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昆士兰毛鼻袋熊,有袋目,袋熊科,分布在澳大利亚昆士兰州东部、南部和中部的半沙漠化草原地区。它的长相虽然不善,却是地地道道的食草动物。昆士兰毛鼻袋熊雄性体长在1米左右,身高约0.35米,体重约35公斤。雄性的体长和体重都要超过雌性一点,尾长0.6米,体毛颜色通常呈褐色,夹杂着  相似文献   

中草药复合诱食剂对锦鲤的生长影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用80尾初始体长4.7cm左右、体色均一健康的锦鲤,随机分为4个组。其中,Ⅰ为对照组,饲喂基础饲料;Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ为实验组,分别在基础饲料中添加100mL/kg、150mL/kg、200mL/kg的中草药复方。研究一副中草药复方对锦鲤诱食活性的影响,记录试验数据,并用Excel和SPSS软件进行分析。饲喂15d的结果表明,本实验所用该副中草药复方对锦鲤具有诱食反应。其中,Ⅱ组P=0.0010〈0.05、Ⅲ组P=0.0042〈0.05、Ⅳ组P=0.016〈0.05,说明其诱食效果有显著意义。不同浓度的中草药复方对锦鲤生长效果的影响差异很大,其中Ⅲ对锦鲤有显著的促生长作用。与对照组相比,增重率提高了23.090%,饵料系数降低了0.459。  相似文献   

为研究农村黑臭水体的治理方法,用狐尾藻开展模拟试验,之后用“狐尾藻+人工曝气”法在某坑塘进行治理工程试验。结果表明,狐尾藻对水中总氮、氨氮、总磷具有明显的去除效果。在“控源截污+清淤疏浚”的基础上,通过“狐尾藻+人工曝气”组合工艺可明显消除黑臭现象,透明度和溶解氧明显提高。最终该坑塘黑臭水体氨氮、溶解氧、透明度均达到《农村黑臭水体治理工作指南(试行)》中表1监测指标阈值。因此,在“控源截污+清淤疏浚”的基础上,利用“狐尾藻生态净化+人工曝气”组合工艺对农村黑臭水体具有很好的治理效果。  相似文献   

选择3种中药配方,以其水提液对体长3-5cm锦鲤进行诱食活性(触球法)试验.每组实验重复5次,实验结果采用Excel和SPSS软件分析.结果表明,配方1对锦鲤的诱食有抑制作用,配方2与配方3对锦鲤有诱食反应,抑制或诱食的强弱与中药的浓度有关.其中,配方1 P=0.004< 0.05,配方2 P=0.0005< 0.05,配方3 P=0.0003< 0.0,经复合饵料饲喂后,实验鱼体长和体重都比基础饵料增长显著,说明3种饵料对锦鲤的生长都有促进作用.其中,配方2降低饵料系数0.2801,增重率达17.66%.  相似文献   

生活习性东北虎是现存最大的猫科动物,平均体长为2.8m左右,尾长约1m,平均体重400kg,东北虎主要分布于中国的东北地区,国外见于西伯利亚。体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹,中间常被串通,极似“王”字,故有“丛林之王”之美称耳短圆,背面黑色,  相似文献   

长鼻猴又叫天狗猴,是世界上长相最为特殊的灵长类动物之一。它的体型比其他猴类更大,躯体和四肢也相当粗壮。成年雄兽的体长为80-90厘米,尾长为70-75厘米,体重可达25千克,雌兽体形较小。它的毛色鲜明,脸部为赫褐色,头上的冠毛就像一个深红色的小帽,头,颈和背部均披着厚厚的赭黄色体毛,臀部,四肢和尾巴为灰黄色,肩部,喉部,胸部和腹部等则呈白色或灰白色。  相似文献   

二类保护动物 啮齿日松鼠科 巨松鼠 别名:树狗、藤狸、黑果狸生境热带雨林、季雨林。是典型的树栖动物。体长40厘米,尾长50~60厘米。体重1~3千克。严格的树栖啮齿类动物,在白天单独或成对活动,有一定路线,动作灵活,攀登跳跃能力较强,生性机警。  相似文献   

大食蚁兽正如其名,是一种奇妙的、专门以吃蚁类为生的动物。它的体型较大,体长为100-130厘米,尾长65-90厘米,体重18-23千克,最大的可达40千克。长相十分古怪,脊部隆起,弯曲呈拱形,整个头  相似文献   

形态特征体型小,体长31~34.5厘米,体重680~1000克:尾长22~25厘米;头圆,吻短,眼大而向前,眼间距很窄,耳廓半圆而朝前;前后肢粗短,等长,手的大拇指和其他4指相距的角度甚大,第二指、趾极短或退化,除第二趾是爪形外,其他指、趾的末端有厚的肉垫和扁指甲;体毛短密,颜色变异很大,背部棕、棕红或灰色,背中央有1条褐色纵纹,至尾基部逐渐变窄,色泽变浅,至头顶分成两岔延到耳端及眼周围,腹面棕色。  相似文献   

白颊长臂猿体型纤小,体长为45~65厘米,站立起来身高不足1米,体重5~7千克。它的前肢特别长,具有小的胼胝,两臂伸开时可达1.5米左右,站立起来,两手下垂几乎可以角到地面,真是名不虚传。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An increasing need exists to determine the relative health of estuarine and coastal systems with respect to their ability to support populations of fishery organisms. Many monitoring programs developed for this purpose utilize physiological and biochemical techniques to determine if marine organisms axe stressed by contaminant exposure. The use of the low molecular weight, metal-binding protein, metailothionein, is used as a model technique to detect non-lethal stress in aquatic organisms. Test organisms were the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, and the beaked whale, Mesoplodon europaeus. The data presented illustrates how natural environmental and physiological factors can affect the mobilization and partitioning of metals by organisms and contribute to observed variability in data sets. The processes that affected trace metal partitioning and accumulation were: in oysters, the reproductive cycle/season of the year; in blue arabs, growth and the molt cycle; and in the whale, the type of food and habitat. To effectively monitor populations of fishery organisms, therefore, it is necessary to identify those factors that control survival, growth, and reproduction so that better predictive models can be formulated that will not be confounded by uncontrolled variables.  相似文献   

胭脂鱼幼鱼具有明显的昼夜摄食节律.仔鱼以适口的浮游动物为食,并随着口位下移,转而摄食底层生物.文中分别对140日幼鱼的日龄与全长、全长与体重以及全长和全长/体高的关系作了曲线回归方程,反映了幼鱼的生长特点.本工作为增殖该种珍稀鱼类资源提供了基础资料,并对其观赏价值进行了评价.  相似文献   

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) has become the most favourable packaging material world-wide for beverages. The reason for this development is the excellent material properties of the PET material, especially its unbreakability and the very low weight of the bottles compared to glass bottles of the same filling volume. Nowadays, PET bottles are used for softdrinks, mineral water, energy drinks, ice teas as well as for more sensitive beverages like beer, wine and juices. For a long time, however, a bottle-to-bottle recycling of post-consumer PET packaging materials was not possible, because of the lack of knowledge about contamination of packaging polymers during first use or recollection. In addition, the decontamination efficiencies of recycling processes were in most cases unknown. During the last 20 years, PET recollection as well as recycling processes made a huge progress. Today, sophisticated decontamination processes, so-called super-clean recycling processes, are available for PET, which are able to decontaminate post-consumer contaminants to concentration levels of virgin PET materials. In the 1991, the first food contact approval of post-consumer PET in direct food contact applications has been given for post-consumer recycled PET in the USA. Now, 20 years after the first food approval of a PET super-clean recycling process, this article gives an overview over the world-wide progress of the bottle-to-bottle recycling of PET beverage bottles, e.g. the recollection amount of post-consumer PET bottles and the super-clean recycling technologies.  相似文献   

The social and scientific debate overfunctional foods has two focal points: one isthe issue of the reliability andtrustworthiness of the claims connected withfunctional foods. You don't have to be asuspicious person to be skeptical vis-à-visthe rather exorbitant claims of most functionalfoods. They promise prevention against allkinds of illnesses and enhancement ofachievements like memory and vision, withouthaving been tested adequately. The second issueis the issue of the socio-cultural dimension offunctional foods and their so calleddetrimental effect on the social and normativemeanings of food, with possibly the effect thatfood in general will be treated like amedicine, with radical individualizing effects.Finally, individuals would only be allowed toeat what their gene-profile prescribes them. Inthis paper, it is argued that food is anon-neutral public good that contributesinherently to the identity of vulnerableindividuals. It should be treated in anon-neutral, but impartial way. Therefore,politics need to intervene in food markets froma justice and ethical point of view with twoaims in mind. The first aim (as an implicationof justice considerations) should be toestablish safety conditions, and to identifyand monitor food safety standards in anobjective and impartial way. Preventive medicalclaims of foods should be allowed on the basisof appropriate and objective testing methods.The second aim (as an implication of ethicalconsiderations) should be to shape conditionsfor a cohabitation of various food styles,including that of functional foods. Moreover,the cultural and symbolic meaning of food in apluralistic society requires that the differentfood styles find some modus of living andinteracting together. As long as functionalfoods comply with safety standards and respectother food styles, they should be allowed onthe market, just like any other food product.  相似文献   

五氯酚对环境污染及居民健康影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国长期以来使用五氯酚纳盐杀灭亡血吸虫的中间宿主──—钉螺.为评价它对环境的污染及居民健康危害,1990-1993年在我省开展了五氯酚环境污染及对居民健康影响研究.在研究区采集环境样品(空气、水体、土壤及底泥、蔬菜、肉、蛋、鱼等)共173份;生物材料(人血、尿)共457份,分析五氯酚浓度.结果在明,在五氯酚使用区,环境中PCP浓度稍高于对照区,而生物材料尿、血中PCP浓度明显高于对照区.全血胆碱脂酶活性用药区明显低于对照区,统计学分析有显著差异(P<0.001),证实了长期低剂量使用可造成环境及生物蓄积.  相似文献   

Elderly women of a particular socioecological system are considered to be “living encyclopedias” in biocultural knowledge systems. These women play a pivotal role in retaining and passing on biodiversity-related traditional knowledge to the next generations. Unfortunately the fast changing sociocultural values and the impact of modernity have rendered their knowledge somewhat less valuable and they are being treated as “cultural refugia.” Our study on the importance of these women in the conservation of indigenous biodiversity was conducted in 14 randomly selected villages dominated by the Adi tribe of East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh (northeast India). Data were collected from 531 women (381 elderly and 150 young to middle aged) during 2003–2008 using conventional social science methods and participatory rural appraisal. One innovative method, namely “recipe contest,” was devised to mobilize Adi women of each village in order to energies them and explore their knowledge relating to traditional foods, ethnomedicines, and conservation of indigenous biodiversity. Results indicated that 55 plant species are being used by elderly Adi women in their food systems, while 34 plant species are integral parts of ethnomedicinal practices. These women identified different plant species found under multistory canopies of community forests. Elderly women were particularly skilled in preparing traditional foods including beverages and held significantly greater knowledge of indigenous plants than younger women. Lifelong experiences and cultural diversity were found to influence the significance of biodiversity use and conservation. The conservation of biodiversity occurs in three different habitats: jhum lands (shifting cultivation), Morang forest (community managed forests), and home gardens. The knowledge and practice of elderly women about habitats and multistory vegetations, regenerative techniques, selective harvesting, and cultivation practices contribute significantly to food and livelihood security while sustaining an array of threatened plant species. Basically, knowledge of elderly women on using biodiversity in food and medicinal systems was found in three categories namely: “individual,” “community,” and “refined.” We identified a need to develop holistic policies to recognize and integrate knowledge and practices of elderly women with local level of planning on sustainable conservation of biodiversity as well as community-based adaptations.  相似文献   

草类资源分布广、贮量大、成分复杂;至今大部分仍处于自生自灭之中,而人类所需蛋白质营养十分紧张,赖以生存的肉乳蛋品生产所需高蛋白饲料也很缺乏.传统农业、畜牧业、水产业已不能满足这两大需要。作者在科学实验和生产实践的基础上,从工业化生产角度提出以草类为基础原料.经蕈菌-蚯蚓-禽畜3个环节生产蛋白质食物的新工艺路线,对补充上述两大需求的来源提出了一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

How do youth learn through participation in efforts to study and change the school food system? Through our participatory youth action research (YPAR) project, we move beyond the “youth as consumer” frame to a food justice youth development (FJYD) approach. We track how a group of youth learned about food and the public policy process through their efforts to transform their own school food systems by conducting a participatory evaluation of farm-to-school efforts in collaboration with university and community partners. We used the Photovoice research method, placing cameras in the hands of young people so that they themselves could document and discuss their concerns and perspectives. The research was designed to gain insight about youths’ knowledge of food, health, and community food systems. Drawing upon the youth group’s insights, we build a framework for building critical consciousness through FJYD.  相似文献   

Gas emissions were determined for dairy cows fed three diets formulated to represent feed ingredients typical of the Midwest, South, or West regions of the United States. Dairy cows were housed and monitored in 12 environmentally controlled rooms (4 cows diet). Two experiments were performed, representing two lactation stages (initial days in milk were 115 ± 39 d in Stage 1 and 216 ± 48 d in Stage 2). The results demonstrated that the combination of different dietary ingredients resulted in different gas emissions while maintaining similar dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield (MY). Diet effect on ammonia (NH) emissions was more prominent in Stage 1. During Stage 1, cows fed the Midwest diet had the highest daily NH emission, corresponding to the highest crude protein (CP) concentration among the three regions. The differences in NH emissions (39.0%) were much larger than the percent difference in CP concentrations between diets (6.8%). Differences in N intake, N excretion, or milk urea N alone may not serve as a strong indicator of the potential to reduce NH emissions. Lower emissions of methane (CH) per unit DMI or per unit MY were observed for cows offered the South diet during Stage 1 as compared with that from cows offered the Midwest or West diets. No diet effect was observed for hydrogen sulfide (HS) emission per unit S intake, nor for nitrous oxide (NO) emission. The measured NH and CH emissions were comparable, but the NO emissions were much higher than those reported for tie-stall dairy barns in the literature.  相似文献   

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