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One of the most important processes affecting the chemical and physical form of atmospheric sulfur dioxide is the interaction of gaseous SO2 with solid or liquid aerosol particles. The investigation of the catalytic activity of some synthetic aerosols and dust particles of different industrial origin under real atmospheric conditions (i.e. a wide range of relative humidity and temperature) have been investigated in the course of an experimental research program at Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center, Germany. The experiments were carried out in a 4.5 m3 climate-controlled reaction chamber especially designed for SO2-experiments in the ppm-concentration range. Starting with SO2- concentrations of 3–5 mgm−3 the removal of SO2 from gas phase in the presence of moist aerosol-free air and moist aerosol-polluted air was investigated as was the change of chemical composition of aerosols due to SO2-adsorption and catalytic oxidation. The results of these experiments with synthetic MnSO4 aerosols and fly-ash particles of a hard coal fired power plant are presented. They indicate a strong dependence of the catalytic oxidation rate on the relative humidity but no disappearance of the catalytic activity at low relative humidities.  相似文献   

徐婷  王丽  吴军 《环境工程学报》2016,10(6):2840-2846
为考察pH值对短程硝化过程动力学的影响,采用SBR工艺,以人工模拟氨氮废水为研究对象,进行了不同pH条件下的硝化批次实验,对氨氮降解过程进行动力学分析。在Monod方程的基础上,分析pH值对氨氧化菌(AOB)和亚硝酸氧化菌(NOB)生长速率的影响,分别建立了AOB和NOB的生长数学模型。利用MATLAB软件,将模型与硝化阶段实测数据进行拟合,取得良好的模拟效果。在此基础上通过模型预测得到泥龄(SRT)为6 d,溶解氧为1.5 mg O2/L,pH值在7.3~8范围内有利于实现短程硝化。  相似文献   

There is a requirement for data describing the loss with time of particulate contamination from plant canopies. Measurements were made of the loss rates of monodispersed silica spheres (three sizes, with Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameters (MMADs) 1.9, 5.3 and 8.4 microm) from wheat (Triticum aestivum) and broad bean (Vicia faba) canopies. The spheres were labelled with tracers detectable by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Canopies were contaminated under realistic turbulence conditions in a wind tunnel, then removed to sheltered and exposed field sites or to a glasshouse containing a rain simulator. Samples were taken periodically, and the level of contamination per plant determined by INAA. Statistical analysis of the resulting data suggested an offset exponential loss model, with a residue of deposit that is not lost over time. Loss half-lives in the order of 1-2 days were obtained for an exposed wheat crop and 3-4 days for a partially sheltered wheat crop, with permanent residues of initial deposit for the exposed crop of 4-8%, and for the partially sheltered crop of 22-52%. A broad bean crop under glasshouse conditions showed loss half-lives of 0.5-1.5 days with residues of 22-26% initial contamination. A double exponential loss model also fitted the data well in some cases, and it is possible that a slow loss of the residual deposit occurs, being masked by noise in the current data set.  相似文献   

This study investigated the dissipation kinetics of oxytetracycline in soils under aerobic and anoxic conditions. Laboratory experiments showed that the dissipation of oxytetracycline in soil followed first-order reaction kinetics and its dissipation rates decreased with increasing concentration. Oxytetracycline dissipated faster in soil under aerobic conditions than under anoxic conditions. The half-lives for oxytetracycline in soil under aerobic conditions ranged between 29 and 56 days for non-sterile treatments and 99-120 days for sterile treatments, while under anoxic conditions the half-lives of oxytetracycline ranged between 43 and 62 days in the non-sterile soil and between 69 and 104 days in the sterile soil. This suggests microbes can degrade oxytetracycline in agricultural soil. Abiotic factors such as strong sorption onto soil components also played a role in the dissipation of oxytetracycline in soil.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The shortage of potable water is a global problem. One of the techniques used to participate solving this problem is the solar distiller. The main...  相似文献   

Evaluation of TCDD biodegradability under different redox conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kao CM  Chen SC  Liu JK  Wu MJ 《Chemosphere》2001,44(6):1447-1454
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins have been generated as unwanted by-products in many industrial processes. Although their widespread distribution in different environmental compartments has been recognized, little is known about their fate in the ultimate environment sinks. The highly stable dioxin isomer 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has been called the most toxic compound known to man. In this laboratory microcosm study, TCDD bioavailability was evaluated under five reduction/oxidation (redox) conditions including aerobic biodegradation, aerobic cometabolism, methanogenesis, iron reduction, and reductive dechlorination. Activated sludge and aquifer sediments from a TCDD and a pentachlorophenol (PCP) contaminated site were used as the inocula. Acetate, sludge cake, and cane molasses were used as the primary substrates (carbon sources) in cometabolism and reductive dechlorination microcosms. After a 90-day incubation period, microcosms constructed under reductive dechlorination conditions were the only treatment showing promising remediation results. The highest TCDD degradation rate [up to 86% of TCDD removal (with an initial concentration of 96 microg/kg of soil)] was observed in the microcosms with anaerobic activated sludge as the microbial inocula and sludge cakes as the primary substrates. Except for reductive dechlorination microcosms, no significant TCDD removal was observed in the microcosms prepared under other conditions. Thus, application of an effective primary substrate to enhance the reductive dechlorination process is a feasible method for TCDD bioremediation. Bioremediation expense can be significantly reduced by the supplement of some less expensive alternative substrates (e.g., sludge cakes, cane molasses). Results would be useful in designing a scale-up in situ or on-site bioremediation system such as bioslurry reactor for field application.  相似文献   

以辽河干流实际水文资料为依据,在沈阳农业大学水利综合实验基地实验池,通过模拟不同浪高条件,研究不同固定方式生态浮岛的稳定性差异,确定适合于辽河生态浮岛建设的合适类型。结果表明,各位移指标经方差分析和多重比较及均值比较分析,立桩式浮岛稳定性最优,索道式浮岛次之,沉坠式浮岛稳定性较差;绳索张力和沉坠位移指标经比较分析,索道式浮岛较立桩式浮岛稳定,沉坠式浮岛稳定性较差。综合考虑各项分析结果,本研究选择索道式和立桩式作为辽河生态浮岛野外段建设预实验的固定方式,经河流实际水文及其他条件检验后,选择一种最优的固定方式,指导大规模建设。  相似文献   

编制了BSM1的仿真程序,并分析了不同进水条件下ASM1模型的16个参数对BSM1出水COD、TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N灵敏度的影响.结果表明,9个参数的灵敏度在规定的划分范围内没有区别,7个参数在不同进水条件下差别较明显;各参数灵敏度的变化规律,与出水的NH4+-N及NO3--N浓度变化有一定相关性;灵敏度变化与ASM1模型速率方程中的开关函数有关.研究不同进水条件下模型参数的灵敏度,有助于提高污水处理仿真计算的准确性.  相似文献   

In this, Part I of a two-part series, a review is presented of some generally appreciated residence time properties of multimedia models. The novel concept of “distant residence time” (DRT) is developed to provide additional insights into the characterization of environmental transport. DRT is the proportionality constant between the rate of emission of a contaminant into one compartment or region and the mass that results at steady-state in a distant compartment. The concept, which can be viewed as an expression of environmental mobility, is illustrated for various configurations of compartments and is shown to be consistent with the concepts of global fractionation and cold condensation. The dynamic responses of chemical quantities at distant locations to changing emission rates are also discussed. It is shown that approximate solutions for DRTs and their time dependence are useful for characterizing the long-range transport of chemicals and for interpreting monitoring data.  相似文献   

不同条件下高炉渣吸附水中无机磷的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高炉渣(BFS)是在冶炼生铁过程中产生的固体废弃物,开展高炉渣的资源化研究具有重要意义.为了对水淬高炉渣净化含磷污水的应用提供理论依据,采取等温吸附的实验方法,比较了不同水淬炉渣的吸附磷效果,研究了不同pH和不同温度下水淬炉渣吸附磷的特点,结果如下:利用Langmuir等温吸附方程炉渣吸附磷的过程进行拟合,其相关系数均能达到显著水平.炉渣的碱度越高,吸附磷的效果越好;炉渣对磷的吸附能力随溶液pH的增加而降低,且初始为酸性(pH=2、4)的溶液在吸附达到平衡后pH有所上升,而初始为碱性的溶液(pH=10、12)在吸附达到平衡后pH有所下降;炉渣对磷的吸附是一个自发放热过程.  相似文献   

在温度为(30±1)℃,以人工配置无机高氨氮废水为进水的条件下,采用序批式生物膜CANON反应器(陶粒为填料),研究了不同NH4+-N浓度条件下,CANON工艺脱氮过程中N2O的释放特征。研究表明:通过控制NH4+-N浓度分别为200、300、400和500 mg·L-1,获得了84.69%、80.58%、78.16%和90.09%的TN去除率,对应的TN去除负荷分别为1.42、1.48、1.52、1.82 kg·(m3·d)-1,CANON反应器脱氮性能非常稳定;反应过程中,对应的N2O释放总量分别为6.44、10.34、13.45、19.53 mg,即随着初始NH4+-N浓度的增加,N2O的释放总量逐渐增加;而N2O的释放率虽然也有增加,但增加幅度并不显著,占TN损失的比例分别为6.06%、7.00%、7.06%、7.15%;在一个反应周期内,N2O与NO2--N均呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,但无因果关系。CANON反应器产生大量N2O 的主要原因,并非源于NO2--N的积累,也与FNA无关,而是羟氨积累造成的。  相似文献   

L Larsen  J Aamand 《Chemosphere》2001,44(2):231-236
We examined the potential for complete degradation (mineralisation) of the four [ring-U-14C]herbicides mecoprop, isoproturon, atrazine, and metsulphuron-methyl in two sandy aquifers representing aerobic, denitrifying, sulphate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. Slurries with sediment and groundwater were set-up aerobically or anaerobically in the presence of the electron-acceptor prevailing at the sampling site, amended with 25 microg l(-1) herbicide, and incubated at 10 degrees C. Considerable mineralisation was only observed in sediment from the plough layer incubated aerobically. Here, 30% of 14C-mecoprop was recovered as 14CO2 after 15 days and 15% of isoproturon was recovered as 14CO2 after 267 days. Only 7% of mecoprop was recovered as 14CO2 after 313 days in sediment from the aquifer below sampled at 1.95-3.00 mbs (m below the surface). In denitrifying and methanogenic slurries, 3% of 14C added as mecoprop was recovered as 14CO2. Isoproturon was not mineralised except in the aerobic plough layer, and atrazine and metsulphuron-methyl were not mineralised under any of the conditions applied.  相似文献   

The colloidal stability of dry and suspended carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the presence of amphiphilic compounds (i.e. natural organic matter or surfactants) at environmentally realistic concentrations was investigated over several days. The suspensions were analyzed for CNT concentration (UV-vis spectroscopy), particle size (nanoparticle tracking analysis), and CNT length and dispersion quality (TEM). When added in dry form, around 1% of the added CNTs remained suspended. Pre-dispersion in organic solvent or anionic detergent stabilized up to 65% of the added CNTs after 20 days of mild shaking and 5 days of settling. The initial state of the CNTs (dry vs. suspended) and the medium composition hence are critical determinants for the partitioning of CNTs between sediment and the water column. TEM analysis revealed that single suspended CNTs were present in all suspensions and that shaking and settling resulted in a fractionation of the CNTs with shorter CNTs remaining predominantly in suspension.  相似文献   

以神华(SH)烟煤和晋城(JC)无烟煤为研究对象,利用一维沉降炉(DTF)开展了煤粉在O2/N2、O2/Ar、O2/CO2和O2/RFG 4种气氛下燃烧时的NOx排放特性实验,研究了温度和氧浓度对NOx排放特性的影响,探讨了富氧燃烧条件下导致NOx排放降低的各个因素的贡献率的变化。结果表明:温度上升会导致燃料氮向NOx的转化率增大;氧浓度的上升同样会导致转化率的增加,SH烟煤由于挥发分含量较大,受氧浓度影响较大;定量分析结果表明,富氧燃烧条件下导致NOx排放降低的主要因素是循环NOx的还原,占整体的50%以上;其次是高浓度CO2气氛对NOx的还原,约占20%~30%;而热力型和快速型NOx的缺失对降低NOx排放的贡献率不及20%。温度的上升对JC无烟煤各因素贡献率有较大影响;氧浓度的增加会导致SH烟煤各因素贡献率有明显变化。  相似文献   

Lou L  Luo L  Yang Q  Cheng G  Xun B  Xu X  Chen Y 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):598-604
To investigate the feasibility of using black carbon (BC) in the control of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in sediment, we added BCs from various sources (rice straw charcoal (RC), fly ash (FC) and soot (SC)) to sediment to create different BC-inclusive sediments and studied the release of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in the sediments under different condition. Different pH values had no obvious effect on the release of PCP in BC-inclusive sediment, but solid/liquid ratio, temperature, salinity and dissolved organic matter (DOM) content had significant influences on the release of PCP in all sediments except the RC-inclusive sediment. Adding 2% RC to sediment resulted in a 90% decrease in PCP release, which was a greater decrease than observed with FC- and SC-inclusive sediments. Therefore, from the standpoint of HOC release, the application of RC is feasible for organic pollution control in the water environment.  相似文献   

不同运行条件下潜流人工湿地的水力效率分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水力停留时间是湿地系统处理效果和水力学优化设计考虑的重要因素。在实际工程应用中,可通过调节不同的运行条件使湿地得到最优化。鉴于水力效率可以综合分析水力停留时间及分布散度对湿地水力学性能的影响,通过不同进/出水口位置和进水流量下潜流人工湿地的脉冲示踪实验,获得其水力停留时间分布曲线,计算不同运行条件下的相对水力效率并进行对比分析。结果表明,进水口位置在上层(进水口①)和小进水流量(0.050 7 m3/h)的湿地系统因具有较长的平均水力停留时间和较小的分布散度,因此其水力效率最高;各进水口的潜流人工湿地出水口位置在上层(出水口①)的有效体积比和水力效率均最大,这可能与出水口所在的填料层孔隙率有关。  相似文献   

Chang YK  Chang JE  Chiang LC 《Chemosphere》2003,52(6):1089-1094
Although xanthate addition can be used for treating copper-containing wastewater, a better understanding of the leaching toxicity and the stability characteristics of the copper xanthate complexes formed is essential. This work was undertaken to evaluate the leaching behavior of copper xanthate complex precipitates by means of toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP) and semi-dynamic leaching test (SDLT) using 1 N acetic acid solution as the leachant. Also, the chemical stability of the copper xanthate complex during extraction has been examined with the studying of variation of chemical structure using UV-vis, Fourier transform infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies (XPS).Both TCLP and SDLT results showed that a negligible amount of copper ion was leached out from the copper xanthate complex precipitate, indicating that the complex exhibited a high degree of copper leaching stability under acidic conditions. Nevertheless, chemical structure of the copper xanthate complex precipitate varied during the leaching tests. XPS data suggested that the copper xanthate complex initially contained both cupric and cuprous xanthate, but the unstable cupric xanthate change to the cuprous form after acid extraction, indicating the cuprous xanthate to be the final stabilizing structure. Despite that, the changes of chemical structure did not induce the rapid leaching of copper from the copper xanthate complex.  相似文献   

为了优化污水处理厂中不同SRT条件下曝气池DO值,对不同DO条件下COD和NH4+-N去除规律进行了研究和探讨,得到了出水刚好满足一级A排放标准的最小DO浓度,并将该DO值定义为曝气池的临界DO值。实验结果表明,活性污泥系统具有较强的COD去除能力,不同SRT在不同DO条件下的COD平均去除率均在85%以上,说明COD的去除效果基本不受DO浓度的影响;而DO浓度对NH4+-N的去除效果有较大的影响,随着SRT的增大,NH4+-N的去除效果逐渐变好,低DO浓度对NH4+-N去除的负面效应也逐渐减弱。以出水NH4+-N达到一级A排放标准为目标,SRT为10、17.5、25和35 d时的临界DO值分别为1.5、0.8和0.3 mg·L-1。最终通过拟合,得到了临界DO值与SRT关系的经验公式。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Changes to groundwater hydrodynamics and chemistry can lead to colloid release that can have a major impact on the groundwater environment. To analyze...  相似文献   

UASB反应器对芳香族化合物反硝化降解特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苯、联苯和萘为模型化合物,研究了上流式厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB)在反硝化连续流运行条件下对含上述污染物废水的处理效果,并以葡萄糖为补充碳源,考察了COD/NO-3-N(简称C/N)比对有机物反硝化降解特性的影响。研究结果表明,当进水COD浓度约为900 mg/L,苯、联苯和萘总浓度约为60 mg/L,NO-3-N为20~60 mg/L时,UASB反应器能够在硝酸盐还原条件下稳定去除废水中有机污染物,其中COD平均去除率可达到85%,苯、萘和联苯平均去除率分别为90%、81%和71%。3种芳香烃反硝化降解速率顺序为苯>萘>联苯。 C/N比对苯的降解影响不十分显著,在C/N为5~30范围内,苯的去除率稳定在87%~92%;萘和联苯去除率受C/N影响较大,在C/N比为15时萘和联苯的去除率均达到最大,分别为82%和77%。  相似文献   

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