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Uptake and depuration experiments for the edible periwinkle Littorina littorea have been performed using 131I-labelled seawater. Throughout the experimental phase the winkles were fed on unlabelled Chondrus crispus. 131I concentrations in winkles during uptake followed linear first-order kinetics with an uptake half-time of 11 days, whereas for depuration a triphasic sequence with biological half-lives of 4, 23 and 56 days was determined. In general, iodine turnover in winkles via labelled seawater appears to be slower than observed for other molluscs (2-3 days). Most of the activity prior to and after depuration is found to be in the shell, with indications that shell and soft parts accumulate and depurate 131I at a similar rate. The operculum displays the highest specific activity of all fractions with a concentration factor of 750 l kg(-1). Concentration factors for whole winkle, shell, soft parts and digestive gland are in the order of 40-60 l kg(-1), higher than the IAEA recommended CF value for iodine in molluscs of 10 l kg(-1). The 131I CF in winkles is closer to that of the conservative radionuclides 99Tc and 137Cs than the CF of the particle reactive radionuclides (239,240)Pu and 241Am.  相似文献   

Uptake and depuration of (131)I into winkles through consumption of the diatom Skeletonema costatum is described. The work follows on from previous studies that investigated the uptake of iodine into winkles from seawater and seaweed. Incorporation of (131)I in S. costatum from labelled seawater followed linear first-order kinetics with an uptake half-time of 0.40 days. Iodine uptake in winkles from labelled S. costatum also followed linear first-order kinetics, with a calculated equilibrium concentration (C(infinity)) of 42Bqkg(-1) and a transfer factor (TF) of 1.1x10(-4) with respect to labelled diatom food. This TF is lower than that observed for uptake of (131)I in winkles from labelled seaweed. For the depuration stage, a biphasic sequence with biological half-lives of 1.3 and 255 days was determined. The first phase is biokinetically important, given that winkles can lose two-thirds of their activity during that period. This study shows that, whilst winkles can obtain radioactive iodine from phytoplankton consumption, they do not retain the majority of that activity for very long. Hence, compared with other exposure pathways, such as uptake from seawater and macroalgae, incorporation from phytoplankton is a relatively minor exposure route.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to measure the accumulation of 237Pu by the edible winkle from labelled sea water, food (seaweed), and silt. The equilibrium whole body concentration factor for 237Pu accumulation from sea water at 10°C was estimated as 34 with a biological half-time of 9 d. After 50 d accumulation, 83% of the measured whole body activity was present on the shell. In the flesh, the major sites for accumulation were the head/foot complex and the digestive gland. Depuration was found to be biphasic with components having half-times of 10 and 193 d respectively. Pu loss, following uptake from labelled Fucus spiralis, was biphasic with half-times of 1 and 69 d for the two components. Assimilation efficiency was tentatively estimated as 7%. Pu accumulation from labelled silt was low with an estimated transfer factor of 0.004; Pu loss was biphasic, with half-times similar to those for the seaweed experiment. Comparison of the laboratory-derived results with those for winkles from the environment showed that the food pathway was the main route for Pu accumulation, with the ingestion of silt playing a critical role in determining the final flesh Pu burden.  相似文献   

Iodine-131 reaches the marine environment through its excretion to the sewer by nuclear medicine patients followed by discharge through coastal and deepwater outfalls. 131I has been detected in macroalgae, which bio-accumulate iodine, growing near the coastal outfall of Cronulla sewage treatment plant (STP) since 1995. During this study, 131I levels in liquid effluent and sludge from three Sydney STPs as well as in macroalgae (Ulva sp. and Ecklonia radiata) growing near their shoreline outfalls were measured. Concentration factors of 176 for Ulva sp. and 526 for E. radiata were derived. Radiation dose rates to marine biota from 131I discharged to coastal waters calculated using the ERICA dose assessment tool were below the ERICA screening level of 10 μGy/hr. Radiation dose rates to humans from immersion in seawater or consumption of Ulva sp. containing 131I were three and two orders of magnitude below the IAEA screening level of 10 μSv/year, respectively.  相似文献   

This study presents an original work on measurements of stable and radioactive iodinated species in the Seine estuary (France), with estimates fluxes of volatile gaseous species from water to the atmosphere. Various iodinated compounds were identified in water and air in particular 131I in water, what is unusual. Concentrations and behaviour of iodinated elements in the Seine estuary seem similar to what has been observed in other European estuaries. MeI (Methyl Iodide) and Total Volatile Iodine (TVI) fluxes from water to air vary between 392 and 13949 pmol m(-2) d(-1) and between 1279 and 16484 pmol m(-2) d(-1), respectively. Water to air flux of TVI for the Seine river was estimated in the range 4-46 kg y(-1). Measurements of (131)I in water varying between 0.4 and 11.9 Bq m(-3). Fluxes of (131)I from water to atmosphere are in the range 2.4 x 10(5)-1.3 x 10(7)Bq y(-1), close to an annual discharge of (131)I by a nuclear reactor.  相似文献   

The evaluation of (131)I air and ground contamination field formation in the territory of Ukraine was made using the model of atmospheric transport LEDI (Lagrangian-Eulerian DIffusion model). The (131)I atmospheric transport over the territory of Ukraine was simulated during the first 12 days after the accident (from 26 April to 7 May 1986) using real aerological information and rain measurement network data. The airborne (131)I concentration and ground deposition fields were calculated as the database for subsequent thyroid dose reconstruction for inhabitants of radioactive contaminated regions. The small-scale deposition field variability is assessed using data of (137)Cs detailed measurements in the territory of Ukraine. The obtained results are compared with available data of radioiodine daily deposition measurements made at the network of meteorological stations in Ukraine and data of the assessments of (131)I soil contamination obtained from the (129)I measurements.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of radium-226 accumulation from sediment by the water-lily Nymphaea violacea (Lehm) were assessed. The plants were collected from Magela Creek, Northern Territory, Australia and grown in 226RaCl2-labelled laboratory sediment over a period of 570 days. The nominal sediment activity of 5 Bq g−1 dry weight was 100 times that of the naturally occurring concentration.In the roots and rhizomes, 226Ra accumulated on plant surfaces. This result was confirmed by autoradiographic studies which showed the presence of an iron-containing plaque on the surface of these tissues with which the radium was closely associated. Little radium reached the pith of the rhizomes and acropetal translocation was not detected. The average concentration ratio for growing rhizomes was 0·22. Assuming first order accumulation kinetics and likely incremental environmental concentrations, this Aboriginal dietary tissue could become dose-limiting within 50 years.The foliar accumulation of radium originating from the sediment was predominately due to contamination via the sediment-water-plant pathway. Differences in foliar radium concentrations in plants of different ages were due to differential biomass turnover rates. Plants with faster biomass turnover had higher average radium concentrations.  相似文献   

Heavy metals were determined in the soft tissue and shells of the littorinid, Littoraria scabra, and in the sediments of four mangrove areas along the Dar es Salaam coastline where L. scabra was collected. Several metals accumulate, preferentially in the animals' soft body parts, but do not seem to affect the shell morphology of this species. Sediment-metal levels, measured in the direct vicinity of Dar es Salaam have increased dramatically over the last decade. Nonetheless, these levels are still lower compared to metal-sediment levels reported in polluted European and American estuaries. Soft-tissue metal levels detected in L. scabra are, nevertheless, with the exception of Cr and Zn, comparable to metal levels reported in other gastropod species.  相似文献   

The work describes the uptake, retention/biological elimination and organ/tissue distribution of 137Cs by freshwater Japanese catfish (Silurus asotus Linnaeus) under laboratory conditions. The fish were divided into three groups based on their size and age and reared in 137Cs-spiked water. The concentration of 137Cs in the whole body of the live fish was measured at regular intervals up to 60 days. A significant accumulation of 137Cs was found, but a steady state condition was not achieved by the end of the experiment. The bioaccumulation factors at steady state and the required time to reach steady state were estimated to be 1.55 and 255 days, 1.76 and 180 days and 1.99 and 160 days for large, medium and small size fish, respectively. To determine the effective half-life of 137Cs, the fish were transferred and reared in the non-contaminated host water. The concentration of the remaining 137Cs in the whole body of the live fish was measured up to 66 days. The average effective half-life of 137Cs in the fish species was found to be approximately 142 days for fish of all sizes. The distribution of 137Cs in different organs/tissues of the fish was determined. Accumulation of 137Cs in muscle/flesh of the fish was found to be approximately 75% of whole body accumulation. The uptake rate and the retention capability of juvenile fish were found to be higher and therefore, these were more susceptible to 137Cs than adult and old fish, and could be an important source of 137Cs in the human food chain.  相似文献   

A large-scale hydroponic experiment was carried out in a non-controlled greenhouse. Spring wheat plants were grown to maturity at four levels of external K concentration (2, 4, 20 and 40 mgl(-1)) and one concentration of radiocaesium (8 Bqml(-1)). Concentrations of K and radiocaesium in the growth solution were closely monitored, and replenishments were made upon depletion. K effectively competed with radiocaesium in terms of root uptake. Activity concentrations of radiocaesium in plants differed significantly between the four K treatments; the activity concentration at the lowest external K concentration being 100 times higher than that at the highest K level. The relationship between radiocaesium uptake and external K level could be described by a negative power function; this showed that when the K level reached around 12 mgl(-1), further increases in the external K level resulted only in slight changes in its inhibitory effect. As a result of this inhibitory effect of potassium supply, concentrations of radiocaesium in plant tissues, grains in particular, were greatly reduced at high external K concentration. Mechanisms involved in Cs-K interaction in root uptake are also discussed.  相似文献   

Curium (244Cm) uptake from contaminated sea water was studied in five benthic marine species: two bivalve molluscs (Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule), two polychaete annelids (Arenicola marina and Nereis diversicolor) and one amphipod crustacean (Corophium volutator). The concentrations in the whole organisms relative to the concentration in the sea water (concentration factors) were: 700 for the amphipods (after 11 d of accumulation), 140 for the cockles (after 28 d), 80 for the scrobicularia (after 23 d) and ∼30 for the two annelids (after >20 d). All species except S. plana accumulated americium and curium similarly; S. plana accumulated similar amounts of curium and plutonium.  相似文献   

Few data are available on the comparative accumulation of metal(loid)s from water and food in estuarine/marine fish. Smooth toadfish (Tetractenos glaber), commonly found in estuaries in south-eastern Australia, were separately exposed to radio-labelled seawater (14kBqL(-1) of (109)Cd and 24kBqL(-1) of (75)Se) and food (ghost shrimps; Trypaea australiensis: 875Bqg(-1)(109)Cd and 1130Bqg(-1)(75)Se) for 25 days (uptake phase), followed by exposure to radionuclide-free water or food for 30 days (loss phase). Toadfish accumulated (109)Cd predominantly from water (85%) and (75)Se predominantly from food (62%), although the latter was lower than expected. For both the water and food exposures, (109)Cd was predominantly located in the gut lining (60-75%) at the end of the uptake phase, suggesting that the gut may be the primary pathway of (109)Cd uptake. This may be attributed to toadfish drinking large volumes of water to maintain osmoregulation. By the end of the loss phase, (109)Cd had predominantly shifted to the excretory organs - the liver (81%) in toadfish exposed to radio-labelled food, and in the liver, gills and kidney (82%) of toadfish exposed to radio-labelled water. In contrast, (75)Se was predominantly located in the excretory organs (gills, kidneys and liver; 66-76%) at the end of the uptake phase, irrespective of the exposure pathway, with minimal change in percentage distribution (76-83%) after the loss phase. This study emphasises the importance of differentiating accumulation pathways to better understand metal(loid) transfer dynamics and subsequent toxicity, in aquatic biota.  相似文献   

The concentration of (129)I was measured in 54 river waters discharging into the Baltic Sea from Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany. Sample collection was performed during a well-bracketed time interval (June-July 1999), thus allowing comparison of the rivers over a wide latitude range without the effect of long temporal spread. Although there is no direct input of anthropogenic (129)I in the watersheds, the concentration of the isotope is about two to three orders of magnitude higher than the expected pre-nuclear era natural values in the rivers of Finland and northern Sweden, and in the rivers of southern Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Germany; the (129)I concentration may reach five orders of magnitude higher. Furthermore, there are significant correlations between the (129)I concentration and latitude and/or distance from the North Sea and between (129)I and Cl. These findings suggest seawater as a main source of (129)I to the rivers through atmospheric transport. Of the many chemical parameters investigated, the pH may account for some of the variability in (129)I concentrations of the rivers. The contribution from nuclear weapon tests and the Chernobyl accident to the riverine (129)I is insignificant compared to the releases from the nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities. The total flux of (129)I by rivers to the Baltic Sea and related basins represents minor amounts of the isotope pool in these marine waters. External radioactivity hazards from (129)I are considered to be negligible in the Baltic region. However, as the main (129)I intake to the human body is likely through water, due to the large amount of daily water consumption, more concern should be given to internal radioactivity hazard that may be associated with the isotope's localized elevated concentration in the human organs.  相似文献   

Iodine-129 (T1/2 = 1.57 x 10(7) yr) concentrations have been determined by accelerator mass spectrometry in rainwater samples taken at Seville (southwestern Spain) in 1996 and 1997. This technique allows a reduction in the detection limits for this radionuclide in comparison to radiometric counting and other mass spectrometric methods such as ICP-MS. Typical 129I concentrations range from 4.7 x 10(7) 129I atoms/l (19.2%) to 4.97 x 10(9) 129I atoms/l (5.9%), while 129I depositions are normally in the order of 10(8)-10(10) atoms/m2d. These values agree well with other results obtained for recent rainwater samples collected in Europe. Apart from these, the relationship between 129I deposition and some atmospheric factors has been analyzed, showing the importance of the precipitation rate and the concentration of suspended matter in it.  相似文献   

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of compounds with unique chemical properties that have been shown useful in a wide variety of applications because they provide materials with reduced surface tension and exceptional non-stick properties. PFASs are commonly found in impregnation materials, coatings of papers and textiles, fire-fighting foams, pesticides, and cleaning agents. The potential for human exposure to PFASs is high because of their widespread distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate levels of PFASs in men and women from Sweden and to assess the influence of gender and parity among women. Levels of 13 PFASs were determined in plasma samples collected during 2001–2004 from 1016 (507 women) 70 year-old participants from the population-based Prospective Study of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS). The PFASs studied were nine perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), four perfluorinated sulfonic acids (PFSAs) and perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA). In addition, structural isomers of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) were determined in a subset of 398 individuals. The detection rates were high and the majority of the studied compounds were detected in more than 75% of the participants. Levels of the selected analytes were found to be similar to other studies of non-occupationally exposed populations. Gender differences were observed in levels of PFHpA which was higher in men, while PFHxS was higher in women. Parity among women was shown to have a minor effect on PFAS concentrations and we found primi- and multiparous women to have slightly lower levels of PFUnDA when compared to nulliparous women.  相似文献   

Abstract–Pollen of 42 plant species from 17 families has been found in the food stores of Seladonia subaurata nests, with 61–86% of the pollen being accounted for by the Compositae. The foragers are characterized by strict flower preferences: more than 90% of the pollen in each cell belongs to two or three, sometimes four, plant species. At the eusocial stage of the existence of a colony, two or three foragers usually provision each cell. In especially large colonies, foragers are divided into groups and provision several cells during the day.  相似文献   

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a huge group of chemicals that have been linked to various adverse health effects in humans. Large epidemiological studies investigating gender differences in levels of POPs in the elderly are limited and the results from these are not always consistent. The present study was undertaken to examine the background levels of a broad range of POPs in human plasma samples among elderly men and women from Sweden and to assess the influence of gender. Levels of 23 POPs were determined in plasma samples collected during 2001–2004 from 1016 (50.2% women) 70 year-old participants from the population-based Prospective Study of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS). Measurements were performed using high resolution gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC-HRMS) and the POPs studied were 16 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), five organochlorine (OC) pesticides, one dioxin, and one brominated flame retardant. The concentrations of the selected POPs were found similar, or comparable, to other studies of non-occupationally exposed populations from Sweden and Europe. Differences in levels of POPs between men and women were assessed by using Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann–Whitney) test. Significant (p < 0.0001) gender differences in levels of specific POPs were observed and a number of POP concentrations were found to differ between men and women. More specifically, levels of HCB, OCDD, and PCB congeners #74, #105, and #118 were found to be higher in women, while the rest of the majority of POPs were higher in men.  相似文献   

We investigated the variability of anthropogenic radionuclide content of the edible fractions of individual edible crabs (Cancer pagurus L.) and European lobsters (Homarus gammarus L.) caught commercially in the Sellafield offshore area. Sixteen female and 18 male crabs and 20 female and 17 male lobsters were selected from commercial catches made between 25 May and 5 June 1997. Each gender group was selected to be within the known weight range for commercially caught crustacea from the area. Four artificial radionuclides (60Co, 110mAg, 137Cs or 241Am) were detected by gamma-spectrometry. The edible fraction content of these radionuclides between males and females for either species were not statistically significantly different. 99Tc was analysed by chemical separation and beta-counting. 99Tc concentrations in female crabs tended to be higher (172 +/- 205 (16) Bq kg-1(wet); mean +/- standard deviation (n samples)) than those in males (85 +/- 58 (18) Bq kg-1 (wet)), although this was not a statistically significant difference. For both male and female crabs, 99Tc concentrations tended to decrease with increasing whole live weights. For 99Tc in lobsters the picture is less clear. Female lobsters contained more activity (14800 +/- 7400 (20) Bq kg-1 (wet)) than males (7100 +/- 3900 (17) Bq kg-1 (wet)). The results were used to discuss the implications for sampling and monitoring.  相似文献   

Three rates of Ca(OH)2 were applied to an acid soil and the 134Cs uptake by radish, cucumber, soybean and sunflower plants was studied. The 134Cs concentration in all plant species was reduced from 1.6-fold in the sunflower seeds to 6-fold in the soybean vegetative parts at the higher Ca(OH)2 rate. Potassium (K) concentration in plants was also reduced, but less effectively. The significantly decreased 134Cs-K soil to plant distribution factors (D.F.) clearly suggest a stronger effect of soil liming on 134Cs than on K plant uptake. This observation was discussed in terms of ionic interactions in the soil matrix and within the plants. The results also indicated that the increased Ca2+ concentration in the exchange phase and in the soil solution along with the improved root activity, due to the soil liming, enhanced the immobilization of 134Cs in the soil matrix and consequently lowered the 134Cs availability for plant uptake.  相似文献   

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