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Population characteristics, individual life-history variables, feeding and vertical distribution of the mesopelagic fish Müller's pearlside Maurolicus muelleri collected in 1990 in Masfjorden, western Norway, are reported as well as environmental variables from the fjord. Minimum size at maturity was far smaller than reported from previous investigations in the same region. Fecundity was size-dependent and total egg numbers were higher than reported from other investigations of M. muelleri world wide, while the number of maturing eggs was far lower than observed in the same region earlier. Food concentration in the fjord was an order of magnitude lower than previous early summer observations, and several factors indicated that feeding opportunities may have been low for a long period. Daily feeding rate (g prey g-1 fish) decreased with increasing fish size. These observations fit well with a model of maximizing fitness by means of a flexible size at maturity. Minimum age at maturity seems to be achieved at the expense of fecundity. M. muelleri was concentrated in a 20 to 30 m deep sound scattering layer (SSL). The SSL stayed close to the surface during the night and at 100 to 180 m during the daytime. The vertical position of the SSL varied instantaneously with changes in surface light intensity, remaining at 10-3 to 10-4 mol m-1 s-1 at the top of the SSL. Stomach fullness was highest during the night; feeding intensity seems to have been peaked at dusk. Cladocerans were the main prey ranked by number, copepods by biomass. Intake of large copepods increased with fish size.  相似文献   

Data on the diet, feeding habits and daily rations of Hoplostethus mediterraneus Cuvier, 1829 in the bathyal eastern Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) are presented. A total of 430 specimens collected by bottom trawls at depths ranging from 473 to 603 m during four 24-h day–night sampling cycles covering the four annual seasons was examined. H. mediterraneus diet consisted of pelagic and vagile epibenthic prey, mainly crustaceans, and was dominated by benthopelagic natantian decapods (83.35% IRI, index of relative importance). Seasonal changes in diet were apparent and related to seasonal fluctuations in suprabenthic and zooplanktonic prey in the environment. Diel patterns in stomach fullness and trends in diel feeding cycles are discussed in relation to the vertical migratory movements of available prey (i.e. suprabenthos and zooplankton). Daily-ration estimates were determined by evacuation-rate models and ranged from 0.143% to 0.397% WW/WW. Overall, daily-ration estimates were within the range of the daily consumption of other deep-sea fish. Deduced from diet contents, we found a constant gross energy intake (305–316 kcal g–1) during all seasons. As a possible response to the reproductive peak of mature females observed in summer, H. mediterraneus increases its food consumption, which, in turn, is coupled with an increase in food availability.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

T. Madurell  J.E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》2006,148(6):1325-1338
Daily and seasonal changes in dietary habits, resource partitioning and daily food consumption of Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus, Hymenocephalus italicus and Nezumia sclerorhynchus, the three dominant macrourids coexisting at mid-slope depths (between 473 and 603 m) in the eastern Ionian Sea, were analysed. The three species showed very diverse diets, based mainly on suprabenthic prey and infauna. Day–night changes in the diet and feeding intensity were more apparent in H. italicus and N. sclerorhynchus, preying mainly on mobile prey (suprabenthos), than for C. coelorhynchus that preyed largely on infauna. Dietary overlap was very low among species. The highest daily ration (DR) obtained for N. sclerorhynchus (in April) coincided with maximum concentration of its preferred prey (i.e. Boreomysis arctica). H. italicus, displaying a more pelagic diet than N. sclerorhynchus, showed higher DR (between 1.47–1.51%wetW and 0.47–0.71%wetW, respectively) probably due to higher metabolic activity because it may swim up in the water column to eat. C. coelorhynchus, having the most benthic diet, showed the highest DR (between 2.92 and 2.53%wetW). This rather unexpected high DR would be attributable to a continuous feeding on more uniformly distributed prey (benthos) and to a high rooting activity on the sediment in search of infauna. The influence of the type of resources exploited in the overall trends obtained in the diet of macrourids is discussed and compared with those of other deep-sea species. As a general conclusion, results suggest that food consumption of bathyal fish are probably influenced by or coupled with the type of resources exploited.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 687 orange roughy [Hoplostethus atlanticus (Collett, 1889)] from the Challenger Plateau, sampled in March, July and November 1984, were examined. The relative importance of different components of the diet was assessed using three feeding indices which combine, in different ways, percentage frequency of occurrence, percentage number, and percentage weight of prey categories. For both sexes, for all size classes and at any time of the year, the most frequent and abundant components of the diet were prawns, followed by fish, squid, amphipods and mysids. The main natant decapod families were Oplophoridae, Pasiphaeidae, and Sergestidae. Fish, mainly Chauliodontidae and Myctophidae, were the most important prey by weight. Most prey species were benthopelagic and mesopelagic organisms which move towards the surface at night. However, H. atlanticus can be caught by bottom trawl (between 750 and 1 200 m) during any 24 h period, and there was no evidence of vertical migration in search of their prey. When the fish grow in length, there is a transition in the diet from prawns, mysids, and fish, to prawns, fish and squid. Squid were not found in the stomach contents of fish smaller than 20 cm. These dietary changes may be linked to modifications in morphology with growth. The relative proportions of the main dietary items, and in particular the natant decapod families, varied with time of the year. Also, the stomach data seem to indicate an increasing importance of fish and squid in the diet in deeper water. H. atlanticus appears to be an opportunistic predator, consuming a wide variety of invertebrates and fishes. Our results provide evidence to support the notion that benthopelagic predators which consume vertically migrating mesopelagic fish, have an important role in the transfer of energy to the benthos.  相似文献   

Size-frequency distributions were determined for 3 common lantern-fishes (Stenobrachius leucopsarus, Diaphus theta, and Tarletonbeania crenularis) off Oregon in the summer. The fishes were caught mainly in sound-scattering layers by a large pelagic trawl with 5 opening-closing nets. Changes in depth distribution and diel vertical migration with growth were evident for all 3 species. The size of S. leucopsarus increased markedly with depth both at 0 to 90 m at night and 250 to 500 m during the day. Larger D. theta were also found deeper during the day (between 250 and 450 m), but neither D. theta nor T. crenularis demonstrated size segregation in the upper 90 m at night. Large D. theta and small T. crenularis did not appear to migrate into surface waters at night. Age-Group O (15 to 20 mm) S. leucopsarus were most abundant in deep water (400 to 480 m) in the daytime and did not migrate into near-surface waters at night. Age-Group I (30 to 40 mm) S. leucopsarus were common at about 300 m by day and within the upper 30 m at night. Age-Group II–III (50 to 60 mm) apparently followed the evening ascent of Age-Group I fish and most resided at 75 to 90 m at night, beneath Age-Group I fish. Age-Group III+fish (70 to 80 mm) were associated with Age-Group O at 400 to 480 m by day and usually did not migrate above 200 m at night. The size structure of S. leucopsarus differed among the nets of a single tow at one depth, or between two tows that fished the same depths on successive nights, indicating horizontal patchiness in age structure. D. theta demonstrated low within-tow variability in size composition which indicated a spatially more uniform age structure on a scale of kilometers. The size structures of these 3 lanternfishes were different in the same area and the same season during two different years, suggesting variable survival of year classes or horizontal patchiness of age composition in the area sampled.  相似文献   

Diel changes in the composition of crustacean zooplankton and the diets of fish predators from an intertidal eelgrass flat were monitored concurrently. The zooplankton is characterized by two major components. The obligate zooplankters (holoplanktonic calanoid copepods and meroplanktonic decapod larvae) appear to exhibit vertical migration, being present in higher densities near the surface of the water column at night. The facultative zooplankton (amphipods and ostracods) are benthic during the day, but move up into the water column at night. Planktivorous midwaterdwelling fish consume calanoid copepods and decapod larvae during the day and cease feeding or switch their diet to amphipods at night. Benthic-dwelling fish consume some amphipods during both day and night. The factors important in prey selection by fish and the functional significance of vertical migration in both components of the zooplankton are discussed in the light of the changing patterns of fish predation.This paper is Publication No. 183 in the Ministry for Conservation of Victoria, Environmental Studies Series.  相似文献   

Specimens of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister, were collected subtidally and intertidally from an estuary in Washington State, USA in June and September 1980, and January, April, May and July, 1981. Gut contens of freshly collected crabs were analyzed by the Index of Relative Importance; for each prey taxon, this method measured frequency of occurrence, percentage of total biomass, and percentage of total numbers consumed. The most important higher taxon eaten was fish; however, the most important prey genus was the shrimp Crangon spp. There was greater predation on Crangon spp. at night at the intertidal site, and during winter and spring when the shrimp were most abundant there. Feeding activity, as indicated by a weight-specific gut-fullness index, showed no consistent diel pattern. There were significant ontogenetic changes in feeding patterns: first-year crabs preyed primarily on very small bivalves or small crustaceans including their conspecifics; second-year crabs preferred Crangon spp. and fish, and third-year crabs preyed less on Crangon spp. and more on fish. Such changes in feeding habits with ege could be purely due to mechanics of food handling, but might also reduce competition among age groups of crabs, possibly partitioning resources within the estuary. Findings are discussed in terms of optimal foraging and compared to other similar studies.Contribution No. 599, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA  相似文献   

J. E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》1993,117(3):459-468
The composition of the diet and daily cicle of predatory activity of pasiphaeid shrimps in the Northwestern Mediterranean were established; special attention was focussed on nocturnal feeding habits close to the bottom. Daily activity in both species was studied in two continuous 24-h sampling periods. Samples were obtained using bottom trawls between 1988 and 1990. Both species fed on benthic prey items at night. The nocturnal diet of Pasiphaea multidentata consisted of gammarid amphipods, isopods (Cirolana borealis) and macruran decapods (Calocaris macandreae). Nocturnal feeding activity was carried out only by large specimens (cephalothorax length >28 mm), which stayed close to the bottom during the nighttime. In contrast, the specimens collected during the daytime exhibited highly digested remains of pelagic prey (hyperiids, fishes, euphausiids, chaetognaths) ingested as a result of predatory higher activity in the water column the night before. The feeding strategy of P. sivado was parallel to that of P. multidentata. At night large specimens were located near the bottom and fed on suprabenthic gammarid amphipods. This nocturnal feeding activity by both these mesopelagic pasiphaeid species furnishes evidence of energy transfer from the benthos to the planktonic system in bathyal communities. Changes were observed in the diet of P. multidentata with depth. Crustaceans made up a larger share of the diet of P. multidentata on the lower slope than on the upper middle slope, probably because of changes undergone by bathyal communities with increasing depth. The feeding rate was higher in the submarine canyons, where the diet is also more specialised. Dietary overlap between the two pasiphaeids was very low, due to the different size range of prey exploited.  相似文献   

H. Hattori 《Marine Biology》1989,103(1):39-50
Diel changes in fine-scale vertical distributions of three calanoid copepods Metridia pacifica, M. okhotensis and Pleuromamma scutullata in the subarctic waters of the western North Pacific were examined. Sampling was carried out in June and August 1983, at two stations in Oyashio water using a Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR). Sampling, down to about 1 000 m, was repeated four to five times at intervals of several hours. Vertical resolution was 5 to 40 m. Copepods were concentrated in two strata, the surface (0 to 60 m) and the mesopelagic (200 to 300 m) layers, throughout the day at both stations. Younger M. pacifica (C III and C IV) were dominant in both strata. Although most female C V and adult females demonstrated diel vertical migration at 20 to 30 m h-1, a significant number of females did not migrate upward but remained in the deep stratum at night. The same trend was evident in M. ohkotensis and P. scutullata. Foregut content observations indicated that feeding activities of the deep mode populations were as high as those of the surface mode, though food of deep individuals was different. Such a bimodal distribution may increase intraspecific diversity of copepod populations and is possibly why metridiid copepods dominate during late summer to winter in the relatively simple ecosystems of high latitudes.  相似文献   

Adult Vinciguerria nimbaria are the main prey of tuna during the tuna fishing season (late autumn and winter) in the equatorial Atlantic (0–4°N, and ~15°W). V. nimbaria trophic behavior in the fishing grounds was studied in relation to hydrobiological factors to determine its role in the trophic food web. Sampling stations spaced by 20 nautical miles were set up along a 15°W north–south transect from 4°N to 0°40S. At each station, the temperature and vertical fluorescence profiles were recorded. Nitrate and chlorophyll a analyses were performed on water sampled at different levels in the euphotic zone. Vertical plankton hauls were carried out at depths of 0–100 and 0–200 m using a standard WP2 net fitted with a 200-μm mesh gauze. Vinciguerria nimbaria adults were collected using a young-fish mid-water trawl net (10 × 15 m opening mouth, 10 mm cod end mesh). The weight of the stomach contents, the stomach fullness index, the number of prey, the frequency of occurrence and the prey preponderance were recorded for 20 fish from each haul. An oligotrophic typical tropical structure (TTS) was found between 1° and 4°N where small zooplankton was relatively abundant above or near the thermocline. In the TTS, V. nimbaria behaved as an epipelagic fish, feeding on the dominant small prey during the daytime. In turn, it was a prey for tuna. In the equatorial zone, where zooplankton was more abundant than in the north equatorial zone, V. nimbaria behaved as a mesopelagic fish and as an opportunistic mesozooplankton feeder. It consumed a wide range of sizes of food, feeding on the most abundant species of zooplankton as well as the largest zooplankton species, possibly while migrating towards the surface in the late afternoon or in the deep layer.  相似文献   

Fishes and zooplankton were obtained (March–April 1979 and partly in August 1974) from 45 hauls taken during the day and at night in the central equatorial Atlantic between Latitude 3°N and 2°S from the surface to 1250-m depth, using the RMT 1+8, a combined opening-closing plankton and micronekton trawl. The vertical distribution of 30 myctophid species is described. All species migrate in a diel pattern, Ceratoscopelus warmingii and Lampanyctus photonotus down to at least 1250 m. During daytime most species aggregated at 400-to 700-m depth, therefore only partly occupying the depth of the Deep Scattering Layer (400 to 500 m at 15 kHz). The feeding patterns of seven of the most abundant species were compared, with a total of 1 905 stomach contents being analysed. All seven species are regarded as opportunistic predators, which feed predominantly during the night on calanoid copepods. A total of 66 species of calanoid copepods were identified among the prey items, with smaller species definitely being in the minority. Stomachs of C. warmingii (700 to 1 250 m depth) and Lepidophanes guentheri (500 to 900 m depth) from daytime samples contained copepod species restricted to the upper 150 m of the water column, including Undinula vulgaris, Nannocalanus minor, and Euchaeta marina, thereby confirming an extended vertical migration of predators. Differences in diet and preferences between species in their total food spectrum are described.  相似文献   

Paraeuchaeta norvegica was found to be widely distributed in the Norwegian Sea. They were least abundant in north-western areas, but otherwise no clear horizontal patterns appeared with respect to latitude, longitude or water mass. Females and males had similar vertical distributions. The highest concentrations of adults occurred at 400-500 m depth; they largely avoided the upper 50-100 m, even at night. Stages CIV and CV lived shallower in the water column than the adults, with the highest concentration between 100 and 300 m. Stages CII-CIII were most abundant at 50-100 m, while CI was distributed slightly deeper (maxima at 100-200 m). Potential prey were most abundant in the upper 100 m; i.e. shallower than P. norvegica. Numbers of fecal pellets produced by freshly collected adult females were relatively low (estimated at 0.7 pellets per individual on average for the entire sea), with maximal numbers for individuals captured in shallow waters. This suggests food limitation during summer, when food is concentrated in upper waters, and short and light nights limit nocturnal access to the shallow food resources. Pellets mainly contained copepod remains.  相似文献   

U. Båmstedt 《Marine Biology》2000,137(2):279-289
 Day/night zooplankton sampling in Kosterfjorden, Sweden, gave information on population succession, vertical distribution and feeding of Calanus finmarchicus over 17 months. Copepodid Stage 1 and 2 (C-I, C-II) were present from December to August, indicating reproduction during most of the year. Mating and breeding for the overwintering generation mainly took place in February/March, resulting in peak abundance of C-I in March/April. Secondary breeding periods were in April and July/August, but the resulting recruitment from these were low. The relative recruitment success in the first spring was around 13 times higher than during the second spring. Low temperature in the surface water early in the year and depression of the spring phytoplankton bloom may have caused the failure in the second year. Population biomass peaked at >15 g dry weight m−2 during the numeric peak of the youngest stages in March/April. A more sustainable level of high biomass of 8 to 10 g dw m−2 was gradually built up during summer, mainly due to a continuous accumulation of C-Vs. Adults and C-Vs comprised the overwintering population, with 7 to 14% and 85 to 93%, respectively, for the 2 years, but only C-Vs staying in the deep water were in a resting state. Adult males showed a strong diurnal vertical migration (DVM) of the usual type from spring to early autumn and a reversed DVM during the cold season. They were in a feeding state throughout the year. Adult females showed the usual type of DVM during summer to autumn, but commonly a reversed DVM during winter to spring. They were usually in a feeding state, with no pronounced differences between surface and deep water or between day and night. C-Vs aggregated in the deep water from October to March and performed DVM in April to June. They were commonly feeding in the deep water between March and June but showed no or very low feeding activity there from July to February. C-Vs in the surface water were commonly feeding and showed the highest proportion of feeding in autumn, when the population in the deep water was inactive. C-V constituted up to nearly 100% of the population biomass, and therefore must be of profound ecological importance. Defined by this dominant role, the population of C. finmarchicus can be characterised as having an active period of feeding, reproduction and development from February to July with a following 6 to 7 months of resting in the deep water, when development is arrested and no feeding occurs. Received: 1 October 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 2000  相似文献   

连续 2a实地调查了太湖鼋头渚地区鹭鸟的觅食生境 ,并搜集其雏鸟的反吐物 ,初步掌握了该地区不同鹭鸟对觅食生境的选择与食物组成情况。结果表明 ,无锡鼋头渚地区白鹭与夜鹭主要在鱼塘、湖泊觅食 ,白鹭在湖滨觅食 ,而夜鹭还会到湖中央水面觅食 ;池鹭觅食区域较广 ,主要在鱼塘。鹭群主要的食物类型是鱼类 ,白鹭食物几乎全为鱼类 ,夜鹭 95 %的食物为鱼类 ,兼有少量的蛙类、甲壳类和小型哺乳类动物。  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1978,47(2):135-141
Ultrasonic transmitters were used to track the movements of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) over 24 h periods in the Kowie estuary, South Africa. Laboratory experiments using infra-red time-lapse photography to record activity indicated that the transmitters did not affect duration of emergence, amount of movement or feeding. In the estuary, S. serrata was active on average for 13 h. out of 24 h, most activity was at night. The distance moved per night by continuously tracked crabs averaged 461 m, but ranged between 219 and 910 m. Most movement was slow, modal speed was 10 to 19 m h-1. Slow movements were independent of direction of current and are assumed to be related to use of contact chemoreception for location of prey. About one-seventh of movements were faster than 70 m h-1; these were most frequently against the current and may be related to olfactory location of food. The crabs did not occupy a distinct territory, but tended to remain in the same general area although they were capable of moving at least 800 m along the length of the estuary at night.  相似文献   

The common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus) is a secondary target species of the California drift gillnet fishery (CA-DGN) and supports a growing recreational fishery in California waters. This study used archival tags to examine the movement patterns and habitat preferences of common threshers of the size range captured in the CA-DGN (>120 cm fork length). Depth and temperature-logging archival tags were deployed on 57 subadult and adult common threshers in the Southern California Bight. Tags from five individuals (8.8%) were recovered, and 154 days of data were successfully obtained from four of these. By night, shark movements were primarily limited to waters above the thermocline, which ranged in depth from 15 to 20 m. Sharks were significantly deeper by day, and daytime vertical distribution consisted of two distinct modes: a ‘shallow mode’ (wherein sharks occupied only the upper 20 m of the water column) and a ‘deep mode’ (characterized by frequent vertical excursions below the thermocline). This modal switch is interpreted as relating to regional differences in abundance of surface-oriented prey and prey in deeper water. Maximum dive depth was 320 m, greatest dive duration was 712 min, minimum temperature experienced during a dive was 9.1°C, and dive descent rate was significantly greater than ascent rate. Sharks inhabited waters corresponding to a sea surface temperature range of 16 to 21°C. The nocturnal depth distribution of common threshers has implications for management of drift gillnet deployment depths in the CA-DGN.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of tropical fish larvae were analysed in a comparative study of four species (Scorpaenodes sp., Carangoides sp., Acanthocepola sp. and Cynoglossus sp.) from the Andaman Sea. We investigated morphological characteristics and their potential influence on larval feeding, and looked for common patterns in larval prey preference. Gut contents of a total of 300 larvae were examined and compared with local zooplankton composition. The feeding habits of the investigated larvae shared a number of characteristics. During ontogeny both the preferred prey size and the number of prey in the gut increased, and across all larval size classes the relative prey size spectrum stayed constant, of approximately the same magnitude for all four species. On the other hand, larval feeding also differed in a number of aspects, especially differences in the taxonomic composition of preferred prey were apparent. Scorpaenodes sp. preferred abundant and large prey taxa, Acanthocepola sp. and Carangoides sp. preferred large, but less common prey taxa, while Cynoglossus sp., which had the relatively smallest mouth size, preferred smaller sized prey groups. Hence, the findings indicate that from an offset of common characteristics, especially related to prey size preference, larvae have their individual feeding patterns related to specific morphology and patterns of distribution.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   

The trophic ecology of the lanternfish Lampanyctus pusillus was investigated using individuals captured off the Balearic Islands (39°N, 2°E) (western Mediterranean) in December 2009. Based on gut content analyses, the trophic niche breadth, diet composition and selectivity were determined for the entire life cycle of L. pusillus. The larval stages fed actively near the surface during the day, with a feeding incidence (FI) of approximately 71 %. In contrast, the adults fed at night, both in near-surface depths and in the 400 m deep scattering layer, with a higher FI (83 %). Diet analysis revealed a shift in the prey choice throughout ontogenetic development, from preflexion individuals, which selected nauplii and small oncaeids, to postflexion larvae, which consumed a variety of calanoids, mainly Clausocalanus spp., to the adults, which preyed on large organisms, exhibiting positive selectivity for Pleuromamma spp. and euphausiids. These results show that the vertical distribution of larvae and adults is partly conditioned by their respective feeding habits, with larvae feeding on small zooplankton in the upper layer and adults preferring to consume larger taxa that perform nycthemeral migrations.  相似文献   

Diets of 15 species of demersal and pelagic fishes on the upper continental slope (420 to 550 m) were determined, based on samples taken every two months over 13 mo (April 1984 to April 1985) off eastern Tasmania. The calorific contribution of each prey item to the diets was determined. The fish could be divided into four trophic categories: pelagic piscivores, epibenthic piscivores, epibenthic invertebrate feeders and benthopelagic omnivores. Dietary overlap between the groups was low. The pelagic piscivores Apogonops anomalus, Trachurus declivis, Brama brama, Lepidopus caudatus and Macruronus novaezelandiae primarily consume the shelf-break myctophid Lampanyctodes hectoris; their diet is narrow, with a large overlap between species. The epibenthic piscivores Deania calcea and Genypterus blacodes both take a greater variety of prey, but have little dietary overlap. The fish feeding on epibenthic invertebrates, Coelorinchus sp. 2 and Centriscops humerosus, obtain most of their energy from benthic Crustacea and Ophiuroidea, supplemented with Lampanyctodes hectoris; the diet is broad, with little overlap. Among the benthopelagic omnivores (Cyttus traversi, Coelorinchus sp. 4, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, Neocyttus rhomboidalis, Helicolenus percoides, Epigonus denticulatus and E. lenimen), most diets are broad and show slight overlap. All but E. denticulatus consume significant quantities of Lampanyctodes hectoris as well as Crustacea, particularly Polychaeta, Euphausiacea and Pyrosoma atlanticum. Seasonal changes in diet occurred in G. blacodes, T. declivis, Lepidopus caudatus, Coelorinchus sp. 4, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, H. percoides, E. denticulatus and E. lenimen; these were related to changes in abundance of particular prey species, not to alterations in feeding habits. Only three species, Lepidopus caudatus, Coelorinchus sp. 2 and H. percoides, showed significant diel feeding periodicity. Ontogenetic dietary changes were evident in Cyttus traversi, Coelorinchus sp. 2, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus and H. percoides. Cyttus traversi and H. percoides progressively changed from crustaceans to fish as their size increased. The diets of size classes within species showed little overlap, except for Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, which eats chiefly euphausiids and Lampanyctodes hectoris at all sizes. In addition to describing the diets and trophic relationships of 90% of the fish biomass, the results emphasize the importance to the entire fish community of mesopelagic food resources, particularly Lampanyctodes hectoris. Many benthopelagic species undertake extensive vertical migrations in search of prey, thus playing a major role in the transport of energy from midwater regions to the benthos of the continental slope.  相似文献   

J. C. Haney 《Marine Biology》1991,110(3):419-435
Systematic ship-board surveys were used to simultaneously record seabird abundances and resolve coarse-scale (3 to 10 km) horizontal and fine-scale (1 to 10 m) vertical variability in water-column structure and bathymetry for portions of the coastal zone in Anadyr Strait near western St. Lawrence Island, northern Bering Sea, Alaska, during August and September 1987. Three plankton-feeding alcids, parakeet (Cyclorrhynchus psittacula), crested (Aethia cristatella) and least (A. pusilla) auklets, each exhibited distinct associations for different pycnocline characteristics. Least auklets were more abundant in mixed water, but they also occurred within stratified water where the pycnocline and upper-mixed layer were shallow (8 m) and thin (10 m), respectively. Low body mass (85 g), high buoyancy, and relatively poor diving ability may have restricted this auklet to areas where water-column strata nearly intersected the surface, or to areas from which strata were absent altogether due to strong vertical mixing. Parakeet and crested auklets, which are larger-bodied (ca. 260 g) planktivores with presumably greater diving ability, were more abundant in stratified water, and both species exhibited less specific affinities for water-column characteristic at intermediate and shallow levels. All three auklets avoided locations with strong pycnocline gradients (0.22 t m–1), a crude index of the strong, subsurface shear in water velocities characteristic of this region. Auklet distributions in Anadyr Strait were consistent with: (1) strata accessibility, as estimated from relationships between body mass and relative diving ability, (2) possible avoidance of strong subsurface water motions, and (3) habits and distributions of plankton prey. In contrast, largebodied (>450 g) alcids [i.e., common (Uria aalge) and thick-billed (U. lomvia) murres, pigeon guillemots (Cephus columba), tufted (Fratercula cirrhata), and horned (F. corniculata) puffins feeding on fish or benthic invertebrates] showed no consistent relationships with either the pycnocline or upper-mixed layers. All large alcids were more common in stratified than in vertically-mixed waters, but differences in abundance between mixing regimes were small or equivocal. The only measured variable with which all large alcids were associated was total water-column depth: murres, guillemots, and puffins each used areas with shallow sea floors and avoided areas with deeper sea floors. Failure of large alcids to discriminate among foraging areas in Anadyr Strait as a function of pycnocline topography and strength may be attributable to: (1) greater reliance on large pelagic and benthic prey not associated with the pycnocline; (2) higher body mass, lower buoyancy, and greater diving ability; (3) foraging over a uniquely shallow continental shelf where all vertical strata, including the sea floor, are potentially accessible from the ocean surface.  相似文献   

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