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利用激光粒度仪对三环唑粉尘的粒径分布进行分析,并用20 L爆炸球测试装置、哈特曼管装置探讨了粉尘质量浓度、点火延迟时间、点火能量、粒径分布对粉尘爆炸的影响并总结了相关规律。实验结果表明:粉尘粒度是影响粉尘最小点火能和爆炸下限的单调因素,粉尘质量浓度是影响粉尘爆炸压力的极值因素,点火延迟时间是影响粉尘最小点火能的极值因素。  相似文献   

采用MIE-D1.2型最小点火能测试装置及20 L球型粉尘爆炸测试装置,对苯乙烯丙烯酸共聚物/碳黑混合体系粉尘的爆炸特性进行研究。结果表明,过74μm、58μm、47μm孔径筛的粉尘对静电火花敏感,其最小点火能表征值分别为610 mJ、361 mJ、201 mJ。随粉尘质量浓度增加,最小点火能呈现先减小后增加的规律。随粉尘粒径减小,最小点火能与粉尘质量浓度变化关系曲线向低粉尘质量浓度和低点火能量方向偏移,且对应的最敏感爆炸质量浓度从500 g/m~3降至200 g/m~3。随粉尘质量浓度增加,过147μm、74μm、47μm孔径筛的苯乙烯丙烯酸共聚物/碳黑混合体系粉尘爆炸压力及爆炸压力上升速率呈现先增加后减小趋势。在相同粉尘质量浓度下,中位径小于74μm的苯乙烯丙烯酸共聚物/碳黑混合体系粉尘,粉尘的爆炸压力增幅明显减小。苯乙烯丙烯酸共聚物/碳黑混合体系粉尘爆炸下限质量浓度为25 g/m~3,最大爆炸指数为14.636 MPa·m/s,爆炸危险等级划分为St1。  相似文献   

利用20 L球形爆炸测试装置探寻甘薯粉尘在密闭空间内的爆炸特性.测得甘薯粉的爆炸下限质量浓度,研究质量浓度,粒度和点火能量对爆炸猛烈度(最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率)以及燃烧特续时间的影响.结果表明:粒径较小时,甘薯粉爆科较猛烈,燃烧持续时间较短;随着质量浓度的增加,燃烧持续时间减少,最大压力上升速率逐渐增大并趋于稳定,而最大爆压呈现先增后减,并且存在一个最佳浓度范围,使粉尘爆炸最猛烈;最大爆压和上升速率随点火能量的增强而增大,较强的点火能量能显著改善低质量浓度粉尘的“爆炸不良”效应.将甘薯粉的爆炸下限质量浓度爆炸猛烈度与锌粉、镁粉和烟煤粉进行对比,发现甘薯粉的爆炸风险远高于烟煤粉和锌粉.  相似文献   

关于粉尘云爆炸下限浓度的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用Siwek20升球形粉尘爆炸装置,通过对几种工业粉尘测试研究,发现粉尘最低爆炸下限浓度与燃烧持续时间有关。对于不同的粉尘,从压力一时间曲线中得出的最大持续时间与利用IEC标准测定的爆炸下限浓度相接近。依据实验结果,提出了一种新的判据。  相似文献   

为了研究镁铝合金粉爆炸危险特性,利用20L球形爆炸容器进行测试,结果表明:180目 (80 μm)、 120目(125 μm) 和60目(250 μm)3种粒径下的金属粉尘爆炸下限浓度分别为45 g/m3,55 g/m3和95 g/m3。相同浓度下最大爆炸压力随粒径增大的而减小。以碳化硅和石墨为代表的研究中,60目,120目和180目的镁铝合金粉以10%的浓度梯度加入碳化硅浓度分别至50%,70%和80%,石墨浓度至30%,50%和60%时,镁铝合金粉不会发生爆炸。表明碳化硅及石墨等惰性粉尘都能对粉尘爆炸有抑制作用,其中石墨对镁铝合金粉的抑爆作用明显优于碳化硅。  相似文献   

北京市某电厂在向锅炉中输送一种粉体添加剂过程中,输送装置管道发生爆炸,管道被炸裂,添加剂粉尘散落地面并有燃烧现象。据添加剂生产单位介绍,他们曾委托有关科研部门时添加剂粉体进行过燃爆特性测试,结论是该添加剂粉体属于非爆炸性粉体。因此他们认为这次爆炸属于物理爆炸,即由于输送装置管道堵塞;压缩空气产生高压使管道爆炸。但电厂方面认为,输送管道的耐任指标要超过压缩空气的压力值,而且爆炸后散落的粉体发生燃烧,所以这是一起化学爆炸事故。因此双方发生争执,其焦点就是这种添加剂粉体是否为爆炸性粉尘,双方都同意对粉…  相似文献   

萘酐的某些物化性质。用GR-3500型氧弹式量热计测定萘酐的燃烧热。用来作为标准热值物质的苯甲酸纯度为99.5%、氧纯度99.6%,取苯甲酸燃烧热为6324卡/克,标定仪器量热系统的水当量为3426.6克。萘酐的燃烧热的测定结果为6261卡/克,从《CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics》中查到萘酐的α晶态燃烧热为6960卡/克、β晶态燃烧热力为6995.4卡/克、摩尔质量为158.16克/摩、熔点为146℃、密度为1.45g/cm^3。  相似文献   

薛福连 《安全》2003,24(3):25-25
随着现代化工业的发展,粉末技术的广泛应用,粉末产物日益增多,这就使粉尘爆炸的潜在危险大大增加。一般认为,爆炸前固体向蒸发表面提供足够的热量是爆炸的必要条件。通常,在固体物质中,产生的热量很容易被固体本身吸收,然而对粉末来说,发生氧化的表面积很大,而颗粒的体积却很小。因此,极易使温度上升,氧化速度增快。氧化本身就是一种放热反应,从而会产生更多的热量,以致很快达到失控状态。一但在空气中处于爆  相似文献   

Experiment-based investigations of magnesium dust explosion characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental investigation was carried out on magnesium dust explosions. Tests of explosion severity, flammability limit and solid inerting were conducted thanks to the Siwek 20 L vessel and influences of dust concentration, particle size, ignition energy, initial pressure and added inertant were taken into account. That magnesium dust is more of an explosion hazard than coal dust is confirmed and quantified by contrastive investigation. The Chinese procedure GB/T 16425 is overly conservative for LEL determination while EN 14034-3 yields realistic LEL data. It is also suggested that 2000-5000 J is the most appropriate ignition energy to use in the LEL determination of magnesium dusts, using the 20 L vessel. It is essential to point out that the overdriving phenomenon usually occurs for carbonaceous and less volatile metal materials is not notable for magnesium dusts. Trends of faster burning velocity and more efficient and adiabatic flame propagation are associated with fuel-rich dust clouds, smaller particles and hyperbaric conditions. Moreover, Inerting effectiveness of CaCO3 appears to be higher than KCl values on thermodynamics, whereas KCl represents higher effectiveness upon kinetics. Finer inertant shows better inerting effectiveness.  相似文献   

The effect of pyrolysis and oxidation characteristics on the explosion sensitivity and severity parameters, including the minimum ignition energy MIE, minimum ignition temperature MIT, minimum explosion concentration MEC, maximum explosion pressure Pmax, maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/dt)max and deflagration index Kst, of lauric acid and stearic acid dust clouds was experimentally investigated. A synchronous thermal analyser was used to test the particle thermal characteristics. The functional test apparatuses including the 1.2 L Hartmann-tube apparatus, modified Godbert-Greenwald furnace, and 20 L explosion apparatus were used to test the explosion parameters. The results indicated that the rapid and slow weight loss processes of lauric acid dust followed a one-dimensional diffusion model (D1 model) and a 1.5 order chemical reaction model (F1.5 model), respectively. In addition, the rapid and slow weight loss processes of stearic acid followed a 1.5 order chemical reaction model (F1.5 model) and a three-dimensional diffusion model (D3 model), respectively, and the corresponding average apparent activation energy E and pre-exponential factor A were larger than those of lauric acid. The stearic acid dust explosion had higher values of MIE and MIT, which were mainly dependent on the higher pyrolysis and oxidation temperatures and the larger apparent activation energy E determining the slower rate of chemical bond breakage during pyrolysis and oxidation. In contrast, the lauric acid dust explosion had a higher MEC related to a smaller pre-exponential factor A with a lower amount of released reaction heat and a lower heat release rate during pyrolysis and oxidation. Additionally, due to the competition regime of the higher oxidation reaction heat release and greater consumption of oxygen during explosion, the explosion pressure Pm of the stearic acid dust was larger in low concentration ranges and decayed to an even smaller pressure than with lauric acid when the concentration exceeded 500 g/m3. The rate of explosion pressure rise (dP/dt)m of the stearic acid dust was always larger in the experimental concentration range. The stearic acid dust explosion possessed a higher Pmax, (dP/dt)max and Kst mainly because of a larger pre-exponential factor A related to more active sites participating in the pyrolysis and oxidation reaction. Consequently, the active chemical reaction occurred more violently, and the temperature and overpressure rose faster, indicating a higher explosion hazard class for stearic acid dust.  相似文献   

An experimental system including pressure transducer, data acquisition card, computer and electric spark ignition device was set up to research methane-coal dust hybrid explosions in closed tubes with different types of obstacles inside. Its dynamic response time was less than a millisecond and the test precision was 0.1%. The experimental results show that the obstacles had great effects on the explosion characteristics in the tube. Hollow obstacles linked with inner wall of the tube induced faster pressure rising than installed center blocked solid obstacles. Obstacles with more sharp corner induce more violent explosions. The most dangerous explosion occurred when spacing between obstacles almost equaled the inner diameter of the tube for the same size obstacle.  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸特征和预防措施探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代工业的发展,粉末技术得到了广泛应用,使得粉末产物日益增多.许多粉体加工企业对粉体的相关危害知识没有深刻的认识,这些物质在安全生产、储存、运输和应用过程中,安全管理比较混乱,没有做到很好的防护,缺乏必要的防火防爆设施,再加上操作人员思想上的麻痹大意.粉尘爆炸的危险性大大增加,粉尘爆炸的事故也频繁发生.粉尘爆炸具有很强的破坏力,往往造成重大人员伤亡和严重损失,已经越发成为工业安全不可忽视的重要问题.本文从粉尘爆炸的基本特征出发,论述了粉尘爆炸的机理、条件、特点.根据粉尘爆炸需要的条件,从可燃物、助燃物和点火源三个方面,提出了在实际生产中,预防粉尘爆炸的一些具体措施,以期指导安全生产.  相似文献   

为预防和减轻硬脂酸粉加工、储存和运输过程中的燃爆危害,采用Godbert-Greenwald恒温炉分别研究质量浓度、分散压力、惰性粉体质量分数对硬脂酸粉尘云最低着火温度的影响规律。研究结果表明:硬脂酸粉尘云的最低着火温度随质量浓度和分散压力的增加先减小后增大,当质量浓度和分散压力分别为485.4 g/m3,15 kPa时,硬脂酸粉尘云最低着火温度达到最小;添加少量惰性粉体增大了硬脂酸粉尘云分散性,对硬脂酸粉尘云最低着火温度的降低起到促进作用;随惰性粉体质量分数的增加,硬脂酸粉尘云最低着火温度先迅速增大后增速变缓;SiO2通过物理作用抑制硬脂酸粉尘云燃烧,Al(OH)3除物理作用外还通过化学分解参与自由基碰撞,可有效提升硬脂酸粉尘云的最低着火温度。  相似文献   

为研究粉尘质量浓度、粒径和点火延迟时间对木粉尘最大爆炸压力影响,以桑木粉尘为对象,利用1.2 L的Hartmann管进行试验。研究结果表明:最大爆炸压力随着粉尘质量浓度的增加先增大后减小,随着粉尘粒径的增大而减小,随着点火延迟时间的增大而增大。在单因素试验基础上,运用Design-Expert软件对Box-Behnken所设计的响应面试验方案分析,得到影响粉尘最大爆炸压力大小顺序为:点火延迟时间>质量浓度>粒径,同时Design-Expert软件预测出最危险爆炸强度的试验条件为:质量浓度840.24 g/m3,粒径260目,点火延迟时间12 s,最大爆炸压力为0.511 775 MPa,经检验,拟合性较好,为防爆设备本质安全强度设计提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

介绍了目前国际上粉尘爆炸强度分级方法及分级判据,并对其存在的问题进行了分析,在此基础上提出新的等级划分及分级判据。  相似文献   

在石油资源日益紧张的形势下,我国油页岩资源的开发利用正得到前所未有的重视,但其利用过程潜在的粉尘爆炸危险性并未引起关注。对国内外有关油页岩粉尘着火、爆炸的文献进行了综述,约旦学者对油页岩粉尘爆炸下限、着火温度及惰化粉尘对下限的影响进行了持续性的研究。国内学者多涉及油页岩利用工艺的研究,只注重页岩油蒸气的爆炸风险,多采用经验公式的方法进行分析,具有较大的局限性。根据爆炸风险控制原理,提出了油页岩粉尘防爆安全需要进一步进行的基础研究工作,突出了加强油页岩粉尘和蒸气杂混物爆炸机理研究的重要性。  相似文献   

分析了木制品企业发生粉尘爆炸的潜在危险性,以某木制品企业的一起木材粉尘爆炸事故为例,对事故发生的过程和原因进行了仔细分析,在此基础上从预防和防护两个方面提出了防止类似系统发生火灾及粉尘爆炸事故的措施。  相似文献   

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