dense traffic and industrial areas.The results of the present work show that traffic emission rather than solvent use determines the ambient NMVOC composition. The maximum contribution of solvent use to the NMVOC emission estimated on the basis of experimentally obtained results amounts to about 23% in the whole area of Wuppertal. It can be concluded that the contribution of solvent use to the NMVOC concentrations also in other German cities falls in the range of few to about 20%, assuming that Wuppertal can be considered as a typical German urban area with certain proportions of domestic, traffic and various industrial activities. These results are in strong disagreement with the German Emission Inventory, which states, that in the reference year 2003 about 51% of the total NMVOC emissions originate from solvent use and only 14% from traffic.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of aerosol (PM10) and associated water-soluble ionic and carbonaceous species were conducted in Guangzhou, a mega city of China, during summer 2006. Elevated levels of most chemical species were observed especially at nighttime during two episodes, characterized by dramatic build-up of the biomass burning tracers levoglucosan and non-sea-salt potassium, when the prevailing wind direction had changed due to two approaching tropical cyclones. High-resolution air mass back trajectories based on the MM5 model revealed that air masses with high concentrations of levoglucosan (43–473 ng m?3) and non-sea-salt potassium (0.83–3.2 μg m?3) had passed over rural regions of the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Province, where agricultural activities and field burning of crop residues are common practices. The relative contributions of biomass burning smoke to organic carbon in PM10 were estimated from levoglucosan data to be on average 7.0 and 14% at daytime and nighttime, respectively, with maxima of 9.7 and 32% during the episodic transport events, indicating that biomass and biofuel burning activities in the rural parts of the Pearl River Delta and neighboring regions could have a significant impact on ambient urban aerosol levels.  相似文献   

The management and operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) usually involve the release into the atmosphere of malodorous substances with the potential to reduce the quality of life of people living nearby. In this type of facility, anaerobic degradation processes contribute to the generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), often at quite high concentrations; thus, the presence of this chemical compound in the atmosphere can be a good indicator of the occurrence and intensity of the olfactory impact in a specific area. The present paper describes the experimental and modelling work being carried out by CEAM-UMH in the surroundings of several wastewater treatment plants located in the Valencia Autonomous Community (Spain). This work has permitted the estimation of H2S emission rates at different WWTPs under different environmental and operating conditions. Our methodological approach for analyzing and describing the most relevant aspects of the olfactory impact consisted of several experimental campaigns involving intensive field measurements using passive samplers in the vicinity of several WWTPs, in combination with numerical simulation results from a diagnostic dispersion model. A meteorological tower at each WWTP provided the input values for the dispersion code, ensuring a good fit of the advective component and therefore more confidence in the modelled concentration field in response to environmental conditions. Then, comparisons between simulated and experimental H2S concentrations yielded estimates of the global emission rate for this substance at several WWTPs at different time periods. The results obtained show a certain degree of temporal and spatial (between-plant) variability (possibly due to both operational and environmental conditions). Nevertheless, and more importantly, the results show a high degree of uniformity in the estimates, which consistently stay within the same order of magnitude.

Implications: Estimating emissions to the atmosphere is usually considered a complex task, especially when such discharge comes from diffuse or uncontrolled sources. In any approach to air quality control, just from the point of view of increasing knowledge or as a management problem in order to reduce present levels of pollution, accurate estimation of emission rates is revealed as a fundamental step. Evaluation from an indirect method provides a useful methodology in such cases. Combination of dispersion modeling with experimental air concentration measurements permits one to obtain a first estimation of H2S emission rates at several wastewater treatment plants. In a subsequent refinement of the process, the initial constant average emissions calculated were improved, leading to the formulation of a time-varying emission model, as a function of environmental quantities.  相似文献   

The management and operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) usually involve the release into the atmosphere of malodorous substances with the potential to reduce the quality of life of people living nearby. In this type of facility, anaerobic degradation processes contribute to the generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), often at quite high concentrations; thus, the presence of this chemical compound in the atmosphere can be a good indicator of the occurrence and intensity of the olfactory impact in a specific area. The present paper describes the experimental and modelling work being carried out by CEAM-UMH in the surroundings of several wastewater treatment plants located in the Valencia Autonomous Community (Spain). This work has permitted the estimation of H2S emission rates at different WWTPs under different environmental and operating conditions. Our methodological approach for analyzing and describing the most relevant aspects of the olfactory impact consisted of several experimental campaigns involving intensive field measurements using passive samplers in the vicinity of several WWTPs, in combination with numerical simulation results from a diagnostic dispersion model. A meteorological tower at each WWTP provided the input values for the dispersion code, ensuring a good fit of the advective component and therefore more confidence in the modelled concentration field in response to environmental conditions. Then, comparisons between simulated and experimental H2S concentrations yielded estimates of the global emission rate for this substance at several WWTPs at different time periods. The results obtained show a certain degree of temporal and spatial (between-plant) variability (possibly due to both operational and environmental conditions). Nevertheless, and more importantly, the results show a high degree of uniformity in the estimates, which consistently stay within the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to obtain a better assessment of the Patras, Greece, air quality, in terms of the primary pollutants total suspended particulates (TSPs) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), because limited and short-duration measurements have been conducted in the past. Installation and operation of a mobile air monitoring station at two different locations in the Patras downtown area and one location in the outskirts of the city was undertaken and covered the periods July 1, 1994-January 30, 1995; March 18-August 23, 1995; and April 19-July 27, 1996, respectively. For both pollutants measured at each location, the monthly average concentrations and typical weekly variation of daily averages, as well as the diurnal variations and frequency concentration distributions in each month of the monitoring periods, were calculated and are presented in bar diagrams. The annual and winter period medians and the annual 98th percentile were also calculated and are compared with the limit and guide values provided by the European Economic Community Council Directive 80/779/EEC. In addition, comparison of SO2 values is made with the limit values adopted by the more recent Directive 1999/30/EC. It was found that the TSP and SO2 levels at all locations were very low and were lower than the levels found in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece. An attempt to explain what had been measured is also undertaken. The data presented are considered essential for future reference and comparison purposes.  相似文献   

Several studies indicate that mortality and morbidity can be well correlated to atmospheric aerosol concentrations with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5). In this work the PM2.5 at Recife city was analyzed as part of a main research project (INAIRA) to evaluate the air pollution impact on human health in six Brazilian metropolitan areas. The average concentration, for 309 samples (24-hr), from June 2007 to July 2008, was 7.3 µg/m³, with an average of 1.1 µg/m³ of black carbon. The elemental concentrations of samples were obtained by x-ray fluorescence. The concentrations were then used for characterizing the aerosol, and also were employed for receptor modelling to identify the major local sources of PM2.5. Positive matrix factorization analysis indicated six main factors, with four being associated to soil dust, vehicles and sea spray, metallurgical activities, and biomass burning, while for a chlorine factor, and others related to S, Ca, Br, and Na, we could make no specific source association. Principal component analysis also indicated six dominant factors, with some specific characteristics. Four factors were associated to soil dust, vehicles, biomass burning, and sea spray, while for the two others, a chlorine- and copper-related factor and a nickel-related factor, it was not possible to do a specific source association. The association of the factors to the likely sources was possible thanks to meteorological analysis and sources information. Each model, although giving similar results, showed factors’ peculiarities, especially for source apportionment. The observed PM2.5 concentration levels were acceptable, notwithstanding the high urbanization of the metropolitan area, probably due to favorable conditions for air pollution dispersion. More than a valuable historical register, these results should be very important for the next analysis, which will correlate health data, PM2.5 levels, and sources contributions in the context of the six studied Brazilian metropolises.
Implications: The analysis of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Recife city, Brazil, gave a significant picture of the local concentration and composition of this pollutant, which exhibits robust associations to adverse human health effects. Data from 1 year of sampling evaluated the seasonal variability and its connections with weather patterns. Source apportionment in this metropolitan area was obtained based in a combination of receptor models: principal component analysis (PCA)/chemical mass balance (CMB) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). These results give guidelines for local air pollution control actions, providing significant information for a health study in the context of establishing a new national air pollution protocol based on Brazilian cities data.  相似文献   

The paper describes an experimental set-up designed to measure the volatilization of different pesticides after application under full-scale field conditions. The pesticides were sprayed around the circumference of a circle and measurements of meteorology and air concentrations of pesticides were taken in the centre of the circle. The paper describes how the dimensions like the radius of the circle and height of the mast in the experimental set-up are found from theoretical considerations. A method to increase the confidence of the flux calculations is described. It utilizes that several substances were applied simultaneously and that a certain parameter in the fitted concentration profiles depends on turbulence only and thus have the same value for all substances. The design was used during two campaigns, conducted on the same location, one during fall on bare soil and one in spring on a barley crop.  相似文献   

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