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This paper draws on climate justice principles developed in the context of international negotiations between national governments to assess the distribution of carbon reduction roles between different actors involved in residential energy use within the UK. In so doing, it aims to provide a new understanding of equity aspects of current residential policy and to highlight opportunities for more effective and equitable policy. The paper uses three criteria: rights and corresponding duties; mitigation responsibilities and capabilities. It applies them systematically to assess the roles of five key actors involved in residential energy use in the UK. The assessment finds a suboptimal distribution of actors’ duties, responsibilities and capabilities and roles and discusses whether and how a more effective and fair allocation of outcomes, in terms of carbon reduction and fuel poverty, could be achieved. In particular, it raises questions about whether the right actors are being legally obliged or incentivised to deliver energy efficiency improvements, and suggests that particular actors – local authorities and community groups – are under-used and require greater government support with capability. The paper represents the first use of international climate justice frameworks to investigate residential energy policy within a country.  相似文献   

Deploying heating technologies, such as air-source heat pumps (ASHPs), can respond to the dual challenges of tackling fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions from domestic energy consumption. In the UK, ASHP performance has been found to be below design levels. Elements of three strands of literature – innovation diffusion, environmental psychology and neighbourhood effects – are combined to gain insights into why the adoption and performance of ASHPs are lagging policy targets and design potential. Evidence from users, installers and area-based scheme facilitators suggests that the perceived complexity of the technology is a barrier. The level of technology maturity and the typical profile of the elderly fuel poor do not match; the target group might prefer to be late adopters or laggards in adopting technology. The role of installers is critical as the disruption from installation is a barrier to adoption and ASHPs place demands on users to change existing practices.  相似文献   

In the space of three to four years, gas has changed from being a premium fuel, not to be utilized in power stations, to virtually the only fuel being considered for future electricity generation in the UK. This paper reviews the growth in the use of gas for electricity generation within the UK, with particular regard to the adoption of the gas-fired combined cycle power station. The environmental, economic and strategic issues associated with the proposed development of approximately 27 GW of new gas-fired plant are analysed and the resulting effects on existing base load power plant within the UK are considered.Dr James W.S. Longhurst is Director of the Atmospheric Research and Information Centre, ARIC, at Manchester Metropolitan University He is an environmental scientist who has specialized in the air quality impacts of transport and energy. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD in Environmental Science from, Plymouth Polytechnic, Aston University and Birmingham University, respectively. He has written numerous papers, consultancy reports, books and technical reports since 1986.Jane Bantock joined ARIC in 1992 with a degree in Environmental Studies from Manchester Polytechnic. She jointly manages ARIC's information and education programmes. Her research interests include the inter-relationship of UK energy policy and emission control in the electricity generating sector, the subject of her part time PhD, and urban air quality issues.  相似文献   

A number of schemes to increase household energy efficiency have operated in the UK over the last 5–10 years. This paper evaluates their effectiveness in terms of reducing household energy use, carbon emissions and fuel poverty. It then draws on the quantitative results of these schemes, and published plans for their continuation, to model an extended and expanded Household Energy Efficiency Scenario to 2020, using an integrated economy–energy–environment model of the UK. The results suggest that while such schemes can play a significant role in reducing carbon emissions from households, much more ambitious schemes than those currently implemented will be necessary to offset the underlying growth in these emissions. Finally, the results are compared with the UK government's own estimates, in its Climate Change Programme, of carbon emission reductions from such schemes to 2010. The paper concludes that the government's estimates are somewhat optimistic, and that it will need substantial new policy measures beyond those already announced if its carbon reduction targets in this area are to be met. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The high-voltage distribution and transmission of electricity are associated with a range of environmental effects that are increasingly contentious and are leading to difficult land-use planning issues. In the UK, local planning authorities have been taking an anticipatory approach to such efforts by the formation of policy in statutory land-use plans; this seeks to set constraints on the location and form of high-voltage installations and nearby development. This emerging body of policy reveals a number of consistently occurring themes that focus explicitly on the protection of local environmental conditions. This is indicative of broader trends apparent throughout plan-making in the last decade, in which environmental emphases have become more central, but the policy area also indicates that local authorities are responding to structural changes in the electricity industry and to changing patterns of energy generation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Renewable energy as well as nuclear energy are low carbon power that presents the life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases than fossil fuel energy. However, analyzing the relationship between the consumption of renewable energy, consumption of nuclear energy, CO2 emissions and economic growth is crucial for the economic and energy policy decision; we address this question for developed countries. This paper deals with the relationships between nuclear energy, environmental degradation, real GDP and renewable energy. We apply a panel data model for a global panel consisting of nine developed countries during the period 1990–2013. The group studied consists of Canada, France, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the USA. The empirical findings suggest that: (1) a causal link between emissions and real income, (2) a unidirectional causality running from renewable energy to nuclear energy, (3) a unidirectional causal relationship running from capital to environmental degradation, (4) a unidirectional causal relationship running from income to nuclear energy consumption, since the growth hypothesis is valid, (5) a unidirectional causality running from capital to income, (6) no an outstanding role of renewable energy use in the contribution of CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

The use of renewable energy in Europe offers the possibility of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to energy security and independence. With the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and a variety of recently introduced national directives supporting renewable energy sources in the European Union, the economic attractiveness of bioenergy production has distinctly increased. This article combines an economic evaluation of biomass production with site-related natural conditions of the Havelland region, situated in the north-east area of Germany. Two methods for evaluating site-specific potential biomass yields were compared. For three example biomass crops, evaluations of yield estimations at agricultural lots for site-optimized suitability (SOS) and conventional suitability (CS) were carried out. Both modelling approaches were compared. The results of the GIS modelling indicate that the financial support for increasing the use of renewable energy with the German feed-in system, called Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG), will possibly lead to an increased cultivation of crops with high biomass output. This monocultural orientation of farming practices and the negative effects on the ecosystem could act in opposition to other environmental initiatives of the EU. The outputs of the SOS analysis show that high biomass production could be integrated into environmental policy proposals. Therefore, new EU policy should take modified subsidies into consideration in order to avoid developing conflicts between small-scale changes in landscape ecosystems caused by large-scale transformations in energy policy.  相似文献   

The UK Government has provided financial support to developing renewable technologies through the Non-fossil Fu el Obligation imposed on the regional electricity companies. Several hundred renewable energy schemes have come forward to be assessed for their environmental suitability by local level regulators in a very poorly developed national policy framework. This study examines the development control decisions on windfarm applications since 1983 by the largest district council in Wales, and seeks to highlight the role played by clusters of public and private organizations in policy and programme implementation. With the multiple and sometimes conflicting objectives advanced by these organizations, it was in the interests of the district council to strike a negotiated consen sus between landscape conservation and inward investment concerns. The case study shows the crucial importan ce of the socio-political context for understanding the dynamics of policy making.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology (IE) promotes the development of industrial systems based on recycling of matter and cascading of energy through cooperation. In this paper, the local/regional industrial ecosystem approach is reflected in two examples from Finland. The local forest industry system is based on renewable resources, waste materials and energy utilisation between forestry companies, a saw-mill, a pulp mill, a paper mill and a forest industry power plant. Waste energy from electricity production is used for production of heat and process steam. Regional city energy supply systems in Finland are also to a large extent arranged around power plants that utilise waste energy. The potential of combining the forest industry system with the energy supply systems of cities is considered and the conditions for success in the Finnish case are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses international aid issues related to energy supply and sustainable development in the Pacific Islands. Certain foreign donors have focused their aid to the region mainly on poverty alleviation, and have failed to support critical sectors, such as the energy sector, which is one of the main driving forces in socio-economic development. As an example, this paper analyses the international aid program of Australia for renewable energy in the Pacific Island region. It is recommended that, in future, foreign aid take up the challenge of promoting recipient countries' capabilities in sustainable development. A key strategy to be adopted by foreign aid should be strengthening recipients' energy sectors, particularly renewable energy systems. It is argued that this approach will assist the long-term socio-economic development and environmental management of the region.  相似文献   

The contemporary food system provides consumers with convenience, extensive choice, and the year-round availability of fresh produce. In this paper these achievements are recognized within the context of the associated environmental impacts. While many analyses have considered the energy and material efficiency of various options for food production and packaging, very few studies have investigated the environmental impacts of the transport components of food supply chains. This is surprising, given that the global sourcing of food produce, centralized distribution systems, and shopping by car have become prevalent in recent decades and have contributed to an increase in the distance between producer and consumer or “food miles.” In a case study the transport energy consumption is calculated for all possible ways in which dessert apples can be supplied to the UK consumer. The aim is to assess the environmental performance of the predominant fresh produce supply chains and to investigate claims that localized systems are more environmentally efficient. The main criteria used to compare the environmental efficiency in alternative food supply chains are the transport-related fossil-fuel energy consumption and associated carbon dioxide emissions. Analysis of the empirical data shows that transportation is now responsible for a considerable fraction of the total energy consumption in the life cycle of fresh apples, and in most cases exceeds the energy consumed in commercial apple cultivation. By developing local production and marketing systems for fresh products, transport demand can be reduced and many of the environmental impacts associated with existing supply chains can be avoided. The results of the study are then discussed in relation to the wider issues of transport policy, international trade, food security, and product-related environmental information for consumers.  相似文献   

能源作为经济社会发展的重要物质基础,也是碳排放的主要来源,推动能源结构调整、大力发展可再生能源产业是实现碳达峰碳中和目标的必然要求。为了促进可再生能源产业发展,国家实施了一系列财税宏观调控政策。本文在梳理政策现状的基础上,对存在的问题进行了识别,包括弃风弃光现象影响财政资金使用效益、可再生能源电价补贴不到位、财税优惠政策形式相对单一、优惠政策执行的配套机制不足等。从建立、完善可再生能源电力消纳保障机制,多种渠道解决可再生能源补贴缺口问题,进一步完善税收优惠政策,适时优化调整财政支持政策,与其他政策协同发挥作用等方面提出了政策优化建议。  相似文献   

Although intrinsically a global environmental concern, the climate change issue has a number of implications for local authorities. Within the European Union (EU), the remit of local authorities in—-for abatement policies—the crucial areas of energy and transport policy varies considerably, as does their commitment to environmental action more generally. This paper examines the role of local authorities in climate protection within a framework of global, EU and national action, through examples of local strategies from Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The paper finds positive instances of action in all countries, but points to unsympathetic policy frameworks both at national and EU level, such as budget constraints imposed on local authorities, the pursuit of low energy prices combined with a resistance to impose carbon taxes, a lack of energy efficiency standards and insufficient support for public transport.  相似文献   

For the option of “carbon capture and storage”, an integrated assessment in the form of a life cycle analysis and a cost assessment combined with a systematic comparison with renewable energies regarding future conditions in the power plant market for the situation in Germany is done.The calculations along the whole process chain show that CCS technologies emit per kWh more than generally assumed in clean-coal concepts (total CO2 reduction by 72–90% and total greenhouse gas reduction by 65–79%) and considerable more if compared with renewable electricity. Nevertheless, CCS could lead to a significant absolute reduction of GHG-emissions within the electricity supply system.Furthermore, depending on the growth rates and the market development, renewables could develop faster and could be in the long term cheaper than CCS based plants.Especially, in Germany, CCS as a climate protection option is phasing a specific problem as a huge amount of fossil power plant has to be substituted in the next 15 years where CCS technologies might be not yet available. For a considerable contribution of CCS to climate protection, the energy structure in Germany requires the integration of capture ready plants into the current renewal programs. If CCS retrofit technologies could be applied at least from 2020, this would strongly decrease the expected CO2 emissions and would give a chance to reach the climate protection goal of minus 80% including the renewed fossil-fired power plants.  相似文献   

Current projections estimating world population growth read in conjunction with corresponding projections of increased world energy consumption, point to electricity as the cleaner fuel of the future, especially because of its high efficiency and low levels of pollution. Due mostly to the fact that the electrical end-use devices are considerably more efficient than those using other forms of energy, most developed countries show decreasing curves of energy intensity as technologies become more sophisticated and shift over to increased reliance on electricity. It is therefore argued in this article that a gradual shift away from fossil fuels to electricity is a promising possibility to bring down global air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases to acceptable levels. Examples are given of greater efficiency achieved by electrification. Overall gains in energy efficiency from the change over from fossil fuels to electricity, are possible even in situations where the electricity is generated by fossil fuel combustion, despite the loss of primary energy in the conversion process. The article also presents electricity generating projects designed for developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The generation of electricity from the combustion of renewable sources (biomass waste), fossil fuels, and other innovative methods are outlined.  相似文献   

‘Green jobs’ are often presented as a simultaneous solution for the economic downturn and the environmental crisis, particularly as they relate to sustainable development in energy and climate change. Federal, state, and municipal authorities have employed a variety of policy tools to boost job creation within their jurisdictions. This study focuses on the role that state policies play in creating green jobs. It examines two generic policy tools – regulations and incentives – each of which can be aimed at advancing energy efficiency or renewable energy production, and assesses the relative impact they have had on generating green jobs. In order to measure this impact, we utilize panel data compiled by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which contain a state‐level count of green jobs from 1998 to 2007. The results of the analysis suggest that regulations, particularly those that mandate action on renewable energy, are likely to increase the number of private sector green jobs in states. Regulations with clear guidelines and targets tend to reduce uncertainty in business, and can lead to increased private sector investment and job availability. This study provides practical lessons regarding the type and design of policy instruments and regulations on renewable energy, which effectively encourage green job growth.  相似文献   

The diffusion of renewable energy – particularly in transport – in cities may facilitate the transition away from fossil fuels, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Past studies on this topic have focused on system modelling of diffusion pathways, technology characteristics and also estimations of future availability of renewable energy, whilst neglecting the agency of producers and users. This article assesses barriers to the diffusion of biogas for transportation in cities from a system and actor perspective. Using document studies and interviews in the cities of Basel, Switzerland, and Odense, Denmark, we identify the presence of conflicting political priorities and shifting strategic objectives, resulting in mixed signals concerning the role and viability of biogas for transportation. This underlines the importance of public sector support and coherent design and implementation of strategy and policy enabling the diffusion of renewable energy.  相似文献   

The pulp and paper industry is energy intensive and consumes large amounts of wood. Biomass is a limited resource and its efficient use is therefore important. In this study, the total amount of biomass used for pulp and for energy is estimated for the production of several woodfree (containing only chemical pulp) and mechanical (containing mechanical pulp) printing paper products, under Swedish conditions. Chemical pulp mills today are largely self-sufficient in energy while mechanical pulp mills depend on large amounts of external electricity. Technically, all energy used in pulp- and papermaking can be biomass based. Here, we assume that all energy used, including external electricity and motor fuels, is based on forest biomass. The whole cradle-to-gate chain is included in the analyses. The results indicate that the total amount of biomass required per tonne paper is slightly lower for woodfree than for mechanical paper. For the biomass use per paper area, the paper grammage is decisive. If the grammage can be lowered by increasing the proportion of mechanical pulp, this may lower the biomass use per paper area, despite the higher biomass use per unit mass in mechanical paper. In the production of woodfree paper, energy recovery from residues in the mill accounts for most of the biomass use, while external electricity production accounts for the largest part for mechanical paper. Motor fuel production accounts for 5–7% of the biomass use. The biomass contained in the final paper product is 21–42% of the total biomass use, indicating that waste paper recovery is important. The biomass use was found to be about 15–17% lower for modelled, modern mills compared with mills representative of today's average technology.  相似文献   

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