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With the filling of the Three Gorges Reservoir, original vegetation in the water level fluctuation zone (WLFZ) between the elevations of 145 and 175 m disappeared due to the reversal of submergence time (winter flooding) and prolonged inundation duration (nearly half a year). To better understand the relationships between the environmental factors and recovered plant communities for reconstructing floristically diverse riparian zone, we conducted a field survey in 11 sites in the WLFZ in June 2010, and vegetation composition, flooding characteristics, heavy metals, and soil major nutrients were determined. Consequently, the canonical correspondence analysis was used to investigate the relationships between plant species composition and flooding characteristics, heavy metal contamination, and soil nutrients. Results demonstrated that vegetation in the WLFZ was dominated by annuals, i.e., Echinochloa crusgalli and Bidens tripartita, and perennials including Cynodon dactylon, and plant species richness and diversity were negatively associated with flooding duration, heavy metal contamination, and nutrients including total phosphorus, available phosphorus, available potassium, and nitrate. Our results suggest that plant species, recovering mainly through soil seed bank and regeneration of remnant individuals, have been influenced by the combined effects of environmental factors.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Petroleum hydrocarbons are hazardous to ecosystems and human health, commonly containing n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Previous...  相似文献   

Plants in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region disappeared due to winter-flooding and prolonged inundation. Revegetation (plantation and natural recovery) have been promoted to restore and protect the riparian ecosystem in recent years. Revegetation may affect soil qualities and have broad important implications both for ecological services and soil recovery. In this study, we investigated soil properties including soil pH values, bulk density, soil organic matter (SOM), soil nutrients and heavy metals, soil microbial community structure, microbial biomass, and soil quality index under plantation and natural recovery in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. Most soil properties showed significant temporal and spatial variations in both the plantation and natural recovery areas. Higher contents of SOM and NO3-N were found in plantation area, while higher contents of soil pH values, bulk density, and total potassium were observed in the natural recovery area. However, there were no significant differences in plant richness and diversity and soil microbial community structure between the two restoration approaches. A soil quality index derived from SOM, bulk density, Zn, Cd, and Hg indicated that natural recovery areas with larger herbaceous coverage had more effective capacity for soil restoration.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), Znic (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and magnesium (Mg) in sediments, as well as in related soils and aquatic plants in the Liangtan River, a typical secondary anabranch of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (TGRR) of China. We found that sediments accumulated more metals than soils and aquatic plants. Concentrations of the nine metals in sediments and soils followed the same sequence, while their concentrations in aquatic plants followed a different sequence. Potential adverse effects of contaminated sediments on benthic fauna were evaluated, and the results showed that the toxic effect on benthic organisms followed the sequence Zn?>?Ni?>?Cr?>?Cu?>?Cd?>?Pb. The potential ecological risk index analysis indicated that Cd in sediments had considerable ecological risk, whereas Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb had low ecological risk. The potential ecological risk index (RI) of the heavy metals in sediments of the Liangtan River was 174.9, indicating moderate ecological risk. The transfer factor trend of metals for aquatic plants showed that Cd and Ni had the most and least accumulation, respectively. For Cu, Cd, Mg, Pb, and Cr, a significant positive correlation of the metal concentrations was observed between sediments and soils, but no correlations (excluding Cr) were detected between sediments and aquatic plants. Our study indicated that anthropogenic input may be the primary source of metal contamination in the Liangtan River, and that Zn and Cd pollution in the Liangtan River should be further explored.  相似文献   

在2014年6月至2015年5月,对以再生水为补水水源的天津临港生态湿地公园景观湖区的浮游藻类和水质指标进行逐月监测,应用典范对应分析(CCA)研究了浮游藻类与环境因子之间的关系,评价了湖区的水环境状况。结果表明:共鉴定出浮游藻类7门67属115种(包括变种),硅藻门种类最多,其次为绿藻门和蓝藻门,浮游藻类丰度范围为3.5×106~49×106 cells·L-1,平均丰度为25.7×106 cells·L-1,优势藻种主要为链状假鱼腥藻、梅尼小环藻、四尾栅藻、颤藻、项圈藻和卵形隐藻;多样性分析显示,藻类物种多样性一般,结合优势指示种评价水体为中污染富营养型水体;典范对应分析表明,水温、盐度、TN/TP等是影响临港再生水补水景观湖藻类群落结构的主要因素。  相似文献   

将莆田市东圳水库垂向划分为表层、中层、和深层,研究其藻类群落的分布特征及其受环境因子影响的演变规律,进而明晰“水华”爆发机制。结果表明,水库中共检出浮游藻类7门39属,群落结构主要以蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和隐藻为主,在不同季节沿水库垂向分布呈现显著差异性。表层和中层水体中优势藻类为绿藻门和蓝藻门,受水温、光照、DO和TN影响;深层水体优势藻类为硅藻和隐藻,主要受水温和TN影响。对水库中营养盐分析结果表明,东圳水库N/P平均值达到32.4,呈典型磷限制性特征,水库氮污染主要来自农业面源输入和内源释放。底泥中氮类物质易于在夏季分层期发生释放,并与DO结合发生形态转化后输入至上层水体,由此导致“水华”现象的发生。针对东圳水库水华防范与治理,需严格防控点源和农业面源污染,并建设水力扰动设施以及增设原位修复装置等措施,全方位防控水华现象的发生。本研究通过分析东圳水库藻类功能组时空演替,有助于确定东圳水库藻类爆发机制,可为水库藻类治理、水环境生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) in precipitation were analysed from June 2018 to May 2020 in Ningbo and were influenced...  相似文献   

分别于2017、2018年的非冰封期(5—10月)对南海湖的浮游植物群落和环境因子进行了调查。共发现浮游植物7门80属157种(含变种),其中绿藻门种数最多,其次是硅藻门和蓝藻门,时间上7月最多、10月最少,空间上呈东高西低、南高北低的趋势。浮游植物密度为23.35×106~126.00×106个/L,平均值为66.78×106个/L。主要优势种有微小平裂藻(Merismopedia tenuissima)、水华束丝藻(Aphanizomenon flosaquae)和螺旋弓形藻(Schroederia spiralis)。南海湖水质总体处于中污染状态。冗余分析表明,TN、TP、pH和温度是影响浮游植物分布的主要环境因子,绿藻门与TN关系密切,蓝藻门与TP、温度关系密切,硅藻门与pH关系密切。  相似文献   

城市人工湖水体的浮游植物群落时空分布特征及其富营养化风险会严重影响其生态景观功能,本研究对福州某人工湖的浮游植物群落结构和环境因子进行聚类 (CA) ,将其分为4个区域,并进一步分析不同区域的富营养化状态和污染成因,以提出针对性控制策略。结果表明,区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ浮游植物生物量分别为0.14 mg·L−1和0.22 mg·L−1,优势门分别为硅藻门和隐藻门,且TLI指数 (分别为41.46及42.92) 及浮游植物多样性指数 (分别为2.15及1.96) 显示两区域均为中污染型水体。区域Ⅲ、区域Ⅳ为出入湖水体,藻类含量较低, TLI指数为46.08及46.83,为中营养状态,浮游植物多样性指数为1.90及1.75,显示为轻污染型水体。浮游植物群落结构与环境因子相关性分析结果表明影响区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ浮游植物群落的环境因子为水体Cu、Pb、DO含量,而影响区域Ⅲ、Ⅳ浮游植物群落的环境因子为TN、TP及NH4+。针对4个区域的富营养状态和污染特点,提出了相应控制和治理策略,为人工湖开展精准生态治理提供依据和支撑。  相似文献   

针对中国南方某城市A、B和C 3座重要城市地表供水和原水调蓄水库藻类周期性暴发的问题,以水体营养盐总氮浓度、总磷浓度、水流速度和藻类初始浓度作为环境因子,以chl-a的比增长率作为评价指标,开展微宇宙环境模拟藻类生长的L9(34)正交实验,研究了环境因子对该梯级水库群中藻类生长的影响。结果表明,在实验所设定的水平范围内,藻类初始浓度对藻类生长的影响显著。当总氮为6 mg/L,总磷为0.25 mg/L,流速为0 m/s,藻类初始浓度为21.65μg/L时,最利于南方典型梯级水库群中的藻类生长。4个因素对藻类生长的影响大小依次为:藻类初始浓度、总氮浓度、水流速度、总磷浓度。不同实验条件下微宇宙中的优势藻种类不同。  相似文献   

为探究黄河消落带表层沉积物对磷的吸附特征,基于吸附动力学、吸附热力学及单因子实验,现场采集黄河 (兰州段) 消落带表层沉积物进行实验室模拟研究。结果表明:沉积物对磷的吸附动力学经历快速吸附、慢速吸附、吸附平衡3个阶段,扰动条件下,在10 min内吸附量达到最大吸附量的85%以上,480 min达到吸附平衡;沉积物对磷的吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温方程,随着温度的升高最大理论吸附量Qm随之增加,25 ℃时Qm达到119.831 mg·kg−1;单因子实验中,扰动频率增加对磷的吸附量具有明显的促进作用;pH为7~8时沉积物吸附效果最佳,偏酸性条件次之,偏碱性条件下吸附效果较差;增大上覆水KH2PO4浓度,吸附量增加,吸附率整体呈下降趋势。由此可知,黄河消落带表层沉积物对磷元素具有一定的拦截效应,河水的扰动能够促进沉积物对PO43--P的吸附,但是水体的pH值变化及高浓度陆源污染物均会削弱消落带对磷元素的吸附拦截作用。该研究结果可为黄河上游的水污染防治及消落带的生态管理提供研究依据。  相似文献   

Reservoirs are an important source of water supply in many densely populated areas in southeast China. Phytoplankton plays an important role in maintaining the structure and function of these reservoir ecosystems. Understanding of seasonal succession in phytoplankton communities and its driving factors is essential for effective water quality management in drinking-water reservoirs. In this study, water samples were collected monthly at the surface layers of riverine, transitional, and lacustrine zones from May 2010 to April 2011 in Tingxi Reservoir, southeast China. The phytoplankton showed distinct seasonal shifts in community structure at both taxonomic and functional levels. Cyanophyta was the dominant group in summer, especially species of Raphidiopsis in May and Aphanizomenon in June, and cyanobacterial dominance was promoted by both warmer conditions and excessive nutrients loading. Cyanophyta was gradually replaced by Cryptophyta (e.g., Chroomonas caudata) in abundance and by Bacillariophyta (Fragilaria sp. or Synedra sp. and Melosira sp.) in biomass with decreasing temperature. It appeared that seasonal shifts in phytoplankton composition were closely related to climate, nutrient status, and hydrology in this reservoir. Our partial RDA results clearly showed that water temperature and nutrients (TN and TP) were the most critical factors driving phytoplankton community shift in the abundance and biomass data, respectively. Further, with the global warming, cyanobacterial blooms may increase in distribution, duration, and intensity. In our study, the abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria had significant and positive correlations with temperature and phosphorus. Therefore, a stricter limit on nutrient input should be a priority in watershed management to protect drinking water from the effects of cyanobacterial blooms, especially in high-temperature period.  相似文献   

华东地区某水源水库近年来出现季节性嗅味问题。为解析嗅味产生来源及其成因,于2018年4月至2019年12月对该水库上游以及库内水体进行长期监测。监测结果表明,2-甲基异莰醇(2-MIB)是主要的土霉味致嗅物质,伪鱼腥藻是该水库潜在产嗅藻种,且其主要为外源输入。相关性分析结果表明,伪鱼腥藻的生长与水温及水下光照(透明度、浊度)等有关。为进一步解析水下光照因素驱动下伪鱼腥藻在水库水体中的分布特征,在水库高嗅期间开展了72 h连续监测,重点分析了伪鱼腥藻昼夜与垂向分布特征。结果表明,在08:00,伪鱼腥藻往表层迁移,在10:00—14:00,表层密度达到最高值,白天在水体中呈现明显的垂向迁移特征,而夜晚在水体中各层的分布无明显变化,这进一步说明水下光照对伪鱼腥藻生长的重要性。以上结果进一步提升了对实际水体中伪鱼腥藻分布规律的认识,可为水源地中伪鱼腥藻导致的嗅味问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Studying the effects of precipitation on carbon exchange in grassland ecosystems is critical for revealing the mechanisms of the carbon cycle. In this...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Freshwater biofilms have been increasingly used during the last decade in ecotoxicology due to their ecological relevance to assess the effect(s) of...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The effect of environmental factors on zooplankton diversity, abundance, and distribution in the Ghrib Dam water body was investigated for...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Diatoms play an important role as ecological indicators, and some species of diatoms can easily cause water blooms, thereby decreasing the production...  相似文献   


The variations of phytoplankton functional groups and their correlation with environmental factors, as well as the applicability of phytoplankton functional groups to serve as biological water quality indicator in the Pearl River, South China, were studied in the present study. A total of 96 samples were collected and divided into 21 functional groups from September 2016 to July 2017. The phytoplankton functional groups P and G were dominant during the investigation, and their biomass contributing was ranged 0.06 to 89.07%, the average 30.73%, and ranged 1.47 to 62.40%, the average 9.33% of the total biomass, respectively. The results showed environmental estrogens—BPA (bisphenol A), E2 (17β-estradiol), E1 (estrone), 4-t-OP (4-tert-octylphenol), 4-NP (nonylphenol), TCS (triclosan), and TCC (triclocarban)—in the Pearl River were significantly different, and with average values of 269.30 ng L?1, 2.76 ng L?1, 4.24 ng L?1, 53.68 ng L?1, 952.72 ng L?1, 16.79 ng L?1, and 8.61 ng L?1, respectively. This was likely responsible for the differences in the phytoplankton functional groups. We observed positive correlations between P and A, and G and J. Functional groups P biomass decreased significantly with functional groups LM increased, and functional groups M and J with X2. We found positive correlations between functional group G and concentrations of E1 and TCC; functional group A and total nitrogen (TN), 4-NP, 4-t-OP, and E2; functional groups LM and L1 and total suspended particles, BPA, and TCS; and functional group G and negative total phosphorus (TP), pH, and TCS. The study showed that TN, TP, and the environmental estrogens in the aquatic ecosystems were correlation with phytoplankton functional groups type, and affected the ecological balance in aquatic environments.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Our previous gene expression studies in a PCB-exposed cohort of young children in Slovakia revealed that early-life exposures to PCBs and other...  相似文献   

大水深水库内源污染特征及控制技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对黑河金盆水库水温、溶解氧、pH和底部水质的监测分析结果表明,黑河金盆水库属于稳定的大水深分层型水库,水体分层阻碍了上下层水体之间的物质交换,在水体和底泥耗氧的双重作用下,溶解氧从表层水体的8 mg/L左右降低到底层水体的0.1~0.2 mg/L;在厌氧条件下,底部沉积物中N、P、Fe和Mn等污染物大量释放,导致底部水体中NH3-N、TN、TP、Fe、Mn和COD均值分别达到2.22、2.30、0.05、0.13、2.53、74.00 mg/L。针对水体分层对底部水质产生的不利影响,认为扬水曝气技术适宜于大水深水库的水质原位改善和内源污染控制。  相似文献   

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