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A theory is developed which permits numerical evaluation of errors associated with the determination of aerosol size distributions using cascade impactors. Account is taken of errors due to the overlap of a given particle size between adjacent impaction stages and to the discrete nature of cascade impaction. The theory is applied to both log-normal and polynomial functional approximations to an aerosol size distribution.Numerical determination of errors considered shows that the mass of large and small particles present in the wings of a log-normal aerosol distribution is over-estimated manyfold by most cascade impactors but that the mass of particles having aerodynamic diameters close to the aerosol mass median diameter is generally subject to quite small (<20%) negative errors. Even under extremely unfavorable conditions the mass median diameter of an aerosol can be determined to well within 25% of the true value.  相似文献   

The formation and growth of aerosol particles of dilute sulfuric acid produced by photochemical oxidation of SO2 (0.05–10 ppm. by volume) in purified air has been studied qualitatively in laboratory apparatus. The number of particles formed is strongly dependent on SO2 concentration, relative humidity (< 10–80%) and u.v. light intensity. The number concentration increases rapidly to a maximum within a few minutes after the start of irradiation and then decreases slowly during the next 10 min. Particle size increases with irradiation time and is dependent on SO2 concentration, and on relative humidity when the SO2 concentration is less than 0.1 ppm. In the conditions employed the volumetric rate of formation of particles ranged from 0.15 to 18.7μm3 cm−3. The overall quantum yield of photochemical reaction was 8 × 10−3. The oxidation rate was 0.04% h−1: extrapolation of this rate to noonday sunlight in summer at latitude 35°N gives 0.7% h−1.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Crushed waste rocks can be used as materials for backfilling goafs, so as to achieve the simultaneous goals of processing solid waste and controlling...  相似文献   

Particle collection efficiencies in the size range of 0.1–20/μm dia. by a single droplet, were calculated using Runge-Kutta numerical solution techniques for the particle equation of motion. Calculations were done for two droplet diameters, 50 and 200μm with sedimentation velocities of 7.55 and 100 cm s−1 respectively. The droplets and the particle gas stream were assumed to be at 38°C. In all the calculations, the particle was assumed to be charged negative and the droplet charged positive. The collection mechanisms considered were the inertial impaction, Brownian diffusion and electrostatic forces. The electrostatic forces considered were the Coulombic force of attraction between the droplet and particle, the charged-particle image force and the charged-collector image force. From the calculations it was observed that among the electrostatic forces, the Coulombic force of attraction was the predominant force. The calculations predicted that in the 0.1–20 μm dia. particle range, the collection efficiencies were significantly increased when electrostatic forces were added. The calculations also predicted that when electrostatic forces were present, the 50 μm dia. droplet gave much higher collection efficiencies than the 200 μm dia. droplet for the particle size range considered.  相似文献   

A wealth of literature exists regarding the pulmonary effects of ozone, a photochemical pollutant produced by the reaction of nitrogen oxide and volatile organic precursors in the presence of sunlight. This paper focuses on epidemiological panel studies and human clinical studies of ozone exposure, and discusses issues specific to this pollutant that may influence study design and interpretation as well as other, broader considerations relevant to ozone-health research. The issues are discussed using examples drawn from the wider literature. The recent panel and clinical literature is also reviewed. Health outcomes considered include lung function, symptoms, and pulmonary inflammation. Issues discussed include adversity, reversibility, adaptation, variability in ozone exposure metric used and health outcomes evaluated, co-pollutants in panel studies, influence of temperature in panel studies, and multiple comparisons. Improvements in and standardization of panel study approaches are recommended to facilitate comparisons between studies as well as meta-analyses. Additional clinical studies at or near the current National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 70 ppb are recommended, as are clinical studies in sensitive subpopulations such as asthmatics.

Implications: The pulmonary health impacts of ozone exposure have been well documented using both epidemiological and chamber study designs. However, there are a number of specific methodological and related issues that should be considered when interpreting the results of these studies and planning additional research, including the standardization of exposure and health metrics to facilitate comparisons among studies.  相似文献   

Particle collection efficiencies of a single 100 μm dia. water droplet were calculated with a Runge-Kutta numerical solution for the particle equation of motion. The bulk gas properties were held constant at 65°C and 100 per cent r.h. whereas the water droplet temperature ranged from 10°C (water vapor condensing on the droplet) to 82°C (water evaporating from droplet). Potential flow was assumed for the gas flow profile around the droplet moving at its settling velocity of 30.0 cm s−1. The results show that over the 0.01–10μm particle dia. range, the calculated particle collection efficiency is significantly increased with colder water temperatures and decreased with warmer water temperatures. The calculated results for the case with both the water and gas temperature at 65°C (only inertial impaction and Brownian diffusion mechanisms) compares reasonably with previous reports.  相似文献   

调理料添加比例对菇渣基质发酵效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨废弃蘑菇基料菇渣改性生产有机栽培基质技术,直接采用菇渣为主要原料,以猪粪作为调理料进行好氧发酵,研究猪粪的不同添加比例对菇渣好氧发酵腐熟条件中的温度、挥发性固体(VS)、pH、全氮、全磷、种子发芽指数(GI)的影响。结果表明,猪粪适宜作为菇渣改性生产有机基质的调理料,发酵过程始终维持含水率在65%左右,3个处理高温持续时间均在5 d以上,满足基质无害化卫生标准要求,发酵完成后pH均符合腐熟基质标准,GI均达到60%以上。而猪粪添加量较少时,可以缩短进入高温发酵期的时间,堆体达到的最高温度较高,堆料腐熟较快,且最有利于氮素的保存和全磷的浓缩。综合以上实验结果表明,在菇渣发酵中添加15%的猪粪有利于改善发酵条件,提高堆体的养分含量。  相似文献   

Ultra-fine particle number concentrations were measured over Siberia during two large-scale airborne measurement campaigns in April and September 2006. During both campaigns, an aircraft flew between Novosibirsk and Yakutsk, collecting every 200 km vertical profiles up to 7 km. This dataset was completed by 5 years of monthly profiles above Novosibirsk. Particle number concentration was measured in the size ranges 3–70 and 70–200 nm, along with other tracers. Free troposphere (FT) particle concentrations (N3–200) varied between 60 and 460 cm?3, inferior to boundary layer concentrations (100–7000 cm?3). In April, high concentrations of ~500 cm?3 were observed in a polluted air mass recently uplifted at 5–6 km altitude over eastern Siberia, with no sign of significant new particle formation. In September, particle concentrations decreased with altitude, but with a steeper gradient in N70–200 compared to N3–70, the latter accounting for 90% of the total particle concentration in the free troposphere at 6–7 km altitude. Because ultra-fine particles presumably have short lifetimes, these observed particles could have been formed in situ in the clean Siberian atmosphere. Two cases of possible nucleation with high concentration and N3–70/N70–200 ratios are reported for the September campaign, in the upper troposphere and in cloud outflow in the mid-troposphere. In the seasonal analysis, a FT N3–70 maximum is found in July–August between 6 and 7 km altitude, with N3–70 accounting for ~90% of N3–200 supporting the hypothesis of in situ formation in the FT. A secondary FT maximum of N3–70 was identified later in autumn. In the boundary layer, seasonally maximum N3–70 concentrations were found over Novosibirsk in May and September, but not in summer, possibly due to scavenging by precipitations and a large condensational sink from biomass burning aerosols. Our dataset has a limited size resolution and no speciation capability; more investigation is thus required to understand the conditions leading to in situ nucleation processes in the Siberian air shed.  相似文献   

柴油机尾气中微粒粒径分布特征的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴油机尾气中的微粒粒径大小分布范围广泛,不同直径的微粒所占的比例以及对环境和人身健康造成的危害各不相同,因此对微粒粒径特征进行研究更具有实际意义.本研究分别采用滤膜称重法和光散射法对厦工XG951Ⅲ装载机配置的国Ⅲ柴油发动机怠速工况下的尾气进行测试,研究了微粒的质量浓度分布、数量浓度分布以及质量浓度与数量浓度分布的关系.研究结果表明,从微粒质量上看,可吸入微粒(PM10)占微粒总量(TSP)的74.0%,可入肺微粒(PM2.5)占可吸入微粒的48.1%;2.5 μm以下粒径范围内的微粒质量浓度是2.5~10 μm粒径范围内微粒质量浓度的将近3倍,是10~100 μm粒径范围内微粒质量浓度的52倍;2.5~10 μm粒径范围的微粒质量浓度是10~100 μm粒径范围内微粒质量浓度的18倍.数量上,在不同的数量级上,微粒数量浓度随粒径变化差距很明显,尤其是1 μm以下的微粒较多.另外,质量浓度的粒径分布滞后于数量浓度.因此PM2.5排放标准中应考虑以个数浓度代替质量浓度为标准.  相似文献   

利用废液晶屏玻璃基板制备发泡材料工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以主要成分为硼硅酸盐的废弃液晶屏玻璃基板为主要原料,加入石墨发泡剂,采用粉末烧结法制备发泡材料。通过DSC-TG、数码相机、万能试验机、抗压试验机等设备手段对其进行可行性分析及工艺优化。研究结果表明,以废弃液晶屏玻璃基板制备发泡材料具有可行性,烧成温度范围确定为850~950℃;配合料在925℃下保温20 min,成型压力控制在1~3 MPa可形成较均匀气孔;配合料的最佳工艺条件为烧成温度900℃,保温时间20 min,成型压力1 MPa,其主要性能体积密度达450 kg/m3,抗压强度达4.7 MPa,抗折强度达3.1 MPa,吸水率为1.0%。  相似文献   

脱硫石膏粒径分布与脱水性能实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脱硫石膏粒径分布是影响脱硫石膏浆液脱水性能的重要因素之一,以干法、湿法筛分和研磨破碎获得不同粒径分布的脱硫石膏,在相同的过滤条件下,对不同粒径分布脱硫石膏浆液脱水性能进行了研究,实验结果表明,当脱硫石膏粒径d50大于50μm且(d90-d10)小于100μm,真空过滤最大真空度不低于0.098MPa,过滤时间不少于2.5min,滤饼厚度不超过20mm时,石膏滤饼含水率可以降低到12%以下(最低可达10%);d50在17μm为脱硫石膏在相同的过滤条件下能够实现真空脱水干燥的转折点;d50和(d90-d10)共同影响石膏脱水性能,d50小于20μm时,仅表现为d50的影响。  相似文献   

粉煤灰碎砖颗粒除磷实验研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
磷含量过高会导致水体富营养化。人工湿地除磷简单经济,但常用填料砾石除磷能力有限。通过等温吸附实验和人工湿地模型实验研究粉煤灰碎砖颗粒的除磷效果,实验结果表明,Langmuir和Freundlich吸附方程可较好地描述吸附过程,粒径为4~6 mm的粉煤灰碎砖颗粒对磷素的理论饱和吸附量为21 277 mg/kg。当初始溶液...  相似文献   

The flow field approaching a nuclepore filter is determined in the limit of zero Reynolds number. Thus the trajectories of particles in the flow are computed accurately. From these trajectories the collection efficiency due to impaction on the face of a filter is calculated. The calculations account explicitly for the finite size of the particles. The data are fitted to a formula which is valid for Stokes numbers less than about 100 and for filters of porosity between 0.04 and 0.36.  相似文献   

The sorption and desorption behavior of radium on bentonite and purified smectite was investigated as a function of pH, ionic strength and liquid to solid ratio by batch experiments. The distribution coefficients (Kd) were in the range of 10(2) to > 10(4) ml g-1 and depended on ionic strength and pH. Most of sorbed Ra was desorbed by 1 M KCl. The results for purified smectite indicated that Ra sorption is dominated by ion exchange at layer sites of smectite, and surface complexation at edge sites may increase Ra sorption at higher pH region. Reaction parameters between Ra and smectite were determined based on an interaction model between smectite and groundwater. The reaction parameters were then used to explain the results of bentonite by considering dissolution and precipitation of minerals and soluble impurities. The dependencies of experimental Kd values on pH, ionic strength and liquid to solid ratio were qualitatively explained by the model. The modeling result for bentonite indicated that sorption of Ra on bentonite is dominated by ion exchange with smectite. The observed pH dependency was caused by changes of Ca concentration arising from dissolution and precipitation of calcite. Diffusion behavior of Ra in bentonite was also investigated as a function of dry density and ionic strength. The apparent diffusion coefficients (Da) obtained in compacted bentonite were in the range of 1.1 x 10(-11) to 2.2 x 10(-12) m2 s-1 and decreased with increasing in dry density and ionic strength. The Kd values obtained by measured effective diffusion coefficient (De) and modeled De were consistent with those by the sorption model in a deviation within one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Studies on oxidation of tert-butyl ethers in the presence of chloride ions proved that acid medium favoured formation of chloro organic compounds. 1,2-Dichloro-2-methylpropane, 3-chloro-2-chloromethylpropene were identified among the reaction products. Presence of these compounds was identified both in the case when methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and ethyl-tert-butyl ether (ETBE) were subjected to reaction. Reaction products were analysed by gas chromatography method with application of -FID, -MS and -AED detectors. On the basis of experimental data, the path of tert-butyl ethers conversion to dichloro products was proposed. It was found that the identified chloro derivatives could be formed both by ionic and radical reactions. In order to confirm this thesis for the proposed scheme of reaction, the theoretical calculations of molecular simulation of the reaction paths were performed.  相似文献   

为了解决燃煤锅炉烟气中超细颗粒难以脱除的问题,基于流体动力学原理设计了一种超细颗粒聚并器,并在300 MW燃煤锅炉机组电除尘器的前置烟道中进行了实验研究。结果表明,聚并器内部存在超细颗粒之间以及超细颗粒与大颗粒之间的相互聚集行为,从而使超细颗粒数量显著减少。例如,对于粒径在2.65和10.48 μm以下的颗粒,其体积比例在聚并器出口分别减少了56.7%和62.3%,在电除尘器出口的粉尘浓度减少了26.34 mg/Nm3,这表明,基于流体动力学原理的聚并器对超细颗粒的聚并作用明显,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The effective disposal of redundant elephant dung (ED) is important for environmental protection and utilization of resource. The aim of this study was to remove a toxic-azo dye, Reactive Red (RR) 120, using this relatively cheap material as a new adsorbent. The FTIR–ATR spectra of ED powders before and after the sorption of RR 120 and zero point charge (pHzpc) of ED were determined. The sorption capacity of ED for removing of RR 120 were carried out as functions of particle size, adsorbent dose, pH, temperature, ionic strength, initial dye concentration, and contact time. Sorption isotherm, kinetic, activation energy, thermodynamic, and desorption parameters of RR 120 on ED were studied. The sorption process was found to be dependent on particle size, adsorbent dose, pH, temperature, ionic strength, initial dye concentration, and contact time. FTIR–ATR spectroscopy indicated that amine and amide groups have significant role on the sorption of RR 120 on ED. The pHzpc of ED was found to be 7.3. Sorption kinetic of RR 120 on ED was well described by sigmoidal Logistic model. The Langmuir isotherm was well fitted to the equilibrium data. The maximum sorption capacity was 95.71 mg?g?1. The sorption of RR 120 on ED was mainly physical and exothermic according to results of DR isotherm, Arrhenius equation, thermodynamic, and desorption studies. The thermodynamic parameters showed that this process was feasible and spontaneous. This study showed that ED as a low-cost adsorbent had a great potential for the removal of RR 120 as an alternative eco-friendly process.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Batch experiments were used to test P sorbent potential of soil samples, pyritic and granitic materials, mussel shell, mussel shell ash, sawdust, and...  相似文献   

Present day Mexico City was established on the banks of the now dead Lake Texcoco by Aztec Indians in a.d. 1325. Over time, increasing population growth, urbanization, vehicular traffic and the number of diverse stationary sources, coupled with its topography and the resultant frequency of prevalent stagnant air masses make Mexico City one of the most polluted areas in the world. Use of biological indicator plants since the early 1970s has shown the critical nature of phytotoxic photochemical oxidants in the region. More recent empirical studies with bean, soybean and pine species confirm these observations and raise concern regarding the geographic magnitude of the problem. Surface measurements of air quality in the region are inadequate and require much additional support. Ultimately, ambient air quality measurements must be coupled with the observations on responses of sensitive vegetation. While the results presented in this paper are primarily observational or qualitative, they hopefully serve the purpose of bringing attention to a critical air quality issue in a developing country.  相似文献   

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