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The aim of the present work was to determine the denitrification potential of aerobic granular sludge for concentrated nitrate wastes. We cultivated mixed microbial granules in a sequencing batch reactor operated at a superficial air velocity of 0.8 cm s−1. The denitrification experiments were performed under anoxic conditions using serum bottles containing synthetic media with 225-2250 mg L−1 NO3-N. Time required for complete denitrification varied with the initial nitrate concentration and acetate to nitrate-N mass ratio. Complete denitrification of 2250 mg L−1 NO3-N under anoxic conditions was accomplished in 120 h. Nitrite accumulation was not significant (<5 mg N L−1) at initial NO3-N concentrations below 677 mg L−1. However, denitrification of higher concentrations of nitrate (?900 mg N L−1) resulted in buildup of nitrite. Nevertheless, nitrite buildups observed in present study were relatively lower compared to that reported in previous studies using flocculent activated sludge. The experimental results suggest that acetate-fed aerobic granular sludge can be quickly adapted to treat high strength nitrate waste and can thus be used as seed biomass for developing high-rate bioreactors for efficient treatment of concentrated nitrate-bearing wastes.  相似文献   

为综合利用黄磷尾气中的CO,通过计算平均活化能和测定XPS、TG/DTA和氮吸附特性的方法,研究了Cu2+和某金属离子M^n+改性碳脱除PH,和H2S的动力学和反应机理问题。结果表明:H2S在金属改性碳上反应时平均活化能为134.4J/mol为-0.76级反应,PH,在金属改性碳上反应时平均活化能为1247.6J/mol为-0.8级反应;减小改性碳粒径增加流量可以显著提高其脱除PH,和H。S的速率;XPS、TG/DTA和孔径分布分析证明,改性碳净化H2S和PH3是一个催化吸附过程,H2S和PH3首先与氧在改性碳表面进行催化氧化反应,然后生成S和P2O5沉积吸附在改性碳表面。  相似文献   

为探讨活性炭纤维(ACF)去除恶臭气体H2S的性能,采用过渡金属浸渍改性ACF吸附H2S,揭示出改性ACF前后吸附H2S的性能差异及浸渍剂的浓度和种类对ACF吸附性能的影响。结果表明,通过过渡金属改性后的ACF吸附性能有显著提高,对H2S吸附是物理吸附和化学吸附共同作用的结果,改性后的ACF硫容量大小依次为:5%硝酸铜改性ACF〉5%硝酸钴改性ACF〉5%硝酸锰改性ACF。不同浓度浸渍剂改性后的ACF吸附H2S性能有所不同,硫容量呈现出随着浓度升高先增大后减小的趋势。不同浸渍剂改性后的ACF吸附穿透曲线也不同,穿透时间依次为:TCu-ACF〉TCo-ACF〉TMn-ACF。混合金属溶液改性ACF吸附H2S,5%硝酸铜-3%硝酸钴溶液改性ACF吸附性能最佳,硫容量可达166.7 mg/g;而5%硝酸铜-3%硝酸钴-1%硝酸锰溶液改性的ACF效果最差,硫容量仅为83.3 mg/g。  相似文献   

为了对城市有机垃圾热解过程中NH3、H2S和HCl的析出特性进行研究,采用箱式气氛炉在500~800℃热解终温下进行热解实验。热解过程中产生的NH3、H2S和HCl分别用硼酸溶液、乙酸锌-乙酸钠溶液以及NaOH溶液吸收,并分别采用分光光度法和滴定法进行量化。实验结果表明:NH3-N、H2S-S和HCl-Cl的析出率随着温度的升高而增加,热解终温为500、600、700和800℃时,NH3-N的析出率分别为39%、40%、30%和44%,H2S-S的析出率分别为18%、22%、25%和26%,HCl-Cl的析出率分别为68%、71%、76%和85%;热解终温控制在700℃有利于减少NH3-N的析出,低温热解(500℃)有利于减少H2S和HCl的析出;热解炭中S和Cl的残留率随着热解终温的升高而降低,终温800℃时的残留率分别为41%和5%。  相似文献   

开发了一种用含Cu2 的溶液吸收H2S,并用Cu2 自氧化CuS制取硫磺的新工艺,Cu2 的还原产物CuCl2-由空气氧化再生,实现循环.考察了Cu2 浓度与净化效率的关系,研究了Cu2 、H 、助剂N的浓度和温度对Cu2 氧化CuS效率的影响及H 、助剂N的浓度、空塔气速和温度对Cu2 空气氧化再生效率的影响.结果表明,该技术对H2S废气净化效率100%,Cu2 氧化CuS及Cu2 空气氧化再生条件温和、效果好,终产物硫磺纯度高.  相似文献   

在连续性反应器内以臭氧-光催化技术氧化硫化氢,证实了臭氧对光催化脱除硫化氢有促进作用,探讨了可能存在的主要基元反应和二氧化钛失活的原因,考察了反应温度、臭氧含量、硫化氢初始体积分数等因素对臭氧-光催化技术脱除硫化氢的影响。结果表明,臭氧在光催化作用下快速分解为活性氧离子或自由基,硫化氢在臭氧和光催化联合作用下快速氧化为二氧化硫,最终转化为硫酸;硫酸在二氧化钛表面的沉积使其催化活性降低,导致硫化氢和二氧化硫的转化率逐渐下降。研究还发现,当硫化氢的初始体积分数为100×10-6时,臭氧和硫化氢的最佳摩尔比约为2:1;臭氧-光催化脱除硫化氢的最佳温度为70℃左右;降低硫化氢的初始体积分数可大幅度降低二氧化硫的选择性。  相似文献   

Chang EE  Chiang PC  Lu PH  Ko YW 《Chemosphere》2001,45(1):91-99
The objective of this research was to evaluate three extraction tests, i.e., toxicity characteristic leaching procedures (TCLP), extraction procedure (EP), and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods, for their ability to extract metals in chemical sludge and incineration bottom ash, in terms of the precision of analytical results. Typical chemical sludges, including the electroplating and dye-stuff sludges, the municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash, the leather debris, and the steel-mill bottom residue containing Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn were prepared for the lysimetry test (dynamic testing) to compare with the extraction results. Results show that for bottom residue and dye-stuff sludge, the concentration of metal leached was almost the same between the lysimetry leaching and the TCLP tests. The metal concentration followed the order: TCLP approximately = EP > ASTM. TCLP and EP exhibited almost the same relative standard deviation (RSD) value. Therefore, the results of the TCLP tests for bottom residue and dye-stuff sludge, which have a low metal content and alkalinity, can be used to estimate the metal concentration leached by typical acid rain in Taiwan; whereas the ASTM extraction test may be a better indicator of the lysimetry test.  相似文献   

采用Na_2S化学再生法对吸附Fe~(2+)、Mn~(2+)、Cu~(2+)和Zn~(2+)饱和的膨润土-钢渣复合颗粒吸附剂分别进行重金属离子的固定及其再生实验研究,探究该吸附剂吸附的重金属离子的固定问题及其再生的可能性和多次再生后的吸附效果,同时根据SEM图进一步揭示固定、再生机理。结果表明:在对Fe~(2+)的固定、再生实验中,可形成Fe S沉淀而实现固定,但再生后再吸附时,膨润土复合颗粒中蒙脱石结构改变使得颗粒坍塌变成粉末状,因此,吸附Fe~(2+)饱和的膨润土复合颗粒吸附剂不适合用Na_2S再生;而对Mn~(2+)、Cu~(2+)和Zn~(2+)的固定、再生实验中,均可形成S化物沉淀而实现固定,颗粒结构未改变,经过3次再生后,吸附剂对Mn~(2+)、Cu~(2+)和Zn~(2+)的去除率还可达到94.22%、83.2%和76.30%,远比未经再生的吸附剂吸附效果好,同时,由SEM表征分析进一步揭示:Na_2S再生溶液既可使重金属离子形成MS沉淀固定,又可使复合颗粒吸附剂获得再生,实现了同步固定、再生的目的,且吸附剂经多次再生后吸附效果保持良好。  相似文献   

The tape samplers using lead acetate impregnated paper tapes for continuous hydrogen sulfide sampling are subject to a number of errors which can throw considerable doubt on the accuracy of H2S concentrations being measured. Some of the errors have been minimized with a change in the humidification system and a reduction of the lamp intensity in the optical system.  相似文献   

建立了以EDTA和柠檬酸为铁盐络合剂的循环脱硫体系,采用络合铁法对垃圾填埋气中的H2S进行脱硫中试实验,结果表明实验所建立的络合铁脱硫体系运行稳定,脱硫效率高,适合应用于垃圾填埋气中硫化氢脱除。  相似文献   

C E Kuo  W C Chi  S M Liu 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):835-842
The composition of the headspace gas affected the growth dynamics of microbial populations and the biotransformation pattern of p-toluic acid in anoxic estuarine sediments. Under CO2 atmosphere, p-toluic acid was transformed by the sediment microorganisms without a lag period, while under N2/H2 atmosphere, p-toluic acid was transformed after a lag period of 55 days. Under the N2/H2 atmosphere, the methanogen population, following a rapid increase of almost two orders of magnitude, remained at a high level until just before the onset of biotransformation. We hypothesize that during the lag period, the hydrogenotrophic methanogens were removing the H2, a step which is essential before the reaction can be exergonic. Acetogenic bacteria did not initiate decarboxylation as the first step of biotransformation under either atmosphere. Neither the methanogens nor the acetogenic bacteria appeared to be directly involved in the biotransformation of p-toluic acid under either atmosphere. Under the CO2 atmosphere, biotransformation of p-toluic acid involved sulfate-reducing bacteria, while under N2/H2, both sulfate-reducing bacteria and other eubacteria were involved.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The synergistic effects of pyrolysis byproduct, biochar (BC) on heavy metal consolidation, and H2S removal during and after from microwave pyrolysis...  相似文献   

生物催化氧化法脱除H2S的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对H2S污染的严峻形势,构建了包括催化再生装置和生物滴滤器的生物催化氧化装置。该装置以沸石为填料,以氧化亚铁硫杆菌为脱硫菌种,通过微生物和Fe3+的双重氧化作用高效脱除H2S。试验确定了装置的适宜喷淋量和沸石的最佳粒径。在温度为30℃,进气量为0.25 m3/h,进气H2S浓度为2500mg/m3,喷淋量为1000mL/h,喷淋液的pH值为1.97、Fe3+浓度为0.05 mol/L的条件下,出气H2S浓度足以达到GB14554-93规定的一级厂界标准值。试验证明,生物催化氧化法是一种新型高效的脱硫技术,应进一步开展中试研究。  相似文献   

低温等离子体治理H2S污染的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低温等离子体技术是一种高效、快速的污染消除技术,国内外都在对其进行广泛而深入的研究。采用脉冲电晕放电等离子体对空气中的硫化氢进行降解研究,探索了、脉冲峰压、脉冲频率、气体流量以及气体初始浓度对净化效果的影响,气体浓度由气相色谱仪测定。结果表明,脉冲电晕放电可以有效消除硫化氢污染,净化率随脉冲峰压和脉冲频率的增加而提高,随气体初始浓度和流量的增加而下降,且在初始浓度360mg/m^2、流量1200mL/min、脉冲峰压30kV、脉冲频率80Hz的条件下,处理后的气体中已检测不到H2S,根据色谱检测限(0.29mg/m^3)计算出的净化率≥99.92%。采用离子色谱对产物进行了定性分析,发现H2S经放电处理后主要产物为SO2和SO3。  相似文献   

低温等离子体技术是一种高效、快速的污染消除技术,国内外都在对其进行广泛而深入的研究.采用脉冲电晕放电等离子体对空气中的硫化氢进行降解研究,探索了、脉冲峰压、脉冲频率、气体流量以及气体初始浓度对净化效果的影响,气体浓度由气相色谱仪测定.结果表明,脉冲电晕放电可以有效消除硫化氢污染,净化率随脉冲峰压和脉冲频率的增加而提高,随气体初始浓度和流量的增加而下降,且在初始浓度360 mg/m3、流量1200 mL/min、脉冲峰压30 kV、脉冲频率80 Hz的条件下,处理后的气体中已检测不到H2S,根据色谱检测限(0.29 mg/m3)计算出的净化率≥99.92%.采用离子色谱对产物进行了定性分析,发现H2S经放电处理后主要产物为SO2和SO3.  相似文献   

为了提高zk-4型Fe2O3脱硫剂脱除沼气中H2S气体的速率,缩短反应的时间,首先搭建了利用容量法测量气固化学反应速率的测试装置,并使用1 mol/L的KF、 NaOH 、KOH碱性溶液对原始脱硫剂进行浸泡、烘干处理,然后对所得3种处理过的脱硫剂与原脱硫剂进行吸附脱硫实验研究,最终得出实验过程中H2S气体摩尔浓度的变化趋势、4种脱硫剂最大反应速率与H2S摩尔浓度的关系式、反应初期阶段相应的反应级数和4种脱硫剂的最大反应速率的排列次序,在反应初始阶段的最大脱硫速率关系依次为r(AKOH)> r(ANaOH)> r(AKF)> r(A0)。  相似文献   

磷肥广泛应用于农田重金属污染土壤钝化修复,但不同类型磷肥对多种重金属复合污染土壤的修复效果及其环境风险尚不明确。通过室内土壤培养和土柱淋溶模拟实验,研究枸溶性磷肥-钙镁磷肥(CMP)和水溶性磷肥-磷酸二氢钾(MPP)对重金属Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn复合污染土壤的钝化效果以及磷在土壤剖面中的淋溶损失特征。结果表明,CMP和MPP施用量(以P2O5计)为8 g·kg−1时,Pb、Cd的钝化率分别为35.05%和71.72%、31.76%和40.99%,而Cu、Zn则出现一定程度的活化(最高达29.62%)。MPP对Pb的钝化效果显著优于CMP,但对Cd而言,2者差异不明显,且磷肥用量的成倍增加并不能显著提升钝化效果。土柱中土壤全磷、有效磷和淋溶液总磷的质量分数均随着深度(20~65 cm)递增而显著下降,且在某一深度上随着施磷量(1~8 g·kg−1)的增加而显著升高。MPP在高用量下造成的磷淋溶风险显著大于CMP。采用磷肥钝化修复复合重金属污染土壤应综合重金属类型、钝化效果以及潜在的磷流失风险,选择适当的磷肥种类和用量。本研究结果可为磷肥钝化修复重金属污染土壤提供参考。  相似文献   

Elemental mercury (Hg0) is a metal with a number of atypical properties, which has resulted in its use in myriad anthropogenic processes. However, these same properties have also led to severe local subsurface contamination at many places where it has been used. As such, we studied the influence of various parameters on Hg(II) sorption onto pyrite (pH, time, Hg(II) concentration), a potential subsurface reactive barrier. Batch sorption studies revealed that total Hg(II) removal increases with both pH and time. X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis showed that a transformation in the coordination environment at low pH occurred during aging over 2 weeks, to form an ordered monolayer of monodentate Hg-Cl complexes on pyrite. In column studies packed with pure quartz sand, the transport of Hg(II) was significantly retarded by the presence of a thin pyrite-sand reactive barrier, although dissolved oxygen inhibited Hg(II) sorption onto pyrite in the column.  相似文献   

At the former nuclear weapon production site in Hanford, WA, caustic radioactive tank waste leaks into subsurface sediments and causes dissolution of quartz and aluminosilicate minerals, and precipitation of sodalite and cancrinite. This work examines changes in pore structure due to these reactions in a previously-conducted column experiment. The column was sectioned and 2D images of the pore space were generated using backscattered electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. A pre-precipitation scenario was created by digitally removing mineral matter identified as secondary precipitates. Porosity, determined by segmenting the images to distinguish pore space from mineral matter, was up to 0.11 less after reaction. Erosion-dilation analysis was used to compute pore and throat size distributions. Images with precipitation had more small and fewer large pores. Precipitation decreased throat sizes and the abundance of large throats. These findings agree with previous findings based on 3D X-ray CMT imaging, observing decreased porosity, clogging of small throats, and little change in large throats. However, 2D imaging found an increase in small pores, mainly in intragranular regions or below the resolution of the 3D images. Also, an increase in large pores observed via 3D imaging was not observed in the 2D analysis. Changes in flow conducting throats that are the key permeability-controlling features were observed in both methods.  相似文献   

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