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Mesozooplankton samples from two stations in the Arabian Sea (WAST, 4,050 m, 16°15′N, 60°20′E; CAST, 3,950 m, 14°30′N, 64°30′E) were collected from the surface down to 20 m above bottom during three monsoon periods: the autumn intermonsoon in October 1995, the spring intermonsoon in April 1997, and the NE monsoon in February 1998. The main goal of this study is to enhance our knowledge on the effect of spatial and temporal differences in primary production and particle flux rates on the abundance and distribution of mesozooplankton, with special attention to the deep sea. Literature data indicate episodically high rates of primary production and particle flux in the region during the SW monsoon and the autumn intermonsoon. Set in this context, the zooplankton showed an in-phase coupling in biomass and abundance with the primary production in the surface 150 m. In the mesopelagic realm (150–1,050 m), the seasonal coupling was less clear. In the bathypelagic zone, below 1,050 m, there was no evidence of in-phase coupling, though temporal differences in the distribution of zooplankton abundance and biomass with depth between seasons could be shown by an analysis of covariance and an a posteriori test. The results suggest that the bathypelagic community responds to increased particle flux rates, but with longer time gaps than in the epipelagic zone. This is probably due to longer development and response times of zooplankton in the cold, deep-water environment, independent of possible lateral advection processes.  相似文献   

马奔  章群  司从利  黄小彧 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1898-1901
测定了采自香港2株球形棕囊藻和湛江1株等鞭金藻质体16SrDNA基因序列,结合GenBank中下载的32条同源序列,分析序列特征并构建分子系统树。发现600bp序列中有可变位点42个,简约信息位点33个,可变位点和简约信息位点分别为全序列的7.0%和5.5%。A+T的含量(52.5%)略大于C+G含量(47.5%),与已报道的棕囊藻属叶绿体和线粒体基因相似;在分子系统树上,同属藻种聚类在一起,属间遗传距离分别为0.0255-0.0503。棕囊藻属属内遗传距离0-0.0050,不同藻种相混杂,并未独立成支;质体16srDNA部分序列虽不能区分棕囊藻属内不同藻种,但能鉴定出GenBank中27个环境样品为棕囊藻属藻株,从而能确定其地理分布和相对丰度,对棕囊藻赤潮的预测预报具有重要意义。质体16srDNA在其他赤潮藻类物种鉴定方面的应用需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

This study examined microplastic particles present in the benthic invertebrates Sternaspis scutata, Magelona cinta (deposit feeders) and Tellina sp. (suspension feeder) from the surface sediments of off-Kochi, southwest coast of India. The microplastic particles and thread-like fibres detected in these organisms were identified to be polystyrene by using DXR Raman microscope. Examination of the microplastic particle in Sternaspis scutata by epifluorescent microscopy showed fragmentation marks on the surface suggesting that the microplastic particle was degraded/weathered in nature. The study provides preliminary evidence of the presence of microplastics in benthic fauna from the coastal waters of India. However, further studies are required to understand the sources, distribution, fate and toxicity of the different types of microplastics in benthic invertebrates in order to identify any potential threats to higher trophic level organisms.  相似文献   

J. E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》1993,117(3):449-457
This study examines the feeding habits of Paromola cuvieri (Risso, 1816) and Geryon longipes A. Milne Edwards, 1881, the only two common deep-sea brachyuran crabs inhabiting the bathyal mud assemblages in the Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranean). Samples were obtained by bottom trawls at depths between 360 and 1871 m during 1983 to 1992. Both species had highly diverse diets, but very low feeding activity, as reflected by the high proportion of empty stomachs. Both characteristics may be important factors enabling deepsea crabs to adapt to bathyal zones, where trophic resources are scarce. The most important food items found in P. cuvieri were fish remains (teleost, sharks) and benthic decapods (Monodaeus couchii, Munida tenuimana). Scavenging activity plays an important role in this species. The diet of G. longipes included a broad range of benthic invertebrates. In the upper middle slope, the bivalve Abra longicallus, decapods (Calocaris macandreae and Monodaeus couchii), echinoderms and polychaetes were the dominant prey, with epibenthic peracarids as a secondary resource. On the lower middle slope, the incidence of decapod crustaceans (C. macandreae, Pontiphilus norvegicus) and peracarids in the diet declined. Small macrobenthic prey (glycerids, cumaceans or amphipods) were rare in the diet of both species, in accordance with the large size of the crab specimens studied. The absence of preferred prey items and the lack of food items of an optimum size on the lower slope may contribute to the progressive decline in abundance of P. cuvieri and G. longipes with increasing depth.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the biology of Bathypolypus sponsalis were studied from 297 individuals (115 males, 180 females and 2 indeterminates) caught in a depth range of 200–800 m depth in the western Mediterranean Sea. The paper presents data on sizes (length-weight relationships, size-frequency distributions) and reproduction (sex ratio, maturation, condition), and also analyses of the diet of B. sponsalis from samples taken throughout the year. Length-weight relationships showed that females are heavier than males at the same mantle length. Although mature individuals were found all year round, the maximum number occurred in spring and summer. Sexual maturation data revealed that males mature at smaller sizes than females. The gonadosomatic index increased with maturity in both sexes; the increase was gradual in males, but abrupt in females. The digestive gland index was used as a condition index and showed a differential behaviour with maturity; it increased gradually in females, but decreased in males. Like other octopus species, B. sponsalis appears to be an opportunistic predator, feeding on a great variety of preys. Stomach content analysis yielded a total of 19 different prey items belonging to four major groups (Crustacea, Mollusca, Ophiuroidea and Osteichthya). The first three groups were the more frequent preys, since crustaceans, molluscs and ophiuroids appeared in 76%, 49% and 30% of the stomachs, respectively. Decapoda Reptantia (among crustaceans) and cephalopods and bivalves (among molluscs) constituted the more abundant prey items. While the Decapoda Reptantia group was significantly more abundant in stomach contents of females, gastropods were taken more frequently by males. These differences in diet could reveal females as a more active predators than males. Received: 5 March 2000 / Accepted: 7 November 2000  相似文献   

S. Kidwai  S. Amjad 《Marine Biology》2000,136(3):561-571
Zooplankton samples from the North Arabian Sea Environment and Ecosystem Research (NASEER) cruises were analyzed to determine the basic taxonomic composition, biomass (standing stock) and the total and copepod numeric abundance; these characteristics are discussed with reference to the different monsoon periods. Cruises carried out during March 1993 and May 1994, categorized as pre-southwest monsoon periods, and a cruise in December 1994, categorized as a northeast monsoon period, are discussed in detail. The biomass of January 1992 versus August 1992 and August 1992 versus March 1993 differed significantly (F = 6.44, P≤ 0.05). Ranges of highest and lowest biomass from each cruise are also given. Distinct “high” and “low” production areas of statistically significant difference (F = 12.67, P≤ 0.05) were observed. The “high” and “low” production areas were mobile and followed the surface wind circulation patterns (wind reversal pattern) during the northeast and southwest monsoon periods. Overall zooplankton showed a patchy distribution. The overall zooplankton abundance and total copepod counts differed significantly between the Cruises 3 versus 4 and 4 versus 5 (F = 15.67, P≤ 0.05 and F = 34.39, P≤ 0.05, respectively). There was no significant difference (P≥ 0.05) in biomass, between eutrophic and oligotrophic stations, suggesting no difference between near shore and offshore waters. Thirty-eight taxonomic groups were identified from the samples, with copepods being the most dominant group, followed by chaetognaths and siphonophores. Copepods constitute an average of 52.50 to 74.93% of the total zooplankton count and reach maxima of 92.14% of the total zooplankton count at the outset of the southwest monsoon (March 1993) and 91.39% at the outset of the active northeast monsoon (December 1994). Received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1999  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the determination and abundance of trace metals (viz. Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, Co, Cd, Mn and Fe) in the surficial sediments of west coast of Arabian Sea along the Indian subcontinent. Sediment samples were collected from three transects along the western continental shelf of Arabian Sea. The enrichment of Fe and Mn in coastal oxic-sediments indicates the precipitation of these redox sensitive elements as Fe- and Mn-hydroxides and oxides, whereas the low Fe and Mn concentrations in the oxygen deficient sediments of deeper stations reflects the dissolution of their hydroxides and oxides. Concentrations of fairly redox insensitive trace metals like Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr and Cd (with the exceptions of Cr) showed higher values at nearshore sediments, then it decreased towards seaward and again showed a slight increase at oxygen minimum stations in all the three transects. This geochemical variability in their distributional characteristics is mainly associated with the extent to which the precipitation or dissolution of Fe- and Mn-oxides/hydroxides occur since the scavenging or releasing effects of Fe- and Mn-oxides/hydroxides act as significant ‘sinks’ or ‘sources’ of heavy metals. The change in wind pattern, coastal upwelling and increased productivity are also the reported factors which influence the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in the surface sediments of west coast of India. Enrichment factor generally showed a high gradient accumulation from nearshore to shelf.  相似文献   

采用分子生物学构建16S rDNA克隆文库的方法对制药废水交替流生物反应器内的微生物群落进行了多样性研究,该反应器对CODcr、氨氮、石油类化合物以及多种特殊污染物均有较高的去除效率.代表序列的BLAST比对结果表明微生物群落具有高度多样性,优势菌群为Proteobacteria,占78.6%.微生物群落分属7个不同纲,优势顺序为Alphaproteobacteria (39.8%),Betaproteobacteria(23.5%),Gammaproteobacteria(14.3%),Chlorobil(6.3%),Firmicutes(4.1%),Flavobacteria (1.0%),Deltaproteobacteria(1.0%.使用Vector NTI Suite 6.0软件对50个OTU的代表序列和NCBI基因库中最相近的已知细菌16S rDNA序列绘制系统进化树,表明克隆子与已知菌之间的基因系统进化关系.  相似文献   

L. A. Levin  S. Edesa 《Marine Biology》1997,128(4):671-678
Mudball-building cirratulid polychaetes have been described previously only from the southern California margin. During a study of oxygen minimum-zone benthos in fall 1994, we observed dense aggregations of agglutinated mudballs at 840 to 875 m on the Oman margin in the northwest Arabian Sea. These were inhabited, and probably constructed, by a cirratulid polychaete species in the genus Monticellina. The mudballs were cigar-shaped, 4.5 to 25 mm long, and positioned vertically so as to protrude several millimeters above the sediment–water interface. Total mudball densities were ∼16 000 m−2. Occupied mudballs occurred at densities of 2 112 m−2; 89% were in the uppermost 2 cm of sediment, and no occupied mudballs were found below 10 cm. Organisms other than the cirratulid were present on 1.7% of the mudballs examined, and included epizoic polychaetes, agglutinated and calcareous Foraminifera. Various polychaetes, a nemertean and nematodes were found inside tests. Mudball abundance exhibited positive associations with densities of several paraonid polychaete species, and with densities of burrowing and subsurface-deposit-feeding polychaetes. Negative associations were observed between mudballs and three tube-building taxa (two polychaetes and an amphipod). Mudball-inhabiting cirratulids are abundant in at least two low-oxygen, margin settings. We expect further sampling of bathyal environments to yield additional systems in which cirratulid mudballs are common. Such observations are valuable because mudballs appear to represent a significant source of heterogeneity that can influence macrofaunal community structure in deep-sea sediments. Received: 15 January 1997 / Accepted: 30 January 1997  相似文献   

Most seabirds die outside the breeding season, but understanding the key factors involved is hampered by limited knowledge of nonbreeding distributions. We used miniature geolocating loggers to examine the movements between breeding seasons of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica from a major North Sea colony where numbers have declined in recent years, apparently due to increased overwinter mortality. The most intensively used region was the northwestern North Sea but most puffins also made excursions into the east Atlantic in the early winter. Ringing recoveries previously indicated that adults from British east coast colonies remained within the North Sea and hence were spatially segregated from those breeding on the west throughout the year. Updated analyses of ringing recoveries support results from geolocators suggesting that usage of Atlantic waters is a recent phenomenon. We propose that the increased adult mortality is related to changes in distribution during the nonbreeding period and reflects worsening conditions in the North Sea.  相似文献   

During recent decades anthropogenic activities have dramatically impacted the Black Sea ecosystem. High levels of riverine nutrient input during the 1970s and 1980s caused eutrophic conditions including intense algal blooms resulting in hypoxia and the subsequent collapse of benthic habitats on the northwestern shelf. Intense fishing pressure also depleted stocks of many apex predators, contributing to an increase in planktivorous fish that are now the focus of fishing efforts. Additionally, the Black Sea's ecosystem changed even further with the introduction of exotic species. Economic collapse of the surrounding socialist republics in the early 1990s resulted in decreased nutrient loading which has allowed the Black Sea ecosystem to start to recover, but under rapidly changing economic and political conditions, future recovery is uncertain.  相似文献   

The notorious difficulties encountered in species identification of bivalve larvae through morphological characters have given rise to several alternative molecular approaches. In the present work, we propose a method based on PCR-SSCP combined with sequencing of partial 18S rDNA region, in which a large number of larvae can be scored and species identified with minimum sequencing effort. A primer set was developed to amplify a taxonomically informative 18S region of fragment size suitable for high resolution PCR-SSCP. The method developed is fast processing and has the potential of identifying most species present in a plankton sample with low economic efforts. Those species for which partial 18S sequences are not yet available from GenBank, can be identified in families or at higher categories. The method was also tested on nine species and two subspecies of commercial importance in Italy to be carried out by the use of PCR-SSCP alone without sequencing.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among vesicomyid clams (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) and their placement within the order Heterodonta were examined using mitochondrial encoded cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) DNA sequences. The presently analyzed vesicomyids represent a recent monophyletic radiation that probably occurred within the Cenozoic. Nucleotide phylogenetic analyses resolved discrete clades that were consistent with currently recognized species: Calyptogena magnifica, C. ponderosa, Ectenagena extenta, C. phaseoliformis, Vesicomya cordata, Calyptogena n. sp. (Gulf of Mexico), C. kaikoi, C. nautilei, C. solidissima and C. soyoae (Type-A). However, specimens variously identified as: V. gigas, C. kilmeri, C. pacifica, and V. lepta comprised two “species complexes”, each composed of multiple evolutionary lineages. Most taxa are limited to hydrothermal-vent or cold-seep habitats, but the “vent” versus “seep” clams do not constitute separate monophyletic groups. Current applications of the generic names Calyptogena, Ectenagena, and Vesicomya are not consistent with phylogenetic inferences. Received: 24 July 1997 / Accepted: 22 August 1997  相似文献   

Relatedness and inbreeding coefficients were estimated for Oncothrips tepperi and O. habrus, two species of eusocial gall-forming thrips, using data from two microsatellite loci. Relatedness between sets of individuals (sexes and castes) for O. tepperi ranged from 0.5 to 0.85 and for O. habrus estimates were centered around 0.5. Multiple mating in O. habrus was implicated in lowering relatedness within a gall. We estimated the inbreeding coefficient to be 0.38 for both species, the highest estimates known for eusocial insects. Our findings imply that high relatedness and inbreeding are important for the evolution and form of social behavior in Australian gall-forming Thysanoptera. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 14 March 1998  相似文献   

Montastraea annularis, M. faveolata, and M.␣franksi are three recently separated species that together dominate reefs of the tropical western Atlantic. Despite morphological, life-history, ecological and genetic differences, the legitimacy of their status as separate species has been questioned. This controversy stems from both the scarcity of unambiguous, diagnostic differences among them, and from the possibility of extensive hybridization associated with their approximately synchronous reproduction in sympatry. Here we report on fertilization trials and the timing of spawning, both of which suggest that the potential for hybridization may be limited. Crosses between M. faveolata (the most genetically distinctive taxon) and the other two species were largely unsuccessful, as were selfed matings for all three species. M. annularis and M. franksi showed no evidence of fertilization barriers, but the timing of spawning typically differed between them by 1 to 2 h. We also found that spawning times in the field of M. annularis and M. faveolata were non-overlapping in 1995, and that the timing of spawning in M. annularis could be experimentally shifted forward by simulating earlier than natural sunsets. These findings from Panamá and Honduras, particularly given their consistency with comparable observations and experiments elsewhere, provide evidence of reproductive isolation and support the separate species status of these three taxa. Some hybridization may occur under natural conditions at these sites, particularly between M. annularis and M.␣franksi. Rampant genetic interchange among these taxa in Central America seems unlikely, however, in the light of the concordant associations between morphology, reproductive biology and other characters which are observed. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 2 October 1996  相似文献   

Symbioses between dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium (commonly referred to as zooxanthellae) and scleractinian corals are an essential feature for the maintenance of coral reefs. The fine-scale diversity and population structure of the zooxanthellae inhabiting the coral Pocillopora meandrina, a major reef building species in Polynesia, was examined. We used two polymorphic microsatellites to study seven populations from the South Pacific, whose host structuring has been previously investigated. The symbionts of P. meandrina showed high levels of diversity, with more than one zooxanthella genotype being identified in most of the host individuals. Genetic differentiation between symbiont populations was detected at a large scale (2,000 km) between the Tonga and the Society Archipelagos. Within the Society Archipelago, the two most remote populations (Tahiti and Bora-Bora; 200 km apart) were only weakly differentiated from each other. Statistical tests demonstrated that the symbiont genetic structure was not correlated with that of its host, suggesting that dispersal of the symbionts, whether they are transported within a host larva or free in the water, depends mainly on distance and water currents. In addition, the data suggests that hosts may acquire new symbionts after maternal transmission, possibly following a disturbance event. Lastly, the weak differentiation between symbiont populations of P. verrucosa and P. meandrina, both from Moorea, indicated that there was some host-symbiont fine-scale specificity detectable at the genetic resolution offered by microsatellites.  相似文献   

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