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This paper examines the role of community-based management (CBM) in dealing with the problem of mine water pollution (MWP) in four ex-pit sites in northeast England. The outcomes of CBM can be divided into two categories: ecological (environmental improvement) and social (community improvement). The ecological outcomes range from problem recognition to investigation and remediation; the social outcomes range from community awareness to participation and enhanced cooperation. Both kinds of outcome were completely achieved in only one site (Quaking Houses). In the other three sites, varying degrees of success were achieved in each category. The main lessons learned are two-fold: first, even if CBM does not achieve its ecological aims, it may nonetheless be valuable in achieving social outcomes; second, its chances of achieving either ecological or social outcomes are linked to the resources (human, technical, financial, experiential, structural, legitimacy and network) that the community possesses.  相似文献   

Sprawl, Smart Growth and Sustainability   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The purpose of a national energy policy is to stimulate economic development, and to secure reliable sources of energy at reasonable prices. Because energy and development are interrelated the starting point of an energy policy is the projected rate of economic growth. The growth rate determines the amounts and kinds of energy required. Political decisions can then be made as to what portions of a nation's financial resources should be directed to the importation of energy and what portions should be directed to the development of alternative energy sources. Le but de conduire une politique nationale de l'énergie est de stimuler le développement économique et de s'assurer de sources d'énergie à l'abri des aléas et à des prix raisonnables. Etant donné la relation étroite qui existe entre les besoins énergétiques et le développement, le point de départ de toute politique est la prévision du taux de croissance économique. Le taux de croissance détermine les quantités et types d'énergie requis. Les décisions politiques peuvent alors être prises en ce qui concerne les pourcentages des ressources financières qu'un pays doit affecter à l'importation d'énergie et ceux qu'il doit allouer à la mise en valeur des sources d'énergie de remplacement. El propósito de una política energética nacional es estimular el desarrollo económico y asegurar un suministro confiable de energía a precios razonables. Puesto que desarrollo económico y energía estan ligados, el punto del partida para una política energética es la tasa de crecimiento económico proyectado. El crecimiento económico determina la cantidad y calidad de energía necesaria. Sólo entonces se pueden hacer decisiones políticas acerca de qué proporción de recursos nacionales deben usarse para importar energía y que proporción debe ser dirigido al desarrollo de recursos alternativos de energía.  相似文献   

This paper looks at a recent example of local authority/academiccollaboration over a protracted period of time from the different perspectives of those people who were directly involved in the process as key role players. The arena within which this collaboration took place (Local Agenda 21 policy-making in Manchester) has some particular characteristics of its own which influenced this process, and these are identified alongside some of the theoretical issues which affect the way collaborations of this kind are perceived and (much more rarely) are written about. The perspectivesof the client and of the contractor, as the authors reflect on their experiences in these roles, show that in practice processes of adjustment and of learning were taking place, because both sides for various reasons found that the dynamics of this situation meant that their preconceptions both of each other and of the contractual relationship they had thought they were entering had to be modified as the process unfolded. The paper concludes with both specific observations about this collaboration, and more general and more tentative comments about issues that might be experienced in future collaborations of this kind.  相似文献   

The sources of energy utilized in India range from nuclear power to non-commercial fuels such as agricultural wastes, which still meet some 45% of the country's total energy demand. India has to import 65% of the oil consumed, although it is self-sufficient with respect to all other forms of energy. While the author feels that in the long run energy supplies for India will have to come from new and renewable sources of energy, during the transition period (the next 20–30 years) energy demand can be met only by further development of domestic sources of coal, oil and hydroelectricity. Les sources énergétiques employées en Inde vont de l'énergie nucléaire jusqu'aux fuels non-commerciaux, tels que les déchets agricoles, lesquels entrent pour 45% environ dans la consommation d'énergie du pays. L'Inde doit importer 65 pour cent du pétrole qu'elle consomme, mais elle se suffit à elle-même pour ce qui concerne toutes les autres formes d'énergie. Bien que l'auteur pense, qu'à long terme, l'Inde doit faire appel pour satisfaire ses besoins à des sources nouvelles et renouvelables d'énergie, elle devra durant la période de transition (les prochaines 20 à 30 années) s'adresser au développement des sources domestiques que sont le charbon, le pétrole et la houille blanche. Las fuentes de energía utilizadas en la India incluyen desde energía nuclear hasta combustibles no comerciales, tales como residuos agrícolas, que cubren algo así como el 45 porciento de la demanda total de energía del país. La India tiene que importar el 65% del consumo de petróleo, pero éste es un país auto-abastecido con respecto a todas las otras formas de energía. El autor piensa que mientras a largo plazo el suministro de energía para la India debería provenir de fuentes nuevas y renovables, durante el periodo de transición (próximos 20–30 an?os) la demanda de energía solamente puede ser abastecida a través de un desarrollo de fuentes domésticas de carbón, petróleo e hidroelectricidad.  相似文献   

智能电能表功耗测量是一项重要的试验项目,介绍了电能表功耗测量仪和连接,着重分析了功耗测量系统软件的设计。该软件用于功耗测量数据采集,分析了其中的关键技术,给出了Lab VIEW设计框图。该软件实现了智能电能表功耗数据的自动化测量。  相似文献   

In this article, the first of a series of viewpoint pieces in Natural Resources Forum , the president of a major transnational energy corporation analyses the pivotal role of the United States in determining world energy trends and argues that development of nuclear energy and coal will be necessary to meet demand as world oil supplies dwindle in the 1990's. In the United States, the lack of a clear-cut government policy coupled with opposition to nuclear energy hampers the development of alternate energy sources for the future. This situation is mirrored in other parts of the world. Unless assessments of the long lead times for solar and nuclear fusion as sources of energy are accepted soon as realistic and unless efforts to develop nuclear and coal are accelerated, the United States may face grave energy shortfalls in the medium term.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the issues related to development densities that emerged from our study of sprawl and development issues in three regions of British Columbia, Canada. We chose to focus on this aspect of the Smart Growth agenda because, while many of its other elements enjoy wide support across social interests, the goal of achieving a higher density urban fabric is highly controversial. We proceeded by collecting data on development densities and 13 indicators of community sustainability in 26 municipalities. The results suggest that the density of communities is associated with efficiencies in infrastructure and with reduced automobile dependence, with the ecological and economic implications which flow from that. However, it does not necessarily correlate with greater affordability of housing or more access to green space. In fact, if anything, we discovered a negative relationship between housing affordability and green space per capita and higher land-use densities. In a second stage of the research, we conducted a qualitative analysis of a subset of six municipalities and identified key policy issues for moving ahead with the Smart Growth agenda. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy issues that emerged from these case studies.  相似文献   


In this paper, we focus on the issues related to development densities that emerged from our study of sprawl and development issues in three regions of British Columbia, Canada. We chose to focus on this aspect of the Smart Growth agenda because, while many of its other elements enjoy wide support across social interests, the goal of achieving a higher density urban fabric is highly controversial. We proceeded by collecting data on development densities and 13 indicators of community sustainability in 26 municipalities. The results suggest that the density of communities is associated with efficiencies in infrastructure and with reduced automobile dependence, with the ecological and economic implications which flow from that. However, it does not necessarily correlate with greater affordability of housing or more access to green space. In fact, if anything, we discovered a negative relationship between housing affordability and green space per capita and higher land-use densities. In a second stage of the research, we conducted a qualitative analysis of a subset of six municipalities and identified key policy issues for moving ahead with the Smart Growth agenda. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy issues that emerged from these case studies.  相似文献   

针对目前智能电能表功耗检测困难,设计了一种便携式功耗测量仪。分析了功耗测量仪的总体结构和关键技术,给出了仪器的校准数据及仪器应用方法。经实践证明,该功耗测量仪在测量精度和实用性上表现良好。  相似文献   

In Uganda, environmental and natural resource management is decentralized and has been the responsibility of local districts since 1996. This environmental management arrangement was part of a broader decentralization process and was intended to increase local ownership and improve environmental policy; however, its implementation has encountered several major challenges over the last decade. This article reviews some of the key structural problems facing decentralized environmental policy in this central African country and examines these issues within the wider framework of political decentralization. Tensions have arisen between technical staff and politicians, between various levels of governance, and between environmental and other policy domains. This review offers a critical reflection on the perspectives and limitations of decentralized environmental governance in Uganda. Our conclusions focus on the need to balance administrative staff and local politicians, the mainstreaming of local environmental policy, and the role of international donors.  相似文献   

Much of the rural population of the developing countries is poor and depends on agriculture for its living. One means of improving the standard of living of such poor peoples is through the introduction of modern more intensive and therefore more productive agricultural methods. Such methods will require energy intensification. The resulting increase in energy demand particularly electrical energy, will be very large, especially because the rural areas are least able to benefit from energy saving technologies.  相似文献   

The obvious paradox within China's environmental politics is the big gap between the central government's policy and its implementation outcomes at local levels. Despite concerns about implementation at the local level, much about the role of central governments in China's local environmental politics is still poorly understood. This article examines how the incentive structure set by the central authorities affects the policy implementation gap at the local level. Drawing on fieldwork and document analysis, this article argues that the incentives set by the central government regarding environmental policy implementation at local levels are perversely structured, meaning that the central government provides much more incentive for local governments' non-implementation or poor implementation of its environmental policies than it provides for full implementation. The central government's failure to encourage—politically, financially, as well as morally—local government officials to appropriately implement environmental policies can partly explain the production of the policy implementation gap at the local level. This implementation gap cannot be overcome by efforts at the local level unless the central government takes significant measures to address the perverse incentive structure embedded in the overall structure of China's local environmental politics.  相似文献   

陈迪  徐彦 《环境技术》2013,(4):55-58
本文对中国合格评定国家认可委员会能源之星实验室认可计划进行政策解读和明晰,并对能源之星实验室认可中出现的实验室比对、产品分类及检测方法,检测能力表述这三个直接影响实验室获得注册的突出关键问题进行了详细的分析和研究。为有意申请能源之星实验室认可的实验室进行指导,并为获得能源之星实验室认可的实验室最终获得美国环保署的最终注册提供借鉴。  相似文献   

节能环保产业是打赢污染防治攻坚战的重要支撑,也是推动经济发展的新兴绿色动能。本文利用瓦当设计的政策工具三分法,对当前节能环保产业政策工具进行了分类研究。当前,影响节能环保产业政策的工具主要包括管制型工具、经济型工具、信息型工具三个类型。管制型工具包括指标控制、强制性标准和监督考核等;经济型工具包括财政支持、税收优惠、价格政策、金融政策等;信息型工具包括技术推广机制、产品推广机制等。尽管我国已经初步建立了政策支持体系,但当前政策工具仍然存在一系列不足,管制型工具、经济型工具、信息型工具都有较大的改进调整空间,应当进一步形成规范、合理的管制型制度,以普惠为主而非补助为主的经济型制度,以提供信息服务为主的信息型制度,并以此促进节能环保产业健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of potential methods of reform of petroleum pricing policies in developing countries. It takes as given the highly political nature of petroleum pricing in selected developing countries (including Brazil. Ecuador, Argentina, the Sudan and Republic of Korea), and identifies several models for reform.  相似文献   

经济增长与能源消费关系研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济增长与能源消费的关系一直是经济学研究的热点问题之一.自20世纪70年代石油危机爆发以来,出现了大量研究能源价格对经济增长影响的文献.进入2l世纪,环境污染、能源短缺等问题逐渐凸显出来,研究焦点也转向了经济增长与能源消费的关系上.国内学者从20世纪90年代开始关注该领域,作者分别综述了国内外学者在该领域的代表性研究成果.  相似文献   

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