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Cd, Pb, and Zn were quantified in liver and kidney of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) which were hunted during the 2003–2011 hunting seasons in Galicia (NW Spain). The effects of age and gender were evaluated to determine whether these variables should be included in future biomonitoring studies. The concentrations of hepatic and renal Cd (average 0.6 and 1.3 µg/g) and Pb (0.8 and 0.06 µg/g, respectively) were similar to background levels, with no known toxicological relevance. Similarly, the average levels of Zn in liver and kidney (77 and 17 µg/g) were in the range of physiological levels for canids. Although no significant gender-dependent variations were observed, the effect of aging was evident: the levels of hepatic Pb and both hepatic and renal Cd were higher in adults than in juveniles. Age should be included as a parameter during future biomonitoring programs focusing on trace metal bioaccumulation in red foxes.  相似文献   

小麦籽粒中镉对锌的拮抗作用与有机肥的调控   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究不同的镉、锌复合污染水平对小麦籽粒锌吸收的影响及有机肥的调控作用。试验结果表明,随着土壤中外源Zn浓度的提高,小麦籽粒Zn含量显著增加;Cd和Zn复合污染的土壤上,小麦籽粒对Zn的吸收累积除受到土壤中外源Zn水平的影响外,还受到外源Cd的影响,高浓度Cd(100 mgkg-1)减少了Zn在小麦籽粒中的累积,说明Cd对小麦吸收Zn有拮抗效应;施用有机肥显著降低了1000 mgkg-1Zn污染土壤上小麦籽粒Zn含量及1000 mgkg-1Zn与100 mgkg-1Cd复合污染土壤上小麦籽粒Zn含量,而显著增加了500 mgkg-1Zn与Cd复合污染土壤上小麦籽粒Zn含量。因此,有机肥对Cd和Zn复合污染土壤上小麦籽粒Zn含量的影响与外源Cd、Zn的浓度组合有关。  相似文献   

铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场周边土壤铅污染特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金属冶炼过程留下的废渣经过雨水冲刷及渗滤液等的作用使残留在废渣中的重金属发生迁移转化,导致渣堆场下及周边土壤受到重金属污染。了解冶炼厂渣堆场下及周边土壤重金属污染状况对场地修复及土地利用规划均有重大意义。本研究调查了湖南某铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场0~4 km内三个采样区0~20 cm表层土壤及0~100 cm深度土壤中铅的污染状况,采用单项污染指数法进行铅污染评价,并分析了铅纵向迁移随深度变化和横向迁移随距离变化的分布特征。结果表明,铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场下及周边0~1 km范围内土壤受到了铅污染,渣堆场下、距渣堆场10 m处及1 km处表层土壤中重金属铅的质量分数分别可达775.25、645.33和309.80 mg·kg^-1,超过了当地土壤中铅的背景值,也超过了土壤二级质量标准甚至三级质量标准。三个采样区的铅污染指数分别为2.6、2.1及1.03,污染等级均为Ⅱ级,污染程度为轻度污染。三个采样区土壤中铅污染主要集中于0~20 cm土壤层中,铅的质量分数分别达775.25,645.33和309.80 mg·kg^-1,20~100 cm土壤层中铅的质量分数低于0~20 cm的,分别在88.48~120.96 mg·kg-1、235.01~380.16 mg·kg^-1及309.80~59.32 mg·kg^-1之间。渣堆场下土壤中的铅从0~20cm土壤层往下至20~100cm土壤层迁移量远小于距渣场10 m处及1 km处的。三个采样区表层0~20 cm土壤层中铅的变化规律为距渣堆场0 m(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场4 km,质量分数随距离增加而降低。20~40 cm及40~60 cm土壤层中铅的变化规律为距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场0 m处(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场4 km,60~80 cm及80~100 cm土壤层的变化规律为距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场0 m处(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场4 km,铅的质量分数随距离的增加先升高后降低。  相似文献   

Paclobutrazol (PP333) can enhance the resistance capabilities of plants to stress conditions. In this study, PP333 were sprayed on the lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) accumulator plant Pseudostellaria maximowicziana, which was planted in Pb–Zn contaminated soil, and the effects of PP333 on Pb and Zn accumulation levels in P. maximowicziana were studied. Spraying 10?mg/L PP333 increased, while 20, 30 and 50?mg/L PP333 decreased, the biomass of P. maximowicziana compared with the control. The 10?mg/L PP333 had no significant effects on the photosynthetic pigment contents of P. maximowicziana compared with the control, while the other doses increased the contents. The activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase) and the Pb and Zn concentrations in P. maximowicziana were increased by PP333 compared with the control. These items had the increase trend with the increase of PP333 concentrations. Only 10 and 20?mg/L PP333 increased the amount of Pb extracted by P. maximowicziana shoots, while all of the doses increased the amount of Zn extracted by P. maximowicziana shoots. Thus, low concentration of PP333 could promote the growth and heavy metal extraction ability of P. maximowicziana shoots, with the 10?mg/L being the best.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine changes in the blood and liver of rats given oral doses of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn). Thirty 3 month old rats were kept six to a compartment in a well-demarcated five compartment cage labeled A, B, C, D, and E. After 2 weeks of acclimatization, and with ad libitum administration of water and feed, group A and B rats were, respectively, exposed to 100 mg CdSO4 and 2200 mg ZnSO4, respectively, mixed with their feed. Group C rats were fed with a combination of 100 mg CdSO4 and 2200 mg ZnSO4 mixed with their feed, while group D rats were exposed to 100 mg CdSO4 mixed with their feed for 48 h, and after they were given 2200 mg ZnSO4 for 96 h. Group E rats served as control and were fed a normal diet. Analysis of blood samples after 5 days showed that in rats of groups A, B, C, and D, WBC count increased from 6800 to 12,400 mm?3 and platelets from 26,000 to 88,000 mm?3. Reduction in blood counts were found for RBC from 13.8 to 4.7 × 106 mm?3, hemoglobin from 15.6 to 11.4 dL?1, and PCV from 47 to 34%. ESR was the same 1.0 mm h?1 in all groups. Severe damage to the liver was also shown by severe degeneration of hepatocytes and increase in Kuppfer cells. The above observations were mildest in the liver of group C rats. A reduction of body weight was observed in all treatment groups. Cd and Zn were found to be hematoxic and hepatotoxic in the Norwegian rat with Cd exhibiting greater toxicity than Zn. Toxicity of Cd was suppressed by Zn only when both metals were admistered at the same time, but a delay in intake of Zn (after 48 h) had little effect on Cd toxicity.  相似文献   

4种草对铅锌尾矿污染土壤重金属的抗性与吸收特性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
盆栽试验的结果表明,高羊毛、早熟禾、黑麦草、紫花苜蓿在纯尾矿污染土壤或经处理的尾矿污染土壤上都能生长,但在处理的土壤上生长的植物长势明显优于对照,其中紫花苜蓿的生物量所受影响比其他几种草坪草更大,说明其重金属抗性低于其他几种植物。单位面积上 4 种植物体内重金属质量分数高低均为 w(Zn)>w(Pb)>w(Cu)>w(Cd),但每种植物对 Cd、Pb、Zn 和 Cu 的吸收质量分数和分布均不相同,一般为根系质量分数大于茎叶。加入改良剂(CaCO3)和有机肥(菜枯)使生长在铅锌尾矿污染土壤上的 4 种草坪草生物量显著增加,植物体中的 Cd、Pb、Zn 质量分数下降,但 Cu 质量分数反而上升,结果单位面积上草坪草吸收各重金属元素的量均有所增加,可见利用改良措施与草坪草相结合的方法来修复重金属污染土壤具有可行性。  相似文献   

Sludge resulting from industrial waste water treatment at the industrial area of Patras, Greece, was spiked with cadmium, chromium and lead and entrenched in 4 experimental trenches. Soil from the unsaturated zone and sludge from the trenches were sampled at successive time points over a period of 14 months to monitor the movement of metals. Results showed that 94% of cadmium and 80% of lead but only 32% of chromium migrated from the sludge just 14 months after the entrenchment.

At the end of this time the buried sludge could be considered stabilised, as indicated by the total nitrogen content. Cd content in underlying soil layers at 3 m depth showed an increase in the first 7 months followed by a decrease, afterwards. Soil Pb concentration at 3 and 6 m depth was significantly high, in relation to it's initial concentration 14 months after the entrenchment. Pb and Cd in the soil samples were negatively correlated. It is suggested that lead displaces cadmium in the sediments.  相似文献   

This paper describes the quantitative determination of F, Cl, Br, Cd and Pb in plastic materials. The concentration of the elements Cl, Br, Cd and Pb is first semiquantitatively measured by X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) directly in the solid sample with a detection limit of approximately 10 μg/g. Afterwards, F and any of the other elements which exceed the limit values for materials which are disposable without special precautions are measured after the digestion of the material. The samples are digested either under pressure in an oxygen atmosphere for F, Cl and Br or under pressure with nitric acid for Cd and Pb. The digestion converts the halides to the anions which are measured potentiometrically (F, Br) or with ion chromatography (Cl). Cd and Pb are measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF‐AAS). The determination limits achieved are 20 μg/g for F and Br, 250 μg/g for Cl, 0.01 μg/g for Cd and 0.2 μg/g for Pb, all below the limit values set by current regulations in Switzerland.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲灌漠土Cu、Zn和Pb的吸附解吸特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
土壤重金属吸附解吸是影响土壤系统中重金属移动性和归宿的主要过程,影响重金属的生物有效性以及重金属在食物链中的传递等.配制一系列不同浓度的重金属,灌漠土对重金属溶液进行吸附实验24 h以达到平衡,再用硝酸铵和乙酸铵进行解吸实验24 h以达到平衡.利用热力学吸附平衡法,对西北干旱区绿洲灌漠土重金属Cu、Ni和Pb的吸附解吸行为进行序批实验研究.实验结果表明:(1)灰漠土在常温下对铜、锌和铅重金属离子的吸附等温线符合Freundlich型吸附模式,灰漠土对重金属铜、锌和铅的吸附能力由强到弱的顺序为:铅,铜,锌.(2)硝酸铵和乙酸铵解吸重金属的量与灰漠土吸附重金属量呈现出线性正相关,乙酸铵解吸重金属的量比硝酸铵解吸重金属的量大,两种解吸剂对铜、锌和铅重金属离子的解吸能力由大到小的顺序都为:铜,锌,铅,说明了一般外源的铜、锌和铅进入土壤以后,铜和锌可能比铅容易向四周转移.(3)硝酸铵和乙酸铵的解吸率呈谷形曲线,开始时硝酸铵和乙酸铵解吸重金属量的百分比随灰漠土吸附重金属量的增加而减小,在吸附量达到某一特定值时,解吸率随吸附量的增加而增加.灰漠土对铜、锌和铅的吸附作用以专性吸附为主,被灰漠土吸附的铜、锌和铅重金属离子较难解吸.  相似文献   

Hyperaccumulation of metals by plants involves at least three processes: efficient absorption by roots, efficient root-to-shoot translocation and hypertolerance through internal detoxification. In this study, Thlaspi caerulescens was separately exposed to Cd and Zn at 0, 50, 100 and 200 μ M for 7 d to monitor plant responses in hydroponics. Significant dose-dependent accumulation was observed for both metals, mainly in roots (up to 3.2 and 9.2 mg g ?1 for Cd and Zn, respectively). However, Cd was more phytotoxic in terms of plant growth and photosynthesis. This higher toxicity was also evidenced by MetPLATE bioassay. Root exudation was significantly correlated to Cd and Zn translocation (r>0.85) proving its involvement in facilitating metal uptake. As for antioxidative responses, plants reacted to Cd and Zn by broadly exhibiting an elevation of glutathione reductase activity before declining at 200 μ M due to higher phytotoxicity. By contrast, superoxide dismutase activity was unlikely to be affected by both metals. Root-to-shoot apoplastic flow was traced using a fluorescent dye (trisodium-8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonic acid; PTS), whose concentration in leaves increased to a certain extent with Cd and Zn accumulation, indicating that heavy metals have a comparable effect to drought or salinity in promoting the passive diffusion of water and solutes. Nevertheless, Cd at 200 μ M hindered the diffusion of PTS and consequently affected the apoplastic transport in plants.  相似文献   

Acute toxicities of Pb and Zn to clam (if. philippinarum) were determined by a semistatic bioassay. The 96 h LC50 values were 14.28 mg/L for Pb, and 16.40 mg/L for Zn. Exposure of R. philippinarum to various concentration of lead and zinc for a period of 4 days showed that different organs have different capacities for accumulating metals, with high levels in the gill, followed by soft body, and lower amounts in the cavity fluid. Accumulation tests showed that R. philippinarum is a strong accumulator of Pb and weaker accumulator of Zn. The effect of lead on activities of Catalase and GPT were studied in soft body of R. philippinarum. The result showed that the activities of CAT in soft body decreased at all exposure groups, the activities of CAT were negatively correlated with exposure concentration of lead, the special inhibition effect was observed in exposure group of Zn, the CAT activities significantly decreased at lower Zn concentration, then increased slowly with the Zn concentration, finally, decreased to the lowest. The activities of GPT in soft body were significantly increased at high exposure concentrations.  相似文献   

对兰坪铅锌尾矿区自然发生的植物进行调查,共发现18种植物,分属于10科。对野豇豆(Vigna vexiauata(Linn.)Bench.)、长波叶山蚂蝗(Desmodium sequax Wall.)、三叶草(Trifolium pratense Linn.)、白刺花(Sophora davii(franch.)Skeels)、密花序黄芪(Astragalus forrestii Simpson.)、美丽胡枝子(Lespedeza Formosa(Vog.)Koehne.)6种8株豆科植物根瘤进行根瘤菌的分离纯化,共得到419株细菌,经镜检初步确定有94株为根瘤菌。对其中31株根瘤菌的淀粉水解、糖发酵等12项生理生化指标进行测定,并以平均连锁法进行聚类分析。结果表明,兰坪铅锌尾矿区31株根瘤菌在50%的相似水平上可分为6个类群,其表型特性存在明显差异,同一种植物中可能存在不同代谢类型的根瘤菌,同一种代谢类型的根瘤菌也可与不同植物共生。抗逆性测定结果表明,菌株(4G.7、5.4.3、7.4.3)对温度、(4A.12、4G.7、4G.10、5.4.3)对pH、(3.7.9、5.4.3)对盐、(3.7.19、4A.12、6.1.2、6.1.13)对抗生素有较强耐受性或抗性,大多数菌株能在较宽的温度、盐度和pH范围内生长。  相似文献   

有机酸对根际土壤中铅形态及其生物毒性的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李瑛  张桂银  李洪军  魏静 《生态环境》2004,13(2):164-166
采用根袋盆栽试验和连续浸提方法研究外源柠檬酸、EDTA对根际土壤中Pb形态转化及其生物毒性的影响。结果表明,有机酸能明显活化根际土壤中的Pb,高浓度(3mmol/L)比低浓度(0.5mmol/L)的柠檬酸对Pb的活化能力强;EDTA在低浓度(0.5mmol/L)时对Pb的活化能力就很强。柠檬酸、EDTA能增强土壤Pb的毒性,提高小麦根部对Pb的吸收,并促进Pb由根部向地上部转移。  相似文献   

杜彩艳  祖艳群  李元 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1710-1713
重金属的不同形态对于作物吸收重金属及受害具有十分密切的关系,通过施用石灰改变重金属的形态、毒性以及对作物的影响具有重要的意义。以大白菜(Brassica pekinensis)为研究对象,通过盆栽试验,探讨了在铅、镉和锌污染土壤上,施用石灰对土壤中不同形态镉、铅和锌含量及在大白菜中累积的影响。结果表明,施用石灰后,土壤中碳酸盐结合态Pb、Cd和Zn含量明显减少,铁、锰氧化物结合态和有机物结合态Pb、Cd和Zn含量明显增加;对大白菜吸收Pb、Cd和Zn均起到较好的抑制作用,石灰用量为5g·kg-1土时,对大白菜吸收Pb、Cd和Zn的抑制效果最好。  相似文献   

The uptake of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) by Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia alba under various salinity levels was examined using hydroponic cultivations. After 3 months of exposure at four levels of Pb (0, 0.03, 0.3 and 3 mg·L?1) and four levels of Cd (0, 0.005; 0.05 and 0.5 mg·L?1) at different salinities (0, 15 and 30), uptake of the metals was shown to be differently affected by salinity. For uptake of Pb by R. apiculata, the salinity effect was not significant for the leaves and was most significant in the stem, whereas for A. alba, the effect of salinity was significant only in the stem. Uptake of Pb in the roots and stems of both species was similar, but a higher concentration was recorded in the leaves of A. alba. Salinity was shown to affect the uptake of Cd by all tissues of R. apiculata, but most significantly roots. For A. alba, salinity significantly affects the total uptake of Cd, but this is most significant in the roots. The two mangrove species demonstrated different mechanisms of metal distribution into their organs which may be related to different adaptation mechanisms to saline conditions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare metals bioaccumulation in the Talitrid O. mediterranea collected from the banks of Bizerte lagoon. Individuals were exposed to a series of contaminated soil with different concentrations of cadmium, copper, and zinc. Biological and physiological responses were highlighted. Body metals concentrations were measured in the talitrid using flame atomic emission spectrometry. Results showed that after the second week, the mortality increased especially with cadmium exposure, and a mass gain was obtained between weeks for copper and zinc. Furthermore, the concentration factor indicated that O. mediterranea could be considered as a macroconcentrator of copper and zinc. Histopathological analysis showed that the different metals concentrations induced significant changes in the morphology and in the ultrastructural organisation of hepatopancreatic cells. Significant alterations obtained after metals exposure were the increase in the number of the majority cell organelles. Also, heavy metals were present in the form of numerous granules with different size in the cell surface. Furthermore, metals exposure affected the brush border causing the disruption of microvilli filament. Through these results, O. mediterranea could be a good indicator providing measurable responses. It could be an attractive candidate for the biochemical study of heavy metals toxicity in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

In a multifactorial pot experiment, maize (Zea mays L.) with or without inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae BEG167 was grown in a sterilized soil spiked with three levels of zinc (0, 300 and 900 mg Zn kg−1 soil) and three levels of cadmium (0, 25 and 100 mg Cd kg−1 soil). At harvest after 8 weeks of growth, the proportion of root length of inoculated plants colonized decreased with increasing Zn or Cd additon, and was 56% in the absence of both metals and was reduced significantly to 27% in the presence of the higher levels of both metals. Mycorrhizal plants had higher biomass than non-mycorrhizal controls except at the highest soil level of Cd. Cadmium had more pronounced effects on plant biomass than did Zn at the levels studied and the two metals showed a significant interaction. The data suggest that mycorrhizal inoculation increased plant growth with enchancement of P nutrition, perhaps increasing plant tolerance to Zn and Cd by a dilution effect. AM inoculation also led to higher soil solution pH after harvest, possibly reducing the availability of the metals for plant uptake, and lowered the concentrations of soluble Zn and Cd in the soil solution, perhaps by adsorption onto the extrametrical mycelium.  相似文献   

The tea bush (Comellia sinensis) is grown commercially in a large number of countries. Tea is a beverage, which consists of processed and dried tea leaves and is one of the most popular global drinks. Tea contains some heavy metals, such as Pb and Cd, which exert adverse effects on human health. The aim of this study was to determine the Pb and Cd levels in tea leaves and in the solution following dissolution in boiling water. In order to assess Pb and Cd in Iranian consumed tea, 10 tea samples were analyzed for metal concentration in tea leaves and boiled water solutions. For tea leaf analysis, the samples (5 g) were oven dried, ash dried in a cold oven, cooled at room temperature and then 2 mL nitric acid were added to the samples and the acid were evaporated on hot plate. For tea solution analysis, tea (5 g) was added to 250 mL of boiling distilled water and after filtering, the liquid was collected as tea solution. The results show that the average concentration of Pb and Cd in Iranian tea leaves was 9.73 and 0.67 mg kg?1 and in foreign tea leaves 2.5 and 0.53 mg kg?1, respectively. Shariat and Golkis representing Iranian, and Red Shahrzad and Ahmad representing foreign tea, showed the highest and lowest concentration respectively of Pb. Bamdad and Shariat representing Iranian, and Black Sedaghat and Ahmad representing foreign tea, showed the highest and lowest levels of Cd, respectively. The results showed that the longer the time of dissolution of the tea, the higher concentration of Pb and Cd in tea solution. In order to control Pb and Cd levels in tea, the type of water used in agriculture and quality of soil needs to be regulated.  相似文献   

The understanding of natural fluctuations of metal concentrations in mussels used as bio-indicators is indispensable for a good assessment of the disturbances due to pollution. We have studied thoroughly the factors which condition bioaccumulation by using controlled populations of mussels, Mytilus edulis L., sampled monthly over more than two years (March 1982–May 1984) in the Bay of Bourgneuf, France. Seasonal changes in metal levels have been recognized, maximum values being observed in winter and early spring and minimum in later spring and summer. Depending on metal and size group, the ratios between these maximum and minimum values varied between 1.56 and 3.43. The fluctuations in soft-tissue weight appear to be the main explanatory factor of seasonal variations in metal concentrations in mussels. Fluctuations in metal levels related to size of mussels were observed. Except for cadmium in mussels with a mean dry weight of soft tissues >0.2 g, a slight decrease in metal concentrations was observed for growing individuals: the regression coefficient b was -0.10, -0.11, -0.13 and -0.27 for Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb, respectively. The metals examined were rather uniformly distributed among the different groups of organs (visceral mass, gills and palps, remainder) and, consequently, several analyses of metals in different organs do not provide much more information than one analysis on the whole soft tissues. It is concluded that fluctuations related to size or season are reflected by only moderate differences in the maximum and minimum concentrations of metals in the mussels, but that they are nevertheless sufficient to conceal low chronic or short-term pollution, except at those sites where the normal environmental conditions are well-documented.  相似文献   

Pollution is a global problem which affects various human population functions. Despite the decline in plasma lead (Pb) levels among the general population during the past 20 years, this metal continues to be a public health concern for individuals with past and present exposures. The objective of this study was to determine blood lead levels (BPbL) in the staff of Dandy Zinc Company and compare them to control subjects. The test group included 40 staff of Dandy Zinc Company of Zanjan, while controls were selected from general population. Five milliliters of blood and plasma was sent to Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AOEI) reference lab to measure BPbL by Flameless Atomic Absorption. BPbL in test group (16.6 + 8.18 µg dL?1) was significantly higher than control (10.47 + 2.10 µg dL?1). In both groups BPbL was significantly higher in smokers than non-smokers. Blood lead levels in molding workers were significantly higher than other workers. BPbL in exposed workers were directly related to duration of work and age. Data indicate Pb exposure was of significant magnitude to be a public health concern especially in zinc-and Pb-related industries.  相似文献   

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