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A parametric study on the relative effect of various electrical forces on aerosol filtration in fibrous and granular filters is presented. The paper covers the engineering practical range of the electrical field intensity and dust particle sizes. Coulombic attraction has the widest range of application but other forces may dominate in some specific applications. 相似文献
Background, aim, and scope High-quality waters are steadily retreating worldwide. Discharge of industrial effluent in the environment again declines
soil/water quality to a great extent. On the other hand, effluent reuse in agriculture could be a means to conserve natural
resources by providing assured water supply for growing crops. But industrial effluents are highly variable in nature, containing
a variety of substances, and all are not favorable for farming. Appraisal and developing modes of effluent reuse is therefore
a prerequisite to enable its proper use in agriculture. Effluents of various industries were assessed and approaches for their
use in farming were developed for a particular region in this study. As per availability of effluents, the same could be implemented
in other water-scarce areas. 相似文献
A bubble bursting generator equipped with a water-repellent microporous membrane is described. It is able to produce sea-salt nuclei with a particle size frequency distribution by mass similar to that previously measured in air masses of oceanic origin. Modifications of this marine source of nuclei are studied for polluted seawater. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Phthalates (PAEs) are common endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that disrupt fetal development. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of... 相似文献
A detailed aerosol source apportionment study was performed with two sampling campaigns, during wintertime and summertime in the heavily polluted metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil. In addition to 12 h fine and coarse mode filter sampling, several real time aerosol and trace gas monitors were used. PM 10 was sampled using stacked filter units that collects fine ( d<2.5 μm) and coarse (2.5< d<10 μm) particulate matter, providing mass, black carbon (BC) and elemental concentration for each aerosol mode. The concentration of about 20 elements was determined using the particle induce X-ray emission technique. Real time aerosol monitors provided PM 10 aerosol mass (TEOM), organic and elemental carbon (Carbon Monitor 5400, R&P) and BC concentration (Aethalometer). A complex system of sources and meteorological conditions modulates the heavy air pollution of the urban area of São Paulo. The boundary layer height and the primary emissions by motor vehicles controls the strong pattern of diurnal cycles obtained for PM 10, BC, CO, NO x, and SO 2. Absolute principal factor analysis results showed a very similar source pattern between winter and summer field campaigns, despite the different locations of the sampling sites of both campaigns, pointing that there are no significant change in the main air pollution sources. The source identified as motor vehicle represented 28% and 24% of the PM 2.5 for winter and summer, respectively. Resuspended soil dust accounted for 25% and 30%. The oil combustion source represented 18% and 21%. Sulfates accounts for 23% and 17% and finally industrial emissions contributed with 5% and 6% of PM 2.5, for winter and summer, respectively. The resuspended soil dust accounted for a large fraction (75–78%) of the coarse mode aerosol mass. Certainly automobile traffic and soil dust are the main air pollution sources in São Paulo. The sampling and analytical procedures applied in this study showed that it is possible to perform a quantitative aerosol source apportionment in a complex urban area such as São Paulo. 相似文献
Elemental compositions were measured for TSP (total suspended particulate matter), PM 2−10 and PM 2 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters from 2 to 10 μm and less than 2 μm, respectively) in Ho Chi Minh City. Concentrations of 23 elements and particulate mass (PM) were used for receptor modelling to identify and quantify aerosol sources using principal component factor analysis (PCFA). A suite of factors containing similar elements with significant factor loadings were revealed among the factor matrices, thus facilitating the identification of common sources for different aerosol types. These sources include vehicular emissions (Br and Zn), coal burning (Se), industrial processes (Ce, Co, Cr, Pb and Sb), road dust (Al, Ti, V), soil dust (Fe and Th) and biomass burning (K). Marine aerosols (Na and Cl) and mineral fly ash (Sc and La) were revealed only in the PM 2−10 model. For TSP, the last four sources are combined in one factor. The last (9th) factor in the PM 2 model, characterised by a high loading from PM and insignificant loadings from elements, was attributed to secondary sulphates and organics, although these constituents were not measured in the experiments. Such a remarkable source identification capability of the modelling technique highlights the significance of achieving an optimal factor solution as a crucial step in PCFA, that was done by systematically varying the number of factors retained and carefully evaluating each factor matrix for both model fitting performance and physical reasonableness. 相似文献
In order to achieve sustainable development in agriculture, it is necessary to quantify and compare the energy, economic, and environmental aspects of products. This paper studied the energy, economic, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission patterns in broiler chicken farms in the Alborz province of Iran. We studied the effect of the broiler farm size as different production systems on the energy, economic, and environmental indices. Energy use efficiency (EUE) and benefit-cost ratio (BCR) were 0.16 and 1.11, respectively. Diesel fuel and feed contributed the most in total energy inputs, while feed and chicks were the most important inputs in economic analysis. GHG emission calculations showed that production of 1000 birds produces 19.13 t CO 2-eq and feed had the highest share in total GHG emission. Total GHG emissions based on different functional units were 8.5 t CO 2-eq per t of carcass and 6.83 kg CO 2-eq per kg live weight. Results of farm size effect on EUE revealed that large farms had better energy management. For BCR, there was no significant difference between farms. Lower total GHG emissions were reported for large farms, caused by better management of inputs and fewer bird losses. Large farms with more investment had more efficient equipment, resulting in a decrease of the input consumption. In view of our study, it is recommended to support the small-scale broiler industry by providing subsidies to promote the use of high-efficiency equipment. To decrease the amount of energy usage and GHG emissions, replacing heaters (which use diesel fuel) with natural gas heaters can be considered. In addition to the above recommendations, the use of energy saving light bulbs may reduce broiler farm electricity consumption. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The contamination left by abandoned mines demands sustainable mitigation measures. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the phytoremediator... 相似文献
Atmospheric fixed-nitrogen deposition can contribute to eutrophication in coastal and estuarine waters. Stable nitrogen isotope data can provide important information regarding the sources and processing of atmospheric fixed-nitrogen species and is thus important in controlling eutrophication. Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected from two coastal sites: Weybourne, England and Mace Head, Ireland and also aboard the RRS Challenger in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Aerosol concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were determined prior to δ15N isotopic analysis. The isotopic enrichment factor, ε, was calculated for both the species by subtracting the respective δ15N values of the coarse-mode fraction (>1 μm diameter) from those of the fine-mode fraction (<1 μm diameter). Variations in this parameter were observed as weak functions of the percentage of each species in the coarse mode and of meteorological condition. As a result, the presence of two different size-shift processes (dissociation/gas scavenging and dissolution/coagulation) is proposed, consistent with similar arguments based upon major-ion data obtained from the same suite of samples. Dissolution/coagulation processes appear to exhibit negative isotopic enrichment factors whereas dissociation/gas scavenging processes appear to exhibit positive enrichment factors, suggesting that they may be reversible and thermodynamically driven. In offshore-flowing air masses just entering the marine environment, transferral of nitrate to the coarse mode by initial dissociation of NH 4NO 3 followed by scavenging of the HNO 3 produced appears to be significantly more important than in samples of onshore, marine dominated air. In contrast, ammonium appears to be transferred to the coarse mode during offshore flow largely via the dissolution and coagulation of aerosol ammonium, nitrate and sulphate-containing species. During onshore flow, the uptake of gaseous NH 3, arising from the continued dissociation of NH 4NO 3, seems to become increasingly important. 相似文献
A mathematical model is presented for the dispersion and chemical reactions of pollutants in chimney plumes. It assumes that atmospheric dispersion is such that an inert constituent would be distributed in a Gaussian fashion downwind of the chimney, uses a discreet approximation approach to obtain concentrations of reactive pollutants, and can account for reactive species entrained into the plume from the ambient air. The model is used to interpret some data on NO 2 formation in the plume of a power plant chimney. 相似文献
Some results concerning characteristics of airflow within and above a forest are presented: horizontal mean windspeed profiles, turbulence intensities, turbulent transfer coefficients, autocorrelation curves, energy spectra, turbulence scales, microscales.To understand the mechanisms of SO 2 diffusion within and above a forest, we have to calculate SO 2 fluxes at the top of the canopy and two methods are used for this: the first one uses speed fluctuations and the second one mean speed values.The aim of that work is to determine the behaviour of the forest towards SO 2 and to develop a diffusion model of SO 2 with associated absorption by the roughness. 相似文献
The present paper concludes a comprehensive program designed firstly to locate the source areas of emission responsible for the photochemical smog which impacts the central Melbourne urban area, secondly to determine the hydrocarbon and NO x composition of these sources and finally to demonstrate by smog chamber simulations what benefit would be derived from a reduction in the emissions from the offending sources.The conclusions reached are that a reduction in NO x emissions would lead to increased ozone levels in Melbourne but even a small reduction in hydrocarbon emissions would be beneficial. The implementation of Australia Design Rule 37 should, by restricting hydrocarbon emissions to 50% of the current 1985 level, reduce the photochemical ozone over the central metropolitan area to well below the acceptable level.In the course of this work it has been possible to validate the chamber technique by showing that the photochemical behaviour of a well-documented air parcel can be reproduced in a smog chamber operated under the same conditions of temperature, radiation, dilution and pollutant input as was experienced by the outdoor air parcel. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental pollution is one of the major problems facing human health, ecosystems, and biodiversity. This is particularly the case for water... 相似文献
Background, aim and scopeIn the region of the Apuseni Mountains, part of the Western Carpathians in Romania, metal mining activities have a long-standing tradition. These mining industries created a clearly beneficial economic development in the region. But their activities also caused impairments to the environment, such as acid mine drainage (AMD) resulting in long-lasting heavy metal pollution of waters and sediments. The study, established in the context of the ESTROM programme, investigated the impact of metal mining activities both from environmental and socioeconomic perspectives and tried to incorporate the results of the two approaches into an integrated proposition for mitigation of mining-related issues. Study siteThe small Certej catchment, situated in the Southern Apuseni Mountains, covers an area of 78 km2. About 4,500 inhabitants are living in the basin, in which metal mining was the main economic sector. An open pit and several abandoned underground mines are producing heavy metal-loaded acidic water that is discharged untreated into the main river. The solid wastes of mineral processing plants were deposited in several dumps and tailings impoundment embodying the acidic water-producing mineral pyrite.
MethodsThe natural science team collected samples from surface waters, drinking water from dug wells and from groundwater. Filtered and total heavy metals, both after enrichment, and major cations were analysed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Major anions in waters, measured by ion chromatography, alkalinity and acidity were determined by titration. Solid samples were taken from river sediments and from the largest tailings dam. The latter were characterised by X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. Heavy metals in sediments were analysed after digestion. Simultaneously, the socioeconomic team performed a household survey to evaluate the perception of people related to the river and drinking water pollution by way of a logistic regression analysis. Results and discussionThe inputs of acid mine waters drastically increased filtered heavy metal concentrations in the Certej River, e.g. Zn up to 130 mg L−1, Fe 100 mg L−1, Cu 2.9 mg L−1, Cd 1.4 mgL−1 as well as those of SO4 up to 2.2 g L−1. In addition, river water became acidic with pH values of pH 3. Concentrations of pollutant decreased slightly downstream due to dilution by waters from tributaries. Metal concentrations measured at headwater stations reflect background values. They fell in the range of the environmental quality standards proposed in the EU Water Framework Directive for dissolved heavy metals. The outflow of the large tailing impoundment and the groundwater downstream from two tailings dams exhibited the first sign of AMD, but they still had alkalinity. Most dug wells analysed delivered a drinking water that exhibited no sign of AMD pollution, although these wells were a distance of 7 to 25 m from the contaminated river. It seems that the Certej River does not infiltrate significantly into the groundwater. Pyrite was identified as the main sulphide mineral in the tailings dam that produces acidity and with calcite representing the AMD-neutralising mineral. The acid–base accounting proved that the potential acid-neutralising capacity in the solid phases would not be sufficient to prevent the production of acidic water in the future. Therefore, the open pits and mine waste deposits have to be seen as the sources for AMD at the present time, with a high long-term potential to produce even more AMD in the future. The socioeconomic study showed that mining provided the major source of income. Over 45% of the households were partly or completely reliant on financial compensations as a result of mine closure. Unemployment was considered by the majority of the interviewed persons as the main cause of social problems in the area. The estimation of the explanatory factors by the logistic regression analysis revealed that education, household income, pollution conditions during the last years and familiarity with environmental problems were the main predictors influencing peoples’ opinion concerning whether the main river is strongly polluted. This model enabled one to predict correctly 77% of the observations reported. For the drinking water quality model, three predictors were relevant and they explained 66% of the observations. ConclusionsCoupling the findings from the natural science and socioeconomic approaches, we may conclude that the impact of mining on the Certej River water is high, while drinking water in wells is not significantly affected. The perceptions of the respondents to pollution were to a large extent consistent with the measured results. Recommendations and perspectivesThe results of the study can be used by various stakeholders, mainly the mining company and local municipalities, in order to integrate them in their post-mining measures, thereby making them aware of the potential long-term impact of mining on the environment and on human health as well as on the local economy. 相似文献
Reactions of lead sorption onto soil are largely affected by properties and composition of soil and its solution. In this study, the lead sorption onto regosol eutric soil from Francisco I. Madero, Zacatecas, Mexico is evaluated at different pH values. Soil samples were suspended in lead solutions of 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 mg/l (as Pb(NO3)2). The pH was adjusted at 2, 3, 4, and 5.5 with nitric acid for each of the lead solution concentrations. In all the cases the ionic strength was I=0.09 M with calcium nitrate. The solid-liquid-ratios were fixed in 1:100 and 1:200 g/ml. The results show that lead sorption increases when pH increases. Experimental isotherms were adjusted by both Langmuir and Freundlich models. The Langmuir affinity parameter, K, indicates that the lead sorption capacity of Francisco I. Madero soils is largely perceptible to pH changes. 相似文献
A comprehensive, spatially resolved (0.25°×0.25°) fossil fuel consumption database and emissions inventory was constructed, for India, for the first time. Emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents were estimated for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) study period (1998–1999). District level consumption of coal/lignite, petroleum and natural gas in power plants, industrial, transportation and domestic sectors was 9411 PJ, with major contributions from coal (54%) followed by diesel (18%). Emission factors for various pollutants were derived using India specific fuel characteristics and information on combustion/air pollution control technologies for the power and industrial sectors. Domestic and transportation emission factors, appropriate for Indian source characteristics, were compiled from literature. SO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion for 1996–1997 were 4.0 Tg SO 2 yr −1, with 756 large point sources (e.g. utilities, iron and steel, fertilisers, cement, refineries and petrochemicals and non-ferrous metals), accounting for 62%. PM 2.5 emitted was 0.5 and 2.0 Tg yr −1 for the 100% and the 50% control scenario, respectively, applied to coal burning in the power and industrial sectors. Coal combustion was the major source of PM 2.5 (92%) primarily consisting of fly ash, accounting for 98% of the “inorganic fraction” emissions (difference between PM 2.5 and black carbon+organic matter) of 1.6 Tg yr −1. Black carbon emissions were estimated at 0.1 Tg yr −1, with 58% from diesel transport, and organic matter emissions at 0.3 Tg yr −1, with 48% from brick-kilns. Fossil fuel consumption and emissions peaked at the large point industrial sources and 22 cities, with elevated area fluxes in northern and western India. The spatial resolution of this inventory makes it suitable for regional-scale aerosol-climate studies. These results are compared to previous studies and differences discussed. Measurements of emission factors for Indian sources are needed to further refine these estimates. 相似文献
Aerosol along the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles, California, was sampled and measured with the Air Resources Board Mobile Air Pollution Laboratory. Simultaneously with the taking of filter and impactor samples for chemical analysis, the aerosol particle size distribution was measured with four continuous instruments over the particle size range from approx. 0.003–40 μm.From comparisons of measurements when the wind was directly from the freeway with measurements when the wind was blowing toward the freeway, it was possible to calculate by difference the direct contribution of the freeway traffic to the aerosol mixture.It was found that morning rush hour traffic contributes about 17.1 μm 3 cm −3 to the aerosol volume, predominantly in the particle size range below 0.15 μm. The freeway aerosol size distribution exhibits a typical strong combustion mode at about 0.02 μm particle size. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study describes the development of tool for testing different policies for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in energy sector using... 相似文献
A spatially resolved biomass burning data set, and related emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents was constructed for India, for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the INDOEX period (1998–1999). Sources include biofuels (wood, crop waste and dung-cake) and forest fires (accidental, shifting cultivation and controlled burning). Particulate matter (PM) emission factors were compiled from studies of Indian cooking stoves and from literature for open burning. Black carbon (BC) and organic matter (OM) emissions were estimated from these, accounting for combustion temperatures in cooking stoves. Sulphur dioxide emission factors were based on fuel sulphur content and reported literature measurements. Biofuels accounted 93% of total biomass consumption (577 MT yr −1), with forest fires contributing only 7%. The national average biofuel mix was 56 : 21 : 23% of fuelwood, crop waste and dung-cake, respectively. Compared to fossil fuels, biomass combustion was a minor source of SO 2 (7% of total), with higher emissions from dung-cake because of its higher sulphur content. PM 2.5 emissions of 2.04 Tg yr −1 with an “inorganic fraction” of 0.86 Tg yr −1 were estimated. Biomass combustion was the major source of carbonaceous aerosols, accounting 0.25 Tg yr −1 of BC (72% of total) and 0.94 Tg yr −1 of OM (76% of total). Among biomass, fuelwood and crop waste were primary contributors to BC emissions, while dung-cake and forest fires were primary contributors to OM emissions. Northern and the east-coast India had high densities of biomass consumption and related emissions. Measurements of emission factors of SO 2, size resolved aerosols and their chemical constituents for Indian cooking stoves are needed to refine the present estimates. 相似文献
Urban vegetation increasingly plays an important role in the improvement of the urban atmospheric environment. This paper deals with the dust retention capacities of four urban tree species ( Ficus virens var. sublanceolata, Ficus microcarpa, Bauhinia blakeana, and Mangifera indica Linn) in Guangzhou. The dust-retaining capacities of four tree species are studied under different pollution intensities and for different seasons. Remote sensing imagery was used to estimate the total aboveground urban vegetation biomass in different functional areas of urban Guangzhou, information that was then used to estimate the dust-retaining capacities of the different functional areas and the total removal of airborne particulates in urban Guangzhou by foliage. The results showed that urban vegetation can remove dust from the atmosphere thereby improving air quality. The major findings are that dust retention, or capture, vary between the four species of tree studied; it also varied between season and between types of urban functional area, namely industrial, commercial/road traffic, residential, and clean areas. Dust accumulation over time was also studied and reached a maximum, and saturation, after about 24 days. The overall aboveground biomass of urban vegetation in Guangzhou was estimated to be 52.0?×?10 5 t, its total leaf area 459.01 km 2, and the dust-retaining capacity was calculated at 8012.89 t per year. The present study demonstrated that the foliage of tree species used in urban greening make a substantial contribution to atmospheric dust removal and retention in urban Guangzhou. 相似文献