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Stored extracts of passive samplers exposed in 757 randomly selected Canadian residences provided a unique opportunity for retrospective determination of the occurrence of airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Aliquots of the individual extracts were pooled to form a composite exposure sample and a corresponding blank sample. To identify and quantitate potentially hazardous organics in the samples, GC-MS analyses were conducted by several approaches. The amounts of 52 target compounds in the the composite sample were estimated based on selected ion monitoring (SIM) results, extraction recoveries, average air volume sampled, and 3M OVM 3500 passive sampling rates. Forty of the organics were detected and were present in amounts equivalent to airborne concentrations ranging from <1 to 104 μg m−3. Several other compounds were also tentatively identified by full scan analysis. Many of the detected organics have been reported to be associated with activities such as tobacco smoking and the presence of consumer products and plastic materials indoors. The analytical results have been useful in risk assessments and establishment of a new Canadian priority substances list (PSL).  相似文献   

采用Ti/SnO2电极间接阳极氧化法处理直接深棕M和活性艳蓝KNR模拟染料废水,研究电解质种类、pH、电压、NaCl投加量及电解时间对其降解效果的影响;在最佳组合条件下,通过分析uV—Vis光谱以及降解过程中氮元素的存在形式,研究上述2种染料的降解规律。结果表明,在pH为3,电压20V,NaCl投加量为2.5g/L的条件下,电解30min后,直接深棕M和活性艳蓝KNR的脱色率分别达到80%和95%,60min后直接深棕M的COD去除率可达75%,活性艳蓝KNR的COD去除率达到90%;电解60min后,直接深棕M的偶氮双键完全破坏,萘环和苯环结构被逐步降解,活性艳蓝KNR溶液电解2min,其分子结构中的蒽醌共轭体系被破坏,随反应的进行,蒽醌结构逐渐被破坏,染料逐步降解。  相似文献   

The environmental impact of sewage sludges depends on the availability and phytotoxicity of their heavy metal. The influence of representative sludges (dewatered anaerobic, pelletization, and composted sludge) on the availability of heavy metals, and their effects on seed germination were compared. The total heavy metal concentrations were below the maximum permitted for land-applied waste and the differences among them were small. The DTPA-extracted metal concentrations were rather different. The sequential extraction of the compost showed a slight increase in Cd and Cu availability, and a decrease in the availability of Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn. Pelletization increased the availability of Ni and slightly reduced that of Cr. The dewatering sludge led to greater availability of Cr and Mn but reduced the concentration of Cd. The three different sludges also affected seed germination and root elongation in different ways. The most serious adverse effects were caused by the dewatered sludge extract.  相似文献   

This study investigates how PM2.5 varies spatially and how these spatial characteristics can be used to identify potential monitoring sites that are most representative of the overall ambient exposures to PM2.5 among susceptible populations in the Seattle, WA, area. Data collected at outdoor sites at the homes of participants of a large exposure assessment study were used in this study. Harvard impactors (HIs) were used at 40 outdoor sites throughout the Seattle metropolitan area. Up to six sites at a time were monitored for 10 consecutive 24-hr average periods. A fixed-effect analysis of variance (ANOVA) model that included date and location effects was used to analyze the spatial variability of outdoor PM2.5 concentrations. Both date and location effects were shown to be highly significant, explaining 92% of the variability in outdoor PM2.5 measurements. The day-to-day variability was 10 times higher than the spatial variability between sites. The site mean square was more than twice the error mean square, showing that differences between sites, while modest, are potentially an important contribution to measurement error. Variances of the model residuals and site effects were examined against spatial characteristics of the monitoring sites. The spatial characteristics included elevation, distance from arterials, and distance from major PM2.5 point sources. Results showed that the most representative PM2.5 sites were located at elevations of 80-120 m above sea level, and at distances of 100-300 m from the nearest arterial road. Location relative to industrial PM2.5 sources is not a significant predictor of residential outdoor PM2.5 measurements. Additionally, for sites to be representative of the average population exposures to PM2.5 among those highly susceptible to the health effects of PM2.5, areas of high elderly population density were considered. These representative spatial characteristics were used as multiple, overlapping criteria in a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis to determine where the most representative sites are located.  相似文献   

From February 29 until June 15 2008 gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) fluxes above a snow covered surface was measured in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard using a GEM flux gradient method. A clear seasonal pattern in the meteorological variables associated with the GEM flux was observed. For the first time in Ny-Ålesund a net deposition of GEM was recorded during polar night, despite the lack of Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Events (AMDE). 7500 ng m−2 GEM was emitted from the surface snow to the air during the entire study. The depositions of GEM and reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) were calculated to be 1500 and 1000 ng m−2, respectively, during the same time period. The GEM fluxes reported in this study were found to be comparable to GEM fluxes measured at other Arctic locations (i.e. Alert and Barrow), suggesting that GEM acts in a similar way throughout the Arctic. An assessment of the GEM flux gradient method used discovered a non-linear GEM concentration profile. The nonlinearity was explained by a non-stationary turbulence regime. The GEM flux calculated was not found to be representative for the entire surface boundary layer.  相似文献   

有机紫外防晒剂具有内分泌干扰效应、遗传毒性和生殖毒性等多种负面生物效应,其进入环境中的一个主要途径为工业废水排放及污水处理厂出水的排放。昆明地处高原,紫外线较强,有机紫外防晒剂的使用量逐年增多,因此选择了5种典型有机紫外防晒剂:胡莫柳酯(HMS)、甲氧基肉桂酸乙基已酯(EHMC)、二苯酮-3(BP-3)、4-甲基苄亚基樟脑(4-MBC)和奥克立林(OC)作为目标物质,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术,检测了昆明市5座城市污水处理厂进水、二级生化处理及深度处理进出水中有机紫外防晒剂的含量,分析了不同二级生化处理及深度处理工艺对目标物质去除效率的影响。结果表明,目标物质的去除主要依靠二级生化处理工艺,3种工艺都有比较好的去除效果,其中缺氧-厌氧-缺氧膜生物反应器工艺相对来说更好。此外,深度处理也能有效去除目标物质,紫外消毒去除效果更好。5种目标物质的总去除率达58.76%~94.0%,可见还有一部分的有机紫外防晒剂迁移到了环境中,具有一定的环境与健康风险。  相似文献   

杨波  孙也  付安然  杜丹 《环境工程学报》2014,8(4):1475-1481
采用Ti/SnO2电极间接阳极氧化法处理直接深棕M和活性艳蓝KNR模拟染料废水,研究电解质种类、pH、电压、NaCl投加量及电解时间对其降解效果的影响;在最佳组合条件下,通过分析UV-Vis光谱以及降解过程中氮元素的存在形式,研究上述2种染料的降解规律。结果表明,在pH为3,电压20 V,NaCl投加量为2.5 g/L的条件下,电解30 min后,直接深棕M和活性艳蓝KNR的脱色率分别达到80%和95%,60 min后直接深棕M的COD去除率可达75%,活性艳蓝KNR的COD去除率达到90%;电解60 min后,直接深棕M的偶氮双键完全破坏,萘环和苯环结构被逐步降解,活性艳蓝KNR溶液电解2 min,其分子结构中的蒽醌共轭体系被破坏,随反应的进行,蒽醌结构逐渐被破坏,染料逐步降解。  相似文献   

Antimony (Sb) distribution, solubility and mobility onto natural soils of China were studied in lysimeter and batch experiments as a function of physicochemical properties of the soil. An outdoor lysimeter experiment investigated the leaching and migration of Sb in the soils with Sb-polluted topsoil and unpolluted subsoil over a 5 month period. Soil solutions were collected by suction cups installed at different depth of lysimeters, and leachates were regularly collected and analyzed for Sb concentrations. The majority of the added Sb was retained in the topsoil layers, but small portions were moved to the sub-layers. Sb concentrations in the soil solutions and leachates ranged from 0–755.5 (6.38 ± 54 on average) μg l−1 and 0–0.45 (smaller than the detection limit) μg l−1 respectively, indicating the low solubility of Sb in the soils. Batch experiments were performed in order to determine the sorption capacity and the partition coefficient (Kd). Freundlich isotherm described properly the equilibrium experimental data and results show that the Kd values for Primosol, Isohumosol, Ferrosol equal to 22.5, 87.8, 704 L kg−1, respectively. These results showed the strong capacity of the soils to retain Sb, and prevent it being leached down the profile. The mobilizable Sb was in the order: Primosol > Isohumosol > Ferrosol. Sb migration in the soils was mainly associated with the exchangeable, carbonate-bound, and metal–organic complex-bound fractions. Health risk assessment indicates that Sb leaching from Ferrosol will not harm to human health through groundwater under the test conditions, while it has certain health risks from the Isohumosol and Primosol.  相似文献   

Liu C  Nanaboina V  Korshin G 《Chemosphere》2012,86(8):774-782
This study examined effects of ozonation on thirteen fluoroquinolone, macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics present in municipal wastewater. Transformations of effluent organic matter (EfOM) caused by ozonation were characterized using absorbance/fluorescence spectroscopy and high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). Concentrations of aldehydes and carboxylic acids generated via the oxidation of EfOM were also determined. The absorbance and fluorescence of ozonated wastewater decreased with increasing ozone dose or treatment time. HPSEC data showed that these phenomena corresponded to the oxidation of all EfOM fractions, with some preference towards the degradation of the EfOM molecules with high apparent molecular weight. The removal of antibiotics and production of aldehydes and carboxylic acids were strongly correlated with the changes in both EfOM absorbance and fluorescence. Applications of a model describing the concurrent degradation of trace level contaminants and relative changes of EfOM emission allowed achieving a good fitting between the experimental and modeled ΔC/C0 vs. ΔA/A0 and ΔC/C0 vs. ΔF/F0 data.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to provide accurate air quality information and forecasts to the general public and environmental health decision-makers. This paper develops a hierarchical space–time model for daily 8-h maximum ozone concentration (O3) data covering much of the eastern United States. The model combines observed data and forecast output from a computer simulation model known as the Eta Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) forecast model in a very flexible, yet computationally fast way, so that the next day forecasts can be computed in real-time operational mode. The model adjusts for spatio-temporal biases in the Eta CMAQ forecasts and avoids a change of support problem often encountered in data fusion settings where real data have been observed at point level monitoring sites, but the forecasts from the computer model are provided at grid cell levels. The model is validated with a large amount of set-aside data and is shown to provide much improved forecasts of daily O3 concentrations in the eastern United States.  相似文献   

A measure of the variability of wind direction for periods of around one day is frequently desired in air pollution studies. One such measure is the Consistency Index which may be applied to data measured either in degrees or compass points. The Index is compared with the resultant standard deviation of the wind direction to define limits of the Index for data screening purposes.  相似文献   

We used Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to measure tailpipe ammonia emissions from a representative fleet of 41 light and medium-duty vehicles recruited in the California South Coast Air Basin. A total of 121 chassis dynamometer emissions tests were conducted on these vehicles and the test results were examined to determine the effects of several key variables on ammonia emissions. Variables included vehicle type, driving cycle, emissions technology, ammonia precursor emissions (i.e. CO and NOx) and odometer readings/model year as a proxy for catalyst age. The mean ammonia emissions factor was 46 mg km?1 (σ = 48 mg km?1) for the vehicle fleet. Average emission factors for specific vehicle groups are also reported in this study. Results of this study suggest vehicles with the highest ammonia emission rates possess the following characteristics: medium-duty vehicles, older emissions technologies, mid-range odometer readings, and higher CO emissions. In addition, vehicles subjected to aggressive driving conditions are likely to be higher ammonia emitters. Since the vehicles we studied were representative of recent model year vehicles and technologies in urban airsheds, the results of our study will be useful for developing ammonia emissions inventories in Los Angeles and other urban areas where California-certified vehicles are driven. However, efforts should also be made to continue emissions testing on in-use vehicles to ensure greater confidence in the ammonia emission factors reported here.  相似文献   

Single-day scenarios are used to calculate incremental reactivities by definition (Carter, J. Air Waste Management Assoc. 44 (1994) 881–899.) but even unreactive organic compounds may have a non-negligible effect on ozone concentrations if multiple-day scenarios are considered. The concentration of unreactive compounds and their products may build up over a multiple-day period and the oxidation products may be highly reactive or highly unreactive affecting the overall incremental reactivity of the organic compound. We have developed a method for calculating incremental reactivities for multiple days based on a standard scenario for polluted European conditions. This method was used to estimate maximum incremental reactivities (MIR) and maximum ozone incremental reactivities (MOIR) for ethane and dimethyoxymethane for scenarios ranging from 1 to 6 days. It was found that the incremental reactivities increased as the length of the simulation period increased. The MIR of ethane increased faster than the value for dimethyoxymethane as the scenarios became longer. The MOIRs of ethane and dimethyoxymethane increased but the change was more modest for scenarios longer than 3 days. MOIRs of both volatile organic compounds were equal within the uncertainties of their chemical mechanisms by the 5 day scenario. These results show that dimethyoxymethane has an ozone forming potential on a per mass basis that is only somewhat greater than ethane if multiple-day scenarios are considered.  相似文献   



Samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) covering particularly the years 1994–1996, 2000–2002, and 2006–2009 were analyzed for perfluorinated compounds (PFC; mainly C4–C13 carboxylic and sulfonic acids) to gain an overview on current PFC levels and patterns in marine, limnetic, and terrestrial biota; to assess their concentrations in different trophic levels; and to investigate whether risk management measures for PFC are successful.  相似文献   


Titanium white waste acid (TWWA) was used to dissolve the representative elements from red mud (RM) to achieve the goal of “treating waste with waste.” The leaching parameters on the leaching efficiency of Na, Sc, and Al were investigated, in which the analysis of XRD and SEM–EDS on RM and leaching residue was performed. The leaching kinetics of Na, Sc, and Al was studied with unreacted shrinking core model (USCM). The results show that the dealkalization efficiency was close to 100%, and the leaching efficiency of Sc and Al was 82% and 75%, respectively. Cancrinite was dissolved from RM, and then the elements such as Na, Al, and Ca reacted with H2SO4 of TWWA. Na existed in the leaching liquor in the form of ions. Ca reacted with sulfuric acid to form anhydrite, which existed in the leaching residue. The particles of RM became smaller and dispersed with each other by acid leaching. The leaching apparent activation energy of Na, Sc, and Al was 4.947 kJ/mol, 6.361 kJ/mol, and 31.666 kJ/mol, respectively. The leaching kinetic equation of Na, Sc, and Al was 1???(1???a)2/3?=?0.084·exp[??595.05/T]·t by external diffusion, 1???2a/3???(1???a)2/3?=?0.021·exp[??765.16/T]·t by internal diffusion, and ln(1???a)/3?+?(1???a)?2/3 – 1?=?67.12·exp[??3808.8/T]·t by joint action, respectively.


Muscle concentrations of organochlorinated compounds as well as biliary levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and alkylphenols (APEs) were determined in two different fish species, the four-spotted megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) and the pouting (Trisopterus luscus) collected along the Northern Iberian coast. Additionally, a set of biochemical markers namely, 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) and catalase (CAT) were measured in liver subcellular fractions. Chemical analysis indicated geographical differences in pollutant loads that were further reinforced by biomarker responses. Thus, EROD activity showed a good correlation with the amount of PCBs bioaccumulated in muscle tissue of both fish species. Elevated UGT activity was observed in those individuals highly exposed to APEs and 1-naphthol. The study reinforces the need to select representative sentinel species from different habitats for biomonitoring purposes and provides further support for the use of biomarkers in assessing the health of coastal areas.  相似文献   

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