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基于DEA方法的我国大气污染治理效率评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
选取废气治理设施数、废气处理运行费用和工业二氧化硫、工业烟尘、工业粉尘去除量作为大气污染治理的投入与产出变量,运用超效率DEA模型,对我国各省份2004~2009年大气污染治理效率进行研究.结果表明,研究期内我国大气污染治理效率的省际格局基本不变,中部地区大气污染治理效率高于东部和西部地区;江西、内蒙古等省份大气污染治理效率相对较高,而北京、天津、四川、新疆等省份则相对较低;并据此提出了相应的大气污染治理投入的对策建议.  相似文献   

Climate change mitigation and air quality management are mostly addressed separately in South African legal acts and policies. This approach is not always coherent, especially in the context of other serious issues South Africa is facing, such as poverty alleviation. Policies implemented to mitigate climate change might increase negative health affects due to unanticipated outcomes (e.g. increased local air pollution), and these indirect consequences must therefore be taken into account when devising mitigation strategies. However, greenhouse gas mitigation policies can also have co-benefits and positive impacts on local air pollution. An evidence-based approach that takes into account greenhouse gas emissions, ambient air pollutants, economic factors (affordability, cost optimisation), social factors (poverty alleviations, public health benefits), and political acceptability is needed tackle these challenges. A proposal is made that use of an integrated climate/air pollution techno-economic optimising model, such as the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Synergies (GAINS) model, may provide a rational decision support tool to guide policy makers into effective strategies for combined Climate Change and Air Quality mitigation measures.  相似文献   

分析了工业能源利用过程中大气污染防治的环境经济政策。从产业结构调整、能效优化、排污管理等层面对现行政策进行梳理和分析,并通过模拟中国不同类型城市的发展情景,提出对应的政策组合选择建议:对于数量扩张型城市,可选择增值税优惠、信贷融资支持政策,鼓励环境友好型、科技创新型产业的发展;对于资源依赖型城市,可选择合理设定资源税从价计征税率,发展排污权交易,辅以能效领跑者制度,引导产业结构调整,鼓励企业提高能效,并对污染物排放进行较为严格的管理;对于综合发展型城市,可推行企业环保信用奖惩机制,充分发挥信用体系在现代经济社会中的重要性,促进企业向环境友好型发展,约束和推动企业兼顾业务拓展和环境责任。  相似文献   

在总量控制体系下实施点源与非点源排污交易的理论研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
阐述了点源与非点源排污交易的基本思路,通过边际削减成本的比较,对交易的经济可行性进行了分析,并指出此种交易模式与传统的点源治理模式的成本差异。在给定的简化条件下,提出了单一点源与单一非点源的交易模型。  相似文献   

Agriculture contributes significantly to the anthropogenic emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide. In this paper, a review is presented of the agriculture related sources of methane and nitrous oxide, and of the main strategies for mitigation. The rumen is the most important source of methane production, especially in cattle husbandry. Less, but still substantial, amounts of methane are produced from cattle manures. In pig and poultry husbandry, most methane originates from manures. The main sources of nitrous oxide are: nitrogen fertilisers, land applied animal manure, and urine deposited by grazing animals. Most effective mitigation strategies for methane comprise a source approach, i.e. changing animals’ diets towards greater efficiencies. Methane emissions, however, can also be effectively reduced by optimal use of the gas produced from manures, e.g. for energy production. Frequent and complete manure removal from animal housing, combined with on-farm biogas production is an example of an integrated on-farm solution. Reduced fertiliser nitrogen input, optimal fertiliser form, adding nitrification inhibitors, land drainage management, and reduced land compaction by restricted grazing are the best ways to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions from farm land, whereas, management of bedding material and solid manure reduce nitrous oxide emissions from housing and storage. Other than for methane, mitigation measures for nitrous oxide interact with other important environmental issues, like reduction of nitrate leaching and ammonia emission. Mitigation strategies for reduction of the greenhouse gases should also minimize pollution swapping.  相似文献   

揭示了氨污染处理的成本效益,提出氨作为废物与资源的临界点浓度与氨的经济价值模型,并探讨了不同形态及介质中氨污染处理技术的成本差异.结果表明,在废水中氨氮浓度接近于10%时,通过资源化利用基本能够达到净现值为0,即收支平衡.相同进水浓度时,氨氮在碱性条件下单位处理成本最低,为0.19~0.41元/kg NH3,在离子态、...  相似文献   

This paper examines to what extent climate change policies will alter the effectiveness of agreed-upon or future policies to reduce regional air pollution in Europe and vice versa. And when is it cost-effective to combat regional air pollution with clean technology instead of add-on technology?For this exercise, several extensions were made to the energy model TIMER, to introduce add-on abatement technologies, specified in terms of costs and reduction potentials, in order to be able to calculate cost-effective emission reduction strategies for different scenarios and regions.The results show that add-on technologies to reduce regional air pollution remain necessary throughout the century. The costs to reach the NOx emission reduction targets in Europe are about three times as high as for SO2. Mitigation costs averaged over the century by add-on technologies can be reduced by climate measures by 50–70% for SO2 and around 50% for NOx. The costs of SO2 and NOx mitigation by add-on technology in a world without climate policy are comparable or in some periods even higher than the costs of an integrated mitigation of SO2, NOx and CO2 emissions if a reduction of specific costs by learning is, in contrast with energy technologies, not assumed for abatement technologies. So, the costs of SO2 and NOx add-on measures avoided by climate policies can outweigh the costs of these climate measures. The total annual costs are in the order of 1 or 2% of the present GDP, depending on the scenario.  相似文献   

Information concerning atmospheric stability and turbulence is basic in studies related to air pollution meteorology. In this context a monostatic sodar has been operating at the National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, for many years to probe the thermal structure of the lower atmosphere in real time and space.Various observed thermal structures viz. nocturnal inversion, thermal plumes, formation and break-up of inversion, orographical mixing, multilayered structures and waves etc., are the result of the different atmospheric stabilities and turbulence conditions. These structures have been studied in the light of surface measurements of wind speed and direction for organized indexing of the structural details to infer meteorological conditions concerning Pasquill stability classifications.The height of the ground-based thermal structure has been correlated with the Richardson number, Ri, for quantitative estimation of the turbulence parameter. Estimated values of Ri have been further used to determine the cross wind dispersion coefficient, σy. The results obtained are realistic and can be used as input parameters for air pollution modelling.  相似文献   

Representative driving cycles across the Perth, Western Australia, metropolitan region illustrate a direct relationship to urban land use. Movement away from the central business district results in fewer traffic events, higher speeds, longer cruise periods and shorter stops. The consequent reduction in root mean square acceleration leads to a corresponding reduction in vehicle emission factors. Urban planning implications are pursued and highlight the importance of public transport as an option in reducing urban air pollution.  相似文献   

In addition to causing domestic and regional environmental effects, many air pollutants contribute to radiative forcing (RF) of the climate system. However, climate effects are not considered when cost-effective abatement targets for these pollutants are established, nor are they included in current international climate agreements. We construct air pollution abatement scenarios in 2030 which target cost-effective reductions in RF in the EU, USA, and China and compare these to abatement scenarios which instead target regional ozone effects and particulate matter concentrations. Our analysis covers emissions of PM (fine, black carbon and organic carbon), SO2, NOx, CH4, VOCs, and CO. We find that the effect synergies are strong for PM/BC, VOC, CO and CH4. While an air quality strategy targeted at reducing ozone will also reduce RF, this will not be the case for a strategy targeting particulate matter. Abatement in China dominates RF reduction, but there are cheap abatement options also available in the EU and USA. The justification for international cooperation on air quality issues is underlined when the co-benefits of reduced RF are considered. Some species, most importantly SO2, contribute a negative forcing on climate. We suggest that given current knowledge, NOx and SO2 should be ignored in RF-targeted abatement policies.  相似文献   

In 2005 the European Commission launched a Thematic Strategy on air pollution for the European Union. We use an analytical framework that relates credibility, legitimacy and relevance of assessments to “boundary work” between science and policy to address the following questions: (1) how did experts, stakeholders and policy makers in the process distribute roles and tasks between them and how did they work together and (2) to what extent and in what way did this constitute credibility, legitimacy and relevance of the assessment? We conclude that the European Commission took great effort to organise a transparent assessment process based on scientific knowledge and with extensive involvement of stakeholders and Member States. Bilateral consultations, review of integrated assessment models, and transparency and documentation of integrated assessment work played an important role in enhancing credibility, legitimacy and relevance for the Member States. On the other hand, some industry groups were not satisfied with their role as stakeholders instead of experts. However the assessment established a sufficient degree of credibility, legitimacy and relevance with the majority of the actors involved to have an impact on the actual policy process.  相似文献   

京津冀地区重污染天气过程的污染气象条件数值模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
通过采用全球再分析格点资料的统计分析和WRF中尺度数值模拟,从天气学和大气边界层气象学角度分析了2013年12月和2014年2月两次重污染过程中京津冀地区天气尺度大气停滞气象条件和大气污染扩散气象条件的特征及其作用,并根据WRF模式精细化模拟结果分析了太行山和燕山对京津冀地区城市大气污染形成的作用.研究结果表明,两次重污染天气过程中京津冀地区500 h Pa等压面上的平均风速均表现为明显的气候异常特征,500 h Pa平均风速较近10年同期分别下降了约30.8%和50.4%,大气停滞系数较近5年同期分别偏高10%和20%以上;京津冀地区发生严重污染时,WRF模式模拟的日平均混合层高度低于200 m,日平均地面10 m风速低于2 m·s-1,日平均通风量可降低到1000 m2·s-1以下,空气质量指数与日平均通风量成负相关,重污染期间的平均通风量比近5年同期平均通风量偏低29.3%~52.8%,这些不利于污染扩散的天气条件持续数日,导致了重污染天气的发生.此外,太行山对西风气流的阻挡是河北中南部地区大气污染加剧的一个重要原因,而当主导风向为偏南风时,偏南气流遇燕山后或转向回流、或爬坡,导致近地面风速减小,不利于污染物扩散,亦加剧了京津冀地区中南部城市的大气污染.  相似文献   

Air pollution causes an estimated 200,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. Older adults are at greater risk of mortality caused by air pollution. Here we quantify the number of older adult facilities in Los Angeles County who are exposed to high levels of traffic derived air pollution, and propose policy solutions to reduce pollution exposure to this vulnerable subgroup. Distances between 20,362 intersections and 858 elder care facilities were estimated, and roads or highways within 500 of facilities were used to estimate traffic volume exposure. Of the 858 facilities, 54 were located near at least one major roadway, defined as a traffic volume over 100,000 cars per day. These 54 facilities house approximately 6000 older adults. Following standards established for schools, we recommend legislation mandating the placement of new elder care facilities a minimum of 500 ft from major roadways in order to reduce unnecessary mortality risk from pollution exposure.  相似文献   

室内空气质量及污染控制   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
分析了室内空气污染的成因及影响 ,论述了我国室内空气污染的基本特征及污染现状 ,提出了控制室内空气污染、改善室内空气质量的措施。  相似文献   

A study has been made on elements organic constituents, TSP, SO2,NO2 of atmospheric pollutants in Beijing. 17 elements, and some PAHs, e. g. B(a)P, B(b, j, k)P, and B(g, h, i)P, in airborne particles by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and HPLC, GC/MS, have been determined respectively. It has been shown that the elements Pb, Zn, S and Cu were more enriched in fine particles and different valence states of sulfur at various sites. It was found that the concentrations of S6+ and S2-were more than 85% and less than 15% of the total sulfur respectively. Concentrations of major PAHs and sulfur-containing compounds increased in winter and in urban area. High values for Pb and Zn in city, Fe and Mn at industrial area and Cu, Al rural sites were obtained respectively. This implies the functions of different elemental sources of various sites. Thus, elements can be from distingushed anthropogenic and natural sources.The main contribution of SO2 was found of to have same seasonal variation as the anthropogenic el  相似文献   

A large number of small and medium scale industries are engaged in the manufacture of a variety of chemical and allied products in Gujarat (India). Considering resource constraints, increasing public awareness, and judicial interventions, common facilities are created for industrial waste management. Simultaneously, the Government of Gujarat initiated development of a plan for the promotion of cleaner production in the state, and developing human resources for the assessment of the potential of cleaner production in industries. Several proactive measures are also taken up on the overall environmental management by involving industries associations of the industrial estates/ agglomerates. Local Cleaner Production Centres are encouraged at the industrial estate levels. Some impediments as well as issues are identified, which need to be addressed to help cleaner production related activities pick up in a big way and sustain. It is expected that the observations made in this study are equally applicable to other developing countries.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture is a major sector of agricultural economy where high value crops are grown with substantial input of fertilizers and pesticides. High concentrations of nitrate and pesticides have been observed in ground water beneath irrigated areas in humid regions, where irrigation is practiced on sandy soils that have low water-holding capacity. Data from these areas indicate that irrigation wells are typically screened in the bottom part of the aquifer (which contain coarser deposits) whereas the domestic wells are screened just below the water table. Monitoring results from several irrigated areas have shown the stratification of dissolved inorganic and organic chemicals in the aquifer. Nitrate in such systems is typically highest near the surface. This has serious health implications for the rural population that relies upon shallow ground water for drinking. Current environmental policy towards pollution reduction focuses on improved management practices to reduce the loading of the chemicals to ground water. However, an engineering issue, dealing with the design of the irrigation and domestic wells has not been addressed. A design modification for the irrigation and domestic wells can reduce the risk of high nitrate ground water being pumped by domestic wells. A proposal to convert a deep vertical irrigation well to a series of small-capacity shallow vertical wells or a large-capacity horizontal well and slight deepening of the domestic wells was examined through simulations. This can reduce the nitrate concentration of ground water in domestic wells dramatically and use the high nitrate water for crop irrigation.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture is a major sector of agricultural economy where high value crops are grown with substantial input of fertilizers and pesticides. High concentrations of nitrate and pesticides have been observed in ground water beneath irrigated areas in humid regions, where irrigation is practiced on sandy soils that have low water-holding capacity. Data from these areas indicate that irrigation wells are typically screened in the bottom part of the aquifer (which contain coarser deposits) whereas the domestic wells are screened just below the water table. Monitoring results from several irrigated areas have shown the stratification of dissolved inorganic and organic chemicals in the aquifer. Nitrate in such systems is typically highest near the surface. This has serious health implications for the rural population that relies upon shallow ground water for drinking. Current environmental policy towards pollution reduction focuses on improved management practices to reduce the loading of the chemicals to ground water. However, an engineering issue, dealing with the design of the irrigation and domestic wells has not been addressed. A design modification for the irrigation and domestic wells can reduce the risk of high nitrate ground water being pumped by domestic wells. A proposal to convert a deep vertical irrigation well to a series of small-capacity shallow vertical wells or a large-capacity horizontal well and slight deepening of the domestic wells was examined through simulations. This can reduce the nitrate concentration of ground water in domestic wells dramatically and use the high nitrate water for crop irrigation.  相似文献   

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