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谢谚 《化工环保》2019,39(6):608-613
针对石油石化企业的溢油风险,提出企业在厂区雨水系统、外排口、涉水生产设施、环境敏感受体、溢油事故应急处置5类场景下的溢油监测需求,总结了溢油监测技术的类型和特点,介绍了可见光、红外、紫外、荧光、高光谱、微波辐射、雷达、电磁能量吸收等溢油监测技术的应用现状和优缺点。提出:企业溢油监测系统可分为企业内部溢油风险分级管控监测、企业边界的溢油风险报警监测、敏感环境监视的风险预警监测、溢油事故应急救援的溢油处置监测4个层次的运行模式。  相似文献   

Tar balls are frequently reported as an indicator of the extent of the impact of a spill incident. The determination of the density of tar balls is basic to the shoreline cleanup assessment team (SCAT) process, and is frequently used by the media as an indication of oil pollution. The processes involved in the evolution of tar balls are not well understood and there is a paucity of literature on the science of tar ball formation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ways in which news values shape the reporting of oil spills and the constraints under which media practitioners work. A series of oil spills since the late 1960s [including the Torrey Canyon (1967), the Exxon Valdez (1989), and the Sea Empress (1996)] have attracted considerable attention from the news media. The focus is upon the dynamics through which news sources, with their own particular vested interests, compete to secure representation of the issues. Media discourse on risk and the environment is, to a significant extent, a discourse dependent upon the voices of official “experts”. Environmental organizations, industry, scientists and government offer their own particular competing accounts of the “reality” of the situation. Issues concerning differential access to the news media are crucial when considering who comes to define the event. Accordingly, the article examines the strategies adopted by the various news sources involved in influencing the symbolic representation of public issues.Media practitioners are faced with great problems in interpreting and explaining these competing claims. Relatively few journalists and broadcasters have a scientific training and perhaps one of the greatest problems is that by simplifying complex scientific information one inevitably distorts it. Frequently researchers make the assumption that it is possible to demonstrate a direct causal link between news media coverage and public attitudes. However, the paper calls for great caution in interpreting “public opinion” concerning environmental issues and concludes by arguing that news media representations may more usefully be viewed as the outcome of a battle among a selective range of news sources, each seeking to provide their own definition of the public representation of the issues.  相似文献   

The coastal region affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, although a beautiful and sensitive maritime wilderness with bountiful fish and wildlife, was not a pristine environment in 1989. Prior to the spill, Prince William Sound and the northern Gulf of Alaska region had experienced extensive human impacts from the commercial fur trade, commercial sea-mammal hunting, commercial fishing, logging, mining and introduced exotic species including foxes, Sitka black-tailed deer and hatchery-reared pink salmon. The spill occurred in a scenic area that was (and is) paradoxically both the source of subsistence food for local residents and the scene of extensive natural resource exploitation.Contrary to media sound bites and news headlines, the Exxon Valdez oil spill did not destroy a pristine wilderness. The Russian and American fur traders, commercial whalers and commercial fishermen, miners, loggers, fox farmers and military construction crews had transformed the region long before March 24, 1989. The Exxon Valdez spill was an important chapter in the history of human impacts to the area’s maritime ecosystem, but it was not, as many continue to claim, the mother of all environmental impacts in the region.  相似文献   

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) was largely driven by the catastrophic EXXON VALDEZ tanker spill and several other major tanker spills that followed in 1989. Under the OPA 90 mandate, the US Coast Guard, in partnership with other Federal agencies and industry have implemented a number of initiatives that have significantly enhanced the national oil spill prevention, preparedness and response capability. Declining trends in the volume of oil spilled into US waters indicates that these initiatives are at least in some measure successful.The Coast Guard is now concerned about what the future may hold in terms of oil pollution threats, and prevention, preparedness and response program shortcomings and opportunities in the future. To address this issue, the Coast Guard, in partnership with other National Response Team agencies and industry, is conducting a Broad-Based Programmatic Risk Assessment to develop a comprehensive vision and strategy for the Oil Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response (OSPPR) Program in the 21st Century. This study will characterize the current and emerging oil spill threats by source category, assess the potential impacts of these threats to define overall risk, and examine the current and projected effectiveness of OSPPR initiatives in minimizing these risks. Key issues, problems and focus areas will be identified and targeted for follow-on risk analysis and management activities by the Coast Guard and agency and industry stakeholders.  相似文献   

A 3-D hybrid flow/transport model has been developed to predict the dispersal of oil pollution in coastal waters. The transport module of the model takes predetermined current and turbulent diffusivities and uses Lagrangian tracking to predict the motion of individual particles (droplets), the sum of which constitute a hypothetical oil spill. Currents and turbulent diffusivities used in the model have been generated by a numerical ocean circulation model (Princeton ocean model) implemented for the Caspian Sea. The basic processes affecting the fate of the oil spill are taken into account and parameterized in the transport model.The hybrid model is implemented for a simulated continuous release in the coastal waters of the Caspian Sea. The potential of the model for the prediction of the advective and turbulent transport and dispersal of oil spills is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Parameter uncertainty is ubiquitous in marine environmental processes. Failure to account for this uncertainty may lead to erroneous results, and may have significant environmental and economic ramifications. Stochastic modeling of oil spill transport and fate is, therefore, central in the development of an oil spill contingency plan for new oil and gas projects. Over the past twenty years, several stochastic modeling tools have been developed for modeling parameter uncertainty, including the spectral, perturbation, and simulation methods. In this work we explore the application of a new stochastic methodology, the first-order reliability method (FORM), in oil spill modeling. FORM was originally developed in the structural reliability field and has been recently applied to various environmental problems. The method has many appealing features that makes it a powerful tool for modeling complex environmental systems. The theory of FORM is presented, identifying the features that distinguish the method from other stochastic tools. Different formulations to the reliability-based stochastic oil spill modeling are presented in a decision-analytic context.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment is a formal process, either quantitative or semi-quantitative, to evaluate the possible ecological consequences of human activities and natural catastrophes. While formal risk assessments have been used for years when dealing with risks to human health, the application of such structured analyses is less common for environmental issues. It is, however, an area of intense interest, both scientifically and technically, in the United States at the present time. This paper suggests a methodology for applying ecological risk assessment protocols to the oil spill response planning process, which should improve our ability to compare and evaluate response options, especially controversial options such as the use of dispersants.  相似文献   

Long records of geophysical forcing have been used in numerous studies to estimate a statistical distribution of oil spill scenarios. The resulting set of spill scenarios is then used as a basis for planning a robust response capability that should be able to handle all likely real spills. For model developers to be able to support these expectations there are a number of criteria that must be satisfied: (1) Models must develop and retain the data necessary to answer key response questions; (2) developers must understand the limitations in resolution imposed by the specific algorithms they use; and (3) the cardinality of the long geophysical records (with respect to modeled spill behavior) should be determined and the final collection of spill scenarios must span this set. This paper considers these specific constraints and discusses methods that can be used to quantify some aspects of the uncertainty in the output.  相似文献   

In situ burning is an oil spill response technique or tool that involves the controlled ignition and burning of the oil at or near the spill site on the surface of the water or in a marsh (see Lindau et al., this volume). Although controversial, burning has been shown on several recent occasions to be an appropriate oil spill countermeasure. When used early in a spill before the oil weathers and releases its volatile components, burning can remove oil from the waters surface very efficiently and at very high rates. Removal efficiencies for thick slicks can easily exceed 95% (Advanced In Situ Burn Course, Spiltec, Woodinville, WA, 1997). In situ burning offers a logistically simple, rapid, inexpensive and if controlled a relatively safe means for reducing the environmental impacts of an oil spill. Because burning rapidly changes large quantities of oil into its primary combustion products (water and carbon dioxide), the need for collection, storage, transport and disposal of recovered material is greatly reduced. The use of towed fire containment boom to capture, thicken and isolate a portion of a spill, followed by ignition, is far less complex than the operations involved in mechanical recovery, transfer, storage, treatment and disposal (The Science, Technology, and Effects of Controlled Burning of Oil Spills at Sea, Marine Spill Response Corporation, Washington, DC, 1994).However, there is a limited window-of-opportunity (or time period of effectiveness) to conduct successful burn operations. The type of oil spilled, prevailing meteorological and oceanographic (environmental) conditions and the time it takes for the oil to emulsify define the window (see Buist, this volume and Nordvik et al., this volume). Once spilled, oil begins to form a stable emulsion: when the water content exceeds 25% most slicks are unignitable. In situ burning is being viewed with renewed interest as a response tool in high latitude waters where other techniques may not be possible or advisable due to the physical environment (extreme low temperatures, ice-infested waters), or the remoteness of the impacted area. Additionally, the magnitude of the spill may quickly overwhelm the deployed equipment necessitating the consideration of other techniques in the overall response strategy (The Science, Technology, and Effects of Controlled Burning of Oil Spills at Sea, Marine Spill Response Corporation, Washington, DC, 1994; Proceedings of the In Situ Burning of Oil Spills Workshop. NIST. SP934. MMS. 1998, p. 31; Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup, Lewis Publishers, Washington, DC, 2001, p. 233). This paper brings together the current knowledge on in situ burning and is an effort to gain regulatory acceptance for this promising oil spill response tool.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art in oil spill modeling is summarized, focusing primarily on the years from 1990 to the present. All models seek to describe the key physical and chemical processes that transport and weather the oil on and in the sea. Current insights into the mechanisms of these processes and the availability of algorithms for describing and predicting process rates are discussed. Advances are noted in the areas of advection, spreading, evaporation, dispersion, emulsification, and interactions with ice and shorelines. Knowledge of the relationship between oil properties, and oil weathering and fate, and the development of models for the evaluation of oil spill response strategies are summarized. Specific models are used as examples where appropriate. Future directions in these and other areas are indicated  相似文献   

Most standard oil spill modeling programs neglect the effects of Langmuir circulation (LC). The authors have identified three areas where LC effects may be important in spill behavior. These three areas are spreading, dispersion, and transport. LC will cause the slick to break into windrows when the wind-row formation velocity is comparable to Fay and other spreading forces. Oil dispersion is likely to be enhanced, with droplets carried to greater depth and distributed non-uniformly. Transport velocities for different parts of the slick will vary because of LC, a phenomenon that also occurs because of other factors.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model of the physical and chemical behavior and fate of spilled oil has been coupled to a model of oil spill response actions. This coupled system of models for Oil Spill Contingency and Response (OSCAR), provides a tool for quantitative, objective assessment of alternative oil spill response strategies. Criteria for response effectiveness can be either physical (‘How much oil comes ashore?’ or ‘How much oil have we recovered?’) or biological (‘How many biologically sensitive areas were affected?’ or ‘What exposures will fish eggs and larvae experience in the water column?’). The oil spill combat module in the simulator represents individual sets of equipment, with capabilities and deployment strategies being specified explicitly by the user. The coupling to the oil spill model allows the mass balance of the spill to be affected appropriately in space and time by the cleanup operation as the simulation proceeds. An example application is described to demonstrate system capabilities, which include evaluation of the potential for both surface and subsurface environmental effects. This quantitative, objective approach to analysis of alternative response strategies provides a useful tool for designing more optimal, functional, rational, and cost-effective oil spill contingency solutions for offshore platforms, and coastal terminals and refineries.  相似文献   

Photo-oxidation and Photo-toxicity of Crude and Refined Oils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fate and effects of an oil spill are effected by solar radiation through the action of photo-oxidation and photo-toxicity. Photo-oxidation, an important process in the weathering of oil, produces a variety of oxidized compounds, including aliphatic and aromatic ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, fatty acids, esters, epoxides, sulfoxides, sulfones, phenols, anhydrides, quinones and aliphatic and aromatic alcohols. Some of these compounds contribute to the marine biota toxicity observed after an oil spill. Photo-toxicity occurs when uptake of certain petroleum compounds, e.g. certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and benzothiophenes, is followed by solar exposure which results in much greater toxicity than after dark uptake. The mechanism of PAH photo-toxicity includes absorbance of solar radiation by the PAH which produces a free radical and this free radical in turn reacts with oxygen to produce reactive oxygen species that can damage DNA and other cellular macromolecules. While most studies on photo-toxicity have been carried out in the laboratory, there are studies showing that water from an oil spill is photo-toxic to bivalve embryos for at least a few days after the spill. Other studies have found that oil contaminated sediments are photo-toxic to several marine invertebrates. More studies are required to determine if marine fauna at an oil spill site are effected by the action of photo-toxicity and photo-oxidation.  相似文献   

Estimates of occurrence rates for offshore oil spills are useful for analysis of potential oil spill impacts and for oil spill response contingency planning. As the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (U.S. Public Law 101–380, 18 August 1990) becomes fully implemented, estimates of oil spill occurrence will become even more important to natural resource trustees and to responsible parties involved in oil and gas activities. Oil spill occurrence rate estimates have been revised based on U.S. Outer Continental Shelf platform and pipeline spill data (1964–1992) and worldwide tanker spill data (1974–1992). These spill rates are expressed and normalized in terms of number of spills per volume of crude oil handled. The revisions indicate that estimates for the platform spill occurrence rates declined, the pipeline spill occurrence rates increased, and the worldwide tanker spill occurrence rates remained unchanged. Calculated for the first time were estimates of tanker and barge spill rates for spills occuring in U.S. waters, and spill occurrence rates for spills of North Slope crude oil transported by tanker from Valdez, Alaska. All estimates of spill occurrence rates were restricted to spills greater than or equal to 159 m3 (1000 barrels).  相似文献   

An intermediate bulk container (IBC) was punctured during its handling, releasing a refined oil product onto land at a large construction site in an environmentally sensitive region of Australia. Understanding and controlling the risks from fuel, oil, and chemical spills on the current project was of critical importance as part of the project's overall approval, and ongoing compliance depended on the project committing to minimizing all chemical and petroleum hydrocarbon spills on the site. The telehandler (forklift) did not pierce the plastic of the IBC directly (as was expected to be the case) but rather one of the tynes caught on the underside of the metal base plate (pallet belly plate), despite numerous controls being in place at the time of spill (to limit the risks of damaging the IBC), revealing a previously unreported mechanism for a fluid spill from handling of petroleum hydrocarbons and related chemicals. The investigation team used a root cause analysis (RCA) technique, based on the fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram, which was undertaken with 12 expert contributors (from the project) to identify the underlying cause: The inspection process was inadequate. This study is a companion to the article published in Winter 2014 in Remediation (Guerin, 2014) covering multiple causes of spills from plant and equipment commonly used on construction and remediation projects. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This viewpoint paper considers the potential of offshore burning of oil in the recent Tampa Bay spill as a generic oil spill response option. While the oil spilled might not have been amenable to burning, the physical constraints of the spill and subsequent environmental conditions provide a scenario for future consideration of this option.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a high accuracy numerical method to model oil spill trajectories using a particle-tracking algorithm. The Euler method, used to calculate oil trajectories, can give adequate solutions in most open ocean applications. However, this method may not predict accurate particle trajectories in certain highly non-uniform velocity fields near coastal zones or in river problems. Simple numerical experiments show that the Euler method may also introduce artificial numerical dispersion that could lead to overestimation of spill areas. This article proposes a fourth-order Runge–Kutta method with fourth-order velocity interpolation to calculate oil trajectories that minimize these problems. The algorithm is implemented in the OilTrack model to predict oil trajectories following the “Nissos Amorgos” oil spill accident that occurred in the Gulf of Venezuela in 1997. Despite lack of adequate field information, model results compare well with observations in the impacted area.  相似文献   

The work reported here encompasses analyses of specific potential spill scenarios for oil exploration activity planned offshore of Namibia. The analyses are carried out with the SINTEF Oil Spill Contingency and Response (OSCAR) 3-dimensional model system. A spill scenario using 150 m3 of marine diesel demonstrates the rapidity with which such a spill will dissipate naturally, even in light winds. Vertical and horizontal mixing bring subsurface hydrocarbon concentrations to background levels within a few days. A hypothetical 10 day blowout scenario releasing 11,000 bbl per day of light crude oil is investigated in terms of the potential for delivering oil to selected bird and marine mammal areas along the Namibian coast. Worst case scenarios are selected to investigate the potential mitigating effects of planned oil spill response actions. Mechanical recovery significantly reduces, and in some cases eliminates, potential environmental consequences of these worst case scenarios. Dispersant application from fixed wing aircraft further reduces the potential surface effects. The analysis supplies an objective basis for net environmental analysis of the planned response strategies.  相似文献   

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