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Three simple steady-state water-chemistry models are used to calculate critical loads of sulfur for lakes in Finland. Because of the high concentrations of organic matter in Finnish lakes, the influence of organic anions on the calculation of critical loads has been given special attention. The first two methods are well known ion-balance methods which have been used in many previous lake-acidification studies. The third method, developed for this study, includes the numerical solution of equilibrium equations for organic anions, inorganic carbon species and inorganic monomeric aluminum. The original pH and aluminum concentration of the lakes are estimated with this model, and a method to estimate the original acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) by simulating a Gran-titration is also tested on the lake data. Uncertainty in the predictions is estimated by varying the most critical model parameters.  相似文献   

Intensive forest monitoring by means of harmonised methods has been conducted in Europe for more than a decade. Risks of atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur deposition are assessed by means of calculations of critical loads and their exceedances. In the present study throughfall and bulk deposition of nitrate (N-NO(3)), ammonium (N-NH(4)) and sulphate (S-SO(4)) show marked spatial patterns and temporal trends. In the period of observation (1999-2004), sulphate deposition on intensive monitoring plots decreased by about one quarter. This is in line with the reduction of S deposition by 70% since 1981 in Europe as a result of successful air pollution control politics under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). However, sulphate and especially nitrate and ammonium deposition were found to still exceed critical loads at many forest sites, indicating a continued need for further implementation of air pollution abatement strategies.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of golf course construction and operation on the water chemistry of Shield streams, we compared the water chemistry in streams draining golf courses under construction (2) and in operation (5) to streams in forested reference locations and to upstream sites where available. Streams were more alkaline and higher in base cation and nitrate concentrations downstream of operational golf courses. Levels of these parameters and total phosphorus increased over time in several streams during golf course construction through to operation. There was evidence of inputs of mercury to streams on two of the operational courses. Nutrient (phosphorus and nitrogen) concentrations were significantly related to the area of unmanaged vegetation in a 30 x 30 m area on either side of the sampling sites, and to River Bank Quality Index scores, suggesting that maintaining vegetated buffers along the stream on golf courses will reduce in-stream nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Data on deposition and streamwater chemistry, obtained for the upper catchment of the River Duddon in the 1970s and 1980s, are reviewed. These data, together with soil chemical data, are used to deduce key processes in the deposition-catchment interaction, the analysis being based on current concepts of acidification. The processes are incorporated into a steady-state model that allows streamwater compositions to be calculated. The large baseflow pH range (5-7) of Duddon streams is accounted for in the model by a range of base cation weathering rates. Other processes invoked are evapotranspiration, the uptake of nitrogen by plants, dissolution of Al(OH)(3) in the mineral soil, precipitation of Al(OH)(3) in the baserock zone and in streamwater, Al(3+) hydrolysis, and reactions of the carbonate system. Both cation exchange and sulphate adsorption are ignored, because they are assumed to influence rates-of-change between steady states, but not steady-state water compositions per se. The model can be used to estimate variations in streamwater composition with flow. Model calculations suggest that a 50% decrease in depositional acidifying components (sulphur oxides and NH(4)(+)) would result in increases of up to 1 pH unit in streamwaters with present-day baseflow pH values of 5 or less. It appears that water quality in the upper Duddon is currently more sensitive to inputs of NH(4)(+) than of H(2)SO(4). To improve the reliability of model predictions, more information is required on (a) the pH dependence of base cation weathering, (b) transformations involving nitrogen, (c) aluminium chemistry and (d) partial pressures of CO(2) in soil and baserock.  相似文献   

The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) monitoring program monitored the impact of vehicular emissions on the concentrations of the fine particles smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5). PM2.5 concentrations were monitored in close proximity to a highway in order to determine whether traffic conditions on the roadway impact concentrations at this location. The monitoring program attempted to connect monitored concentrations with the roadway traffic exhaust or with the other sources of PM2.5. PM2.5 concentrations were collected near the Capital Beltway (I-495/I-95) in Largo, Maryland. The monitoring program was launched on May 13, 2009 and continued through the end of 2012. Two co-located monitors, one for continuous PM2.5 measurements and the other for speciation measurements, were used in this program. Meteorological and traffic information was also continuously collected at or near the monitoring site. Additionally, data from the two other monitoring locations, one at the Howard University-Beltsville, MD and one at McMillan Reservoir, DC, was used for comparison with the data collected at the SHA monitoring location. The samples collected by the speciation monitor were analyzed at the RTI and DRI Laboratories to determine the composition and the sources of the collected PM2.5 samples. Based on the apportionment analysis, the contribution of roadway sources is about 12 to 17 percent of PM2.5 at the near-road site.

Implications: PM2.5 monitoring at 150 m (approximately 500 feet) from a major highway in Maryland near Washington, DC, demonstrated that roadway traffic contributes to the total PM2.5 concentration near the roadway, but the contribution at such distance is small, in the order of 12–17% of the total.  相似文献   

Toxic substances in rivers and streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many of the toxic substances entering freshwaters today are those which were present several decades ago, but others have become significant recently. The effects of toxicants in flowing waters are modified by unidirectional transport and dispersion which afford the potential for a degree of 'self-purification'. The chemical quality of the receiving water also affects toxicity. Biological factors also contribute to the ultimate effect of pollutants. The potential for accumulation of toxic substances within tissues increases the significance of certain pollutants which may be present in water even though ambient concentrations are very low. The biota of flowing waters may be restored, following catastrophic entry of pollutants, by drift from unaffected regions upstream. The range of potential toxic substances is very extensive and includes inorganic poisons, organic poisons, heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs. Metals, pesticides and PCBs have the greatest potential for bioaccumulation. Few generalisations can be made regarding the effects of toxic substances on the biota. Each species tends to respond to different toxicants in different ways and even at different stages in its life-history. Toxicity tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions sometimes produce conflicting results: it is not then to be unexpected that field observations should sometimes vary widely. Determinations of toxicity in laboratory tests must be applied with caution to field conditions and it is not wise to extrapolate findings to other species or environments.  相似文献   

Acidic (acid neutralizing capacity [ANC] < or = 0) surface waters in the United States sampled in the National Surface Water Survey (NSWS) were classified into three groups according to their probable sources of acidity: (1) organic-dominated waters (organic anions > SO4*; (2) watershed sulphate-dominated waters (watershed sulphate sources > deposition sulphate sources); and (3) deposition-dominated waters (anion chemistry dominated by inputs of sulphate and nitrate derived from deposition). The classification approach is highly robust; therefore, it is a useful tool in segregating surface waters into chemical categories. An estimated 75% (881) of acidic lakes and 47% (2190) of acidic streams are dominated by acid anions from deposition and are probably acidic due to acidic deposition. In about a quarter of the acidic lakes and streams, organic acids were the dominant source of acidity. In the remaining 26% of the acidic streams, watershed sources of sulphate, mainly from acid mine drainage, were the dominant source of acidity.  相似文献   



Tannins and dyes pose major threat to the environment by generating huge pollution problem. Biodegradation of wattle extract, chrome tannin and dye compounds using suitable fungal culture namely Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp. were carried out. In addition to these, ozone treatment was carried out to get higher degradation rate.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Diatoms have been proven to be good indicators of natural stream conditions, but little is known about the seasonal variability of diatom communities...  相似文献   

Several factors can contribute to the ecological degradation of stream catchments following urbanization, but it is often difficult to separate their relative importance. We isolated the impact of polluted sediment on the condition of an urban stream in Melbourne, Australia, using two complementary approaches. Using a rapid bioassessment approach, indices of stream condition were calculated based on macroinvertebrate field surveys. Urban stream reaches supported impoverished macroinvertebrate communities, and contained potentially toxic concentrations of heavy metals and hydrocarbons. Using a field microcosm approach, a bioassay was carried out to assess sediment pollution effects on native macroinvertebrates. Sediment from urban sites substantially altered the microcosm macroinvertebrate community, most likely due to elevated heavy metal and hydrocarbon concentrations. Macroinvertebrate surveys combined with a bioassay approach based on field microcosms can help isolate the effect of stream pollutants in degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Lawn and garden equipment are a significant source of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants in suburban and urban areas. Emission estimates for this source category are typically prepared using default equipment populations and activity data contained in emissions models such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) NONROAD model or the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) OFFROAD model. Although such default data may represent national or state averages, these data are unlikely to reflect regional or local differences in equipment usage patterns because of variations in climate, lot sizes, and other variables. To assess potential errors in lawn and garden equipment emission estimates produced by the NONROAD model and to demonstrate methods that can be used by local planning agencies to improve those emission estimates, this study used bottom-up data collection techniques in the Baltimore metropolitan area to develop local equipment population, activity, and temporal data for lawn and garden equipment in the area. Results of this study show that emission estimates of VOCs, particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) for the Baltimore area that are based on local data collected through surveys of residential and commercial lawn and garden equipment users are 24-56% lower than estimates produced using NONROAD default data, largely because of a difference in equipment populations for high-usage commercial applications. Survey-derived emission estimates of PM and VOCs are 24 and 26% lower than NONROAD default estimates, respectively, whereas survey-derived emission estimates for CO, CO2, and NO(x) are more than 40% lower than NONROAD default estimates. In addition, study results show that the temporal allocation factors applied to residential lawn and garden equipment in the NONROAD model underestimated weekend activity levels by 30% compared with survey-derived temporal profiles.  相似文献   

Characteristics of mercury speciation in Minnesota rivers and streams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Patterns of mercury (Hg) speciation were examined in four Minnesota streams ranging from the main-stem Mississippi River to small tributaries in the basin. Filtered phase concentrations of methylmercury (MeHg), inorganic Hg (IHg), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were higher in all streams during a major summertime runoff event, and DOC was enriched with MeHg but not with IHg. Particulate-phase MeHg and IHg concentrations generally increased with total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations but the event data did not diverge greatly from the non-event data, suggesting that sources of suspended sediments in these streams did not vary significantly between event and non-event samplings. The dissolved fractions (filtered concentration/unfiltered concentration) of both MeHg and IHg increased with increasing DOC concentrations, but varied inversely with TSS concentrations. While MeHg typically constitutes only a minor portion of the total Hg (THg) in these streams, this contribution is not constant and can vary greatly over time in response to watershed inputs.  相似文献   

Urban streams of the Pacific Northwest provide spawning and rearing habitat for a variety of salmon species, and food availability for developing salmon could be adversely affected by pesticide residues in these waterbodies. Sediments from Oregon and Washington streams were sampled to determine if current-use pyrethroid insecticides from residential neighborhoods were reaching aquatic habitats, and if they were at concentrations acutely toxic to sensitive invertebrates. Approximately one-third of the 35 sediment samples contained measurable pyrethroids. Bifenthrin was the pyrethroid of greatest concern with regards to aquatic life toxicity, consistent with prior studies elsewhere. Toxicity to Hyalella azteca and/or Chironomus dilutus was found in two sediment samples at standard testing temperature (23 °C), and in one additional sample at a more environmentally realistic temperature (13 °C). Given the temperature dependency of pyrethroid toxicity, low temperatures typical of northwest streams can increase the potential for toxicity above that indicated by standard testing protocols.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to relate the statistics of in-stream bacteria concentrations to the surface-runoff fraction of stream flow. The parameters of this relationship include the characteristic concentration of bacteria in surface runoff and the characteristic concentration of bacteria in the base flow, and these parameters can be derived from synoptic bacteria and flow measurements. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated at several U.S. locations for both Escherichia coli and fecal coliform bacteria. Application of the proposed method at a particular location showed that the method can be used to identify the most effective bacteria source controls and that conventional application of the load-duration curve might lead to erroneous identification of target sources.  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics of aerosol and rainfall samples collected at five sites in Minnesota and one site in west-central Wisconsin during the summer of 1982 were generally similar with respect to the relative proportions of major constituents. The most abundant species measured in the aerosol was sulfate, occurring predominantly in the fine fraction ( < 2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter). The rain chemistry was also dominated by sulfate but not to the same extent as the aerosol. The concentrations of crustal materials in both the aerosol and the rain followed a gradient in which concentrations increased with proximity of the sampling site to the prairie. The concentrations of crustal materials in the aerosol were correlated with their concentrations in subsequent rain, whereas concentrations of other constituents were not significantly correlated between aerosol and rain. Since the aerosol was sampled at the surface this result provided evidence that crustal materials were transported at lower altitudes and were scavenged to a greater degree by below-cloud mechanisms. The measured components in aerosols were divided by factor analysis into: ammonium sulfates, crustal materials, and a group containing nitrates, metals and other materials.  相似文献   

Stream water samples were collected over a range of hydrologic and seasonal conditions at three forested watersheds in the northeastern USA. Samples were analyzed for dissolved total mercury (THgd), DOC concentration and DOC composition, and UV254 absorbance across the three sites over different seasons and flow conditions. Pooling data from all sites, we found a strong positive correlation of THgd to DOC (r2 = 0.87), but progressively stronger correlations of THgd with the hydrophobic acid fraction (HPOA) of DOC (r2 = 0.91) and with UV254 absorbance (r2 = 0.92). The strength of the UV254 absorbance-THgd relationship suggests that optical properties associated with dissolved organic matter may be excellent proxies for THgd concentration in these streams. Ease of sample collection and analysis, the potential application of in-situ optical sensors, and the possibility for intensive monitoring over the hydrograph make this an effective, inexpensive approach to estimate THgd flux in drainage waters.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Valorisation of organic wastes to produce industrially relevant commodity products is a sustainable, cost-effective and viable alternative providing a...  相似文献   

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