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Most response plans for in situ burning of oil at sea call for the use of a fire-resistant boom to contain the oil during a burn. Presently, there is no standard method for the user of fire-resistant boom to evaluate the anticipated performance of different booms. The American Standard for Testing Materials (ASTM) F-20 Committee has developed a draft standard, `Standard Guide for in situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water: Fire-Resistant Containment Boom'; however, the draft provides only general guidelines and does not specify the details of the test procedure. Utilizing the guidelines in the draft standard, a second series of experiments was conducted to evaluate a protocol for testing the ability of fire-resistant booms to withstand both fire and waves.  相似文献   

Biological barriers are a beneficial application of biofilms that aim at reducing the hydraulic conductivity (K) in geological formations. Several studies have shown the potential benefits of creating such barriers either by stimulating the indigenous microbial community (biostimulation) or injecting bacteria (bioaugmentation). For example, laboratory experiments show that groundwater microorganisms attached to a ceramic surface and generated a biofilm as thick as 1,100 μm. In a limestone fracture, this bacterial community clogged a single fracture up to 99.2 percent within 22 days. At the field scale, applications in porous aquifers led to a five‐fold decrease in K after 2.5 days of biostimulation, and a bioaugmentation with a starved, adapted bacterial culture decreased K by 99.4 percent. One promising development of the biobarrier concept is a field application at a fractured bedrock site. Using a multidisciplinary approach and focusing on a well‐characterized fracture system, a field trial was undertaken in Southern Ontario to measure the extent of bioclogging and the stability over time. This article focuses on the literature pertinent to the preparation of this field trial and presents the innovative approach selected to monitor the bioclogging in such a challenging environment.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation has recently been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an appropriate remedy for sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Because natural attenuation does not require active remediation, it is considerably less expensive than other groundwater remedies. However, as laid out in EPA's recently released guidance, careful, systematic evaluation of natural attenuation must be conducted to ensure that the remedial approach is appropriate for a given site. The guidance requires that data be collected to demonstrate that natural attenuation is occurring and a fate-and-transport model must be conducted to estimate the extent to which a contaminated plume will ultimately migrate. Finally, the proponent of natural attenuation must be prepared to conduct long-term groundwater monitoring to verify that natural attenuation is controlling plume migration and that human health and the environment are not adversely affected.  相似文献   

A standard leaching test method (EN 12457-3) was compared with a modified pHstat-column leaching test method with respect to leaching information obtained for aggregates composed of different alkaline solid wastes. In addition to a different experimental set-up, the major dissimilarity between the two test methods was the chemical equilibrium condition, i.e., in the first test the system approaches equilibrium while in the second test the system is far from equilibrium conditions. The leaching trends of sodium, calcium, chloride, sulfate and cadmium were studied. Results showed that these two test methods were comparable in respect to the total amount sodium and sulfate leached. It was also concluded that the two test methods provide different information for the constituents for which dissolution reaction is highly dependent on pH and other experimental conditions, e.g., flow rate. It was found that a batch test can be used in order to investigate the total amount leached, while a modified column-pHstat test generates more detailed results on leaching trends of some constituents.  相似文献   

Smart characterization approaches apply the latest high‐resolution site characterization methods to find the contaminant mass flux, by integrating relative permeability mapping, classical hydrostratigraphy interpretation, and high‐density groundwater and saturated soil sampling. The key factor that makes Smart characterization different is the application of quantitative saturated soil sampling in less permeable slow advection and storage zones to diagnose plume maturity and understand its implications for remedy selection and performance. Because direct sensing tools like the membrane interface probe are capable of providing screening‐level assessments for hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents in storage zones, but not 1,4‐dioxane, the recommended Smart approach involves application of specialized high‐capacity mobile laboratories or rapid turn‐around using fixed commercial labs. In addition to the benefit of rapidly characterizing sites, Smart characterization facilitates a flux‐based conceptual site model, which allows stakeholders to focus remedies on the mobile portion of the contaminant mass or, in effect, the mass that matters. Through systematic planning and implementation, predesign characterization can be completed to optimize source and plume remedy strategies, balancing investment in Smart characterization with reductions in total life‐cycle costs to ensure that an appropriate return on investigation is obtained.  © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The NanoRem European research project aims to support and develop the appropriate use of nanotechnology for contaminated land remediation by facilitating practical, economic, and exploitable nanotechnology for in situ remediation. This can only be achieved in parallel with a comprehensive understanding of the environmental risk‐benefit balance for the use of the nanoparticles (NPs) being investigated. While the NanoRem NPs could have a significant toxicity this is likely to be less potent than NPs currently being released into the environment, such as those from a variety of antibacterial products. The NanoRem NPs are likely to interact with the aquifer matrix, each other, and groundwater chemistry to rapidly cease to be mobile and are unlikely to penetrate into the aquifer more than a few meters from the point of injection. In terms of the source‐pathway‐receptor paradigm, the NanoRem NPs are cautiously presumed to represent a hazard (i.e., source). At least one receptor, in the form of not yet polluted groundwater, is present at all the NanoRem case study sites. While there are considerable uncertainties particularly with regards to the transport of NanoRem NPs, the ability of NPs to penetrate far into the formation is likely to be very limited. The relatively short travel distances reported in the literature for a variety of NP types and geological conditions suggest that the pathways are at best very limited in extent. Overall, this means that in many cases the level of risk renegade NPs can pose to the environment or human health is at most minimal. A qualitative protocol developed for the NanoRem field trials can demonstrate that injecting NanoRem NPs into contaminated groundwater poses a minimal level of risk due to the reduced pathway. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The remediation of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances by injection of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) at a contaminated site in Central Canada was evaluated using various visualization and modeling methods. Radial diagrams were used to illustrate spatial and temporal trends in perfluoroalkyl acid (PFAA) concentrations, as well as various redox indicators. To assess the CAC adsorption capacity for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), laboratory Freundlich isotherms were derived for PFOS mixed with CAC in two solutions: (1) PFOS in a pH 7.5 synthetic water that was buffered by 1 millimolar NaHCO3 (Kf = 142,800 mg1‐a La/kg and = 0.59); and (2) a groundwater sample (pH = 7.4) containing PFOS among other PFAS from a former fire‐training area in the United States (Kf = 4,900 mg1‐a La/kg and a = 0.24). A mass balance approach was derived to facilitate the numerical modeling of mass redistribution after CAC injection, when mass transitions from a two‐phase system (aqueous and sorbed to organic matter) to a three‐phase system that also includes mass sorbed to CAC. An equilibrium mixing model of mass accumulation over time was developed using a finite‐difference solution and was verified by intermodel comparison for prediction of CAC longevity in the center of a source area. A three‐dimensional reactive transport model (ISR‐MT3DMS) was used to indicate that the CAC remedy implemented at the site is likely to be effective for PFOS remediation for decades. Model results are used to recommend remedial design and monitoring alternatives that account for the uncertainty in long‐term performance predictions.  相似文献   

This article describes regulatory issues and emission control equipment for air toxics applications. A brief history of air quality legislation is provided, illustrating the difficulty government has had in implementing air quality statutes; this has contributed to the complexity of air quality regulations. Evaluation methodologies are described for three different emission control technologies: thermal oxidation, catalytic oxidation, and adsorption. Brief case histories are provided that describe the pitfalls and benefits associated with each technology. The benefits of integrating health risk assessment into an air quality program are also discussed.  相似文献   

Forensic arguments must be demonstrably objective. A protocol is proposed to supply a framework to achieve this when using data from compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) in developing forensic arguments about volatile organic carbon (VOC) contamination in groundwater. The protocol uses a “line of evidence” approach to reiteratively refine a hypothesis by testing it against each of three criteria, modifying the hypothesis if it fails or accumulating supporting evidence if it passes. The criteria are intended to organize data interpretation and to maximize use of both site data and supporting literature. Specifically, the criteria are: 1) degradation: enrichment factors and dual isotope plot (DIP) slopes; 2) hydrogeology: groundwater flow and plume shape; and 3) site history: VOC use and previous remediation work. Each of these criteria is described in detail and examples are provided for these criteria to show how each criterion can be used to identify the more plausible explanation when alternate hypotheses are presented. The protocol built upon these criteria is intended to maximize the use of supporting data and to document that support, as well as to ensure that interpretations are self consistent. The protocol is intended to be flexible and provides the framework to use exceptions as a line of evidence supporting an explanation.  相似文献   

A solution is proposed for proving compliance with emission targets and for emissions trading in the event of uncertainties in reported emission inventories. The solution is based on the undershooting concept, from which the mathematical conditions for both proving compliance with a risk α and calculating effective emissions for trading are derived. Based on the reported emission units, the number of permits granted is reduced in proportion to the uncertainty in the inventory. A country whose inventory has higher uncertainty is thereby allotted fewer permits than a country with the same inventory but smaller uncertainty.  相似文献   

An inventory of standing waters (freshwater lakes and lochs) wasderived from Ordnance Survey digital map data at a scale of 1:50 000 and represents the most comprehensive survey of its kind for Great Britain. The inventory includes 43 738 water bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man and contains basic physical data such as location, surface area, perimeter and altitude. Catchment areas were computed for water bodies with a surface area larger than 1 ha from a digital terrain model (DTM) using customised routines in a geographical information system (GIS). The resulting polygons were then used to derive catchment-related information from a variety of national datasets including population density, livestock density, land cover, solid and drift geology, meteorological data, freshwater sensitivity status, acid deposition and conservation status. Using data derived from the inventory a risk-based prioritisation protocol was developed to identify standing waters at risk of harm from acidification and eutrophication. This information is required by the Environment Agency, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the U.K. statutory conservation bodies to co-ordinate actions and monitor change under international, European and national legislation.  相似文献   

The widespread use of polymeric materials in many applications requires polymers that are weather resistant. The aim of this study is to examine the usefulness of oxidation onset temperature measurements as a tool for evaluating oxidative degradation of isotatic polypropylene. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to measure the oxidation onset temperature in formulations of isotatic polypropylene containing different concentrations of light and thermal stabilizers after aging in a Weather-Ometer. Oxidation onset temperature gave better results than oxidation induction time for evaluating the degradation of isotatic polypropylene during aging in a Weather-Ometer. However, both tests showed a poor correlation with the appearance of cracks seen by optical microscopy.  相似文献   

The impact of wind turbulence-induced pressure fluctuations at the soil surface on landfill gas transport and emissions to the atmosphere at an old Danish landfill site was investigated using stochastic modelling combined with soil property and gas transport data measured at the site. The impacts of soil physical properties (including air permeability and volumetric water content) and wind-induced pressure fluctuation properties (amplitude and temporal correlation) on landfill gas emissions to the atmosphere were evaluated. Soil-air permeability and pressure fluctuation amplitude were found to be the most important parameters. Wind-induced gas emissions were further compared with gas emissions caused by diffusion and by long-term pressure variations (due to passing weather systems). Here diffusion and wind-induced gas transport were found to be equally important with wind-induced gas transport becoming the most important at lower soil-air contents.  相似文献   

In this study, three possible improvements to a remediation process for chromated-copper-arsenate- (CCA) treated wood were evaluated. The process involves two steps: oxalic acid extraction of wood fiber followed by bacterial culture with Bacillus licheniformis CC01. The three potential improvements to the oxalic acid extraction step were (1) reusing oxalic acid for multiple extractions, (2) varying the ratio of oxalic acid to wood, and (3) using a noncommercial source of oxalic acid such as Aspergillus niger, which produces oxalic acid as a metabolic byproduct. Reusing oxalic acid for multiple extractions removed significant amounts of copper, chromium, and arsenic. Increasing the ratio of wood to acid caused a steady decline in metal removal. Aspergillus niger removed moderate amounts of copper, chromium, and arsenic from CCA-treated wood. Although A. niger was effective, culture medium costs are likely to offset any benefits. Repeated extraction with commercial oxalic acid appears to be the most cost-effective method tested for the two-step process.  相似文献   

Remediation processes for recovery and reuse of chromated-copper-arsenate- (CCA) treated wood are not gaining wide acceptance because they are more expensive than landfill disposal. One reason is the high cost of the nutrient medium used to culture the metal-tolerant bacterium, Bacillus licheniformis, which removes 70-100% of the copper, chromium, and arsenic from CCA-treated southern yellow pine (CCA-SYP) in a two-step process involving oxalic acid extraction and bacterial culture. To reduce this cost, the nutrient concentration in the culture medium and the ratio of wood to nutrient medium were optimized. Maximum metal removal occurred when B. licheniformis was cultured in 1.0% nutrient medium and at a wood to nutrient medium ratio of 1:10. Also, malted barley, an abundant by-product of brewing, was evaluated as an alternative nutrient medium. Tests were done to determine absorption of metals by barley, and the results indicate that the barley acted as a biosorbent, removing heavy metals from the liquid culture after their release from CCA to SYP. For comparison, tests were also performed with no nutrient medium. Following bacterial remediation, 17% copper and 15% arsenic were removed from an aqueous slurry of CCA-SYP (no medium). When oxalic acid extraction preceded the aqueous bacterial culture, 21% copper, 54% chromium, and 63% arsenic were removed. The two-step process (oxalic acid extraction and bacterial culture with nutrient medium) appears to be an effective, yet costly, way to remove metals.  相似文献   

The present work was to evaluate the stability potential of (E)-4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)but-3-en-l-ol (Compound D) in polyherbal transdermal patches. The polyherbal formulation composed of the rhizomes of Zingiber cassumunar and Curcuma longa, leaves and stems of Cymbopogon citratus, rind and leaves of Citrus hystrix fruit, and leaves of Acacia rugata and Tamarindus indica. Polyvinyl alcohol and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose were used as a matrix film, and glycerine was used as a plasticizer. Stability testing was established for 6 months under accelerated conditions as according to International Conference on Harmonisation guidelines. Mechanical properties, moisture uptake, swelling ratio, and in vitro studies were evaluated. New Zealand white rabbits were used as the animal model. Results obtained after 6 months showed that the polyherbal transdermal patches were stable, with a good mechanical properties and hydrophilicity. In vitro study kinetics for active Compound D fitted to the Higuchi model for both release and skin permeation. The transdermal patch containing polyherbal formulation was safe to apply on the skin without irritation. Thus, transdermal patches containing this polyherbal formulation had good stability potential, with no irritation on application.  相似文献   

以某1000 MW燃煤机组脱硝系统使用的脱硝催化剂为研究对象,分别对不同运行时间的催化剂进行了对比检测。检测结果表明,运行初期,催化剂表面沉积了一定量的碱金属,但属于正常范围内;没有出现过多的硫化合物的沉积;催化剂微观结构遭到一定程度的破坏,比表面积有下降趋势;催化剂机械强度基本保持良好;催化剂活性衰减在正常范围内,催化剂可以继续使用或添加加装层。  相似文献   

A template transfer method (TTM) and a fiber fixation technique were established for fiber handling and micro tensile stage mounting of aligned and non-aligned electrospun fiber mats. The custom-made template had been precut to be mounted on a variety of collectors, including a rapidly rotating collector used to align the fibers. The method eliminated need for direct physical interaction with the fiber mats before or during the tensile testing since the fiber mats were never directly clamped or removed from the original substrate. By using the TTM it was possible to measure the tensile properties of aligned poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) fiber mats, which showed a 250?% increase in strength and 450?% increase in modulus as compared to a non-aligned system. The method was further evaluated for aligned PMMA fibers reinforced with cellulose (4 wt%) prepared as enzymatically derived nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC). These fibers showed an additional increase of 30?% in both tensile strength and modulus, resulting in a toughness increase of 25?%. The fracture interfaces of the PMMA?CNFC fibers showed a low amount of NFC pull-outs, indicating favorable phase compatibility. The presented fiber handling technique is universal and may be applied where conservative estimates of mechanical properties need to be assessed for very thin fibers.  相似文献   

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