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The results of an interdisciplinary research program on the subsurface persistence and transport of pathogenic bacteria and viruses are evaluated on the basis of an expanded advection-dispersion model which considers the persistence of these microorganisms under the conditions found within an aquifer, the retardation by adsorption-desorption processes and the role of filtration processes. The model indicates that the principal controls are filtration processes, the microorganisms being fixed on the filter media are ultimately eliminated or inactivated by biological, chemical and physical processes.  相似文献   

This study quantified the masses of 14 pesticides deposited as wet (precipitation) versus dry (gaseous and particle) atmospheric deposition at a research farm in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. The concentration in air of these pesticides was also measured. Total bulk deposition amounts (wet + dry) ranged from 0.009 to 2.3 μg m?2 for the 12 pesticides detected, and for the six pesticides with both wet and dry deposition detections, dry deposition contributed 12–51% of the total deposition over the crop growing season. Although not applied at the site, eight herbicides registered for use in Canada, as well as lindane (γ-HCH), were all frequently detected (92–100%) in the 12 air samples analyzed during the crop growing season, with by-product isomer α-HCH (75%), clopyralid (50%) and atrazine (8%) detected to a lesser extent. The chemical’s physicochemical properties and the relative mean mass of each agricultural pesticide applied in the province of Manitoba and in a 13 km radius were significant parameters in explaining the trends in the concentrations of pesticides detected in our samples. The important contribution of dry deposition to total pesticide deposition warrants greater attention in arid and semi-arid areas such as the Prairie Region of Canada, also because under a changing climate this region is estimated to experience more severe droughts while the more favorable conditions predicted for pest infestations could lead to increased pesticide applications in agricultural and urban areas.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) was investigated near the former Black Angel Pb–Zn mine in Maarmorilik, West Greenland during 2010–2011. Thalli of the lichen Flavocetraria nivalis were transplanted from an uncontaminated site into sites near the mine and collected the following year. At 20 of the total 21 sites, concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cd were significantly elevated in lichens after 1 year of transplantation compared to initial concentrations. Elevated concentrations were observed within a distance of approx. 20 km from the mining area. Concentrations decreased with increasing distance from the mine and the relation was well described using a power function with a negative exponent (r2 = 0.90; 0.83 and 0.83 for Pb; Zn and Cd). To examine the relation between metal concentrations/uptake in lichen transplants and atmospheric bulk deposition, 10 Bergerhoff dust samplers were placed near lichen transplants and samplers and lichens were collected after a 7-weeks exposure period. A significant linear correlation was observed between metal concentrations in lichen transplants and atmospheric bulk metal deposition (r2 = 0.94; 0.88 and 0.89 for Pb; Zn and Cd). Combining the results and including an area distribution within a defined metal deposition area, the “annual” deposition of Pb, Zn and Cd as dust was estimated during the 2010–2011 snow-free period (~5 months). The results reveal that 20 years after mine closure, 770 kg Pb, 3700 kg Zn and 24 kg Cd were still being deposited as dust per year (snow-free period only) within a distance of 20 km from the mine.  相似文献   

Soil systems are a common receptor of anthropogenic mercury (Hg) contamination. Soils play an important role in the containment or dispersion of pollution to surface water, groundwater or the atmosphere. A one-dimensional model for simulating Hg fate and transport for variably saturated and transient flow conditions is presented. The model is developed using the HP1 code, which couples HYDRUS-1D for the water flow and solute transport to PHREEQC for geochemical reactions. The main processes included are Hg aqueous speciation and complexation, sorption to soil organic matter, dissolution of cinnabar and liquid Hg, and Hg reduction and volatilization. Processes such as atmospheric wet and dry deposition, vegetation litter fall and uptake are neglected because they are less relevant in the case of high Hg concentrations resulting from anthropogenic activities. A test case is presented, assuming a hypothetical sandy soil profile and a simulation time frame of 50 years of daily atmospheric inputs. Mercury fate and transport are simulated for three different sources of Hg (cinnabar, residual liquid mercury or aqueous mercuric chloride), as well as for combinations of these sources. Results are presented and discussed with focus on Hg volatilization to the atmosphere, Hg leaching at the bottom of the soil profile and the remaining Hg in or below the initially contaminated soil layer. In the test case, Hg volatilization was negligible because the reduction of Hg2+ to Hg0 was inhibited by the low concentration of dissolved Hg. Hg leaching was mainly caused by complexation of Hg2+ with thiol groups of dissolved organic matter, because in the geochemical model used, this reaction only had a higher equilibrium constant than the sorption reactions. Immobilization of Hg in the initially polluted horizon was enhanced by Hg2+ sorption onto humic and fulvic acids (which are more abundant than thiols). Potential benefits of the model for risk management and remediation of contaminated sites are discussed.  相似文献   


A commercial flowable formulation of tebufenozide, RH‐5992 2F [N'‐t‐butyl‐N'‐(3,5‐dimethylbenzoyl)‐N‐(4‐ethylbenzoyl) hydrazine], was diluted with water, water and canola oil, and water and the methyl ester of canola oil, to provide six end‐use mixes with concentrations of 35 and 70 g of active ingredient (Al) litre‐1. The mixes were applied at 70 and 140 g Al ha‐1 over white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] seedlings in a laboratory spray chamber and foliar concentrations of tebufenozide were determined over a 60‐d period. At intervals of time post‐spray, seedlings were sprayed with monosized droplets of Sunspray®11N as rainfall, and the amount of tebufenozide knocked off from foliage was determined. The potential energy of adhesion (PEA) of the Al particles on the foliage increased with time and varied according to the type of end‐use mix, its viscosity and the dosage sprayed.

The end‐use mixes were applied over white spruce trees under field conditions and persistence of tebufenozide was investigated. DT50 values were influenced by the type of mix and dosage sprayed. Oil‐containing mixes and higher dosages increased the PEA of tebufenozide particles.  相似文献   

Use of animal manure is a main source of veterinary pharmaceuticals (VPs) in soil and groundwater through a series of migration processes. The sorption–desorption and transport of four commonly used VPs including trimethoprim (TMP), sulfapyridine, sulfameter, and sulfadimethoxine were investigated in three soil layers taken from an agricultural field in Chongming Island China and two types of aqueous solution (0.01 M CaCl2 solution and wastewater treatment plant effluent). Results from sorption–desorption experiments showed that the sorption behavior of selected VPs conformed to the Freundlich isotherm equation. TMP exhibited higher distribution coefficients (K d?=?6.73–9.21) than other sulfonamides (K d?=?0.03–0.47), indicating a much stronger adsorption capacity of TMP. The percentage of desorption for TMP in a range of 8–12 % is not so high to be considered significant. Low pH (<pK a of tested VPs) and rich soil organic matter (e.g., 0–20 cm soil sample) had a positive impact on sorption of VPs. Slightly lower distribution coefficients were obtained for VPs in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, which suggested that dissolved organic matter might affect their sorption behavior. Column studies indicated that the transport of VPs in the soil column was mainly influenced by sorption capacity. The weakly adsorbed sulfonamides had a high recovery rate (63.6–98.0 %) in the leachate, while the recovery rate of TMP was only 4.2–10.4 %. The sulfonamides and TMP exhibited stronger retaining capacity in 20–80 cm and 0–20 cm soil samples, respectively. The transport of VPs was slightly higher in the columns leached by WWTP effluent than by CaCl2 solution (0.01 M) due to their sorption interactions.  相似文献   

One of the most critical measurements needed to understand the biogeochemical cycle of mercury, and to verify atmospheric models, is the rate of mercury wet-deposition. The Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) operates sites across North America to monitor total mercury in wet-deposition. MDN's primary goal is to provide both spatial and temporal continental-scale observations of mercury wet-deposition fluxes to support researchers, modelers, policy-makers and the public interest. MDN represents the only continental-scale mercury deposition database with a >10-year record of continuous values. This study provides analysis and interpretation of MDN observations at 10 years (1996–2005) with an emphasis on investigating whether rigorous, statistically-significant temporal trends and spatial patterns were present and where they occurred. Wet deposition of mercury ranges from more than 25 μg m?2 yr in south Florida to less than 3 μg m?2 yr in northern California. Volume-weighted total mercury concentrations are statistically different between defined regions overall (Southeast ≈ Midwest > Ohio River > Northeast), with the highest in Florida, Minnesota, and several Southwest locations (10–16 ng L?1). Total mercury wet-deposition is significantly different between defined regions (Southeast > Ohio River > Midwest > Northeast). Mercury deposition is strongly seasonal in eastern North America. The average mercury concentration is about two times higher in summer than in winter, and the average deposition is approximately more than three times greater in summer than in winter. Forty-eight sites with validated datasets of five years or more were tested for trends using the non-parametric seasonal Kendall trend test. Significant decreasing mercury wet-deposition concentration trends were found at about half of the sites, particularly across Pennsylvania and extending up through the Northeast.  相似文献   

A steady state, three-dimensional solution of the atmospheric diffusion equation including settling, deposition, and first-order removal is presented. The solution is applied to the prediction of airborne concentrations of gaseous and particulate pollutants in the case in which gases are converted to secondary particulate matter. The conversion of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons to particulate sulfate, nitrate, and organics in the Los Angeles atmosphere and urban plume is analysed.  相似文献   

Agriculture is an important source of NH3, which contributes to acidification and eutrophication, as well as emissions of the greenhouse gases CH4 and N2O. Because of their common sources, emission reduction measures for one of these gases may affect emissions of others. These interrelations are often ignored in policy making. This study presents an analysis of the effects of measures to reduce NH3 emissions on emissions of N2O and CH4 from agriculture in Europe. The analysis combines information from the NH3 module of the Regional Air pollution INformation and Simulation (RAINS) model for Europe with the IPCC method for national greenhouse gas inventories. The IPCC method for estimating agricultural emissions of N2O and CH4 is adjusted in order to use it in combination with the RAINS database for the European agricultural sector. As an example, we applied the adjusted method to the agricultural sector in the Netherlands and found that application of several NH3 abatement options may result in a substantial increase in N2O emissions while the effect on CH4 emissions is relatively small. In Part 2 of this paper we focus on the resulting emissions for all European countries for 1990 and 2010.  相似文献   

Aerosols from urbanized areas of the western United States and Nigeria, as well as from rural air basins with elevated vehicular traffic, contain extractable organic matter composed mainly of petroleum residues, with subordinate waxes from vascular plants and minor polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Petroleum residues can be distinguished from the natural background by their unique compound distributions and molecular marker signatures. The predominant source of the atmospheric petroleum residues is from vehicular exhaust in the form of lubricants. A minor component of PAH is found in aerosols receiving an input of smoke from wood combustion. These anthropogenic constituents are a significant part of urban aerosols and their molecular signature may prove of utility as tracers for air parcels from particular geographic regions and as specific tags for vehicular (especially diesel) emissions.  相似文献   



It has been noticed many times that schools are buildings with high levels of particulate matter concentrations. Several authors documented that concentrations of particulate matter in indoor school microenvironments exceed limits recommended by WHO namely when school buildings are situated near major roads with high traffic densities. In addition, exercise under conditions of high particulate concentrations may increase the adverse health effects, as the total particle deposition increases in proportion to minute ventilation, and the deposition fraction nearly doubles from rest to intense exercise.  相似文献   

Dry deposition of dolomite particles from a small plume onto various kinds of surfaces was studied. The concentration was measured in the air via isokinetic sampling on filters. The deposition and size distribution of the deposited particles were determined with a sedimentation scale. The results show significant variations in size distribution of deposited material and deposition velocity with wind velocity, particle size and type of surface. Clear indications of resuspension and ‘bounce-off’ were found.  相似文献   

Recently, certain polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been listed as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Stockholm Convention. In this study, a preliminary material and substance flow analysis of commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (c-PentaBDE) was conducted for motor vehicles—a major use sector for POP-PBDE in polyurethane (PUR) foam—for Nigeria. The methodology of the Stockholm Convention PBDE inventory guidance was used for the calculation of c-PentaBDE. Material/substance flow analysis was conducted applying the STAN software. The time frame for this analysis was 1980–2010, considering that this was the period when POP-PBDE-containing vehicles were largely imported into Nigeria.It is estimated that the approximately 19 million passenger cars imported from 1980 to 2010 contained ca. 270 t of POP-PBDEs in ca. 401,000 t of PUR foam. A major share of cars from the USA and only a small share of cars from Europe and Asia were impacted. This simplified material and substance flow of PUR foams and POP-PBDEs in motor vehicles demonstrated the potential for environmental/human contamination and pollution of recycling/reuse for Nigeria and other developing countries.The study developed the first preliminary inventory of end-of-life vehicles for Nigeria, following which the environment ministry has taken up the important issue of end-of-life vehicles management. Considering that a range of other pollutants are contained in vehicles (e.g. heavy metals, flame retardants, PCBs, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and waste oil), this initiated activity should finally lead to an integrated management of pollutants and resources from the transport sector.  相似文献   

A comparison between weekly and event samples has been undertaken to assess the differences introduced by different sampling periods.The data analyzed cover the period 18 March 1981-28 June 1983.The weekly samples yielded lower concentrations and deposition values for all ions analyzed. The differences were significant at the 99.9 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   

The 137Cs and 210Pb dating of a 61-cm long sediment core retrieved from a drinking water reservoir (Lake Brêt) located in Switzerland revealed a linear and relatively high sedimentation rate (~1 cm year?1) over the last decades. The continuous centimeter scale measurement of physical (porewater and granulometry), organic (Corg, P, N, HI and OI indexes) and mineral (Cmin and lithogenic trace elements) parameters therefore enables reconstructing the environmental history of the lake and anthropogenic pollutant input (trace metals, DDT and PCBs) at high resolution. A major change in the physical properties of the lowermost sediments occurred following the artificial rise of the dam in 1922. After ca. 1940, there was a long-term up-core increase in organic matter deposition attributed to enhance primary production and anoxic bottom water conditions due to excessive nutrient input from a watershed predominantly used for agriculture that also received domestic effluents of two wastewater-treatment plants. This pattern contrasts with the terrigenous element input (Eu, Sc, Mg, Ti, Al, and Fe) which doubled after the rising of the dam but continuously decreased during the last 60 years. By comparison, the trace metals (Cu, Pb and Hg) presented a slight enrichment factor (EF) only during the second part of the 20th century. Although maximum EF Pb (>2) occurred synchronously with the use of leaded gasoline in Switzerland (between ca. 1947 and 1985) the Hg and Cu profiles exhibited a relatively similar trend than Pb during the 20th century, therefore excluding the alkyl-lead added to petrol as the dominant (atmospheric) source of lead input to Lake Brêt. Conversely, the Cu profile that did not follow the decrease registered in Pb and Hg during the last 10 years, suggests an additional source of Cu probably linked to the impact of agricultural activities in the area. In absence of heavy industries in the catchment, the atmospheric deposition of DDT and PCBs via surface runoff followed the historical emissions of POPs in Switzerland. Such result highlights the regional contamination of freshwater resources by the large-scale emission of toxic industrial chemicals in the 1960s and 1970s as well as the efficiency of the regulatory measures subsequently taken.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr and total beta activity were determined from air filters collected in Rovaniemi (Finnish Lapland) in 1965–2011....  相似文献   

A multivariate statistical analysis of the pollutant and meteorological data collected in and near Tucson, Arizona during the period 1974–1978 is presented. These data are analyzed for trends and correlations between visibility (as reported by National Weather Service), light scattering coefficient (from the integrating nephelometer), and atmospheric loadings of various pollutants. Significant findings include (1) evidence of regional sulfate loading, uniformly distributed in urban and nonurban areas and (2) significant correlation of sulfate to light scattering coefficient, but little correlation to NWS visibility. As a result of this analysis, a field study of size and chemical distribution of atmospheric aerosols in this region was undertaken.  相似文献   

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