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Habitat rehabilitation or intervention to prevent species declines are rarely employed in Africa. I argue that despite protection in national parks, active intervention is necessary to halt declines in southern Africa's Greater ( Phoenicopterus ruber ) and Lesser ( Phoeniconaias minor ) Flamingo populations. Flamingos are long-lived species that breed sporadically at only two localities in southern Africa: the Makgadikgadi Pans in Botswana and Etosha National Park in Namibia. Despite well-publicized breeding on Etosha Pan, flamingos have experienced only three major breeding events in 40 years. Breeding failure occurs when high evaporation rates rapidly dry the pan, and up to 100,000 flightless chicks may starve. Consequently, pairs breeding in Etosha exhibit extraordinarily low recruitment (0.040 young pair/year) and extrapolations indicate that adults can replace themselves only if they breed for 38 to 50 years and all offspring survive. Because survival of offspring from fledging to adulthood (5 years) is about 46%, this breeding lifespan rises to an unrealistic 83 years, making Etosha a nonviable breeding site. Alternative, suitable flamingo habitats in Africa are being mined for soda-ash, are damaged by pollution, or are unprotected. Accordingly, continent-wide estimates and those from southern Africa alone suggest a population decline of about 40% in both species over the last 15 years. Because Namibia regularly supports 84% of the Greater and 93% of the Lesser Flamingos in southern Africa, conservation strategies are best focused there. Simple but effective management methods, based on those employed in western Europe, could reverse these downward trends. In Etosha a small island surrounded by a water-filled depression would allow up to 4000 pairs to breed annually. The benefits of enhancing the breeding of flamingos in Etosha include research opportunities, tourism revenue, and a safe haven for two Red Data species.  相似文献   

Results from populations of insects and birds inhabiting Phragmites habitats were used to analyze effects of fragmentation. Flush-crash cycles of the stem-boring moth Archanara geminipuncta (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) showed regionally concurrent, local extinctions despite an originally enormous population size (more than 180,000 adults), emphasizing the importance of metapopulation dynamics. Further, A. geminipuncta could be considered a keystone species, since shoot damage facilitated more than twenty species of herbivores, saprovores (of the caterpillars' feces), and their parasitoids. The gall midge Lasioptera arundinis could survive only in side shoots induced by shoot damage of A. geminipuncta .
Small Phragmites stands had thinner shoots (due to a water or nutrient deficiency) and shoots with more leaves (due to a better light supply) than large stands, thereby influencing species-specific demands for habitat suitability and nutritiousness of reed tissue. In other words significance of habitat fragmentation could not be assessed by area alone. For example, two chloropid flies depending on thin, yellowish shoots survived only in small habitats or in the unmown edges of large habitats.
Local persistence of Phragmites herbivores depended on much larger population sizes than could be expected from a population size sufficient to maintain genetic variation. At least 11,000 adults of the gall midge Giraudiella inclusa (or more than 84,000 galls) were necessary to avoid local extinction.
With regard to conservation management of reed habitats, nature reserves should consist of old and unmown reeds, have fewer disturbed (particularly, fewer mown) habitat edges, measure more than two hectares (priority should go to the largest remaining fragments), and be surrounded by nearby reed habitats providing reservoir populations and diverse shoot types.  相似文献   

Abstract: Genetic diversity is expected to decrease in small and isolated populations as a consequence of bottlenecks, founder effects, inbreeding, and genetic drift. The genetics and ecology of the rare perennial plant Lychnis viscaria (Caryophyllaceae) were studied in both peripheral and central populations within its distribution area. We aimed to investigate the overall level of genetic diversity, its spatial distribution, and possible differences between peripheral and central populations by examining several populations with electrophoresis. Our results showed that the level of genetic diversity varied substantially among populations (  H exp = 0.000–0.116) and that the total level of genetic diversity (mean H exp = 0.056) was low compared to that of other species with similar life-history attributes. The peripheral populations of L. viscaria had less genetic variation (mean H exp = 0.034) than the central ones (0.114). Analysis of genetic structure suggested limited gene flow (mean F ST = 0.430) and high differentiation among populations, emphasizing the role of genetic drift (  N e m = 0.33). Isolation was even higher than expected based on the physical distance among populations. We also focused on the association between population size and genetic diversity and possible effects on fitness of these factors. Population size was positively correlated with genetic diversity. Population size and genetic diversity, however, were not associated with fitness components such as germination rate, seedling mass, or seed yield. There were no differences in the measured fitness components between peripheral and central populations. Even though small and peripheral populations had lower levels of genetic variation, they were as viable as larger populations, which emphasizes their potential value for conservation.  相似文献   

Importance of Reserve Size and Landscape Context to Urban Bird Conservation   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
Abstract:  We tested whether reserve size, landscape surrounding the reserve, and their interaction affect forest songbirds in the metropolitan area of Seattle, Washington (U.S.A.), by studying 29 reserves of varying size (small, medium, large) and surrounding urbanization intensity (urban, suburban, exurban). Larger reserves contained richer and less even bird communities than smaller reserves. These size effects disappeared when we removed the positive correlation of shrub diversity with reserve size, suggesting that greater habitat diversity in large reserves supported additional species, some of which were rare. Standardizing the number of individuals detected among all reserve size classes reversed the effect of size on richness in exurban landscapes and reduced the magnitude of the effect in suburban or urban landscapes. The latter change suggested that richness increased with reserve size in most landscapes because larger areas also supported larger samples from the regional bird species pool. Most bird species associated with native forest habitat (native forest species) and with human activity (synanthropic species) were present in reserves larger than 42 ha and surrounded by >40% urban land cover, respectively. Thus, we recommend these thresholds as means for conserving the composition of native bird communities in this mostly forested region. Native forest species were least abundant and synanthropic species most abundant in urban landscapes, where exotic ground and shrub vegetation was most common. Therefore, control of exotic vegetation may benefit native songbird populations. Bird nests in shrubs were most dense in medium (suburban) and large reserves (urban) and tended to be most successful in medium (suburban) and large reserves (exurban), potentially supplying another mechanism by which reserve size increased retention of native forest species.  相似文献   

小陇山自然保护区华山松群落8个主要种群的生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小陇山国家级自然保护区是中国华山松的主要分布区之一。在野外大量调查基础上,运用Levins和Shan-non-Wiener生态位宽度、生态位重叠和生态位相似比例等指数,对林区华山松群落中8个主要种群生态位特征进行研究。结果表明,生态位宽度值大小依次为华山松、锐齿栎、披针叶忍冬、漆树、甘肃山楂、毛栗、辽东栎和少脉椴。华山松Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度值最大,为0.988 8,其次是锐齿栎,为0.877 6,少脉椴最小,为0.352 9。该群落种群间生态位重叠值普遍较低,表明多数种群间竞争较小。建群种华山松与其他种群间生态位重叠值较大,为0.079 1~0.101 3,而其他种群与华山松间生态位重叠值却较小,为0.015 4~0.069 0,华山松与毛栗的重叠值最大,为0.101 3,华山松与少脉椴的重叠值最小,为0.079 1。生态位相似比例在0.5以上的种群对有4对,占14.28%,分别是华山松-锐齿栎、华山松-披针叶忍冬、锐齿栎-披针叶忍冬和锐齿栎-漆树种群对,在0.5以下的有24对,占85.72%,表明群落中多数种群对资源利用的相似性程度较小。作为中国华山松的分布地之一,秦岭西段小陇山林区具有暖...  相似文献   

Abstract:  Rapid evolution caused by human exploitation of wildlife is not usually addressed in studies of the impacts of such exploitation despite its direct relevance to population persistence. Japanese mamushi ( Gloydius blomhoffii ), an endemic venomous snake of the Japanese archipelago, has been heavily hunted by humans, and many populations appear to be declining or are already extirpated. We compared local populations that have been hunted regularly with populations that have not been hunted. Mamushi in hunted populations were smaller, had fewer vertebrae, produced more and smaller offspring, had increased reproductive effort among smaller females, and in nature fled at greater distances from an approaching human and were less defensive than mamushi in unhunted populations, as predicted from life-history theory. Heritability estimates for body size, number of vertebrae, and antipredator behavior were statistically significant, and neonates from hunted sites showed the same distribution of altered characters (compared with those from unhunted sites) as adults. Thus, distribution of the divergent trait between hunted and unhunted sites appeared in part to be genetically based, which suggests rapid evolution to human predation pressures. Trait distributions in hunted populations probably deviate from naturally (as opposed to anthropogenically) selected optima and, therefore, may have long-term negative repercussions on population persistence. Because rapid evolution affects a suite of parameters that characterize exploited populations, accurate understanding of the impacts of exploitation and effective resource management and conservation can only be achieved if evolutionary consequences are considered explicitly.  相似文献   

Abstract: Marine reserves have been suggested as tools for assisting the management of fisheries by protecting vulnerable marine species from overexploitation. Although there is a theoretical basis for believing that marine reserves may serve as management tools, there are few marine reserves in the world in which to test their effectiveness. My research evaluated three forms of marine reserve on the south coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I used northern abalone ( Haliotis kamtschatkana ), a severely depleted shellfish in this region, as an indicator of the effectiveness of the reserves. Abalone populations in eight sites receiving different degrees of spatial protection were counted and measured in situ during the spring of 1996 and 1997. In all sites with enforced harvest closures, populations of abalone were greater, and one site with nearly 40 years of protection had on average much larger (older) abalone. Reproductive output, as a function of abundance and size, was also greater in the enforced reserve areas. Larval dispersal from reserves, and hence the benefit to exploited areas, was not formally surveyed. Nevertheless, the results of my study, combined with knowledge of present abalone populations, life history, and regional hydrodynamics, suggest that establishment of reserves is justified in the absence of perfect knowledge of larval dispersal.  相似文献   

分形理论中的计盒维数、信息维数和关联维数能分别从空间占据程度、格局强度和个体空间关联的尺度变化角度,揭示种群分布格局的尺度变化特征.本文应用以上3个分形维数探讨了福建梅花山国家级自然保护区拟赤杨种群分布格局的多尺度分布规律,计算结果表明,拟赤杨种群的分布格局具有分形特征,其计盒维数为1.0298~1.2982,信息维数为0.9728~1.2464,关联维数为0.5089~0.8047.拟赤杨种群的计盒维数、信息维数较高,而关联维数较小,表明该种群的分布格局强度相对较高,结构相对复杂,具有集聚分布的趋势.  相似文献   

Ecological Uses of Vertebrate Indicator Species: A Critique   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract: Plant and animal species have been used for decades as indicators of air and water quality and agricultural and range conditions. Increasingly, vertebrates are used to assess population trends and habitat quality for other species. In this paper we review the conceptual bases, assumptions, and published guidelines for selection and use of vertebrates as ecological indicators. We conclude that an absence of precise definitions and procedures, confounded criteria used to select species, and discordance with ecological literature severely weaken the effectiveness and credibility of using vertebrates as ecological indicators. In many cases the use of ecological indicator species is inappropriate, but when necessary, the following recommendations will make their use more rigorous: (1) clearly state assessment goals, (2) use indicators only when other assessment options are unavailable, (3) choose indicator species by explicitly defined criteria that are in accord with assessment goals, (4) include all species that fulfill stated selection criteria (5) know the biology of the indicator in detail, and treat the indicator as a formal estimator in conceptual and statistical models, (6) identify and define sources of subjectivity when selecting monitoring and intetpreting indicator species, (7) submit assessment design, methods of data collection and statistical analysis, interpretations, and recommendations to peer review and (8) direct research at developing an overall strategy for monitoring wildlife that accounts for natural variability in population attributes and incorporates concepts from landscape ecology.  相似文献   

A primary parameter in the assessment of the viability of a population is its effective population size ( Ne ). Allozyme analysis of four groups of fishes provided data on linkage disequilibrium, which were then used to estimate Ne . The groups included hatchery samples of juvenile white seabass, Atractoscion nobilis , juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , from the Shasta Hatchery, and juvenile chinook salmon, O. tshawytscha , from the Coleman National Fish Hatchery. The fourth sample consisted of juvenile chinook salmon from the threatened winter run in the upper Sacramento River. The groups of fish were chosen to represent different applications of the methodology to conservation of fishes. For a variety of reasons. Ne may be considerably lower than census counts of fish present in the parental populations. The Ne of the hatchery broodstock that produced the sample of juvenile white seabass was estimated to be approximately 10, although 25 adult white seabass were present in a mass spawning tank. Ne estimates for the parental populations of the Shasta and Coleman Hatchery samples were 35.8 and 132.5, respectively. The actual number of fish spawned at the Shasta Hatchery was approximately 40, whereas nearly 10,000 salmon were spawned at the Coleman Hatchery. The threatened winter run of chinook salmon had an estimated Ne of 85.5 and an approximate run size of 2000 salmon. The method of estimating effective population size from linkage disequilibrium data appears to result in realistic estimates of effective population size when adequate sample size and a sufficient number of polymorphic loci are available.  相似文献   

Levels of variation in eight large captive populations of D. melanogaster (census sizes ∼ 5000) that had been in captivity for periods from 6 months to 23 years (8 to 365 generations) were estimated from allozyme heterozygosities, lethal frequencies, and inversion heterozygosities and phenotypic variances, additive genetic variances ( V A), and heritabilities ( h 2) for sternopleural bristle numbers. Correlations between all measures of variation except lethal frequencies were high and significant. All measures of genetic variation declined with time in captivity, with those for average heterozygosities, V A, and h 2 being significant. The effective population size ( N e) was estimated to be 185–253 in these populations, only 0.037–0.051 of census size (N). Levels of allozyme heterozygosities declined rapidly in two large captive populations founded from another wild stock, being reduced by 86% and 62% within 2.5 years in spite of being maintained at sizes of approximately 1000 and 3500. Estimates of N e/ N for these populations were only 0.016 and 0.004. Two estimates of N e/ N for captive populations of D. pseudoobscura from data in the literature were also low at 0.036 and 0.012. Consequently, the rate of loss of genetic variation in captive populations and endangered species may be more rapid than hitherto recognized. Merely maintaining captive populations at large census sizes may not be sufficient to maintain essential genetic variation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Geographically peripheral populations of widespread species are often the focus of conservation because they are locally rare within political jurisdictions. Yet the ecology and genetics of these populations are rarely evaluated in a broader geographic context. Most expectations concerning the ecology and evolution of peripheral populations derive from the abundant-center model, which predicts that peripheral populations should be less frequent, smaller, less dense, and have a lower reproductive rate than central populations. We tested these predictions and in doing so evaluated the conservation value of peripheral populations for the clonal shrub Vaccinium stamineum L. (Ericaceae, deerberry), which is listed as threatened in Canada. Based on 51 populations sampled from the center to the northern range limits over 2 years, population frequency and size declined toward the range limit, but ramet density increased. Sexual reproductive output varied widely among populations and between years, with many populations producing very few seeds, but did not decline toward range margins. In fact seed mass increased steadily toward range limit, and this was associated with faster germination and seedling growth, which may be adaptive in seasonal northern environments. Our results did not support the prediction that clonal reproduction is more prevalent in peripheral populations or that it contributed antagonistically to the wide variation in seed production. Peripheral populations of V. stamineum are as productive as central populations and may be locally adapted to northern environments. This emphasizes the importance of a broad geographical perspective for evaluating the ecology, evolution, and conservation of peripheral populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: We used microsatellite DNA markers to investigate the maintenance of genetic diversity within and between samples of subpopulations (spanning five captive-bred generations) of the haplochromine cichlid Prognathochromis perrieri . The subpopulations are maintained as part of the Lake Victoria Cichlid species survival plan. Changes in the frequencies of 24 alleles, over four polymorphic loci, were used to estimate effective population size (   N e   ). Point estimates of N e ranged from 2.5 to 7.7 individuals and were significantly smaller than the actual census size (   N obs  ) for all subpopulations (32–243 individuals per generation), with the corresponding conservative N e   /  N obs ratios ranging from 0.01 to 0.12. Approximately 19% of the initial alleles were lost within the first four generations of captive breeding. Between-generation comparisons of expected heterozygosity showed significant losses ranging from 6% to 12% per generation. Seven private alleles were observed in the last sampled generation of four subpopulations, and analysis of population structure by F ST indicated that approximately 33% of the total genetic diversity is maintained between the subpopulations from different institutions. To reduce the loss of genetic variation, we recommend that offspring production be equalized by periodically removing dominant males, which will encourage reproduction by additional males. Consideration should also be given to encouraging more institutions to maintain populations, because a significant fraction of the genetic variation exists as among-population differences resulting from random differentiation among subpopulations.  相似文献   

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