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The clinical skin lesions of arsenism in men and women in Bayinmaodao rural district in Inner Mongolia, Peoples Republic of China, have been examined by doctors, and their hair and drinking water samples analysed for arsenic by hydride generation and ICP-AES. Altogether 311 arsenism patients with a 15.53% prevalence rate for the district were recorded. The disease prevalence rate was positively related to population, age, and their exposure to elevated arsenic concentrations in the drinking water from 1983 when new wells were dug and drinking of surface water was abandoned. Hyperkeratosis was the most serious skin lesion with the highest occurrence rate, then depigmentation and pigmentation in decreasing order. With increasing severity of the disease, ranging from skin lesion with single hyperkeratosis 1° to hyperkeratosis 3° with depigmentation 3° and pigmentation 3°, the results showed that arsenic concentrations in head hair had increased. Arsenic concentrations in hair were positively correlated with the arsenic concentrations in drinking water obtained from local wells.  相似文献   

Associations between the concentration of arsenic naturally occurring in drinking water and the development of skin lesions in people have been documented for some years at various locations around the world. Data on the exposure-response relationship between concentrations of arsenic in drinking water and prevalence of skin lesions in farmers from five locations in Inner Mongolia, China have been collected from the original publications and re-analysed together as a meta-study. The calculated data show a positive linear exposure-response relationship without a threshold. The reasons for this linear correlation are discussed and compared with the data from Xinjiang, another arsenism area located in a different geographical area of China. Here a different relationship was recorded that involved a threshold concentration before skin lesions developed. The significance of these two different exposure-response scenarios is discussed.  相似文献   

地方性砷中毒地区环境砷暴露健康风险研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然因素引起的环境高砷暴露及其健康效应,尤其是饮水型地方性砷中毒是砷污染健康风险评估的基础。总结地方性砷中毒在环境砷暴露的风险识别、暴露途径和暴露与健康效应关系研究中的作用基础上,指出了地方性砷中毒研究中仅强调了饮水污染,关注的暴露途径比较单一,因此,人体多途径联合砷暴露的健康风险评估过程存在较大的不确定性。我国是唯一存在饮水和燃煤2种自然环境高砷暴露的国家,是研究2种类型砷暴露异同的天然场地,然而目前环境高砷的暴露及其健康效应的研究均为独立研究,对燃煤型地方性砷中毒在呼吸链砷暴露风险评估中的作用重视不够。因此,通过开展两种环境砷暴露及其健康效应的综合比较研究,建立呼吸链暴露评估和暴露-健康效应模型,可以为人体多途径联合砷暴露的健康风险研究提供新的依据。  相似文献   

In China, endemic arseniasis attributable to the geological-geochemistry environment is mainly found in the plain of the Great Bend of the Yellow River and the Hu-Bao plain in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, in the Datong basin of Shanxi Province, the floodplain of the northern side of the Tian Mountain of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and in the southwest coastal plain of Taiwan. These areas share many similar characteristics including widespread occurrences, a large population being affected, and the magnitude of risk involved. The population living in these areas is estimated to be around 5.5 × 105, of which of 2.5 × 105 are resident in Inner Mongolia. Based on our systematic research and comparison of various areas, we found the different types of arseniasis are often associated with different regions. The neural arseniasis is distributed in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Shanxi Province, caused by inorganic arsenic in drinking water while the cycling-obstacle arseniasis is mainly found in Inner Mongolia and Taiwan, associated with organic arsenic in water. The distribution of arsenic affected villages in Inner Mongolia exhibits orientation and focus on low-lying land in the subsiding centre of the Great Bend basin, which was enriched with humus in the lake and limnetic deposits. Much CH4 gas can be detected in the water of shallow and deep wells in these villages. Some of the wells with higher concentrations of CH4 can even be ignited. This is a typical reductive geochemical environment. We tested the total amount of arsenic (As), As3+, and methyl arsenate in all types of water sources. It is found that the number of arseniasis cases is not clearly related to the total amount of arsenic (As) in the water. However, it is related to the ratio of As3+ plus methyl arsenic to the total amount of arsenic (As). The higher the ratio, the higher the number of people affected and the more serious the illness. The statistical results also indicate that good drinking water accounts for 60% of the drinking water source while the arsenic contaminated water makes up about 25% of the drinking water in the study area. This research reveals that the local geochemical environment is responsible for the spreading of the endemic arseniasis in the area and thus suggests a new direction of how to prevent such disease.  相似文献   

砷中毒具有特异的皮肤损伤特征。为了研究燃煤型砷中毒病区高砷暴露、人体甲基化代谢能力与皮肤损伤患病风险之间的关系,在陕南典型燃煤型砷中毒村进行了皮肤损伤诊断和流行病学调查,采集尿样并分析总砷及形态砷含量,同时计算了用于表征人体砷甲基化代谢能力的指标包括尿中无机砷、一甲基砷和二甲基砷占总砷的百分含量(i As%、MMA%、DMA%),以及一甲基化率(PMI=MMA/i As)和二甲基化率(SMI=DMA/MMA)。Logistic回归分析结果表明:尿总砷含量(UTAs)是砷致皮肤损伤的危险因素(OR=1.038,95%CI:1.003~1.073),二甲基砷百分含量和SMI是皮肤损伤的保护因素(OR=0.883,95%CI:0.798~0.976;OR=0.724,95%CI:0.535~0.978);且砷致皮肤损伤的危险度随砷暴露水平的增高和甲基化能力的降低而增大。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区近25年植被对气温和降水变化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1982—2006年内蒙古地区GIMMS-NDVI和降水量、气温数据,分析了不同植被类型对气温和降水变化趋势的影响。结果表明:近25年来内蒙古地区气温整体上呈上升趋势,降水量呈微弱降低趋势,西部荒漠区呈暖湿化趋势,中东部草原、森林等植被类型区呈暖干化趋势;从不同植被类型NDVI与平均气温和降水量的变化趋势率相关分析表明,NDVI值越低,升温趋势越明显,其中春季和秋季各植被类型间NDVI与季均气温升高趋势率呈显著和较显著的相关,夏、冬季关系不明显;植被NDVI越高,降水量减少趋势越明显。基于栅格的NDVI与气温升高幅度、降水变化趋势相关分析表明,年均气温升高幅度基本随NDVI的增加而降低,其中春、夏和秋季的季均气温升高幅度均随NDVI的增加而显著降低,冬季趋势不明显;而年降水量减小趋势率随植被NDVI的增加而显著增加,其中春季和冬季NDVI变化对降水的变化几乎没有影响;夏季和秋季均表现为随NDVI的增加,降水减小趋势率呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

于2012—2013年6月和12月采集了内蒙古呼和浩特市大气颗粒物样品,用GC-MS分析测定其中16种PAHs的浓度,并用苯并(a)芘(Ba P)致癌、致突变等效浓度、终身致癌超额危险度和预期寿命损失3个指标评价了内蒙古呼和浩特市大气颗粒物TSP和PM_(10)中PAHs的人群健康风险。结果显示:内蒙古呼和浩特市大气颗粒物TSP和PM_(10)中PAHs对成人、儿童的日均暴露剂量范围分别为0.71×10~(-6)~2.01×10~(-6)、0.45×10~(-6)~1.28×10~(-6)和0.31×10~(-6)~2.41×10~(-6)、0.19×10~(-6)~1.15×10~(-6)mg·kg~(-1)·d~(-1);TSP和PM_(10)中PAHs对成人和儿童的终身致癌超额危险度范围分别为2.21×10~(-6)~6.24×10~(-6)、1.41×10~(-6)~3.97×10~(-6)和0.95×10~(-6)~7.47×10~(-6)、0.60×10~(-6)~4.75×10~(-6),终身致癌超额危险度均处于可接受水平范围内(10-4~10~(-6))。TSP和PM_(10)中PAHs对成人和儿童的预期寿命损失范围分别为13.74~38.78、8.752~24.70和5.88~46.39、3.74~29.54 min。  相似文献   

Inner Mongolia is an autonomous region of China and has a long history of pastoralism. It is a predominately arid and semi-arid region with annual precipitation of 20–500 mm from the west to east. Prior to intervention of modern rangeland management laws and policies, the pastoralists in Inner Mongolia responded to variability in ecological condition and patchiness of rangeland resources via flexible rangeland management. However, since the 1950s, some rangeland management laws and policies have affected the flexibility of rangeland management in Inner Mongolia. This study investigated the impacts of changes of rangeland management laws and policies on grazing flexibility in Inner Mongolia, and discussed whether it is desirable to allow flexibility of grazing management in Inner Mongolia, and what are the possible directions to encourage the flexibility. First, the study investigated the historical and current policies of rangeland management in Inner Mongolia from the perspective of property rights. Second, the study identified and analysed how some of the previous collectivisation and privatisation policies of the rangeland resources and livestock have affected grazing flexibility in this region. Third, this study discussed whether a higher level of flexibility of grazing management is desirable in Inner Mongolia and gave recommendations on the possible directions to encourage the flexibility of grazing management. The study drew on theories of rangeland management in Inner Mongolia, Mongolia and parts of Africa and has increased the understanding of grazing flexibility in Inner Mongolia. It is a step towards more sustainable rangeland management and development in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

分析了内蒙古自治区和林格尔县羊群沟村生态环境特点及农业持续发展制约因素及潜力,总结了在黄土丘陵地区进行生态农业建设的措施和途径,对羊群沟村进行生态农业建设3年来所取得的综合效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原羊粪和牛粪的分解特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解畜粪的分解特征及对半干旱典型草原养分循环的影响,于2008年6月~2009年10月采用人为控制的野外实验,研究了羊粪和牛粪对内蒙古典型草原草地的输入量,分解过程中的重量损失、有机物和氮(N)、磷(P)浓度变化.结果表明,羊粪和牛粪的年输入量分别约为(17.8±13.8)kg hm-2和(365.6±495.9)kg hm-2.分解450 d后,残留粪样中有机物浓度较鲜粪减少约14.46%(羊粪)和48.78%(牛粪),即羊粪的分解速率较牛粪显著缓慢,2种粪的残留粪块在草地中堆置时间至少可达2个生长季以上.两种粪中,N素以有机态为主,矿化和释放速度均较慢;P素以无机态为主,释放速度较快;春季冻融变化可以显著促进两种粪中N和P的矿化速率;实验结束时,残留粪样中的全N浓度较鲜粪分别降低了25.89%(羊粪)和16.07%(牛粪),全P分别降低了30.73%和27.21%.埋入地下处理,可以消除风蚀对羊粪块失重的影响,使残留粪样保持较高湿度,促进有机质分解,并改变淋溶作用对粪块中养分含量的影响;但对牛粪分解无明显影响.从研究结果可以看出,家畜粪在半干旱草地环境中分解较慢,堆积过程中对草地的养分循环有重要影响.  相似文献   

根据我国中路沙尘暴的影响范围和移动路径,应用颗粒物中磷的连续浸提技术,选择研究了8个站位的颗粒物样品中磷的赋存形态和分布特征.研究结果表明,各粒级样品中无机磷(IP)含量范围在300.16—1916.99μg.g-1,占总磷(TP)比率86.11%—99.84%,TP含量主要受IP控制,有机磷(POrg)含量远低于IP,彼此之间表现为负相关关系;沙尘粒子Y1—Y4(呼和浩特,2005年—2010年沙尘暴期间收集)的TP、IP、生物可交换磷(BP)和可交换态磷(Pex)含量远高于沙尘暴源地及沿途地区地表颗粒物,这与沙尘暴源地及影响区域磷污染状况及地质环境条件关系密切;粒径小于57μm的颗粒物样品的TP、IP、PCa含量均高于自然粒径颗粒物样品.  相似文献   

Two models, artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple linear regression (MLR), were developed to estimate typical grassland aboveground dry biomass in Xilingol River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and topographic variables (elevation, aspect, and slope) were combined with atmospherically corrected reflectance from the Landsat ETM+ reflective bands as the candidate input variables for building both models. Seven variables (NDVI, aspect, and bands 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7) were selected by the ANN model (implemented in Statistica 6.0 neural network module), while six (elevation, NDVI, and bands 1, 3, 5 and 7) were picked to fit the MLR function after a stepwise analysis was executed between the candidate input variables and the above ground dry biomass. Both models achieved reasonable results with RMSEs ranging from 39.88% to 50.08%. The ANN model provided a more accurate estimation (RMSEr = 39.88% for the training set, and RMSEr = 42.36% for the testing set) than MLR (RMSEr = 49.51% for the training, and RMSEr = 53.20% for the testing). The final above ground dry biomass maps of the research area were produced based on the ANN and MLR models, generating the estimated mean values of 121 and 147 g/m2, respectively.  相似文献   

The solution culture, paddy soil culture and the simulation experiments in the laboratory were conducted to clarify the interactions between selenium and phosphorus, and its effects on the growth and selenium accumulation in rice. Results revealed that a suitable supply of selenium could promote rice growth and excessive selenium could injure rice plant, causing lower biomass, especially in the roots. The supply of selenite could enhance the selenium contents of rice shoots and roots in solution culture and in soil culture. The selenium concentrations in roots were much higher than those in shoots supplied with the same rates of selenium and phosphorus. The interaction between selenium and phosphorus was evident. When the phosphorus supply increased to meet the needs of plant growth, phosphorus could promote absorption and accumulation of selenium in the shoots. If the phosphorus supply was excessive, phosphorus could inhibit the accumulation of selenium in the shoots at the lower selenite level (2 mol l–1), but could not at the higher selenite level (10 mol l–1). With the supply of phosphate increased, the selenium concentrations in the roots decreased significantly at both selenite levels. The presence of phosphate could decrease Se sorption on the soil surface and increase the selenium concentration in the soil solution. The concentrations of selenium in shoots and roots supplied with 0.08 g kg–1 phosphorus were lower than those with no phosphorus supplied. With the increase of phosphorus added to 0.4 g kg–1, the selenium concentration in shoots and roots increased. The effect of phosphorus on the concentration was statistically significant at all three selenium levels.  相似文献   

汞和硒对剑尾鱼Na+/K+-ATPase活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用浸浴法研究汞(Hg)对剑尾鱼(XiphophorushelleriHeckel)鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性的影响以及硒(Se)对机体Na /K ATPase汞中毒的保护作用.结果表明,Hg和Se对剑尾鱼96hLC50分别为0.84mg/L和6.64mg/L.Hg对剑尾鱼鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性的影响相似,与对照组相比,处理d1时低浓度Hg组鳃和肝脏ATPase活性没有明显变化(P>0.05),但高浓度Hg组ATPase活性变化显著(P<0.05),至d3和d5时,酶活性均极显著下降(P<0.01),鱼鳃和肝脏酶活性分别下降32%和60%,表明Hg处理对鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性具有抑制作用.单独加Se组鱼鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性在d3和d5显著提高(P<0.01).Hg Se组与Hg组相比,酶活性有明显差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),Se对剑尾鱼Hg中毒具有保护作用.剑尾鱼鳃和肝细胞Na /K ATPase活性可作为对水环境汞污染效应环境风险评价(ERA)的有效生物学标记.表2参16  相似文献   

通过采用混合培养料试验、日立8810型氨基酸自动分析仪和原子吸收法测定氨基酸含量和砷含量以及灰色系统理论分析关联度,研究了硒镧复合作用下巴西蘑菇子实体氨基酸含量和砷含量的变化和关系,为栽培砷含量低的巴西蘑菇提供科学依据.各硒镧复合处理的关联度排序为:B4>B1>B2>B0>B3.其中B4处理关联度最大,为0.835 1,B2最小,为0.726 9,说明硒镧浓度对巴西蘑菇子实体各氨基酸含量与砷含量有一定影响.各氨基酸含量与重金属砷含量关联度顺序为:丙氨酸>酪氨酸>胱氨酸>苯丙氨酸>赖氨酸>组氨酸>天门冬氨酸>异亮氨酸>苏氨酸>缬草氨酸>亮氨酸>甘氨酸>脯氨酸>精氨酸>丝氨酸>谷氨酸>甲硫氨酸.其中丙氨酸含量与砷含量关联度最大,为0.856 6,说明硒镧复合作用下巴西蘑菇子实体中丙氨酸含量与重金属砷含量的关系最为密切;关联度最小的是甲硫氨酸.  相似文献   

为了研究根表铁膜和硒对水稻吸收、转运不同形态的汞的影响,用Fe2+溶液诱导根表形成铁膜后,将水稻植株分别暴露于无机汞(Hg Cl2)、甲基汞(Me Hg Cl)、无机汞和亚硒酸钠(Hg Cl2+Na2Se O3)混合溶液、甲基汞和亚硒酸钠(Me Hg Cl+Na2Se O3)混合溶液的培养液中继续培养72 h。用DCB(dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate)提取根表铁膜,并用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定DCB溶液中Fe、Hg含量及水稻根、茎叶中Hg含量。结果表明:水稻根表铁膜对Me Hg Cl和Hg Cl2均有吸附,对Me Hg Cl的吸附作用高于Hg Cl2。根表铁膜的形成显著降低了汞暴露水稻根、茎叶中汞的含量;铁膜的形成也显著降低了Hg Cl2和Me Hg Cl从水稻根部到茎叶部分的转运效率。硒的存在可增加铁膜对Hg Cl2和Me Hg Cl的吸附,降低水稻对Hg Cl2和Me Hg Cl的吸收和转运。研究结果表明:根表铁膜和硒单独或联合作用能显著抑制水稻对无机汞和甲基汞的吸收和转运,进而可以减少汞在稻米中的蓄积。研究的开展对于提高汞污染区稻米的质量和保证粮食安全具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

围栏禁牧是一种使退化草地获得自然恢复的低投入措施。通过对毛乌素沙地3种放牧管理类型(持续放牧、围栏禁牧5 a和围栏禁牧16 a)的物种组成、盖度、丰富度、多样性、相似性进行比较研究,目的是阐明退化毛乌素沙地植被在禁牧条件下自然恢复的可能性和其恢复演替的趋势。研究发现,围栏禁牧5 a左右群落物种组成就会有较大的恢复,但是物种多度增加程度却不大,即去除放牧干扰后群落物种丰富度的恢复要比物种多度的恢复更容易;禁牧后恢复的种类主要是一些不耐牧但适口性好的物种;围栏禁牧16 a后草本盖度大大增加而半灌木盖度却减少了,且出现了半干旱草原的重要典型种——本氏针茅Stipa bungeana Trin.,这标志着以油蒿Artemisia ordosica Krasch.为主的退化灌丛沙地开始向以禾本科草为主的半干旱沙质草原方向恢复;但要实现毛乌素沙地更大尺度上物种丰富度的恢复,围栏恢复的时间还需要更长。  相似文献   

农牧交错带开垦年限对土壤理化特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究农牧交错带天然草地转变为农田后,开垦年限对土壤理化特性的影响,按照邻近样地的取样原则,于2007年10月选择位于内蒙古东部农牧交错带太仆寺旗的天然草地和邻近的6个不同开垦年限的农田样地(垦殖年限为5、10、15、20、35、50 a)作为研究对象分析其土壤理化性状.结果表明:在0~30 cm土层中,天然草地转变为农田后,开垦年限对土壤养分含量和物理性状均有显著影响.土壤的有机碳含量、全氮含量、速效钾含量均随农田开垦年限的延长而降低.草地土壤的养分含量最高.与天然草地相比,0~10 cm土层,有机碳含量分别下降36%、47%、43%、57%、68%、68%;速效钾含量分别下降33%、55%、39%、65%、60%、40%.开垦年限对土壤物理性状也有明显影响,草地土壤的粘粒含量最高,砂粒含量最低;开垦年限越长的农田,土壤砂粒含量越高,粘粒含量越低;农田土壤的容重显著高于草地,随农田开垦年限的延长,土壤容重增加;而土壤pH值显示降低趋势.研究表明在研究区域天然草地具有较好的土壤养分保持能力,开垦年限越长越易导致土壤养分的缺乏和土壤的酸化和沙化,影响整个农牧交错带生态系统的稳定性和持续性.  相似文献   

十溴联苯醚(decabromodiphenyl ether,BDE-209)是目前应用最广泛的的溴系阻燃剂,其环境风险引起很大关注。本实验以小鼠肾脏和脑组织为实验材料,研究了离体条件下BDE-209的急性氧化损伤效应。BDE-209染毒终浓度设置为0,1,2,4和8μg·mL-1,采用NBT和TBA法分别测定SOD(superoxide dismutase)活性和MDA(malondialdehyde)含量。结果显示,随着BDE-209染毒浓度的升高,小鼠肾脏和脑组织的SOD活性先升高后降低,较高染毒浓度组的SOD活性与对照组相比显著性降低;MDA含量逐渐上升,并且与对照组相比较高染毒浓度组的MDA含量显著上升。以上结果说明,离体条件下BDE-209对小鼠肾脏和脑组织能够产生急性氧化应激,并导致脂质过氧化损伤。  相似文献   

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