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Nitrous oxide emission from UK agriculture was estimated, using the IPCC default values of all emission factors and parameters, to be 87 Gg N2O–N in both 1990 and 1995. This estimate was shown, however, to have an overall uncertainty of 62%. The largest component of the emission (54%) was from the direct (soil) sector. Two of the three emission factors applied within the soil sector, EF1 (direct emission from soil) and EF3PRP (emission from pasture range and paddock) were amongst the most influential on the total estimate, producing a ±31 and +11% to −17% change in emissions, respectively, when varied through the IPCC range from the default value. The indirect sector (from leached N and deposited ammonia) contributed 29% of the total emission, and had the largest uncertainty (126%). The factors determining the fraction of N leached (FracLEACH) and emissions from it (EF5), were the two most influential. These parameters are poorly specified and there is great potential to improve the emission estimate for this component. Use of mathematical models (NCYCLE and SUNDIAL) to predict FracLEACH suggested that the IPCC default value for this parameter may be too high for most situations in the UK.Comparison with other UK-derived inventories suggests that the IPCC methodology may overestimate emission. Although the IPCC approach includes additional components to the other inventories (most notably emission from indirect sources), estimates for the common components (i.e. fertiliser and animals), and emission factors used, are higher than those of other inventories. Whilst it is recognised that the IPCC approach is generalised in order to allow widespread applicability, sufficient data are available to specify at least two of the most influential parameters, i.e. EF1 and FracLEACH, more accurately, and so provide an improved estimate of nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture.  相似文献   

Ammonia emission rates from livestock buildings are required to construct an accurate emission inventory for the UK. Ventilation and ammonia emission rates from a fattening pig unit and a broiler house, both mechanically ventilated, were estimated using fan wheel anemometers and thermal converters with a chemiluminescence NOx-analyser to measure the ventilation rate and the ammonia concentration, respectively. The estimated ammonia emission factors were 46.9 and 16.6 kg lu-1 a-1 for the fattening pig unit and the broiler house, respectively. Both emission factors were within the range reported in the literature. A tracer gas (CO) method, based on a constant tracer release rate, was validated for measuring ventilation rates from naturally ventilated livestock buildings. Air inlets and outlets were identified using the air temperature or tracer concentration in the opening. Tracer concentration was found to be a more suitable criterion than temperature. In both houses, a significant correlation between the estimated ventilation rate using the tracer method and the measured ventilation rate using fan wheel anemometers was found. The ventilation rate was underestimated by 12 and 6% for the piggery and broiler house, respectively. The instantaneous ammonia emission derived from the tracer gas method was lower than the ammonia emission derived from the fan wheel anemometer method by 14 and 16% for the piggery and broiler house, respectively. The ventilation and ammonia emission estimates using the tracer method were within acceptable range from the ventilation and emission rates measured using measuring fans, but because of its accuracy and simplicity the fan wheel anemometer method is preferred for long-term measurements of ventilation rate in mechanically ventilated buildings.  相似文献   

The emission of NO was parameterized using empirical relationships with landuse type, fertilization rate and soil temperature. Eight landuse types (including four arable lands) were considered. Fertilization rates were distinguished for different regions and crops. A typical summer period of July in 1999 was chosen for detailed calculations. The total NO emission in the July is 141.1 Gg N, with 73.7% from arable lands and 22.0% from grasslands. The highest emission intensity can be more than 40 ng N m(-2) s(-1) in the heavily fertilized North China Plain, and the average of the whole lands is 6.5 ng N m(-2) s(-1). The annual emission was roughly estimated to be 657 Gg N, about 11.7% of the global total (5600 Gg N, reported by IPCC in 2000), and about 12.5% of the anthropogenic origin in China. Our results were compared with some earlier findings, and uncertainties were discussed.  相似文献   

One of the important cultural practices that affect methane and nitrous oxide emissions from tropical rice plantations is the water drainage system. While drainage can reduce methane emissions, it can also increase nitrous oxide emissions, as well as reduce yields. In this experiment, four different water drainage systems were compared in a rice field in central Thailand including: (1) continuous flooding, (2) mid-season drainage, (3) multiple drainage and (4) a local method (drainage was done according to local cultural practice) in order to find a system of drainage that would optimize yields while simultaneously limiting methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Methane and nitrous oxide emission were observed and compared with rice yield and physical changes of rice plants. It was found that drainage during the flowering period could reduce methane emission. Interestingly, nitrous oxide emission was related to number of drain days rather than the frequency of draining. Fewer drain days can help reduce nitrous oxide emission. The mid-season drainage and the multiple drainage, with 6.9% and 11.4% reduction in rice yield, respectively, had an average methane emission per crop 27% and 35% lower when compared to the local method. Draining with fewer drain days during the flowering period was recommended as a compromise between emissions and yield. The field drainage can be used as an option to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice fields with acceptable yield reduction. Mid-season drainage during the rice flowering period, with a shortened drainage period (3 days), is suggested as a compromise between the need to reduce global warming and current socio-economic realities.  相似文献   

Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from an irrigated rice of North India   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Ghosh S  Majumdar D  Jain MC 《Chemosphere》2003,51(3):181-195
Upland rice was grown in the kharif season (June-September) under irrigated condition in New Delhi, India (28 degree 40'N and 77 degree 12'E) to monitor CH4 and N2O emission, as influenced by fertilizer urea, ammonium sulphate and potassium nitrate alone (at 120 kg ha-1) and mixed with dicyandiamide (DCD), added at 10% of applied N. The experimental soil was a typic ustochrept (Inceptisol), clay loam, in which rice (Oryza sativa L., var. Pusa-169, duration: 120-125 days) was grown and CH4 and N2O was monitored for 105 days by closed chamber method, starting from the 5 days and 1 day after transplanting, respectively. Methane fluxes had a considerable temporal variation (CV=52-77%) and ranged from 0.05 (ammonium sulphate) to 3.77 mg m-2 h-1 (urea). There was a significant increase in the CH4 emission on the application of fertilizers while addition of DCD with fertilizers reduced emissions. Total CH4 emission (105 days) ranged from 24.5 to 37.2 kg ha-1. Nitrous oxide fluxes were much lower than CH4 fluxes and had ranged from 0.18 to 100.5 g m-2 h-1 with very high temporal variation (CV=69-143%). Total seasonal N2O emission from different treatments ranged from 0.037 to 0.186 kg ha-1 which was a N loss of 0.10-0.12% of applied N. All the fertilizers significantly increased seasonal N2O emission while application of DCD reduced N2O emissions significantly in the range of 10-53%.  相似文献   

We assessed nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions at shoulder and foot-slope positions along three sloping sites (1.6–2.1%) to identify the factors controlling the spatial variations in emissions. The three sites received same amounts of total nitrogen (N) input at 170 kg N ha−1. Results showed that landscape positions had a significant, but not consistent effect on N2O fluxes with larger emission in the foot-slope at only one of the three sites. The effect of soil inorganic N (NH4+ + NO3) contents on N2O fluxes (r2 = 0.55, p < 0.001) was influenced by water-filled pore space (WFPS). Soil N2O fluxes were related to inorganic N at WFPS > 60% (r2 = 0.81, p < 0.001), and NH4+ contents at WFPS < 60% (r2 = 0.40, p < 0.01), respectively. Differences in WFPS between shoulder and foot-slope correlated linearly with differences in N2O fluxes (r2 = 0.45, p < 0.001). We conclude that spatial variations in N2O emission were regulated by the influence of hydrological processes on soil aeration intensity.  相似文献   

Many farms have unroofed concrete yards used by livestock. These concrete yards have received little attention as sources of gaseous emissions. From 1997 to 1999 measurements were made of emissions of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) from 11 concrete yards used by livestock. A postal survey was carried out to assess the areas of yards on farms in England and Wales to enable the measurements to be scaled up to estimate national emissions. Using the results of this study NH3-N emissions from farm concrete yards were calculated to be ca. 35×103 t annually. This is 13% of the current estimated total NH3-N emission from UK livestock. Concrete yards were an insignificant source of N2O and CH4 which were both <0.01% of current estimates of agricultural emissions.  相似文献   

Emission rate vs temperature algorithms for different vegetation types, including deciduous, coniferous and agricultural sources, were used with available biomass and land use data for the U.S. to develop a national emission inventory with county spatial and monthly temporal scales. The estimated total NMHC emission rate from the U.S. is 30.7 Mt annually; more than half of these emissions occur in the summer, and approximately half arise in the SE and SW U.S. Total emission rates of isoprene from deciduous forest and α-pinene from deciduous and coniferous forests are 4.9 and 6.6 Mt annually. Emissions from agricultural crops contribute less than 3 % of the annual total. The average flux of biogenic NMHC in the U.S. is estimated to be 450 μgm−2h−1which is 20 times less than reported emissions of anthropogenic NMHC averaged over urban land areas in the U.S. Geochemical NMHC emissions from hydrocarbon rich soils in the U.S. are estimated to be negligible compared to vegetative sources. The uncertainty in the inventory is estimated to be on the order of a factor of three.  相似文献   

Managing ammonia emissions from livestock production in Europe   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Around 75% of European ammonia (NH(3)) emissions come from livestock production. Emissions occur at all stages of manure management: from buildings housing livestock; during manure storage; following manure application to land; and from urine deposited by livestock on pastures during grazing. Ammoniacal nitrogen (total ammoniacal-nitrogen, TAN) in livestock excreta is the main source of NH(3). At each stage of manure management TAN may be lost, mainly as NH(3), and the remainder passed to the next stage. Hence, measures to reduce NH(3) emissions at the various stages of manure management are interdependent, and the accumulative reduction achieved by combinations of measures is not simply additive. This TAN-flow concept enables rapid and easy estimation of the consequences of NH(3) abatement at one stage of manure management (upstream) on NH(3) emissions at later stages (downstream), and gives unbiased assessment of the most cost-effective measures. We conclude that rapid incorporation of manures into arable land is one of the most cost-effective measures to reduce NH(3) emissions, while covering manure stores and applying slurry by band spreader or injection are more cost-effective than measures to reduce emissions from buildings. These measures are likely to rank highly in most European countries.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory presented in this paper provides detailed estimates of emissions and their sources for the six major categories of GHGs. The inventory was compiled using the current U.S. Environment Protection Agency methodology, which applies emissions factors to socioeconomic data, such as fossil energy use, vehicle miles traveled, and industrial production. The paper also contains an assessment of the methodology and suggestions for improving accounting with respect to process, sectoral, and geographic considerations. The study found that Pennsylvania emitted 77.4 million metric tons carbon equivalent of GHGs in 1990 and that this total increased by 3% to 79.8 million metric tons carbon equivalent by 1999. Despite this increase, however, the state's percentage contribution to the United States total declined during the decade. Pennsylvania's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels represented 92.4% of 1990 totals and declined to 90.5% in 1999. Electricity generation was the largest single source of CO2 emissions, being responsible for 38% of fossil fuel CO2 emissions in 1990 and 40% of the total in 1999. Transportation emissions accounted for the largest increases in emissions between 1990 and 1999, whereas industrial emissions accounted for the largest decrease. The overall trend indicates that Pennsylvania has been able to weaken the relationship between GHG emissions and economic growth.  相似文献   

Tsai WT  Chyan JM 《Chemosphere》2006,63(1):22-30
Taiwan is a densely populated and developed country with more than 97% of energy consumption supplied by imported fuels. Greenhouse gas emissions are thus becoming significant environmental issues in the country. Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommended methodologies, anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) in Taiwan during 2000-2003 were estimated to be around 41 thousand metric tons annually. About 87% of N2O emissions come from agriculture, 7% from the energy sector, 3% from industrial processes sector, 3% from waste sector. On the basis of N2O emissions in 2000, projections for the year 2010 show that emissions were estimated to decline by about 6% mainly due to agricultural changes in response to the entry of WTO in 2002. In contrast to projections for the year 2020, N2O emissions were projected to grow by about 17%. This is based on the reasonable scenario that a new adipic acid/nitric acid plant will be probably started after 2010.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric dams have recently given rise to controversies about whether hydropower still provides clean energy. China has a large number of dams used for energy supply and irrigation, but few studies have been carried out on aquatic nitrous oxide (N2O) variation and its emissions in Chinese river-reservoir systems. In this study, N2O spatiotemporal variations were investigated monthly in two reservoirs along the Wujiang River, Southwest China, and the emission fluxes of N2O were estimated. N2O production in the reservoirs tended to be dominated by nitrification, according to the correlation between N2O and other parameters. N2O saturation in the surface water of the Wujiangdu reservoir ranged from 214% to 662%, with an average fluctuation of 388%, while in the Hongjiadu reservoir, it ranged from 201% to 484%, with an average fluctuation of 312%. The dissolved N2O in both reservoirs was over-saturated with respect to atmospheric equilibrium levels, suggesting that the reservoirs were net sources of N2O emissions to the atmosphere. The averaged N2O emission flux in the Wujiangdu reservoir was 0.64 μmol m?2 h?1, while it was 0.45 μmol m?2 h?1 in the Hongjiadu reservoir, indicating that these two reservoirs had moderate N2O emission fluxes as compared to other lakes in the world. Downstream water of the dams had quite high levels of N2O saturation, and the estimated annual N2O emissions from hydropower generation were 3.60 × 105 and 2.15 × 105 mol N2O for the Wujiangdu and the Hongjiadu reservoir, respectively. These fluxes were similar to the total N2O emissions from the reservoir surfaces, suggesting that water released from reservoirs would be another important way for N2O to diffuse into the atmosphere. It can be concluded that dam construction significantly changes the water environment, especially in terms of nutrient status and physicochemical conditions, which have obvious influences on the N2O spatiotemporal variations and emissions.  相似文献   

Measurements of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) were made from 11 outdoor concrete yards used by livestock. Measurements of NH3 emission were made using the equilibrium concentration technique while closed chambers were used to measure N2O and CH4 emissions. Outdoor yards used by livestock proved to be an important source of NH3 emission. Greatest emission rates were measured from dairy cow feeding yards, with a mean of 690 mg NH3-N m−2 h−1. Smaller emission rates were measured from sheep handling areas, dairy cow collecting yards, beef feeding yards and a pig loading area, with respective mean emission rates of 440, 280, 220 and 140 mg NH3-N m−2 h−1. Emission rates of N2O and CH4 were much smaller and for CH4, in particular, emission rates were influenced greatly by the presence or absence of dung on the measurement area.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To conserve water resources and guarantee food security, a new technology termed as “wet irrigation” is developed and practiced in rice...  相似文献   

Changes to agricultural management, particularly of the nitrogen (N) input to farms, have great potential for mitigating emissions of N containing gases, especially the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Manipulating diets fed to livestock is a potential method for controlling N excretion and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG's) to the atmosphere. We selected three slurries derived from sheep that had been fed, either ensiled ryegrass (Lolium hybridicum), lucerne (Medicago sativa) or kale (Brassica oleracea) and applied them to a grassland soil from the UK in a laboratory experiment using a special He/O2 atmosphere incubation facility. The resulting fluxes of N2O, CH4 and N2 were measured, with the largest total N fluxes generated by the ryegrass slurry treatment (14.23 ryegrass, 10.84 lucerne, 13.88 kale and 4.40 kg N ha−1 from the control). Methane was emitted only from the ryegrass slurry treatment. The isotopomer signatures for N2O in the control and lucerne slurry treatments indicated that denitrification was the main process responsible for N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Malla G  Bhatia A  Pathak H  Prasad S  Jain N  Singh J 《Chemosphere》2005,58(2):141-147
Mitigation of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil is important to reduce the global warming. Efficacy of five nitrification inhibitors, i.e. neem (Azadirachta melia) cake, thiosulphate, coated calcium carbide, neem oil coated urea and dicyandiamide (DCD) and one urease inhibitor, hydroquinone, in mitigating N2O and CH4 emissions from fertilized soil was tested in rice-wheat system in the Indo-Gangetic plains. The closed chamber technique was used for the collection of gas samples, which were analyzed using gas chromatography. Reduction in N2O emission on the application of nitrification/urease inhibitors along with urea ranged from 5% with hydroquinone to 31% with thiosulphate in rice and 7% with hydroquinone to 29% with DCD in wheat crop. The inhibitors also influenced the emission of CH4. While application of neem coated urea, coated calcium carbide, neem oil and DCD reduced the emission of CH4; hydroquinone and thiosulphate increased the emission when compared to urea alone. However, the global warming potential was lower with the inhibitors (except hydroquinone) as compared to urea alone, suggesting that these substances could be used for mitigating greenhouse gas emission from the rice-wheat systems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Local questionnaire surveys were conducted to collect representative activity data for calculation of annual emissions from residential combustion in...  相似文献   

以驯化好的反硝化除磷污泥为研究对象,通过批式实验考察了NO2--N和NaCl浓度对反硝化除磷率及N2O释放的影响。当进水亚硝酸盐的浓度由15 mg·L-1升高至25和40 mg·L-1时,除磷率由68.81%±0.5%降至66.25%±1%和62.88%±0.8%,TN的去除率由90.6%±0.7%降至74.55%±1.5%和51.65%±2%,N2O释放量分别为4.82、13.83和17.06 mg。当NaCl质量分数为0%、0.5%、1%和2%时,TN的去除率由74.55%±1%降至68%±2%、64.2%±1%和54.3%±2.5%,除磷率由66.37%±1.5%降至61.29%±1%、50.47%±2%和36.7%±0.5%,N2O-N转化率为41.1%±2%、41.4%±2.5%、48.94%±0.6%和51.03%±2%。因此,NO2--N和NaCl质量分数的升高均会降低脱氮除磷效率,但增加了N2O释放量;兼顾脱氮除磷效率前提下,NO2--N为25 mg·L-1、NaCl质量分数为1%是N2O释放量增加的优化条件。  相似文献   

This paper reports a desk study to quantify the total-nitrogen (N) and ammoniacal-N contents of livestock excreta, and to compare them with estimates of N losses to the environment from that excreta. Inventories of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O), dinitrogen (N2), and nitric oxide emissions (NO), together with estimates of nitrate (NO3-) leaching and crop N uptake were collated. A balance sheet was constructed to determine whether our estimates of N in livestock excreta were consistent with current estimates of N losses and crop N uptake from that N, or whether emissions of N compounds from livestock excreta may have been underestimated. Total N excretion by livestock in England and Wales (E&W) was estimated as 767-816 x 10(3) t of which 487-518 x 10(3) t was estimated to be total ammoniacal-N (TAN). Estimates of NH3 and N2O losses during housing and storage were derived from the difference between the total amount of TAN in excreta deposited in and around buildings, and the total amount of TAN in manure (i.e. the excreta deposited in and around buildings after collection and storage) prior to spreading and were ca. 64-88 x 10(3) t. The NH3-N emission from livestock buildings and manure storage in E&W quoted in the UK Emission Inventory (Pain et al., 1999. Inventory of Ammonia Emission from UK Agriculture, 1977. Report of MAFF contract WAO630, IGER, North Wyke) is ca. 80 x 10(3) t. Losses from NO3- leaching in the season after manure application and grazing were estimated as 73 and 32 x 10(3) t, respectively. Other gaseous losses of N were estimated as ca. 54 x 10(3) t. Crop uptake of manure N was estimated to be between 7 and 24 x 10(3) t. For manures, estimated N losses, immobilization and crop uptake total 326 x 10(3) t compared with estimates of 293-319 x 10(3) t TAN in excreta. Total N losses and crop uptake from TAN deposited at grazing were estimated to be 179-199 x 10(3) t compared with ca. 224 x 10(3) t TAN excreted. Thus all the TAN in manures appears to be accounted for, but ca. 25-45 x 10(3) t of TAN in urine deposited at grazing were not, and could be an underestimated source of gaseous emission or nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

Intensive beef production has increased during recent decades in Brazil and may substantially increase both methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from manure management. However, the quantification of these gases and methods for extrapolating them are scarce in Brazil. A case study examines CH4 and N2O emissions from one typical beef cattle feedlot manure management continuum in Brazil and the applicability of Manure-DNDC model in predicting these emissions for better understand fluxes and mitigation options. Measurements track CH4 and N2O emissions from manure excreted in one housing floor holding 21 animals for 78 days, stockpiled for 73 days and field spread (360 kg N ha?1). We found total emissions (CH4 + N2O) of 0.19 ± 0.10 kg CO2eq per kg of animal live weight gain; mostly coming from field application (73%), followed housing (25%) and storage (2%). The Manure-DNDC simulations were generally within the statistical deviation ranges of the field data, differing in ?28% in total emission. Large uncertainties in measurements showed the model was more accurate estimating the magnitude of gases emissions than replicate results at daily basis. Modeled results suggested increasing the frequency of manure removal from housing, splitting the field application and adopting no-tillage system is the most efficient management for reducing emissions from manure (up to about 75%). Since this work consists in the first assessment under Brazilian conditions, more and continuous field measurements are required for decreasing uncertainties and improving model validations. However, this paper reports promising results and scientific perceptions for the design of further integrated work on farm-scale measurements and Manure-DNDC model development for Brazilian conditions.  相似文献   

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