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Carbon monoxide monitoring using continuous samplers is carried out in most major urban centres in the world and generally forms the basis for air quality assessments. Such assessments become less reliable as the proportion of data missing due to equipment failure and periods of calibration increases. This paper presents a semi-empirical model for the prediction of atmospheric carbon monoxide concentrations near roads for the purpose of interpolating missing data without the need for any traffic or emissions information. The model produces reliable predictions while remaining computationally simple by being site-specifically optimized. The model was developed for, and evaluated at, both a suburban site and an inner city site in Hamilton, New Zealand. Model performance statistics were found to be significantly better than other simple methods of interpolation with little additional computational complexity.  相似文献   

The associations of personal carbon monoxide (CO) exposures with ambient air CO concentrations measured at fixed monitoring sites, were studied among 194 children aged 3–6 yr in four downtown and four suburban day-care centers in Helsinki, Finland. Each child carried a personal CO exposure monitor between 1 and 4 times for a time period of between 20 and 24 h. CO concentrations at two fixed monitoring sites were measured simultaneously. The CO concentrations measured at the fixed monitoring sites were usually lower (mean maximum 8-h concentration: 0.9 and 2.6 mg m−3) than the personal CO exposure concentrations (mean maximum 8-h concentration: 3.3 mg m−3). The fixed site CO concentrations were poor predictors of the personal CO exposure concentrations. However, the correlations between the personal CO exposure and the fixed monitoring site CO concentrations increased (−0.03–−0.12 to 0.13–0.16) with increasing averaging times from 1 to 8 h. Also, the fixed monitoring site CO concentrations explained the mean daily or weekly personal CO exposures of a group of simultaneously measured children better than individual exposure CO concentrations. This study suggests that the short-term CO personal exposure of children cannot be meaningfully assessed using fixed monitoring sites.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon compositions of atmospheric particulate matter from urban areas of Rio de Janeiro city have been studied to assess the different pollution levels. Samples were acquired using a standard high-volume air sampler (Hi-Vol), extracts were prepared and fractionated into aliphatic and aromatic compounds. High-resolution gas chromatography and GC coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) were used for the analysis of the organic matter. The results show that all samples contain n-alkanes, but the distributions are different for each sample, reflecting both the biogenic (vascular plant wax input) and fossil fuel contamination sources (vehicular exhaust). The fossil fuel biomarkers, hopanes and steranes, were also observed in all samples except in the Tijuca Forest, which is a mountain forest in the midst of the sea-level city. A decrease in the level of pollution was observed in the sequence for Rebouças Tunnel>Cinelândia (downtown)>Quinta da Boa Vista Park>Tijuca Forest, as expected from the traffic density. Unfortunately, all sites are polluted mainly from vehicular emissions, but at different degrees, with the lowest levels in Tijuca Forest.  相似文献   

Ozone and urban forests in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone levels along urban-to-rural gradients in three Italian cities (Milan, Florence, Bari) showed that average AOT40 values at rural and suburban sites were 2.6 times higher than those determined at urban sites. However, O3 also exceeded the European criteria to protect forest health at urban sites, even when the standards for human health protection were met. For protecting street trees in Mediterranean cities, the objectives of measurement at urban sites should extend from the protection of human health to the protection of vegetation as well. A review of forest effects on O3 pollution and of O3 pollution on forest conditions in Italian cities showed that it was not possible to distinguish the effect of O3 in the complex mixture of urban pollutants and stressors. A preliminary list of tree species for urban planning in the Mediterranean area shows the average tree capacity of O3 removal and VOC emission.  相似文献   

In the frame of a European research project on air quality in urban agglomerations, data on ozone concentrations from 23 automated urban and suburban monitoring stations in 11 cities from seven countries were analysed and evaluated. Daily and summer mean and maximum concentrations were computed based on hourly mean values, and cumulative ozone exposure indices (Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40), AOT20) were calculated. The diurnal profiles showed a characteristic pattern in most city centres, with minimum values in the early morning hours, a strong rise during the morning, peak concentrations in the afternoon, and a decline during the night. The widest amplitudes between minimum and maximum values were found in central and southern European cities such as Düsseldorf, Verona, Klagenfurt, Lyon or Barcelona. In the northern European cities of Edinburgh and Copenhagen, by contrast, maximum values were lower and diurnal variation was much smaller. Based on ozone concentrations as well as on cumulative exposure indices, a clear north–south gradient in ozone pollution, with increasing levels from northern and northwestern sites to central and southern European sites, was observed. Only the Spanish cities did not fit this pattern; there, ozone levels were again lower than in central European cities, probably due to the direct influence of strong car traffic emissions. In general, ozone concentrations and cumulative exposure were significantly higher at suburban sites than at urban and traffic-exposed sites. When applying the newly established European Union (EU) Directive on ozone pollution in ambient air, it was demonstrated that the target value for the protection of human health was regularly surpassed at urban as well as suburban sites, particularly in cities in Austria, France, northern Italy and southern Germany. European target values and long-term objectives for the protection of vegetation expressed as AOT40 were also exceeded at many monitoring sites.  相似文献   

The carbonaceous components of Particulate Matter samples form a substantial fraction of their total mass, but their quantification depends strongly on the instruments and methods used. United Kingdom monitoring networks have provided many relevant data sets that are already in the public domain. Specifically, hourly organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were determined at four sites between 2003 and 2007 using Rupprecht and Pattashnik (R & P) 5400 automatic instruments. Since 2007, daily OC/EC measurements have been made by manual thermo-optical analysis of filter samples using a Sunset Laboratory Carbon Aerosol Analysis instrument. In parallel, long term daily measurements of Black Smoke, a quantity directly linked to black carbon (measured by aethalometers) and indirectly related to elemental carbon, have been made at many sites. The measurement issues associated with these techniques are evaluated in the context of UK measurements, making use of several sets of parallel data, with the aim of aiding the interpretation of network results. From the results available, the main conclusions are that the R & P 5400 instruments greatly under-read EC and total carbon (TC = OC + EC) at kerbside sites, probably due to the fact that the smaller particles are not sampled by the instrument; the R & P 5400 instrument is inherently difficult to characterise, so that all quantitative results need to be treated with caution; both aethalometer and Black Smoke (converted to black carbon) measurements can show reasonable agreement with elemental carbon results; and manual thermo-optical OC/EC results may under-read EC (and hence over-read OC), whether either transmittance or reflectance is used for the pyrolysis correction, and this effect is significant at rural sites.  相似文献   

The Spokane, Washington area is classified as a non-attainment area for the 24-h PM10 standard due to a history of high particulate matter concentrations. A Eulerian regional air quality model (CALMET/CALGRID) has been used to characterize the emission, transport and dispersion of PM10 and PM2.5 in Spokane. Observations from a residential site (Rockwood, RW) and an industrial site (Crown Zellerbach, CZ), spanning July 1994–August 1996 were used to evaluate the current emission inventory. Two major tasks were devised to conduct the objectives of this investigation. First, a simple and efficient urban dispersion model (WYNDValley) was used to simulate important episodes characterized by the highest PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. The selected episodes included four days with wet conditions for which no roads would have been emitting and seven days with dry conditions for which roads would emit. In the second step, a single road-emitting event was selected from the previous predicted results for further analysis using the Eulerian regional air quality model to examine the emission inventory. The urban and regional models predicted the observed concentration distributions reasonably well for the source emissions inventoried in Spokane. The mass concentrations of PM10 were well predicted for the roads emitting case examined by both models indicating that the emission inventory based primarily upon area sources including roads is reasonably well characterized, at least at the RW site. The area sources around CZ are less well characterized, so that the PM10 concentrations are underpredicted at CZ. The models appear unable to reach an equilibrium mass balance status at the beginning of the simulation, and the urban model seems unable to properly resolve the nocturnal boundary layer.  相似文献   

The aggressive traffic interventions and emission control measures implemented to improve air quality during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games created a valuable case study to evaluate the effectiveness of these measures on mitigating air pollution and protecting public health. In this paper, we report the results from our field campaign in summer 2008 on the on-road emission factors of carbon monoxide, black carbon (BC) and ultrafine particles (UFP) as well as the ambient BC concentrations. The fleet average emission factors for light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGV) showed considerable reduction in the Olympic year (2008) compared to the pre-Olympic year (2007). Our measurement of Black Carbon (BC), a primary pollutant, at different elevations at the ambient site suggests consistent decrease in BC concentrations as the height increased near the ground level, which indicates that the nearby ground level sources, probably dominated by traffic, contributed to a large portion of BC concentrations in the lower atmospheric layer in Beijing during summertime. These observations indicate that people living in near ground levels experience higher exposures than those living in higher floors in Beijing. The BC diurnal patterns on days when traffic control were in place during the Olympic Games were compared to those on non-traffic-control days in both 2007 and in 2008. These patterns strongly suggest that diesel trucks are a major source of summertime BC in Beijing. The median BC concentration on Olympic days was 3.7 μg m−3, which was dramatically lower than the value on non-traffic-control days, indicating the effectiveness of traffic control regulations in BC reduction in Beijing.  相似文献   

Mounting research highlights the contribution of ecosystem services provided by urban forests to quality of life in cities, yet these services are rarely explicitly considered in environmental policy targets. We quantify regulating services provided by urban forests and evaluate their contribution to comply with policy targets of air quality and climate change mitigation in the municipality of Barcelona, Spain. We apply the i-Tree Eco model to quantify in biophysical and monetary terms the ecosystem services “air purification,” “global climate regulation,” and the ecosystem disservice “air pollution” associated with biogenic emissions. Our results show that the contribution of urban forests regulating services to abate pollution is substantial in absolute terms, yet modest when compared to overall city levels of air pollution and GHG emissions. We conclude that in order to be effective, green infrastructure-based efforts to offset urban pollution at the municipal level have to be coordinated with territorial policies at broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

The predictive potential of air quality models and thus their value in emergency management and public health support are critically dependent on the quality of their meteorological inputs. The atmospheric flow is the primary cause of the dispersion of airborne substances. The scavenging of pollutants by cloud particles and precipitation is an important sink of atmospheric pollution and subsequently determines the spatial distribution of the deposition of pollutants. The long-standing problem of the spin-up of clouds and precipitation in numerical weather prediction models limits the accuracy of the prediction of short-range dispersion and deposition from local sources. The resulting errors in the atmospheric concentration of pollutants also affect the initial conditions for the calculation of the long-range transport of these pollutants. Customary the spin-up problem is avoided by only using NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) forecasts with a lead time greater than the spin-up time of the model. Due to the increase of uncertainty with forecast range this reduces the quality of the associated forecasts of the atmospheric flow.In this article recent improvements through diabatic initialization in the spin-up of large-scale precipitation in the Hirlam NWP model are discussed. In a synthetic example using a puff dispersion model the effect is demonstrated of these improvements on the deposition and dispersion of pollutants with a high scavenging coefficient, such as sulphur, and a low scavenging coefficient, such as cesium-137. The analysis presented in this article leads to the conclusion that, at least for situations where large-scale precipitation dominates, the improved model has a limited spin-up so that its full forecast range can be used. The implication for dispersion modeling is that the improved model is particularly useful for short-range forecasts and the calculation of local deposition. The sensitivity of the hydrological processes to proper initialization implies that the spin-up problem may reoccur with changes in the model and increased model resolution. Spin-up should be an ongoing concern for atmospheric modelers.  相似文献   

Levels of PCDD/Fs were measured at four different sites in Zagreb, capital of Croatia. Also one sample was taken during spontaneously initiated open fire on a landfill and one sample where garden waste of unknown content was burnt. Over period 1997–2000, 28 samples were collected and levels ranged between 9 and 306 fg I-TEQ m−3, except in the sample collected during landfill fire. Air PCDD/F levels in Zagreb at four sites were different and the highest levels were observed in industrial area. Seasonal variation of levels is also evident with higher levels in winter than in summer. Our results show that PCDD/F levels in ambient air collected in Zagreb are at lower end of the published data range. In general, homologue profiles were quite similar for all locations, the concentration of PCDD homologues increased while the concentration of PCDF homologues decreased with increasing degree of chlorination. PCDD/F levels in the landfill fire sample was 13 200 fg I-TEQ m−3 which are much higher than levels in garden waste burning sample or in sample collected at industrial site. During landfill fire, the concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDF becomes even higher than the concentration of OCDF and is equal to the concentration of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.  相似文献   

Contribution of pollution from different types of sources in Jamshedpur, the steel city of India, has been estimated in winter 1993 using two approaches in order to delineate and prioritize air quality management strategies for the development of region in an environmental friendly manner. The first approach mainly aims at preparation of a comprehensive emission inventory and estimation of spatial distribution of pollution loads in terms of SO2 and NO2 from different types of industrial, domestic and vehicular sources in the region. The results indicate that industrial sources account for 77% and 68% of the total emissions of SO2 and NO2, respectively, in the region, whereas vehicular emissions contributed to about 28% of the total NO2 emissions. In the second approach, contribution of these sources to ambient air quality levels to which the people are exposed to, was assessed through air pollution dispersion modelling. Ambient concentration levels of SO2 and NO2 have been predicted in winter season using the ISCST3 model. The analysis indicates that emissions from industrial sources are responsible for more than 50% of the total SO2 and NO2 concentration levels. Vehicular activities contributed to about 40% of NO2 pollution and domestic fuel combustion contributed to about 38% of SO2 pollution. Predicted 24-h concentrations were compared with measured concentrations at 11 ambient air monitoring stations and good agreement was noted between the two values. In-depth zone-wise analysis of the above indicates that for effective air quality management, industrial source emissions should be given highest priority, followed by vehicular and domestic sources in Jamshedpur region.  相似文献   

黄河入海口水质评价与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄河入海口2004-2011年的水质进行评价与预测,采用灰色聚类法分析水体DO、CODMn、NH3-N 3项指标,总结水质年均变化情况.建立水质GM(1,1)灰色预测模型,用实际水质指标值检验其精度,并用此模型预测未来4年水质变化趋势.结果表明,2004-2015年期间,黄河入海口水质在2004-2007年波动较大,但将越来越好,CODMn、NH3-N呈下降趋势,DO、达标率呈上升趋势,并通过灰色关联分析方法分析水质变化原因以期对黄河入海口水质分析预测与水体保护工作提供参考.  相似文献   


Daily data for fine (<2.5 um) and coarse (2.5-10 um) particles are available for 1995-1997 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research monitor in Phoenix, AZ. Mortality effects on the 65 and over population were studied for both the city of Phoenix and for a region of about 50 mi around Phoenix. Coarse particles in Phoenix are believed to be natural in origin and spatially homogeneous, whereas fine particles are primarily vehicular in origin and concentrated in the city itself. For this reason, it is natural to focus on city mortality data when considering fine particles, and on region mortality data when considering coarse particles, and most of the results reported here correspond to those assignments.

After allowing for seasonality and long-term trend through a nonlinear (B-spline) trend curve, and also for meteorological effects based on temperature and specific humidity, a regression of mortality was performed on PM using several different measures for PM. Based on a linear PM effect, we found a statistically significant coefficient for coarse particles, but not for fine particles, contrary to what is widely believed about the effects of coarse and fine particles. An analysis of nonlinear pollution-mortality relationships, however, suggests that the true picture is more complicated than that. For coarse particles, the evidence for any nonlinear or threshold-based effect is slight. For fine particles, we found evidence of a threshold, most likely with values in the range of 20-25 ug/m3. We also found some evidence of interactions of the PM effects with season and year.

The main effect here is an apparent seasonal interaction in the coarse PM effect. An attempt was made to explain this in terms of seasonal variation in the chemical composition of PM, but this led to another counterintuitive result: the PM effect is highest in spring and summer, when the anthropogenic concentration of coarse PM is lowest as determined by a principal components analysis. There was no evidence of confounding between the fine and coarse PM effects. Although these results are based on one city and should be considered tentative until replicated in other studies, they suggest that the prevailing focus on fine rather than coarse particles may be an oversimplification. The study also shows that consideration of nonlinear effects can lead to real changes of interpretation and raises the possibility of seasonal effects associated with the chemical composition of PM.  相似文献   

Daily data for fine (< 2.5 microns) and coarse (2.5-10 microns) particles are available for 1995-1997 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research monitor in Phoenix, AZ. Mortality effects on the 65 and over population were studied for both the city of Phoenix and for a region of about 50 mi around Phoenix. Coarse particles in Phoenix are believed to be natural in origin and spatially homogeneous, whereas fine particles are primarily vehicular in origin and concentrated in the city itself. For this reason, it is natural to focus on city mortality data when considering fine particles, and on region mortality data when considering coarse particles, and most of the results reported here correspond to those assignments. After allowing for seasonality and long-term trend through a nonlinear (B-spline) trend curve, and also for meteorological effects based on temperature and specific humidity, a regression of mortality was performed on PM using several different measures for PM. Based on a linear PM effect, we found a statistically significant coefficient for coarse particles, but not for fine particles, contrary to what is widely believed about the effects of coarse and fine particles. An analysis of nonlinear pollution-mortality relationships, however, suggests that the true picture is more complicated than that. For coarse particles, the evidence for any nonlinear or threshold-based effect is slight. For fine particles, we found evidence of a threshold, most likely with values in the range of 20-25 micrograms/m3. We also found some evidence of interactions of the PM effects with season and year. The main effect here is an apparent seasonal interaction in the coarse PM effect. An attempt was made to explain this in terms of seasonal variation in the chemical composition of PM, but this led to another counterintuitive result: the PM effect is highest in spring and summer, when the anthropogenic concentration of coarse PM is lowest as determined by a principal components analysis. There was no evidence of confounding between the fine and coarse PM effects. Although these results are based on one city and should be considered tentative until replicated in other studies, they suggest that the prevailing focus on fine rather than coarse particles may be an oversimplification. The study also shows that consideration of nonlinear effects can lead to real changes of interpretation and raises the possibility of seasonal effects associated with the chemical composition of PM.  相似文献   

The EMAP model (Eulerian Model for Air Pollution) is applied for calculating the sulfur concentration and deposition fields for 1995 as based upon Bulgarian and Greek sources. The country-to-country budgets show that about 4% of the sulfur oxides emitted by Bulgaria are deposited over Greek territory, estimated at 28 kt S. Only 2% of sulfur compounds emitted by Greece are deposited over Bulgaria, estimated at 6.2 kt S for 1995. This data is in agreement with EMEP/MSC-W estimates and provides more details concerning time and space. The results can be used in decision-making, negotiating and the development of contamination strategies.  相似文献   

北京城区河湖水系治理中的问题与建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要地回顾北京市近20年河湖水系治理历程中所取得的成就,分析存在的一些主要问题,根据对城区雨水径流非点源污染总量的粗略估算,指出城市雨水径流非点源污染是导致整治后的河湖水系水质恶化最主要的污染因素;结合发达国家对河湖水系治理的一些经验对北京市河湖水系的治理提出几点建议,以期为彻底治理河湖水系的污染提供新的思路,也可供其他城市在治理城市水系污染时参考。  相似文献   

Nali C  Balducci E  Frati L  Paoli L  Loppi S  Lorenzini G 《Chemosphere》2007,67(11):2169-2176
A biennial integrated survey, based on the use of vascular plants for the bioindication of the effects of tropospheric ozone together with the use of automatic analysers of ozone, as well as the mapping of lichen biodiversity was performed in the area of Castelfiorentino (Tuscany, central Italy). Photochemically produced ozone proved to be a fundamental presence during the warm season, with maximum hourly means reaching 114 ppb, exceeding the information threshold as fixed by EU: the use of supersensitive tobacco Bel-W3 confirmed the opportunity of carrying out detailed cost-effective monitoring surveys. The potential for didactical and educational implications of this methodology are appealing. Critical levels set up for the protection of vegetation have exceeded considerably. The comparison of biomass productivity in sensitive and resistant individuals (NC-S and NC-R white clover clones, in the framework of an European network) provided evidence that ambient ozone levels are associated with relevant reduction (up to 30%) in the performance of sensitive material; effects on flowering were also pronounced. The economic assessment of such an impact deserves attention. Mapping of epiphytic lichen biodiversity – which has been used to monitor air quality worldwide – was not related to ozone geographical distribution as depicted by tobacco response.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although a growing number of original epidemiological studies imply a link between ambient pollution exposure and mortality risk, the findings...  相似文献   

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