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The globally distributed coronate scyphomedusa Periphylla periphylla (Peron and Lesueur, 1809) occurs in permanent and extremely high abundance in some Norwegian fjords. Studies on the species in Lurefjorden, 40 km north of Bergen, have revealed a holopelagic life cycle with direct development. We distinguished 14 successive developmental stages, characterised by size and morphology. Eggs and early stages are non-mobile, neutrally buoyant, and found mainly at intermediate depths. Rearing studies indicated a development time of 2-3 months from fertilisation to stage 9, when the medusa starts feeding and becomes motile. The fjord population usually shows a strong diel vertical migration, with aggregations at shallower depths during the night. The development includes a gradual increase in pigmentation (porphyrins), starting with the stomach, and thereafter extending to tentacles and the whole exumbrella. This pigment is photodegraded by natural light. Rearing experiments in the laboratory have shown a lethal effect of light. Here, development stops at stage 5. Pigments become visible in stage 7. Older medusae are severely damaged and killed within a few days by exposure to daylight. All stages of P. periphylla are bioluminescent, with this capacity increasing with growth, probably in connection with the development of the nervous net. The light reaction starts at the point of stimulation and spreads at two different speeds corresponding to the two nerve nets of the medusae. The coronal furrow has a central function in transmission of the reaction. It is hypothesised that the bioluminescence is used mainly as a warning to some potential predators, signalling that the porphyrin-containing medusa is unpalatable. P. periphylla has the same two categories of nematocysts as other coronates, with a total of six different types. Nematocyst abundance, distribution and morphology indicate their function. The giant euryteles (capsule up to 100 µm and tubule up to 1160 µm) are the largest ones known among Scyphozoa, and are unique in that this size increases during medusa development.  相似文献   

The wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) is a panoceanic, long-lived, deep-water demersal species, characterized by an extended pelagic juvenile phase associated with floating objects. In the present study morphometric data from 435 specimens collected from Greece (Crete), Italy (Ionian Sea) and the Atlantic coast of France from September 1999 to March 2001 were analyzed to estimate the settlement size of the species and associated changes in morphology. The fishery sample included specimens from both the pelagic and the demersal stage. Length-at-settlement (TL50) and 95% confidence intervals were estimated by fitting a logistic function. Eleven morphometric characters were analyzed, and the existing inflection points, reflecting alterations in body shape, were defined: (1) iteratively, as the transition point, splitting the data set into two groups, for which the reduced major axis functions, between a character and total length, of the successive groups best fit (minimum sum of squares of residuals) the combined data set and (2) where the second derivative of the fitted third-order polynomial functions to morphometric ratios equaled zero. The main size range within which wreckfish settled was 56-65 cm, and the means of the inflection points defined by the two methods were 61 and 64 cm. These results indicate changes in functional morphology associated with settlement. The monitoring of wreckfish juveniles caught in the wild and kept individually in captivity showed changes in growth and food intake at approximately the estimated settlement length and suggested that temperature was the most likely factor triggering settlement.  相似文献   

Individual-level variation in resource use occurs in a broad array of vertebrate and invertebrate taxa and may have important ecological and evolutionary implications. In this study, we measured the degree of individual-level variation in prey preference of the hunting wasp Trypoxylon albonigrum, which inhabits the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. This wasp captures several orb-weaving spider genera to provision nests. Individuals consistently specialized on a narrow subset of the prey taxa consumed by the population, indicating the existence of significant individual-level variation in prey preferences. The population niche was broader in the wet season in terms of both prey size and taxa. In the case of prey size, the population niche expansion was achieved via increased individual niche breadths, whereas in the case of prey taxa, individual niches remained relatively constrained, and the population niche expanded via increased interindividual variation. The observed pattern suggests the possibility of functional trade-offs associated with the taxon of the consumed prey. The nature of the trade-offs remains unknown, but they are likely related to learning in searching and/or handling prey. We hypothesize that by specializing on specific prey taxa, individuals increase foraging efficiency, reducing foraging time and ultimately increasing reproductive success.  相似文献   

While qualitative observations of jellyfish intraguild predation abound in the literature, there are only few rate measurements of these interactions. We quantified predation rates among two common jellyfish in northern boreal waters, Cyanea capillata and its prey Aurelia aurita, both of which also feed on crustacean zooplankton and fish larvae. A series of incubation experiments using a wide range of prey concentrations (0.38–3.8 m−3) in large containers (2.6 m3) was carried out. By replenishing the prey continuously as they were captured we maintained a nearly constant prey concentrations. Ingestion rates increased linearly up to prey concentrations of 1.92 m−3, yielding maximum clearance rates of ∼2.37 ± 0.39 m3 predator−1 h−1 for C. capillata predators 16 ± 2.3 cm in diameter. Mean ingestion rate at saturated prey concentrations (1.92–3.85 m−3) was 4.01 ± 0.78 prey predator−1 h−1. Behavioral observations suggested that predators did not alter their swimming behavior during meals, and thus that feeding rates were generally handling limited rather than encounter limited. Predators captured more prey than needed, and semi-digested prey was often discarded when fresh prey was encountered.  相似文献   

Short-term (3 h) changes in concentration of chlorophylls and their derivatives in stage V Pseudodiaptomus euryhalinus and their fecal material were followed by HPLC during a 24 h experiment. Copepodites were fed with the prasinophyte Tetraselmis suecica. Intact chlorophyll a and b were found in animals and fecal material and had similar dynamics of accumulation over time. The extent of transformation of chlorophyll a and b to colorless compounds was different with chlorophyll a being more extensively degraded. Additionally, several chlorophyll derivatives (pheophytin and pyropheophytin-like pigments) were found. Pyropheophytin a was the most abundant followed by pheophytin b, pheophytin a, and pheophorbide a. Relative amounts of pheopigments were different in copepodites and fecal material, and pheophytin a, pheophorbide a, and pheophytin b concentrations were low and variable. The amount of ingested chlorophyll recovered as chlorophyll a and its derivatives in fecal and copepodite pools was generally low (<5%), with one exception occurring after 9 h, when it accounted for >70%. These data suggest individual pheopigments are produced at different rates and that chemical or enzymatic mechanisms in the gut of copepodites act on the two chlorophylls in different ways.  相似文献   

The experiments were undertaken to measure, for the first time, cardiac output in yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) during exposure to a harmful red tide flagellate (Chattonella marina). The responses were compared with those during exposure to environmental hypoxia to evaluate the significance of the drop of arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) in the fish-kill mechanisms by C. marina. PaO2 immediately decreased, whereas heart rate (HR) was maintained until shortly before death during exposure to C. marina. Suffocation developing during the exposure resulted from a decrease in blood oxygen content, but not from lowered blood flow to the tissue. Although exposure to both C. marina and hypoxia immediately decreased PaO2, arterial oxygen content (CaO2) and pH (pHa) were significantly lower, whereas HR and cardiac output (&Qdot;) remained significantly higher, for the C. marina-exposed fish than for hypoxia-exposed fish. Although the drop in PaO2 appears to play a pivotal role in the mechanisms of fish death by C. marina, other physiological response(s) should also be considered.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the common West Coast limpet, Lottia digitalis, is actually the northern counterpart of a cryptic species duo including, Lottia austrodigitalis. Allele frequency differences between southern and northern populations at two polymorphic enzyme loci provided the basis for this claim. Due to lack of further evidence, L. austrodigitalis is still largely unrecognized in the literature. Seven additional enzyme loci were examined from populations in proposed zones of allopatry and sympatry to determine the existence of L. austrodigitalis as a sibling species to L. digitalis. Significant allele frequency differences were found at five enzyme loci between populations in Laguna Beach, southern California, and Bodega Bay, northern California; strongly supporting the existence of separate species. Both species exhibit two microhabitat morphotypes, a gooseneck barnacle morph in the mid-intertidal zone and a rock morph in the high-intertidal zone. In sympatry, L. austrodigitalis was more abundant higher in the intertidal on rocks, whereas L. digitalis was more abundant lower in the intertidal on barnacles. This finding supports earlier claims of microhabitat partitioning in this sibling species pair. In addition to this finding, the transition zone between the species was found to have shifted substantially northward in only two decades, from Monterey Peninsula, CA to near Pigeon Point, CA, where L. digitalis previously dominated.  相似文献   

We studied the processes of gonadal maturation, spawning, fertilization and embryonic development of the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai, which has been blooming in recent years in the Sea of Japan. Healthy medusae actively swimming offshore had immature gonads, but damaged and ashore-drifted animals had relatively mature gonads. The animals maintained in a small net on the nearshore to mimic the drifted condition showed induced gonadal maturation by the increase in oocyte diameter and darkness in the matrix. A similar maturation process also occurred in isolated pieces of ovary incubated at the same temperature. Fully grown oocytes that probably stopped at the prophase of the first meiosis reinitiated maturation divisions in response to light exposure, and massive spawnings occurred 80–100 min after the exposure. The spawned oocytes were first released within the subgenital sinus, then transported peripherally and finally shed into the gastrovascular cavity. Maturation and spawning in male gonads were similar to those of females except that the male spawning occurred within 30 min after the light exposure and always preceded the female spawning. Hence, it was suggested that fertilization might take place in the female gastrovascular cavity by the sperm that came in from surrounding seawater by animals’ pumping activities after dawn. Having mechanical damages might promote fertilization success of this species in the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Adult rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) and bush hyrax (Heterohyrax brucei) allocate much of their surface activity to being vigilant for vertebrate predators. Individuals of the two species associate for thermoregulatory basking on rock outcrops (koppies) and, in the Matobo National Park, Zimbabwe, frequently constitute heterospecific groups that produce offspring synchronously. Exposure to predators during basking is thought to put a high premium on vigilance, particularly during the presence of dependent offspring in nurseries. We predicted, therefore, an increase in the association of the two species of hyraxes when offspring were present because this would lead to larger groups, thus enhancing the ability to detect predators. Koppie aggregations of hyraxes were classified as homospecific or heterospecific according to basking group composition. Heterospecific association increased when offspring were present, and heterospecific groups were larger than homospecific ones. Fifty-one percent of nurseries were heterospecific for adults/subadults. During the pre-weaning phase (<2 months after birth), 85% of P. capensis and 65% of H. brucei juveniles were in nurseries of heterospecific basking groups. Heterospecific groups had more offspring than homospecific groups. Juvenile mortality is most evident after young are weaned and heterospecific associations break down. Heterospecific aggregation, through increased group size, may result in a higher probability of avoiding predators, thereby reducing the vulnerability of young.  相似文献   

The mineralisation of iron in the major lateral teeth of the chiton Acanthopleura echinata has been examined using light and electron microscopy, together with energy dispersive and Raman spectroscopy. The deposition of magnetite in the posterior region of the tooth cusp has been shown to occur simultaneously on two fronts, from both the anterior and posterior sides. In contrast, in the lepidocrocite region, the mineral is formed by aggregation over the whole region. In addition, evidence is presented for the existence of a thin veneer of ferrihydrite over the surface of the magnetite region. The veneer preserves this region from oxidation prior to use in the mature tooth. Data also suggest that the junction zone plays a vital role in the overall biomineralisation process, contributing large amounts of iron at critical stages of development.  相似文献   

Summary. To better understand the biological role of floral scents for butterflies, electrophysiological responses to floral scents were investigated using combined gas chromatography and electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD). The antennal responses of three butterfly species, Aglais urticae L. (Nymphalidae), Inachis io L. (Nymphalidae), and Gonepteryx rhamni L. (Pieridae) to floral scent compounds from both natural and synthetic mixtures were examined. Floral scents were collected from the butterfly nectar plants Cirsium arvense (L.) (Asteraceae), and Buddleja davidii Franchet cv. (Loganicaeae) with dynamic head-space methods on Tenax-GR and eluted with pentane. These eluates, composed of natural floral scent blends, represent an array of compounds in their natural state. In the GC-EAD analyses eleven compounds were identified from C. arvense with the benzenoid compound phenylacetaldehyde in highest abundance. Seventeen compounds were identified from B. davidii with the irregular terpene oxoisophorone in highest abundance. Thirty-nine synthetic floral scent compounds were mixed in pentane, in equal amounts; about 35 ng were allowed to reach the antennae. The butterflies showed antennal responses to most of the floral scent compounds from both natural and synthetic blends except to the highly volatile monoterpene alkenes. Certain benzenoid compounds such as phenylacetaldehyde, monoterpenes such as linalool, and irregular terpenes such as oxoisophorone, were emitted in relatively large amounts from C. arvense and B. davidii, and elicited the strongest antennal responses. These compounds also elicited strong antennal responses when present in the synthetic scent blends. Thus, the butterflies seem to have many and /or sensitive antennal receptors for these compounds, which points to their biological importance. Moreover, these compounds are exclusively of floral scent origin. For B. davidii, which depends highly on butterflies for pollination, the exclusive floral scent compounds emitted in high abundance could be the result of an adaptive pressure to attract butterflies. Received 2 Septemter 2001; accepted 9 September 2002.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses have demonstrated that nonfeeding larvae have evolved from feeding larvae many times among marine invertebrates. In light of this observation, it is surprising that an intermediate strategy, a larva that can feed but is provisioned with enough energy to metamorphose without acquiring exogenous food (i.e., facultative planktotrophy), is rare. A hypothesis for the lack of facultative planktotrophic species among marine invertebrates is that the transition from feeding to nonfeeding is rapid due to this intermediate stage being evolutionarily unstable. Evidence that would support this hypothesis is if species with facultative planktotrophy have reduced food assimilation when compared with obligate planktotrophs. We studied a species with facultative planktotrophic larvae, Clypeaster rosaceus, that is very near the boundary between facultative and obligatory planktotrophy, to answer two questions: (1) does feeding during the larval stage result in energy gains in larval or juvenile stages and (2) if not, are larvae capable of assimilating exogenous food at all. Our measurements of energetics in larval and juvenile stages show that C. rosaceus larvae accumulate very little if any energy when fed, but stable isotope data indicate that larvae are able to assimilate some food. Our results are consistent with similar studies on facultative planktotrophic larvae suggesting poor food assimilation and rapid loss of larval feeding after a population evolves the ability to reach metamorphosis without feeding (lecithotrophy).  相似文献   

Summary. For butterflies to be efficient foragers, they need to be able to recognize rewarding flowers. Flower signals such as colours and scents assist this recognition process. For plant species to attract and keep butterflies as pollinators, species-specific floral signals are crucial. The aim of this study is to investigate foraging responses to floral scents in three temperate butterfly species, Inachis io L. (Nymphalidae), Aglais urticae L. (Nymphalidae), and Gonepteryx rhamni L. (Pieridae), in behavioural choice bioassays. The butterflies were allowed to choose bet-ween flower models varying in scent and colour (mauve or green). Flowers or vegetative parts from the plants Centaurea scabiosa L. (Asteraceae), Cirsium arvense (L.) (Asteraceae), Knautia arvensis (L.) (Dipsacaceae), Buddleja davidii Franchet (Loganicaeae), Origanum vulgareL. (Lamiaceae), Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae), and Philadelphus coronarius L. (Hydrangiaceae) were used as scent sources. All visits to the models — those that included probing and those that did not — were counted, as was the duration of these behaviours. Both flower-naive and flower-experienced (conditioned to sugar-water rewards, the colour mauve, and specific floral scents) butterflies were tested for their preference for floral versus vegetative scents, and to floral scent versus colour. The butterflies were also tested for their ability to switch floral scent preferences in response to rewards. Flower-naive butterflies demonstrated a preference for the floral scent of the butterfly-favourable plants C. arvense and K. arvensis over the floral scent of the non-favourable plants Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae), and Philadelphus coronarius cv. (Hydrangiaceae). Most of the butterflies that were conditioned to floral scents of either C. arvense, K. arvensis, or B. davidii readily switched theirfloral scent preferences to the one most recently associated with reward, thus demonstrating that floral scent constancy is a result from learning. These findings suggest that these butterflies use floral scent as an important cue signal to initially identify and subsequently recognize and distinguish among rewarding plants. Received 2 September 2001; accepted 9 September 2002.  相似文献   

Structure and complexity of the substrate are important habitat characteristics for benthic epifauna. The specific growth and mortality rates and inducible defence characters on medium-sized blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) exposed to shore crabs (Carcinus maenas L.) were examined on three different substrate types in combined field and laboratory experiments. The experiments showed that complexity of the substrate increased blue mussel survival significantly, through a decrease in predation pressure. However, increased intraspecific competition for food on the complex substrate resulted in significantly lower growth rates of the mussels. Inducible defence characters were also influenced by substrate type. Blue mussels were more affected by predators on the structurally simple substrate, where they developed thicker shells and a larger posterior adductor muscle.  相似文献   

Halictine bees exhibit a wide range of social behaviour that varies both inter- and intraspecifically. Although previous studies suggested that the intraspecific variation might be attributed to temperature differences, there was no direct evidence to detect the relationships between temperature and socialities. Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) baleicum exhibited solitary behaviour in a cooler locality (Kawakita) because of the shorter breeding season; in a warmer locality (Nishioka Park), however, this bee species exhibited eusociality at sunny site and solitary behaviour at shady site, whereas a molecular phylogeny confirms that all of these colonies are evidently conspecific. Therefore, we examined the effect of degree-day accumulation on the sympatric social variation of L. baleicum by rearing the bees to calculate the threshold temperature. Whereas they showed high mortality, the threshold temperature was estimated to be 10.33°C and the expected degree-day accumulation was 340 degree days. When we use this value of a degree-day accumulation to estimate the expected eclosion date, the estimated dates were always consistent with observed eclosion dates. In any sites where the bees were solitary, the degree-day accumulation was not enough for the second eclosion by the end of the bee-active season. In Nishioka Park, sex ratio of the first brood was female biased, and daughters were smaller than mothers; in Kawakita, however, there was no sex bias, and daughters were as large as their mothers indicating that the foundresses seem to produce gyne-sized females in Kawakita but worker-sized females in Nishioka though these females do not become workers at shady site.  相似文献   

Echinoderms are major predators of anemones in temperate ecosystems. The fate of two algae, zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae, after their host anemone (Anthopleura elegantissima Brandt) was consumed by the leather star Dermasterias imbricata Grube was determined in experiments conducted in July and August 2004. Productivity, photosynthetic pigments, and mitotic index (percent of cells dividing) were used as indicators of algal health; algae released after leather stars consumed their host were compared with algae freshly isolated from anemones. Two types of waste products contained algae: pellets resulting from extraoral digestion, and feces. Zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae isolated from these waste products were photosynthetic, although to different extents. For algae from feces and pellets, light-saturated photosynthetic rates (P max) were 85 and 13%, respectively, of P max of freshly isolated zooxanthellae; and were 20 and 46%, respectively, for zoochlorellae. The photosynthetic pigments and mitotic index (percent of dividing cells) were not altered by the feeding activities of the leather star. These results show that algae released by seastar predation on their hosts remain viable, and are hence available for establishing symbioses in A. elegantissima and other potential hosts.  相似文献   

In spite of historical and current interest in Ciona intestinalis and its congeners, little is known about evolutionary relationships among the members of the genus Ciona. Here 744-bp sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene are used to examine phylogenetic relationships among three described species (C. intestinalis, C. roulei, C. savignyi) sampled from multiple coastal sites in the Northeast Pacific (CA, USA), Northwest Atlantic (from New Hampshire to Connecticut, USA), Northeast Atlantic (Sweden and The Netherlands), and Mediterranean (Banyuls-sur-Mer, France). The samples were collected in June–October 2005. The COI sequences of Northeast Pacific/Mediterranean (Type A) and Northwest Atlantic (Type B) C. intestinalis differ by ∼12% and C. roulei is nested within Type B C. intestinalis. Ciona savignyi differs from all other haplotypes by 13–16%. A previously undescribed but morphologically distinct Ciona sp. found at the Banyuls-sur-Mer site was >10% divergent from all other haplotypes. Although these data arise from a single gene study, they indicate that further elucidation of species relationships within the genus and of the species’ distributions will be needed if continuing invasions and potential reproductive isolation are to be investigated.  相似文献   

J. Maté 《Marine Biology》2003,142(3):427-440
Ecological, genetic, and morphological differences among three Panamanian Pacific Pavona species with strongly developed collines (Pavona varians, P. frondifera, and P. chiriquiensis) were examined. Ecological factors included geographical distributions of species, habitat preferences, interspecific interactions, reproductive ecology, and tolerance to bleaching. Genetic differences were based on the electrophoretic analysis of ten allozyme loci. Morphological analyses consisted of tissue coloration, colony morphology, and measurements and counts of ten macro- and micro-skeletal characters. P. varians, present on reefs or in coral communities, is the most widely distributed and shows considerable morphological variation. P. chiriquiensis, a recently described species, encrusts basalt rock and has little morphological variation. P. frondifera is a reef dweller with a compact foliose morphology. Tissue coloration varies from light to dark brown in P. varians, from pink to brown in P. frondifera, and from brick red to brown or silvery in Pavona chiriquiensis. Also, the white to silvery polyp mouths of the latter species are a diagnostic feature that allows an easy identification in the field. Aggressive dominance during short-term interspecific interactions were as follows: Pavona chiriquiensis>P. varians>P. frondifera. P. chiriquiensis and P. varians showed contrasting responses to sea warming during the 1997-1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation. Whereas entire P. chiriquiensis bleached and died within 4 weeks of exposure to 30-31°C, colonies of P. varians did so only on their upper surfaces. The response of P. frondifera to elevated temperatures was not observed because it is mainly present in the Gulf of Panama where coral bleaching was absent in 1997-1998. The genetic data indicated that P. chiriquiensis differed strongly from both P. varians and P. frondifera, with Nei's unbiased genetic distances of 0.434 and 0.379, respectively. A fixed difference between P. varians and P. frondifera, and P. chiriquiensis exists at the triose phosphate isomerase (TPI-2) locus. A nearly fixed difference between P. chiriquiensis and P. frondifera and between P. chiriquiensis and P. varians was found at the hexokinase (HK) locus. P. varians differed slightly from P. frondifera with Nei's unbiased genetic distance of 0.068. No fixed difference was found between P. varians and P. frondifera. There were strong differences between P. chiriquiensis and P. varians in spawning times and gamete characteristics. Spawning in P. varians and P. chiriquiensis is 12 h out of phase. Also, eggs of the former species are white to beige and positively buoyant whereas those of the latter species are dark green and neutrally to negatively buoyant. No reproductive data are yet available for P. frondifera. Calicular diameters are significantly greater in P. chiriquiensis than in the other two species. In contrast, corallum thickness is greater in P. varians and P. frondifera than in P. chiriquiensis. Canonical discriminant function analysis readily separated the three species.  相似文献   

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